wordscorrupt · 4 years
Temporary Hiatus Announcement
Hi friends.
As some of you may remember I got into graduate school a few months ago. I officially started my first semester two weeks ago. It is an intense program requiring at least 3-4 hours of studying every day outside of our M-F 8-5 lectures. Because of this I have little time for anything else especially Tumblr.
So, what this means is other than the Friendly Neighborhood Exchange I signed up for - my blog will be inactive for the time being. No new stories or updates to WIPs. My inbox will still be open but I will not be responding. I will still accept prompts, questions and messages but I will not be responding/taking a look at them until I am active again (which hopefully will be end of summer). Please don’t take it personally if I don’t respond to you.
Thank you and I’ll see you all soon!
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
For the whump prompt post perhaps the, “We’re both sick and it sucks, but it doesn’t have to be this boring. We could have an orange juice chugging contest or see who can spit their phlegm the farthest.” ??? Ur gr8 btw
Morgan loved to share. 
For instance, when she was twelve months old she grabbed a fistful of smushed berries and offered them up to her father the second he had walked into the kitchen. The moment Tony had leaned over she happily smashed the berries into his face leaving Tony picking berries out of his nostrils while profusely thanking his daughter for sharing her snack with him. 
She was willing to share, with anybody. Whether it be snacks or toys. Or in this present case, the nasty virus she happened to pick up at kindergarten. The little miss suffered through a cold for only a day, bouncing back as if nothing happened. The same couldn’t be said for Tony and Peter, who had come to visit after finishing his finals. The virus hit them simultaneously like a torpedo, leading Pepper to quarantine them together in the guest bedroom for the past three days.
“Is this what dying feels like?” Peter asked from the other side of the bed, groaning as reached for another tissue from the box before continuing, “or are we dead already? I think we’ve died Mister Stark.” He finished off by blowing his nose into the tissue, before crumbling it up and adding it onto the impressive pile of tissues by his bedside. 
“If we are and this is the afterlife, I demand a refund,” Tony replied, blinking up at the ceiling. 
“I’m sure there is an afterlife manager around here somewhere, Karen,” Peter murmured, face pressed against the pillow. 
Speaking of, a moment later the door to the guest bedroom opened and Pepper marched in, carrying a tray with two bowls of steaming hot soup along with a few bottles of Gatorade. 
“Oh my poor baby,” Pepper cooed, setting the tray on one of the dressers. 
Tony gave a loopy smile, sitting up in bed and replying, “I’m doing fine hon-,” He paused, watching as Pepper leaned over Peter, petting his hair gently. 
“Oh, sweetheart. What an awful way to spend your winter break,” Pepper murmured softly, rubbing Peter’s back. 
“It’s okay Miss Potts,” Peter replied before letting out a few coughs. Pepper sighed, patting his back encouragingly. She fretted over him for a few more minutes before finally acknowledging Tony. 
And rather than petting his hair, she scolded him for not drinking the Gatorade she had left earlier. 
“Now you can finish both of these before I come back,” Pepper demanded, adding another bottle to his bedside. 
“This is elder abuse,” Tony cried as Pepper helped prop Peter against a few pillows before placing the bowl of soup in the teen’s hands. 
“Do you want me to make it three?” Pepper asked pointedly. 
Tony pursed his lips while deep in thought. A moment later a bowl of soup was dropped in his lap. 
“Don’t think too hard. With that fever of yours, you’ll accidentally fry your brain,” Pepper said, dropping a kiss to the top of his head.
Pepper left after she decided to they were appropriately settled in, leaving them with a thinly veiled threat of a painful death if they left the bed without letting her know first. 
Peter had finished his soup first, setting the empty bowl off to the side before curling up on the bed once more, this time stuffing his face into Tony’s thigh. 
“Off, gremlin,” Tony chided. 
Peter huffed, lifting his head up only to plant it on Tony’s lap instead. “I’m bored,” He stated, glancing up at Tony with bleary eyes. 
“You’re sick,” Tony pointed out, tapping the teen’s forehead with his spoon. “You’re supposed to be bored.”
