vvhiskcy · 7 years
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hikingboots · 7 years
there was actually quite a bit of crossbreeding between us and Neanderthals. enough that 1-3% our dna can be traced back to the them. so... yes, we very well could have inherited that trait from them. that's how science works.
“Some researchers have expressed doubts about the recent admixture events. Ancient subpopulation structure ancestral to modern humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other possible archaic humans has been proposed as an alternative explanation for the observed genetic similarities.”
Meaning that these traits can be attributed to ancestral traits from a common ancestor, not derived characters. that’s how science works
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tumblunni · 7 years
that sweet piano “dum dum DUM dum DUMMMM” in the pausey type bit and the TRUMPETTY THING and the AAAAA i hate that i dont know ANY music words cos i can never explain which bits i loved and why even though i can still love them SO MUCHHH it sucks that its not required to know how to make music in order to enjoy music but I CANT GET MY OPINIONS OUT OF MY UNEEDUCATED HEAD god its just like its a good bit cos its like an emotional turn down thingie like you have the dingy wind chimey pianoy instrument in the opening and then you have MAXIMUM HARD AWESOME BATTLE MUSIC and then you go back to the softer tunes and you have that ECHOEY EFFECT and it just feels like the moment where they’d show a montage of the hero’s struggles to reach this point and then SLAM you go back into the huge battle, and now you’re even more fired up! And like the thing of that?? Its like?? Double looping?? where you have the WHOA YEAH FIGHT YEAH TRANCE STUFF LOUD and you have the ~tiny tiny quiet calm remember what u fightin for~ and like they repeat over and over in a sequence, so its not just like one 30 second loop or whatever but two very distinct broken apart tunes that are blended PERFECTLY together and then like it only loops after you’ve heard like two variations of them and there’s a whole nother thing that flies in and acts as the triumphant end moment to put the loop at? are there?? words for this?? well cyrus’s boss battle theme has some good Whatever That Is Called and thats why this song reminds me of it and it gets Damn Good Boss Theme Points From Bunn god i LOVE the soft echoey piano dingly dings tho!! thats like my favourite of all ‘remember what u fightin for’ downbeat loop things on boss battles!! it reminds me of like.. that one scene in the kingdom hearts 2 opening where they’re all climbing that weird staircase with the floating steps and fighting at the same time as running except what if the steps appeared to the beat of the song that tingly piano thing is like you magical composer fingers are going boop and making those steps appear to keep the fight going and like all the characters are struggling against great odds to make it back to the fight part of the song or something?? oh no the steps are vanishing in this metaphor we call our life its like ‘the hero loses the advantage but keeps on holding the line’ in music form? thats why its so emotional as a loop point in final bosses?? god im so hard at explaining this cos i just picture music in visual form. like i legit cant even tell the difference between music notes, i got stumped on that one puzzle in undertale for HOURS cos like even if one is super high and one is super low i cant tell you how many steps are in between them. and i suck at composing songs in my ehad i just ahve a big ol mental block where i can only mimic what i’ve heard before and never make anything new. but when i listen to music its this problem in reverse and its like BOOM the code has unwravelled and all these pictures came to life from your doodly doots and just MAN I wish i could animate cos i can imagine one hell of a cool battle scene from your funk ass jams, yo!!!!
look basically ur music so gud i stopped making sense im in a total hyper amped freakout right now from 20 SECONDS OF AN INTRO TO A NEW THING never believe you arent talented!!
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annesophiebooks · 6 years
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Bonsoir les lecteurs addicts 📚 Que lisez-vous ce soir ? ▪️ Voilà une petite présentation de mes 5 prochaines lectures : ▪️ - L’erreur, de Susi Fox. (Merci à @fleuve_editions pour cet envoi ☺️). Je l’ai commencé il n’y a même pas une heure, et j’ai déjà du mal à le poser ! ▪️ - Dans la neige, de Danya Kukafka. (Merci à @sonatineeditions pour cet envoi 😘) Depuis la semaine dernière je me fais violence pour ne pas me jeter dessus ! Comme il sort le 07/02, j’attends encore une petite semaine. ▪️ - Trouver l’enfant, de Rene Denfeld. (Merci aux @editionsrivages pour l’envoi de cette lecture 🕵🏻‍♀️). Il sort cette semaine, et il a l’air d’être très intéressant : deux bonnes raisons de me dépêcher ! ▪️ - Une éducation, de Tara Westover. (Merci aux @editionsjclatteslemasque pour cet envoi 😊) Une lecture qui me faisait terriblement envie, et que je vais prendre plaisir à découvrir. ▪️ - 17 ans et toutes ses dents, de Marie-Laure Pace. (Merci aux @editionslharmattan pour ce nouveau partenariat 🙏🏻). Une lecture qui devrait me sortir de ma zone de confort, et qu’il me tarde de commencer aussi. ▪️ Demain je vous parlerai d’une petite pépite, que j’ai terminée il y a deux jours. Je me demande même si ce n’est pas carrément un coup de cœur... Je vous en dis plus dès demain 😉. ▪️ Et vous, quelle est votre lecture du jour ? Y en a t-il dans cette liste que vous avez déjà lus ? Et si oui, qu’en avez-vous pensé ? ▪️ Belle soirée à tous 😘 ▪️ ▪️ #instalivre #instabook #bookstagram #blog #blogueuselitteraire #prochaineslectures #servicepresse #fleuve #fleuveeditions #fleuvenoir #sonatine #sonatineeditions #editionssonatine #editionsrivages #editionspayot #rivagesnoirs #jclattes #editionsjclattes #editionslharmattan #lerreur #danslaneige #trouverlenfant #uneeducation #nouveautes #bibliophile #bookphotography #livreaddict #ilovebooks #thriller #roman #romannoir #polar #lecture #book #lectureaddict #bibliotheque #thrilleraddict #polaraddict #readingislife https://www.instagram.com/p/BsqocNgHy3j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h7iqlkbpt9si
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