#ulricka x juzel
irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
Grancrest Senki Masterlist
Containing reader inserts, character ships and analysis, and a personal story by yours truly.
My Other Blogs
Reader Inserts (Will write for Irvin, Lassic, Moreno, Theo, Juzel, and Aeon)
Lost Cabin
A Lord’s Intuition (Lost Cabin Part 2)
The Promise Ring
The Sickness
Character Ships and Stories
A Place Under the Patriot’s Flag (Juzel)
A Place Under the Patriot’s Flag (Part 2) (Juzel)
A Place Under the Patriot’s Flag (Part 3) (Juzel)
A Place Under the Patriot’s Flag (Part 4) (Juzel)
A Place Under the Patriot’s Flag (Part 5) (Juzel)
A Tough Day (Theo x Siluca)
Late Night Conversations (Theo x Siluca)
Fatherhood and Other Dreams (Theo x Siluca)
Lightning and Shadow (Theo x Siluca)
Hitchhiker (Theo x Siluca; Modern)
Babysitting: Grandfather Edition (Aubestes)
Don’t Mess With Grandpa (Aubestes)
My Precious Boy (Jorgo and Solon)
A Surprise Act (Solon)
Carry on My Wayward Son (Solon)
A Good Book Never Hurts (Solon)
Just a Mage and His Lord (Lassic and Moreno)
Who Would’ve Thought? (Moreno)
A Little Nightmare (Salvador, Doni, and Juzel)
Trouble Within the Walls of Paradise (Salvador, Doni, and Juzel)
The Scorpion’s Violent Sting (Salvador, Doni, and Juzel)
Death From the Skies (Salvador, Doni, and Juzel)
Queen of the Sea (Juzel x Ulricka)
A Making of New Life (Juzel x Ulricka)
Father’s Keeper (Juzel x Ulricka)
Reflections (Juzel x Ulricka)
A Little Bit of Luck (Juzel x Ulricka)
Newest Addition (Juzel x Ulricka)
Wynter Nights (Irvin)
Character Analysis
Ideas on How Theo Lost His Mother Headcanons
The Age of Dragons🐲
Chapter 1: The Mark
Chapter 2: The Summoning Spell
Chapter 3: Living Legends
Chapter 4: Power Never Seen Before
Chapter 5: Missing Mate
Chapter 6: A Surge of Manpower
Chapter 7: The Golden Dragon
Chapter 7.5: Kulvera and Siluca
Chapter 8: The White Dragon Awaits
Chapter 9: A Frightening Discovery
Chapter 10: The End is Nigh
Chapter 11: A Heart Wrenching Farewell
Chapter 12: Epilogue
Prompt List
Prompt List Part 2
Prompt List Part 3
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
#260, 256 and 257 for Ulricka and Juzel with their youngest son Rommel please.
A Little Bit of Luck
Juzel and Ulricka welcome a tiny soul into the world.
#256 "They are so tiny!"
#257 "Welcome home, little one."
#260 "Our sweetest little surprise...."
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It was the early hours of the morning. The sun was just peeking out over the horizon, casting golden rays over the swaying waves on the Nordic seas. And the most pleasant sound for any parent was just heard.
The cry of a newborn.
Thankfully, for Juzel and Ulricka, Theo and Siluca offered to watch their twin boys. Bjorn and Ulrick weren’t the happiest when it came to having to be away from their parents, but they tried to behave even if they didn’t fully understand the situation.
I mean, Juzel and Ulricka didn’t need any distractions during this tender moment.
This was the birth of their youngest son, Rommel, who was rather small. In fact, he was small before he was even born, the doctors could tell. It was concerning, and his mother feared that he would be born still.
Luckily, Rommel has a healthy set of lungs on him.
"They are so tiny!" Juzel said in a near to squeal voice, looking like a child as his eyes glowed as he gazed at his son. 
“He’s adorable...” Ulricka said, moving to brush some of her son’s wispy black hair. Then, she frowned when she registered her husband’s words.
“It worries me...with how small he is...” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Babies are fragile to begin with, and then you take one that’s smaller than usual. Rommel would be extra fragile.
“He seems to be going pretty strong.” Juzel tried to reassure her, even though he was worried as well. He couldn’t even think about losing his son at such a tender young age.
He just couldn’t bring himself the thought.
