fatesluck · 5 years
She pretended to be irritated by her brother’s stationing themselves by her door. But in all honesty, she was grateful for them. It eased the constant fear rising up in her stomach whenever she heard the door open. At least they were making sure the people coming in were friends. Sutton had just sent Maddox away to get some rest and walk Goose, when the door opened again. Standing in the doorway, the echo of a joke spoken to her four body guards just missing Sutton’s ears, was Oliver Stone. Smiling just slightly, the mechanic watched him move. “Hey big guy.” Killer made her exhale a laugh; one that rocked her ribs in a bad way, which she was sure showed all over her face, but Sutton shoved that to the side. Ollie was setting down hershey kisses. “Yeah?” She asked, reaching for the one closest to her hand. Trying to peel back the foil with bruised and scabbed fingers, Sutton sighed in frustration. It wasn’t like she could use her other hand, considering two of her fingers were broken on her non dominant hand. Glancing at her companion, she held it out to Ollie. “Help a girl out, will you?” She asked as he spoke about the last time he was in the hospital. “Thanks for bringing them. They’ve been giving me the gross colors of jello,” a ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she continued “And for coming. It means a lot.” 
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To see the sudden surge of pain that rattles through her body and dictates her expression makes his own face scrunch, a sympathetic smile being sent Sutton’s way. Truth be told, he hadn’t fully comprehended how hurt Sutton truly was until this moment. But seeing her here now, it all hits him at once. That guilt he felt while talking to Maddox earlier at work comes back swinging, ripping through his stomach intensely. It’s one of those moments where he realizes how desensitized he’s come to some if not all of the violence that came to fruition because of this club. People like Sutton, Maddox, and other prospects were basically new to this. They didn’t have that kind of resilience to these things. He couldn’t imagine how they were both feeling now, especially Sutton. He breathes out a quiet laugh, reaching over to unwrap multiple Hershey’s Kisses for her, resting them back onto the bed as he does so. “The jello ain’t too bad,” Ollie says with another laugh, smiling warmly. “When I was here with Eli, I kept eating the red one. I have no fuckin’ idea what the flavor was, but I liked it. Maybe cherry? Strawberry? No idea.” He laughs again, though quieter this time. “Hey, don’t worry about it, alright? It’s good to see that you’re okay, really.” That smile gracing his expression falls a tad as he scans her expression, not wanting to take pity on her but also feeling so damn bad. Sutton didn’t deserve this. She was one of the last that deserved to be on the other end of the violence that took place in these gangs. “Sutton, I’m so fucking sorry that this happened. I mean it. Jackson won’t forget this, none of us will. You did a good thing and you were on the right track. You’re like, a fuckin’ badass, honestly.” Once again, Oliver Stone tries to lighten the mood. It’s usually the best he can offer in moments like this. He brings his attention back to the candies, unwrapping a few more. “Do you need me to bring you anything in here? Anything at all.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
Send me  ‘ 🥃 ‘ + plus a question, and my muse will answer it while drunk.
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fatesluck · 5 years
Maddox liked Oliver and he respected him as a manager, especially considering how considerate he was with time off. Being in the Club meant special hazards and special commitments on their time that usually meant they were always short someone. And while that might not have always been the best thing for the business, it made Maddox okay with the fact that he was able to miss time easily and he could make it up whenever he was back. With Sutton out and her literally being asleep for most of the time that he was able to be there, it gave him time to process all that was happening. He’d only recently lost access to his garage, filled with more electronics and appliances and bike parts than anyone would ever need to see in their lifetime so the car garage was what he had. At least, until it was time for remodeling to begin on his new house— their new house. At least, that’s how Maddox had seen the property… as his and Sutton’s at least some day. “Yeah, yeah, that’s fine. From what I hear, she’s been pretty wiped all day. Her brothers have been giving me updates,” he explained, holding up his phone. “Just want her home,” Maddox shrugged, a weak smile pulling at his lips.
When Maddox came back with the number in hand, he knew there would be a story. It seemed like there always was a story with Ollie and this one surely did not disappoint. Maddox chuckled at the thought of Ollie flirting just to get cheaper tools, wondering how Eli might feel about that… let alone Jack. Maddox certainly was not someone that would take the flirting lightly, especially right now when the thought of Marshall having touched his girlfriend and then beat her half-to-death before leaving her in an alleyway still has him sick to his stomach. Maddox wanted someone’s head for this… mistake and he’s sure that the only one Jack might offer up is Marshall’s not his own. Even if the idea was from him. “Yeah, sounds like you’ve got it under control. So… you want it or should I toss it?” 
Uncomfortably, Maddox sticks his hands in his pockets of his jumpsuit, only really able to shrug. “I don’t need time off. This shit keeps me busy instead of hunting down the fuck that did this to her,” he sighed, knowing that Ollie would know exactly what he meant, having dealt with Eli’s torture. “Just need shit to stop fuckin’ happening for like five fucking minutes, ya know?”
