fellstcr · 7 months
⚔️ // walking through the winding cobble streets of the central district ( or so said the weather-worn signs ) was quite the chore. it had been a long time since byleth had felt so out of her depth... almost as though she were firstly exploring garreg mach all over again. it was only when byleth had turned one corner that byleth gave full pause at something - SOMEONE - familiar to her.
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".... donald ....?"
voice as thin as a gusty breeze ; hope like a silver lining across the proverbial sea. hands stitched together , threading fingers and knitting palm to palm. had she a heart perhaps it might just stop. only it did not.
"... is it ... you?"
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clxscdeyes · 3 months
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"I'm hiding what I'm feeling but," Luna shakes her head and closes her eyes with a soft sigh, "I'm tired of holding this inside my head." The fear, the guilt-- the survivor's guilt, the running away...she wishes she could be something more. Do more.
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dragonhcrt · 5 months
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"Actually any kind of help'd be greatly appreciated." if someone was willing to help him, he wasn't going to NOT take it. There's a lot to this place he doesn't understand and this Duck friend seems to know his way around!
"I'm Marcellus. My friends call me Marce though."
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aevummarket · 6 months
Hehe looking forward to this one. I'm here to submit a hearths warming voucher for a Pet Registration, please! Specifically a duck (would like to start with an egg). His Threads (/th) and Currency (/c) pages are linked on his Stats page (/s) which can be found on his App or via navigation. Participation is linked on the Threads page :3
A special item has been delivered to your home and placed in a mailbox that wasn’t there yesterday. The box, and the item both have your name on them.
PET REGISTRATION FORMS. 150 Emblems How you gain this creature is up to mun discretion, whether the 'special item' is simply a bundle of all the necessary supplies to take care of your new pet, or the 'special item' is both the supplies and the pet. You can buy an animal from a pet store, or register an animal you have found on your adventures if you so choose. 
— Mod Leillis 🌸
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brokeassgoing · 6 months
"A Lawless Town Tends to Attract a Bunch of Whoohooey Folk"
There might be something magical about being able to reunite with a friend who doesn't remember you, whom you don't remember, upon ice (instead of water, or on a boat) -- or maybe that's reading too much into it. Either way, Donald's been a great friend in the past couple of weeks, a powerhouse of a social butterfly. He wonders if he's overcompensating for....well, everything. Badou appreciates it, and humors his birdy friend.
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"You're gonna haveta get a lot of booze into me before you get me on that ice," Badou grumbles, tugging his collar up closer to his face.
"Can you even skate??" Maybe that's disrespectful to ask.
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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╰┈➤ VIKING SENTENCE STARTERS / @unluckyuncle / accepting !
'yes, I want a good story to tell my kids!'
𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐄𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 the king's features , defined by the abrupt twist of torso as his eye fell upon his anthropomorphic companion. — a father? well , then it was truly no wonder why the fair swan looked so sourly upon the danger inherit in the temple groundskeeper's tale. the elderly man spoke of a near labyrinthian forest just past the temple grounds , where creatures hid away and this world's 'magic' was plentiful. with it came its own dangers — ancient wolves made of bramble-wood and violent creatures with silken feathers. but donald's eyes peered through the ALLURE OF GRANDEUR and found it SKEPTICAL.
AS EVER , the throes of life begot the question : was the rush of adventure , or of battle , JUSTIFIABLE? was the tale to tell truly WORTH THE RISK when there were those who depended upon you? when there was work yet to be done? when there were all eyes on YOU? ( be ready for war , but do not seek it. said a wise man. a wiser king. )
perhaps he was indeed still TOO YOUNG. for it seemed he had an endless amount of lessons still yet to learn.
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❝  fair swan , that your curiosity has accompanied me this far has been a great comfort to me , ❞ thor said , voice a low rumble in the temple gardens once he had stepped a short pace away from the groundskeeper and ushered the fowl with him. the woods spelt danger / and sir donald had children — a family to return to. ( didn't he? ... didn't he...? ) perhaps his smile was well-worn when it surfaced , but thor continued. ❝  i may yet venture into this forest. investigate its wonders. but you need not come along with me. there indeed may well be plenty more stories to tell outside of it , and your family would love them all the same. ❞
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fangsanddaggers · 7 months
Feathers are Getting Ruffled ||@unluckyuncle
It had been some time since he'd visited Legato again, feeling far more energized now he wanted to hunt. He missed it, the feeling of prowling around in the dark of night, stalking prey unaware of his presence.
