toxictaicho · 3 months
♣ ♥ Bleach Teaparty ♠ ♦
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Sailor Nemu, because she wore school uniform swimsuit on the beach. She might like this. And our Quincy Prince ofc.
Photographer: Butter.
Nemu & Ishida: Nope.
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Country bread girl and her shiro grumpy bat.
Orihime: Smile Ulqui-kun!
Ulquiorra: No :(
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And these two hyper kawaii babies :3
Rin: I like that candy print. Makes me want to eat more candy.
Hana: ... Why always me?
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Kurosaki twins. Young dandy & dreamy pastels.
Karin: At least you didn't dress me in a skirt...
Yuzu: I like that strawberry necklace a lot!
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Squad 11 dressed to kill. Elegant AyasegaWa & OTT pink beast.
Yumichika: Oh, so you dressed me in a violet? Nevermind, I'm fabulous! Nobody can pull this complicated style off as myself.
Yachiru: *candy attack*
Was fun to draw. Nice memories of times, when I was young weeb.
More fuel? XD @seeveekat
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ichirukilover · 2 years
I know this is gonna sound sadistic, but I really didn’t bad for Orihime during the Hueco Mundo arc.
Like girl, I get it you were cornered, but you could’ve used that time when you said “give a minute,” and actually got help! Instead of sneaking into Ichigo’s room like a creep and sniffing up all over him.
But you just wanted Ichigo to save you like he saved Rukia in SS expecting him to be this Shining hero in armor but that didn’t happened instead he got killed and went berserk and all you did was scream “SAVE ME!” And ppl are like “Her voice brought him back to life!”
Like I’m sorry. It’s hard yo feel bad for her.
I feel bad because she is in a tragic situation. I start to feel frustarated when she does not do one single thing right, or at least that makes sense. She writes down things to do and how to take the trash out and she can't write, sneak a thing about what is going on??? Ok. moving on, You got one person to say goodbye to and...you go to a guy that barely even knows you??? Tatsuki??? Ok crushes on teens frie the brain so moving on. You go there and just sit and wait, that's all she does, oh and she heals the enemy, ok moving on. She starts to stop sitting LMAO and gets moved around, by Grimm, Ulqui, Ishida, Ichigo, whoever is there to order her arund she just stands and whatches and does what other ask her to do, like IDK protect yourself, or heal a baby first, ok moving on. After countless chapters she puts up a shield to stop and attack that is going to get to Ichigo WOW groundbreaking, so shocking even Ulquiorra questions wtf she didn't do so eons ago, but Ichigo doesn't give a damn nor expects anything from her, so we don't hear any excuses about it (spoiler she wants to be saved lol). Moving on. She goes up on the dome, gets Ishida and herself in danger again because she wanted to see Ichigo win, prooceeds to see Ichigo get killed and loses it. Ok I get it, it's tragic Kurosaki Kun was supposed to save her like he saved Kuchiki san so WTF she wasn't prepared for that and just loses it and damn what is she supposed to do? Screaming for help? Hm moving on. Well there is nothing else she does after that is there? Figures the low is reached there is nothing even more bad she can do after that.
Yeah after all that (and more) I guess I kinda understand if a reader can't even feel pity for her, I mean there is so much of fail one can accept, so I don't blame you anon.
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danurso · 5 years
Just got the last ulquiorra i needed to complete my collection.
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Ulquiorra is seen standing around, staring off into space.
"Woman told me that on this day, people tell others what they are thankful for. I think it's nonsense."
He slipped his hands into his pockets.
"However, if there were anything I was thankful for, it would be that Lord Aizen saved my life when he made me an Arrancar." Ulquiorra's face was almost unmoving, devoid of any emotion.
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shi-daisy · 4 years
Sparkling Lights
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Hi everyone! So heres my entry for day 4. I wasn't sure what to do with this theme, like a have a whole Ulquihime fic where Ulquiorra comes back, but making a single scene would be a bit trickier. So I went for some fluff, I guess it could fit into the fic betweenn Chapters 20 and 21. Those who've read Road to Redemption can think of it as a deleted scene of sorts. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 4: Reincarnation/ Rebirth
Sparking Lights
The only similarity between Karakura and Hueco Mundo were the freezing nights. Everything else however, was a world of difference. There was no shortage of lights adorning the city. Building lights, lamps, neon lights and of course, starlight.
