michellerps · 5 years
‘ we should change those bandages. ’/‘ everything okay? ’/‘ wait here. i’ll go run a bath for you. ’ /‘ i won’t leave you behind. I'm more worried you're gonna be so much higher than me ’//Holland/Carson
‘ we should change those bandages. ’  
“Should we?” Carson asked, smirking at Holland. “I didn’t know my partner was a part time personal nurse, too.” She hopped up onto the hotel dresser, sitting there as she began to rip off her bandages. It was just a minor flesh wound. Her poor forearm had fallen victim to Leilani and a chair shot. Better than her head, she supposed. It wasn’t bleeding bad anymore, but a new bandage was definitely required. “I’ll change it before bed, I’m gonna get in the bathtub first,” she told her. “My arm ain’t the only thing hurting after that little weasel got me.”     
“Wait here,” Holland said. “I’ll go run a bath for you.” 
Carson leaned against the wall as she sat, kicking her shoes off and letting them hit the floor with a thud. “You know, she got a couple hits on you, too,” she shouted after her, trying to be louder than the water that she could hear running now. It was probably only one hit really, once Holland had ran out to even the odds, she’d cleared house. “You could probably use a bath, too. What do ya say? Wanna save some water?” As Holland’s head popped into frame again, Carson laughed, shrugging. “I’m just saying. We should care about the environment more, or whatever.”
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‘ everything okay? ’  
No. Nothing was okay. Carson didn’t even know how to respond to Holland’s question, her tone already full of concern just from seeing Carson’s face. Concerned, but confused. Carson didn’t like to keep things from her girlfriend, but she hadn’t known how to even start to bring this up. And things had only built up since then. First, finding out she’d been adopted, and having been in the dark to that her entire life. Then, the realization that her birth parents were not only alive and well, but had other kids. Kids they actually cared to keep. Her birth mother had agreed to meet with her, she said she wanted to tell her other children about her first. It stung, being a part of so many damn secrets. Her adoption was a secret, her whole existence was a secret to her siblings. It was all so, so much, and she had no idea how to process it. 
So when Holland, her comfort, her home, asked if things were okay, she finally broke down. She finally felt like she was somewhere she could safely do that. “Oh shit, babe,” Holland’s voice was sweet as she rushed over to Carson, taking her in her arms. “Are you okay?” She let her quiet sobs answer for her, crying into Holland’s shoulder as she loosely held onto her. She’d tell her everything later, first she just needed to get this out. 
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‘ i won’t leave you behind. I'm more worried you're gonna be so much higher than me ’ 
It was probably rude to laugh, but Carson couldn’t stop the chuckle that spilled out of her. “You’re a nut,” she told her, shaking her head. She took Holland’s face in her hands, staring her in the eyes as she spoke. “No one’s leaving anyone behind. We’re a team. Even when we’re not one, even when you’re kicking Caleb’s ass and I’m fighting Cass. It’s still always gonna be me and you.” She kissed her forehead before letting go of her face. “But honestly, if one of us did move up without the other, you would eclipse the hell outta me, babe. You’re the most spectacular being I’ve ever known.” 
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gifowensgif · 7 years
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lambchopviking · 7 years
if Kevin doesn't win next week... I want Sami and Kevin to let Raw in. KILL'EM DEAD BOYS
lmao this would be so funny
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daylighthelps · 6 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💕 :))
Bless your beautiful heart!
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typhoidcandy · 7 years
underdogfromtheundergroundrps replied to your photo “EMMA as the Raw Women’s Champion.”
My partner and I have a hopeful theory that she possibly could win it at the Melbourne live show next week. It's a six pack challenge. We've got our fingers crossed ����
listen, i’m just gonna say this right now that if emma wins the championship in her homelands, my heart will burst from pure happiness. i don’t know if i can handle it!!!
