#uki toma
the-apocryphal-one · 5 years
Been playing Amnesia: Memories
I think everyone, even people who haven’t played Amnesia: Memories, knows Toma is the surprise yandere route. Hell, I knew, and I didn’t know anything else about the game (other than Ukyo’s the ‘hidden’ route). so playing with that knowledge was...interesting. I also cheated and looked up a guide bc I did not want to play the yandere route more than once. if I didn’t need to beat it to unlock Ukyo, I wouldn’t have.
for the record, I did Toma third--Shin, Ikki, then Toma because I figured I’d want a ‘cooldown’ route after and boy was I right. my thought process and emotional state went something like this:
- “Toma I know what you do here. I don’t trust you. get away.”
- “no don’t give him your house keys”
- “bastard took apart my computer!!!”
- “I’m your boyfriend” “I don’t believe you.”
- “ ‘not all guys would find that habit cute, you better appreciate that I do’ ” *shudders*
- “oh hi Ukyoh my gosh what’s wrong with your eyes”
- "harassment??? on top of everything else???” 
- “No Toma, I don’t want to go to your house. I’ll stay with Shin or Sawa or at a hotel or literally anywhere else.”
- “Orion, Toma is not my boyfriend. His words and actions are inconsistent, my memories don’t match up, there’s even an entire Doubt Bar. You are literally the only one who thinks he’s my boyfriend.”
- “oh no I don’t want to see crazy Ukyo again...well, I guess if you’re apologizing, and promise not to--no there it is again aaaaaaaaaaaah” 
- “do you think we should we buy a taser or something?” “YES I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO BUY A TASER”
- “I can appreciate that the game is showing that the constant harassment the heroine faces is pushing Toma to a stressful, Bad Place, because I think it makes him more interesting as a character...but seriously, no.”
- “I am on a slow collision course with this yandere and I can’t stop it.”
- “oh god he’s drugging me”
- “again, I appreciate that Toma knows he’s a terrible person for what he’s doing, hates himself over it, and that I can call him on it. still absolutely would not date though.”
- “!!! I can get out!!! of the cage!!! quick grab my phone and ru--Toma’s coming get back in the cage get back in the cage--”
- “no Orion, I don’t care about whether Ikki was my boyfriend or not, I just want to call for help!”
- “he’s gone. run. runrunrunrunrun”
- “no Orion, I do not want to go back to Toma’s house. I can ask a passerby to borrow their phone. I can call Shin or my coworkers or the police. I do not have to go back there just because I have a sprained ankle! ...dammit.”
- “okay we made it back before him, we’re safeAH TOMA HAS UKYO’S CRAZY EYES NOW”
- “come out of the cage” “i can’t believe i’m saying this, but I think I want to stay here.”
- “no seriously, I feel safer in the cage than out here with you.”
- *screams*
- “i honestly forgot about the diary.”
- “are you seriously telling me that all this is because of mutual pining? that all it took to stop this madhouse was Toma reading the diary??? what. the. he-”
- *flips Rika the bird* Toma: *flips Rika the bird* “you’re not off the hook either.”
- “even Toma says the heroine has bad taste in men. wow.”
- “I guess the heroine must be as crazy as he is to like him after all this, so...happy ending?”
- “but seriously why would you take him back.”
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
Hmm Ura? For the headcanons prompt
THANKSIES!!!!!!  ljkfdslkfljksd god this green goblin i love him.
Sexuality Headcanon: so haaaaaard. i’mma go with maybe demisexual cause he needs one on one knowing people and well he needs time with one person at a time. Gender Headcanon: i love your headcanon of him being a demiboy it’s hard to think of him being anything else. A ship I have with said character: ALL!!!!! if i had to chose ONE person it’d be your oc cairo but canon character wise heroine. A BROTP I have with said character: ukyo. they got good chemistry concept. A NOTP I have with said character: none shockingly....besides any character that’s evil like luka, rika, nhil, or ones thta just aren’t made for shipping with him like orion, waka, mine, sawa and to an extent toma -diamond arc will lock you in a cage toma that is.- A random headcanon: that’s hard man, i love all your headcanons on the guy. if i had to think of one it’d be that he planned his and heroine’s and to an extent her’s and uki’s wedding cause he wanted things to be perfect and have a bit of himself in their ceremony. and that he’s an awesome dad to their future kids and being the kinda second and a half daddy to them. General Opinion over said character: ura’s the most UNDERRATED lovable asshole in this fandom and it’s a damn crime toma gets more then him. so much of him is tragic but he has such humanizing features from his love of sweets to his knowledge on what all’s going on to his absolute nuts level of masochism when it comes to a tazer. he’s easily been driving more and more into my heart as being the most fun to write for and hear bout, doesn’t help you got me to love him more and more with your analysis’s on him haha. but yeah he DESERVES alot more credit then what the fandom gives
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gif by ishipkellic69
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kcvagabond · 8 years
oooh for the character ask - the main 5 amnesia boys - kent, shin, ikki, ukyo, and orion!
