#undertale amino letters writing contest
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oops I drew Undertale again. 
 This picture was actually an illustration for my contest entry on the Undertale Amino, which runs all kinds of creative contests often. There's always one happening over there, and the one that's been going on this past week is the "Letters Writing Contest", where you write a narrative that consists of two characters from the game writing letters back and forth to each other. I don't write as often as I draw, as art often takes me ages, and writing can be just as slow of a process (even though I write REALLY fast - so I should really write more)! It was good to get writing again. Nothing like a contest for a little motivation, right? 
 I'd like to post my entry here, for your enjoyment, in case you want to read it yourselves. For my entry, not surprisingly, I chose Mettaton as one of the characters, and for the other, I wanted to pick someone a little less recognized: Shyren! Enjoy, it's below the break! 
 Missing You
by marissaofunderground 
Dear Mettaton, 
I'm not sure if you'll read this, since you get hundreds of fan messages daily, but I thought you might like to hear from an old friend - haha, yeah, I knew it was you because I'd remember a voice like yours. It took me a while to build up the courage to speak to you, but we used to be good friends in the past. I want to congratulate you for reaching your dreams...I hope maybe mine will come true one day, too. What am I saying, King Asgore's going to make all of our dreams come true! We all want to see the surface, don't we? Anyway, I wanted to ask, how's stardom? And Hotland? I've never been there myself, but I hear the air is too dry for a swampling like me. Just writing to say that I miss you, and I hope you visit Waterfall soon...your cousin misses you, too.
Dearest Shyren, 
Oh my stars! Shyren, it's been ages, hasn't it? Ah, life of a glamorous star is a demanding one, but it's worth it, darling! Don't give up on your own dreams, Shyren, the world could always use more singing sensations, and people will love to hear your voice! And, mine, of course. Especially mine. 
Hotland is magnificent! Here is where stars can truly shine! Provided that you can handle the heat, that is. 
How can you miss me, darling, when I'm always on your television screen, performing just for you? Tune in, and I'm there. It's....as close as I can get to visiting anywhere else in the Underground, I'm afraid. Not only am I a star on the screen, but I have a resort and brand to manage on top of it all. Ooh! How about you and Blooky drop by at my resort some time? I'd love to have you here! 
With love, 
Mettaton 💖 
Dear Mettaton, 
Thank you so much for writing back! I'm pleased to hear from you. I'm glad Hotland is treating you well, but I don't think Napstablook and I can make it over to the resort....the heat could dry me out. I'd better stay where I am. But I did ask Napstablook if they wanted to visit your resort, and they were...unsure. They said they just didn't feel worthy enough to drop by and see you. I wonder if they even know you're their cousin... 
By the way, have you heard there's a human in the Underground? I've met them myself, and they're so sweet! We even sang a concert together! I'm rooting for them, though I'm gonna be sad that they have to die to free us all. But, it has to be done.... Maybe you'll get a chance to perform with them, too...if they make it that far. I hope so! 
Dearest Shyren, 
Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry. It was worth offering, and I understand if Hotland is too much for you. At least we can always keep writing to each other! Which reminds me, maybe I should try writing to Blooky....I haven't really spoken to them since......since... 
But are they doing well? Still making music? Still enjoying my show? Who wouldn't be enjoying it? 
Ah yes, the human. They arrived in Hotland before I even got a chance to read your letter. Have you seen my quiz show today? Guest starring: the human! If you haven't, it'll be re-run soon! 
I need to go now, I've got a cooking show to put on, and they'll be my glorious assistant! 
With love, 
Mettaton 💖 
Dear Mettaton, 
Haha! Wow! Your performances with the human so far have been immensely entertaining! I haven't laughed so much in ages. They've really got a sense of humor, don't they? 
Some monsters claim that the human is just an effect, isn't that crazy? How can they say that when the news of a human's presence is everywhere, and many of us have met them for ourselves? Hard to believe that despite all this, some people will claim it's false. Weird... 
So what's next? Got any more shows left to do with the human before their time comes? I'm sure that last show with them will be a grand finale. Whatever will happen, I know I'll love it. 
Dearest Shyren, 
Thank you for your encouraging words, darling! I know just how much the Underground has been entertained by my performances with the human! It's been so much fun putting on shows with them!
