#unlike fashion game girlies who suffer
manda-kat · 9 months
It actually hurts me to think that the closest thing we have to a proper, not shovelware, triple a, dress up video game is Love Nikki.
Which is a mobile game.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
Stubborn Asshole (A Zak Bagans x Reader SMUT)
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WARNINGS: Smut, language, possession
Special Thanks: To @xcazzax​ for being an awsome reader and source of inspiration. I couldn’t do this without you girly. 🥰
I love Aaron like a brother, don’t get me wrong, but DAMN HIM FOR BRINGING SUCH AN ASSHOLE INTO MY LIFE!
Douchey McGee: Hey Aaron said to message u.
He said: Get the fuck up Y/N!
Me: Tell him I said thnx and
and 2 not have the douche do
his dirty work.
Douchey McGee: Well fuck u 2 Y/N.
I sighed and crawled out of my hotel bed. We’d flown in late the previous night and I was still exhausted. I showered and got dressed in my ripped black skinny jeans, my black GAC shirt, and combat boots. I grabbed my hoodie and purse on the way out. Downstairs in the attached restaurant the rest of the crew were gathered for breakfast and much needed coffee.
“Morning gorgeous,” Aaron greeted.
“Fuck off Goodwin, I haven’t even had my coffee yet,” I said taking my seat beside him. “And by the way since when is boss man your own personal secretary.”
“And here I thought you didn’t know me as anything but Douche McGee, douche, or my personal favorite: Stubborn asshole son of a bitch.” Zak chimed in.
“Good morning to you too Satan,” I rolled my eyes.
I swear ever since we met Zak has made it his life mission to push my buttons in any way he can. But unfortunately for this psychotic fuck, two can play that game.
“Huh that’s original,” Zak continued.
I rolled my eyes and ordered an omelet with coffee. “So you gonna tell me when you decided to make boss man your bitch?” I asked Aaron.
“Well I figured I’ve been the bitch long enough so…” Aaron said.
“Dude, since when have I ever treated you like a bitch?” Zak asked.
“Every time you forced him to stay in a fucked up room by himself during an investigation like a fucking sadist?” I pointed out.
“Oh...right…” Zak said looking like he felt a tinge of guilt.
“Does that mean I’m a bitch too since he’s been doing the same thing to me lately?” Billy chimed in.
“Unfortunately,” I said just as my breakfast arrived arrived. “Oh, thanks.” I said to the waitress.
“Only you can go from bitchy to bubbly in zero seconds flat,” Zak said.
“Fuck you too, Bagans,” I muttered taking a bite of my omelet.
“Not in this life babe,” Zak muttered taking a sip of his coffee.
It continued like that even in the car on the way to the days location: Bly Manor. According to our sources Bly Manor was built in the 1800’s by Charles Bly, an Irish immigrant who made a fortune selling liquor and tobacco. By the time of the Civil War he decided to try his hand at weapons manufacturing which earned him enough to break ground on his dream house. He lived in the manor with his family. His wife Athena, and his daughter Josephine.
It said that on a sunny afternoon while do work in the Manor’s yard a man by the name of Bishop Wiley showed up and shot him dead. Supposedly Wiley’s son Robert was a soldier in the war and was killed by the very guns Charles helped build.
Charles has since been purported sighted walking the manor grounds. His wife Athena has been seen playing the piano, and wandering the halls. As for Josephine well… she was the most famous spirit of all.
“Josephine has been seen on the balcony of the Red Room,” explained our tour guide as we interviewed her. “The story goes that Josephine had met and fallen in love with a man at a nearby farm. And just before they were due to be married he left to fight in the war. She promised to wait for him there until his return. Hopeful that they could still marry and have a family. Sadly the man lost his life in Gettysburg. Charles felt so horrible he felt the need to keep it from her. So she continued to wait. And continues to wait to this very day.”
My heart ached for Josephine. It’s a whole other level of hell to lose someone so dear… I damn near jumped when I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, you okay?” Zak asked.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” I said before following the tour guide.
We eventually took a break for lunch and then got ready for the investigation. Unlike most of the crew I made it a habit of carrying a small black backpack. I was just stuffing a recorder, spirit box, and MEL Meter when someone pat my shoulder.
“Hey are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Zak asked again.
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m good, um, why the niceties?”
“I may be an asshole sometimes but I do feel for people now and then,” he said.