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The way Maddox talks about Sutton pains Oliver in a way he would never be able to describe. There’s something about the tone of his voice, the sheer defeat and desperation oozing from him. Oliver wants to reach out and take every trouble from both of them because neither of them deserved this. There’s also a spiral of guilt coiling within his stomach at the thought of them becoming patched in members soon. They weren’t even fully patched in and things like this were already happening? This was meant to be a joyous time, one where they’re voted in and party like the world’s about to end. But now Sutton was almost beaten to death, lying in a hospital bed while the one she loves worries and has to deal with the impact of such a thing. Oliver certainly knows it too, having had to witness his boyfriend tortured so badly that he doesn’t remember a damn thing that happened to him.
Ollie moves to lean against the doorframe now, plucking the number from Maddox’s hand. He crumbles the piece of paper and tosses it into a nearby trashcan. It makes it in perfectly on the first try, of course. “Five points.” He laughs out, hoping to shed a little light on the conversation now. He could only hope, but he’s almost certain nothing could really lift Maddox from the temporary void he’s found himself in. All Oliver could do was try, especially with what Maddox says next. 
He can’t help but sigh now, blue eyes scanning over the other man’s expression slowly. “I understand.” He says warmly, a half-smile gracing his own expression. “Sometimes when so much is going on, it’s good to work. It distracts the mind, helps you not think so much.” Another sigh sounds from him before he continues, “It’s fucked up, having to see someone you love just....hurt like that. I know. The worst part is feeling like maybe you could have done something. Even now, I feel like I could have done more to help Eli or to stop it. I wish I did something more. Like, you know, maybe if I was there with him that night or called him earlier, small shit like that. It’s um, it eats at me all the time.” Oliver looks down at his shoes between statements, the topic obviously a heavy one. But just as it was heavy, it was also necessary. “I just — you know, I just want you to know that you did more than anyone could have done. You’ve both done so much for this club and it’s not gonna go unnoticed. Neither of you deserved this but you’re both damn lucky to have each other, especially now. We — I don’t know, they were one step ahead of us this time. It sucks. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with bein’ one step behind, though. That just means we got a clearer view of the bigger picture.” Then Ollie chuckles a little, nudging Maddox’s shoulder lightly. “Don’t go hunting anyone down, alright? Work, be by her side, do what you have to. We’ll figure it out, I promise you that.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
It’s not that Damian doesn’t want to see Oliver, specifically. The other man had been a good friend ever since they first met. And it a lot of ways, he genuinely loved the man cackling and slinging jokes his way. But under his clothes, Damian knew there was ink proclaiming loyalty to the only people in town that could have, would have carried out the hit on Kane. The Primordial reaches over and swipes the last fries off his plate and Damian isn’t made about that, but he does want to grab Oliver by the wrist and shake him.
“I’m not pissed,” he says calmly, accepting the beer that strangely feels like half a peace offering and half a bribe. “I’m neck deep in blood and carnage every day. Just be nice to have a beer and not think about some asshole’s head turned into a lollypop half a mile from where I live, you know?”
It isn’t even really about Kane. Fuck Kane. After what Kane had done to Ramina, Damian would spit on his grave if he cared enough about the man to find it. But this bullshit war had a death toll that seemed to be rising every day and Damian was stuck in the trenches running a doomed triage operation, seemingly all on his own.  “Not like the don’t now who did it,” he says before he can stop himself. It’s hardly an accusation, given what they both know is true.
Here’s the thing about Oliver Stone, he’s wonderfully ignorant at the worst times. There’s not a single part of him currently that obtains a certain level of care for Damian as a civilian. Maybe he’s become seemingly desensitized to the true chaos and mayhem of the club he was in. He’s just become used to it. Kane’s poor head on a spike was simply another passing phase, something to solidify this war as ongoing and almost one-sided by now. To him, right now, it didn’t matter. But what Oliver forgets is that Damian, a civilian, had to think these things were more than absurd. This was a man’s life. Gone. In the most gruesome way possible too, not to mention.
But still, Oliver is nonchalant. Glowing in that Ollie way that you could never forget, and beautiful without a hair out of place. Oliver couldn’t help but nod along to what Damian says, realizing that he certainly has a point. He spins in his seat, back towards the bar, and reaches for his beer as the bartender finally brings it around. “Good point. What would you rather talk about then, doctor?” The biker asks, eyebrows raising. “I love small talk, can you believe that? People always fuckin’ die when I admit that. Maybe it’s ‘cause I’m nosy, I don’t know. I just think it’s fun. I like people, you know?” Now that was the honest truth. It might be the only truth Damian pulls from Oliver during this encounter, especially as Damian is making a not so sly comment about who did what to Kane.