But, all good things must come to an end. This will be the last episode of my show guest starring the human - and my last show in the Underground. If the humans on the surface are as great as this one, they're going to love me up there! I have a whole new audience waiting for me above, and I have a brand new body waiting to be tested out. This is a look the humans will fall for, I just know it! 
Well, toodles, I have a human soul to take for my own, and a war to prevent. 
With love, 
Mettaton 💖 
Dear Mettaton, I just saw your last episode. Thank you for changing your mind. I understand your intentions - I'm not sure I want humanity to be destroyed, either. And if Asgore takes the last soul we need...perhaps...we could find it in ourselves to convince him not to attack everyone living on the surface? That human...maybe they can convince him, if they can survive. They were strong enough to get past you, so maybe they can get past anything. 
I hope you're okay. I know you're undergoing repairs right now, and I know that you won't be able to read this again until you're fixed, but don't forget, your fans are here for you. I'm here for you. 
(P.S: I love your new look!) 
Dearest Shyren, 
Just woke up...Had a lot of fan mail to get through, and it was hard to read everything without my arms. They've just been reattached, and I can get to writing this message! 
I'm still concerned for our future. You know how much I adore humanity. I think we should go convince the King and the human not to fight. That seems to be what Alphys is thinking, too. 
Shyren, I have to admit...I haven't considered performing with others, and the human...they reminded me of just how much fun it is to perform with someone else. You know what? I'm coming to Waterfall. My visit is long overdue and I need to see Blooky again. Hearing their call...It made me realize just how terrible it was for me to leave them like that. Even the human seems to know. They waved an old belonging of mine in front of my face during my show. How did they find that? Regardless, I have places to go. The barrier to halt a fight, and next, Waterfall. See you there! 
With love, 
Mettaton 💖 
(P.S: Thank you, darling! I love it too, but oh, thank Alphys for building it in the first place!) 
Dear Mettaton, 
What...what just happened? Did you experience it, too? There was a white light, and I felt like I was being sucked into it....and now I'm back where I was, as if nothing happened. Others seem to be buzzing about it, too. But, whatever it was, it seems to have broken the barrier! We're finally free! And maybe, just maybe, we can live among humans peacefully now. You'll have the audience you've always wanted - and now an even bigger audience, with both humans and monsters. Maybe I'll try singing for them. Do you think they'll like me? I'm a bit worried... 
I thought that key looked familiar. I don't know why Frisk would take it...hey, why do we suddenly know their name, anyway? I don't remember them ever telling any of us... 
I've got more good news - my sister just came home! I've missed her so much! And, now I understand why Alphys has been so quiet about the determination experiments, but it doesn't matter! My sister's back, and so are Moldbygg's and Aaron's relatives! Since they're now all stuck together into one being, I wonder if this means Moldbygg, Moldsmal and Aaron are now my cousins? Not that I mind. We're all just happy to have them back and we're relieved that they're okay. Hope to see you soon, Mettaton! I'll be catching up with my sister.  
Dearest Shyren, 
That white flash reached me as I was on my way over here. When I woke up, I found myself lying dangerously close to a stream of water. And the barrier! I didn't even know it was broken until I heard people talking all about it as I crossed Waterfall. Everyone's abuzz about it, darling. Frisk did it! They've freed us all! I knew there was something extraordinary about that human! 
Now, I have a proposition to ask: would you like to sing backup on my shows? And how about Blooky join us too, as DJ? It's long overdue that I hire some company to share the spotlight with me. What do you think? 
I'm going to visit Blooky first. I owe them a great apology. We really need to talk. We'll catch up with you, and your sister, too. I'm so glad Alphys could finally reunite all the families who were involved with the experiments. Not even I knew the full extent of what had happened. 
That human, they've brought out the best in everyone. They've helped us all. If it weren't for Frisk, I don't think I would be here, coming back to Waterfall for the first time in years. I'd have still left my cousin in the dark. I wouldn't have even thought of performing with others. Frisk taught me that I didn't have to throw everything away for the sake of stardom. Now, I'm bringing my family with me to the screen. And I have Frisk to thank for this. We all have Frisk to thank today. They're a hero to us all. 
