#underhero scarf boy
masked-vee · 5 months
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"I was so scared when the hero came, and then my fellow underlings left me behind... I snapped all of a sudden, and let the chandelier fall... I couldn't believe what I had done... I... I am so sorry."
(OOC: Mouse sometimes has nightmares about the accident.)
Here's the no-mouse version
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kaissauce · 3 years
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Herotober day 1
“Let’s go save the princess, scarf boy!”
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Have some Underhero art that’s super experimental. There’s a Speedpaint on my YouTube channel but I’m too lazy to link it.
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shaykai · 4 years
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Have some underhero doodles! I wanted to draw more but I need to eat and go to bed-
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strawcherrysorbet · 5 years
Masked Kid: Rip to you two and the hero but I'm different
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dominic1276 · 3 years
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Y aquí tenemos a Shamo. Este monstruo puede ser encontrado en los apartamentos del castillo de Stitches en Underhero. En cambio aquí, es un agente que pertenece a WOTT (Working On The Tittle), una organización de cuatro personas que se encarga de recopilar información del subsuelo. Normalmente el pide una paga, pero al ser tu primera vez te dará una información de dudosa veracidad, por lo que no es más que un chisme vago.  Esta Aminocobra tiene uno que otro rumor que contar, quieres escucharlos? >>Yes:
Okay, Checa esto!
>>No: No? Bueno, lo haré de todos modos!
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masked-vee · 5 months
Slowly, Mouse opened their eyes. They were back in the Stitched Castle, Hero's Road, more specifically. Looking around, they noticed that the halls were bigger than before. Walking down the hall, they could hear voices. They ran as fast as the could, halls feeling longer the more they ran. The voices sounded... familiar...
"A............ou two, list....up! ...........ches gave................ha.....way. ........ill..........pass thr...............the boss.............defeat him!"
"You do.................just cannon....................we don't............that monster! ...............drop..............or something."
The more those voices spoke, the more Mouse realized who those voices belonged to.
"Well, we're not............ with that attitude...... Hey, you!...........The quiet one back................anything to say?"
The chandelier... Mouse thought as their legs shakily caried them closer to the voices. Bumping into a large mass, Mouse looked up, and their blood went ice cold.
"Ready to meet the masked void, worm?" A masked kid proclaimed.
"Wow, that was awful. What does that... even mean...?"
As the masked kids bickered, Mouse saw themself, shakily gripping the lever that connected to the chandelier. The same chandelier that crushed the hero.
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"I was so scared when the hero came, and then my fellow underlings left me behind..."
As if their body was controlled by something else, Mouse's past self pulled the lever down.
"Say, weren't we supposed to be a trio?" Realization hit the masked kid. "Oh, no..." At that point it was too late for anyone to react as the chandelier rapidly fell on everyone...
"I snapped all of a sudden, and let the chandelier fall... I couldn't believe what I had done..."
Mouse woke up screaming and clutching on to their chest. Cereza woke up to see her little friend hyperventilating. "Mouse...? Mouse?!"
"Wha...what's going on...?" Elizabeth asked groggily.
"I think their having a panic attack." The princess murmured.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Mouse repeated over, and over as they breathed rapidly.
"Oh no..." The hilt murmured. Cereza hugged Mouse tight as they gasped and sobbed, they were unable to hear her or feel her touch.
A couple minutes pass, the tiny Eevee slowly wrapped their arms around the princess, hugging her back, still crying.
"It's okay... I'm here... Ellie's here... You're safe... no one's going to hurt you..." Cereza whispered. "I promise..."
The two girls let the underhero cry it out, until they grew tired and fell back asleep. Cereza didn't let go of Mouse, not even as she grew drowsy herself, closing her eyes. The trio finally drift to sleep.
"I... I am so sorry."
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masked-vee · 7 months
Chapter 4: Sneaking Out
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Back at the Chestnut Kingdom, Princess Cereza looked out her bedroom window with a crestfallen look. All she could think about was her friends she knew for a short time. She gazes into the sunset as if Mouse and Ellie would suddenly appear over the horizon. It's been months since their disappearance. The princess felt hopelessness clutch her heart. But she refused to let it completely take hold of her.