"I thought I'd find you here. You're always looking at the lights when we come up to the roof."
Orihime has a messy bun and was still on her training clothes. From what he could tell she'd been sparing with Riruka again. "How did your training go?"
"It went well. I did miss you though, have you been here all night?"
"No, only a half hour. I like the landscape of this city. It makes me think."
They both sat down to look at the lights. Orihime noticed her boyfriend had been quiet these past few days. She thought it was due to the coming battle but this silence had an air sadness to it.
"Ulqui, is everything alright?"
"Lately I been thinking, about how lucky I am to have you. To be here.
It had been scary at first. When you used your power to save me back then. I was ready to go then you suddenly hug me and cover the area in light, I didn't know what to expect. My body felt as if it had been reborn. You saved me from the brink of destruction, despite all I had done. For the first time in centuries I was overwhelmed by positive emotions.
But then I saw you immobile. You were seemingly dead upon the white sand of the canopy, and every once of light that I had received was snuffed away the moment I thought you had died. It's still frightens me to think you might've given your life for mine."
Orihime took his hand. "It's okay. I'm here now. Nothing happened."
"I know that now, but back then I was a mess."
She giggled. "Lieutenant Kotetsu said you scared both her and Hanataro-kun when you asked then to heal me."
"I shall apologize to them if we're to meet again, but I don't regret acting swiftly. Even then you were out cold for two days..."
"Yeah, it wasn't fun. It was a dreamless sleep, nothing but silent darkness. I was lonely." She looked at him with a smile. "Then I woke up, and you were with me."
"I wouldn't have left your side for anything in the world."
That much he could promise. It was Orihime who gave him a second chance at life, who took him into her home and offered him her friendship. And for someone who spent so many centuries wandering through the desert alone, he wasn't about to disappoint the one who saved him from a tragic end.
"Do you ever miss Hueco Mundo?" Orihime asked him. Her tone was worried, even if she tried to hide it.
"No. I don't. It might've been my place of residence for a long time, yet it never felt like a home. It only mattered to me when you were there."
That caused her to blush. "Is that why you fought Kurosaki? Because he was going to take me away?"
He nodded. "The two of us had a score to settle, but I would've still fought him in order to keep you with me. Back then, you were the only light I had ever been in contact with." He kissed her forehead, causing her face to get red again.
"You're so flirty sometimes it's hard not grow embarrassed. All the same, I'm happy we're together now, that there's more than one light to admire. You've also made my life better Ulquiorra. Please don't forget that." This time she kissed his cheek, Ulquiorra nodded and smiled.
"I won't forget. This new life shall be one full of light, no matter what happens."
They stayed like that for a while. Holding hands and leaning on eachother as they looked at the city lights. Ulquiorra never imagined that this was how he would spend his evenings but now he wouldn't have had it any other way.
'Thank you for bringing me back, and for making me happy.'
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cyclist-of-guilt · 4 years
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@jkrobertson​ @shi-daisy​
Thank you for asking!
It’s under read more because oh boi it’s long
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?
If i have to then give Hime random power up because it's bleach and why the fuck not
What song fits your pairing the most?
Sonata Arctica - Kingdom for a heart and I accept no criticism this song about them
What the hell am I waiting here for, expecting you to come and give away your life Just for a moment of my time, have a hole where I should have a heart, I'm made of wood, I'm falling apart, I would give a kingdom for one more day I'd give - a kingdom For one more day as a king of your world I'd give kingdom, for one more day Now I know I will never love you, I'm a man without a heart, I'm not allowed to feel human feelings I'm king of the land, I'm a ruler of seas, I'd give it away in a moment. If I only had one moment
(..) I'd give it all for a heart if I was a King I would give away my kingdom Treasures and crowns wouldn't mean a thing If I only had her heart
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?
he lived AU, more not really settled in reality AU (idk how to better explain it)
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Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
This relationship is one of few good things in canon so
Favorite canon moment of them?
the same as everyone
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Least favorite canon moment of them?
the "save me Kurosaki-kun" just bruh
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)
Ulqui is fancy food enthusiast
Least favorite headcanon trope/idea? 
violent arguing (tho in some way it's canon)
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
Loneliness that is connecting them. Potential of redemption and hope that can give a hollow a heart.
