#una'vi havelzy
crqstalite · 5 years
without you. [kotfe letters]
So I felt sad last night and decided I didn’t want to finish my original thought for Tri and Malavai, so I wrote this monster of a piece, all letters, from my toons to their love interests. Now of course, I’m more sad than I was before and accomplished next to nothing. Is Ronnie canon for the Heritage universe? Bruh who knows at this point?
Written: 10.12.19. Words: 3,799.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
TO: Kira Delux
FROM: Kiveqil Delux
SUBJECT: About Satele
I guess we finally found our answers. That child you assumed Satele had? Finally met him. That's right, Satele Shan, a hero of the Republic and devout Jedi had a son with none other than a commander. Crazy, right? His name is Theron, I'm sure you would've liked him if you were here. Just a tad annoying sometimes, but friendly enough.
Please, Please let me find you,
He sends it, but isn't sure it'll reach it's intended recipient. Guzzling down another glass of wine, he slams his hand down on the bar to get the droid's attention for another. Usually a Jedi doesn't drink, if at all. This one, is in pain and his aura radiates as such. A singular tear slips down his pale cheek as he rubs a hand against his eyes.
TO: Archiban Kimble
FROM: Una'vi Havelzy-Kimble
SUBJECT: Ronnie.
It's been so long, but I would never forget a face. Especially not yours. Not someone who loved me like no one else would. Someone, who even though I fell from the light, never stopped caring about me. Thought I was still the best thing to ever happen to you, right down to every little freckle on my face.
You haven't met Ronnie yet. That's our son's name, but it can't be too hard to change once I find you again, if you want. He was as much a surprise to me as he was to Kiv. Obviously at first he was pissed, but he treats Ronnie like a son himself. I think it's rather endearing, but make no mistake. My heart belongs to you first and foremost, and as soon as I find you, you're getting the longest kiss in the history of kisses, got it?
Updated: I visited Ralltiir with Ronnie today. I...I searched for you high and low, but no one could give me an answer to where you were. I can't find you, Archie. It's been five years, this galaxy is only so big. Where are you?
She shuts off the terminal, rubbing at her eyes as she shifts her grasp on the young, dark haired child in her arms. She chuckles, should her son get any bigger, they'd have to work out the fact that mommy can't pick him up as much anymore. She frowns as she lays him down next to him, the boy curling up on his side against her. Everyday, he looks more and more like her husband, and something about that unsettles her.
TO: Felix Iresso
FROM: Naji Iresso
SUBJECT: Anniversary.
Today's our anniversary, Felix. I'm sure you remember, you always did. How sweet you'd be to me, how you'd beg for me to return to bed with you. Sleep is scarce these days in the Alliance, and most of my time is spent with the Commanders, trying to get things done. But once all the blaster fire has passed overhead, I come back to my quarters every day and pray I see you one last time before I take my final breath.
There is no death, there is the Force. I just wish that the Force would bring you back to me.
With Love,
Delicate singing fills the air as lays on the grass, hair pooling out beneath her as the stars twinkle down at her. Tears well up in her eyes as she prays Felix hasn't become one of them. Simpler times would've allowed her to spend the night with him, more than enough time in the galaxy together. Now all there is, is blaster fire, lightsabers igniting, fighting. So much discord in the galaxy, and not one signature cries out like his does.
TO: Corso Riggs
FROM: Ghenkl Riggs
SUBJECT: My Last Run.
Think I'm gearing up for my last run around the galaxy searching for you, Corso. As dismal as it sounds, I think this is finally the end. I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm not twenty anymore. I'm already forty, and as much as I love you I can't keep perking up at every mention of some smuggler terrorizing the galaxy. I wish it were you, but it never is.
Bet you'd laugh if you saw me now, all run ragged with grey hairs. Drinking more than I should because I know my final days are coming. Rum, beer, the like. Stars, just come home, please.
Fun while it lasted,
It's not hard to see the woman is exhausted, dark circles underneath her eyes as she clenches a blaster in her hand. It's well worn, but clearly well loved as she looks down at it fondly. Rubbing at her eyes, she stands away from the terminal and holsters it. What's running through her mind isn't clear as she walks away quickly, her head held high as she grimaces.
TO: Aric Jorgan
FROM: Hakiojkl Hyperion-Jorgan
Home is where the heart is. That's what my mom says every single day, every day I come back to her. It's been a while since I've been on Coruscant.
It reminds me too much of you. What we've done, what we've accomplished. Who we've saved, who we've avenged in the name of the Republic. After officially being discharged from the military when I did get back, Garza kept a spot open for me the whole time. I never wanted back in, I couldn't handle being in a squad without you as my right hand man.
Blast it, writing things always made me jumpy. I could never get my words out right, and it just sounds back even typing this. But gods, Aric you're my husband. If you've been sending me things, I'm sorry I never found them. I don't know what you're doing out there, but I'm sure you're doing some damn fine work. I don't know whether you're alive or not, what happened to the rest of Havoc.
I haven't been home in years. My heart still lies with you, and until I find you, I'm homeless.
The dark skinned woman isn't quick to rise from her seat after meetings anymore. The way she lingers, as if she's waiting for someone is unsettling. As if ghosts haunt the hall ways of the Odessen base, as she crumples on the ground without her real leg, phantom pains making her cry out for her lover. With no one to save her but her previous comrade, it's a heart shattering walk back to her cabin as she cries over and over again for him to come get her.
TO: Elara Dorne
FROM: Xev'heng Lumere
SUBJECT: Last Life Day.
You've always been good at treating me right. I feel like I haven't exactly provided for you since then.
It's been years, I know. I know someone like you would've found someone else, someone to support you through all of this. I know I loved you, I know you loved me. But I abandoned you, for five years. Five years of pain, five years of longing. I know it's been hard for me, but I can't imagine how hard it's been for you.
I'm searching for you as I write this. The Alliance has been searching for recruits, but as much as they need a new medic, I need you. I need you back, Elara. I've been a mess without you, and I can't last like this.
It isn't hard to see how the man grieves. A portion of his lekku is missing as the other hangs limply down his back. One of his previously lavender eyes has gone grey, though he's always so quick to find his old commanding officer to help her through the pain. However, his suffering hides far beneath his smiles and sarcasm.
TO: Malavai Quinn
FROM: Tri'ama Amarillis-Quinn
SUBJECT: Stations.
It's always been a matter of station with you, hasn't it, Malavai? Statistics, reports, briefings. Rising in the Empire after hitting a ceiling. A rising star before being kept on Balmorra. Then, you met me. Things changed after that, didn't they? You met Vette, who you despised at first before you came to care for her. You met Jaesa, though you weren't ever terribly clear what you thought about her. You met Pierce, who you thoroughly hated, though you worked with him well. And Broonmark, though neither of us grew terribly close to our furry protector.
You tried to kill me. End my life there on the Transponder Station above Corellia. How it pained you so, how I had to hear some of your bones crack sickeningly against the blastdoor. How you made me jump for months afterwards. How I still didn't trust you completely when I agreed to marry you, agreed to let you back into my quarters, back into my heart.
What am I trying to say, Malavai? I'm trying to say that though I was horrible about showing what I thought about you, that I loved you. That I loved the way I could catch you off-guard by planting a sneaky kiss on your cheek. That I loved the way you could catch me off-guard by pulling me in, one arm around waist as you kissed me hard. The way we would wake up together in the morning, and go to bed together at night.
You've surely risen in your station, Malavai. I hope the last few years have treated you well, that you've finally become more than just a Captain. That you can lead an army of your own men now, instead of being in that army. I wish the best for you.
