#unless i am forced to pair with the guy in local tournaments fuck no
Yikes. Here's a lesson for you: don't bother with Warhammer players that are slowly pushing 45 or so.
You see how the 40k playerbase had a bad rep back in the day, because of the very high concentration of "that guy" personalities? Yeah, they never changed or grew out of it, they just developed a superiority complex because they pushed some minis over the table in their teens back in 90whatever. Never won anything official with all that experience tho so... yeah, go figure.
Add to that an Imperial Guard player - which, let me tell you, is in our cultural context somewhat of a red flag? - with symbols on the dice that indicate a certain political leaning and a certain choice of vocabulary that occasionally bleeds through, then you got a clear case of "yikes".
My only takeaway from this? Solar, you Boomer fuck, you buy neither minis or books, your shoddy 3D prints are barely painted, yet for some reason I'm the "stupid kid who knows nothing"? Note that we were also talking about a field I am writing MY BLOODY PHD THESIS IN (Marketing, target audiences, etc.). And apparently I "know nothing". Fucker you do nothing but whine about the company who's product you pirate. You barely know the lore of your own faction, yet somehow your age elevates you to master gatekeeper or what?
Main reason I called quits after one round. Shoved all my tau minis into melee, claimed an "oops" play mistake, and packed my bag. What a waste of an evening. Fucking Boomer mentality, demanding respect for being a bloody amateur for 40 years. What? You want a participation trophy for aging? Fuck off.
Fucking hell I gave the benefit of doubt at first but I'm not sharing the table with a potentially right-wing asshole. You had a 20 year headstart to become a decent person, you had your chance.
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