“But you know the kinds of things I do! I didn’t even know I was pregnant till much later than usual...what if I hurt him somehow...because I didn’t even know he was there...” Of course, Ulricka was worrying much more than she probably needed to, but she couldn’t help it. Ultimately, she feels responsible with her son’s growth and health. His size, she feels responsible for. So, of course she is worrying for his little life.
If something happens, she will blame herself.
“Hey, hey...it will be okay...Rommel just wanted to surprise you, that’s all.” Juzel, again, tried to comfort her. It seemed to work a little bit, especially after she kept looking down at her son, who would squirm here and there.
"Our sweetest little surprise...." She said while stroking the face of the newborn. Her husband couldn’t agree more on that fact.
“I can’t wait for the boys to meet him.” Juzel added, trying to make the situation even brighter by bringing up their already strong children. Of course, Ulricka beamed at the mention of her other sons.
“They will be so excited. Now, we’ll have to remind them to be good examples for Rommel...” She then began to go into mother mode as she trailed off on how it would be important to give all of the boys special attention and so forth so none of them felt left out.
Juzel could only smile at that.
Soon, they were able to go from the doctors to home. Ulricka was only brought to them because of Rommel’s small size. They worried that they might need medical intervention if something went wrong. Thankfully, everything seemed to well, but it never hurt to be too careful.
But the parents desperately wanted him home.
Juzel carried Rommel back, and he could now understand how small he really is. He practically weighed nothing in his arms, but still seemed to be like any other baby. Sleeping and moving on occasion.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” This was probably the fifth time his wife asked that, and Juzel had reassured her each time.
“Yes. He will be just fine. Now, you need to relax for a bit and just love him.” Juzel told her and she smiled slightly, nodding.
Finally, they reached their home where the memories of their other boys would soon be filled with more memories from their newest son. Stepping into the house felt like stepping into a new world. The father glanced down at his newborn.
"Welcome home, little one." Juzel said while cradling his son. Rommel cooed a bit, thrashing his little arms. Soon, he opened his little eyes, revealing a sapphire blue. Then, he flashed his father a tiny grin, even though he was too young to even know or control it.
Still, it was enough reassurance to tell Juzel that he was going to be just fine. 
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
May I request 27 and 26 in that order for Juzel and Ulricka. [My own head canon]
Ahhh, yes yes💖
Queen of the Sea
Ulricka comes to her husband for what she thinks is a simple request.
#26 “Pregnant? Are you sure?”
#27 “I want a baby.”
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That slave revolt started it all.
Who would've thought that Ulricka, the daughter of the Sea King, would end up with the man who practically ruined her career? She certainly didn’t.
However, everything that happened after the slave revolt revealed a different story. It was during the time after the weddings of Theo and Alexis that Juzel began seeing Ulricka. They talked, any misunderstandings were cleared, and some apologies were given.
Later, they got together, much to the surprise of some.
And even later, they got married.
Juzel and Ulricka have homes both in Sistina and Stark, not being able to pick just one since they were both so attached to their homes. However, Juzel knows that his wife gets much more homesick than he does, so they tend to stay at Stark a lot more.
After all, family is rather important to her, and she is kind of seen as their leader now.
Right now, Juzel was busy responding to some letters from his good friend Theo. Apparently, Siluca is expecting their first child. Or children, as far as Siluca was concerned. Juzel was writing his congratulations to the couple as Ulricka walked in.
“How was visiting your father’s grave?” He asked politely, knowing it was a touchy subject.
“Pleasant as always. What are you up to?” She asked back, just as politely. Ulricka walked over to Juzel as he handed her a letter. Reading the letter, her face softened, and a pink color tinted her cheeks.
“Good for them.” Was all that she said before handing the letter back. However, Juzel could sense a difference in her behavior. There was a faraway look in her eyes.
“Alright. What’s wrong?” He asked while finishing the final letter and putting the ink aside, turning to face his wife. However, she quickly brushed off his concern.
“It’s nothing. Nothing at all.” Ulricka said, sitting on a nearby chair as she tried to distract herself with the view of the rolling sea waves.
“You are a terrible liar.” Juzel said with a smile, calling her out on her bluff. She merely pouted and crossed her arms, facing going back to that longing gaze as her cheeks tinted pink.
“I want a baby.” Ulricka finally confessed to her husband. The man in question nearly stopped breathing at that statement. However, he knows that he should’ve seen it coming.
The Nord cares deeply about family, and with her father and brother gone, there was no doubt she was dying to have a family of her own back. But what about Juzel? He was so deep in thought that he didn’t even hear his wife speaking to him.
