xanderxciv · 3 years
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First drawing of the new year. One that was in the works for a while. I drew my Grey Jedi twice before, but this is the complete version. There's ALOT to go over here. (Update after a year, entitled: Path To The Grey).
My GreyJedi, Xan Bassa, started out as a Jedi, but not how you'd think. Timeline-wise, its during & after the sequels. He grew up on a law-less world on the Outer Rim. Honestly, a Tattooine-type planet. He lost his parents to raiders, discovered he's Force-Sensitive right after, but doesnt know what The Force is yet. All he knew is that he could move things with his mind, & he did so with a dagger. He went after all raiders on that world. He didnt want revenge, he knew thinking like that on such a law-less world would get him killed.(Part I)
He was quick, took out raider camps & important targets one at a time. Focused only on his goal & feeling nothing. He met others that want the same thing, but he didnt really care about them, or anyone. He later met his Jedi Master, Elden, an Order 66 survivor that was a Padawan at the time, learned what The Force is, and learned that the Jedi peacekeepers(or so he thought). The goal was the same, but he started to change, started to care again, especially when it came to one certain person that fought with him against the raiders, Tia.(Part II)
After years of fighting raiders, things were starting to be peaceful for everyone. Then one day, the last few raiders & their leader(the one who killed Xan's parents), attacked, with some off-world help. The Jedi Master was going to leave, saying those off-world foes is not their fight, and mentioned how Jedi are supposed to abandon attachments. Xan refused & went back to save everyone. Feeling no anger or hate, only determination. He succeeded, fought & killed his parents' killer, but not in anger. The master gets there, Xan fires lightning a starfighter aiming at them(scarring his arm), and Xan questions if everything he was taught of the Jedi were lies, how the Jedi can say the Sith are evil when they dont know first hand, and if the reason why his master trained him was because at the time he had no attachments. He leaves the Jedi & aims to learn the Sith's side of the whole conflict, but beforehand when the master was implying that he'd stop him, permanently. There's no fight, Xan walks to him, puts his unemitted saber in his hand, points it at himself & tells him if he really thinks the Jedi's side is true & just, then kill him right there & he wouldnt stop him. He didnt do it. Xan walked away, leaving his old saber behind. Before leaving the planet, he leaves Tia with a Lightfoil(lightsabers for normal people), and teaches her to fight with it.(Part III)
Xan joins the Sith, under a master that he & his former master bumped into on several occasions, Darth Quin. He is also an Order 66 survivor that was a padawan then, but not the typical Sith. Xan made it clear that all he wanted was knowledge, not power. The first advice Quin gave him, is about force lightning, that he should learn to harness the power he has. If he ever uses lighting again while untrained, he focus the power at a single point, think of the lightning flowing through like a river. Otherwise, having his hand out the usual away may result in his arm being destroyed because of all power flowing everywhere. And that he was lucky that it didnt happen the first time, since he's not from a special bloodline.
Quin further shows how different he is from other Sith by training another pupil alongside Xan, not following that Rule Of Two. There was one thing Xan couldnt avoid, obtaining a red saber crystal, which involved focusing dark feelings into a normal crystal. Sith training also involves a sacrifice, prove theyre willing to kill, but Xan already went through that when killing the raiders & never gave in to rage. In his initial task, he went to a world that The Force led him to, and was going after a kyber crystal in an ancient Jedi temple, with a Lightfoil in hand. There, he met Aletra, an older Jedi, a Master & one that's like Kriea from KoTOR 2, but still with the Jedi, yet still evil. Aletra could tell Xan wasnt a Jedi. She forced herself into his mind, learning everything about him. Xan didn't want to kill, despite the malice he sensed from her, and intended to only injure someone as dangerous as her by slicing her hands. When fighting, Xan realized that some of this master's skills are literally ancient. He tried to see into Aletra's mind, had a glimpse of an ancient era. One attack from Xan reveals a number, 10 on her arm. She reveals that she is indeed ancient. She prolongs her life through, at first through using the Force to take strong force sensitives, bodies of which were her students. She later used cloning. When she's old(80 or so), after training her young clone everything she knew for years, she then takes the clone's body when the time comes, lives & learn new ways of the Force & repeats. With the number meaning it was the 10th time she did it, and she's from the High Republic Era(thats 1000 years before the Prequels). She learned more about the Sith too, but believes that all Sith must die. Xan is enraged, that the Jedi he was taught about, are like her. Kills her out of anger for the Jedi ways themselves, and by using force lightning. He realizes what he did, but also doesnt regret it. Hence the one Sith eye he has, which his master didnt expect. Nor did he knew of Aletra(Quick note, in Ep 3, Anakin was switching from Sith eyes to his normal eyes. So such a thing isnt out of the ordinary). (Part IV)
Xan learns more than he ever thought he would after. He meets a Grand Sith that's the dark equivalent of Yoda, after going to Korriban with Quin, which was another test to see how Xan would handle the Sith homeworld, handle how strong the dark side of the Force is there. He succeded because of the world he's from. He already knew anger & hate.
