demondads · 8 months
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"You and I both know that would never have happened." He gave Yeshua a pat on the shoulder. His brother was far too selfless for that. "It's not really like you to dwell on the past like this."
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dentedsporkofficial · 11 days
Why keep this blog if it makes you so mad?
Because people should be aware of how terribly Patch treats his "friends" and steals their things on a whim.
Because people shouldn't be blindsided by this asshole trying to make his way into their fandom or art space.
Because nobody deserves to be manipulated and hurt by this dude who lies constantly about himself.
Because nobody should pay 100 USD or more for a commission comprised of stolen traced artwork from non-Anglophone art Twitter.
Because nobody should have to feel alone if they were gaslit and emotionally manipulated by him and his holier-than-thou bad people hunter attitude.
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savior-of-humanity · 8 months
@unforgivendivine -- continued from here!
How long had it been since he felt a touch this gentle, this caring? For so long he had only known the sting of claws and teeth and bullets of the eternal enemy - to feel Yeshua's touch upon battle-scarred flesh was an utterly alien sensation to Y'shua.
He couldn't remember the last time someone had cared for him as deeply as the Savior did. Or anyone that cared for him at all, really.
There's a flicker of oh-so-familiar R A G E that for the briefest of moments flashes within the Doom Slayer's soul at Yeshua's words - but the fury, as quickly as it comes and goes whilst manifesting itself as a slight furrowing of Y'shua's brow, isn't directed at him. No, it's the implication of what he has said that has lit the spark, its embers slowly but gradually burning at him while he subconsciously chews on the little snippet of information.
He hadn't been allowed to help him.
"...I don't understand what you mean," the Slayer responded softly. A part of him almost doesn't want to understand; he had been of the firm belief that there simply wasn't a God. That there was no Heaven, no Hell (rather, a Biblical Hell), no true good or evil, only the darkness that lay in the void between realities.
He didn't want himself to understand because the realization of what exactly Yeshua meant would simply be world-shattering. Metaphorically, of course, but also perhaps... literally.
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general-kalani · 9 months
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{ @unforgivendivine WHJADJKA YESHUA--- }
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A sigh.
"Please. I know you're going to hate what I do. I don't need to be a mind reader over it. Thank you but... No. I don't need advice."
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 8 months
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"...Earth Below, it really is some sort of apocalypse going on. Why else would Gorgos of all entities suddenly turn introspective? That is supposed to be my thing anyways!"
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Don't mind him, he's just deflecting his own anxieties with humor while he works, as always.
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tangledfate · 8 months
Continued for @unforgivendivine from this
That word–that moniker–gives Lucifer pause as he watches Yeshua mill about the kitchen from where he sits with his head resting on crossed arms at the table. Apple red flesh of his cheek pressed up to force one eye shut as he feels something catch in his chest.
“You’re the only one that still calls me that…” He muttered, turning his head to stare out a nearby window. The morning star haloed in light as he sulks.
“What else am I supposed to do? Heaven won’t listen. They didn’t listen to me and now…” They hadn’t listened to his daughter either. Even worse, now they had an army aimed at her doorstep and there was little he could do to stop it.
“It can work, Yeshua, but they won’t listen…”
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infernal-feminae · 8 months
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@unforgivendivine said:
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Yeshua is quick to embrace the Seraph, smiling ear to ear as he held her tight. The angels were all his family, of course- but sweet Emily, in all her joy, was his sister in the truest sense there was.
Tender kisses peppered her cheeks as the Rabbi doted on her.
"How's Heaven's prettiest angel today?"
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"Yeshua~!!!" Emily exclaimed, laughing as she squeezed him. Yeshua was like an older brother to her. One she looked up to and adored with all her heart.
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"You flatter me. Surely that is a title reserved for Sera." She giggled. "But I'm doing well! How have you been, dear brother?"
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theboonofchaos · 1 year
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    Who was in her temple? Who dared to step foot but not offer up prayers? Eris' wispy form appeared from behind one of the marble pillars - her crimson hues peeking out from the darkness to observe the other.
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    " Who do we have here? " Purred the essence of chaos, her smoke-like form reappearing behind the newcomer - her ghostly rouch on his shoulders as she got a better look at him. " This temple has been long abandoned - what are you doing here, darling~? "
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dragonskxn · 8 months
@unforgivendivine continued (x)
She lets her hands fall limply to her sides as the rock is taken away from her, giving a defeated sigh.
"It's hard to do peaceful conflict resolution when no one wants to hear me out, though!"
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heartheaded · 8 months
{ @unforgivendivine fell from here! }
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🌈⛧ > ❝--it's been such a long time, I thought I was never going to see you again!❞
Pretty much since the dawn of man! Around the time Lucifer first fell, when the rings were first established and the final marking the day of Charlie's birth... She remembers those early days fondly, though didn't yet quite understand why they were all meeting so frequently, so hastily, one of the only times the angels and the demons were in one room.