“Even me?” I arched an eyebrow at him. Before he could answer Aaron barged in needing to grab a spare lens for the camera.
We continued prepping in silence and then slowly but eventually the sun went down and moon shined bright.
Aaron, Zak, and I went in together. We worked together as a group for a while before (in true Zak Bagans fashion) we split up.
“Y/N I want you to stay up here for a while and see if Josephine will communicate with you,” Zak said.
“Alright,” I said stepping out onto Josephine’s balcony. Zak and Aaron disappeared through the Red Room door and I took out my recorder. “Josephine, are you here?” I started. “If so do you think you could answer a few questions for me? I promise you I mean no harm. Just speak into this little device for me.”
I felt a chill in the air but continued. “Why are you still waiting for him?” I asked. “Don’t you think he’s waiting for you on the other side?”
I suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety. I slid down to the ground and then... He promised me. I kept thinking for some odd reason. He promised...he promised we’d go...he promised on the stars...he promised we’d be together.
The thoughts kept coming, and I don’t know when it started but I only realized I was crying when I felt someone shake me violently. “Y/N TALK TO ME DAMMIT!!!”
Zak knelt in front of me looking freaked. “D-Don’t ever leave me,” I cried. “Please don’t ever leave me.”
“Josephine leave her alone, please,” Zak asked. “I know what happened to you was cruel and unfair but that doesn’t mean she should suffer like this.” Call me crazy but Zak actually sounded kind of pissed. There was another chill and he knelt beside me again. “I’m here  sweetheart…” He whispered brushing my cheek with his hand. “I’m here.”
I looked up at him and saw a face that was not his. His hair was chocolate brown and barely touched his shoulders, his eyes the same. My heart took off in joy and I threw my arms around him. He squeezed me before pulling back and taking my face in his hands. “Promise not to disappear on me again?” I asked.
“I promise,” he muttered before bringing his lips to mine. We kissed passionately as though it was a long time coming. After a while it felt like a weight lifted off me and my legs became limp. “WHOA!”
Zak caught me. It was for sure him this time. I was suddenly more aware of things...more awake. “Zak...what? What happened?”
“I dunno,” he said. “But I’m getting you the fuck out of here.”
He scooped me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the GAC van.
“You know you didn’t have to carry me right?”
“Says the girl who just nearly passed out on me,” Zak said setting me down in the back of the van.
“Um Zak did you want us to edit out the last bit of her footage or..?” Billy asked awkwardly.
“Edit it out? Why?” Zak asked. Blushing furiously Billy replayed the footage from the night vision cam we had facing the balcony. It showed me slowly crumbling and then…
“Oh sweet fucking Jesus,” I groaned as Zak and I started making out on screen.
“Uh...yeah I don’t think we need to uh-*cough*-show that,” Zak said turning back to me. “Are you, uh, gonna be okay?”
“Um...yeah I think so,” I said not entirely meeting his eye. “You-uh-you go ahead. I’m just gonna chill with Billy the rest of the night.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Now go before I drag you back in by your balls,” I threatened.
“Oh yeah you’re gonna be fine,” he said turning his back on me.
“You know you two are actually kinda hot together,” Billy said.
“What? Are you high? Zak and I can barely stand each other,” I said.
“Bull-fucking-shit Y/N,” Billy laughed. “We all can see there is insane tension going on between you. We just don’t get why you guys haven’t done anything about it.”
“What are we the hot gossip going around the office or something?”
“I mean, if this almost-porno is anything to go by...then yeah.”
“Billy I swear to God if I catching you jerking off to that—.”
“You’ll cut my nuts off I know,” he finished for me. “Besides I would never in hell jerk off to my best friend and his girl. It’s too weird.”
“I’m not his girl,” I snapped at him.
“Whatever you say Y/N,” Billy laughed. “Now did you wanna review this evidence with me or..?”
And so I did.
Once the investigation ended we packed up, caught a few minutes sleep then made our way back to Vegas.
Billy, Jay, and Aaron were dropped off first. Then it was just me and Zak.
Aaron: Try not to kill Zak please.
Me: No promises.
Zak then pulled up to my place.
“Are we never gonna talk about it?” I asked as he parked.
“What’s there to say?” he asked. “It-It was a freak incident. We-we weren’t ourselves.”
“True you were actually nice for once,” I said sarcastically.
Zak glared at me. “Go fuck yourself, Y/N.”
