semyazzayee · 10 months
The entire cats plot summarized in a pinterest image:
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dan-asd · 10 months
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Wow! I can't believe it already is that special time! I will post this to celebrate this spoooooky halloween we are having with this. The Giants and Doatls aren't scary or anything but they are celebrating halloween
Giants are a species of the homo genus, and have been around for a few million years. They were artifically created by Gwandros, goddess of the red eye, and it still is currently unkwnown why they did that. Deohistorians theorize she might have done this because "Humans are kinda boring. Could have been better. Like an sauropod". The only evidence for this theory still is an encarving in a degraded stone monolith found in The Crater.
Giants are on average, 16 meters tall. Their arms are much longer proportionally to ours, reaching their knees. Their jaws are strong and have many molars that regrow with age, which helps them with their diverse diet of genuinely fucked up things to eat. Gwandros, being an god of the winds, clouds, and air, naturally knew a lot about air- They used this knowledge to create the Giants' air sac and respiratory system, which helps them with many things. It helps them support their immense size by saving on weight and giving some support, it gives Giants more efficient respiration, and it also helps Giants shed heat from their large bodies, by increasing their surface area in contact with air.
Giants also have red pseudo-wings, they are full of blood vessels and are flooded with blood when its hot, shedding heat. The pseudo-wings also are used for communication. An giant with dark red wings is sure to be either under a lot of sunlight or having big emotional reactions. Pretty much like sweating and crying as a single thing.
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impulseimpact · 1 year
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#66 willowl: these strange beings seem to be made out of hollow wood and feathers, its unkwnown how they function as we have been only anle to study hollow shells after they pass away, but living specimens can easily be found at night due to the flames emanating seemingly spontanously out of their bodies
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onosodaisilarap · 4 months
➠ {STARVED.text}
███████▒▒▒ 70%
It's exactly 14h25. I sink a little deeper into the chair and yawn. Sleepy…my eyelids slowly close and when my consciousness comes back, I shake my head, pinching my cheeks. Can't I just sit down without feeling tired? Tiredness really knows how to disguise itself sometimes.
My hands reach to rub my eyes. Anyways, gonna leave laziness aside and verify the remaining vegetables.
—Do these people have a problem with tomatoes? There are about 4 rotten ones here.—Who needs that? I get rid of them in a second and they are all crushed in the trash. What a bad smell that has…I hold back the urge to vomit. I have a deep problem with these things. My hate for bad smells is strong, no matter what it is. I throw away all the useless vegetables and clean the waste, the pantry, the refrigerator and the table. The aroma of the products and the soup once prepared perfumes the entire room. Now that's a kitchen! Although it wasn't so dirty before, the rotten vegetables really make it feel dirty. With them in the trash, it even got better.
That's good, isn't it?
I don't really like meat. Actually, the texture is very weird for me. I seldomly eat it. Today, some stuffed meat pastries needed to be made. Well, it tastes good, I guess.
Again, sitting down on the same chair and looking at the same clock. My eyes follow the pointer everytime it moves. So strange...and comforting to relive this moment. It seems to be the peak of my day. Just staring at this clock. Just that. How glorious is time.
—Is there cucumber?—I stand up startled. The blonde standing by the door takes a step back.—Ah, pardon.
—Damn, you scared me!—I laugh and then shake my head. Yikes, that was out of nowhere.—Hm…cucumber, right? No.
—Do you want to eat something of cucumber?
—No. I just wanted one.—I let out a soft hum to her answer and wave.
—Got it. I'm sorry.—She leaves. How akward…I scratch my head. Someone would really come to a kitchen just to ask for a cucumber? Not gonna judge. Cravings do hit after all. I glance at the door every now and then and turn to the fridge. Are the cucumbers really ran out? I'll check again. Maybe my memory failed me...
I look for them over and over but don't find any cucumbers. My memory was right then. Good…I sit in the chair once again. The clock points at 2h15 pm. I yawn and my body softens.
My eyes speak louder than my mouth, sometimes. My stomach growls louder than my thoughts sometimes. I cook, and finish the meals, and serve them. That's usually what I do, sometimes.
I'm doing the dishes. The tomatoes rest on the table, fresh and ripe. I look at them and go back to the sink. How strange it is to be alone in this kitchen…there are only a few dishes, so it’s not that much work. It's good money, so it's not too bad. Of course, I don't have to deal with inconvenient colleagues or disruptions to my schedule. I look at the tomatoes again, and they are rotten.