“Morgan got to at least play with her toys,” Peter reminded him before suggesting, “we’re both sick and it sucks, but it doesn’t have to be this boring. We could have an orange juice chugging contest or see who can spit their phlegm the farthest.”
“Over my dead body,” Tony responded quickly, setting his bowl off the side and grabbing the half-finished bottle of Gatorade before saying, “which at this point is approximately two hours away.” 
“Noted.” Peter tapped at his wristwatch, setting up his timer.
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
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made a sketch dump of all the recent irondad sketches i haven’t posted yet (btw top left  was inspired by the 12th chapter of “I wanna find a home (and I wanna share it with you)” by @madasthesea​ about peter and little tony, it’s super cute, you should give it a read!)
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
I wrote a follow-up to “what were the words I meant to say before you left” as a very thrown together birthday present for Tony Stark, because he deserves a reunion with his boy.
“I’ve had this dream before.”
Peter jolts awake, squinting at the dully lit room around him, lifting a hand to rub his aching neck before he realizes who spoke.
The hospital room is silent for a heartbeat as Peter stares at Tony, who stares right back.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter breathes.
Tony gives a tremulous little smile.
“I’m not usually in a hospital bed, though,” Tony says, his voice weak.
“In my dream. The one where you’re alive.”
Peter sucks in a breath and leans forward in his chair, dropping his feet to the floor.
“The MIT sweatshirt is a nice touch,” Tony interrupts. “Look at you.” There’s something aching and proud in Tony’s voice that makes Peter freeze and look at Tony, past the burns and gray hair. Tony’s eyes are soft as he watches Peter, his bottom lip trembling ever so slightly.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter whispers. Tony just smiles at him, awestruck and heartbroken.
“It’s so real. Every time.” Tony reaches his good hand out, beckoning. Peter obeys, moving to sit on the edge of the hospital bed. Tony’s hand immediately touches his face, tracing his chin with shaking fingers.
“I can always touch you,” he murmurs. “Smell your shampoo.” He combs his fingers through Peter’s hair, tucks a strand behind his ear.
There’s a lull as Tony cups Peter’s cheek and strokes underneath his eye. He seems to be savoring the warmth of Peter’s skin. Peter pushes against his hand a little, leaning into him, and that smile comes back, the one that looks like Peter’s ripping Tony’s heart out of his chest with his bare hands and Tony couldn’t love him more.
“And then I wake up.” Tony’s voice breaks.
“Tony, this isn’t a dream,” Peter says frantically. “You saved me. I’m here.”
Tony shifts his hand to the back of Peter’s head and pulls him toward his chest.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “You’ve said that before, too. But I always wake up and you’re always gone. I can still feel it, though, when I wake up.”
“Feel what?” Peter asks, pressing his forehead against Tony’s collarbone.
“What it feels like to hold you. For just a few minutes it’s like I can still feel your warmth.”
“I’m sorry.” Tears burn in Peter’s eyes for what he’s done to Tony by dying.
“It’s worth it,” Tony says, shaking his head. “To see you again.”
Tony fades for a long moment, his breathing slowing down.
“Looks like I’m waking up, Pete.” Peter knows that he’s actually falling asleep, but he doesn’t interrupt because Tony takes another breath and opens his mouth.
“I love you, kiddo,” Tony murmurs as his eyes fall closed.
Peter hiccups an almost hysterical laugh.
“Love you,” he babbles. Tony’s fingers tangle in his hair before going loose and warm. “I love you.”
When Tony wakes up, he can feel Peter’s warmth. The weight of him against his chest.
Heart shattering as it does every time he dreams of Peter and wakes to nothing but the memory of him, Tony takes a deep breath. He holds onto it for another long minute, not quite ready to face reality. He can almost feel him breathing.
But Tony knows he can’t live a lie. He’d tried, for a while, and it nearly destroyed him. He opens his eyes.
Peter Parker is asleep next to him, wearing his MIT sweatshirt and drooling onto his shoulder.
