#unit7 art
magpelle · 5 years
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Creating eye-catching yet technically representative of the lesson’s teachings was, in my opinion, quite fun. Learning how to make GIFs is a skill I believe I shall value quite highly into the future.
Unfortunately, in the lesson I had no time to completely finish my Gifs to the quality that I wanted. At this result I concluded to make the above GIFs at home, and add in some sketches for variation.
In a similar note I implemented extreme colour changes between each frame using Curves and Hue and saturation on photoshop. The effect of this is most evident in the first GIF, wherein I changed the aesthetic of each image (including the sketches over the top) to create a drastically different atmosphere in each.
When attempting to save my photoshop files, I also realised that when downloading the file as a GIF, it gave me the option to save in full high quality. Although this may have seemed appealing at first, I considered the compatibility of such a huge file. I am also aware that tumblr has a cap upon the maximum file size of any GIF. To avoid this, I reduced the pixellation considerably- by more than half- but despite an ugly result, I noticed that the light in each picture became more stylised than before. This is especially noticeable in the red frame of the GIF seen immediately above- where the warm light of the stairwell has been evaluated into a pool of yellow stars on the ceiling above.
I personally love this result and I will definitely consider how to implement this acute style and intrigue into my final animation!
-Jasmine Hassan
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