“Anybody could have done it,” Ollie starts simply, “I mean, he was a hated man, that Kane. Who knows where he even came from, truthfully. Could have been anything or anyone.” He takes a generous swig of his beer, wiping at his mouth once he sets the bottle back down. “But, come on, you wanted to talk about somethin’ else. What are you up to? Nothin’ negative either, give me the positives.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
“Okay, so if I have six, then what the fuck am I wearing right now and whose underwear is in my drawer? Also, how is that possible, does my shit even fit you? My boxers gotta be like down to your knees right now or something. Don’t throw my fucking underwear out, dude. They were like, okay, probably not that expensive, but it’s just one hole, what the fuck. We’re not burning my boxers, fuck you. Toss it in the washing machine, put me on speaker and I’ll sing some Diana Ross, we’ll see how that sounds. It’s busted, you can barely see Marty McFly at this point, his face washed off. And it’s got armpit holes. The Harvard shirt is not one of the good shirts but thanks. Can’t believe you let me move half my shit to your place without realizing…okay, hold up, have I accidentally moved in with you? Because I’ve just counted how many night’s I’ve spent at my place in the past two weeks and the answer is last night. Just one.”
“Okay, you have nine. Still one less than ten. Hey! Your underwear fits me fine. I mean, they’re maybe a little big around the waist, but still. My ass is big enough to fit. Hold on, you want me to keep the underwear with the hole? Fine, but at least let me cut a hole in the other cheek. We can make it a fashion statement. Literal ass-holes. Hm, maybe we’ll save Diana Ross for the dryer, I’m in a Shania Twain mood. Also, I like this shirt, busted and all. It’s cute and it smells like you which I love. I could even sew the armpit holes, you know. I took up sewing a couple years back because I wanted to get into this Facebook group filled with nice old ladies who loved knitting and sewing. I even bought a whole ass sewing machine, dude. They wouldn’t let me in the group, can you believe that? Like, I learned how to sew, Betty, let me in the fucking group — wait, you have a shirt that just says shirt? Ha! You’re so weird, I love you so much. I’ll wash this one too.” Ollie goes silent then, the only sound between the phone being his shallow breathing and now the washing machine. “Huh, I mean, I didn’t even realize. I — I mean.....why don’t you like, you know, really stay? For good. Move in. You can bring the rest of your stuff. Even your uncomfortable couch that we love so much. Stick it in the guest room or something.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
starter — @fatesluck (IT’S A MFING PHONE CALL MY DUDES)
“Hey, so like I’m at my place, right? Trying to clean up and be responsible and shit and, like, I can’t find half my stuff. I opened up my drawer and there’s two pairs of underwear and I owe, like, at least 10. And I can’t fucking find any of my good shirts so the question is, are they at your place? Is your laundry basket full of my shit? And that busted Back to the Future shirt, please tell me you’ve got it because if I lost it, I’m gonna cry. So that’s serious.”
“First of all, bub, ten pairs of underwear might be pushin’ it. I know you only have six pairs of underwear because I’m staring at five of them right now and I’m wearing one of them by mistake. They’re comfy. Also, one of them also has a hole on the ass so I’m tossing ‘em, don’t be mad. Maybe we can burn them or something. Maybe a sacrifice to the underwears Gods. Alright, hold on, lemme look in the laundry room. Oh, don’t cry. Hey, you think if I put the phone in the washing machine it would sound like I’m in a tunnel — oh, hold on, I found your shirt! Aw, it’s cute, not busted. It has character. Jesus, I found another one too. Your Dolly Parton shirt is here too. That shirt that says Harvard across the front is also here too. Class of 2002? Smells a little like armpit, I’ll wash it for you. I think your entire dresser is here, honestly, babe.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
Maddox had been at the hospital for almost all of his time but at some point, he had to work, even if that’s the last thing on his mind. However, it gave him somewhere to place his nervous energy besides sitting next to Sutton Chambers tapping his fingers or keeping her company while she stayed in the hospital. He’d already taken time off following his mother’s death that he probably couldn’t take any more if he tried. But it felt good to be in the shop, he found. At least he was doing something. And with being down a mechanic, Maddox had plenty to work on. Although, every time he looked up, instinctively looking for Sutton to assist him or to tell her something or to try to take their lunch breaks together, Maddox had been disappointed to see an empty station. 
Passing off the keys to another customer in the front office, Maddox turned on his heel to pop his head into the shop to see Ollie. “Hey, I got that Honda fixed up— probably gonna finish that Beetle and then head back to the hospital unless you need anything else?” he asked, leaning in the doorway. Oliver had been pretty lenient (if Maddox had to say) with all the shit going on these days. Half the time they were short staffed and busy as Hell and other times, the whole crew sat waiting for a new vehicle to show up, fighting over who got it out of sheer boredom. But Maddox wasn’t going to tempt fate. “The Honda guy left you his number by the way. I said I’d give it to you but I know with Eli and all… Anyways, your choice.”