After the shock settles, after Tony realizes he isn’t hallucinating, he shakes Peter awake.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter gasps as his eyes snap open.
“Do not ever,” Tony says firmly, cupping Peter’s jaw in his hand, “make me live in a world without you again.”  
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Harley: (Trying to open the door where Peter is locked behind) Tony quick, give me your credit card.
Tony: (Hurriedly gives Harley his credit card)
Harley: (Puts the card in his pocket) Great. Now, kick the door in.
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Do you think that once, when Peter got hurt, Steve and the Avengers had to stop Tony from baby proofing the tower? Just an idea!!!
There’s no stopping Tony once he starts -
-Peter has a habit of sleepwalking every now and then and once tumbled down the stairs. It was a small set of stairs and other than a small bump on Peter’s head, he was relatively unhurt (unless you count his ego) but that doesn’t stop Tony from placing a baby gate at the top of every stair (which leads to Clint having to sleep on the stairs more than once when he gets too drunk and can’t  open the gate)
-Peter’s favorite access to the penthouse through the window and more than once he manages to tangle himself in the blind cords and nearly chokes himself. After the third time, Tony removes all the blinds in favor of spider baby proof ones.
-Even with his powers, Peter’s coordination is shit. Tony pads all the sharp corners and edges because he can’t handle another one of Peter’s wounded puppy looks when he hits his shin against the corner of the coffee table. 
-Tony puts nonslip pads under all the rugs when Peter can’t seem to run from the elevator to the kitchen without slipping.
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Hi!! I know this is an odd question, but could we be friends? :)
of course like you even have to ask <3
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Hi!! Sorry to bother you but i was wondering if you knew this one fiction where Harley and Peter meet and they don’t get along. I don’t remember the details but i do remember that at some point, after harley is being mean to him, Peter jumps out of the window and harley starts to panic because he thinks Peter killed himself. If you could find it that would be really awesome. Thank you :)) really love your blog btw
I do not babe :( But hopefully someone else does!
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Have you ever drawn any irondad angst? (Not that your fluff isn't TOP notch, because omg it is. You're one of the best marvel artists I've had the pleasure to find). Like Peter having a really bad nightmare and Tony trying to comfort him? Love your work, it's all just gorgeous!
thanks, friend! here’s a bit of comforting platonic cuddles 
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Hey!! I just wanted to know if you are going to finish "Fives Times Peter Passed Out in Front of Tony." I'm so so sorry if I bothered you, but I LIVE for your writing; it's so amazing!! Much love and have a great day!!!!
Not a bother at all and yes I will finish it by the end of the month hopefully!
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
🌹 love you're writing, it's some of my fave ~ H
thank u babe!
Tony landed a few feet away from the mangled car and the hoard of emergency crews working around it, trying to reach his kid inside.
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
🌹? I can't wait!! Thanks love!
“Kiddo, I’m pretty sure the instructions didn’t say to get yourself caught in the tent,” Tony commented absentmindedly as he threw down the sticks he had spent the better part of the last half hour collecting.
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
Ooo I'm excited to see!! ����
From one of my bio dad stories featuring baby peter
Tony pressed a kiss to his head before flipping to the next page - ‘B’ for banana or in Peter’s case -
“Close enough,” Tony said with a smile, tickling Peter gently on the belly.
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
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Alright!! My first official Irondad Fanart. Hope y’all like it ;)
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wordscorrupt · 4 years
i don’t know who needs to read this but remember that fandom is a hobby. it’s supposed to be fun, not an obligation.
you don’t have to post on a schedule, or update wips that don’t inspire you.
you don’t have to fill all the prompts you get.
you don’t have to write long things because you feel like this fic is too short.
remember that we’re all here to have a good time. when you find yourself getting stressed by fandom stuff, just stop, breathe and think. what’s the rush? is the world gonna end if you don’t work on this fic / art / edit / blog today?
and if anyone tries to make you feel bad about taking it easy, they can kiss my appletaters. we are doing this for free, because we love it.
just come here, let’s sit and chill for a bit.
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