Anyway. I'll send this letter off, and it's to my old home I go. Until then, Shyren! 
With love, 
Mettaton 💖 
The End
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xwolf-26 · 7 years
Character Descriptions For XWolf’s Tournament
DS Cter -  From the spinoff of DoubleTale: DoubleScramble, DoubleScramble Cter or DS Cter is a less powerful version of the strongest mofo in the multiverse, Cter. Significantly further down the scale of power than most Cters, DoubleScramble Cter has lost most of his DETERMINATION and now must rely on his magical prowess. With a wide variety of attacks, DS Cter is a bit of a glass cannon. Though he has all the abilities to keep his opponents at range. Overall he can be quite the dangerous adversary. Especially if someone manages to push him far enough for him to activate his secret form. Though he’s so lazy, it seems unlikely for him to care enough to activate it. 
Anarchy -  The antagonist of the latest arc of DoubleTale. After being run off by Cter, Anarchy has become obsessed with killing the panda eyed hero at any cost. With physical power and DETERMINATION to back it up, though Anarchy has lost the majority of his magic, he is still a terrifying adversary. He has a love for brutality and will take great pleasure in defeating his enemy, so long as they’re actually a challenge. If he deems them weak, he will stomp them in mere seconds. If not, he will play with them for awhile. 
XWolf -  Swapped with Sans in a self insert AU, XWolf is the judge in the universe of UnderFam. Much like DS Cter, XWolf has a range of attacks, but no physical defense. His X Wolves Work on thoughts of their own, though they will listen to his commands to the letter. This means that even when his guard is down, his X Wolves’ guard is up. This makes it difficult to close the gap and land the hit needed. And if it seems he’s being overpowered, he can activate Kill Instinct Protocol, though that’s not something he enjoys doing. He can also summon the mother of his X Wolves, The Den Mother, from which he received his name. And as he is a different, weaker form of the author, he knows all of his opponents better then they may know themselves. This could make him incredibly dangerous. Though, just because he knows them, doesn’t necessarily mean he has any way to beat them. 
Matrix -  The stone from Just Another Stone himself, Matrix. Created to be just another grunt in the Homeworld army, Matrix broke free with the help of a human named Thea, and later on a boy named Steven. Though he’s supposed to just be a rock with a spear, his thick skull and will alone have lead him up the ranks in power, now able to go toe to toe with Gems considered gods among gems of his tier, Matrix’s will and determination goes unmatched. And after some help from fallen friends, he now wields more than just a spear. He’d be hard to defeat for any adversary, purely because of his fighting spirit and inability to let himself lose. 
107 -  Created for greatness, 107 was an emerald made to harness the power and knowledge of everything in the Homeworld database. Alas, his body and mind would never be able to handle such a thing. Instead, he was gifted with a power no gem could control and a body that cannot sustain it. Without his power battery, 107 cannot even access his ability. His battery only gives him an hour in his Prototype mode, however. And if he strains himself further, that time can be shortened further. Without the battery, he can only enter the form for minutes at a time, at the risk of exhausting his physical form. But so long as he has that battery and the will to use it, he is a dangerous adversary. Though, after a traumatic incident after gaining his powers, 107 claims he is a pacifist and does not like hurting people. This could cripple him greatly in the tournament. 
Saka -  A saiyan warrior from A Slothful Saiyan, Saka is of a proud race of... Bull headed murderers. Saka, on the other hand, has been deemed lazy and unmotivated, and there could be some truth in that statement. Regardless, Saka’s life changed after being betrayed by his brother, Alcohl, and being sent to Earth, where he met several human martial artists, including Toka, who he proceeded to butt heads with throughout his training to get back at his brother. Over his years, he grew as a person and learned to call Earth home and the people he’d met there family. And though he never cared for fighting, he’s gotten quite proficient in it to protect those he cares about. 
Toka -  A man determined to keep the power gap between Saiyan and human minuscule, Toka is Saka’s rival from A Slothful Saiyan. His analytic abilities go unmatched, making it seem as though he has eyes in the back of his head and everything moves in slow motion to him. Landing any kind of sneak attack is nearly impossible, and he has the power and speed to back his abilities up. Another possible front runner. 