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Oliver was genuinely surprised to see Maddox up and working. With everything that’s happened, he assumed he would have at least requested some time off. There’s a part of Oliver that wants to tell him to get out of here, to sit by Sutton’s side and make sure she’s okay because he knows that’s what he’d rather be doing right now. But he also doesn’t want to pry within a place that wasn’t truly his business and force him to do something he didn’t want to do, so he takes it in stride. If Maddox begins to seem distressed or overwhelmed then that’s when he’ll tell him to head out. Even if Jackson had been on his ass about making sure everyone came into work, Oliver prioritizes everyone’s health and mindset before that most of the time. 
He looks up from a clipboard of scheduled appointments once Maddox begins speaking to him, smiling warming at the fellow club member. “Thanks, man. Good work. I might need you for one more appointment, though, since Sutton is out. That okay?” Oliver can’t help but laugh at what Maddox says next, moving to stand and take a look at the customer now padding back over to his Honda. “You’re kidding..” He says with another laugh, which is soon followed by a snort. “No way, dude, he has fuckin’ body odor. I also don’t think my boyfriend would like that very much. God, most of the time there’s never anything wrong with his car and he comes in to see if I’ll let him take me to dinner. I only flirt with him sometimes because his grandpa or whoever owns a good hardware shop in town and he gives me good discounts on tools and shit.” That’s when he points a finger at Maddox, “I’m a good manager, you see.” 
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Ollie turns to Maddox again, letting out a quiet, barely-there sigh. “You doin’ alright?” He finally asks though he’s sure Maddox might be sick of hearing it. “If you need some time off, just tell me. I mean it. I know you’re goin’ through a lot right now.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
If there was anyone Andy was hoping to celebrate this victory with, it was Oliver. They’d both seen the violence Kane inflicted on the club first hand, both finding themselves at the hospital bed of their significant other. God knows they both needed a drink. It had been a quick decision, a majority vote coming even faster once the idea had been presented. And now, they were able to breathe again, to reap the benefits of a club victory. He didn’t know what would happen once the Trojans ‘regrouped’, but he knew they’d be ready for it. Andy chuckles as his friend speaks, unable to hide his smile as he greets him with a nod. It’s hard to keep his composure, and not make his celebration known. The last thing Andy needed was for one of the cops – Or god forbid an ATF agent – to catch sight of him, and ruin the fun of watching this all unfold. “Here’s hopin’ those fuckers crash and burn.” He finds himself say as his eyes drift back to the crime scene ahead of them. Normally, there’d be a bit of conflict within him over the Trojans – It’s hard not to feel it, considering they had all been family to him once. But right now? He’s over the fucking moon, and couldn’t give a shit if they’re scrambling. This is where this war was always headed, just another reality of it. “M’sure they’re all shittin’ their pants right about now.” Andy continues, letting out a laugh at his own words before taking another drag. 
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“I don’t think they’ll give up so easily,” Ollie admits, though the smile on his face remains. The opposing gang hasn’t given up even with all that’s been thrown at them recently. For a moment, Oliver had thought the laced drugs would be the thing that finally breaks them, but even then they prevailed as a group somehow and kept moving forward. That’s when Oliver crosses his arms, taking a headcount of every Trojan currently still alive and kicking. He tries to think of what they might do now. If his intuition was right, they’ll appoint someone as president and fast. “You think they’ll move someone up to President?” He questions, eyebrows furrowed as his gaze averts back to the scene across the way. It’s certainly dialed down, but even now everything at The Dive stilled seemed chaotic from the outside. It couldn’t have been good for business either. That place was a damn trainwreck and is known for being so now too. “Probably Seth, now that I think about it. Jesus..” Ollie says, rolling his eyes at the thought. “We might have a new Kane in our midst if that’s what they do.” He purses his lips then, moving his eyes back towards his best friend. “We should get outta here, I’m not tryin’ to have some ATF agent spot you right now.” A laugh weaves through his words as he nods towards the pavement, beginning to walk down it with Andy at his side. “I gotta say the tape with the screams was a nice little touch. I mean, I still think you guys should have taken my suggestion and put sunglasses on his face, but still..” He laughs again, looking down at his shoes. “We should celebrate, though. Get shitfaced.” The topic of celebrating this affair comes easy to Oliver, especially when it came to him and Andy doing so. They both had to see the ones they loved hurt and broken because of Kane, so they kinda had a right to rejoice over his death. 
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fatesluck · 5 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR @suttxnchambers​.