My eyes check them once more. They are normal. Huh...
It doesn't matter. Just ignore that. I looked quickly. Yeah, it was definitely an optical illusion. I peek just once more. They're normal. Yes, it was an optical illusion. Optical illusion…? I laugh at what I thought. What a beautiful way of saying that I possibly hallucinated.
—Lady.—This voice. My head turns at its direction.
—Yes?—It's that blonde again. She's standing there by the side of the door, now stepping inside.—Cucumbers?
—No. Is there tomatoes?—I arch an eyebrow and point at them with my nose.
—Take one. They're clean and fresh.—I dry my hands on a dish cloth and use it to dry out the sink. All done! Good.
—Are they ripe?
—Huh? Are you not seeing it?—Now I'm facing this unkwnown girl, her hands hold a tomato and she sniffs it.
—Sometimes it's rotten inside.—Looks at me.
—I know when they're rotten or not. The skin is common to rot first. I don't remember seeing any vegetable or fruit rotting inside before the skin, but...I am no professional, just have the skills and need money, right?
Nothing is spoken back. No words, just the sound of a bite. And it was juicy. A bit of pulp ran to the ground. The blonde looks inside the bite.
—Is it…rotten?—I ask in a frivolous tone, almost like an ironic teasing. She turns her eyes to me and smiles.
—Yes.—My smile vanishes. I raise an eyebrow and get closer, looking inside the bite hole. It's not rotten...
—Very funny. Better luck next time.—I laugh again, but her expression didn't change at all. I'm becoming uncomfortable. I move away to get my personal space back. She leaves. How weird...
I look both ways before crossing. The street is a little busy. At least hassles can be avoided, on the one hand.
On the sidewalk, I look at the store windows. There are some opening, and several products on sale. I feel my stomach bubbling…uh…bubbling? I didn't realize I was so hungry. I'm already starting to hear the sound of snoring. As soon as I get home, I will prepare something to eat. I'm glad it's close... and since I didn't go to work today, I didn't have to walk as far.
Crossing the shortcut to the park near my neighborhood, the wind starts to blow. I'm suspecting some rain is going to fall soon...I'm glad I didn't go to work! I enter the park and walk around the playground to the street.
At home, I change my clothes and think about what to cook...my body feels weak, so maybe something with a lot of vitamins? Crossing the closet in my room, the big mirror reflects me. I stop walking, looking at myself out of curiosity. My whole body looks so anemic...really, I need some vitamins. Something that sustains...something tasty, but nothing heavy.
Thinking of some quick and easy recipes, I discard one by one, trying to decide and going downstairs, straight to the kitchen to turn over the four corners of the room, looking for ingredients. There's some interesting things here...it'll be a good dish and doesn't take too much time. I place everything on the table, starting the preparation with a pair of shaky hands. So hungry...
—Is there something missing…?—I sigh. What a pain... Do I have it? I guess-
A rotten tomato.
—Tsc, how disgusting.—It even reduced my hunger a little. Yucky…I use paper to wrap it and take it to the trash. It should have been here months ago and I forgot. I'm glad I found it, and for a change, I discovered that I didn't even have the ingredient I was looking for. That sucks. I clean the residue to remove the smell and the spoiled groove.
Now it's better.
I glance at the window by chance. The sky is already getting dark. The blonde is standing a little far away, facing my house and the pan already- I wrinkle my forehead. Where is the blonde standing...?! I look again, and she is gone.
A pleasing and unpleasant day at the same time like two sides of a coin. I sit down on the chair and the clock points at the numbers calmly. I tried to ignore what happened yesterday. I hope not to see her again today.
Besides, I think I did very well. The smell of food still fills the kitchen and everything is clean. I rub my face and then my eyes, the usual sluggishness overcoming me. It feels like I ate something spoiled…I even smell the rot out of nowhere. It's this filthy garbage. Again, I found rotten vegetables, I threw everything away, it became routine. It's a daily ritual, I always arrive and check the ingredients and it's always the fruits and vegetables that are rotten. Not all, but some always are.
It's 14h20. I stretch and a wave of discouragement hits me. I have to go to the doctor one of these days. My memories keep reliving the incident of the tomatoes and the blonde. I think the anemia is affecting my head. I don't know anymore. I need to go to the doctor.