What he hadn't expected was to find a duck with a shirt. Strange, but it was a huge thing, a good feed with very little struggle. Birds weren't his favorite, but he didn't feel like chasing down a boar and wrestling it to the ground either. It was far better than a rat.
He slipped from shadow to shadow before being forced to cross the street, passing under the light for a brief moment. Eyes flashed like a cat's hunting it's prey before he slipped once more into darkness, half hidden and stalking the duck-like being right into an alley as they fled.
A chase!
He moved, fluid and fast, yet not nearly as fast as he once was, curse this place. Still, he moved, flowing from foot to foot until they reach a dead end. He grins, flashing sharp fangs as red reflected, nearly glowed from his eyes.
"Now now. No need to make any noise, little one. It'll all be over soon, I promise." Astarion's voice is low, a sultry sweet tone dripping with murderous intent, shrouded in the dark of night as he slowly approached the shirt wearing bird.
Tonight, the vampire would feast on a true hunt again.
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drunkelreporter · 7 months
Okay, yesterday had been for quiet panic and establishing that yes, he was alive now and had been taken to another world instead of staying dead. Also finding a weird version of Vash who wasn't Vash and deciding that this version was even more of a mess then the one he knew. Now that all of that had been taken care of and Roberto had gotten his low-key panic under control, he could go out and actually establish a lay of the land.
Walking around town and just looking was the best way he was going to manage that, letting his feet trace out the paths while he observed the strange place he found himself in. Once he got past the flora everywhere and the strange feel in the air and the strange smells... Well under everything that made it so different from home it was still a city. Still just the same as other cities, without the constant air of desperation and clawing for survival that came with home.
Also it was cold. Roberto needed his coat for more then keeping the sand and sun off his skin.
As he walks, he idly taps out a cigarette and sets to lighting it, meaning he's distracted as he rounds a corner. Uncharacteristic perhaps, but hey, we all make mistakes!
Just this one leads to him practically tripping on someone a great deal shorter then him.
"Ah, crap!" He stumbles back, regaining his balance in an ungainly wobble (though nothing as bad as Vash's flailing luckily) and giving the person he'd tripped over an apologetic grimace. "Sorry, didn't see you there, my eyes ain't what they...." The reporter (former?) trails off, staring.
What in hell was that? His gaze turns to his box of cigarettes, trying to decide if what he was smoking had something to do with seeing things that shouldn't exist. There was a distinct difference between finding out one of your semi adopted kids is a alien powerhouse and meeting a bird wearing clothes.
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aevumdaily · 3 days
Heyooo!! It is Donald's 90th birthday on June 9th!! he's old but still young at heart <3
Hello Daily listeners!
Make sure to send @unluckyuncle a couple cupcakes today! Rumour has it he's celebrating quite the milestone!
Signing off !
– Althea De Lator
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ttauriwanderer · 5 days
To say Steven was excited about the events centered around the native fish was an understatement. He may be a space faring Captain, and spend all his time among the stars, but he really truly thrived under the water. Fish (especially the really really big ones that could eat him) were his passion and he'd been dying to get into the water. He'd done some free diving already and some snorkeling, but without his powers he was constrained to normal human limits. Properly diving was absolutely fantastic.
For right now though, he was booking it down the pier with a plastic card in his hand and his flippers and snorkel over his shoulder. There were plenty of boats out tied up and waiting for those who wanted to participate in the Fish Spy event and he waves at a particularly unusual Captain with a grin.
"Hey! Are you ferrying people out for Fish Spy?" No, Steven does not care that this is a thing mostly for families and children. He's going to find every single fish on the cards and then some! If only he had his telepathy right now, he'd just ask them to come out and say hello and play for a while.
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aevumisles · 11 days
It's only a few days early, but I'd like to end the hiatus on Donald Duck (DT17) please!
Donald will be taken off hiatus for you!