Some people would tell her that it was just a few days and to just forget about them, but what would they know? They weren't the ones who masqueraded as a masked kid to find the hero's weapon and wanted to battle Lord Stitches. Cereza thought about writing again to Mouse and Ellie, but she's started running out of interesting things to talk about, to her at least. And the unsent letters were starting to pile up.
She can't keep doing this... She can't keep sitting here and do nothing! Cereza then looks at her Grey Kid outfit. Feeling the smooth glass-like surface of the mask, made her get a sense of nostalgia. Oh, how she longed to go venturing as the mysterious Grey Kid again.
A knock on the door made the princess hid the costume in her closet.
"C-come in!" Cereza tried to hide the panic in her voice. The door opens and She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Oaken walk into the room. "Oaken... Thank the gods its just you!"
"Yeah, I asked the guards if I could visit, and they told me you were in here." The brown-haired boy said. "What were you doing?"
"Oh, you know... Staring out into the sunset for what feels like years... You know, princess stuff!" Cereza grimaced.
"You're still thinking about them, aren't you?" Oaken frowned.
"It was that obvious?" Cereza asked. Oaken just nodded. "I just... I just feel so helpless. I want to help, but I don't know what to do..." Tears were threatening to fall, but she refused to acknowledge them. "I haven't felt this helpless since Stitches kidnapped me. Back when he was a puppet to that dice head..." She breathed out. A tear finally fell from her face. Despair started to sink in, but not for long. Her sad face shifted into one with determination. Like a fire started in her heart. Her mind was set! She knew what she wanted to do.
"I want to be the Grey Kid again." Cereza said with a firm tone.
Oaken just stared at the princess.
"I want to be the Grey Kid again." She repeated. "I know this is selfish, but I'm desperate to see them again. I never even knew Green Boots' name."
"So, when do you plan to sneak out?" Oaken asked.
"Tonight, you don't have to go if you don't want to." Cereza said. "But just know, you're not stopping me!"
"But what if I want to go with you?" Oaken asked.
As Cereza writes something, she pauses and turns to her friend. "Are-are you sure?" The dark haired boy nods. "Okay, while I'm getting ready, guard my door. Knock three times to warn me when someone approaches." Understanding his task, Oaken leaves the princess' room, allowing her to get changed.
Her gown neatly hung in her closet, and the grey hoodie took it's place. She always felt comfortable in it anyway, she's long since washed it. The red gloves and red boots fit nice and snug. Placing her crown on her desk, She hides her face with the horned mask. Finally her rapier, she always felt secure holding this weapon. Cereza checked the tip to make sure it was sharp. Princess Cereza was now the mysterious Grey Kid again.
After no warning knock, the disguised princess opened the door, and tapped Oaken on the shoulder.
"All set!" She whispered. Oaken followed Cereza inside. "Remember, not to call me by Princess Cereza when I'm like this. I'm just the Grey Kid, or just Grey."
"Got it!" Oaken nodded.
Grey tied his bed sheets together and threw it down his window for Oaken, since he doesn't have a hoodiechute like Grey. He looked at his unsent letters and decided to take the small pile with him, tucking them into his pouch. The Grey Kid sat on their window sill as Oaken got ready for his decent.
Just as Grey was about to take off, she heard her doorknob shaking, leaping off the window as quick as she could, as the door opened.
One of the knights looked around her room, looking for Cereza. Pulling the sheets off her bed, only to see a bunch of pillows that looked like a person was sleeping. He looked under her bed and desk, in her closet. "Princess? Princess!" The knight looked out the window as Grey hovered to the ground. "You! Grey child! Stop at once!"
You've got to be kidding me! Grey thought to himself. Thankfully, Oaken hid himself under the bushes until the knight looked away. Grey looked back, just in time to see the castle light up, and Oaken catching up to her.
"I bet you they think I kidnapped myself!" Grey laughed. Oaken smiled at that, and followed the grey kid into the woods behind the castle. The guards, although to far away to catch up, chased after them and split up.
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masked-vee · 5 months
Chapter 6: Despair
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Grey walked quickly, pulling the scarfed boy by the wrist, practically dragging him along.