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mitchtheficus · 7 years
@underdogfromtheundergroundrps: Just from reading his lips it looks like he’s saying ‘in gods name we pray, amen’
that would make sense! i don’t know enough about praying to know how it usually ends. i literally googled “how do you end a prayer” but none of what google brought up seemed right. guess i should…remake that gif *sigh*
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michellerps · 6 years
12. hand holding 
Kenzie had spent a long time pushing Gwen away. Not out of cruelty, but trying to protect the girl’s feelings. She’d stopped denying an attraction to her, but knowing it was more than just that to Gwen, she didn’t want to hurt her. 
Things changed. 
They may have started changing that night in the hotel bathroom, Kenzie selfishly letting Gwen’s desire for her ease her wounded ego and hurting heart. That night had been a lot for her. Between kissing Gwen for the first time and breaking down in Cam’s arm, she hadn’t known how she felt about things the next morning when she woke up with a vicious hangover. She still wasn’t happy with how her and Cam had left things. They weren’t on bad terms by any means. If anything, he clearly wanted things to be good between them. And Kenzie did, too. But as long as they wanted different things from one another, she couldn’t see herself being able to be around him. She needed to get over him. Something else she’d realized that night was that it felt so good to feel truly wanted and cared for. And Gwen made her feel those things. Not only had the making out been great, leaving her wanting a lot more if she was being honest, but Gwen had been so protective of her the whole night. Each time she became visibly upset over Cam, Gwen was the first one telling him to back off and making sure she was alright. Gwen was a good person. The kind of person Kenzie shouldn’t let get away that easily. 
She planned to sneak out of her hotel room quietly, not wanting to wake up Libby in the bed next to her, but when she got up, she saw Libby’s bed empty. Kenzie smirked knowingly to herself. “Good for her,” she muttered, knowing very well Libby was in Dylan’s room. She sent a quick text to Gwen, telling her good morning, and was pleased to get a response right away. Knowing she was awake now, she asked her to meet her in the lobby in an hour, so they could get some breakfast together. She didn’t tell her that she had a lot on her mind, because she didn’t even know what she was and wasn’t gonna bring up. She wanted to see what came up naturally and not set herself up for something she wasn’t ready for.  
It came up, whether she’d wanted it to or not. But as soon as Gwen mentioned the game the night before, as they sat down with their hotel coffee and bagels and various breakfast choices, Kenzie didn’t hesitate to push the topic further. Because just sitting there with Gwen, she was reminded how easy it was, and how nice. Everything she’d had on her mind, she knew talking to Gwen about them would be fine.
“I don’t know about everyone else, but I had fun,” she said, a hint of a smirk on her lips as she stirred sugar into her coffee, eyes sneaking a glance at Gwen. “With you, at least.” 
Gwen had seen the aftermath of the Cam conversation, and she surely knew Kenzie’s entire night hadn’t been the best. But despite everything that happened after her moment with Gwen, she wanted her to know that in that moment at least? She’d been in a good place.  
“Glad I could help out with that, Kenzie,” she’d reply back, her eyes focused on Kenzie, slyly biting her lip. “I know I had a very good time.” 
Kenzie’s eyes fell to the girl’s lips, feeling suddenly squirmy in her seat. “Yeah?” she questioned. 
She’d already made the decision within the ten minutes she’d been with Gwen that morning that she was definitely going to ask her out. This was something she usually wasn’t nervous about, she’d asked so many guys before. But she’d never asked out a girl before. She’d never felt this way about a girl at all. There was that one time, with Bek, when they were drunk and she had needed to sleep in a bed that didn’t smell like Cam’s cologne, with someone who gave her that attention she craved. But she didn’t feel anything. She felt a lot right now. Her usual Kenzie confidence had taken a hit lately, and that certainly wasn’t helping her here. 
“I mean, I hoped so,” she giggled, then paused. “Hey, Gwen… Can I ask you something? I know we never really talked about it, and Bek kind of said something that one time, but…” She hesitated, for only a few seconds, trying to figure out her wording. She also hoped bringing up the incident where Bek, drunk and not thinking, had blurted something out and confirmed Gwen’s feelings for Kenzie, didn’t make things tense. That moment itself had been a little awkward. “Do you like me still? Don’t feel weird if the answer’s no, because I get it and it’s totally fine. I’ve just been wondering.“ 
With how things had gone last night, she felt confident in the response she was going to get, but she still wanted to bring it up and ask. It wasn’t impossible that her feelings had disappeared, but a physical attraction hadn’t. Kenzie may have doubted her ability to be loved lately, but she knew she was hot, so it wouldn’t shock her. 