You are so sweet for always doing these things and also for leaving out Toma
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: The fact that he’s just an utter dork once you get past the initial layer of exospeakworst quality: He has a habit of running away from his feelings. Literally. And his legs are long so he runs away really fuckin’ fast. ship them with: The heroine, of course! Also maybe Ikkibrotp them with: Ikki and mathneeds to stay away from: Uky-no and the idea that he has to be logical 100% of the timemisc. thoughts: Haven’t finished all the routes yet but so far he’s my favorite Amnesia boy
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Pretty damn smart and knows how to accurately read situations, which saves a lot of time by not making silly misconceptionsworst quality: Seems to forget that Heroine is a free agent and can (theoretically) make her own decisions. Also you should probs ask for consent before going in for a smooch, y’know?ship them with: Heroine, bonus points if in an ot3 with her and Sawa/Tomabrotp them with: Sawa, they both love Heroine so it works out fine. Plus she helped with the whole murder-mystery deal so yeahneeds to stay away from: Toma and his toxic friendship, and the idea that holding hands is somehow more embarrassing than kissingmisc. thoughts: Some of his portraits make him look like a girl and that always makes him 3000x hotter (goddamn am I gay)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: That stupid spade on his face that he apparently paints on his cheek every morningworst quality: The fact that he doesn’t CALL HIS FANGIRLS OUT ON THEIR SHIT LIKE WTF THEY LITERALLY TRY TO THROW YOUR GF OFF A CLIFFship them with: Therapy and Kentbrotp them with: Kentneeds to stay away from: Rika and the other fangirls from Hellmisc. thoughts: He was the first route I played. I got thrown off a cliff. It was a good time
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: He looks like a mix between Kite from HunterxHunter and N from Pokemon, and the result is hot afworst quality: Uky-no, and the fact that even when he’s not murdercrazy he’s too cryptic to actually be of any help evership them with: Heroine and mebrotp them with: I have no idea why I think this, but I feel like him and Sawa would get along? She seems like she would get along with anyoneneeds to stay away from: The fucked-up part of himself that has a need to murdermisc. thoughts: I call his good side Uky-yes and the bad side Uky-no. I also have not played his route yet but I am super jazzed for it and I have a feeling he will replace Kent as my favorite
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: He’s so supportive! Plus he gets the best one-linersworst quality: The fact that he eventually has to leaveship them with: Nobodybrotp them with: Heroineneeds to stay away from: Heroine’s head - I mean I love you buddy but you did cause like the entire problem that instigated the plotmisc. thoughts: I kinda wish we could romance him, but at the same time he looks 12 so no
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
solitaire - amnesia fic
dipping my toes into another new thing. since a certain SOMEONE got me into this anime and made me trash for it I should definitely try writing it. and to start off is a good ol bit of facts for this:
I've only seen the anime so this fic takes place like after episode 13 (the ova) where I got most of my facts from it. so uh, eheh, sorry for the inconsistences the games might've had. so in this the guys are all there including ukyo and orion's still around.
also inconsistences in characters it is a first time writing them. so sorry eheh.
heroine is still referred to as nameless throughout the fic like usual. or least she's not referred to a name at all.
italics signal heroine's responses to orion
bold italics signal's ukyo's other personality.
this is a polyship fic however it's with the character heroine and not a self insert. so uh sorry bout that eheh. you can try interpreting it as such though.
I also left some of the polyship open to some of the relationships. not all of them but some just because to leave it open.
the guys all know bout uki’s ‘other personality’
also this is a bigass polyship fic (all the guys and heroine and all the guys with eachother) cause WHAT'DYA MEAN THERE'S NO CONTENT FOR THIS?!