"Prin- Grey, I think we can slow down." Oaken suggested. "The guards are probably far enough that we can rest." But the suggestion fell on deaf ears, Grey didn't slow down, nor did he want to. Because he knew that if he were caught, then it's all over. He'd be found out and never allowed to be by himself again.
The duo crossed cold rivers and carefully slid down slopes. Grey's feet started to get sore, so he led Oaken to a bundle of bushes, perfect size for two children to hide under. Now, this was the proper spot to rest.
"Where... where are we going again?" The brown haired boy asked.
"The Stitched Castle. I want to find at least a clue on where Stitches and T. Bur went." Grey explained. "If we find those two, we find Green Boots and Elizabeth."
"Wish they at least left us a hint to where they're going." The brown-haired boy panted. "Then again, those two probably didn't plan on or want anyone following them."
"They left... thinking they could do it themselves. But they've been gone for nearly a year!" Grey added. His face was slowly getting more pained. As Oaken spoke about how Stitches and T. Bur could find Mouse and Elizabeth by themselves. As Grey's mind spiraled further and further into despair. Doubt started to outweigh his hope. Maybe he can't find them.
"Grey...?" The disguised princess didn't respond. "Hey, we'll find-"
"IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!!" Grey finally snapped. "If... if I had taken Elizabeth, Green Boots wouldn't have gone missing... They would have... But why them? Of all people... why did it have to be them..." Grey's hands started to shake along with his voice.
Not knowing what else to do, Oaken held on to Grey's hands. "You would've been the one who was lost. Now, I may not know or remember what happened between you guys, but what I am absolutely certain of, is that those two are safe and alive."
"How could you know that...?" Grey asked between sobs.
"Because like you, I have complete faith that they're okay. And you losing faith like this doesn't match who you are." Oaken said. "This isn't like you! Not too long ago, you were determined to find the Masked Kid and Elizabeth. You can't give up now!"
Grey felt like she was slapped in the face from what Oaken said. "Y-you're right..." He sobbed. "I'm sorry... I'm just... so tired..." He was indeed tired, not just tired of waiting, but also physically exhausted. He just rested his head on his knees. Oaken rubbed Grey's back to comfort her.
The brown-haired boy looked around one more time to make sure that they weren't being followed. Knights would probably have search dogs hunting them down. Oaken looked for a path that would guarantee a secure hiding place. However, this led him to fall into an unexpected hole with a yelp.
"Oak?" Grey looked around and fell in the same hole his friend fell in. He fell with a reactive squeal, but at a certain point, he felt gravity shift as a trapdoor opened up.
"Where are we...?" Oaken asked.
Grey blinked a few times as memories flooded back. "We're in the old minions shortcut!" The dark-haired child motioned for Oaken to follow.
An aminoguana looking at a clipboard marched through the halls. The three bumped into each other.
"Be careful, young ones!" He grumbled.
"Oh, sorry, Francis!" Grey apologized as he helps the old lizard up.
"It's fine, just be careful, masked... princess..." Francis was about to say 'kid' but he quickly changed the word and tone, upon seeing the young princess' face. "Sorry, it's late, and you kids should get some rest. There's some space in the apartments if you wanna sleep. Children like you two need as much rest as you can get. Again, sorry for bumping in to you."
"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention." Grey laughed. Now that Frankie mentioned it, he and Oaken were getting tired. He looked at the elevator and lead the brown haired boy there and pressed the first button. The two waited in silence as the elevator slowly descended. Once the doors opened the two walked out and headed to the left. Grey opens the door marked 1-A, and Oaken heads to the door marked 1-B.
"Good night, Grey." Oaken smiled.
"Night." Grey responded. He shut the door behind him. "Hope you don't mind me using your room, green boots. I have to be at my best to find you and Elizabeth." He looked around the room, there wasn't much in the way of decorations. There were a few posters, and some hoodies hanging from a steel rack, and shoes just piled underneath.
The sheets on the bed were tossed to the side, as the last time the owner of this room was here, they were on their way to battle Grey from a letter falsely signed by Stitches. Looking back, he did feel bad for tricking them and nearly killing them. Grey finally laid down on the bed, feeling pained but hopeful. With a tear roll down his face, he shut his eyes, and finally fell asleep.
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