The other pupil, Viera, is something else. She doesnt feel anything either, but not in a heartless way. She just cant feel emotion at all. She was raised in the Sith ways, her master truly wanted her to surpass him, tried teaching her that emotions would make her strong, but Viera accidentally killed him in a sparring session. Being around Xan changed things. He went back to his homeworld, meeting his long-time friend again, who handles herself well going after bounties, fighting with the Lightfoil he gave her. In fact, her skills are good to the point that its surprising that she isnt Force-Sensitive. Before Xan leaves, Tia teaches him the fighting style she developed. Viera stole away on Xan's ship, sees what's going on & is jealous, but doesnt understand the feeling. And it gotten worse after fighting alongside him more, especially when Xan went to the homeworld of his parents & learned of their heritage.(Part V)
Xan later learns what happened to his Sith master. Quin's former master was an Order 66 survivor, and was his mother. He was born a few years after, but still during the Empire's prime. She trained him, but the two always laid low. Always avoided fights, until they no longer could. Quin fought for the first time, but gave in to the thrill of killing. When his mother saw what he's becoming, they fought & he killed his master. Quinn's reason for training Xan is not only because theyre survivors, but Xan is succeeding in walking the path that Quin & the Grand Sith Master found too late. Xan meets with the Grand Sith again, sees that his training with Sith is almost completed. But then the Force shows him a vision like it did back when the last of the raiders attacked.
This time, Viera was attacking. Xan leaves and gets back there quickly. In the meantime, Quin & Tia were fighting her. Quin loses a leg, but uses the dark side of the Force to keep that leg going. Viera's lightsaber is a whip, btw. Xan gets there seemingly in time, but Viera kills Tia. Xan fights in nothing but rage with his saber & Tia's lightfoil, while the Grand Sith senses what's happening & Quin gets Tia's corpse away from the fight. Xan was about to give in to the dark by killing Viera, but the memory Tia, the fact the he's a Sith but didnt truly change, stopped him.
Both Quin & the Grand Sith mention how not killing Viera is a greater strength than any Sith or Jedi.
Xan leaves behind his Sith lightsaber. Intending to go just somewhere to think, armed with only a blaster. Until the Force occurs again. He lands on another planet & goes into a cave, seeing his Jedi & Sith sabers, but really just the crystals are there. He purifies them, one becomes white. Then other becomes black. After that, he meets another master. He helps him fully realize his path, the Grey. (Part VI)
Xan intends to rebuild the Jedi Order, but its a Grey Order. Force users that use both sides of the Force, but arent heartless like Jedi & arent evil like Sith. (Rise Of The Grey Order)
Lastly, about the Darksaber.....I couldnt find anything in the EU or Disney canon about black lightsaber crystals. White ones are purifed, so perhaps Black crystals are purified as well, but symbolizes that the person went through so much conflict but never fully lost themselves to bloodlust, or anger & hate. If anyone fits that, it'd be the first Mandalorian Jedi. It'd be cool if it turns out he was the first Grey Jedi, and the only one for a LONG time.
So, the Darksaber my character has is A Darksaber, not THE Darksaber of Mandalore. Making things awkward when my character first met my Mandosona, who is Force-Sensitive.
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imagine-korea · 6 years
To the beat of our hearts - Jimin
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You and Jimin had been training together for your dance collaboration for months now. The song you were dancing to, and singing, was also your debut. You were scared, having to debut on a large show with an incredibly talented dance partner, but were glad you weren’t on that stage alone, even if it was just another idol appointed to you.
