#tell me if I need to tag anything else
acoustic-crayons · 2 months
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"Why, someone is getting tired of my cooking,"
If y'all like good John Dory angst with some HickDory side severing, you should read AhkiKris's fic Guilty As Sin?
This particular drawling is based on the chapter 18 cooking scene!
[below the cut for a bonus yandere joke pic]
"They're probably wondering where you are. If Branch and I weren't on okay terms, he'd probably think I kidnapped you."
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This is what happens when you make jokes about kidnaping and yanderes in the comments with the author lol
BTW They don't have tails or anything in fic so the actual ficart reflects that. This silly extra piece on the other hand is free game lol
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rabid-citrus · 3 months
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Bootleg Backrooms weirdos for this years artfight
info on them under the cut (cw for attempted murder, child abuse, medical themes and performing surgery without consent)
A girl doll entity residing in the playrooms. Her behavior and speech patterns are reminiscent of a six year old child. The entity shows signs of enduring emotional and psychological abuse. She refers to the perpetrators as simply "them". Upon further investigation it was determined that "they" are a group of other unknown toy entities, who are much bigger and stronger than the Pinky entity.
According to Pinky herself, "they", among other things, prohibited her from playing alone, told her that nobody would want to be friends with her because she's "defective", took away her sewing kits or other means of repairing herself, and even threatened to "put her down" and "get rid of her".
She likes glow-in-the-dark stars. Her territory consists solely of her room, which has its ceiling adorned with them. Pinky is friendly and harmless, seeking a playmate who would want to be friends with her despite her percieved defects. She frequently reassures herself on being a girl doll.
Little Starshine
Clown doll entity residing in the playrooms. It is a baby doll made of cloth, with a heart-shaped patch on its chest (which is usually hidden by the entity's clothes). On their back is a small tag with their name on it.
Little Starshine behaves like a small child and displays signs of separation anxiety and abandonment issues. They like apple juice and cosmic-themed toys. They don't talk, only making baby noises. The only communication method is asking them to draw pictures.
Behind the heart-shaped patch is their actual heart, made of some porcelain-like material. If it breaks, Little Starshine starts showing signs of sickness.
Some people report them drawing pictures of a large figure, presumably their owner, leaving them behind. In all of those drawings Little Starhine depicts themself with a broken heart, drawn as a heart symbol with a crack over their chest.
Betty Nurse
Nurse entity residing in a hospital halls section of the [REDACTED]. Her skin is metallic and cold to touch. She has access to a wide range of medical equipment, including but not limited to surgical tools. Her primary method of using the tools is attaching them to the mechanical limbs protruding from her back.
Betty will usually insist on performing a medical examination on anyone entering her territory, which might be followed by her taking those she deems "sick" into her care (which might involve performing surgical procedures among other things). However, she seems to disregard that humans are vastly different from native playspace inhabitants.
Betty Nurse entity is docile and mostly benevolent, unless provoked. Provoking the entity may result in being subject to surgical alteration and/or death. It must be kept in mind that the entities in this place may not share the same morals as humans, as is evident with Betty performing her procedures regardless of consent.
If she decides that you need surgical intervention, you have chances of either losing an organ, gaining a new organ unknown to modern science (maybe even having your original organ replaced by it), or, in a very rare case, ending up being altered so much you might be no longer recognized as a human.
Golden Prince
An entity that claims to be royalty and demands his subjects respect him. He is the self-proclaimed leader of a group of lost human children who have forgotten their names.
If Golden Prince is to be believed, he and his sister Pink Princess used to "rule over" their shared territory, before she grew jelaous and overthroned him by feeding him a poisoned cake and kicking him out in his weakened state. He is very bitter about it, and he plans on overthrowing his sister, now Pink Queen, and taking back his throne.
He is very ill-tempered and tends to take out his frustration on others, partially as a consequence of being poisoned, having the poison eat a hole through him, and Betty painstakingly putting him back together after almost falling apart. He names the lost humans he considers his subjects after their most prominent traits.
Pink Queen (formely Pink Princess)
An entity claiming to be royalty. She overthroned her brother by feeding him poisoned cake and kicking him out in his weakened state to claim all their shared territory for herself.