"and so then you put it down and then grab the card. not before but AFTER the next person's turn."
"...there's six of us though ikki how am I gonna stay on track?"
ikki raised a brow at ukyo. "because you'll be the only one with four and not five cards you dummy." he joked petting his head as kent laid one of his cards down.
"shin. your turn." he gestured as the raven leaned over to grab his card. "yeah yeah I got the gist."
she watched as they all played. it was her first game too. solitaire was the name. the goal being to empty a stack of cards you had on the side and once you got rid of all of them you won.
"hey." she looked to her side seeing shin. "it's your turn."
"oh. right. thank you." she mumbled. grabbing a card from their larger deck she looked over her cards and the three aces. placing a two, five and queen card on the aces she then placed one down on one of the four lines of cards she had. gaining a few whistles from the others.
"nice play." toma commented petting her head as he drew three cards. the game went on like this for a while, it was honestly pretty nice being one of the rare times they weren't teasing eachother. despite the relationship there was always some teasing but it felt at home sometimes. course quieter moments were just as nice to her.
...well for least a while.
ukyo whined as his face flushed a shade of pink during his turn. dropping a card on his decks. "ah, crap."
"aww too bad you could've played that card on your deck before doing that~." ikki teased.
"mmmm it doesn't help you poking my leg with your foot!" ukyo whined as ikki chuckled. "I can't help it the faces you make are adorable~."
"yeah well enjoy em somewhere else." shin said. "don't be a cheat."
"despite the looks of it I highly doubt ikkyu would use that to a cheating advantage." kent stated as he looked over his cards. "knowing him long enough ikkyu's too smart to cheat and would find no results in it. if anything the only reason he's doing that is to be a tease."
"and you love it~." the bluehead responded. "or least till you grew used to it."
"with how much you did it it's likely I've grown immune to your tactics."
"well not all of them obviously~. I can still get you flustered~."
kent gave an unamused glance as he continued analyzing his set. ikki smirked as he continued lightly footing with ukyo, causing the green haired newbie to blush and naturally kick out almost hitting toma.
"hey watch it!" he snapped getting a nervous response from the other. "he keeps doing it though!"
"hey ikki if ya wanna bed with someone so badly why don't you play for it huh?" shin asked jokingly, gaining ikki's eyes sparkling widely. "my what a terrific idea my little shin!" he exclaimed as everyone looked on in disbelief. "that's one bet I wouldn't mind doing at all~."
"I didn't mean- I wasn't-...fuck."
"you really should've expected that." kent said bluntly as he placed one of his eight's on one of the aces they had out. "ikkyu's the type where he'll play to win some reward."
"mmhmm! and I'm intent on such~." he smirked, leaning down into his chair. "your taking so long on your turn ya stuck kento?~"
the blonde's watermelon colored eyes widened as he looked down, seeing the other's foot come up high to his lap. with no hesitation he took his deck in one hand and pulled ikki's foot by the other, the jerk causing him to fall onto the floor and everyone to laugh lightly at him.
"concentrate back on the game."
"HMPH! you'll be hearing from my attorney Mr. couch!"
she giggled lightly at this show as the game continued on. "gee that's a weird game." she heard as she turned her eyes to see orion next to her. "what kinda game involves hitting people with your feet? doesn't sound very fun."
"hehe. i'll tell you when your older."
"awww. alright. maybe I should practice my kicking though for this." he talked to himself as she looked back at the others. shin had just finished his turn she noticed as she looked to the large deck and picked a card. her brow arched at it confused.
"ikki keep your damn feet to yourself!"
"aww and what're you gonna do bout it my little shin?~"
"break one if you keep going."
"uhm..." all 5 looked back at her instantly as she spoke up. "I...don't know what to do with this card."
toma leaned in a bit. "which one is it?"
taking the card out of her deck she showed them a singular jester card. "oh yeah." shin perked up. "that's the jester card."
it felt like a chime went through her and a certain green haired gent on the other side of the table at that. toma continued. "right. you use them for any number, kings, queens, and jacks. but not aces."
kent adjusted his glasses. "in general it's a rather valuable card so keep it till you believe it the right time to use it."
she looked at the card and to the other side of the table seeing ukyo's eyes glossed and blushing hard. the others following her line of vision. suddenly ukyo felt kent's hand patting his head albeit a bit roughly but sweet as well.