X -  The original edgelord from my only original series to ever go kinda well, 26 Failures. X possesses unmatched psychic ability and the ability to push his muscles to their maximum, making him a danger at long and close range. He can also intensify and focus the energy in his body and fire it in blasts. And he also dresses hella fancy. Dangerous. 
Silver -  From one of my very first, if not my very first, original story, Natures Warriors, Silver is definitely that character. You know, the one that shows up to the fight scene and everybody goes “Oooooh shit.” With the ability to create steel in any form, Silver has taken the stone that holds the soul of the one who built the support beams to the world, Steel. A giant steel golem, made from an invincible metal. The same metal that makes up Silver’s right arm, which he lost as payment for gaining Steel’s power. A stone cold badass, who can take the form of Steel if he ever needs to - though it drains him significantly - Silver is a dangerous opponent and one tough cookie. And he’s not even the main character. 
Scar -  The werewolf prince gone rogue from A Scarred Titan, Scar became a member of the Teen Titans in hopes of escaping the responsibility that was thrust upon him at a young age. Though he evaded it for awhile, Scar finally takes up his crown after the defeat of The Brain and a large mass of villains. Well, that and the death of his father. With the ability to howl blasts of wind that can knock down walls and transform into a werewolf, Scar can only be killed by being completely torn apart or by being hit somewhere vital by something silver. Other things will be healed, but slowly. His regeneration is slow, and even though you can’t kill him without silver, you can certainly tire him out with a fight, just like anyone else. 
Fenris -  A human bitten by a werewolf, Fenris is destined to be the embodiment of the God Eater, Fenrir. Though he’s a timid boy at first, and hates what he’s been forced to become, Fenris eventually accepts his fate and takes up his responsibilities. After battles with skilled vampires and humans, Fenris learns to control his power and accept himself, and now has... Basically Scar’s powers. 
... Cough. 
Preston -  Just a regular kid down on his luck, from An Unnamed Story, before Yuma came along. Yuma, a demon woman, in need of escape from pursuit, merges into Preston’s oddly powerful soul to keep herself safe in the human world. As things chase down Yuma, Preston gets sucked into her misadventures, having to deal with demons, angels, and humans. The entire world seemed to be against the two. Along the way, Preston has a conversation with God in person, befriends Angels, Demons, and Humans, squares up with the devil, and many more things. But without Yuma, he only has the powers of a regular human. Lucky for him, he’s permitted to keep Yuma to have his powers in this tournament. His powers consist of blue fire, freezing things, and minor psychic abilities. And he has a sword that can cut through any evil. An unpredictable and versatile enemy, for sure. 
Tyro -  A Naruto OC from the Leaf Village that’s god knows how old, from a story that’s changed names a hundred times, the latest one called “Just One More.” Tyro has a wide span of powerful Jutsu and after arriving a little too late to save the Two Tails jinchuriki, now has the Two Tails sealed inside of him. Fighting in the Great Ninja War and against Obito, not to mention the many journeys prior, Tyro has learned a lot and has an extreme amount of battle experience, making him a dangerous enemy. 
Taichi -  A lightning jutsu master from Just One More, Taichi comes from the Cloud Village. Not only is he a master of using lightning, he’s also a sword master, coated in seven blades and making himself look like an edgelord. He is precise and very dangerous. 
V -  Another edge master from 26 Failures, I consider V to be the prototype Anarchy. The two look alike and act about the same. They even have enemies they’re hell bent on killing. V and X were one in the same, lab rats in an underground lab. He and X have similar abilities, but when the two ‘fought’, V stomped him in mere seconds. Very dangerous, very sadistic. 
Justice -  Made in a writing contest on Undertale Amino (That I won. Hehehehe. http://aminoapps.com/page/undertale/1635873/what-is-just) Justice is an expert marksmen, and though he has no actual magic, his fighting ability is intimidating. His abilities landed him as the second command in The Intergalactic Po Po, and not only is he good with a gun, he’s also good with a knife, which he has one of. Though he prefers long range, he’s certainly not incapable in close range. He’s adaptable and could be very dangerous. 
And those are the contestants for my first tournament. Let’s see how this turns out, shall we? 
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