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)
Out of the top of my head maybe
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
Him being alive should do the work
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
Yeet them into Miss Mochijun Multiverse of Pain because she knows how to write girls without powers being badass, villains (Aizen can eat That Bastard's entire ass, he's a little bitch compared to him), relationships and tragedies.
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.
2 I'm in this business since middle school
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)
Ulquiorra and nope not my type in men
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
Ulqui because self-loathing level over 999999999 and he goes to his place to listen to Creep by Radiohead on repeat
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?
As paring I would have sevral questions about irl relationship like that. As characters maybe Ulqui's extremely shitty coping mechanisms
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?
I was getting fed up with Hime at some points but god knows I tired to keep liking her
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?
as many as fuck
What made you decide to ship them?
fanarts that made me watch bleach in the first place
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)
I'm always slut for angst or hurt/comfort
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amrita-gsk · 5 years
Which ship do you dislike more ichihime or renruki?
Hmmm, I wanted to say both but if I were to be honest, it would be Ichi/Hime. I know it sounds kind of obvious because hello, I’m super duper ultra pro-IchiRuki, but more than that, it’s because to me Ichi/Hime is not a healthy type of relationship. Back when the Arrancar/Hueco Mundo arcs were coming out I remember feeling that it had the potential to be a great ship, but I always thought that its biggest flaw was how much it stunted Ori/hime’s self-growth and how she was set back on what little progress she did in favor of staying as Ichi/go’s pretty, naïve, lovestruck fangirl, whilst Ichi/go was pretty much disconnected and absent from the relationship itself, as if he wasn’t even part of it to begin with. 
Furthermore, during the culmination of the HM arc, in The Lust chapters we got to see the full extent of the toxicity that permeated their relationship. We got a desperate Ori/hime clinging to the need to rely on a dead Ichigo who in turn got himself killed on the excuse of saving her to feed his own desire for battle and his compulsive need of being a protector. She could’ve healed him as she had done before, Ulquiorra had already previously pierced a hole through his heart and she had managed just fine then. Yes, the second time it was a bigger hole, but both times THERE WAS A HOLE IN HIS HEART. Big or little, it was the same: he was dead. So it shouldn’t have made a difference to her. But she was too shocked by the fact that he had failed in defeating Ulquiorra, that by leading him there to rescue her she had somehow gotten him killed twice, that she DIDN’T WANT TO bring him back. She subconsciously decided that it was better to have him dead than seeing him fight and get wounded than worry and suffer for him. So she begged for him to help her because she didn’t want to be responsible for his pain, because she couldn’t handle it, because she couldn’t handle her own and needed, wanted him to do it for her.
He had already done that for Ru/kia. He had already come out victorious from impossible fights and he had chased away the shadows from Ru/kia’s heart. From getting her to reconcile with her brother, to helping her feel like she had a place of her own in SS as well as in his home, to make her see she was worth fighting and surviving for, he had done it all.
He was a hero, a protector, a man who in her eyes could save her even from herself but he had failed. So she needed him to get up by himself, because she didn’t know how to stand up for herself. Because if that happened and he got hurt or killed again, then it wouldn’t be her fault. She needed him to make everything right or make everything worse, but make it so it wouldn’t be her fault. And so she begged him to help her, even though he was the one that needed help the most.
As for Ichi/go, while he did worry about her as a friend his resolution to save her wasn’t always clear. Yes, he left for Hueco Mundo saying he’d rescue her, but he rarely showed any desperation or hastiness to get to her and got sidetracked by the fights and his own inner turmoil at his hollow getting stronger due to Hueco Mundo’s environment. He even tried to walk away from his mission to make sure Ru/kia was alright and I’m not mentioning this to highlight her importance to him in comparison, but back during the SS arc even when he got separated from all his friends and didn’t know where they were or even if they were alive, he simply kept going forward towards his one and only goal: save Ru/kia. So I expected him to do just that during the HM arc and trust in his companions as Ren/ji urged him to before they split up and whatever happened along the way, to accomplish the mission they were all there for: getting to Ori/hime. But he didn’t. And even when he got to her or rather, Grimm/jow brought her to him, he boldly declared that aside from rescuing her he was partly there to have his rematch with him.
