asknarashikari · 6 days
Riders, Tsukasa included, react to Shouma creating a Decade themed Gochizo...by eating a sea cucumber of all things
I wouldn't really count sea cucumber as a snack (which is important because he only makes Gochizous from snack foods), but that would be hilarious... for all except Tsukasa, of course
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lavenderrosiefan · 1 year
What do you think are some of Henry's badass moments in the entire Thomas franchise? (be it in RWS, Model, or CGI series)
Hmm...one of my favorite badass Henry moments was in "Henry's Hero." When Hiro breaks down, Henry pushes the train all the way to Brendam Docks. There's also Super Rescue and Edward, Gordon, and Henry
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Gotchard cast seeing Steamliner taking both Hopper-1 and Houtaro out on a joyride and casually overtaking shinkansen bullet trains
They would all be freaking the eff out because this breaks like 100 Chemmy Laws all at once... Poor Minato has his work cut out erasing memories and shit 😂 If the Alchemist Academy has detention they're all getting it
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asknarashikari · 24 days
I just finished Gotchard! WOOOHOOO!!!!! XD
Gotchard is DEFINITELY my favorite show in the Reiwa Era so far...and probs one of the most underrated rider seasons of all time. It's a lot better than people give it credit for, especially after the overhyped wasted potential that was Geats. (Though tbf, it's not a BAD show by any means from an objective standpoint. It just has it's moments of genuine brilliance yet had a lot of downfalls, a really flawed show. I personally really liked the first three fourths but cracks started to show in that second half and it really TANKED in the final arc, especially that ending.) Gotchard is quite the inverse of Geats, huh?
So...is Gotchard tied in your Top 6 rider seasons now? The other five it's tied to being W, Build, OOO, Fourze, and Saber
Yeah, I think Gotchard is incredibly underrated, though I have accepted by now that my opinions are usually not reflective of the fandom at large. Most of the reviews I've seen say they think Gotchard was underwhelming or just average. I on the other hand find it incredibly refreshing and absent of a lot of the tropes I find annoying in Kamen Rider.
Honestly, I feel like a lot of what I feel about Gotchard directly responded to what I disliked/hated about Geats. Like, Houtaro being open and invested in his friends while not having tolerance for the bad guys who show no remorse is a direct contrast to Ace, who seems to keep his allies at a distance but also easily forgives asshats that didn't do much to earn it, like Daichi and Buffabutt. Lachesis' arc of recognizing that she didn't have to put up with Geryon's abuse seems to correspond directly to Neon's arc of forgiving her genetic material donors despite what they put her through, etc.
Gotchard is definitely in my top favorite shows, def in the top 10. As far as Reiwa goes, it's probably tied with Saber as my favorite.
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Steamliner and Hopper-1 headcanons? (Like say maybe whatever you think their chemistry with one another is like or other character interactions to dive more into like Steamliner and Houtaro)
Steamliner is pretty content to hang around in his Chemmy Card when not being used, but Hopper-1 actively dislikes it. Hopper-1 literally prefers being stuffed into a bag than being in the Card
On the other hand, Steamliner is ambivalent towards its miniature form, as he feels constrained by it. It only tolerates being that size for a short time.
Because of their bond with Houtaro, they are recognized as the de facto leaders of the Chemmies even though the Level X Chemmies are obviously stronger.
Hopper-1's drink of choice is scotch whiskey. No one knows how it got a preference for it. Rumor says it somehow acquired a taste for it when it got into the Daybreak Alchemist's stash
Steamliner nearly ran Hopper-1 over in annoyance when it kept going on and on about how Houtaro and Rinne were perfect for each other like they are (1 + 9)
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asknarashikari · 4 months
First Skebows the previous episode...now both Antrooper AND most notably Hopper-1, TWO MORE CHEMIES IN THE SAME EPISODE NO LESS. God...Houtaro was already broken when he realized he murdered Skebows, (Even the more reserved Rinne can't help but be horrified seeing Houtaro so guilt-ridden and depressed) now he's even more broken when two more have to meet an unfortunate end with the one chemmy that's been with him since he was a kid he actually had to kill.
Skebows - Strike 1! Antrooper - Strike 2! Hopper-1 - STRIKE 3! (NOT TOO SOON AFTER STRIKE 2) HOUTARO'S FUCKING OUT!
Also, go ahead, make the "Gigist can go die in a ditch" tag and hell, feel free to type something worse. We all stan for it.
Gigist deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell for what he did to the Chemmies 😭😭😭
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Random Steamliner HC: Steamliner is definitely the only one that actually likes being given coal in Christmas...because y'know? Steam engines running on coal and water? XD
That said, the only coal Steamliner doesn't enjoy is obviously bad coal. That said, the only way you can feed Steamliner coal is by shoveling it into it's mouth and that's assuming Steamliner is out of the card and it's preferred larger size.