Pink Queen is bratty and bossy, she does not like to share. She and Golden Prince used to bicker over the tiniest thngs before she staged her coup. This entity is as ill-tempered as her brother.
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Do you have any headcanons on what Brian, Alex and Jay’a backstory’s are like?
I personally give them dark back stories and that’s why they we’re so easily manipulated
I mean honestly I think they were easily manipulated because they were just regular guys before! I do have some details of their backstories (including pre-MH stuff) that I stick with though:
- Single mother and only kid. Dad skipped out, Brian resents him more than his mother does because she doesn’t like to waste time thinking about him
- Brian and his mother were close, he called her pretty frequently. His missing poster was the first to go up when he stopped responding
- In at least two scenes showing Pre-MH, nobody knows where Brian is despite him being needed for a scene in one and them hanging out at his house for another. Because of this, I often HC that Brian was frequently losing time and waking up in weird places due to the Operator around this time. Not wanting to worry anyone however, he kept this to himself and always tried to play it off as something else
- While Brian and Tim were never officially roommates, they talked about it a lot and planned to do it next semester, though unfortunately never got that far
- Brian has been openly bisexual since he was young, even if he didn’t have a label for it back then. He got some shit for it, most of it being pretty backhanded stuff considering he was popular
- He met Alex during Freshman Orientation at college and immediately clocked him as bisexual before Alex officially came out to him
- While Brian is a popular guy and gets along with a lot of people, he only has a few close friends because he chooses them wisely. He had a handful of not so great ‘friends’ in High School that he’s no longer in contact with and is subtly wary with most relationships going forward
- Didn’t fully realize he was bisexual until High School but stayed deep in the closet until he could move out
- His family (of which Alex is the third kid of four) is largely shitty on top of being homophobic, especially his father, and he cuts off all contact when he moves out for college. He didn’t tell them what college he was going to either, leaving in the middle of the night
- The only family he IS in contact with and has a good relationship with is his cousin and his husband, as they’re the only other gay people in the family (though technically disowned, not that Alex cares) and have always been more of a family to Alex than his actual one. They got really worried when Alex sends Rocky up to live with them but they take good care of Rocky. When he drops off the map, they are the people who eventually call in a missing person report for him
- Alex got Rocky in High School and took him with him when he left. When shit goes on with the Operator, Alex sends Rocky to live with his cousin out of fear that something will happen to him if he doesn’t. Rocky outlives Alex because of this.
- Alex met Amy in a shared class in his Freshman Year. They end up dating about three months after but eventually in her second year, Amy ends up transferring to a different college in order to pursue her degree as the other college had better options. They remain long distance and visit each other as much as they can
- Him and his Moms have always been the odd ones out in their town so Jay was pretty used to the idea that people were always gonna find something to dislike about him no matter what he did and he might as well be himself if that’s the case
- Openly gay for as long as he can remember
- Didn’t really have a whole lot of friends growing up but fortunately while enduring some bullying, also knew how to snap back in a way to make them back off. Eventually everyone knew to just leave him alone
- His family, while living comfortably, has always been careful with money, causing Jay to pick up the same habits. He saved a ton of money before college and always has at least a dozen of coupons in his wallet
- When Jay stops answering calls, his moms went looking for him themselves. They’re used to only relying on each other so they don’t bother with the police. They find answers, just not the ones they want, but Tim is always welcomed to the Merrick Household. No matter how much he blames himself, they know otherwise. Call it mother’s intuition.
- Jay had a TON of cats growing up so he’s very friendly with them and can spout Cat Facts at any given moment
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autistic-katara · 10 months
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…please guys just shut up for the love of god
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diapause · 1 year
not that I've spoken about things this personal on here in years but I'm very likely going to the police soon with hard evidence of what was done to me as a child so. wish me luck
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isleofdarkness · 2 years
What infuriates you most about Descendants? From the plots to characters (from the books and movies)
"You're telling me we're stuck like this until Lagoona fixes some freaky flaw? Which one?! She has so many!" - Toralei Stripe, Great Scarrier Reef
Now you might be wondering how a Monster High quote relates to my answer, but that's how I felt. How could I name only one thing that infuriates me? All of them infuriate me in equal amounts. That's why it took me a while to answer this, because I was debating. Until I realized that most of my grievences fell under one thing;
The lack of any genuine thought and effort being put in.