It was faint, but with how hard Kenzie was studying her face and reaction, she could see the slightest blush on her cheeks. “I mean… I didn’t wanna like, hurt our friendship or anything - still don’t, actually,” Gwen said. “But uh, if… if you’re asking, yeah.” Kenzie perked up in her seat a little, smiling, and hoped it wasn’t the most obvious reaction in the world. “Yeah, I do still have feelings for you.” 
Biting her lip in an attempt to cover her joyous response, Kenzie nodded, trying to play it cool. Needless to say, she was a little less nervous now. She flipped her ponytail off her shoulder and smirked, leaning across the table a little. Her hand that had been resting beside her plate slowly inched over to Gwen’s. Her fingertips brushed over Gwen’s own, then across her knuckles. “I can almost guarantee it isn’t going to hurt our friendship, Gwen,” she assured her, taking hold of her hand. “Especially since I wanted to meet you this morning to ask if you wanted to get dinner tomorrow night.” 
Gwen’s eyes widened, only briefly, in what Kenzie could only guess was surprise. Which, she supposed, was understood. Before last night, Kenzie had more or less dodged all of her affections. But she just hadn’t wanted to lead her on. At the time, her heart only had Cam in it. Now, Gwen had snuck her way in as well. 
Gwen turned her hand over, her fingers tracing over her palm before grasping it. “I’d really like that.” 
Kenzie was beaming, giving Gwen’s hand a light squeeze. “It’s a date.”
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gifowensgif · 7 years
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lambchopviking · 7 years
Part of me feels like part of this new unhappiness might come in part from the Neville stuff and the Jimmy Jacobs thing, 'cause like those are some of their best friends?? you know??
that’s what people are saying. i have hope that it’s a work and that i’ll look like a big ol’ idiot soon for being fooled by it, but my gut is telling me it’s legit. i’m honestly not shocked. 
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finalgwen · 7 years
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Cheers to @underdogfromtheundergroundrps for my new fave t shirt!
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nayroleplaysarch · 7 years
❤- for a heartfelt text/✌- for a happy text/✘- for a text that was meant for someone else/!?- for an excited text//Mel/Olly
❤ - for a heartfelt text
[msg → olly pop😍😘] I know I already said it like 12 times and you’re in Colorado now, but I really appreciate you coming to see me while I’m all laid up, even though I slept for nine of the twelve hours you were here.[msg → olly pop 😍😘] No one has ever cared like that other than Brooke. I just.. thank you.
✌- for a happy text
[msg → oliver😊] I know Brooke might be a little mad at me, but I talked about some merch ideas for just my own brand and I am so overjoyed with what we came up with. I’ll send you a picture if you want!
✘- for a text that was meant for someone else
[msg → oliver😊] No, this isn’t like the Connor thing. I can’t believe you’d even bring that up! 
!?- for an excited text
[msg → 😍💍] I know it’s a small victory, but I think I picked the flowers for the bridesmaids arrangements. It wasn’t easy because Brooke, but I did it. Babe, I did it!
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halberdierminister · 7 years
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Taking a #selfie before outing myself at work with this fantastic t-shirt from #redbubble designed by tumblr user @underdogfromtheundergroundrps
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motherboxing · 7 years
torukun1 replied to your photo: underdogfromtheundergroundrps: So uh… here’s a...
Making a parody logo of New Japan’s shitty gaijin stable is biphobic
okay, #valid. Whom represents the bisexual rassle fans, though? I will not stand for this #erasure!