I don't know where the Alliance is taking me, but galaxy be damned if they try to keep me from my husband.
Once you told me you wished to continue being my loyal captain and dutiful husband -I kept your letters after all these years, yes- to that I respond with this: I wish to continue being your imposing Darth, and loving wife. Do you understand that, hubby?
Do you know how much I miss you? How much I still love you?
The Darth is harder to read, her emotions aren't as prominent as others who have lost their lovers. She accepts, she moves on. She continues to cut down those who stand in her way, she continues to be a beacon of hope for the Empire. But something about the way she doesn't let anyone take care of her injuries, is worrying enough.
TO: Andronikos Revel
FROM: Mierrio Revel
Remember how I didn't ever like that you drank as much as you did? How I'd be annoyed when you came back wasted?
I see the appeal now. It gives me time to forget about the pain of losing you. About the pain of being alone. I feel fuzzy, like the last five years have all been a dream instead of my twisted reality. It burns me so bad, but I'm willing to endure a bit of pain just to forget how much I miss you.
Hate wondering whether you've finally kicked the bucket, with all the kriffing shit you get into. Your reckless flying, the way you'd nearly sacrifice your dumbass for me. I can't feel your presence anywhere, and that scares me somedays, Nikky. You never knew whether we were going to be together forever, and neither did I. Back then I wouldn't have cared less for you saying something like that, because whatever came up we'd kill it together.
Now you're gone, and I'm still here. I know you said that we'd be together forever, while we were in each other's orbits, and until the stars finally went cold. I'm scared, Nikky. I really think this is the end. It's been too long for you to still be out there.
Come home, you kriffing dumbass. You know where to find me.
From first glance, you never would've guessed the woman was a Sith, capable of murdering hordes of enemies beneath her lightsaber and lightning. She looked like nothing more than a spaced out spacer, staring out into the void of her ship, throwing back yet another bottle of rum. Something snaps, as she throws the glass bottle against the wall, and it shatters into thousands of glass pieces as she roars in anger.
TO: Mako Li'ui
FROM: Theksevoy Li'ui
SUBJECT: Honeymoon.
I never got you your fairytale ending, and I'm so sorry. It was always 'tommorrow' or 'when we have the credits'. I'm so sorry Mako, you deserved better than me.
If I ever see you again, when I see you again, we're ditching this whole business and blasting off to the far, luxorious corners of the galaxy and living like royalty until the galaxy catches up to us or we die. Whatever happens, we do it together.
Someone in the Alliance (I'm betting it was one of the Ciphers, Nine and Twenty-Six always manage to mess me up) found our records and sent them to me.
I love you, Mako Li'ui.
Everyone was afraid of the brute, Mandalore's Champion. Everyone knows his name, but not his story. No one wants to get close, to make him snap, to make him angry. The only people that have come back without a horror story to tell is the small, thin Intelligence agent. No one knows what she did for him, but he protects her with his life now.
TO: Torian Cadera
FROM: Ba'shira Cadera
SUBJECT: Get Away.
That hunting trip would've been nice, cyare. Should've taken you up on it earlier, before all this Alliance business happened. Had I not been there, I would still be with you. Hunting down the big game, bringing home the prizes with you. Spending every waking moment with my Torian.
Skinned myself a nice beast. Beasts, in fact. Without Bounty Hunting and since I haven't been able to find your Clan (our Clan, right? Never felt all that welcome), been collecting hides and such. Think you'll like 'em when you get back, cyare.
Everyday is my aay'han without you there with me,
The woman is a clean shot, always. The target is never empty, and the holes never waver from the bright red target. It's terrifying, in fact. The way that if you bother her, she turns from the firing range but still shoots perfectly. It's enough to keep anyone in the Alliance from bothering the Mandalorian, even though somedays she wishes someone would continue bothering her. To keep her from thinking these horrible thoughts.
TO: Vector Hyllus
FROM: Rubiksi Delux-Hyllus
I've visited nests. I find them fascinating, and for the most part, they accept my presence. Some kinder nests enjoy my visits, though I had to leave most rather hurriedly, they wish for me to become part of their nests. I'm not sure they understand that I am human and don't wish to Join them, but they let me be.
Those of the Oroboro nest are harder to convince. They know me, and they love me. In a way different from the way you loved me, like siblings, like parents. I spent a majority of my time on Alderaan with them before the Alliance came to be...I had dark thoughts, Vector. I really believed it was time to end it all. The cliff where you saved me became my home for months on end, though every time I couldn't bear to slip off without knowing if you knew I was still alive.
So I didn't. I considered other ways of getting rid of my consciousness. Drinking has always made me nauseous, so I kept away from doing so. Bounty Hunting affected my conscience in a way I didn't think it would after everything Intelligence put me through.
I wanted to Join, Vector. I thought that if I let them absorb me into the colony, that I'd see you again. That everything would just fade away. I remember you once told me you didn't want me to either, because my individuality would be gone. I brushed you off, I'd already known that my individuality had been stripped away by the SIS and Intelligence. But, as the search continues I've accepted that this is who I am, and taking this away wouldn't make you happy.
The Alliance found me, told me Cipher Nine could help them with the fight against the Eternal Empire. I believed they were crazy for a moment there, what would a lowly Cipher do against a galaxy-spanning tyrannical ruler? They were quick to convince me that I could do a lot, and with my ties to Intelligence, it wouldn't be difficult to have a leg up in the war.
I thought if I helped them, they'd help me. They tried to, tried to find you. But they needed me every waking moment, leaving them as an ally of the Alliance made me a target. It isn't until now we've begun really searching for those lost during the war.
I was told Killiks lost a majority of their nests as well. I can't imagine how that feels, but those I built a connection to are in pain. Mutual pain is never something I wished to endure, and for now I've accepted I don't belong with the Empire anymore. My allegiance ended as soon as they used them for canon fodder.
I pray you were one of the lucky ones, Vector.
The most listless out of all the recruits to the Alliance, the lithe human female stares out the window, blonde, brittle hair over her shoulder as she leans against a pillar. It seems everything is too big for the woman these days, as she tries to hide herself among the crowds. A ghost of herself, the amber-eyed agent isn't sociable, and many are afraid to approach her. But, no one wants to admit they're afraid one day they'll wake up and she won't be there.
Some bonus letters from characters who didn't romance Bioware's LIs.
TO: Theron Shan
FROM: [Redacted]
SUBJECT: [Redacted]
Hmm..You've always been a tough one, Shan. Slippery, odd. Never really ever landed on how old you were, whether Theron or Shan was really your name. You're good at your job, I'll give you that.
I'm not going to say I'm sorry for being gone. After Yavin, [Redacted] and I had our differences. She didn't trust me, I didn't trust her. Lana was having her own issues keeping [Redacted] from doing something catastrophic, and didn't trust me not to switch sides again. I'm not apologetic for what I did, and I never will be. I look out for myself first, you three second.
But this? This is rather odd. [Redacted] is an interesting place to hide, especially among [Redacted]. Given, this has been my home for a while, and [Redacted] was easy to convince to let me stay here too. I have my ways, always. But I suggest you go back to pretty boy, think you've really struck a nerve now. But [Redacted] is going to throw a fit if you show that shaven head around her again.
The water front has been a nice home for the last few years as she giggles, baring her teeth as a woman wraps her hands around her waist, tickling her until she can't breathe. Though, the giggles are cut short as the Cathar woman's eyes widen, hearing them before the door breaks down. A shriek as silk flies, one look behind her and she's out the window, tumbling to the ground in little more than a sheer top and a skirt, she begins running, cursing the man's name under her breath.