We have the lack of continuity, how the books struggle to match up with the movies while nothing from the books is ever mentioned in the movies. The really interesting characters from the books and/or the really interesting dynamics they could present, we see none of them.
We have the racism. Li Liang and Li Susu have a German and *supremely* disrespectful and unlucky name respectively. The misogynoir, how they treated Uma, Celia, Audrey, and Freddie. Celia wasn't even bad, she was mischievous bordering on a bit naughty, but they treated her like she was a Villain villain. Uma was right and I will die on this hill. Audrey was humiliated, cheated on, and spelled into doing something she didn't want to. Freddie was actually better behaved than Mal, like sheesh. Queen Leah being the "old, bitter bitch" when she was traumatized and had every right to react as she did in the first movie (while Aurora, the good one, was white with a black mom and biracial daughter.) Ursula being nasty. Cruella being "crazy." There are probably more but I've forgotten them. Carlos, moving off of misogynoir, was treated like a baby. Facilier and Coach were the only two genuinely okay black people in the movies, and they said maybe three lines each and got two seconds of screen time. An Indigenous actor playing an Arabian man. Evie being Latina never being discussed (aside from her possibly falling into the spicy Latina trope in the first movie and book.) It was just so racist, like wow. I could do better even without research, and I hope to do a lot better with a lot of research Disney should have done.
It's not realistic. Jafar tried to rape a fifteen-year-old girl, the same age as his son. Claude tried to rape a sixteen-year-old, who could be the same age as his daughter for all we know. There are children on an Isle of rapists and murderers and people who torture others just for the hell of it, but Disney does not acknowledge how the three of them probably encountered someone who went through it, if not them going through it (Jafar totally would, just saying,) once. No food insecurity, no PTSD (let alone C-PTSD,) no kleptophobia, nothing showing the trauma and constant state of survival they lived in for their entire lives.
The villains are not the Villains. They are cartoony even by Disney standards. Evil Queen would have tried to carve out Evie's heart at least once (she did in mine.) Hades would never cheat on his wife (I headcanon that Maleficent did a love spell.) Hell, most of them wouldn't have survived childhood because their parents are Villains.
How did the wild magic never leak onto the Isle?
Mal has a half-brother. Why was that never bought up?
Why is everyone speaking in such heavy Ebonics at times?
Why did Li Liang have cornrows in the second movie? Her hair doesn't need protective styles like that and she's probably damaging it, on top of it just being not good.
The fucking names. Hadie. Harriet and Harry. Jay and Jade. Claudine. LeFou Deux. The Gastons I give a pass for because Gaston would really be Like That. Yzla. Disney, c'mon.
I already touched on this but where did Mad Maddy and her crew go? Where's Anxelin? And Li Susu? Hadie? Jade and Diego? Freddie and CJ? Where did they go? What did you do to them, Mal?
Mal drugged her boyfriend and I'm one of those people who counts nonconsensual kissing as SA, so she SA'ed him. This is never bought up even though holy shit, that's problematic.
Uma, Audrey, and Maddy had every right to hate Mal. Celia had every right to drop the Ember into a bird bath.
Mal tried to hurt and kill Evie.
Jafar hit Jay at least once in the books. Maleficent ignored Mal until she wanted to exploit her. Evie was starved and forced to reduce herself to a walking cunt to please her mother. A slave in ancient Rome would have been on a pleasure cruise for what Carlos was going through. But they are all dying to see their parents. Make it make sense, Disney. I would kill the person who hurt me *once* if I had half the chance, so why are they sprinting down the bridge to see their parents?
Bringing the Barrier down was a shit idea and Auradon is doomed, Disney. Maleficent was ready to enslave everyone and now she's free? C'mon.
Kids died on the Isle. Unless the Barrier keeps the kids alive. Either way, should probably mention that because some of these people would kill their kids.
Honestly, to keep from ranting for five more pages, there would be so much fucked up shit going on on the Isle and Disney makes it seem like there was just a touch of mischief going on there.
Mal is not a good protag and should not have been marketed as such.
Snow White would never insult Evie's styles like that. Cinderella would never raise her son like that. Alice would never raise her daughter like that.
Beast was legit doing a quiet genocide on the Isle, at least on the children.