—Rotten.—I stand up in a startled jolt. My heart sped up. I felt everything spinning for a moment. My view focuses on the door. It's her again. I frown and with a hand over my chest, say:
—What? You almost scared me to death again!
—I was talking to myself. I meant the smell...there's a rotten smell. Sorry.—I take a deep breath and calm down, still frustrated.
—Okay, yes. Everyday there's a rotten fruit or vegetable, I throw them away and then put the trash out.—Silence. I won't restrain myself.—Listen, who are you?
—They call me Miss Pepperoni, lady.
—I like pepperoni.—pauses.—You don't?
—You don't like meat?—That's uncomfortable. I nod in response. What does it mean? And she didn't answer my question from before.—Why not?
—I wanted to know your name.
—I thought you already knew it.—I frowned my eyebrows.—What is she even talking about now? I remember the bizarre event from yesterday with the said Pepperoni. I don't really know what to think about it.
—How would I know? Do you also work here by any means? I don't even be in touch with other employees because my work is in the kitchen.
—My name is Morbida. I was a novice at a convent. I come here to eat.—What a weird name. I think to myself about what I saw and I'm still puzzled.
—It's weird that you just come inside the kitchen asking for tomatoes and cucumbers.—I say in distrust and don't worrying about faking it.—Are we going to ignore the elephant in the room forever?
She doesn't look shaken by my words. Actually, she has the same posture as before.
—What elephant?—Looks around.
—Why do you keep coming here to ask for cucumbers and tomatoes?—I hold myself not to say a thing about seeing her figure outside my window. Maybe it's not the right time.
Silence. Morbida seems to think about something, or maybe she really wants to ignore me.
—Because I'm hungry.—I think about it, trying to elaborate a good answer.
—Are you, by any means, friends with the owner?
—Why don't you eat meat?—I blink in surprise. At this rate, I should expect that she would ignore me. What type of question is this?
—What does it have to do with the matter?—That's not possible...I laugh in disbelief.—If you're hungry, why not asking for a dish? You said you like pepperoni.
—Is there cucumbers today?—I close my eyes in frustration. Gonna give up. Maybe I won't get any answers from Morbida, and apparently she's just a strange ex novice that likes salads, as weird as it seems.
—There are pickles. Cucumber is lacking again.
—I like pickles.
I am still thinking about the lack of answers. The view I had of the blonde from my window. The rotten tomatoes. However, I just ignored everything. After all, I wasn't at my best, apparently. I've been really distracted.
I pass the posts with missing posters and turn around. My belly growls and I feel weak. I'm already getting home, just a little more, please...I start coughing with a bitter taste creeping up my throat. Ugh, I don't want to vomit here! I desperately try to look for some out-of-the-way place to do this, or a public bathroom. There's no time, it starts to come out.
I widen my eyes. Several larvae fall together. Some wrapping themselves around each other in ruffles filled with gastric liquid. What a pain! No one seems to notice, they are walking past me without saying anything. I feel cold. My body is sweating and shaking. My heart beats uncontrollably. The electric charge of fright and fear keeps my eyes fixed on the animals on the ground. I can barely breathe. How disgusting…how disgusting…did I eat something spoiled? Did…did that really happen? The smell fills my nostrils as they stir through the puddle. My stomach growls again. Close my eyes. I give myself a long minute to calm down and until then, I can recover a lot. It's fine...I'm fine.
They are no longer here. I notice it when I open my eyes. The larvae are not here, there is no gastric juice and horrible smell. The bitter taste disappeared from my mouth. I look around, everything is as it always was and there is no one looking at me. It was all in my head.
I was just salivating.
My other days of work were exceptionally the same as all of the other ones, always having its peak on the break in which I sit on the chair and watch the clock. Everyday, no exception. The blonde didn't show up anymore and I consider it a relief. In contrast, the rotten food keeps being the lowest point. It's the worst thing, for me, but I try to treat it as a common daily event —which is a fact— rather than worrying so much.
Every now and then I think about the larvae incident. After the previous delusions, I ended up not caring. I tried to see a doctor, but I can never make an appointment. Psychiatrists usually have full schedules, hematologists too. I'm getting frustrated, but I can't stop working. I've been at this restaurant for 4 months now, wanting to move to another job, however, quitting now could be self-sabotage.