I can see this 😂
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asknarashikari · 3 months
Steamliner: (incredibly high mood right now in it's large form, racing about at wildly high speeds)
Hopper-1: (just vibing as Kahlua Milk out of barrel while it casually rides on steamliner)
Turn outs Ace was pouring barrel loads of kahlua milk into steamliner's mouth earlier
Houtaro: ACE!!!! Why would you do that?! That can't be good for him! >.< (distressed pout of doom)
Ace: Says the kiddo who cooks questionable food on a near regular basis
Houtaro: Hey! I don't make anything that makes the chemmies...well...behave like THAT?! >_< (pointing at steamliner)
Sabimaru: How can a steam engine chemmy...drink alcohol...? ._.'
Rinne: ...First that large coal supply shipped all the way from Wales of all places a week ago, now you fed Steamliner what appears to have been 45 barrels of kahlua milk? That's...quite an excessive amount... -_- (looks at the 45 barrels of kahlua milk, unimpressed)
Renge: Wait, how much money did that cost you to bring that much?! O.o
Ace: Eh, this is nothing...besides, I still got several more barrels left if those two wanted more?
Nijigon: Goooooon! Can I try some? It looks interesting! Itadakimasu! Gon gon! ^_^ (was only top of a barrel of kahlua milk and managed to pry the lid open...is about to drink)
Sabimaru: Uh oh... ._.'
Sabimaru-as-Isaac: Well, then there was trouble...! ._.
Houtaro and Rinne: NOOOO!!!!!! O.O' (runs after their recently newborn nijigon to rein him him in)
Meanwhile, Minato, Kyoka, Spanner, and Lachesis all went out to drink alcohol and discuss at someplace that conveniently happened to have completely ran out of kahlua milk. Gee, I wonder why?
Anyways, news of all this would eventually catch wind to the main rider fleet and the Geats cast not too long later. Just imagine how they'd react
Sara: Ace-kun😀 What's this I hear about you getting a train drunk 😀 😀
Emu: And I also heard things about a baby being drunk 😀😀😀
Shinnosuke: You do know child endangerment is a crime right 😀😀😀😀
Touma: And also a capital crime for Kamen Riders 😀😀😀😀😀
RIP Ace, being Fox Jesus won't save you now
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asknarashikari · 4 months
...Gotchard cast reacting to Spanner and Lachesis accidentally calling Kyoka their mom XD
If it's Spanner, they start teasing him about being finally starting to show a deredere side to his personality, which of course just embarrasses him more and prompts him to flee the vicinity
If it's Lachesis, they blink owlishly at look at her and Kyoka in rapid succession until Lachesis, flustered by the attention, decides to leave while yelling about forgetting the whole scenario
Either way, Kyoka has tears in her eyes but stubbornly does not let them fall because Minato is smirking at her and she refuses to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry over it
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Random Scenario: The newly hatched/born Nijigon (formerly Tamagon) accidentally calling Houtaro and Rinne "dad" and "mom" respectively... and calling Hopper-1 and Steamliner it's "big brothers"
...Oh dear.
Perhaps two high schoolers are a bit young to be parents... even more so when one can't even tell his mom he's become a parent (to a dragon that was hatched from an egg that was supposedly inside him)
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asknarashikari · 4 months
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Considering Steamliner DOES have a mouth....
Gotchard cast, especially Houtaro and Hopper-1, seeing Steamliner in a weak exhausted condition and perform REALLY BADLY to the point of breaking down and unable to function because some curious arsehole thought it was a good idea to shovel bad coal and pour contaminated water into its mouth (just because most steam engines use coal and water to function) just to see what happens
Someone's going to taste the rainbow(-powered Rider Kick)
Who would do something like this? Honestly, this is just malicious, I don't think even Tsukasa would sink this low... would he?
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Gigist (feel free to promote the "Gigist can go (whatever the fuck should happen)" tag, we need more of this) getting approached by...quite the massive sea of pissed off confronters.
Massive Sea of Extremely Livid Enemies: - Rinne, Renge, Sabimaru, Minato, Kyoka, and hell even Spanner and Lachesis - Every single remaining chemmy, lead by Gotchard's second closest chemmy that is Steamliner himself - Mr. Gorgeous Gold Fuckboy and his Butler - Every Single Main Rider from past seasons - Every Single living Secondary Rider from past seasons - Every Single Tertiary/Extra Rider from past seasons - Every single female companion or supporting ally from past seasons - Every single sentient henshin device/trinket from past seasons - Me, @askrikkaiandhyotei, @i-am-randomtrash00, and every single rider fan ally you know that is devastated by this loss...lead by YOU! (Pretend we're all supplied with not just torches and pitchforks but also gattling guns, munitions, flamethrowers, kerosene, any kind of lethal arsenal that can kill shit) - (Maybe there's more I'm missing)
#for-skebows #for-antrooper #for-hopper-1 #for-ichinose-houtaro
(Well, maybe not the me leading part. I'll gladly defer to the Riders on this, especially Houtaro)
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Your OTP tag name for Houtaro and Rinne is "The Poet & Honor Student", right?
I've been meaning to ask for a while now...while Honor Student definitely makes sense for Rinne, why is Houtaro "The Poet" again?