“Juzel? What’s on your mind?” She asked, getting up to move closer and sit across from him. There was a look of concern on her face.
“It’s just...I would have to be a father...” He said to her, his voice shaky.
“Yeah...That’s part of the deal, Juzel...” Ulricka said, and Juzel swallowed nervously.
“I don’t know how.” He confessed, and she reached over to rub his arm. It was a silent comfort that he didn’t even know he desperately needed. Ulricka didn’t need to give him any words because she knows that wouldn’t help right now. He wants kids, that’s not the issue. Juzel is just worried about how he’ll treat them.
He doesn’t want to end up like his father.
“You’re not alone, remember that.” His wife said while grabbing his hand and squeezing it. Juzel nodded slightly, hardly hearing her words. Then he looked up to see the longing look in her eyes.
He knows how much she wants a baby, so he was determined to give her one.
Weeks after that brought Juzel amounts of anxiety that he didn’t even think his body could comprehend. Each time they tried; he was worried that this would be the one that finally gets her pregnant.
It was one day that his suspicions and worries were proven true.
“Juzel, are you busy right now?” Ulricka said one day, bounding up to him like a child. He shook his head, making her beam even more. There’s no point in hiding whatever secret she has because Juzel can see right through her.
“You did it! I’m pregnant!” She said with such glee, but her words nearly made Juzel faint. It took a long couple of minutes before he finally said something.
“Pregnant? Are you sure?” Juzel asked in absolute shock. His wife simply giggled in response, confirming his words. As he stood there still, she went to hug him.
“Thank you...Thank you for giving me a family again.” Ulricka said, her voice sounding like she was on the verge of tears. Hearing this, Juzel instantly wrapped his arms back around her.
And there was a smile on his face.
All those fears he had before this moment seemed to melt away. Her presence in his arms was a good reminder that he was not alone in this journey. Ulricka would never allow Juzel to become like his father, who pushed his children to become like warlords. She would keep him in his place.
Not that she thought she was going to have to. Juzel was nothing like that vile man.
So, he never thought he would be at this moment, where he sat at his desk and wrote a letter to his friends telling them that he and his wife were expecting. In fact, his sudden excitement made his hands so shaky the words got all jumbled.
He might have to send multiple letters.
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
Can you do one where Ulrick and Bjorn meet their little brother please?
Newest Addition
Ulrick and Bjorn finally meet Rommel.
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It’s been around a couple of hours now. Rommel has been in the world for nearly a day, and Juzel has finally sent word to have Theo bring Ulrick and Bjorn back home so they could finally meet their little brother.
After all, this whole thing was rather confusing for them.
“This is the moment I have been excited for as well as dreading.” Ulricka said after feeding the newborn. They’ve been waiting for a couple of hours now, so the boys will be home any minute.
“I know, but don’t worry. Ulrick and Bjorn will love Rommel.” Juzel said, even though that wasn’t the reason Ulricka was truly worried. She knows her older sons with love the baby. She just doesn’t want anyone getting jealous or hurt.
“We’ll just need to remind them to be careful.” Juzel said as if reading her mind. Ulricka nodded, rubbing Rommel’s back as he began to get fussy. Her husband walked over and gave his small family a hug.
Then there was a knock on the door. 
Juzel quickly rushed over as Ulricka hushed the now crying Rommel. Upon opening the door, he was met with Theo easily carrying his two boys, who looked beyond excited to see their father.
“Dad!” Ulrick and Bjorn shouted in glee, holding out their arms to have their dad to hold them. Juzel quickly took them and accepted all the snuggles from his sons. Then, he gave his friend a smile.
“Thank you, Theo. I hope they weren’t too much trouble.” Juzel said, but Theo waved him off.
“They weren’t a problem at all. I’m happy to help an old friend.” Theo said, knowing a new baby is always a joy. Juzel gave him a smile as Theo decided to give the family some privacy, leaving to go back to his own family in Sistina.
“Dad, where’s mom?” Ulrick asked, grabbing his father’s shirt.
“Yeah, and our brother?” Bjorn added.
The twins were aware enough that they had a new baby brother, but they didn’t understand why they had to leave. Obviously, explaining the complications and hardships of delivering a baby would not go over well with some toddlers, so they were just going to have to deal with it.
“In here, my boys. Sorry you had to wait so long.” Juzel said to them, carrying them into the living room where Ulricka was sitting on the couch with Rommel in her arms. Immediately the boys lit up upon seeing their mother.