I fell into a loop of thoughts, and barely extricated myself. My hair is falling off a bit. Flies hover around the trash. When my shift is over, I'll put it outside. I yawn and look at the clock. 14:14. I want to sleep. I also want to eat. I want to go home. I don't want to lift a single finger, but I do. Now standing, I check the pantry. I look in the closet and open the fridge.
A horrible surprise. The worst of all.
This smell...of something spoiled. But it's even more disgusting than the vegetables and fruits. I scan over the products until my eyes fall at the sight of a specific one. A meat wrapped in plastic.
—I didn't see it before...?—How not? I always turn everything over when arriving. How did I not see it? And meat?! I carefully hold the handles of the bag and place it on the table, then open it and look inside. A big piece of rotten raw meat. The flies immediately fly towards it, thirsty. This again? I close my eyes and squeeze them, opening up again. It's still here.
Holding my breath and sickness, it just gets worse. I tighten the handles in a knot and carry it to the trash can. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!
—Eat it.—I stop walking, processing what I heard. Is there someone here? I turn my face slowly, and there it is. The strange novice. Morbida, again. Now she seems to smile with a lot of calmness.
—Eat the meat. I left it for you.—I let out an incredulous air. My body froze. What was that I heard? I take a step back.
—I left the meat for you. Eat it.—She came closer and stopped 10 steps away from me. My hands started to sweat and my neck as well. An icy sensation runs through the entire extension of my body. My chest rises and falls quicker, I shake my head in denial.
—You're crazy! Get out! How did you leave this meat here if I didn't see you getting in at any moment?!
—How are you so sure it wasn't here since the start? You're too quick to assume.—Silence. I open the trashcan, wanting to pretend I am not in this situation, but it's getting complicated to ignore.—Eat the meat.
I swallow hard. I purse my lips and look at her again.
—No. Leave me alone.—My sight blurs at the same moment. I feel my back touching an icy surface. Something salty in my mouth. A hideous scream. Bugs squirming in the back of my throat. I see nothing but darkness. Panic sets in quickly enough to lock my thoughts into one: “Eat the meat.”
No. No. I'm not eating the meat. I'm not eating the meat. I'm not eating the...
My eyes are open. I'm lying on the kitchen floor. A huge piece of raw meat is stuffed in my mouth and I spit it out. I sit down and put my hand on my chest. What was this?! What w-
I see the flesh on the floor. It's not spoiled. How bizarre...how bizarre. I look around, Morbida is lying in the corner with her belly open. It is indisputable. I get up in panic, grabbing my things and run away from the restaurant. I run down the streets. I pass by the post with the posters of the missing people. One of them has “novice” written on it.
I get home quickly and lock myself in my room, curled up in the corner and holding my head. The rotten smell continues to invade my nostrils. I hold my breath and purse my lips tightly. My hands shake. Everything goes dark.
I really hate meat.
Today, I got an appointment with a hematologist. I'm scheduling an appointment with a psychiatrist too and haven't eaten anything all day. My belly won't stop growling. Fatigue never stops consuming me.
It's been days.
The blonde doesn't stop staring at me. The faces of the posters don't stop watching me. All they are saying is: eat meat.
My big toe itches like something is hanging off it.
Good thing I don't have work tomorrow.
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passthehoaxe · 2 years
I understand that Moonsprout might not have had time to do more with Hoaxe, and that Hoaxe's story and motivations remaining unkwnown to the other characters is in line with the theme of no-one caring about him as a person (who's gonna tell his story when he's gone and he has no friends left behind to tell it?)
On the other hand I feel like including some secret diary written by him that you can only find later would have helped alleviate the problem of him being under-utilised a little bit
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sketching-rainbows · 4 years
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Sooo, I've recently decided to to finish the another story mode after almost 4 years I left this game, and I really still love this characters and the story, Te way you feel you're chatting with someone 🥺❤️ I missed MM and didn't even notice, so I,'m redeeming myself by making this for the Choi brothers 😭😭😭🤧 #mystic_messenger #mysticmessenger #707 #choitwins #searanchoi #unkwnown #ray #myaticmessengersaeran #mysticmessengersaeyoung #mysticmessenger707 #cheritz #cheritzgames #fanart #lineless #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUboq8HiCo/?igshid=tjcqnol3bn81
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modelcalifornia · 2 years
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I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again. — Georgia O’Keeffe @izabelgoulart photographed by unkwnown https://www.instagram.com/p/CghJTQNN_Y9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slayernina · 3 years
Stranger Things teaser 004 analysis here
Remember that I have a Tumblr full of spoilers and leaks, so get ready for more than just speculation
My other metas here
La maldición de las cuatro brujas here
Buy me a ko-fi!
