fatesluck · 5 years
closed starter for @unfortunatescn​.
Over the past few days, Oliver has been hesitant about leaving Eli’s side. Yes, he’s aware Eli is a grown ass man, standing at a staggering six foot seven, who could handle himself. But with everything that’s happened, you couldn’t really blame him for being so weary at the idea of it. It almost makes him sick, really. With everything that’s now happened with Andy too, he had no other choice but to get out and go back to everyday life. He’s happy to do so, especially for Andy and Lettie. But that worry still lingers at the back of his mind, and he hugs and kisses Eli a little longer than he normally would before he heads out.
“Hey, crutches.” Oliver laughs out as he greets Andy at his place. Andy had wanted to go over the aftermath and what they needed to do next, also Oliver just wanted to check in on him. Ollie had gone and handled the van with Lettie, and now they needed to make sure everything else was settled. But, of course, Andy needed to be patched up first. A gunshot wound is nothing to really tiptoe around, Oliver should know that by now. “How’re you feeling?” He asks, scrunching his face a little. He assumes being shot obviously wasn’t part of their plan. Blue eyes begin to scan Andy’s expression, instantly being able to notice something isn’t right. “Hey, you good?” Ollie questions again, now moving to sit beside him. “You’re gonna heal up soon. Lettie’s good too, and the van’s all taken care of..” His words trail off then, head canting to the side. “What is it?”
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rcina · 5 years
hot or not: jacksons scrotum
fucking not no thanks she does not want to think about what’s down there and how close her mouth has gotten to it.
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foughtdark · 5 years
closed starter for @unfortunatescn​.
Anger. It’s the perfect thing to shield his sudden shame. Not only that, but he really was angry. Spiked coke. Spiked fucking coke? He was screwed. People were dead, one of his closest friends in the entire world was dead. He hasn’t been patched in for that long and he’s already experiencing the backlash of being in a club like this. Ford knew it would come, but not like this. Maybe he had been selfish or someone overly cynical by believing he could somehow get into these things and come out unscathed. The sight of Andrew Thane only makes his seething rage increase. Just when he’s left to come down from this sudden anger, he’s being thrown down that dark void once again. By raw impulse, he speaks. “Oh look at this, a fuckin’ Thane has graced us with his presence.” He spews bitterly, tossing his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it once it hits the pavement. He was once close with each of them, enough to almost Prospect for them. But, to the world’s dismay, it never happened. The blond lights another cigarette, looking towards Andy. This was a recipe for disaster. But Ford didn’t give a shit. The Primordial’s could have all gone to Hell at this point and Ford wouldn’t give a single shit. “What do I owe this honor, hm? That pretty little wife of yours decide to divorce your ass again and you on another fuckin’ rampage? I heard prison’s a real riot the second time around, brother.” He doesn’t really mean it. Not entirely, at least. It’s the sort of half-assed mockery that stems from areas of fleeting pettiness.
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rowanthane · 5 years
hot or not: andy(:
hot or not
HOT, obviously. idk how many times i can reiterate how attracted ro is to andy’s dumbass
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scthcarter · 5 years
☾ - sleep headcanon
By all accounts, Seth should sleep like shit. He should sleep like there’s a goblin on his back ready to take him to Hell for all the shit he’s done. Maybe he should even feel the weight of his guilt every night, not that it’s there, but if it was, he should have problems falling asleep. However, Seth is a sound sleeper. He falls asleep quickly and doesn’t wake up for much else besides his kids’ voices or his alarm. He rarely remembers his dreams and for that he is thankful because it’d likely involve some weird shit.
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whatcould-blog · 5 years
closed starter for @unfortunatescn
color ryan worried. as of recently, ryan can’t quite pinpoint her sudden demise. she feels as though the concrete walls of her mind that once guarded her most sacred beliefs have come crashing down, torn to pieces by forces unknown. maybe this was for the better, though she wasn’t sure yet. what she does know is that it makes her undeniably concerned when she lays eyes on her once brother in law. for a moment, she thinks to walk away and pretend as though she never saw him. but for some reason that sounded strangely cruel. so, she approaches him, hands nervously residing in her pockets. he looked like he needed cheering up, if she were being honest. but she won’t ask him what’s wrong, mainly because she knows he’ll hate it. instead she gives him something better. something to make fun of.