TO: Aristocra Saganu
FROM: Scy'arla Tuvii
SUBJECT: Red Flame
I didn't understand what that meant until I looked into it among the other Chiss at headquarters. Once I did, you can't imagine the kind of warmth that sent. I'd only known you for a few weeks at best, but I wish I could've gotten to known you better. I know I'm little more than just a Twi'lek in most Chiss eyes, but I really did feel like I was more to you. I hope it wasn't misplaced.
We both have responsibilities past the other's knowledge. I know you're rather important to the Chiss, but I don't pry beyond that. I assume you know more about me, but I don't know how far that goes. I hope if you did learn anymore, it doesn't go much further past my objectives on Hoth with regards to Intelligence. I don't think you could see me in the same light if you knew more, I'm sorry.
Whether this reaches you or not, I'm not sure. You're busy, I'm busy. You're not like other men, I have a past I'm not ready to admit to. I'd like to extend an invitation to a suite on Dromound Kaas if you could ever get away for that long. It's beneath you, I'm sure, but think about it?
The Alliance doesn't seem to have taken the same toll on Scy'arla. The Cipher is rarely around, if at all, as a supplier. Still loyal, and frankly terrifyingly, to the Empire, she can't be relied on. The first assumption is that she is their traitor, that she has finally sold them out. But, when the time comes, her hands are clean, and everyone is left in surprise when the real traitor is outed among them. A chuckle here, an 'I told you so' there, is the all the agent leaves behind.
TO: [Redacted]
FROM: Darth Ezridivia Uvon
SUBJECT: You know what.
I know you have something to do with this. You always did have a hand in the cookie jar [Redacted]. As frustrating as it was to deal with you, I really do wonder whether you assisted Theron with this. You two were always a bit too close, though you argued all the time and butt heads even more than he and Lana did. You'd known each other for so much longer, worked together to get things done. You might've been gone for the last five years, but I just know you're behind this somehow. Theron wouldn't just do this to the Alliance.
I know someone like you, would.
The pureblood Sith woman paces back and forth, as her blonde comrade types away at a terminal. A grimace here, an angry monolouge there. The woman had no shortage of anger for the agent and his partner, even though she wasn't ready to admit that neither would do this without provocation. She fed off the raw emotions of shock and anger from those in the Alliance, but her nearly melancholy wife really kept her from snapping.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 10, into the lion’s den pt. 3 (doc && una’vi)
oh this one was a doozy. being brand new to doc’s romance, we’re winging it here because we only just finished chapter two-
psa: please write more doc fanfictions. i love him.
written: 8.15.19. word count: 3,563
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ character song: in the name of love, martin garrix & bebe rexha
character file: jedi master una'vi havelzy, heroine of tython, archiban ‘doc’ kimble
four years ago.
“would you please be more careful from now on, beautiful? marring that pretty face of yours doesn’t bode well for either of us.” doc’s skilled fingers rub kolto salve over the long cut from her shoulder to breastbone. “that’s definitely going to scar.”
“i don’t know whether you’ve noticed, but everything scars.” una'vi responds, hissing as the cold liquid is brushed against the slowly healing wound. he’s trying to be as gentle as possible, but she’s relieved when the gel begins to ebb away the pain, drying on her olive skin. “you should know.”
“as your only still functioning doctor or as your boyfriend?” doc questions as her face reddens. una'vi walked into that one, and was too slow to keep the words from gaining such a tone. he bandages the cut, and once he cuts of the end he looks directly into her eyes, “hey, in all seriousness i’m glad you’re still alive.”
“thank you.” she says, voice softening as she fixes the strap of her bra. “i’ll try to stay that way a bit longer.”
“guess that’s all i can ask for.” he shrugs as she rolls her eyes as she slips her shirt back on, trying not to stretch her arm too far in either direction. he stops her just before she stands from the bed, brushing a hair back from her messy haircut. their eyes meet, just for a split second before he tilts her chin up a few millimeters to meet his lips.
una'vi tries not to recoil, she does. but this is still new to her, as flirtatous as she can be towards him, kisses still are foreign territory. it’s short, but sweet. and she adores every moment of it. “alright, as much as i love you, i still have things to do.” he says as she fidgets with her warm hands.
“other than me?” she asks sarcastically, nearly egging him on as she wraps her arms around her neck and pushes herself off the medbay’s cot to wrap her legs around his waist. doc’s off balance for just a moment before he adjust his arms to hold her under her thighs. her sky blue eyes twinkle with mischief as his brown orbs look up at her knowingly.
“fine, fine. one more.” that turned into two more, and then three. and then, she ended up in his lap, whispering sweet nothings to one another.
“what do you mean she’s missing?!” kiveqil’s reaction wan’t much better, as they all sit around the active holoterminal, masters satele and iresso (he thinks it’s iresso, it may still be unara. doc has more pressing matters to find out, like where his wife is) in various forms of shock. “doc, you didn’t think to tell us?”
“she said she was visiting family, she told you!” he argues back. it’s only partially true, and he’s hoping kiveqil can’t tell. nothing ever gets past his girlfriend’s master, but this wasn’t the time. “she was supposed to be back by now…”
“i was never informed of this.” kiveqil says sharply. it was odd, the zabrak jedi rarely if ever got angry with anyone on the ship, even annoyed. however, even doc knew it’d been a stressful week (stressful life for some of them) for kiveqil, and let him have his space as he paced back and forth around the holoterminal. “you knew that we were needed for the mission to alderaan, and you let her go anyways.”
“hey, i’m not standing in the way of a woman and her family. so little of us have family to go back to anyways.” he responds, crossing his arms. the face that una'vi had given him when she’d said she was visiting her family was one of purity. he wasn’t sure how long it’d been since she and her family seen each other last, but he really did figure letting her go was best. “you really think i wanted her to go missing?”
“calm yourselves, please.” master iresso rubs her temples in annoyance with their bickering, “doctor-”
if a jedi could look like they were going to snap purely out of annoyance with the doctor of the defender, the blonde jedi was the epitome of it. “doc, you mentioned that una'vi hasn’t answered her holo in the last forty eight hours, correct?”
“that would be right.” he’s not choking up. no, he’s not. she was supposed to answer, always. in case it was an emergency and she was needed on the ship again. una'vi never skipped his calls, in fact always seemed ecstatic to answer them. he hadn’t done anything to set her off, he thinks.
“it’s not like her to miss or skip calls.” kiveqil answers, turning from doc to the holoterminal. “master satele, she hasn’t returned to tython?”
“no one has reported seeing her after we put out the alert. no other masters have answered either.” satele responds. “i’m giving command of this operation to you, master delux. you can continue with the alderaan mission, or you can send agents in your place to search for master havelzy while the peace talks occur.”
“i will still attend, whatever your decision master delux. if we can learn about the sith here and now, we should not pass up this opportunity.” master iresso responds. “you may look for your former padawan, and the mission will go on.”
kiveqil hesitates before answering, before turning to his wife. “kira, do you think you can head the search for una'vi while on planet?”
“it’d be difficult, especially if we’re staying in the thul palace. the imperials are going to be watching us, sith or otherwise.” kira answers, pacing. doc recognizes the genuine concern, una'vi and kira were as close as sisters when kira was a newly graduated knight and she was barely more than a padawan. “i think searching for a jedi knight, a known hero of the republic, would set off a few alarms.”