Being worried sick might have been an understatement right now. First Eli’s being kidnapped, then Andy’s getting arrested, and now Sutton’s almost beat to death by a damn ATF agent. Oliver’s surprised he hasn’t gone into cardiac arrest. Though, he’s spotting a few new silver hairs sprouting through his beard that have made him stupidly panic over the state of his stress and age. Either way, he pads through the hospital waiting room with care, not surprised to see Sutton’s brothers posted in front of her door once he arrives. He puts on that mask, the mask that everyone knows and loves. The classic sweet, humorous Oliver that made people feel better in times of struggles and doubt. The biker turns to Martin now, canting his head to the side. “You know, I heard The Queen of England’s lookin’ for new security. You should fax your resume.” Martin promptly gives him the finger and Oliver playfully smacks his shoulder, carefully heading inside. The sight of Sutton instantly makes his stomach turn and he has to inhale sharply in order to stop himself from punching a wall or crying. Maybe both. Either way, she didn’t deserve this. Especially her. “Hey, killer.” Ollie says with a smile, removing his jacket and setting it down onto the chair just beside her hospital bed. He wants to say the usual — how are you feeling? Are you okay? How did it happen? But he assumes she’s heard enough of that today and he doubts she wants to hear it some more. So he backtracks, taking a seat onto the chair. He digs into his jacket pocket, plucking out a bag of Hershey’s Kisses. He opens up the bag and starts lining some up on the edge of the bed. “These were like crack when I was in the hospital. My mom brought them to me the first time I was admitted. I mean, I was in a psych ward at the time, but still. She brought them to me again when I got shot back in June. Made me laugh. Made me feel better too.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
“I hope you realize that I’m planning to watch all the shitty movies that Netflix is putting out right now and you’re doing that with me. You said yes to my romcom addiction the second you agreed to date me, deal with it,” Eli grins and grabs Ollie’s other hand, enjoying the comfort that the touch brings. “Yeah, every year. Don’t really miss it, I fucking hate the cold, always have,” he chuckles and almost shivers at the memory. “We could go somewhere with snow. Doesn’t have to be Michigan but somewhere up north. Trust me, you’re gonna be over it in five minutes if the temperature drops enough,” he says because he knows that Ollie’s the same when it comes to the weather. Sun’s always been their thing.
An idea pops into Eli’s head and he thinks about it for a little too long to just forget it now. “Or we could go to Michigan. We could visit Hope,” he shrugs. That’s a name he hasn’t dropped in years and he can’t even remember if he’s ever told Ollie about her or not. He figures he never has since he barely talks about how he grew up to anyone, even his boyfriend. Eli’s always thought that the less other people know about his childhood the better. And it’s not like it’s fun to talk about either. He wants to do it now, though, since that’s one of the few good things he can remember. “She fostered me for like a year when I was fifteen but then her husband died and she kinda lost it and I went back to the group home. But she’d visit me when I was in juvie and she made me stay in touch with her. She calls me a couple times a year, birthdays, holidays and shit,” Eli explains, his gaze once again dropped low so it’s easier to talk. Even though he knows he can tell Ollie everything, he still feels a little self-conscious about it. Group homes, foster care, juvie, that’s shit normal people don’t talk about. “I mean, she hasn’t seen me in like ten years so maybe a little winter geteway to Michigan wouldn’t be so bad,” Eli looks up at Ollie and smiles. 
“Okay, you’re about to give me a list of all those assholes and I’m about to fuck ‘em up,” Eli says and it’s definitely not a joke. He knows what Ollie means, he’s heard that shit before, and every time he does, it makes his skin crawl (and a lot of the times, even without Ollie knowing, someone would end up with a bruised up face and it wouldn’t be Eli). He looks up at Ollie and smiles softly, shaking his head. “Here you come again, saying shit that’s gonna make me cry. You gotta stop with that,” he chuckles. Eli pulls Ollie up so he can wrap his arms around his body in a tight hug, his face pressed to Ollie’s neck. “I love you so much,” he mutters, because it’s so much better than but I really am a fucking burden. That’s exactly how Eli’s been feeling these past few weeks and he hopes that maybe, just maybe, all that Ollie’s said will make him feel the opposite. “You better hope I’m not, though, you’re stuck with me,” he jokes, because he doesn’t want the talk to get too serious. “And I mean it, anyone’s got shit to say about you, I’m gonna punch a motherfucker.” 
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A wide, giddy smile graces Oliver’s expression as Eli goes on about his undying romcom addiction. Something stirs inside his stomach, butterflies, as he continues to speak. "Hey, you know I wanna watch that new one Netflix just put out. The one about the knight or whatever the fuck. Mainly because the guy in it looked hot, but still...” Ollie laughs out, squeezing Eli’s hand. “Yeah, I get that. Warm weather is the best no matter what. Snow every year is also probably only fun in theory. I do like the thought of us fucking in some big winter log cabin in front of a giant fireplace, though.” He teases, eyebrows wiggling.
That humorous, teasing nature soon subsides as Eli mentions someone from his past. For a moment, his smile molds into something more subtle. Still a smile, nonetheless, but it fades just slightly as he listens intently to what his boyfriend had to say. Much to Eli’s surprise, every single piece of his past that Oliver’s been able to gather has only ever made him love him more. There was never a moment where it made him think less of him. He wanted to know everything, from beginning to end. So now that he’s being let in again, his heart practically skips a beat. “How come you never told me about her?” Ollie teases, slapping Eli’s hand playfully. He still tries to keep the teasing tone alive, especially since he knows that makes Eli feel comfortable. “I would love to do that. I’d love to meet her too. Hell, we can actually get that log cabin I mentioned before.” The smile gracing Eli’s expression makes Oliver’s grow in size once again, the pad of his thumb moving back and forth against the back of Eli’s hand. “What’s she like?” He finally asks, interested in knowing anything and everything. 