It comes from what Rinne calls Houtaro earlier in the season. Like in the first ep when he responds to Minato's question about the Renaissance with something along the lines of it being a period filled with people who chased their dreams. She refers to Houtaro making statements like that as "poetry", though as she starts to take him more seriously she used it less and less.
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asknarashikari · 4 months
I did enjoy the 35th episode. It's definitely not perfect when you consider how it started but it's still good in it's own right.
That said...
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While it's not a roast or banter...I LOVE this comeback from Houtaro tbh. It's like even the episode itself is kinda self-aware how Kaguya handled the situation at the start of the episode was kinda stupid XD
"Why don't you understand-?!" - Kaguya
"No, why don't YOU understand?!" - Houtaro
That's a pretty good comeback XD
I think it's a good way of demonstrating how self-absorbed Kaguya can sometimes be. He means well for the most part, but he thinks he knows the best way to do things especially since Hundred is "his problem".
Houtaro, for his part, doesn't buy his bullshit one second and stands his ground. I actually like this about him- he's friendly and willing to give people second chances, but he stands up for himself and calls out others on their crap after hearing them out. He doesn't let himself get steamrolled over just because he's a nice, polite and sweet kid.
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asknarashikari · 5 months
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One thing that's always bothered me about episode 46 is that...yeah, I know Sara getting brought back is supposed to be the most impactful for the characters (Keiwa anyways) but... what about the OTHER victims stuck on that tree? Did the other riders just go "Oh yeah, these unfortunate victims don't deserve to be saved and can rot in hell for all we care" or something?! Were THEY were saved at all?
Speaking of which, I'm also not really a fan of how in Kamen Rider Geats, no one could really give a shit about bringing back the victims that lost their lives in the DGP. (It's not like these people died in some random accident or a serial murder...no, these were people that forcibly lost their lives in some fucked up competition started for entertainment by some outside source) Were they REALLY beyond saving even WITHOUT the wish granting at the cost of other's happening? Did no one really bother try to find a way to make it happen? It didn't that early in the show, it set expectations with Keiwa making that goal to bring back lives lost in the DGP only to stop caring about doing that...besides, I don't think that WASN'T even Keiwa's fault that deceased horrible riders were brought back WITH ACTUAL DRIVERS AND DGP MEMORIES they shouldn't have access to. (Sara didn't get the same treatment and Toru never returned oddly enough, like wtf?)
Long rant ahead. Not for the Geats fans lol
Well, in a show that literally just shrugged off one of the main characters being complicit in the murder of hundreds (including the main & secondary riders) in a sadistic game, what else would you expect? Of course the NPCs are barely spared a second thought by anyone, not even the writer it seems.
We're even shown Keiwa being reported missing by Sara, which should imply that everyone else who was also killed in the Heaven and Hell round were also MIA (read: dead), and yet we don't even see similar reports for other people. Hundreds of people don't just go missing without mass hysteria and people demanding answers from the police and government, even with a fucking conspiracy to cover it all up involved. But nope, nothing for the plebians 🤷‍♀️
For your second question... I'm sure they can BS some reason for why they can't revive all the victims. Heck, even Riders get shafted. All the other Riders who were killed onscreen (Taira/Ginpen, Tooru/Togetchi, Yukie/Letter and Takeshi/Shirowe) stayed dead, along with countless others who died offscreen. Fuck them all and anyone who would be looking for them, I guess?
Tsumuri revived Ace just by wishing and subconsciously using her goddess powers, Keiwa was revived by Kekera using Mitsume's power probably, and Sara was revived through wish shenanigans and/or Daichi's Jyamato Potion... But they're the exceptions to the rule somehow. What made them the exception? Plot armor, is that all?
I'm unconvinced that the Riders who caused chaos in the wake of Keiwa's wish were even ones who died in the DGP to begin with. We're told they were revived Riders.. by Jiit, aka the last person who I would expect to tell the truth about anything.
As it was, we know someone had to supply those Riders with Drivers and ID Cores because no one else who revived got their Drivers and ID Cores back automatically except for Ace (who's practically the exception for every goddamned rule this show attempts to set).
But of course, it's way easier to blame Keiwa for "reviving" those nasty people, than it is to think of a scenario where Jiit and his cohorts never bothered reviving anyone other than Sara and Keiwa's parents to lull him into thinking his wish worked, and just gave Drivers to all the worst (but living) people they could find.
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asknarashikari · 5 months
...Gotchard cast (Ichinose Kitchen Alliance, Minato, Spanner, Kyoka, and Lachesis) reacting to someone saying Houtaro has a punchable face and him actually getting punched out cold with a concussion for "finding him annoying"
Of course Houtaro's friends would come to his defense- probably Renge would be the most gung-ho about returning the gesture lol. Minato and Kyoka would be outraged but less prone to reacting outwardly except to check on Houtaro. Spanner would just be 😑😓while Lachesis would pity him in a "how he's a pathetic sort of guy isn't he"
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