“t7, could you run a search on the holonet while we’re gone?” kiveqil turns to the astromech, who chirps sadly.
“t7 = capable. t7 =  will find una'vi at all costs.” he answers, a piece in his head whirring as he goes about his task.
“then kira and i will still go down to alderaan. there’s no need for you to go at this alone, master iresso.” kiveqil says, restabalizing his voice. “doc, did she say anything specific about where she was going? i wasn’t aware una'vi had any family.”
“said something about balmorra, little outpost near bugtown.” as the words leave him, he regrets them as master iresso’s face changes into one of concern.
“doctor, you are aware of revolt occurring on balmorra, yes?”
“i am.”
“then you would also know of the recent flare in imperial activity near bugtown?” she says, a touch of sarcasm toning her voice. “zenith and i were there before the fighting started.”
kiveqil cocks an eyebrow that asks how the kriffing hell did you not know this at him, and he tries not to make contact with either jedi. “is an extraction plan a viable option?”
“that would be a negative, master jedi.” rusk responds, nearly making him jump out of his skin. “chances of finding the other jedi and returning without being wounded is 26%, without the possibility of sith interference, which lowers it 17%.”
they’re all silent for a moment as they soak in what the sergeant had just told them. “o..okay then. master iresso, the mission continues. do you know of anyone who could assist, possibly a balmorran native or someone who knows the planet?”
she doesn’t even think, “zenith. as a politician and ambassador to the planet, he knows balmorra inside and out, as well as having connections to the resistance. they could search for her while we’re undercover on alderaan.”
“it sounds like a sound plan.” satele nods. “i hope she is found, and soon.”
“you and me both.” kiveqil says. “i’ll see both of you soon.”
the two women on the holo nod as they each sign off the holoterminal. kiveqil is similarily rubbing his temples as doc can’t help but cross his arms. he’s beginning to regret letting his wife leave the defender on her own. and he has to realize it’s not just him either, kira is concerned for her best friend, and kiveqil is concerned for his padawan. he’s not sure what sort of relationship she had with rusk, but she was surprisingly friendly with scourge.
“i’ll be back, archie.” she drawls out, grinning. her teeth are just a little uneven, a gap in between her two front teeth that never got fixed. her dark, midnight black hair curls around her ears, freshly cut. (by herself, but steadily done in front of a mirror instead of with a knife. it was still messy but cute, just as he knew her for) “i’m not going away forever.”
“i know gorgeous, but who’s going to spend these long days in the midst of space with me?” she rolls her eyes as she presses a kiss to his cheek, shifting her bag’s weight to her opposite shoulder.
“i’m sure kiv would be happy to spend a day with you.” she says, giggling. doc knows that it would be the opposite (the master jedi sees him as a bit amoral and unable to know when enough was enough), without the sense of humor and greyishness (apparently grey jedi were such a thing, and una'vi was considered one) una'vi was known for, the day would be long without her. “i’m kidding, but i’ll be back before you know it.”
“i hate to see you leave, but i love to see you go.” she cocks her head in confusion as she has to think the sentence through, confused by his intentions. however, she shakes her head and throws her arms around him. his lips brush hers, just for a moment before she jogs out the defender to the awaiting orbital station.
like any good man, he misses her. like any good doctor, he’s concerned for her well-being. possibly, she was captured…or worse. stars, whatever state she’s in, he prays he can save her. she’s come back from worse, broken ankles, a concussion at one point, a displaced shoulder, you name it, his wife had survived it. how, he blamed the force.
“doc, do you know what family she was visiting?” kiveqil asks, as t7 rolls out of the room, rusk marching out behind him. “mother, father…siblings? does she have siblings?”
“isn’t she your padawan? how didn’t you know she had family left?” he asks, genuinely curious. he figured with how close they’d been even before he’d met una'vi, that kiv would’ve known some basic things about her.
“she’s your wife.” kiveqil answers. “most jedi who come to the temple don’t have family. i figured una'vi was part of the 80%.”
“well, she mentioned her mother and brother. she didn’t say anything about her family being behind enemy lines or anything, so she should be okay. maybe she just had bad service at the last check in?” he’s hoping, going on out on any limb that he can.
“it’s possible. remember ord mantell?” kira turns to kiveqil. “the service was just bad in the orbital station. maybe she thought the holo went out, and hasn’t checked in since because of it.”
“that seems too convienent. if that was the case, we’d at least get a garbled message.” the jedi master responds. “t7’s running his scans and such, and so is the council. while we’re gone on alderaan, i’d like it if both of you assist with the search.”
“you’d better believe i’m finding her, kiv.” he responds. first and foremost. forget getting published, forget the hospitals. he was una'vi havelzy’s first, doctor second.
“i will…assist in the search.” scourge responds, like a large black and red shadow he emerges from the the doorway. “if we must, i will bring the jedi home.”
kiveqil hesitates before answering. “good. t7 and rusk both know these ground rules, but i want to extend them to both of you. do not contact kira or i unless it is an emergency. and i mean, not 'i’m out of shampoo’ emergency. the defender had better be on fire, because this mission is very fragile. we were lucky to even be able to attend, and finding out what we can about the sith is priority one. if we can prevent even one major battle, then we will.”
“understood, jedi.” scourge says. he nods.
once scourge and kiveqil leave, kira wanders over to him, hands behind her back as he moves to leave, playing with the silver band on his ring finger. “doc, you know we’ll find her. una’s fine, she’s a natural born survivalist.”
“she can’t even start her own fire without something else catching.” he deadpans. that, is wholely true. one camping trip in on alderaan, and doc swore off ever going again as he had to help her pat out her traveling gear and put kolto salve on a first degree burn on her hand. not a fun trip, but it proved his point. una was a woman of action, and sadly, she may have skipped her survival safety day at the temple. dropping her into the middle of a warzone, with or without weapons may have been a death sentence.
“it’s just you seem nervous…scared. which is of course, natural i guess. but really, who’s going to kidnap a girl with two lightsabers and the force?” kira asks.
“the sith?”
kira pauses for a moment before answering, gaping like a fish before she closes her mouth, settling on a more comforting answer than a sarcastic one. “you’re right i guess, but have hope. it’ll be okay.”
kira leaves as he makes his way back to the medbay. by the stars he hopes she’s right.
“edda?” the green nautolon woman turns around, smiling. “chae needs another blanket.”
“i’ll get right on that, una!” she chirps, speeding off in the other direction. she’s fast for a woman her height, only 5"3. una'vi smiles contently as she curls her dark hair around her index finger as she heads into the next room on her list. a small chiss female with her two sons running around her hospital room smiles silently. una'vi only knows her as idressil, possibly mispronounced by her toddler sons, a victim of war at an outpost near sobrik when the resistance led an attack on the city. losing her voice box, the chiss woman stays at the hospital to possibly receive another and to be treated for third degree burns. her sons, gavil and lovee, are rambunctious but lovable. like all the patients here, she enjoys their company.
idressil nods first to the boys, who are fixated on the umbaran train rolling around it’s set on the ground and then gives her a weak smile. una'vi nods in response, it means the boys are fine and she isn’t in enough pain to warrant another IV drip.
she would’ve loved to bring doc with her, given he’d try flirting with everything that had a pulse (something that gave her anxiety on a regular basis, but she’d keep that to herself if it kept this dysfunctional relationship alive), but he was literally a doctor. he’d be more help to these people than she was, and she served as a warm face to remember to keep up the good fight. however, knowing her crew, leaving them with only kira and kiveqil for healing, they’d be dead within a matter of days. otherwise, she would’ve brought him to meet her family. she’d sent a holo, a quick one, to her husband to remind him to pick her up on the orbital station later tonight, after her last dinner with her family (strangely, he hadn’t responded. he always responded to her messages). as a balmorran refugee, una'vi had been sent to the temple just a bit after the age of six, and hadn’t seen her family since. being with the other olive skinned and dark haired members of her family always warranted a smile as she hugged her stepfather and mother, and newfound younger stepsister.
it was odd at first, as they waved at each other from across the foyer like strangers (given, they were). but after only a few hours together, it was like they’d grown up together, losing track of time and only laughing once they glanced at a chrono, realizing it was nearly time for bed. ky'li ran her fingers through her haphazardly cut hair, commenting she loved her spunky style, and una'vi braided hers, absolutely adoring the silky smooth hair that flowed between her fingers. though related, ky'li wasn’t force-sensitive, but was good with a saberstaff. she spent the last three days teaching her the jedi’s various forms, and after watching her duel a resistance captain, una'vi’s confident her family will be just fine without her.
