#unbro shirt
bciwasinlove · 3 years
So for me and literally every larrie I know will say between the years of 2010 and 2019 L&H without a shadow of doubt were together and there are hundreds of MPs and videos on various sub topics to back up those claims right. Now I'm scrolling through my private twitter [which is all I have up right now] and this pops up.
The first ss is an ask [sent to a r*d acc who them and their followers spend all their time hating on H and trying to prove larry isn't real] that claims they saw Louis with a older man having dinner [on a date] while in Oxfordshire around Jan 2020 and the second ss is a fan who took a picture with Louis in Oxfordshire in Jan 2020 so a lot of r*ds use this as proof Louis is with some older man now and larry is [in their eyes] happily not together.
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Originally it was only really shown amongst the r*ds here on tumblr who hate H but now I'm seeing these ss on twitter and it got me thinking this doesn't make ANY sense at all. Louis being in Oxfordshire last year does but him being with a older man on a date in early 2020 doesn't. So this happened approximately January 2020 before the pandemic started. IF larry some how in 2019 broke up and Louis was with this Oxfordshire older man by early 2020 [seems like a short time to get over a 9 year relationship and get into a new one] tell me why did these following events happen AFTER the Oxfordshire sighting....
1) Louis in June 2020 wore this VINTAGE HARD TO FIND Unbro shirt that only comes in 3 colors and than in September 2020 Harry is seen wearing the same shirt a brand he never had worn before but a brand Louis as of late wears often. Why would Larry still be sharing clothes if they broke up and Louis was with a new man?
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2) Between April - June 2020 they tried SO HARD to make it seem like Harry got stuck in LA at the beginning of the pandemic and how he wasn't in London but as a Southern California resident I knew for a damn fact Harry was not in LA.
2A) Pics of Harry in a car on a sunny SoCal weather day come out but the week we got those pics all of SoCal was windy, cloudy and raining. My phone kept giving me storm alerts so those pics were not taken when they claimed
2B) Pics showing Harry in LA hiking trails when California was on full lockdown and all hiking trails were closed
2C) Around May 2020 Harry had two interviews on the same day BUT the time of these interviews was 2AM and 5AM LA PST so unless Harry is a vampire who doesn't sleep those interviews don't make sense for him to have been in LA the time works out if he was in England tho.
2D) All the LA Harry pics we got during this time he had the same hair style/cut, same beard length, same socks and shoes on, same shorts it was legit just some pics he was wearing his hat some he wasn't and some pics he had his jacket on and some pics he didn't. It's like it was one days worth of pics taken months before and than sporadically posted these pics for weeks during a time they wanted to make it seem like H was stuck in LA.
2E) Harry was in LA in Jan 2020, than he went to New York a month before lockdown started, had an interview there stating he was going back to London the following week. So when did he decide to go BACK to LA and than get stuck there instead of going home to London like he claimed? Also there was a private jet company specifically taking celebs from London who got stuck in LA bc of lockdown BACK to London so there is no way he couldn't have not gotten back to London if he was actually in LA. H was only actually in LA for less than two weeks during June than a week later we got pics of him running in London.
If Larry was broken up, Louis was with someone new then why did they lie and try so hard to prove Harry was in LA and not London at the beginning of the pandemic when he clearly wasn't?
3) One of those two interviews a dog barked in the background [Harry doesn't have a dog but we know who does] and instead of him laughing it off and saying it's his friends dog the ones he was claimed to be quarantined with in LA he freaked out and said umm idk where that dog is coming from when it was clearly in the house he was in. Of course over the next two weeks they shoved it down our throats that Louis, Eleanor and THE DOGS were all quarantined together in London.
If Larry wasn't together anymore and Louis was at that point with someone new than why did Harry freak out over a dog barking in his interview and why did they try so hard to push Louis was with Eleanor and the dogs after it happened? Why did ALL OF THIS happened if larry was no longer together?
Lastly the one who sent in the ask claiming they saw Louis on a date in Oxfordshire sent it in publicly and no one who truly has info would dare send in their info publicly. Anyone in the past who had some 👀 info they shared publicly their acc was suspicious deleted within the next few days. There's a reason all the larry receipts that make you go 😳 are anonymous some of them mention NDAS so they don't want to risk getting in trouble.
PLUS in the ask they go I was a larry BUT the minute one says that or the I'm a larry but line I stop listening. Those who have ever claimed shit like this in the past publicly saying that line were lying and doing it for clout. Example this fan on twitter last year claimed they were a larry but not anymore bc they had seen Harry and Nick together acting like a couple. Later on we all found out it was a lie mostly bc the twitter claims are from people who don't know how not to tell others in DMs they were lying. So I REALLY don't get why so many believe this one random ask when the facts speak for themselves L&H were 100% together during the time of this supposive date citing.
EDIT: @skepticalarrie made a good point to me in DMs the reciept could be true they saw Louis with some guy but why do they automatically assume it's a date it could have been work related? But looking back at the ss the ask says Dec 2019 the fan citing was Jan 2020 so still things don't fully add up and it's pretty sad how r*ds are GRASPING at any little thing to try and prove Louis isn't with Harry.
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larrybears · 3 years
De qué va la Umbro shirt? Perdón soy nueva
holi, luv. Te explico:
Le año pasado Louis estuvo MIA por un buen tiempo, casi no ha habido contenido de él. Un día Elk subió una storie con una foto que se veía sacada desde su galería, no cómo si la hubiera sacado en el momento. Era una foto de Louis con la Unbro shirt, acariciando a Cliff (cabe aclarar que tenía la luz bastante editada). Semanas después, una fan se encontró a Harry y él llevaba puesta la misma t-shirt.
Lo “chistoso” es que esa t-shirt era prácticamente única, tipo edición especial y vintage -si no mal recuerdo 😫-.
Acá las fotos:
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
What happened w the unbro shirt??
This post explains it well.
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