❛  hey.  ❜ she states, looking over to him.  ❛  you know, your friend ollie suggested i put a karaoke machine in the diner..  ❜ the woman trails off, a gentle smile decorating her features.  ❛  in all honest, it’s not a terrible idea. but i’m hesitant. i had this middle school crush that i swear was gonna fall in love with me if i sang to him. so, during some school dance i grabbed the mic and sang endless love by lionel richie and diana ross to him — and yes, i sang both of their parts. i somehow did a duet with...myself.   ❜ then she puts her hands to her mouth as if she was holding a microphone, putting on her best prepubescent teenage voice, equipped with vocal cracks and everything.  ❛  and i....i want to shaaaare all my loooooooooove with youuuuu....  ❜
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blakexcastillo · 5 years
001. what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] can we get drunk[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] and break things?[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] can you teach me how to throw an axe?[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] idk why but i feel like you could definitely throw a mean axe[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] i miss you, spend time with meeeeeeeeeee
002. what was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?
[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] i never got to tell you this[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] but i’m really glad that you’re home[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] because i missed you and it hasn’t been the same since you’ve been gone[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] but i’m really glad you’re home because i haven’t seen rowan this happy in a long time and seeing her happy makes me happy[ imessage: andrew 🖕🏽 ] please keep her happy
003. what was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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“she’s mine”
004. what my muse saved your number as?
andrew 🖕🏽
005. what contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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006. what ringtone my muse has set for yours?
generic iphone ringtone because blake is not the type for special ringtones.
007. how many times my muse has called your this week
five times.
008. how many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ryderaeron · 5 years
His laughter was echoing down the halls, wrists rubbed raw by aggressively applied handcuffs. Ear ringing and temple throbbing, Ryder was shoved towards the already occupied holding cell. To be fair, the aggression was partially the Trojan’s fault. The agent had been up his ass for days now; fishing for answers that Ryder was never going to give. His loyalty ran deep, and ratting was always out of the question. But God this agent was almost as stubborn as the ginger himself was, and his last resort was apparently harassing the Trojan on his way to work and taking him in for questioning. 
That had been almost two hours ago, and the only hint of time passing was the continuously more disheveled look of the ATF agents in the room with Ryder. The younger man was amused by their frustrations and spent the time answering questions with other questions and signing instead of speaking. Instantly catching on to which of the two agents was the hot head, the ginger leaned into him. Asking questions about his personal life, making generally irritating comments until he finally snapped. The punch to his face sent him into his familiar fishbowl of sound, but he got what he wanted. The interrogation was over, and honestly, something finally working out in Ryder’s favor was just so fucking amusing to him.
Which leads Ryder to where he is now. Standing sandwiched between two agents as the holding cell door was unlocked. A familiar sight to the Trojan, who was already mentally preparing for the next few hours in detainment. He wasn’t surprised to see Andy in the cell, considering how many questions that had been thrown at him about Andy in particular. But Maddox was a surprise. A surprise that he wasn’t able to register before the agent with bruised knuckles was shoving him into the lions den. One Trojan, two Primordials. He could already feel the police officers making bets behind him, but as the door was slammed behind him, Ryder grinned. “Bet you weren’t expecting a reunion today were ya, Andy?”
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nike-alves · 5 years
Benny, in a way, had been one of the only shining light in Lettie’s life at the moment. She had never thought she would see the day that Rowan and Andy were parents to a baby, but here they were and they were going a fucking hell of a job. The kid made her feel light in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. Staring down at his crib, Lettie found herself smiling more often than not. It was hard to be upset looking at a face like his. It was even harder to be upset when she thought of how much better his childhood would be compared to her’s. Andy and Rowan would be able to cut out the bad parts of Benny’s life a lot faster than they had been with her, since he was so young.
Her finger was grasped in his hand,“Someone’s a strong boy,” She whispered to him. Thank god she had left the Trojans when she did, because being in his life was worth all the hell it had been to get out. She softly brushed her fingers over his hair,“They’re gonna make sure you have a great life.” She sniffled a bit, staring down at her little brother,“And trust me, I know sometimes you’re gonna want to kill them and you’re gonna get really mad at them, but they love you and they’d do anything for you. So when you get mad at them, you can come over to my house and we’ll do less destructive things than yelling at your parents.”