Eli’s protective turn brings back those same butterflies again, erupting in his stomach almost instantly. He knows he’s not joking either, he’s always been aware that Eli would move fucking mountains for him which has never not made him feel so damn important. “Lenny from the bar downtown...” Ollie whispers, scanning Eli’s face, leaning in closer. “You know, not to name names or anything.” Maybe Oliver just loved the thought of Eli decking someone in order to protect him a little too much. That’s when Ollie is being scooped into Eli’s arms and he almost bursts from the sudden warmth. He wraps his arms around him tight, peppering kissing onto the side of his face. The biker pulls back a little, reaching both of his hands up to cup each side of Eli’s face, pressing his forehead to his. By now, they’ve said I love you to each other more times than Ollie could count. But that doesn’t mean he’ll ever grow tired of hearing it or saying it. Even now, his whole body warms up at the sound of it coming from Eli’s mouth. He’s like a damn furnace suddenly. “I love you.” He says softly in response, running one hand over his neck and down his arm. “I mean it too, you know. I’ll say it every fuckin’ day, man. I’ll run through the neighborhood screamin’ it just to embarrass you to prove it.” A laugh sounds from Ollie now, which is followed by a snort. “Oh, my hero.” Though Eli really was his hero, but he won’t go on about that and get too cheesy again. Ollie scans his eyes over Eli’s face again, taking both of his hands into his once more. “Thanks for always defending me, sunshine.” Ollie says now, letting out a quiet scoff. “You’re sweet. Also sexy, but you know that.”
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fatesluck · 5 years
10 16 17
10.  Was your character happy, sad, relieved, mad, etc. at Kane’s death? Why?
16.  Who is your character loyal to?
Oliver is loyal to the whole Primordial gang basically. He thinks of them all as family and would do anything for them. Especially Eli and Andy, who he’s closest to. Outside of them, he’s also loyal to Emme, Rowan, and Reina. He’s also pretty loyal to Adrian (for example, keeping his sexuality a secret for so long and protecting that in high school and for his entire life, basically, even when he fell out of touch with Adrian) but I think that’s changed now that he stabbed his closest friend. 
17.  In what ways does your character relate to the God/Goddess they represent?
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fatesluck · 5 years
“… this gruesome scene outside a popular night club in Olympus, Louisiana just one week ago. Authorities are still searching for information on the case, though no suspects have currently been taken into custody. If you have any–”
Damian’s glass hits the countertop harder than he intends. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters to himself, tapping his palm against the polished surface to get the bartender’s attention. “Hey? Excuse me!” When the man makes it to the far end of the bar he takes Damian’s glass and replaces it without a word. “Thanks man, but, hang on,” he says as the young man turns away.
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“Can we not with this shit?” he asks, gesturing up to the television mounted above the bar. “There’s gotta be some college football on somewhere right?” Its’s been about a week since Kane was killed and still, the gruesome murder still made the rounds on the afternoon news every day. And every time he had to listen to them talk about having no leads? It was impossible not to roll his eyes. Who else would have done… all of that?
He rakes his fries through the last bit of ketchup clinging to the bottom of the plastic cup before pushing his nearly empty plate away from him. “How many times do they think people need to see that?” He says to the person sitting next to him. “I mean… hell, they expect someone to just call up and solve it for them?”
The simple reminder that Kane was very much gone was truly music to Oliver’s ears. He tries not to make it very obvious, as he’s in public and he’d rather not get caught in a sudden quarrel in regards to the man’s death. For now, he’ll remain unphased by the news, drinking his beer in silence as he watches the bar brew and gossip about the last week.
In truth, he hadn’t even realized Damian was there until he spoke up. Embarrassingly so, Oliver could recognize his voice anywhere. Seeing him so unhinged in public was very entertaining, though, he’ll give him that much. Most of the time Damian seemed very polished. Pristine, almost. He was a respected doctor, for crying out loud. He worked with sick people and was on the right side of Olympus history. Sure, Oliver knew the inner workings of his preferences in the bedroom. Oliver’s been bent over his damn dining room table, enduring every bit of unhinged dominance Damian had to offer. But seeing it in a public setting was strange. So much so that Oliver decides to ditch his small, quiet corner of the bar and sit beside him. Like the obnoxious person that he was, he reaches over to pluck out one of the last fries in his plate, popping it into his mouth. Can we not with this shit? Oliver cackles, “Oh, Damian, you know I’d do anything you say if you just said it with your hands.” He says, obviously teasing. 