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We knew it was going to be California, but this is the 1st official confirmation. Byers’ + Eleven house. 
Eleven is painting a Hopper and his cabin model, presumably the one of the Angela leak. She was supposed to speak to her class about a hero, Eleven choses Hopper, Angela mockes it, and somehow both end in the punishment classroom.
Will is painting, at the wall there are old Will the Wise and the Party drawings. Interesting the poster of “Real Men Don’t Cry”. Thank you, Lonnie vibes. Also, his school project later is revealed to be about Alan Turing, the gay computer dad.
AddictedtoMarijuana!Jonathan theory confirmed. It was about time the guy exploded.
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First official Argyle photo. It seems he is close to the family since he is the driver of the children (with the pizza van! XD). Maybe this is the hint about Joyce being too busy to take care of them, or Jonathan finally failing his big brother duties (due to addiction).
Spring Break confirmed out and in universe. It’s also Will’s birthday.
Eleven is bullied at high school (we see that coming). Maybe those two students are Angela and Jake, the queen B and her boyfriend at Lenora High. To add more contrast to Hawkins, the teens around there have more stylish and a wider range of clothing style than in Hawkins.
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Mike at Hawkins. We know that at some point during the season, he flyes to California. It is confirmed in this trailer.
Eleven looks like she is in the black van of the desert. She got caught like the leaks suggested.
The Matrioska dolls Joyce received are the same some fans received last year as a gift, for promotional purposes. Whatever it is, looks like Yuri and/or Murray are using them to comunicate with Joyce about Hopper.
Some soldiers break through the Byers house. An unkwnown man with a white shirt is shooting at the army. He looks like some kind of cop/detective, but at least it is confirmed it is not Sullivan. The guy with the blue shirt is Jonathan.
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More scenes of the soldiers at the house. Mike is carrying still his bag, so maybe they are ready to run away, or maybe he just arrived to the house when the soldiers appear.
Whatever Murray is listening, isn’t pretty. He is at an unkwnown place.
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A persecution through the desert. Several options: our heroes escape with the pizza van and the soldiers caught Eleven, Eleven is already caught and the heroes go for her rescue, or this persecution is for another person/reason. A lady we never see walks out from one of the cars. It seems a new unknown character.
Eleven is at the roller ring leaked. But given her face, this looks more like a dream/a Carriesque sequence. Being real or not, maybe this is where her powers explode causing the soldiers/the lab go after her. Her clothes are different than in the van, so it’s another scene. Also maybe this is where Will’s birthday happens.
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A hidden hatch in the middle of the desert. Maybe this is how Hopper come back. On a meta level, this can be also one of Eleven’s void visions. But surely is related to the lab.
This is presumably when the soldiers/lab caught Eleven.
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Someone gets shot in the van. For the shirt, it looks like it was Jonathan. The characters are the using the same clothes than in the soldiers scene at the Byers.
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The promised roadtrip to Hawkins is there. I wonder what will happen there.
Eleven gets caught by the soldiers/lab/gov. She is wearing the same clothes than in the van above.
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Whatever is going out of the tunnel, isn’t pretty. It hints at the Apocalypse in Hawkins, though.
Jonathan, Mike and Will going out with the unknown cop/detective.
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Mad Max at the desert.
I can’t see the shirt very well, but it isn’t Eleven’s? Her hair doesn’t look the same, but she has already worn those blue trousers and a similar shirt on season 3. The frame is almost the same as the last teaser with the child exploding the car.
Stranger Things 4 spoiler compilation I: general info and new characters
Stranger Things 4 spoiler compilation II: Russia and New Mexico
Stranger Things 4 spoiler compilation III: Hawkins
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wander-art · 4 years
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@archillect vía Twitter - artist unkwnown
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uncuentofriki · 7 years
No me olvides (English)
Finally, for my english-speaking readers, the first chapter of my Alternate Universe fic where Imelda and Hector are on the rock scene. THere are some minor changes about who is who with the Riveras (some of them aren’t on this universe) for plot reasons, but they’re mostly the same characters. Anyway, every chapter, on the spanish version has a title of a verse of a rock song from Mexico. The title cam from Paula, by Zoe.
