#uhhhhh errrrrr
opioidbandit · 8 months
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the silliness levels are reaching life threatening heights 😨
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glados · 4 months
trying to make a better about page and suffering because the moment i start writing down my interests i forget anything and everything i've ever liked
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3dogbones · 3 months
waita second-
What art app do you use because I feel like I recognize some of the brushes on your art
So I used to use procreate but now I use the good ole’
but uuhhhhhh errrrrr
erasers: blurring marker 1
sketches: blurring marker 1
line art: b-blurring marker 1…
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A-and for coloring… uhhhhh how do I say this
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eemmoorrii · 3 months
emo more like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmm uhhhhhhhh ehhhh errrrrr errrrrrmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhh i- uhhhhhhhh errrrr uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhh ermmmm uhhh i- i- iiii- hmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhh ermmmm uhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
more like friend :]
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justalilguyoops · 7 months
uhhhhh,,,,,, uhm guys,,,,, errrrrr,,,,,, things are getting ~crazy~
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b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b · 1 year
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Decided to make a sequel (woa) to my last post because uhhhhh errrrrr ummmmmmm no reason.
The blush is bad I’ll admit, but I hope it’s not too bad.
Ps. I’m not actually this ticklish actually. I’m not ticklish at all as a matter of fact. I’m really a big strong ler, there is no way to prove otherwise :)
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niko1shot · 2 years
uhhhhh errrrrr ummmmm u hhhhhh * drools * ummmmmmmm uhhh uhhhhh ueerrrrrrrr ummmmmmmmmm * scratches head * uhhhhh yea ummmm eerrerw ueaaa um um yeaaaaaa um errrrrrrr uhhhhhmmm..... uhhhhhhh... ...... * looks away * yeaaa um.................... uhhhh ummm e
Whoever sent this gay here I will find you. You KNOW i HATE THE GAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (./j)
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crossxskulled · 4 years
Who's getting donations to give me headpats?! That's it, I'm setting up a counter donation stream to ensure that all Ryuji's get a brain.
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☠ - “Uhhhhh, hell if I know? Definitely someone we have to know in that case!” A surprising gasp escapes at idea of her starting a charity for some help out on his end. “Yo man, ya shouldn’t haveeeeeee-- errrrrr... wait say what.”
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mawbwehownets · 4 years
instructions: tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better!
errrrrr . @nappingpaperclip​ . I Have No One Else I Can Think Of To Tag FBRJG but if u wanna do this then DO IT and say i tagged u who cares mfer
Tagged by: @kisamehoshigaki
Name: signe, and to Some, criss cross
Gender: shrug emojee
Height: 5′11″-6′ / 181.something cm
Sexuality: bisexual
Favourite Animal: rats . we’re rats . We’re The Rats
Average Hours of Sleep: i sleep like 3-4 hours during the night and then i wake up and do whatever i have to do that day and then i sleep some more
Dogs or Cats: both!!!
Current Time: 15:56
Dream Job: comic artist + writer/Graphic Novelist if yr a fancy bitch
When I Made This Blog: uhhhhh i think it was like november 2018??
Why I Made This Blog: i had just gotten into marble hornets and i didnt want to clog up my main with mh posts, bc i thought i was going to be an organized bitch . now look at me
Reason For URL: :3c
Followers: 1447
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imaredshirt · 7 years
Get to know me Better Part Deux
I was tagged by @odd-cinderella! =D Thank you, I love these things!
Rule: tag ten followers you want to get to know better
- Name: Well, my nickname is Keri. I will say that my full name starts with a Q, tho!
- Gender: Female
- Star sign: Taurus
- Height: 5ft 5in
- Sexuality: Ummmm, errrrrr, uhhhhh....  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ right now
- What image do you have as wallpaper: Alternating pics of the Shire and a really pretty sunrise outside my house from a few years ago. 
- Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Once in middle school!