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daylighthelps · 6 years
nicknames: ali (best friend, online friends, boyfriend), string bean (grandma and uncle mostly), a-leesh (by my sister, no idea how to spell that), leesh leesh (grandma), leesha (grandma), skinny minnie (grandma), honey (my friend carli), girlie-girl (grandma), ali-cat (my boyfriend), love (a few friends, my boyfriend), can’t think of anymore but for the most part my nana and sister are the only ones that regularly call me by something other than my name ??
zodiac: leo
height: 5′3 as far as i know
time: 1:10 am
favorite band / artist: matchbox twenty
song stuck in my head: ticket to l.a., brett young
last movie i saw: a piece of bixler high bc it was playing on nickelodeon 
last thing i googled: jace norman (to get the name of the movie)
other blogs: rp blogs excluded, @abbydeveraux and @facelesspics are the only blogs i actually check, and i have @aliciaswritinginspo but it mostly stays untouched until i get a random burst of inspiration to work on my novels
do i get asks: sometimes and it makes me v happy
why did i choose this username: it was a play on my middle name with ‘help’ added to the end, it was simple and i liked it
following: 845
average amount of sleep: anywhere from 5-15 hours lmao
what i’m wearing: a cat onesie
dream job: honestly, no idea, but i imagine it would have something to do with writing and maybe acting
dream trip: hawaii, if i don’t get to visit hawaii before i die i demand a refund
favorite food: nope, can’t choose
play any instruments: i tried to learn guitar but i couldn’t get strumming patterns down, and i’m currently attempting piano/keyboard but i don’t think i’m musically inclined and it’s freakin’ hard
eye color: blue
hair color: brown (i miss my blue hair so)
languages you speak: english
random fact: i still don’t have my license 
describe yourself as aesthetic things: friends marathons at 3 am, the smell of chlorine water, eating popsicles on an old porch swing, dancing through walmart aisles, tins filled with sentimental memories, blurry snapshots of laughing family members, puppy breath, crumpled up papers, green paint splatters
tagged by: @musepirations
tagging: @underdogfromtheundergroundrps, @mhaimuses, @spidcypools, @thirlwallwrites and anyone that wants to do this 
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aphroditzy · 8 years
i was tagged by the the cooliest gal @zainzolo
rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to know better
nickname(s): li (pronounced lee), ate, princess sunshine 
gender: cisgender female
zodiac: taurus sun, cancer rising
height: 5′0
hogwarts house: hufflepuff!
favourite colour: pink
time rn: 1:12pm
average hours of sleep: like 5-6 hrs
lucky number: um any multiples of 4????
last thing i googled: the guy who played beecher on the hbo show oz and if he was in drop dead diva
favourite fictional character(s): fiona coyne, manny santos, jane bingum, still santana lopez tho she says some questionable things but so do i so hey, amber holt, kristina braverman, matt saracen, lyla garrity, tami taylor, riley matthews, shawn hunter, willow randall from willow by julia hoban, rachel green, liv rooney, gloria gilbert from the beautiful and damned by f. scott fitzgerald, aaaaaaand caddy compson from the sound and the fury by william faulkner
blankets i sleep with: well there’s my comforter, then there’s this stitched quilt that a nurse gave me when i was admitted into the hospital when i was 13 and also my tmnt blanket i got las xmas
favourite bands/artists: john mayer, green day, the maine, nsync, ariana grande, hecka more but i can’t think of them
dream trip: all over france not just paris or anythin
dream job: owning my own business
wearing: a burgundy and white long sleeve body suit and that’s it. no pants on even tho i’m freezing
age of blog: almost 2 yrs???
following: 1248 but i don’t think some of them post and some of them are like daily blogs and shit 
posts: 28145!!
what i post about: what don’t i post about
when did my blog peak: did it ever
get daily asks: naw son
url because…: because i’m bisexual as friiiiiiick
TAGS 20 PPL I GUESS: @underdogfromtheundergroundrps, @rogueonerps, @gasolinaofrp, @svchacliche, @grryffindcr, @shaebuttahrps, and anyone else that wants to i just chose ppl from my activity bc i don’t know how to choose!!!
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grey-acefinn · 7 years
@underdogfromtheundergroundrps thanks for the advice! :)
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