#undertale headcaonons
dazzling-nishi · 6 years
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Ok, so this is a bit of a sketch of how I picture each undertale souls powers.
Kindness can make protecting bubbles/shields and can heal others with items of choice (can be instinctive)
Justice can shoot from fingers (needs to be soul-activated)
Bravery doesn’t take damage when moving and can hit you like the orange attacks, it won’t hurt if you move (both need to be soul-activated)
Patience doesn’t take damage when standing still and can hit you like the blue attacks, it won’t hurt if you stand still (both need to be soul-activated)
Determination can summon a weapon of choice (that doesn’t shoot) and can save and reset (the reset part is rare. Examples of people that had this power are Frisk and Kris)
Integrity ? (unsure what it can, I just soul-powered the hands and feet. Maybe just that they can move your soul and damage you that way?)
Perseverance can do what Muffet basically does on the beginning and kinda yeets information at you to hurt you (needs to be soul-activated) (ik it sounds stupid)
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
How would the Underfell and Swapfell brothers do if their S/O was kidnapped by an assassin group, brainwashed and tortured until their mind broke and spirit crushed, leaving a hollow shell of a killing machine?
He would be angry and search everywhere he could, researching every possible place that came to mind, and then some.  When he found the group, he would have no problem "dusting" the entire group, probably with the help of his brother, especially after seeing what they did to you.  They tried to pit you against him, to make him fight you and make you kill each other.  He refused and also refused either of you to be killed in the process.  He manages to knock you out but keeps your HP above 0, and once he's done dealing with the Assassin group, he comes back for you.  He doesn't care if you're a killing machine, or just a shell, he still loves you, and he promises to take care of you and find a way to reverse what they've done to you.
How dare they try to steal something, no, KIDNAP something from the GREAT and TERRIBLE PAPYRUS!! He shall make them pay!  And that he does, making it look like child's play.  He summons bones and whatever bones don't pierce the assassin's, he finishes off with a bone sword, expertly slicing through them and cleaving them in half.  He finds you soon after, tied up by chains, blindfolded, and his anger is intensified by ten thousand, but he has no one to take it out on, as he's already dismembered all the assassin's.  He slices the chains that hold you bound, and gets ready to catch you, but you're faster and manage to strike out at him, which he only just dodge's, but earns a deep wound up his chest.  He holds onto it, and looks at you, asking you why you would strike him. You don't answer. You lunge again, but he dodges. This repeats until you're both out of breath, except he is refusing to swing a single strike at you. "I WILL NOT HARM YOU! I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU!" He yells, but you don't hear or register it. You go to swing again, and he doesn't understand how you can see him if you're blindfolded.  He watches you as he dodges, but as he's slowing, you're not. After a few more attacks, he sees that you have a pattern. Left slash, right slash, parry, stab, fake-out, right slash, stab, dodge, flip back to return.  He remembers this. When he fight's you the next round, he avoids all but the second stab, which goes right through his abdomen, and he grits his teeth in a painful grunt, but holds you close as you try to wriggle your sword free, and uses his claws to swipe the bandana from your face.  The whole thing falls free, and you stagger back, letting go of the sword, and he falls to all four, coughing up bloody magic. You stare for a long moment, but then everything goes black.  You hear sometime during your darkness, a promise to take care of you and bring you back to life and fix you. When you come to, you're laying in a bed, with your arms chained together through the headboard, and your ankles through the footboard. Your head hurts a lot, and you feel still, but you feel something warm beside you, and turn your head to see a beaten and battered Skeleton. he doesn't look very well....  "P-Papy...?" You croak.  His eye lights blink and fuzz into existence, and then he's sitting up in an instance, excited to see that you're actually awake.  "I.. I DID NOT THINK YOU WOULD COME BACK TO THE LIVING WORLD... YOU HAVE BEEN SLEEPING FOR THREE WEEKS STRAIGHT!" he says, although his voice doesn't quite sound like his. Sleeping...? It doesn't quite feel like that... But, he had kept his promise of making you better, and in a few more weeks, the two of you are both better, and could never be happier.