(it’s also hilarious watching a 5"5 human woman go ham on a 6"3 muscular cathar resistance captain. she got a holovid of it to watch when she leaves.)
the jedi master is just rounding the corner, almost running into her stepsister as the hospital shakes, the lights flickering as screaming erupts. holding on for dear life, she and her sister grip each other’s forearms. it’s not long after the shaking stops that everything goes pitch black after something hits her hard, and she loses her grip on her sister.
it’s another few minutes before she feels safe to move. or at least, until she comes to. she panics, feeling trapped. something heavy is on her chest as she shifts, another unknown object causing a stabbing pain in her chest as she cries out. she hears someone moving near her as she croaks out a strangled, “ky'li!”
calling out on the force, she can sense someone else slightly above her as she forces her eyes open. the stabbing pain lifts from her chest as her lungs fill with air, and the light floods her eyes as she chokes. sitting up nearly immediatly, crying out as her side cramps. her hand flies to the area, as her hands come away sticky with blood.
immediate situation, right.
nothing seems broken (maybe a rib or two, that’d happened once before and doc had chastised her for it), so stock is good. death isn’t in the cards just yet.
trying to force herself up, a shadow is in the way of the sun. how long has it been? the sun is up again? she’d been at the hospital in the late evening. her heart rate is only going up, and as soon as she finds out what’s going on, her endorphins will kick down a couple of notches.
looking up as she shadows her eyes, she almost scrambles backwards in fear. it’s a dark clad twi’lek, however not the pale kind that usually populate republic space. a lightsaber hangs from his waist as her eyes widen in fear. somehow, through the madness, her own twin lightsabers remain clipped to her own belt.
he looks around with disinterest before extending a gloved hand to her. hesitating as her heart nearly beats out of her chest, she allows him to pull her up. cringing in the heat of the sun and as her side bleeds, he begins channeling something as purple light surrounds him. her hands go for her sabers as soon as he does, and he stops.
“that’s right, if you try to kill me, i try to kill you.” she huffs through the pain.
he looks confused for a moment before returning to a cold, arrogant face. “if i were trying to kill you, i wouldn’t have saved you from certain death under all that rubble. now let me heal you.”
he has a near perfect imperial accent, which she figures is odd. from her basic knowledge, it’s said the empire didn’t particularily like non-humans. and this one, was a sith. odd.
but the words fade from her mind as a warm feeling fills her body, flowing through her limbs as the wound loses it’s edge. her heart slows as she slumps into his arms involuntarily as he mumbles what she assumes is a curse under his breath. “i’m going to need you to walk should you survive this.”
she tries to shake her head back into a correct state of mind. “feeling…loopy. what’d you do…t-to me?”
“a basic healing ritual. i didn’t expect it to have such effects, but it must have worked much better than originally expected.” he sounds as if he’s making notes of this, “you seem to be of the jedi archetype. i will bring you back to sobrik, until you are well and i can release you into the plains of balmorra without having your death on my conscience.”
“you shall…do no such t-thing.” she slurs through her words, trying to fight back against the black that clouds her eyes for what she believes to be the second time today. “lemme go.”
he rolls his startling amber yellow eyes. “that was not a choice nor an option, jedi.”
she doesn’t struggle as sleep overtakes her weak form. the last thing she remembers is him bending down a bit to fit an arm underneath her knees and another under her back to support her into a bridal carry.
sho’jka??? what are you doing in this fanfiction-
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 15, into the lion’s den, pt. 5 (una’vi && sho’jka)
another chapter for una’vi as she and sho’jka get to know each other while she’s a bit incapacitated. i think i’ll write another installment for hakio & aric in a bit.
written: 9.8.19. words: 4,168.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ character song: hush, aviva
character file: una'vi kimble, grey jedi & sho'jka tabari, apprentice to darth amarillis-quinn.
una'vi comes to, eventually, the blinding light of a medbay. she's not sure which medbay, or why, but takes a deep breath to remind herself she's alive.
which she would've done if a stabbing pain didn't erupt right underneath her right lung, as she gasps out for air, coughing as the pain spreads.
the same flowing feeling that makes her rather sleepy invades her body again, but numbs the pain away. she's still a little concerned she may have shattered a rib or two, and reminds herself to take shallow breaths for now.
her glassy eyes roll over to someone who's sitting next to her. the room is tiny, and the one light is dim, as if it's on it's last powercell. however, from what she can make out, it's the same twi'lek from the day (days?) before. he looks just as intimidating as from before, but he's removed his headgear that had covered his scarred jaw and is skimming a datapad she believes. he has one hand out, purple light emnating from it in her general direction.
"you've awoken i see." he says, bored as he puts the datapad down on a side table just out of view.
"that would be right." she struggles to say. this sith healing is making her feel loopy as hell, like that one time doc had to put her under because she'd managed to get shrapnel stuck in her side trying to save a little girl on corellia. not a particular memory she enjoyed, spending two days confined to the medbay because she kept pulling stitches every time she moved, but it gave her an excuse not to jedi things with kira and kiveqil for a while. and spend some time (when she wasn't in pain) with doc. "where am i?"
"sobrik." he answer with cold definition. "i couldn't heal you properly in the plains, after the bomb struck i figured i could not release you back into the wild without healing you first."
into the wild? "thanks i guess?" she pauses at that thought, before nearly bolting up and remembering her injuries. "the hospital! survivors-"
"i'm sure there were a few. an air strike like that couldn't have tactically eliminated everyone within the building." he says, moving his fingers this way and that as the light glows green before shutting off completely from his finger tips. he stands from his chair as she tries to prop herself up. dull pain is beginning to spread across her body as she tries to do a quick stock check. it feels like she has all 10 toes and fingers (if she doesn't she'll find out later) and nothing important feels like it's been tampered with. she's still in her undersuit, though without her boots, belt, bracers or gloves (a thick black thermal turtleneck and leggings). it's sticky with what she assumes is her own blood just under her knee as she cringes in pain. "i suggest you don't move too much. you're a rather active sleeper, hence why i had to stay in here last night and keep repairing your stitches with dark healing." he turns, cocking an eyebrow in curiousity, "that doesn't bother you, does it?"
"no?" she can figure many jedi would have issues being healed by a sith. una'vi, doesn't. she's alive and that's all that matters at the moment. besides, a sith healing her wounds isn't the oddest thing that's occurred in the last couple of hours. "should it?"
he seems surprised, his golden eyes flickering with amusement as his lips curve upwards. "i believed all jedi despised the sith. you are an exception to the norm,..." he pauses where someone else would've said her name. "jedi."