1- And suddenly you’re so alone (Afuera- Caifanes)
The hard part of his secret, was trying to keep it a secret from his aunt.
"And what did you do today, Miguel? Study session on the library again?”
Imelda was a woman somewhat short of stature, brown hair always on a low not. But she has such a black intese eyes, capable of seeing even on your past lifes.
"Yeah, aunt” was his answer, taking his place on the table. It was such a good luck that every time that Imelda made that question he was at her back. At his side on the table there was his cousin, Coco, just two years old. Miguel started to play peek-a-boo with her.
”Well, I’m glad for that but better to go and play sometimes with some friends. I can’t tell your parents that you don’t have social life”
Miguel made faces when he saw the plate with veggies.
”Why broccoli, Imelda?”
”Broccoli or else you will not grow up. Eat it”. She tried to help his daughter to eat, making gestures for her to clean her face every time she had some soup on her face. Coco, obviously, tried to clean herself with the sleeves of her pink dress, for his mother’s dismay.
”And how’s the shoe business going, aunt?” Miguel asked, trying to avoid her to do more questions and then it will be hard to keep the secret.
”Tomorrow I have to go to a exposition for smal business, so take withyou whatever you need to read, because I don’t want the babysitter to worry about you. And don’t forget to call your parents, they’re worried”. Miguel was living with his aunt Imelda and his cousin since he started the middle school some months ago. He was twelve years old boy, somewha tall for his age, of caramel tan skin and black hair. His fathers sended him to the city to send him to a good shoo, trying to give him a better future. Imelda was his father’s sister, she was living on the city since college and stayed there once her daughter was born.
After eating, Miguel helped his aunt with the dishes and then played with his cousin. Coco was a charming girl, always easygoing, with her hair always on two braids with bows, her hair was like her mother’s but her eyes were different from anyone else. It was the only heritage she had from the unkwnown man that she had as father. Once she fell asleep, Miguel went to his bedroom and tried to listen music on his laptop, always with his headpphones on. He liked to listen the band La noche Triste. and was a big fan of his vocalist, Ernesto de la Cruz, but if he got asked of an all-girls band, he prefered Las Barraganas, but with their past vocalist, the legendary Cornela. He practiced the songs on the air, lacking of a guitar.
Every day, after school, Miguel went to music classes on the comunitary center. The techer was all day long here, so he decided to take the classes when the classroom was empty. That day, he listened a conversation from the other side, on another room destinied for the lockers for the theater workshop.
“My costume, Hector?”
“Ah... Ceci, I don’t have it anymore” his voice sounded like trying to apologize but not at all.
"The last time I will give you a costume!” the vestuarist yelled at him, with noises of she throwing stuff. When the noises stopped, she added. “At least did you found her?”
“No, Ceci”
“ouldn’t it be easier to try to ask to her friends”
“I did that already, all of them don’t want to see me” he sighed. “Anyway, if I’m going to find her, I’ll do, if not, well, it’s not going to happen”
“If you were really resigned, you would stop asking me for costumes, Hector”
He looked into his classroom, trying to scape from the fury of Cecilia.
”h, my star student his here, I have to go, Ceci” and he closed the door that comunicated both rooms “How are you, chamaco? Lemme see what you have”
After his teacher said that words, Miguel showed that he was already an expert with the Circle of G, althought with the ranchero rythm.
”When are you going to teach me how to play Nube Liquida, Hector?”
”Hey, keep calm, kiddo, to run you need to learn how to walk and to learn how to walk, you need to learn how to crawl. “But the contest to play with Ernesto and La noche Triste is on 3 months. I can’t go and play rancheras”
”Hey, hey, hey” the teacher snapped his fingers. “It took to you just one week to dominate this, some people take months. We’re at agood pace, chamaco. Maybe when the competition is here, you can even play the double-guitar”
And they both laughed with the idea. Miguel liked Hector, he was so much fun. He was tall and skinny. His eyes always were wandering to find something that seemed so far away from him. It was surprising that, although lots of girls tried to flirt with him, he didn’t dated anyone.
”And why Nube Liquida... I don’t know who was the asshole who wasn’t smart enought to call that song simply “rain”. Pfft” the teacher covered his mouth, after remembering that he was in front of a kid. “Don’t be like me, Miguel... well, just with the guitar” Once the kid dominated the ranchero rythm, Hector decided to teach him Huapango.