“Mama!” They called, and with a smile, she gently shushed them. Rommel squirmed slightly, and Juzel set the boys down and they tottered over to get a better look.
“Hello, my sons...this is your brother, Rommel.” Ulricka quietly said, moving to have her boys get a better look. Ulrick wrinkled his nose a bit while Bjorn reached out to poke his cheek, causing the baby to squirm.
“We need to be gentle, Bjorn, Rommel here is quite fragile.” She told them, glancing at her husband who just smiled.
“He’s so...squishy-looking...” Ulrick said, not moving so close to the baby because of his mother’s words. Juzel couldn’t help but snort at that statement, causing his wife to glare at him.
“Were we little like this once too?” Bjorn asked his mother curiously. Her smile faltered a bit, but then she remembered her husband’s words.
“Yes. You were little as well...that’s why we have to protect him.” She told him, booping his nose a bit, causing the child to giggle. At this point, Ulrick and Bjorn began to get a closer look at Rommel, who soon opened his eyes to look at them.
Then the newborn made a cute face, causing the boys to gush.
“Look mom! He likes me!” Ulrick said, pointing at Rommel before beaming at his mother.
“And me! He smiled at me as well!” Bjorn added, and both boys began to coo over Rommel. They began to look less unsure of him, and more excited at the idea of having a little brother.
Juzel then came, leaning over his children and wife. 
“Now, you guys will have to be his protectors. Little Rommel will need his big brothers looking after him.” He said, and his sons flashed him a smile before cutely saluting him.
Then, under their mother’s watchful eye, they continued to talk and enjoy Rommel’s company. Eventually, Ulricka looked back up at Juzel, who was simply smiling at her, and his eyes told her everything he wanted to say.
See? I told you that everything was going to be fine.
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
Number 200 for Juzel and Ulricka please
Father’s Keeper
Juzel got blessed with twin boys.
#200 “It is way past your bedtime little one, say goodnight to daddy.”
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Juzel never expected to have twins. Two boys, to be exact. Their names were Bjorn and Ulrick.
Ulrick was the oldest of the twin boys, matching the personality of his mother. Even at his young age, he was strong-willed and was taking on challenges that seemed way beyond his reach. He matches his father’s facial features, has black hair, and a unique set of eyes; one being blue and the other being yellow.
Bjorn was the easiest of the two, being just calmer in general. Unlike his brother, he was more of one to observe than to act. Bjorn took after his father when it came to his personality. However, he looked a lot more like his mother, with red hair and blue eyes.
At being around three years old, the two toddlers were draining the life out of Juzel, and he was starting to regret making fun of Theo when he and Siluca had twins. 
That said, Juzel wouldn’t change this for anything.
But right now, his son, Ulrick, was sick.
“Brother be okay?” Bjorn was hanging out with his father as Ulricka tended to the first-born twin. This has been happening a lot, Ulrick getting sick, and Juzel was starting to get worried along with his wife.
However, can’t let the other child know that.
“Of course he will be. He always is, after all.” Juzel told his son with a smile, moving to ruffle his red hair. As Bjorn giggled, Juzel’s smile started to fade. Were those words he just said meant for his son or for him?
Still, Juzel tried not to worry about Ulrick. His wife was a worried mother, which was understandable whenever her child got sick, but Ulricka was still Ulricka. She would remain strong and confident, and Juzel knew he only had to worry if she began to break.
So, until then, he stayed strong.
His job as of now was to keep Bjorn company until Ulricka was able to put the sick twin to bed. Juzel went from playing games to finally reading a book. After all, it doesn’t take much to entertain Bjorn.
Juzel only started to get worried when the sun had gone down and stars started to blanket the sky. His wife hadn’t appeared yet, and he was concerned that Ulrick’s sickness was getting to the point that he couldn’t sleep. It was something he didn’t want to think about, and his other son’s weight on him reminded him that he still had other priorities.
“Where’s mama?” The little boy asked sleepily, rubbing at his eyes. Juzel was about to respond, but another voice interrupted him.
“I’m right here.” Her voice, calm and collected, soothed Juzel’s nerves. He turned to see Ulricka standing there looking tired, otherwise there was a smile on her face.
“Mama.” Bjorn said happily, getting on his little feet and holding out his arms for her to pick him up. Ulricka did happily and gave him a little kiss on the nose as she did so.
“How’s-” Juzel started to ask, but his wife raised her hand to stop him.