Then when she got snatched by Ulqui/orra again, Ishi/da was already there and instead of doing the smart thing and go at it 2v1 to assure their victory and safely get away from Hueco Mundo, he just passes her to him and goes after Ulqui/orra by himself when he had already lost to him on more than one occasion and by quite a great difference in ability and power. It was a prideful thing to do, ushered on by his own bruised ego, wanting to prove that he was the stronger fighter, the protector. But there was nothing left to protect, Ulqui/orra had fulfilled his purpose and had no personal interest on killing Ori/hime, and he, like Ichi/go, only wanted to fight the other to prove dominance over the other. They both forgot about her right then and there and gave into feeding their more animalistic side.
Then Ichi/go unsurprisingly loses, gets a hole pierced in the middle of his chest AGAIN and then rises up as a Vasto Lorde himself with one goal in mind: to protect. But he doesn’t know what is it he has to protect or where they are. He only knows Ulquio/rra is the evil, he’s the danger and he has to eliminate it at any cost. So he fights him with no regards to his surroundings, completely ignoring his friends’ presence and even getting them caught up in the wake of his destruction. When Ishi/da tries to stop him he doesn’t even recognize him and even goes so far as to stab him for getting in his way. The Ichi/go we got over the dome of Las Noches was swallowed whole by his most basic instincts and his darker desires, turning into what he feared the most: a monster. When his transformation comes undone and he snaps out of it he’s horrified at what he has done to Ulquio/rra, his enemy. He became the evil he tried so hard to fight.
And so he runs away, despite them still being in enemy territory he tries to get away from his friends who were witnesses of his failure, he tries to run away from his own shame almost as if trying to run away from himself. What’s worse is he never really addresses it later, he just simply keeps on fighting up until his confrontation with Aizen and then goes and loses his powers, and that’s it.
They both came out traumatized from it and I really hoped that during those 17 powerless months they would’ve talked about it and maybe solved it, but then we are told that Ichi/go turned back to his old, closed off self and that Ori/hime kept training to protect him better next time, to not be a burden anymore, but she never tries to work things out with him which in a way leaves them a little estranged. Then she gets used in his training to give him “a reason to fight for” and she’s completely comfortable with the damsel in distress role because it feeds her idea that if she’s weak then he can be strong, and being strong makes “Kurosaki-kun” happy, so she doesn’t refuse. She can’t refuse. This is what she’s been missing all those months and she’s been breaking her head so much trying to come up with a way to cheer him up but always ending empty handed that she simply accepts that this is it, however shady it is, no matter how questionable Ginjou’s methods are.
Right before starting the training she also swears she won’t let him be hurt again or that she’ll heal her wounds no matter how bad they are. And then she gets turned against him. What really bugged me about this is that later on Bya/kuya gets cut by Tsukishima too and even though he inserts himself on his memories, Bya/kuya still stands by Ichi/go despite supposedly not being as close to him as Chad or Ori/hime. This hit me hard, because in a way it meant that despite being presented as his best friend, Chad no longer trusts Ichi/go enough to just take him at his word and doubts him, whilst Ori/hime doesn’t follow through on her promise and fails to protect him (most importantly, his heart) and doesn’t believe in him enough either to side with him despite her brainwash. Chad aside, this goes to show just how little trust there is between the two of them and in terms of a romantic relationship, in my own experience and opinion, trust should be the very foundation of it and at that point in the story, it’s nowhere to be found.