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maddoxxhart · 5 years
Maddox and Sutton had come to the Fall Festival together but as soon as they arrived, Maddox had to remind himself to act like her friend. There was no touching... no hand holding, no kissing, no nothing. ATF agents were crawling around the festival and if word got back to the agent whom Sutton was dating, the whole thing would blow up in her face. Maddox knew that while it sucked for him, Jack wouldn’t be happy with them if they ruined everything for the Club. Besides, this was one of her final tasks before she would be patched, he told himself. But he was pissed anyways, especially when he had to all but hand her over to the agent in question. They’d planned to see one another at the festival and enjoy the events. While Maddox wanted to keep Sutton safe, he knew it would be better for everyone if he wandered away, giving Sutton a weak, ‘have fun,’ before setting off to be anywhere but near them. 
The prospect had been walking so quickly and with so much annoyance, he nearly passed the first person that he saw-- which happened to be Andy. Thank fucking God it was Andy because Maddox felt like he might just explode one of these times. “I don’t even know why I came to this shit,” Maddox sighed, looking up to the sky with his hands on his hips. “Sut’s gotta hang out with that fuckin’ dude and now I gotta fucking see it,” he huffed, explaining himself long before Andy needed to ask what was wrong. 
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fatesluck · 5 years
closed starter for @unfortunatescn.
It hits Oliver a little early on in the night that this might as well be him and Eli’s first real event as a...couple? Partners? Lovers? Whatever you wanted to call it. They still keep it to themselves, enjoying small glances and subtle smiles that make them both weak and stupidly giddy. But it didn’t take much to put two and two together, especially after the auction, Oliver making a jealous skeptical of himself, and then a nervous wreck of himself as he fought with his best friend. What a night. Soon enough, that leads him to avidly avoiding Andy at all costs, even after the ATF raid, which is a rare thing for Ollie. Usually he came weeping, saying he’s sorry and that he doesn’t want to be hated. But this time he keeps to himself, doesn’t touch the whole thing, afraid it might burst. Maybe being shot has changed him, who knows. But either way, he touches Eli’s hair signalling that he’ll be back, and heads over towards Andy with caution. “Hey.” The biker greets quietly as he moves to sit beside him, plucking out a neatly wrapped box from his jacket pocket. “Gift wrapping. One of my many talents. I’m like the biker Martha Stewart.” Opening with a joke. Maybe getting shot hasn’t completely changed him. He holds it out for Andy now, a little nervous. Inside it contains a silver chain with a dog tag at the end which has ‘R A B M’ engraved onto it. Rowan, Andy, Benny, Maddie. “I got it done a little while ago. A little after you got out and you were all..sad. Uh, I had to get it redone ever since Benny.” He smiles, “I just always knew you guys would find your way back to each other. You guys have always been like Romeo and Juliet but like, you know, without the dying part.” Okay, Ollie.
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rcina · 5 years
7, 8, 13, 14, 16
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
No birthmarks. She obviously has the giant glaring ‘K’ scar on her stomach thanks to none other than Kane, fuckin asshole. She also has a few other scars littered all over her body, though none are super nasty or incredibly noticeable aside from a few cigarette burn marks on her arms that she got when she was a kid, and one of the nastier ones on her inner wrist is from her father in law.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Reina’s voice is mid ranged and kinda raspy but it’s very distinct, and she speaks slowly so she doesn’t really stutter or use any filler words. She speaks like she’s the most important person in the room because she thinks she is, so her tone is always dignified. You can hear a faint Louisiana accent in there if you listen hard enough, even though she tries really hard to keep it from slipping out because she hates sounding like a hick.
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Reina has no biological siblings ( that she knows of, her biological father has a whole ass family in North Carolina that she knows nothing about, nor does she ever want to know anything about ), but she considers Andy, Jer, and Rowan to be siblings of hers. Their relationship is rocky, they don’t always get along, but they’re her family and Reina cares about them in her weird Reina way. She probably gets along the best with Jeremiah, if only because he doesn’t annoy her very often and they have a mutual understanding of each other. Andy’s her irritating little brother and they used to really dislike each other and bicker back and forth but they’ve gotten to a place where they can be around each other and actually enjoy each other’s presence, which is nice. Rowan is her sister to a T, they fight like sisters and make up like sisters, and they have each other’s back through thick and thin as sisters do.
14. Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life?
Rhea is the mother figure Reina craved her entire adolescent life and the woman is a god send, truly. Reina looks up to her for so much even if she doesn’t always take her advice, and she loves and respects her mother in law more than anyone. She’s the only mother Reina’s ever known and she clung to the older woman the second Rhea started treating her like one of her own and took her under her wing. Reina’s a completely different person around Rhea, easily showing her softer side when she’s around her. Rhea is part of the reason Reina has grown into the strong woman that she is, and Reina will always be grateful for Rhea and it shows in the way she treats her. Cronus, sadly, was a father figure to Reina in the way Rhea was and even though he did nothing to deserve the title, she still craved his approval just as much as she did Rhea’s. BUT he’s dead now so fuck that guy.
16. What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
Reina represses a lot of her childhood in an attempt to stay at least somewhat sane and it works out pretty well for her, she rarely ever thinks about it. There’s one distinct memory she has from when she was around 8, one of her many foster “brothers” was hanging around in the dingy backyard of their foster home at the time, trapping animals and poking them with sharp sticks until they squealed and bled. She joined in and thought it was fun, and that’s when she knew she wasn’t normal. It’s definitely impacted the little regard she has for another creature’s life, that’s for sure.
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foughtdark · 5 years
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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rowanthane · 5 years
a n d y (:
honesty hour 
Have you ever cheated on a partner? Emotionally or Physically? Did it make you feel better afterward?
Does death frighten you?
What is your most violent fantasy?
Rowan isn’t a super violent person most of the time. Her violent streak really only comes out when it involves her being protective and/or territorial over her family and those that she cares about. That being said, Rowan’s most violent fantasy has always involved knocking every single one of Allura Alves’ teeth out and then stomping on her head. However, she’s never been a stupid person and is very aware of the fact that Allura could and would, kick her ass. So instead she took her fantasy to her father-in-law who acted it out for her. She couldn’t be there for it and is sometimes disappointed by that fact, but knowing that it happened is good enough for her. 
What are you thankful for in your life?
She’s thankful for a lot of things in her life. She’s thankful she’s getting a second chance at the life she should’ve had years ago, thankful that she and Andy have worked things out and managed to find their way back to each other. She’s thankful that even though according to the state of Louisiana, she and Andy are barely fit to be parents, their case with CPS is more or less closed and Benny’s adoption has gone through. She’s thankful her mother in law has remained by her side even when she had no reason to. She’s thankful that Lettie is out of a Trojan cut and not shutting her out while she works through her grief and changes going on in her life. 
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hendrixeros · 5 years
closed ➳ @unfortunatescn​
Every step he took was a determined stumble towards his destination. And not simply because his peripheral vision was utterly fucked, one eye swollen completely shut on the more tender side of his face. But because something in Adrian’s stomach desperately wanted to keep him away from the exact place he needed to be. Even if his face hadn’t been tenderized like a slab of raw steak, Adrian wasn’t sure anyone inside would recognize him, least of all the person he needed to see. His fourteen year streak of avoiding the Primordial’s Auto Shop came to an end as he shoved his way into one of the work bays.
“Andy,” he slurred, to no one in particular, looking half crazed with his face painted like a brewing hurricane in bruises shades of deep blues and his one good eye gone blank and wild. A manic smile stretched wide across his face as he leaned his elbow on the roof of a car waiting to be repaired. “Which one’a you is gonna go fetch your boss for me, hm?”
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scthcarter · 5 years
♥ - family headcanon
Seth couldn’t deny Damian or Finn, unfortunately. Considering they were all town natives, someone knew one of the Carter brothers somehow. And while Seth wished he could say that he hated them, that wasn’t entirely true, even if he was an ass to them their entire lives. Seth had always known if the Carter family fell apart, it would be his fault entirely and there were times that he was sure that this was going to be the last straw for his dad. He didn’t blame Damian when he moved far away, leaving behind the mess of a family that there was. He also didn’t blame Finn for getting his shit together and moving just far enough to not come by for visits. Even when they did visit, Seth knew it was for Zane and Harley. Which was fine-- he deserved it. Still, he guessed they’d never repair whatever relationship they had, even if he made an effort. 
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