#um i just really love this song and built up a new headcanon for steve around it so here this lmao
ariesbilly · 2 years
“Oh, I love this song!”
The radio in the Camaro’s tuned to the oldies station. Because they’re parked down at the quarry, looking out over the water, full moon reflecting on its surface. And Steve had said they needed mood music, Billy’s usual metal and loud rock not cutting it, apparently.
Some song from the 50s or maybe the 60s is starting up, solid drum beat kicking in before the vocals start. The artist’s and Steve’s.
“The night we met I knew I needed you so,” he’s singing, turning his body in the passenger seat so he’s facing Billy, singing the first verse right to him.
Billy’s face contorts in mild disgust at the cheesiness of the moment. Won’t admit to the hammering in his chest, the ache behind his ribs when Steve’s singing And if I had the chance I’d never let you go.
“The fuck is this?” he asks.
“The Ronettes,” is Steve’s casual reply. 
“And you like this shit?” Billy gestures to the radio.
Steve shrugs his shoulders, head still nodding along to the music. “My mom used to play like, all the oldies when I was younger. Grew on me, I guess. It always sounded so... romantic.”
There’s pieces being filled in to the story of Steve in Billy’s mind. A bygone time of bonding with a mother that never seems to be around anymore, the fact that Steve’s been a hopeless romantic from the moment Billy met him. The music starts making sense now.
Steve resumes singing in the passenger seat, blinding smile on his face as he sways along like some dork at a Sock Hop. Billy can picture it so well; the letterman sweater, the slicked back hair, white socks and fucking loafers. Billy’s more of a greaser, himself. Mentally snorts at the image of the two of them in some alternate universe. 
“I’ll make you happy baby, just wait and see,” Steve’s singing, suddenly throwing his arm around Billy’s shoulders, leaning into his space. “For every kiss you give me-” He places three pecks in quick succession onto Billy’s lips in the pause between lyrics. “I’ll give you three.”
Billy’s heart is in his throat. Gone all weak-kneed and shit, which would be a problem if he wasn’t already sitting. He doesn’t know how he got here, letting himself be romanced by some cheesy dork singing along to some doo-woppy chick music, but he’s here nonetheless.
Grabs the front of Steve’s shirt when he goes to sit back in his seat, plants one on him back. Can feel the fucker’s smile against his lips as Billy’s tongue prods his way inside. 
Oh since the day I saw you, I have been waiting for you, You know I will adore you til eternity
Billy comes up for air, leaving just enough space for Steve to kiss the tip of his nose, causing Billy’s face to scrunch up.
“Song’s not so bad, is it?” he says, smug as shit.
Billy’s fist is still in Steve’s shirt, not letting him go. Foreheads pressed together. Ronettes still playing out the rest of their song.
“I’ve heard worse.”
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