Fastforward to the last arc and even though Ichi/go trusts her enough to take her with him to confront Ywach, she’s still afraid of him and his hollow powers. SEVENTEEN WHOLE MONTHS LATER and whatever time passed in between up to that moment and SHE STILL FEARS HIM. This meant they never talked about it, he never tried to know how she felt after HM, she never tried to soothe his heart about it, she never got over it by herself and overall their friendship ended up feeling so superficial and tense it was actually painful to watch. By the end I felt that there wasn’t enough trust between them nor real affection because Ori/hime’s attraction over him never seemed to evolve from infatuation to real, understanding and accepting love, and even though Ichi/go did have a piece of mind to think “hey, I’m gonna show her I’m not a monster anymore” he basically ignored her for almost a year and a half when what they should have done was work out all the emotional baggage and scars they got from HM Ishida and Chad included ‘cause it wasn’t a walk in the park for them either, maybe help each other get over it, strengthen their bond, get to REALLY KNOW each other and just… I don’t know? Have some growth? Be supportive of each other?
To me, their relationship was always toxic because they both fed the wrong needs of the other as I pointed out above and never really resolved it. It just stayed that way and got sugarcoated along the way. 
Now, I know this is long enough by now so I’ll keep the Ren/Ruki part short. While I don’t like it because I truly can’t see Ru/kia with anyone else but Ichi/go unless it was Kai/en and even then I’d have a few wrinkles to straighten out here and there, I mostly reject it due to Ren/ji’s inconsistence as a character.
Back when he was first introduced he didn’t have an issue in hunting down Ru/kia like an animal, even going so far as to slashing her with his sword, violently pining her against a light pole and strangling her to keep her in place… and then during the Fullbring arc he refuses to fight Jackie; a willing, aggressive enemy because “he would be trash if he hit a woman”. Like, I get that Kubo hadn’t really thought out his character back when he first appeared but… yeah sure, let’s just forget how he manhandled Ru/kia and let’s marry them!!! And everyone lived happily ever after… as if! In real life I have never forgiven a man that has been unrespectful to me, much less those that have tried to hit me, tried being the operative word because I’ve never allowed it but I’d be crazy to consider it as passing moments of rage and that they “would never do it again”. I do know that manga is fiction and like I said, his character wasn’t well established then so I know that he would never ever raise a hand against Rukia again, but it’s still hard for me to let it go.
Now, as for Ru/kia’s side I can’t bring myself to accept RR because it’s just so… boring. Choosing Ren/ji is the safe choice, it’s like going through with a “if we’re not married by the time we’re 40 let’s marry each other” promise and that’s honestly sad. Don’t get me wrong, I did get the impression that she had feelings for him before getting adopted by Bya/kuya, but I also felt all that went down the drain when he let her go. It was the right move, yes, and a selfless one too, but Ren/ji made a mistake by distancing himself from her believing he wasn’t good enough for her anymore. Sure, she got into a noble family and whatnot but they both came from the same place, they both rose out of nothing, they both lived through horrible things and survived even the death of their makeshift family and then he decided for her that he wasn’t her equal. He didn’t ask her, he didn’t give her a chance and he didn’t bother to find out what she thought or felt. He was so caught up in his own low self-esteem that he failed to see beyond himself and abandoned her. Then she met Kai/en. Kai/en who was not only her superior and mentor but her friend, whom didn’t care where she came from or who she was or what she wasn’t, he treated her like a real person with real feelings and supported her and stood by her when no one else did. He was with her through her failure and misery and he was also there during her success and joy. Kai/en was there and I always felt that she had feelings for him but never dared to act on them because well duh, he was married, she actually looked up to his wife and she respected him enough to not put him in an awkward position, coupled with her own self-esteem issues. So Kai/en was there, but he wasn’t an option.
And during all of that time Ren/ji didn’t even look for her. Didn’t try to talk to her. Nothing. He just hoped she’d stay still forever waiting for him to get his shit together but didn’t make an effort to close the gap that he himself created. Then she met Ichi/go and in such a short time they became very good friends, then he went and basically turned SS upside down just to save her and her smile from a freaking giant bird in flames and the most corrupt political government in history, and got her brother to apologize and stop being a dick to her, got Ren/ji himself to get his head out of his ass and talk to her again, got her to get over the trauma of getting the people she loved killed, made sure she knew she had a home with him back in earth and gave her the chance to have her own in SS, and allowed her to choose what was best for herself. That boy raised the bar so fucking high, that was husband material right there. I’m not even going to add what comes after that, only that he effectively became “the man in her heart” and one does not simply get better than that.