How's the Underworld running without Hades? Is Thanatos doing it? He get bumped from guy with one job to managing the hardest domain to manage? What about Persephone? What's she doing? Auradon seems to be in constant spring so it looks like she doesn't get to manage the Underworld.
Gods are inherently magical being and no Barrier, no one (possibly Hecate herself, but we never hear about her,) could stop them from doing magic.
Fae and djinni are inherently magic. Cecaelias (and I'm betting mermaids) need to be born underwater. Nothing can take the magic out of the ocean. How did they prevent that, Disney? Tell me.
I think I've ranted for long enough. There's so many plot holes that I can't even strain pasta through it because the pasta would fall out. There's so much disrespect for other cultures that I can't even think of an analogy. There's so little creativity that I was writing better stories before I knew how to write. Descendants is a spite project made to put EAH out of business and sell dolls and it shows. Disney, do better.
"Sometimes fanfiction is a love letter to canon. Sometimes it's ninety-five things canon has done wrong nailed to canon's door." And mine is definitely the latter.
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mechidraws · 2 years
Shrignold and Warren kissin <3
Warning for nasty mouth and tongue horror LMAO
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dailysheepart · 2 years
Would u draw a sheep covered in eyeballs for october
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Day 18
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space-puppeteer · 2 years
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This is Fronnie propaganda
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artisticcrow · 2 years
Still devastated by the fact that Oli’s Vod Channel dose not in fact have all of his past streams
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acoustic-crayons · 1 month
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Little Cooper Doodle
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arctasy · 7 months
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shelby’s recent statement on twitter
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caleblandrybones · 2 years
gonna try sleeping 4 hours a night and water fasting until I lose my grip on existence
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autistic-katara · 10 months
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can you people think before u speak holy shit
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natjennie · 6 months
okay, bear with me this requires a lot of context. imagine that you wake up on a space ship with an alien species capable of telepathic communication with you. they are also capable of instilling you with the knowledge that everything they say is completely true, there is not a hint of uncertainty in your mind. they have weapons capable of obliterating earth pointed at the planet, and are forcing you to do one of two things in order to not fire. within the fiction of the scenario you are not being given the choice, but you the real you is picking which one of these things you'd rather have happen.
you must eat an 8 ounce serving of human baby meat, by default prepared like a steak (different preparations can be requested). you do not have to keep the meat down once you're done, but you have to get all of it in your body at one point. they do not provide any information about where the baby came from or how it died. if you complete this, they will deposit you back on earth and you will be free from legal repercussions of cannibalism, and it is generally agreed that you are also free from moral blame as it was against your will.
you will be surgically impregnated with a human embryo and must carry it to term and give birth. the embryo does not contain your dna, but otherwise you don't know anything about its origins. the aliens have advanced medical technology that gives you sufficient anatomy to carry and birth the baby, and keeps you healthy throughout, with no risk of long term complications or death. you have the choice to keep or give away the baby once you have given birth, and will be deposited back on earth.
if you refuse to comply in either situation, they destroy the earth and you are forced to live the rest of your life aboard the space ship as a prisoner, until you die of natural causes.
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st4rryspace · 2 years
ok ok, um, the art is under the cut, but it contains some unreality and that kind of stuff, so I've tagged accordingly. however, if you do look at the art, there's some explanation about the art and why I made it and stuff under the art, so yeah. read it. or not. I'm just some text, not a cop /ref.
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[ a little elaboration on this : we sometimes love aus so much from some people, (or not even that much, but at least a considerable amount) that we get fictives from them, and it’s kind of funny how these people might not even realize they might be talking to their own character/a character of an alternate universe they've created. for example; you’re now talking to lex, a fictive of the fusion of Emmet, Rex and Lucy that @/thinknamewhat created :]. So as you might notice by now, (or not, I won't blame you if you didn't catch on) this is mostly directed at @/burgycreeper405-blog & @/thinknamewhat. This was the thing that I said was directed art at specific people. ] -lex
so that’s enough rambling! /lh
um, also don't necessarily treat us as our source and we're all good! Yeah, just wanted to share that with you all! Uh, have a great timezone I guess :D -hunter
hope this all made a bit of sense! brain is a bit blehg rn if u know what I mean -
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