“They’re gonna play this shit until they get the message across. The police in this town want people to be afraid just as they are.” He says, ordering himself another beer and one for Damian too. His own gaze averts towards the TV now too, pursing his lips a little. Obviously, the bartender was too busy to care about what was on, so Oliver takes it upon himself to hop over the counter and grab the remote. Oliver Stone, an obnoxious hero. The bartender, of course, calls him out and Oliver is quick to respond. “Oh, relax, will you?” Ollie’s brows furrow then, eyes moving to scan Damian’s face as he figures out how to change the channel. “Damn, you’re really pissed about this, huh? Or is this that thing people do when they’re actually pissed about something else and take it out on another thing?”
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fatesluck · 5 years
Think vaguely of the devil and he shall appear. Oliver Stone, in the flesh. There was something about the man that always sent him reeling back to 10th grade. Before the fork in the road–when things were hard but only hard in the way that high school is for everyone who is even just a tiny bit different (and Adrian had been a lot different), and not adult hard where he forgot to pay a bill and spent the next several hours alone in his shitty trailer in the dark because the small town power company was closed on weekends.
“Saints verses… someone. This crowd only gets this agro over one team.” Adrian looked up from his game with a crooked half-grin directed towards the other man. “Ironically I also haven’t followed football since high school.” Not that he followed anything but their school team back then. And really, he only followed Oliver’s ass up and down the field. But he’d followed that very closely.
He flipped his phone towards Oliver, showing him the blacked out screen with an array of colorful wedges of a circle arranged across the screen. “It’s called Slice and it’s completely rigged. I’ve gotten the same piece ten times in a row. Obviously I’m gonna lose if you do that.” He punctuated the claim with the click of his phone locking. 
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Suddenly and all at once, the guilt settles in. Oliver suddenly realizes that speaking to Adrian now was a recipe for disaster when it comes to his inner emotions. It was almost selfish to take advantage of Adrian’s blatant obliviousness. He would find out eventually, one way or another, and he’ll soon come to find that Oliver was just like the rest. This sudden guilt and nervousness bubbles helplessly in his stomach, an ache sending through the area. His face scrunches a little and he pries his gaze away from Adrian, trying not to make it obvious. Though he can’t help but laugh quietly at what Adrian says, knowing damn well why he even followed football to begin with back in the day. “Well, of course.” He replies with another laugh, ridding of the sudden twisting sensation that takes place inside his stomach. “In the end, most of my football days were filled with me convincing you that I wasn’t fucking any cheerleaders.” Then he snorts, “I only fucked Sydney Zago. She had perky tits and a voice that sounded like if Minnie Mouse mouth-fucked a dog toy. She was nice, though.” 
Remembering high school in this light was always tricky. It’s no secret that Oliver was cool, liked, and very popular. He even knows that himself and feels thankful that he was blessed enough to have a relatively normal high school experience. Though, in hindsight, looking back he knows Adrian was the only person who truly understood him back then. He finally moves his gaze back down to Adrian’s phone, an amused look now painting his expression. “Maybe you’re just not very good at it.” He teases, obviously kidding. “I never have the patience for games on my phone. Though that one where you slice fruit with a sword has always sounded in intriguing.” Blue eyes scan over the diner once more as cheers erupt throughout the place again, “Jesus, you’d think they were all winnin’ the lottery or something. You dare me to accidentally unplug the TV to see what happens?”
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15 notes · View notes
fatesluck · 5 years
10, 18, 25
10.  Was your character happy, sad, relieved, mad, etc. at Kane’s death? Why?
Oliver was very, very happy. There is nobody in this town he hated more than Kane, which is such a wild thought because Oliver never really hates anyone. He even still likes people who hate him, but he really hated Kane. He’s hurt him  and has hurt the people he cares and loves too, so he was more than thrilled when he finally got what he believed he deserved. He does feel sorry for Izzy, especially since he also fucking stabbed her ass, but he also believes that this is just how the club works. They all signed up for this and Ollie thinks things like this are bound to happen when you’re someone like Kane in this scenario. 
18.  In what ways do they not relate to the God/Goddess they represent?
25.  Name a (or many) fictional characters from TV, movies, books that inspire your character or remind you of them?
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fatesluck · 5 years
3, 12, 15, 28
3.  Do you think the MCs are good or bad for Olympus? Why?
Oliver knows the MCs are bad for Olympus but I don’t think he’d readily admit that. He knows that what they do is dangerous and unlike anything any normal or sane person has ever seen or done. He understands why it’s bad and why most would believe they’re bad, basically. This doesn’t change his desire to stick with them and remain loyal, though. He’s been in this club for so damn long already and there’s no way he’d suddenly tarnish his rank and what these people mean to him because of their influence on the town.
12.  Do you think there are instances where murder is justified? Why or why not?
15.  Is your character loyal? How far would they go to prove that they are?
Absolutely. I don’t think Oliver feels the need to do anything to prove his loyalty. Though, I think he can come off as disloyal mainly because he can easily become oblivious to certain things. He’s the kind of people who just assumes before actually gaining information. For example, when he allowed Rowan’s sister to bet on and win him during the auction unaware of how much that would hurt Andy. He’s still very loyal, but can just be really oblivious and careless.
