tinygryphon-58570 · 2 years
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Me @ the Beastclan lore update
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dire-vulture · 3 months
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omggg i missed it by a few days but happy 10 years of canon nonbinary Scribbles!!!
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deer-rising · 4 months
my uncle who works at flight rising told me that undel said whichever of these gets the most votes is going to be THE anniversary update this year!!!!!!!!
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goannafr · 2 days
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the dragons..no... they couldn't be...
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owleics-fr · 8 months
Man i do think its fucking weird how much fr devs seem to monitor the offsite community
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corvidus-fr · 3 months
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super quick musings on Fathoms. i like a lot about the pose + design, but i feel like they kinda suffer from Undel Sameface when everything about their lore is pointing towards "friendly gentle ocean giants". wanted to roughly sketch Merrigan for a side-by-side comparison, and then some rough doodles of how i might push the design in a chunkier, more cetacean-inspired direction - 3 is swapping the features but keeping the overall proportions/layout mostly the same, and 4 is pushing the proportions even further
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necoryn-rising · 3 months
I wonder how staff feels about us calling it Meat Heat
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plaguerare · 2 years
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tomswifty-fr · 9 months
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Pearlcatcher 1.0 was a very different creature.
The most significant differences are the structure of the horns and pearl. On Shimmerhides, the horns (and they all had multiple) grew together into a spiral that branched at the end, and helped both focus and discharge their magic - when under stress, excess magic will 'flare' from the ends of the horns and temporarily drain their magical reserves, preventing them from forming Emperors if killed. Some individuals learned to trigger this flare voluntarily to cast very powerful spells. This is very risky, however, and should only be attempted after years of training and meditation. Damage to the horns can result in ether an inability to flare or uncontrollable, constant flaring. The latter is a serious, but manageable, chronic condition; the former almost always leads to a drastically shortened lifespan since it opens them up to the ol' "exploding from too much magic" that other dragon breeds are vulnerable to.
Modern Pearlcatchers are vulnerable to losing their pearl, but their predecessors were much less so. Instead of turning their memories into an object, Shimmerhides added them to their bodies, which is where their name comes from. Hair will not grow on areas that have had nacre applied to them, leading some to apply their memories in decorative patterns or designs. The older a Shimmerhide gets, and the more memories they collect, the heavier their outer layer gets and the more difficult it becomes to apply. Some pearlescent statues are said to have once been living dragons who, after running out of usable skin, applied their final memories to their eyes, mouth, and horn and entombed themselves. These are almost certainly just legends, although it is possible to accidentally immobilize a joint by carelessly applying nacre to it.
Other differences include their lack of wings and knuckle-walking posture. After the Imperials, Lightweaver deliberately confined her next children to the ground. Since they are unable to fly away from danger or run very fast, their main defense is their pearl armor. Shimmerhide tails are an effective natural weapon (and their only natural weapon) - they are very long and the tips are both flexible and thin. Getting smacked with one can do a lot of damage, and it hurts.
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sandsurged · 3 months
guys i cant believe that there are bugs that staff didnt catch before releasing something and letting us play with it and try color combos or apparel combos or both. that literally never happened before.
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matoitech · 5 months
the longer i look at the new fr breed the more shocked i am anyone thought that was an even passable design that should be released to the public . it’s genuinely bewildering i feel like we’re getting punked
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nearly all the breed specific tert genes r like head spikes and antlers and shit to try and make it look more like an actual finished dragon and less like a bald toyhouse base (which feels mean to toyhouse bases..). and most of them r gems which is the premium currency
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dire-vulture · 2 months
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rifter-pride · 1 year
editing to add since i realised this is easy to misunderstand: this is a 100% serious poll. please answer it in the way you honestly believe! i truly just wanna know (this is not to make fun of anyone either, i am Just Curious)
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iniquity-fr · 16 days
starfall submission & discussion posts have been up for almost a week now and the sub post still links to the 2023 discussion post + the "how to enter" section at the bottom still says "homage to the Light Flight" on it, do we think they're ever going to bother fixing this or is it just going to stay like that lol
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mads-aka-mirror · 1 month
man cant wait to get that, what was it? Parrot and housecat gryphon combo for the prolly Nature fest?
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alum-fr · 2 years
Alright, I’m throwing my arcane-ancient speculations into the pot-
In an attempt to impress his Cool Older Siblings, the Arcanist makes his OWN race of dragons out of the materials he has on hand.
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(unfinished, but you get the idea)
The results are… deeply upsetting. The other gods, moldy horrified, tell him in no uncertain terms to GET RID OF THEM.
And, heartbroken, he put them among the stars he loved so much.
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