#unintentionally edgy I just like arrows
somethinginthepines · 2 years
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Like a Gaping Wound
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bonenzone · 7 years
What shows on the cw are actually doing well? Supernatural? I heard they plan to make it to 14 seasons and then end the show. Riverdale is well liked not sure if the live rating are good though, but if they force any love triangles on that show even the comic love triangle fans will stop watching (LT are played out) Reign is about over, TO rating are bad, Arrow has been suffering, SuperGirl is not doing well, everyone hates Chris Wood. The Flash might be the only show doing well besides SPN.
14 seasons is monumental. Their fandom has done well to keep them alive. I’m behind on Riverdale but I love that I’m seeing more people getting into it. I think the TVD void may have added to the audience numbers slightly, but the last I checked the ratings were not going so well… Oh dammmn, I just googled them - those ratings are worse than TVD was doing. Yikes! I hope the writing gets better, I want the show to succeed but the writing is pretty flat. I still don’t understand why Ronnie kissed Betty at cheer trials… the whole show feels like it would’ve been edgy in 2007, not 2017. 
That’s so harsh, I’ve only seen to episode 5. It could be better now, fingers crossed.
Wait, what, people hate the character Chris Woods is playing?! That’s such a turnaround from TVD and he played a living nightmare on that. I don’t watch 95% of these shows so I really had no idea things were that bad, I thought all the superhero shows were saving the CW? Maybe less cheesy dialogue, solid plots, not killing off every character people start to grow attached to and constantly propping up shitting ones is, in fact, the way to go. Oh, and the only thing that The Flash has that I know as someone who doesn’t watch is some solid diversity with a WOC leading lady and a well loved MOC as one of the mains. Cisco, right? I’ve seen about 12 minutes of that show all up and I want what’s best for him. He reminds me of the wasted potential of Josh on The Originals but they actually seem to know what to do with his character. 
This got unintentionally long. Thank you for educating me today because I sincerely have no idea what’s going on over there. This is why I tend to binge stuff, things seem to struggle and be cancelled way too early and I’m not committing until there are a couple of seasons on Netflix, damn it!! 
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