— Mod Leillis  🌸
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bardicwine · 4 months
🎧 10
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤi already explained his whole singing situation last time so i won't explain it again o7 but i'll give a more upbeat song he can sing this time!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤlove grows (where my rosemary goes) could definitely be a song that he sung with, or for, sandra. these type of songs he sung often when she was around.
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clxscdeyes · 6 months
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Her eyes stay down as she walks through the bustling busyness of Downtown's market. She hoped to be able to survive without food here for as long as she could, but it's proven impossible. She hadn't eaten anything before she arrived here and she hadn't eaten SINCE her arrival. That was already three days of no food! She feels sick that she needs to eat. It only added more questions. If she was dead, how was she still hungry? HOW did she get this kind of luxury when her family couldn't feel that anymore.
Don't look up. Keep your head down. They're watching. They're looking right at you. They're.....duck feet?
Blinking, Luna raises her eyes up, up, until they meet with a duck with a whole outfit. That's cute. She looks at her bags and starts to fish out some small mackerel. "I hope you like fish. I--I bet not all ducks like fish, right?" It's strange to even see a duck so out in the open among PEOPLE.
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seirosu · 4 months
"Who do you think is going to finish the project if you make yourself sick?"
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muses who don't take breaks ( not accepting )
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◦ 「 ☆ 」 —— seldom , did others consider her with such regard for her own well being . but , if she took care of everyone , then who would be left to take care of her ?? as ink bled onto her paper , seiros spoke : " fret not ; i will not fall ill so easily . "
it sounds defiant . . . but can truth be defiance ?? during her many years alive , seiros had seldom fallen ill . the only sickness she knew was named exhaustion . but , exhaustion was cured in the same way as many human illnesses could : rest . a stranger her companions would try to reintroduce to her .
while some might avoided rest , rest avoided her . behind closed eyes , her mind would race through memory . in a friendly game , she would feel a tightening of her chest that left her needing escape . she would take a walk , and the sounds would alert her to every creature in her surroundings . rest was elusive .
" even if it were to happen , by some act of the goddess , then it is meant to be . i have faith that if my work is important , then it will be carried out with or without me or wait until i return . however , i was not created weak , so you mustn't worry needlessly over me . "
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aevummarket · 1 month
and bACK (woo-oo) I'd also like to purchase for Donald Duck (DT17) an Ability Unlock for his Rage Release plz (if only one aspect, then I'd like his strength for it)! His stats are under /s, threads under /th, and currency under /c
When you awaken, you feel rekindled. As though some small piece of you has assembled itself back together...
You are now able to cast your RAGE RELEASE. Every time you enter your rage, your strength will be amplified. No other effects apply.
ABILITY UNLOCK 500 Emblems ALL Abilities and Items listed on a Muse’s application can be bought back at any time. Application unlocks are limited to two (2) abilities/items per Activity Check without exception.
— Mod Leillis  🌸
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windfavord · 5 days
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starter for @unluckyuncle ! —— ⟡ ( starter call )
THIS PLACE WAS AN ISLAND, and surrounding the island was a sea, and beyond that---
Well, he hadn't been here long, but so far he hadn't heard or read anything conclusive. What people didn't know tended to interest him most of all.
If he'd had his Vision, he would have simply flown out over the waves himself to see what, if anything, lay beyond them. As it was, though, he remained tied to the ground, pinned down by gravity just like everyone else. If he wanted to go out to sea, he'd need a boat.
Fortunately, there was a pier here.
Even though he couldn't tell what was beyond the island's reaches, there were a great many boats to choose from. He doubted he was the first to feel that way-- especially since there were others who were snatched from their homeworlds and brought here. Surely, he couldn't be the only one who wanted to know why, and surely at least one person had tried to leave.
He thought of all this as he paced aimlessly along the pier, gazing out at the hazy horizon in the distance.
So lost in thought he was that he forgot to pay attention to where he was walking and ended up colliding with someone.
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Irritation flashed in his eyes as he stumbled, and he reached up to readjust his hat, which had been knocked lopsided. "Hey-- don't you think you should watch where you're going?" he snapped.
Nevermind that it was a little hypocritical to get upset like this when he was the one who hadn't been paying attention.
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