“Fuck me yourself you coward,” I blurted out. “I mean...um...fuck!” I sighed and stepped out of the car. I had just unlocked my door when…
“Y/N!” I turned around and saw Zak running up to me.
“Wha―” I was cut off by Zak slamming his lips to mine.
He kissed me hard, as though he was relieving an ache deep within his heart. I kissed back and clumsily opened my door. Zak picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carried me to my bedroom. He placed me on the bed and I reached up to pull his shirt off. I tossed it aside and eventually more articles of clothing followed.
Zak laid me back on the bed and started pecking a trail of kisses all the way down to my heat. A moan escaped my lips as he kissed and sucked on me. “HO-HOLY SHIT!”
To say Zak knew what he was doing would be an understatement. He didn’t stop eating me until I was writhing beneath him. “Z-ZAK!” My back arched and my toes curled up in the most powerful orgasm of my life.
He crawled back up to me, smirking. “Not much of an asshole anymore, am I?”
“Oh shut up,” I brought my lips back to his as I ran my hand up and down his length which like the rest of him was thick and hard. I suddenly felt him move my hand before he reached down and placed himself at my entrance. He kissed me once more before pushing in. “FUCK! How the fuck have you been single this long?”
“Demons tends to be excellent cock blocks,” Zak said as he started to thrust. “Lucky for us, they tend to stay away from you.”
He grunted then nodded. Despite his big, tough, persona Zak was actually really sensual and passionate in bed. He kept his thrusts gentle (probably because he knew his above average size could inflict some damage if he wasn’t careful) until I urged him to go faster and harder. After a while he flipped us over so that I was on top. I rode him hard, and Zak, being a gentleman, helped me out by thrusting up into me as I did.
The tension began building up inside me. “Fuck...Zak I-I think I’m gonna…” It hit me like a wave. I tightened around him, arching my back, and damn near screaming his name.
Zak flipped us over again and continued thrusting until he grew sloppy. I suddenly felt him twitch inside me as he cursed and groaned. His body shuttered as he painted my womb with his seed. Finally he collapsed beside me, both of us breathless.
“Wow,” I said.
“I know,” Zak said.
Once my breathing was under control I turned to him. “So...what now?”
He looked over at me.
“I guess we just be together,” he said. “It’s kind of what you do when you’re insanely in love with someone.”
“You’re in love with me?” I asked.
“I’ve always been in love with you,” he smiled. “Ever since we met...I just didn’t want the spirits in my life to hurt you so I decided to keep you away.”
“What changed?”
“Besides that they for some reason stay away from you?” I nodded. “I was tired of letting them get in the way of what I want. I was tired of being away from you.” He draped his arm over my waist. “I love you.” He muttered.
“I love you too,” I said pecking him on his swollen lips.
We spent almost every day together after that. It’s been a year and we are still together. Life was the same for the most part. We still investigated places, while not in bed or spending time with each other. The guys were relieved to see us together (at last) until our PDA became a little too much for them to handle. Oh and there was one other difference as well…
“Y/N BAGANS COME GET YOUR MAN HE’S BEING FUCKING TERRIFYING AGAIN!” Aaron shouted at me through the walkie.
“What happened to having the preggo investigator hang back all night?” I asked rubbing my stomach. Zak made everyone swear not to let me into the buildings with malicious spirits and demons.
“Y/N please,” Aaron begged.
I sighed and looked down. “Aaron Nicholas Bagans for the love of god don’t be a stubborn asshole like your daddy.”
With that I exited the van and went to save the love of my life.
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mx-reactions · 7 years
Hello I love your blog it's amazing ❤️ i am interested in your opinion on what type of girls monstax would suit or who would they would go for like personality / look wise.