You felt so lucky to be working with Jimin. He was an amazing dancer and possibly one of the nicest people you would ever meet, plus exceptionally handsome at that.
“You ready?” He asked. You nodded, letting out the breath of air you didn’t notice you were holding. You were seconds away from your performance and just hoped your nerves wouldn’t be noticeable in your voice or moves. “It’ll be great, I promise. You’ll do amazing, as always.” He reassured you, taking your hand in his as you both walked onto the dimly lit stage.
You turned away from each other. Both hands intertwined as you leaned against his back with yours. The moment the song started and the lights turned on, the nerves were nowhere to be found.
It was an incredibly intimate choreography, filled with feeling, as was the song, but this was the first time you actually had to sell it. And sell it you did as the crowd cheered you on. Yet you were in your own world, along with Jimin, singing and dancing like it was intended to be done, not a single feeling left unemitted. Once the song was done, you were facing the crowd and only now did you notice how much they loved it. You gave them a bow, shooting Jimin a large grin as you exited the stage together.
That performance brought more to him than just being a dance partner. He had always been more, even though you never cared to admit. But sadly, after that show, there was no reason for you two to talk anymore. Both of you wanted to be friends, but neither had the courage to actually go up to the other and talk.
Fans also had quite the reaction to the performance. But not negative as you had previously expected. Soon after the show, social media was filled with post about the two of you, and a new ship was hoped to sail. Even BigHit found the positive in this and didn’t confirm or deny any dating rumours going around.
While in reality you hadn’t talked since the night of the show. The furthest you had gotten to interacting was giving each other a small wave when your eyes met in the hallway.
Weeks after the performance you were still struggling with the creation of your solo choreography. You were asked to create it yourself, seeing you created the other one together with Jimin, this wasn’t supposed to be that hard.  You were planned to present the choreo to the choreographer, who’d introduce it to the backup dancers, within a week, so your frustration was building as you played your song for the billionth time.
You groaned loudly, as nothing became from your futile attempts. “Not working out for you?” A voice radiating from behind you. You turned to see Jimin standing there, rocking his cute boyish grin. “Ah, I can’t seem to figure it out. “ You sighed, turning off the music. “I’m supposed to make an entirely new choreography due to next week and nothing is working.” Jimin only nodded in understanding before turning the music back on from the beginning.
“Who says it has to be an entirely new choreo?“ He smiled, but his look soon shifted to a more passionate one as he took your hand in his, like it would be at that part of the song. And so, the two of you danced your choreo once more, with even more feeling and passion than back then on that stage. You could truly feel the moves melt with the music, you could feel your bodies combine as one into a choreography like no other.
The song soon ended but neither of you could pry yourselves from your close position. Your chests were close enough that they would touch every time they rose and fell, his hand still resting on the small of your back and yours on his bicep.
“How can you go from cute to hot in like five seconds.” you thought, the sound of his chuckle radiated through the room as if you were in a bubble, his soft breath that rolled from his lips landing on yours. “I just said that out loud didn’t I.“ You said and he nodded, a wide grin forming on his handsome features. You nodded as well, acknowledging the fact that he had indeed just heard you say that, and went to back away, but he didn’t let you. Instead, he pulled you closer, and eventually his lips met yours.
As he pulled away, the ghost of his touch remained, leaving you mesmerized still. You looked up into his eyes, nothing was said, only the sound of your soft breaths and two beating hearts filling the room. But you both knew that the ship had sailed.
I don’t know what this is. I don’t know why this is. I don’t know how this is. but it is what came out of my brain. so, eh.
♥ Thanks for reading ♥
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beabuniverse · 6 years
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Hey Unemit thanks for the follow!
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romancingthedragon · 6 years
Thanks "Unemit" For Following Me !!! pic.twitter.com/yZaLeqaTnZ
— Eden (@EdenAshe) December 2, 2018
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j216 · 6 years
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factice unemitted by Jared Haer Tempests Unresistedness Study #love #trippy #iphonesia #tbt #art #Python #fineart #me
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notoriouslycandid · 7 years
Sentiments unemitted.
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