”Why this rythms?” the kid ngroaned.
”If you want to be a good musician and make your idol to notice you, you have to learn different things and, from there, create new stuff” he sighed. Hector looked through the window and said, as for no body “How fast can life change on 3 years, Miguelito”
And he got lost on days so far from him. So away from that classroom.
The gig on a bar on downtown was over. Even the waiters were leaving but then he noticed a pair of feet behind the pallet that served as scenery. He decided to see if that person was alright. And she was, just incredibly tired. It was a girl, posibily of her age, with Catrina make up.
“You are one of Las Barraganas, isn’t it?” he asked, truly worried for her. “Do you need help?”
The girl gasped as if she was trying to hold on on precious life. Hector  was wondering if she was too high or too drunk.
“Help me to get up, I’m literally dead.
“Ah, I thought it was just make up” he tried to make her laugh. But she just smiled, with sarcasm on the gesture. So she wasn’t drunk or high.
Once she could get up and after thanking the help, she took her stuff and tried to leave.
“Goddamit, Rosa, she leaved once again without me” she groaned. Hector didn’t leaved her sid.
“If you want, you can saty at my house, I live two blocks from here” he offered.
She looked at him, not trusting him.
“I can call a taxi” was her answer.
“At this hour there’s no taxi that’s free, trust me. That’s wy I moved near this zone, in case one of the guys from my band needed a place to stay. I’m serious, I don’t want to do anything to you. If you want I can go and sleep in the shower and you stay on my bed”
Then she laughed.
"Okay, let’s go”
If he could describe the girls way of walking , he would use his mother’s saying “like a spinned duck”.
“By the way, I’m Imelda”
"I know, we’re always on the same gigs.
"It’s an habit of yours to collapse after presentations and after taking off the costume of Adelita?” he asked, they arrived to his place. “Come in.”
“Thanks. I always go to the gigs after working, and if I’m tired of the work, then imagine how it is after the gigs, almost always one of the girls takes me back home, but today sheforgot about that. Anyway, its a good luck that tomorrow is sunday and I can have some rest”.
The apartment, on the second floor of a building, was somewhat small.  the living room and the dinner room on the same space, the kitchen with a bar where Hector used to have his breakfast, a small balcony with some plants, two bedrooms and the bathroom. Imelda insisted to stay on the sofa, but his host told her that it wasn’t good not even for a nap. And it was truth.
“I guess I’ll sleep on the shower” joked the musician.
“We can share the bed, I’ll be clear I’m taking your offer to stay here. Nothing else. Maybe tomorow I’ll do to you the breakfast or something to pay it up.
Hector wondered how many guys tried to take adventage of any favor that they made to her to make Imelda be so cutting about that if she took the favor, it didn’t meant that she was going to pay with sex.  He truly wanted to help her, although she was pretty, he didn’t wanted anything else.
While he was taking off his boots, she tried to wash the makeup, took off the bobby pins and left her braids fell, put on a sweatshirt and pants.
La Barragana was such a different person without the white paint. Her face was serious, with eyes as intense as an espresso. He was going to sleep on the side of the wall, she on the edge.
“If you feel cold, I can give you another blanket. Good night, Imelda. And he turned the lights off.
“Hey, thanks”
“No, why, if we don’t help each other, who?”
The sun was almost out when they both fell asleep. Hector’s bed was big enough for they both. And together the nigh wasn’t so cold.
He woke up before her, past 12 p.m.
Imelda hughed him when they both were sleeping. And it wasn’t so bad, but he decided to move her before she could misunderstood everything.
She was nice. No, more than that. It was like a japanese word he heard so many time ago. Koi yokan, the feeling that you’re going to fall in love.
Notes: 1- The times of eating in Mexico are something like this (for a 12+ years old person) 6 a.m.: Breakfast (something fast, some coffee, some milk, cereal..) 9 p.m.: lunch. A sandwich, chilaquiles, tacos. 2-4 p.m.: dinner. Something more elaborated, like the supper on the USA. 6-7 P.M: A snack. 8 p.m or later: Supper. Something fast again, but it’s not uncommon to have tacos.