So yeah, RR it’s boring because you’re telling me she settled for the man that abandoned her for decades, letting her become isolated only to fall in love with another man whom she had to kill and even then Ren/ji didn’t even show up to check on her, only to later meet a guy who turned her world upside down, restored her faith in herself and made her want to go on living when she had already given up, making her know her feelings and wishes are important and that she was entitled to her own choices even if said choices weren’t in line with what he wanted from her? Seriously? Why would anyone settle for something inferior having already experienced something more fulfilling and greater? I just don’t buy it. 
Aaaaaand that’s a wrap. Sorry for the long answer I just couldn’t help myself, ugh ○| ̄|_
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Oh yes, ulqi has a second release. It's beautiful. You should have seen it!
I am disappointed, if for no other reason than it confirms what I long assumed about Hollows/Shinigami. We are the same, right down to having two releases. I suspected it to be true, but it would have been nice to see the evidence.
Was it quite beautiful? Terrifyingly so?
And. who are you that are such close friends with my Number 4, Anonymous? “Ulqui?” Not even a  -kun, eh? That seems awfully intimate.
Is... this Ms. Inoue, perhaps? Or, @ulquiorraschiffersuggestions / @ulquisuggestions, you dark horse, did you have some other paramour?
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darisu-chan · 6 years
I want to debunk the "save me" wasn't orihime saying save just her but save us as in she wanted him to save both her and uryu. but she is selfish when it came too pushing tatsuki aside for the kkurosaki kuns d. like when ulqui made her choose one person to say goodbye to, she choose a boy over her best friend.
It was still pretty selfish, though. Because Ichigo had a freaking hole in his chest. He couldn’t save anyone. Since he was dying and weak, the hollow had to take over, and looked what happened. Ishida ended up without a hand. If Orihime just had tried to heal him to bring him back, even if it did nothing, it would’ve been so much better for her character development. 
I think that part was very sad. I understand saying goodbye to the guy you like. But, man, Tatsuki got really messed up when she realized Orihime was nowhere to be found. She even hit Ichigo square to the jaw.
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thedemonespada · 7 years
[ α ρσѕт cσηтιηυєɗ fяσм нєяє ] || @powerthatrivalsgod
Just the simple gesture of him brushing hair behind her ear was nearly enough to bring his fiancee to tears. She leaned her head into his hand before he could pull it away. She truly did enjoy the gentleness he always seemed to have; just now instead of indifference there was caring in his touch.
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            For an individual to alter their ways of being, it took time. Ulquiorra had never been one to offer such kind gestures nor even consider the flash of a smile. This all began to change when his heart had found a reason to beat. The woman sat before him – brown eyes glimmering with such joy – he could not understand how such a pure being would choose him. Of all people. One who had put her through such trauma once upon a time… but that was all in the past.
            ☾ ┊ ‘ What do you say to going out today…? ’ 
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            Another action that some may never expect – Ulquiorra asking for company. But Orihime had been asking him for a date to the beach, and today was the perfect day. Sun was shining. Wasn’t too hot. They could pack an easy lunch and be on their way.
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geulinmongki · 7 years
Bleach ending still pops in my head from time to time so...
... I just want to say, Indeed IchiRuki was brotp at first! and I enjoyed it! but Kubo Tits fvcked it up when he decided to add a touch of romantic feels in every IchiRuki moments, (thats why I ended up shipping them). idk why you did that Kubo tits! when all along you planned to end this with IH.
seriously, we have IH moments too, but it always have the vibe of one sided love on the part of Orihime, so It aint shippable at all. (you know that vibe you feel when you watch an anime and you can tell that this character will end up with this character because there’s a romantic feels whenever they interact, even in the absence of skinship and kisses and confessions. plus! I always get that depressing, gloomy aura whenever she goes ‘Kurusaki-kun’, my kokoro and brain feels like being enveloped with darkness, just me, I know... just me.) The very reason why I feel like the last Chapter was a joke, It just doesn’t fit with the rest of the Bleach chapters, as if someone else did it, like Out of the blue Rukia and Ichigo decided to marry Orihime and Renji instead of each other. well, although Renji was lacking to fit to be Rukia’s Husband, I’m okay with it. but Orihime and Ichigo just doesnt click at all, even if she always shows how much she loves him, they just don’t have that chemistry unlike when she’s with Ishida or Ulqui.