"you can call me una." she nods, as she examines her hands. all of her fingers, two of her nails have chipped and her left pinky is wrapped in a bandage, but it should still be functional. it's not, she finds as she bends it experimentally and has to use the will of the galaxy not to cry out in pain like a child as she raises her head from the offending limb. "and you are?"
he seems surprised, being asked his own name. his face returns to it's neutral tone as he continues scrolling through his datapad. "dusk, apprentice to the emperor's wrath."
she's about to ask where the wrath would be (what even does an apprentice do? is it the same as a padawan? and isn't the wrath scourge? or has the emperor found another one in the red sith's absence? does scourge have an apprentice that he never told her about?) when the door slides open, a panicked looking woman on the other side of it. her dusky red curls are arranged to frame her face as she calms herself, brushing invisible dirt off her skirt.
"kavelle, i told you not to disturb me while i'm here." he says darkly, his back ridging immediatly once he gets a sight of her. she's rather tall and lanky, nearly the same height as the sith and just about skinny enough to be gaunt. her skin is an olive brown, as her eyes glow with the same radiance as any sith's. black and purple surround her eyes like a bad makeup job, but una'vi's bright enough to know that she's been corrupted.
"i also do not care." she retorts, her imperial accent strong as she strides into the room, locking the door behind her. "you're not even supposed to still be here."
"nor are you." he says, crossing his arms. "you were to attend the court."
"i didn't wish to. nox understood this and then assigned me to balmorra, why are you here now? i was told you were to be at court." she says, blowing a strand of hair out of her face as she frowns in annoyance.
"my ring!" una'vi realizes sometime in between kavelle's arrival and her heated exchange with dusk that her wedding ring, a diamond encrusted band is not where it should be on her left hand. in fact, it's nowhere on her body and she's having a not-so small freakout over it. "where is it?"
"what?" kavelle asks, as if finally realizing una'vi exists on the medbay bed. "by the stars what is she screeching about?"
"my wedding ring." she tries to cross her arms and seem intimidating, but her shoulders are not having it as they howl to be contorted into such a shape. "where is it?"
"don't growl at us for your problems." the woman answers, narrowing her matching amber eyes. "it's not as if we stole it."
una'vi really doesn't want to put it past this woman that she didn't, but can't sense she's lying. that, or she's hiding it well beneath her aura.
"kavelle, hold your tongue." dusk says, before turning his attention back to the grey jedi. "i'm not sure where it could've gone. possibly it is buried in the wreckage of the hospital. i didn't bring you in with it on."
"if the man loves you so much he'll find you another." kavelle says, tone still icy cold. "and do not tell me what to do, dusk."
"i'll do what i like while you're in my station, valhall." dusk retorts. "what do you even need from me?"
"you hadn't been present for debriefing from the general for the last two days. i was curious about the peculiar way you'd been acting lately, so i tracked you down here." she says, pacing closer to una'vi's bed. "what even is this? i sense both the light and darkness from her. how old even is she?"
"i'm not an it." the sleepiness is beginning to fade from her mind as she addresses her, shifting to try and get out of the cot. "i'm a grey jedi of the jedi order, and i'm most likely older than you." una'vi isn't actually sure about that last one, she's only twenty-six. sith always tend to be older than they look. in most cases, at least.
"you've brought a jedi here?" kavelle whips her head around towards the apprentice. "are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"no, kavelle. now quit getting involved in things that don't include you." he says, cutting her off as he walks closer to her, trying to force her out the medbay doors. "doesn't nox need you for something?"
"she's away at court. of course she doesn't." kavelle visibly steels herself against the twi'lek's efforts. "how do you intend to get her out of sobrik, with so many sith meandering around?" nox must be female then. una'vi had never had the pleasure of meeting the woman (and hoped she never would) but filed that fact away for later use.
"you radiate enough sin to keep them from noticing the likes of her." dusk deadpans. kavelle doesn't look shocked, or even offended. the rib that's trying to penetrate her lung thankfully keeps una'vi from laughing at the underhanded jab. "now leave me be, would you?"
"how rude. do tell how you're going to keep her out of sight of the overseers." her laugh is like the tinkling laugh of some mystical creature, mixed with the laughing of someone who's smoked for millenia on end. it's unsettling as she leaves, and una'vi tries not to think too hard about it.
"ah, so you've now met the insultingly ignorant and brainless apprentice to darth nox." dusk says, pressing on the bridge of his nose in irritation. "and would you sit back down before you pull your stitches again?"
"you're rather infuriating yourself." una'vi says, frowning as she sits on the edge of the bed. in all seriousness, she's still upset about the hospital, her sister, her family. everyone. no one had expected an air strike, no one had been evacuated.
stars, doc didn't know where she was either. she'd been heading back to her own room to speak on her holoterminal when the strike hit. oh no, and that mission she was supposed to be on...
"how long has it been?"
"since?" dusk asks, adjusting something on the bedside table and clipping a lightsaber to his belt. his eyes flicker back to her as her heart races. was ky'li okay? had she also perished when it had hit? her parents?
she'd only just met her too.
"since the strike." una'vi asks, panicked.
"well, it was three hours since the strike that i'd found you. someone had convinced a commander to search for survivors, the majors and whatnot always need more alien slaves." he says bitterly, and una'vi almost asks why before realizing what he means. "i went down because i was curious whether anyone had survived. you did, somehow. you were trapped under at least half a foot of rubble. under closer examination, one of your ribs had been snapped out of place, and you'd sustained a concussion and a displaced knee. i had originally assumed you would die within the day, but i brought you back to sobrik because i was genuinely curious about you. like kavelle said, you radiate both dark and light energy. it's truly intoxicating."
"you make it sound like i'm some sort of speciman." una'vi responds as dusk rolls his eyes.
"i can assure you, i see you as more than some pesky animal." he clears his throat, "it's been four days approximately since then. you've made a full recovery, thanks to me of course."
"i'm sure master iresso could do it in three." she says teasingly as dusk furrows his brow in thought. she's not sure whether that's true or not, but she's been healed by the fair jedi a few times, and it always feels like a calm river running over her injuries. given, it also makes her feel loopy, as dusk's did. "what about the survivors? do you know where they are?"
"i'm not sure. i don't follow such things, i don't approve of it either." he responds. "possibly the more lax military men have taken some as their personal slaves, regardless of their species. others may have been killed if they were too injured. others, shipped off world."
"a human girl. she looks just like me. did you see her in those who survived?"
"i didn't see a list of those who survived, i apologize." he coldly answers, not a speck of emotion in his voice anymore as her mood drops. in all fairness, it had already dropped passed just being sad anyways.
"fine then, my holo. was that with me when you found me?" given, it hadn't been charged in some hours when the strike hit, but she prayed that it had still been clipped onto her belt, where she usually kept the small communication device.
"oh, that dastardly thing? it rang for the first two days and promptly shut off before i charged it myself. it's been off since then." dusk responds. "whoever was calling was adamant you answer."
"that was probably my husband." she says sheepishly. that sounds like her doc. "where is it?"
"i had to put it back together, it was nearly in pieces when i first found it on your belt." he picks it up off the side table as she tries to stand, before vertigo hits her like a wave. he gently pushes her back with two fingers before handing her the communication device. "i suggest you stay sitting. i healed what i could, but i don't have the power required to heal you fully."
"just hand it over." she says a little more forcefully than intended. he does, and pressing the buttons required, her usual mainframe comes up without an issue.