Hello! Thank you ilysm
The types of girls they would date (personality/looks)
((i won’t put a lot on looks bc they wouldn’t really care much))
i think our papa bear would like someone who is very chilled out
someone who’s not TOO energetic and all over the place
just someone he can chill with 
someone who’s not too loud
but someone who is not awkward
because our hyunwoo is a little awkward himself at times, so awkward + awkward is just.. awkward
he’d like someone who was on the mature side and not childish
although if his s/o did aegyo for him, he’d melt on the inside
someone in the middle of feminine and boyish
like he wouldn’t like it if she was a complete tomboy, but also wouldn’t like it if she was too feminine and girly
just in the middle
other than that idk what to add i feel like he doesn’t mind looks at all
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(putting this under the cut cuz it’s long af)
hoseok would want someone who is a little bit childish, but can be mature at times too when needed
when i say childish i don’t mean someone who does a lot of aegyo or acts all cute like a child
i mean someone who likes to have fun without a care in the world
((e.g. if you were walking at a part and saw a swing/slide, he’d prefer it if you gasped and ran towards it, getting on the swing and having contests of who could swing higher, instead of someone who would look at it and then walk past it. )) ( this is just an example )
he would like someone who is very open minded
someone who doesn’t judge other people for whatever reasons
someone who would be there to support him and love him no matter what
someone who is comforting and chilled out
someone who is understandable 
someone who is not clingy
someone who is humble
someone who would be his best friend as well as his s/o
he’d be similar to hyunwoo in this aspect
someone in between feminine and tomboyish
although i think he would be linked to the tomboyish side a little more
he’d like it if she had a few piercings/tattoo’s (but not too much, one or two) i think he’d find it cool since he has them too
nothing more to put here tbh
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someone who is gentle
and has a bit of aegyo in her
yet someone who is mature enough 
he’d want someone who would depend on him, but also be independent at the same time
his ego would need a little bit of stroking so if a girl showed a little more submissive, dependant side he’d love it
but not all the time, he’d want someone who can take care of herself when he is not there
someone not too clingy
someone mother-like
someone who is kind and gets along with people, doesn’t hold grudges
a good girl
no swearing, smoking, drinking (maybe occasionally) 
unlike hoseok, he’d want someone more on the feminine side
he’d LOVE when you wore skirts and pastel coloured clothes tbh
or cute dresses
he’d want a more natural girl
someone without tattoos/un-natural coloured hair/too much make up/etc
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he’d want someone who could handle his hyperness
preferably someone who would get hyper with him
to the point where they would roll on the floor laughing at silly things
prank the other members together
someone who is kind and sweet
someone who loves skinship
someone who loves elderly people and children
especially children
someone mother-like basically
someone who would like to go on adventured with him and visit random places that you two saw on the internet
someone cute 
someone who is not too skinny (he said he likes chubby girls)
fashion sense he wouldn’t mind, but prefer it if she was a tiny bit more on the feminine side (e.g. liked to have her hair down and put make up on yet wear a hoodie and ripped jeans)
someone with pale skin (he said that before, not me, just stating facts)
tbh that’s it?
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someone who is not too hyper and childish
more on the mature side
someone intelligent (e.g. likes to read/write)
someone who is gentle and calm
not too bossy
but independent, he’d want them to take care of themselves
not clingy
but would show affection when he was around
also a good girl, someone who doesn’t swear much or drink or smoke
feminine (more sexy than cute)
someone natural just like kihyun’s preference 
someone on the skinnier side 
someone with nice long legs
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someone cute yet mature
to be honest he’d want his s/o to also be his best friend just like hoseok
someone who is open minded 
someone who has a bit of aegyo 
someone he can rely on when he is stressed, someone that has a very comforting vibe
someone who’s not uptight
someone he could share anything and everything with
someone who has a lot in common with him
he’d love it if they could give their honest opinion on his music, tell him what sounds good and what doesn’t
someone who is very honest and loyal
someone who is not afraid to be themselves and doesn’t put up an act
more of a casual style, as long as they are comfortable it wouldn’t matter to him what they wear
he’d also thing a few piercings/tattoos would be cool but not necessary ofc
he wouldn’t mind looks so i don’t know what else to add
other than he’d love it if you wore a lot of jeans
he l o v e s how your legs (or booty lmao) look in jeans
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someone who is like him and who he can relate to
someone who would chill with him
he’d like someone who would prefer to sit in, order pizza and watch movies instead of going to a fancy expensive restaurant for a date
someone who would like video games (either play them or just someone who is interested in them/likes to watch others play e.g. on youtube)
someone who would have the same sense of humour as him 
he’d love to share memes with you and laugh until your cheeks feel like they will fall off
someone who is not bossy, he’d hate being bossed around (he already suffers from the members telling him what to do all the time lmao poor maknae)
someone who is humble and kind
someone more on the tomboyish side
someone who doesn’t dress to impress, basically just someone who dresses however they like without having a care of what other people think
body type wouldn’t matter to him
he really wouldn’t care about looks at all
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