So while I was waiting for the ending of Bleach, I was convinced that there’s a big possibility that Ichigo will end up with neither Rukia nor Orihime, this is a Shounen Manga after all so maybe... But then here comes a shocking ending, the 2 pairs even have an offspring each. I was so shook my brain felt numb and i was like wtf just happened? what is, where is the backbone of this ending? The chapter the Perfect End was indeed Perfect but the last chapter... the Death and Strawberry may be not the last chapter, It feels like its a fake.
And oh! The ending does not Justify that the IchiRuki ship sinked, IH failed to break the egg so there’s no omelet at all. hihihi ! 
That is just only 1 chapter vs the rest of the Bleach Chapter that screams IchiRuki. 
Just saying.
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Examples of insta-block offenses include:
“You always RP with ___ and ___ but not me!”
“Just forget it. I don’t care.”
“I think they’re just feeling abandoned, is my best guess. Even by people they’ve never talked to”
“It’s sad to see all the blame put on them because people they probably don’t know associate with them.”
( threats of violence or self harm )
Other Rules:
I refuse to roleplay senseless gore, senseless violence, senseless torture, rape, non-con, or ship with underage muses.
I can’t make exceptions to my own rules. If someone has been blocked for breaking them, I absolutely will not make an exception, no matter how sad the story behind their actions is.
No godmodding. I can’t stress this enough.
Please understand that I can be busy and/or unwell, and can’t reply at times. Reminders of thread replies are welcome as long as you’re nice about it and they aren’t constant.
Do not spout slurs out of character. I understand that muses can be rascist, sexist, transphobic, homo/bi/pan/aphobic, but if the mun is as well, you’ll get one warning to shape up before being blocked.
Remember that I RP for fun. Not as a job.
Have fun!
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So I kinda neglected this blog a bit. I might not even get any interaction on this blog anymore because of it, but I am back (I didn't even leave, I just kinda didn't do anything with the blog.)
So what I want to do (hopefully) is maybe get some Valentine's kinda thing going. I think it would be fun for Ulqui-kun to learn to deal with feelings that he never had, and what a better time to start than now?
If you are interested in interacting with Ulquiorra in a romantic way, tell me. Reblog this, send an ask or message my main blog, and we can set something up. Or if you have an idea of your own, let me know! I'd be happy to hear it.
~ Jinxmun
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About Page
Name: Ulquiorra Cifer
Actual age: 300
Apparent age: 19
Height: 169 cm (5'6 1/2")
Weight: 55 kg (121 pounds)
Race: Arrancar.
Apparence: Ulquiorra is a skinny, yet fairly muscular, male Arrancar of average height with a melancholic appearance. He's got short messy black hair, pale white skin, a black upper lip, green eyes with small slit-shaped pupils (similar to a cat's eyes), and green tear-like markings running down his face from his eyes. His facial expression almost never changes, and is always frowning. He wears typical Arranger clothing: A white jacket, a black sash, and a white hakama. However his jacket has longer coattails than the other Arrancar, and the collar is higher. Like most other Arrancar, Ulquiorra possesses remnants of his former life as a Hollow in his appearance. His Hollow Hole is located on his sternum, and the remainder of his hollow mask rests on the top left side of his head, forming a broken horned helmet. His Espada tattoo lies on the left side of his chest.
Personality: Ulquiorra is a very cold and dispassionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his allies and his enemies of they get in his way. Anyone he does not find interesting he treats as expendable and refers to them as "Trash". He claims to not believe in human emotion, saying if he can't see them with his eyes, they doesn't exist. Ulquiorra is very perceptive, cunning, and analytical.
Powers and Abilities:
Master Swordsmanship: Though he doesn't often engages in it, Ulquiorra is a skillful swordsman, striking with flawless precision. He uses his speed to inflict lethal attacks without much effort.
Master hand-to-hand combatant: Ulquiorra rarely draws his sword, as he mostly relies on hand-to-hand combat. It is stated by Ichigo that Ulquiorra only draws his sword on opponents he finds worthy.