When Razz finds out that you're kidnapped, he's furious.  When he receives letters and photos of what they're /doing to you/, he's ready to kill and not even his brother can calm him down.  He goes on a manhunt, finding clues as to who might have you or know where you are, and he wants to do it to prove to you that he can do it by himself, and that he DOES care.  When he gets a lead and follows it, it leads him to you, but it's been a trap.  It's a good thing he had his brother with him, because they both swiftly take out the Assassins, but there's one assassin they don't expect to find, and it's you.  Razz tell's his brother not to harm you, and to go and get Undyne and Alphys. He hesitantly teleports to do so, leaving the two of you alone.  No matter how much he tries to reason with you, you just aren't listening!  Stars, why are you being so difficult! You just keep attacking him, no matter what he says.  He's even told you that he loves you, but you're still attacking him! He tries to share old memories with you, and thinks he's getting to you when you pause for a moment, only for you to make another lunge at him.  You're stopped dead in your tracks though, by a large bone spearing from the ground up through your abdomen, piercing right through you.  Razz screams and turns around, to see Alphys and his Brother with his magic summoned, glaring at you, as you cough up some blood, and then go limp.  Razz gets frantic and cradles your body when Pup lowers you to the ground, and he swears he'll bring you back, as you're still alive, just very badly injured...  They rush you to Undyne’s lab, where you're put in a protective gel-like substance, in chains, and into a clear glass tube, where Razz can see you every day. They spend weeks converting his shed into a 'bedroom' for you to spend your healing time in, and your tube and everything needed is moved there.  Razz never forgives his brother for what he did, and he promises you that no matter what, he will always love you and care for you.  He does just that, visiting you everyday, cleaning your tube and shining the glass, picking you flowers, spending time with you, and son, he spends more time there than anywhere else.  Years and years pass, and you wake up, confused and feeling like you're drowning.  It's Pup that comes to your rescue, helping you out of the gel-bed, and helping to clean you off, getting you a blanket and stuff.  You look at him hard... he looks really tired, and has more scars, and another fake tooth.  He doesn't smile as much either.  He just says he'll get 'his bro', and a few minutes later, Razz is bursting in the door, also looking different with new scars and looking tired, but there are tears in his eyes.  Since when does Razz cry..?  He hugs you and doesn't let go for hours, and it's only later that you find out you've been sleeping in that gel-bed for over fifteen years, with Razz looking over you every single day, never leaving your side...
When Pup learns of your kidnapping, he loses it, and he goes on a hunt for anyone and everyone involved. Even the slightest bit involved, they get dusted or killed. NO ONE messes with his S/O.  When he finds you, he fights for you.  And boy does he fight.  He fights and he kills, destroying everyone in the area, except you.  Although, when he reaches you, you're just sitting there like some sort of rag doll... he brushes your hair back, he caresses your face.. He makes eye contact and even tries to make SOUL contact but... But there's nothing there... "W-Why...?" He asks you, or no one in particular..  Why would someone do something like this...?  he's determined to fix you, and he scoops you up to take you home, to do whatever research is possible, but there isn't much he can do.. Still, he watches over you for what seems like years, until you finally grow too sick and fragile to go on much longer.  It pains Pup to see you like this.. One day, he picks you up, and he takes you to the place the two of you used to spend most of your spare time in - A field of flowers, where at night, the stars were more beautiful than anything ever...  He kneels down with you and holds you close to his chest, asking and begging you to say something if you can hear him, but.. there's nothing there...  Tears trail down his cheeks as he stares at you, and he decides that this is it. If the two of you can't be together in life, then you will be in the afterlife...  He summons all his courage and his magic, and with a loud yell, he makes dozens of sharpened bones stab upwards from the ground, impaling the two of you and sticking the both of you together.  As he gasps and wheezes for his last few breaths, he feels a wet hand on his face, and his clouding vision looks over.  It's you, and you're smiling... "T-th-thank.. you.. P-Papy..." you splutter, finally broken from your control by only death itself, and your Skelle is afraid that maybe he didn't try hard enough, but with your last ounce of strength, you let him know how grateful you are for everything he's done, and that this was the only way, which seems to ease him, and the two of you grasp hands, before finally dusting away together, both finally at peace, and finally together once again.....
~Mod Foxy
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