"where is your partner at the moment?" he questions. "i have programmed a firewall, sobrik tracks all communications, and if they're currently in republic space you won't be able to contact them."
she gives him a sour look that she hopes communications that she's about to salt all of his fields and stab him through with his own lightsaber. of course doc is in republic space, he's with the others. where else would he be? "then deactivate it."
"unless you intend to leave in your current state, i don't believe i will. it's simply too risky, and i would also be held responsible if kavelle caught wind of it and reported me to the overseers." he seems almost a touch nervous when he answers, "and if the wrath learned of that, she'd have my head."
"then get me out of sobrik." she says, yanking on the front of his robes as she pulls herself up. her knee still feels as if it is out of place and she has to throw her shoulder back to release the tightness that's built up in it. "get me out so i can call for an evac."
"that's also rather difficult, una." he says, not even flinching. he's getting more infuriating by the moment, his features not even matching that of what he's saying. completely poker faced, and she's about to poke out all of his most important organs. "the sith will sense you, and then they'll begin asking questions that neither of us want to answer."
"if you can install a firewall, you can get me in contact with my husband without alerting your damned overseers."
he considers her request for a moment, before picking up the communicator from where she'd dropped it on the cot. untangling her fingers from his robe, he walks away from her to a corner of the room, where the other holoterminal resides. bending down, he fiddles with the wires within the skeleton for a moment. una'vi falls backwards onto the cot, trying to hold back the tears of her emotions from the days past. doc might've thought she was dead, her new family either thought or were dead.
being dizzy and rather warm isn't making the situation any better. the people she'd been helping were most likely dead, the chiss twins may have been taken away somewhere. into slavery, or worse.
she stops thinking when he returns to her bedside, tears welling up in her eyes as she brushes her hair back. without a hair tie or any pins, it's messier than she'd wished. he has her holocom in hand, but wires are coming out of any avaliable socket and the holoterminal it's connected to is playing some commercial over and over again. "you have fifteen minutes before the connection is tracked. get in what you need to, and i will wait for you to finish outside. do not push this limit, or i will not hesitate to portray it as if you are a prisoner of the sith."
he's gone before she can say anything else. no thanks or even a witty quip come to mind before she looks down at the pitiful combination of metal and wires.
una'vi doesn't hesitate before punching in doc's holocom code. her fingers are shaking as her vision goes blurry a few times before it's accepted and the line begins ringing.
one ring.
two rings.
three rings.
it can't be that late i.s.t, can it? if it's still daytime, it might be the middle of the night for them. why else wouldn't he pick up? has her code changed because it's hooked up to a different terminal?
she's biting her lip to the point it bleeds when it rings for the sixth time in the empty room. she shivers, it's chilly even through her undersuit.
"una?" her heart races when she hears her name and sees his face come up on the blue projection. "una...where are you?" he says, his words rushing out before she can even formulate a sentence.
"i'm on balmorra, archie. i'm on balmorra and i'm safe for the time being." her voice is beginning to crack as she tries to explain her situation. he just seems more and more concerned as she continues along with the last four days. "a sith took me to sobrik after the air strike. i don't know when i'll be able to make it back to bugtown..."
"that doesn't matter right now." he cuts in, "you're alive and that's all that matters."
"i know, i know. but i was supposed to be back three days ago to go with kiv and kira...and my sister, and my parents-" she has to pause for a moment there, tears threatening to spill over. "archie, i'm scared." she whispers, just loud enough for the speaker to catch it. "i'm afraid i won't make it back."
"hey, don't cry beautiful. master iresso already sent someone out for you. you'll be back on the defender before you know it. he says, trying to comfort her.
"i lost my ring." she says, completely out of things to say.
"it doesn't matter. i'll get you a million when you get back." he says, running a hand through his hair. "can you stay on the line?"
"for a bit, they'll track my communications if i stay on too long." she says, trying to keep one eye on the chrono and another on the projection. "what is it?"
"zenith, master iresso's contact, mentioned that he can probably get to you if you can make it out to gorinth canyon, or somewhere near there. after that, he says you'll be in the clear. i'd let him explain it, but he's kinda grumpy and it's an ungodly hour of night." he says, trying to lift her spirits with a joke. "you said a sith brought you in?" she nods in response, wondering if dusk can hear her. "you think you can get back out on your own?"
"i highly doubt it." she responds, twiddling her fingers back and forth. "i'd need help."
he mulls that over for a moment, before she speaks up again. "the one who brought me in is, less grumpy than the ones we've encountered before. he says he can get me back out, but it'll be difficult."
doc sighs. "alright, let me talk to him."
she doesn't argue with him, stumbling to get up as doc chastises her for being so reckless again. managing to get the door open, she hands the combination of wires to the sith. dusk steps back inside before doc begins explaining who he is in quick basic as dusk attempts to follow. they talk back and forth for a bit (she's beginning to realize dusk has different answers for different people, rather angry with kavelle, informative with herself and it seems as if it's like speaking to a brick wall for doc), before it seems they come to an agreement about something as dusk reminds him they have a limited amount of time before sobrik's communications catch them. dusk hands the holocom back to her, muttering something about saying goodbyes as he steps outside of the room again.
"well, that was only mildly infuriating. don't trust him too quick, yeah beautiful?" he asks.
"sure." una'vi responds, rolling her eyes before squeezing them closed in mild pain. her eyes refocus on her husband as the world stops spinning. "i miss you, archie."
"i know, and i'll get you back no matter what. i'd run in there myself if i could, but kiv assigned me and scourge to holding down the fort." she hears a sarcastic tinge of humor behind his voice (holding down the fort in kiv's words always meant 'don't leave the defender unless you wish to perish when i get back), before he smiles. "i love you, una."
"i love you too, archie." she responds, before the connection cuts out. looking away from where doc's projection had just been, dusk stands with the wires cut between the connection. she's curious how they were cut without his saber ever being ignited, but she wouldn't put it past him that he just snapped them with brute force.
"so someone's coming for you?" he asks, letting the wires fall from in between his fingers.
"from what i understand, he'll only be able to get to me after i get out of sobrik." she responds, bringing her knees up to her chest and propping her head up on her forearms in between them. "i still need a way out and a functioning holocom anyways."
"so you still need me, then?" he asks, voice cold as ever.
"yes." she answers, wincing as she nips her lip again with her front teeth. "you can still get me out, right?"
"i can try, if kavelle gets off my back about it and the wrath doesn't request my presence." he says flatly. even she can see why dealing with the wine colored sith is a horrid idea, even more for her, where she'll be killed (or worse), if she's found. "now sit back, i believe i have enough in me to heal some of your other more pesky wounds."
as he expected, she's out like a light when he's healed some of her concussion symptoms and her knee (which she's tried shuffling on, and it seemed like it was annoying her the most). he nearly is ready to crawl into the cot with her, as exhaustion takes over his immediate thoughts. healing is much harder than it looks, and captain quinn's explanation of doing so doesn't apply to sith.
at least the woman is alive. as conscienceless as kavelle is, he'd feel a little upset if he let her die on the remains of the hospital the empire had struck. his master was quick to teach him to never kick someone when they're already down, or land the killing blow quickly. torture wasn't her way, it was either redemption or death. sho'jka has chosen redemption for her. he'd feel bad if this 'doc' never saw his wife again. as eccentric as he seems.
the red twi'lek makes his way down the halls of the hospital. it's rather desolate here in sobrik, as there haven't been too many skirmishes as of late with the resistance. given, he's hidden her away in one of the least used wings of the hospital and locked the door with a passcode, but it doesn't hurt to be careful.
he does consider for just a moment, if he'll be able to get her out as he strides into the warm, humid air of balmorra. he wrinkles his nose, the air full of gases from pollution. sobrik is over defended, even with the majority of sith that were brought to alderaan for the court. he'd never heard of a zenith terrorizing the general population, but balmorra typically wasn't his station either. usually he was stationed on korriban or on the fury assisting where he can. but, since his master had given him a choice to attend court or not, he was doing his trials by fighting the resistance.
he'll try, at least. while he was at it, he'd at least look at the survivor reports that his soldiers had compiled.