Sonído master: One of Ulquiorra's most noticeable traits is his speed. Ulquiorra easily kept up with Ichigo's bankai, even with Ichigo's mask on. He was even able to continue to use Sonído in the absence of most of his left leg.
Cero: Ulquiorra can fire a cero from his fingers with excessively destructive power. He can charge his cero relatively fast, and is green instead of red, the most common color of a cero.
Keen Intellect: Ulquiorra's intellect is something Aizen, a man arguably best known for his intellect, harbors respect for, as he sent him to the human world to analyze Ichigo's power.
Bala: Ulquiorra can harden his spiritual pressure, and fire it like a bullet from his fist.
Enchanced Hierro:
The hardened skin of an Arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual pressure. Ulquiorra's Hierro is very durable, even by Arrancar standards.
Enchanced Strength: For his slim build, Ulquiorra is deceptively mighty. He can injure Yammy, an Espada known for his strength, with no visible effort.
High Speed Regeneration: Despite Ulquiorra's speed, durability, and attack power, his greatest strength lies in his regenerative power. Ulquiorra says it is his greatest power, one most Arrancar give up for more strength. He can regenerate anything other than his brain and organs.
Solita Vista: This ability is unique to Ulquiorra, and allows him to remove his eye and crush it, replaying recent events for everyone around him to see. He can regenerate the eye he crushes with his regenerative power, despite it being an organ.
Zanpakuto: Like most Arrancar, Ulquiorra has a shinigami weapon known as a Zanpakuto. His Zanpakuto's name is Murciélago, and is a standard sized katana with a green handle and sheath. The guard has two curved extensions from its long sides with a line going through both sides, giving it an eye-like appearance.
Ressurrección: Arrancar can release their zanpakuto, much like Shinigami, to increase their power with a command. Ulquiorra's command to release his Zanpakuto is "Imprison", which Murciélago responds by unleashing a burst of black and green spiritual energy, which falls around Ulquiorra like rain. While in his released state, Ulquiorra has a bat-like appearance. He sprouts large black wings on his back, and the remains of his hollow mask centers on the top of his head. His hair grows longer and wilder. The green markings on his face become black, broader, and more triangular, and his fingernails grow longer. His Arrancar attire changed as well, and becomes more form fitting, and is closed at the top, and robe-like at the bottom. In this form, he can use his wings for flight. And he gains even greater physical abilities.
Ressurrección: Segunda Etapa: Ulquiorra has a unique ability allowing him to enter a second released state, known as Ressurrección: Segunda Etapa. In this state, he keeps his wings (which can be used defensively and offensively), however his robes disappear along with the rest of his hollow mask, and his body is covered with black fur from his waist down, and on his forearms.
His Hollow Hole grows in size, and looks to be dripping a black blood like liquid. His ears become large, and bat like. He also grows a long thin tail he can use in combat.
Luz de la Luna: In either release state, Ulquiorra can generate green energy javelins, which can be used as a throwing weapon, or for melee attacks.
Cero Oscuras: In either released state, Ulquiora can fire a black cero with a green outline. This Cero is even stronger than a Gran Ray Cero.
Lanza Del Relámpago: Much like his Luz de la luna, Ulquiorra can generate these similar javelins. They only slightly differ in how they look, as these have energy flowing from the ends of the javelins, like flames, giving them a more arrow like appearance. He can use these javelins as projectile weapons or for melee attacks, however if thrown, the javelin will cause a destructive explosion so powerful, Ulquiorra prefers not to use the weapon at close range, as it may harm himself. He can use these in rapid succession, but has trouble controlling their trajectory.
Ulquiorra's aspect of death is Emptiness.
"Even if you rise up a thousand times, there will be no victory for any of you." - Ulquiorra
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how many breads have you eaten in your life? :3c
"I wouldn't know. Though I'd say I've eaten more Hollows than I have bread."(I eaten quite a lot of bread if I do say so myself. Though I don't exactly have a number for you, but thanks for asking anyways! Also I didn't know if you were asking me or Ulqui-kun so I had us both answer.)
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