"you guys trying to make me flustered today?" he asked almost seriously.
"well you do make a cute face." ikki commented.
"still such language like geez it's like your intentionally trying all of you."
the others chuckled lightly as heroine looked to her cards. looking at her deck then back at the four sets of halfway completed aces. she looked back to her queen of spades, king of clover, jack of diamond, ten of hearts and jester card and back up at her boys trying to calm down a flustered uki and getting into some other friendly picking on.
one by one she chose them and put them on them, and then some from her deck of cards to the side, and others from the four lines of cards she had down already. one by one until her stack was empty.
"oh hey your deck is all empty!" orion exclaimed. "...heeeey, that means-"
"oh." the other five looked back at her then at her set eyes in shock. "...guess I'm done."
"...you...won?" ikki mumbled out as they all sat there.
"heh, talk bout beginners luck good job!" toma congratulated petting her head. shin sat back with a sigh. "well that took forever but we're finally done."
ikki sighed with a different meaning. "awww well guess my bet's not gonna go off after all."
"I didn't even get that many cards off mine!" uki complained lightly. "hmmmph show me your ways hun."
kent pulled the cards he could reach back to himself as he looked at her. "it's definitely not common for first timers to win their first game but it is rather impressive."
she blushed a bit at some of the compliments.
"soooo how bout a round two?" ikki suggested. shin quickly pulling out of his chair. "nope. I know that sound. that's the 'I'm gonna bet for something sex related' sound."
"you know too much." ikki replied.
"I can go another." kent stated.
"of course. as expected from the challenge acceptor you are." taking a portion of cards ikki started shuffling them as he gave kent that knowing stare, kent staring back sharply.
toma sighed as he pushed away from the table. "well I'm not tempted to bet on anything. probably a good thing it's that and not money, considering a certain someone." he gestured towards ukyo gaining a glare from him. "hey c'mon don't start that."
"well I'm just saying it's better betting on benefits then-" he then gained a hit from the other's hat. "hey!"
"brought it unto yourself ya mangy brat."
everyone suddenly stared shocked and surprised till they saw the familiar bags under ukyo's eyes and dilated pupils with that knowing smirk. it was him. it didn't last long as he was suddenly hit with something and almost fell out of his chair. "OW! WHAT THE HELL?!"
"oh. sorry. was aiming for the mouth." shin replied holding a slingshot and a familiar prescription bottle on the table.
"WELL EITHER AIM BETTER OR RELAX WILL YA?!" he snapped. "geez your lucky that crybaby likes you all so much or so help me."
"also helps that you do too, right?" she commented, causing him to falter back with a surprised reaction and...was that blush? adorning his cheeks as he laid his elbow on the table and chin in his hand. "...whatever."
"so what's making you stay besides me missing your mouth when aiming?"
"heard there was a round two and, well, that string bean's play was so horrible to watch I decided to chime in and show him how it's really done."
"well a third party welcome aboard." ikki announced as he started setting up a third set of sixteen card deck for the other. "anyone else?"
"maybe you should go again?" orion asked her. "you kicked butt last game!"
"yeah I guess."
"sides we haven't played against him yet. might be interesting."
"hmmm..." she pondered to herself. "...okay. but your not gonna try and make me cheat alright?"
"aww alright alright."
"i'll go."
they looked at her surprised. "oh ho the reigning champ wanting in on this?~" ikki cooed setting up a fourth deck. "well alright but your in on this bet so be prepared for it~."
"and me and shin'll bet on whose winning!" toma bounded suddenly putting an arm over an un-interested shin. "who says I'm in on this?"
"well your not playing and besides I need a co-speaker for this game. I thought it'd sound fun shin-y~."
"if I do then promise you'll never call me that again."
"deal! and to make it interesting whoever we bet on we go first with."
ikki perked a brow. "oh?~ well i'll assure you betting on the winner'll lead to a lovely night~."
"then I'm betting on you hun!" toma replied putting an arm over her shoulder. the other three gawked but kept quiet.
"guess it was too much to think of betting on someone else." shin commented as he pointed to ukyo. "i'll bet on you then."
"heh, you won't be disappointed~."
"then lets get started and end this quickly." kent stated laying out four sets of cards with five for each set, three being taken by the other three as they started off a round two~.
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