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crqstalite · 5 years
OC Song Meme
because i dont have any photos of the many otps together, i decided to do a solo song meme for my toons >:)
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kiveqil delux
glad you came, the wanted.
i picked this song for kiveqil because it’s most literally his personality. he’s glad he’s found a family in his crew, including his wife, new padawan, doctor, previous wrath and soldier. he’s glad they’re here, he’s glad they’re alive and with him.
una’vi havelzy-kimble
trouble, neon jungle.
i picked this song for una because it’s (again) her entire personality. she’s trouble, and she’s proud of it. as a grey jedi, she no longer follows the jedi code or participates in the jedi order. she accepts she’s teetering on being a sith, and that’s okay. she likes to be trouble, and if people don’t like it, she’ll write them out of her story.
naji iresso
all the stars, kendrick lamar & sza.
i picked this song for naji because she accepts everyone. that they may have come from a less fortunate background, that they’re rich and have no idea what to do with it. that they’re coming back from a spice addiction, that they can’t get close with others, that they’re scared of war and it’s repercussions. as an ambassador to the rift alliance, she’s ready for whatever comes toward her, and is ready to become friends with anyone who’s willing.
ghenkl riggs
level up, ciara.
i picked this song for ghenkl because it literally means she’s leveling up. what past traumas affected her, she’s now moving past them and doing what she loves, and isn’t going to be shamed for it. she’s beautiful, strong, powerful and rich. and stars be damned if anyone’s going to hold her down from reaching the next level.
hyrenne hajak
be careful, cardi b.
i picked this song for hyrenne, because she struggles to keep real relationships (not unlike the kids at my school). she’s too free with who she loves and trusts, and gets too bored too quickly. instead of showing real emotions, she hides behind holos and acting tough. spending credits on lavish things is only to replace the person she wished she could spend them on, and acting tough in front of others is only to replace the fact she can’t protect her lover because she doesn’t have one.
hakiojkl hyperion-jorgan
juice, lizzo.
i picked this song for hakio just because of the fact it literally means she believes she’s beautiful no matter what. though i have yet to touch on it, she is a little bit thicker and more muscular than most woman, leading to a bit of off-putting bullying by men and women alike before she was drafted into havoc. through acception, hakio is a strong, beautiful woman and doesn’t apologize for it.
xev’heng lumere
starboy, the weeknd.
i picked this song for xev’heng because he is a literal starboy. as much as he isn’t innocent, he tried to protect his older sister the best he could before she ran away from the faction that raised him. living among the stars afterwards, xev lets the galaxy take him where it pleases. he doesn’t try to force fate anymore after his meeting with his sister, and what happens, happens.
synntai pakar
change, zach callison.
i picked this song for synntai, because while she has very little character development, she’s strong and never gives up in a fight. while her past has been rather difficult, and struggles get her at every turn, she never puts her head down and is always ready to make a change. synn (or tai) is always trying to make a difference in the galaxy, hence the chosen song.
ryean wystern
boys, lizzo.
i picked this song for ryean, because while it isn’t the point of the song, he believes everyone is beautiful and doesn’t always need someone to lean on. he likes to be the emotional support of havoc, and is also gay. also why i chose this song, as he’s had many lovers throughout the years, but has yet to find the one. he thinks they’re all rather handsome though, short, tall, thinner, thicker. he isn’t ever picky.
tri’ama amarillis-quinn
god is a woman, ariana grande.
i picked this song for tri’ama because the song is literally referring to god as a woman. considering the way malavai sees her, i figured this was a good song for the powerful emperor’s wrath. the way she radiates pure power and isn’t afraid to flex it, makes it obvious she’s deserving of this song.
sho’jka tabari
poker face, lady gaga.
i picked this song for sho’jka (or dusk) because of his literal poker face. he doesn’t show his real emotions unless he has to, and often they’re rather out there and amoral. he doesn’t have many friends because of this, and is very cold because he can’t read a room. he is good at sabaac because of it though.
mierrio revel
shameless, camila cabello.
i picked this song for mierrio because it it mostly describes her relationship with andronikos and how freely she shows her love for him. it also shows that she doesn’t care who knows what about her. she’s powerful, and she will not apologize for it.
kavelle valhal
bodak yellow, cardi b.
i picked this song for kavelle because while she is proper, she also doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone. given, she’s not as per se, traditional (being trained by mierrio, of all people), she’s extremely powerful. nearly on par with ashara and xalek though being years upon years younger, kavelle fights with the spirit of a lion, and happens to also like to seduce men into doing what she wants. a shock of lightning or a night alone usually gets the job done. and with pierce, a trooper and inquisitor can get a lot done together.
theksevoy li’ui
16 shots, stefflon don.
i picked this song for thek because while it is powerful as fuck, it’s also about a girl protecting her mom. as bloodthirsty as he seems, thek just wants to protect his motley crew and family, and will do anything to keep them safe. hence why i selected this song for him.
ba’shira cadera
cool for the summer, demi lovato.
i picked this song for ba’shira because it’s her whole personality. she’ll party all night long, and rarely if ever cares what others think about her. she’ll drink, she’ll drive (not in that order), she’ll definitely get down with you. but, she always returns to torian in the end, and has never cheated. she’ll party all summer long if she could, and works to make her cash in the end.
rubiksi delux
nightmare, halsey.
i picked this song for rubikisi because her life really has been a nightmare. nothing goes right for her, from being abandoned as a baby to being taken in by her siblings who eventually disappeared in a plume of flames. being taken by the empire didn’t help either, and she’s accepted that her life is a literal nightmare. as much as her crew tries to help, she knows she isn’t special, and is just waiting until the day she can go to sleep eternally, and finally be free of this nightmare.
vscyla ‘scy’arla’ lumere
other friends, sarah stiles ft. zach callison, dedee magno hall, estelle and michaela dietz.
i picked this song for vscyla because it details the fact that she got left behind. the republic didn’t care to come and get her, and of course she turned to the dark side. so absolutely angry, she fought back, becoming part of intelligence. though it’s an absolute bop, it’s rather depressing. she hates the way the story ended, and is fighting back against it with brutal force. she brings others into it, even though they had nothing to do with it, and isn’t afraid to hurt herself in the process.
pretta kachsi
i have questions, camila cabello.
i picked this song for pretta because she has so many questions. why did kal leave her? why couldn’t he just stick it out with her? why did marr pick her, of all people? why was she put in carbonite and not left to die? why was she chosen to be the outlander, when there were so many others to do that job? why doesn’t kal love her anymore?
kal malik
sunflower, post malone & swae lee.
i picked this song for kal because as dangerous as he can be, he’s a true sunflower. he’s been through hell and back not only with the imperial intelligence and sith empire, but also with an abusive family and eventually, an abusive wife that didn’t treat him right. but now, he has a loving boyfriend and good friends, while also trying to reconcile with pretta. as much as the alliance can throw at him, he’ll always be the sunflower in the darkness.
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