#unambiguously open hellcheer
dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Parting with Nancy wasn't so sorrowful this time. They didn't really need a word for what they were. They both understood there was always going to be a connection between them. There was no escaping it. They weren't over, nor were they technically together. Nancy left for college with Chrissy. Nancy had practically squealed when she found out that Chrissy had dreamed of going to Boston University for school. She always loved Boston, and it had a great dance program. They had quickly agreed to get an apartment together. Steve knew without a doubt that Nancy could survive there on her own, but he was glad that a little piece of home would be there with her, someone who knew what it was like and why they screamed in the middle of the night. Nancy knew that Steve could never leave the kids, nor would she want him to, and Steve couldn't ask her to stay, nor would he want to.
"Hey, I thought I would find you here," Eddie said.
Steve was lying down on a blanket on top of Mount Weathertop, staring up at the bright twinkling stars. He was so relieved that they could all see the sky again. Eddie plopped down next to him.
"By all means, Munson, join me," Steve said sarcastically, without any heat.
"You know you want me, big boy," Eddie said. "You missing Nancy?"
"Yeah. You miss Chrissy?"
"Fucking miss her like crazy and it hasn't even been a day."
"Figured you two would have gotten sick of each other after spending like a month in bed together," Steve laughed.
"Fuck off. It wasn't a month. Did you and Nancy get sick of each other?" Eddie asked.
"No," Steve smiled.
"Can I ask what you two are now?" He asked.
"Friends, I guess. Something more than that, I don't know how to explain it," he said. "I know that we talked a lot about there being a future for us, whatever it is."
"Hm, well, basically me and Chrissy too. She straight up asked for an open relationship, though, and I was happy to give it her," Eddie said.
"Nancy's heart was always too big. She couldn't love just one person," Steve said.
"I guess that's something you and Nancy have in common," Eddie said.
"I just hope that we meet people who understand that it's never going to be truly over for us," Steve said, shrugging.
"You will. You're worth it," he whispered. "And who knows, maybe you've already met them."
"Have I?" He asked.
Steve turned on his side, supporting his head with his fist. Eddie did the same. They were no longer looking at the stars. They were now gazing into each other's eyes.
"I think so," Eddie said, flashing his dimples.
"So, this person that I might have met. . .they wouldn't get jealous of my relationship with Nancy?" Steve asked.
"No, because I think they would be hoping that you wouldn't have a problem with their own relationship," he said, placing his free hand on Steve’s hip.
"I definitely don't," Steve replied.
Steve bit his lip. He loved Eddie's beautiful brown eyes. They were so much darker than his own hazel eyes, and in certain lights, they looked black. Eddie's eyes were so expressive. They could say so much without Eddie ever uttering a word. Right now, they were saying that he didn't have to let go of Nancy in order to hold onto him. Steve smiled and pushed him until he fell on his back again. Eddie cackled. Steve laid down on his chest, laying down on him completely. Eddie wrapped his arms around him tightly and kissed the top of his hair. Steve pressed his ear fully against him, closed his eyes, and listened to the promise of his heartbeat. . .the promise of him.
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