28.  This or that:
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fatesluck · 5 years
5, 17, 18, 28
5.  Who do you think is the least intimidating person in Olympus? Why?
I don’t think Oliver thinks of anyone in town within this kind of light, honestly. In truth, he thinks anyone in Olympus is capable of anything, especially now, which makes him a little nervous and a little intimidated by everyone. The only person(s) I don’t think Oliver is really intimidated by is Ryder or Adrian, but especially Adrian. He’s known Adrian since he was a teenager so he fully knows and understands what he’s capable of, though he does think Adrian could easily hurt him emotionally because of their past together. But either way, he’s probably the least intimidating in his eyes.
17.  In what ways does your character relate to the God/Goddess they represent? 
I basically centered Oliver’s entire bio and personality around Tyche and what she represented. Which was fortune, chance fate, and luck. There’s one quote on Wikipedia about Tyche that I found so inspiring when I was creating Oliver and it also inspired his struggle with bipolar disorder. “The effectiveness of her capricious power even achieved respectability in philosophical circles during that generation, although among poets it was a commonplace to revile her for a fickle harlot.”
Apparently, people believed Tyche was responsible for literally everything. Good and bad luck. For example, whenever something went right, they thought Tyche blessed them at birth. But then whenever something went wrong or someone worked hard for so long but still ended up in bad shape, they believed Tyche was responsible. I found that kind of power and mindset interesting, which inspired me to make Oliver very people-pleasing, giving, and charming while still being someone who could rip his sentiments from them in an instant without a second thought (for example, Izzy). 
There’s not very much to go off of when it comes to Tyche, unfortunately, because she’s obviously not as prominent or well known as most gods or goddesses. But to me, she seemed kinda all over the place. Fickle, prosperous, and very back and forth. That really inspired me to create Ollie the way that he is. Just everything at once.
18.  In what ways do they not relate to the God/Goddess they represent?
No ways. He is Tyche. What I could muster about her, anyway.
28.  This or that: 
0 notes
fatesluck · 5 years
Olympus had a dark cloud hanging over it - not that darkness around town was a new concept, but this one was different. This one was heavy and made you feel like you could hardly catch your breath if you were outside too long. It was part of the reason Brent had been avoiding any interactions outside of his apartment unless he was work. Well that, plus the fact he was getting over a bad cold and talking made his already sore throat more raw. 
Thankfully, today was a slow day at work which meant the only talking he did was saying hey to any of the other employees whenever they came in and out - usually, though, it was just a head nod towards them whenever he glanced up from the book he was reading. 
Brent had his feet propped up on the desk, knuckle pressed against his lips as he read; it was one of those two dollar romance novels you find in airports. This one took place in the deep south, and was about a farmhand helping out a woman who’s father just passed away, leaving her the farm since she never started a family. He just got to the part where the two just did some dirty work in the field and she asked the farmhand if he wanted to shower in the main house, instead of the guest house. But the sound of the shop’s front bell pulled him away from the story and back into the real world.
“Evenin’,” he said with a smile. 
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The last week or so has been filled to the brim with celebrations over the death of Kane. Oliver and Andy were both more than thrilled especially, as the two of them were left to sit at the edge of a hospital bed holding their significant others because of Kane’s rage and violence. So it’s needless to say that they’ve been waiting for this moment, they all have. Even as Olympus enters newfound darkness, there’s still a shred of light cascading over everyone as the world was now free from a ferocious menace.
Though, that’s not to say Oliver’s nerves have subsided greatly. They have in small ways, but his nervousness was still lingering somewhere in the back of his mind. It’s as if he’s anticipating all the bad to occur again, just lurking around the corner, waiting to pounce. He tries not to dwell too much on the negatives that float through his brain and instead zeros in on all the positive that’s come out of this last week. It’s why he comes into work feeling a little lighter and more in control. Sometimes he was shocked at the way he was able to seamlessly combat his intrusive thoughts, he makes a mental note to continue using this technique.
He smiles fondly at the sight of Brent, Oliver moving to rest both of his hands on his own hips. His head cants to the side just slightly, “You loungin’ on the job?” Ollie questions with a quiet laugh, averting his gaze over the shop. Perks of being the manager was there were days where you could come in a little late, or a lot later. It obviously wasn’t very busy today which doesn’t exactly surprise Oliver. Nobody was really looking to get their car fixed at a time like this. That’s when he turns back to Brent, teasingly hitting one of his shoes. “Shoes off the desk, man. I don’t want Jackson comin’ in here and havin’ my ass because of you.” His smile doesn’t fade as he pads into his own office, removing his leather jacket and setting it down onto the chair behind his desk. “How’re you feeling, by the way? Shit’s kinda wild right now, huh.”
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