#ummmmmm sure i'll tag the characters
saltedsolenoid · 9 months
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this red string of fate will do neither of us any good. hell yeah
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mytardisisparked · 5 months
20 Writer Questions
Was tagged by @emilie786!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I currently have 46! I have a couple sittin' in the crockpot tho hehe.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Historically, I have written for Star Wars and Star Trek. Right now I am writing for The X-Files :)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
My top 5 are all older fics of mine: "When Sunrise Comes Early," "From the Depths of My Two Brain Cells," "The Voyager Bunch," "Ex Equis Scientia," "I'll Always be Around, Wherever Life Takes You"
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmmm hard to say because I tend to end even my angstiest fics on a hopeful note.... I guess maybe "Night Visions?" Or, I'm sure there's a one-shot back in Ye Olde Star Wars collections somewhere that was extra angsty, but I am not going back to read those right now because I have neither the time nor fortitude.
However, I will be publishing something during Merry Month of Cohen that is p angsty so keep an eye out for that he he :)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, hard to say because I end almost all of my fics on a happy/hopeful note. I feel like maybe "Blessed Be The Man?" I really liked the way that one ended.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've had some... aggressive? comments before that bordered on rude, but they never seemed to be coming from a place of hate. Usually, it's just people who enjoyed the story but made the presumption of telling me an element they had wished was different in a way that was not very politely worded. I don't take a lot of offense to it. I'm not popular or controversial enough to get actual hate comments lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah bro. I get giggly and weird when writing a kiss scene; what the characters do beyond that is none of my business lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really? I tried writing a Star Trek Voyager/Star Wars crossover once but never finished it because it was not clicking. Other than that,,,,,,,, I guess @well-and-true and I keep having our Treksonas do holodeck programs based on The X-Files, which hasn't really been ficced (yet) but it's fun to imagine! Lots of shenanigans.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the manner that this question is asking, but I do consider the AI scrapping stuff to be theft and I'm not cool about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! With @emilie786.
I've also done a LOT of idea bouncing with @baylardo @jellybeansarecool @elephant-in-the-pride-parade @maliciousalice @well-and-true and, while it hasn't turned into official co-writing (yet :]), their ideas and conversations and artwork have all been *deeply* valuable acts of collaboration. It's not co-writing in the official AO3 sense, but their words of encouragement and ideas are inseparably woven into almost all of my works from the last couple years.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I am very much impacted by the ole Hyperfixations so my favorite ship will almost always be whatever I am currently obsessed with. I never stop loving ships though. They are always lurking in the back of my mind. And sometimes they cycle back to the front. (right now I am DEEP in the MSR pit hehehe)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ummmmmm I outlined an extremely ambitious fic based on the Threshold!AU that would be multichap to the extreme and I LOVE it a whole lot but I am not sure I will ever have the fortitude or attention span to actually write the whole thing. I want to so bad.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like the way I write movement and nonverbal comm. I also like my dialogue, once I get a good understanding of the way a character talks (it can take a bit).
Aside from that, I like my comedy. I love love love writing comedy. I love the beat of it, I love the nitty-gritty of correctly timing it, I love that it can be dry or slapstick or subtle or witty, I love that it can be situational. I'm not a perfect comedy writer, but it's a shoe that fits me well and, IMO, I continue to fit better and better as I learn and practice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
HOO BOY well,,,, lately I feel like I have been struggling with "show don't tell." IDK why. I also hate how often I start sentences with "He" or "She" and I wrestle with finding more interesting ways of beginning sentences. I mostly write short-form fics, but I am working on a multi-chap fic right now and I have discovered that longform plots can be difficult to wrangle. I just wanna skip the "plot" and get to the good stuff (the significant character scenes).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I could I would.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Way back in Yonder Years of fanfiction.net, I wrote for Marvel. Specifically, Captain America and Agent Carter. You will never find them.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
And Still, The Sea is Salt. I wrote it 2 years ago and it is still, IMO, my best work. It's a little more.... niche? of a ship and fandom (Pike/Una, Star Trek SNW) but I liked the story I told and the way I told it. And the poem I incorporated into it.
I also really liked my very first Star Trek: Enterprise fic, "Parent-Teacher Association," because I felt like I nailed the characterization and (as prev mentioned) I LOVE writing comedy.
This was fun! Tagging: @singeart, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade @jellybeansarecool @gaitwae @more-better-words @jenksel and anyone else who wants to
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