“Later Juzel. But as of now, he sleeps. It just took longer than usual.” She reassured him while moving Bjorn to her hip. He nodded, tension slowly leaving his body. Then, Ulricka flashed her other boy a smile before kissing his little cheek.
“It is way past your bedtime little one, say goodnight to daddy.” She cooed. Juzel watched as Bjorn waved lazily at him, the only thing he could do with the amount of energy he had left.
“Goodnight, my son.” Juzel moved to quickly give him a kiss on the head before his wife disappeared. He would have to sneak in and say goodnight to Ulrick later. Of course, being very careful not to wake him.
Bur right now, he carefully began to put away all the activities him and Bjorn did as he prayed for a quick recovery for his other son.
With one last glance towards where Ulricka disappeared, he had one last thought which left a smile on his face.
Juzel was just glad he didn’t have to do this alone.
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irvin-mybeloved · 2 years
Number 163 for Ulricka and Juzel please?
Sure thing! Let's see that I got💖
A Making of New Life
Juzel gets quite a new adventure starting in his life.
#163 “The baby is coming.”
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Everyone should’ve guessed that Juzel would be a mess during her entire pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong, Juzel is a very supportive husband who helps his wife as often as she needs it. But with Ulricka being as stubborn as she is, she denies his help often.
However, Juzel is a worrier, especially since his wife is bigger than what he expected.
He wasn’t an expert in pregnancy, but he tried his best to learn. If there was one thing Juzel was good at, it was reading books and obtaining new knowledge. It was the least he could do considering the role he was playing in this whole baby thing was fairly small at the moment.
“What are you up to at the moment?” Juzel asked Ulricka upon looking up from his book to see that she had come into the living room with some tea.
The Rossini had insisted on making it himself, but he could tell that pushed her buttons. Ulricka then stubbornly told him that she was pregnant not paralyzed and continued to snap at him until he fled the room, leaving her to make tea in peace.
He doesn’t blame her behavior. I mean, sometimes just looking at her made him uncomfortable, so he can’t imagine how it actually feels.
“I came in here to bring you some tea as well as sit down. My back has been hurting like crazy.” She told him after giving him a cup of tea and plopping down beside him on the couch.
“But...other than that you feel fine?” He asked her, and she had the urge to roll her eyes.
“Yes. You know I would tell you otherwise. Besides, I’ve never had a baby before. How am I suppose to know what it feels like?” Ulricka asked him, moving to rub her swollen belly a bit.
“Well, according to what I’ve been reading, you’ll know.” He said, remembering what he’s read about childbirth and the agonizing process of it. She seemed a bit frightened before masking ti with that smile of hers.
“It can’t be too bad. So long as I don’t die, everything will be fine.” She said with a bit of a laugh while Juzel gave her a horrified look.
“Don’t even joke about that.” He said in a serious tone, causing her to place a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not going to happen. If a lot of women died from childbirth, the human population would not be as large as it is.” Ulricka told him, berating him for even considering such an outcome. Juzel slowly nodded, understanding her point of view.
“The outcome means more to me than all the pain.” She told him sweetly before kissing his cheek. Juzel smiled slightly, and agreed with her as she drank some of her tea.
They continued to discuss things, some more important than others when it came to their child and affairs of state. Juzel told her that Theo and Siluca wanted to come, but with two baby twin boys, that proved rather difficult. His wife understood. Laughed even, when she realized how hard their lives must be with twins.
As they talked, Juzel noticed her looking a bit uncomfortable. However, he knew from past experiences that asking only led to her getting defensive. If she truly was in pain or anything, she would tell him. It was only when she went for another drink of tea, in which something caused her to drop the cup and have it shatter all over the floor, that he really began to grow concerned.
But he didn’t realize his life was about to change forever.
“The baby is coming.” She said it so calmly that Juzel barely reacted. However, when the words actually sunk in, Juzel did what every book told him not to do.
He panicked.
Ulricka was the calm one throughout the whole process, even though it hurt like hell. She kept telling her husband that she was the daughter of the Sea King, a Nord, so as if this was going to get the better of her. Ulricka pushed through, literally and figuratively. When their son was born, Juzel thought everything was going to be alright.
The worst was over.
Until the doctor announced the arrival of another baby.
They ended up having twin boys, just like their friends. Ulricka was going to be eating her words from earlier because their lives are going to be just as hard. However, Juzel was just relieved that the baby, or babies, were finally here.
He could start fatherhood for real, and unlike his dad, he was going to win at it.
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