2- A Barragana was a female soldier during the XIX Century, the name comes from Juana Barragan,w ho fought on the Independence War. And IDK, I though that if Imelda and other Riveras had a band 8the Rosa on this fic is Tia Rosita) should had that name. I considered Las Adelitas but nope. So the name is because they’re girls on a scene usually dominated by men. The band dresses as adelitas and they have catrina make up, something like Ghost or Kiss. Also, Barragana was the name for a mistress (well... a woman with whom you had the right to do the do-be-do-be-do but you weren’t married with her).
3- Ernesto’s band.... weeell the name came for La Noche Triste, supposedly the night when Cortez cried because of a battle lost against the Aztecs.
4- Nube Liquida (Liquid Cloud) is a reference to one of my favorite books, “Profesor Zipper and the wonderful electric guitar” (it was the band of the protagonist’s brother). And the villian of the book says more or less what Hector said “Why not just name the band “Rain”?”
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dwellingtondeep · 7 years
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Artist unkwnown
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Fortnite Battle Royal Mobile APK for Android/iOS Free Download 2018
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The Fortnite is very popular pc game is now in IOS and Android is available to download from our website.This game is free to download and it is like Pubg mobile ie players unkwnown battleground.
The #1 Battle Royale game has come to mobile! Squad up and compete to be the last one standing in 100-player PvP. Build cover. Battle your opponents. Survive the longest. Earn your Victory.
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THE BATTLE IS BUILDING! Fortnite Battle Royale is the FREE 100-player PvP mode in Fortnite. One giant map. A battle bus. Fortnite building skills and destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one standing wins. Available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Mac.
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The game has almost found its own market, targeting players with less free time. If in PUBG you can spend an hour, even hours to finish a battle, in Fortnite Mobile these matches take place faster, only about 20-30 minutes per game
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rabbitcruiser · 8 years
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Old Fort Park, New Smyrna Beach (No. 1)
Some historians believe the artsy, seaside city of New Smyrna Beach is the original St. Augustine, the Spanish-colonized town in Northeast Florida known as the nation‘s oldest city.
While claims that New Smyrna predates St. Augustine delight or frustrate history buffs, depending on whom you talk to, there's no way to prove it true or false more than 500 years after the Spanish first stepped foot in Florida.
What intrigues historians is the 40-by-80-foot coquina ruins, reminiscent of St. Augustine’s Castillo de San Marcos, that overlook the Intracoastal Waterway near New Smyrna’s downtown. At first glance, the ruins appear to be those of a Spanish fort, but credit for the structure is generally given to a Scottish physician named Andrew Turnbull.
Dr. Turnbull colonized the area for England in 1768. He came to Florida by ship, bringing with him nearly 1,500 Greeks, Corsicans, Italians and Minorcans in hopes of establishing a new colony to grow indigo, sugar cane, hemp and other crops.
Some of the settlers died on the way, while others perished quickly after arriving in the new land. Food shortages, Indian attacks, heat, mosquitoes, inadequate housing and intense labor under harsh supervision resulted in considerable hardship, sickness and death among the settlers. Because of these conditions, the remaining settlers abandoned the colony in 1777 and made their way north to St. Augustine.
About a year later, Dr. Turnbull moved to Charleston, S.C., leaving behind what was left of his colony and partially built mansion. The general consensus is that the Turnbull Ruins are the remnants of this abandoned mansion, but some local historians suggest the coquina foundation may have existed before Dr. Turnbull ever landed on Florida’s shore.
The appearance and location of the structure have led to much speculation about its origin and purpose. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely anyone will ever know for certain whether the structure was a colonial church, Dr. Turnbull’s mansion, a site for constructing ships or the original Castillo de San Marcos.
Any clues to the ruins’ origin have likely been lost over the centuries, but local historian and publisher Gary Luther believes there are many reasons to suspect the structure dates back to Spanish times. In his book, History of New Smyrna, East Florida, Luther points out the striking similarities between the Turnbull Ruins and the Castillo de San Marcos.
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fourtoeight · 7 years
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Some #pokemonfanart getting ready for the #pokemon upcomming #pokemonanniversary . This is definitely #wip and I'll definitely keep updating; I'm thinking of making the original 151, 152 if you consither the #unkwnown pokemon. Let's see how long it takes :) #funstuff #fanart #fabercastell #kuretake #traditionalart #traditionaldesign #drawing #challenge #dibujo #dibujomadrid #ilustration #ilustracion #ilovepokemon #pokemonart #colorful #coloredpencil #paperdrawing
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heyinvisible · 7 years
Take my hand and let me go
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Is that girl really me?
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