... Little did she know, having been led away by Lucifer, that they were preparing for the worst fall.
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🌈⛧ > ❝Are you here to see the hotel?! Oh, I knew my message to Heaven got through--!❞
Oh, Precious One, indeed...
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
La Demonia Roja thrashes in the waves, the storm so strong that two of her masts fully snap. One even becomes lost in the tempest as her hull is beaten mercilessly.
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"We're going to sink!!"
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"What is happening?! Is this the Master's work?!"
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"I don't know!! Call upon him!! Or else all there will be nothing left, the ship or its Crew!"
Down below, Ruixiong and Guy work hard to keep the water pouring through the gaps in the hull, shoving anything and everything against the cracks to keep the ship from breaking altogether.
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"We can't last at all at this rate!"
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"Why is this happening?!"
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"Something must have been happening with the Master..." Giovanni places his hands along the wall. Gold seeps in between the boards, enough to seal anything and everything it can, but not enough to add more weight. It should hold over for now.
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"Get as much water out of the lower decks as you can! I'm going to calm the Master down!"
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"Giovanni?! Wait! Wh-"
Taking on gold form immediately, Giovanni races up the steps and onto the top deck. Running past the Captain, he climbs over the rail and swan dives straight into the sea, vanishing from sight entirely. As he is in his golden form, Giovanni sinks faster than any creature can catch up at any level of the ocean.
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"GIOVANNIi!!" And with that, the Captain's cousin and ship cook is gone.
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savior-of-humanity · 8 months
(For Doomguy)
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Yeshua had known that face.
The armor on him was unmistakable, but that gaze.. oh, how it drilled into the soul. He had seen the acts of this one, his unrelenting force upon the divine and the infernal- the Rabbi knew well the other.
His voice soft, Yeshua reached out to gently cradle his palm against the man's shoulder.
"When was the last time you knew rest?"
Y'shua's relationship with divinity was... complicated.
When he had abandoned his faith and cast himself into Hell, the man had neglected to actually examine his thoughts and feelings about the subject. Which, given his occupation, was understandable; he fought, almost non-stop, with the seething fury of a man who had everything taken from him. His fight against Hell had initially been one fueled by rage and vengeance, but quickly the reason why he faced the darkness at all evolved into something so much more than that. It was a duty - he alone would stand to face them where no-one else could.
So to have the genuine, actual, Son of God standing before him in the flesh brought up feelings in the Hellwalker. Very, very conflicting feelings.
Should he feel confusion, that he was being acknowledged by the son of the God he had renounced his devotion to? Anger, because only now after the extinction of the entire human race and the agonizing deaths of everyone he knew and loved, he was being known?
He, a one-man destroyer who was funnily enough named after the same man standing in front of him, didn't know. But what he did feel was his body, normally tense and rigid as though every fiber of muscle were forged from tightly-wound steel wire, relax. Truly, genuinely relax - and that was a sensation he had not felt in eons.
"...I don't know."
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general-kalani · 1 year
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{ Thanks for the follow @unforgivendivine!! }
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Prayers were second nature at this point. Alone in his church, kneeling down before the symbol of New Eden with his hands together... No one ever disturbed him while he was doing this.
And even if they walked in, he never even noticed. Not unless they made noise, needing him desperately for one reason or another.
It had been a while since he'd last prayed without having been interrupted from those prayers, a hope that this one was not interrupted as well.
Knowing his cult and how those doors opened so aggressively though, he doubted it.
Focus on thine prayers, child.
Of course, God.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 8 months
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"...you know... I was trying to take this all rather lightly. Situation Normal - Everything Sucks... but, this?"
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"...and people wonder why I feel so dismissive of the term 'God'. 'Better the Devil you Know', indeed..."
Time to preempt the overpowered blowhard's very real threats while he wishes his infernal associate luck... He cannot interfere directly now, even if he wanted to.
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tangledfate · 7 months
Continued for @unforgivendivine from this
Dusky clawed fingers traced the marred flesh, a wound he knew of, of course, but rarely saw. A wound that Yeshua kept as out of sight as he could–until the prosthesis needed the Lightbringer’s touch. He'd made it for him, after all.
But just because Lucifer knows that it’s there doesn’t mean that  it’s not jarring to see every time they’re faced with this chore. And Yeshua insists that he’s fine but he knows otherwise, so he moves before thinking.
Pressing a kiss to the undamaged round of his shoulder above the injury before turning back to his work.
“Don’t worry Yesh, it’s only me…”
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overangeled · 8 months
✨ (welp. Angel Dust meeting the Son of God. this is gonna be fun!)
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There was afew faint blinks of confusion, why did this stranger just come up and start tracing his freckles - actually they were eyes but they looked like freckles to anybody.
"Uh... hi there? What are ya doin'?" Angel questions as he watched on confused.
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