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Oh man. Well, in 10 years I’ll be 38 (YIKES) and if I’m being optimistic, I’ll have published a couple of books by then, and started my own local publishing company focusing on young Latinx writers! =D My dream.
- If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: Somewhere in England. I was there for a couple of weeks three years ago and I miss it a lot (also GOD I MISS QUALITY FISH AND CHIPS)
- What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I dressed up as Harry Potter for work one time, I thought that was pretty cool n-n
- What’s your favorite 90s show?:ANIMATED HERCULES THE TV SERIES. OMG that cartoon was my life as a kid, I loved it so much??? I still watch some episodes now and then, it’s so funny and underappreciated and I had the biggest crush on Hercules as a kid, I was ridiculous
- Last kiss?: Never been kissed  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Have you ever been stood up?: Nope! Never been on a date, so I never had to worry about that! =D
- Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: No, but my friends are dying to go
- Favorite pair of shoes: From middle school to college I LOVED boots, like western style, and I have four pairs that I’ve worn since middle school. One of them has this really gorgeous sunflower design, but lately I’ve been obsessed with my desert boots.
- Favorite fruit: Grapes!
- Favorite book: ...do I have to pick just one? Cannot do, impossible XD
- Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Oh man, I’ve done so many stupid things, so many, but one of the absolute stupidest things is when I was like 13 at a water park in one of those wave pools. I had a boogy board with me, and for some stupid reason I wanted to know what would happen if I faced an oncoming wave with the board held up in front of me. Needless to say, when the wave hit, the board conked me in the face and I saw stars and fell back under the water, dazed, just kinda tumbling along with the waves after it -_-
I’m always too anxious to tag people, so if you’re seeing this and you wanna fill it out, go for it!
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jennalynne · 8 years
all the asks
1. Any scars? | answer : lots of them. 
2. Self harmed? | answer: yes
3. Crush? | answer : errrrrr
4. Kissed anyone? | answer : yes 
5. Coke or Pepsi? | answer : neither? idk haha 
6. Someone you hate? | answer: trump and anyone similar to him lol
7. Best Friends? | answer : my tumblr mutuals 
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? | answer : nope. 
9. What’s your dream job? | answer : surgeon
10. Ever been in love? | answer : yes
11. Last time you cried? | answer : today
12. Favorite color? | answer: anything pastel
13. Height? | answer: 5′4
14. Birthday? | answer : May 16
15. Eye color? | answer : brown
16. Hair color? | answer brown
17. What do you love? | answer: i love splatoon haha
18. Obsession? | answer : splatoon xD
19. If you had one wish, what would it be? | answer : to be happy
20. Do you love someone? | answer : yes
21. Kiss or hug? | answer : depends on the person i guess
22. Nicknames people call you? | answer : jenna
23. Favorite song? | answer : anything on my spotify playlist lol
24. Favorite band? | answer : idek
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? | answer: lots of things, people broke their promises is one. 
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? | answer : my dog 
27. Something you would change about yourself? | answer : my need for reassurance in everything
28. Ever dated someone? | answer: yes
29. Worst mistake? | answer : i make a lot of them, some i regret.. some i don’t. 
30. Watch the movie or read the book? | answer: hmm depends on what type of plot it is! 
31. Ever had a heartbreak? | answer : yes. 
32. Favorite show? | answer : TWD
33. Best day of your life? | answer: idk 
34. Any talents? | answer : uhhhhh i can sing sort of! 
35. Do you wish you could ever start over? | answer: some ways, yes. 
36. Any bad habits? | answer : sooooo many
37. Ever had a near death experience? | answer : yep
38. Someone I can tell anything to? | answer: a certain tumblr mutual
39. Ever lost a loved one? | answer : yes
40. Do you believe in love? | answer: i do, its just very very very tough to find TRUE love. 
41. Someone you hate/Dislike? | answer: fake friends. 
42. Are you okay? | answer : of course not.
43. Relationship status? | answer: meep
44. Selfie? | answer :  soon 
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