gorillanixon · 3 years
The Cognac Crew | Episode 38
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@unmaskd @vielguthe-blog @ae1995-blog @wethekings @robertalexlarson-blog @ashowofheartsonthefloor @fknfranticfranny @j-lewis1992 @fuckyeahmusicindustryboys-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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artist-rayne · 6 years
I think i finally found out whats wrong with me...
Its exhilarating in part due to i finally unmaskd my years of bottled up feelings. I've been trying to figure out who i really am ever since i had to shut myself away when i was a kid. All the abuse i suffered did that to me but now im finally free....right?...i moved away.. I should feel better.... But im not
Truthfully lots of things have changed for the better and im glad for it..i may actually have a brighter outlook on life now. But now...knowing whats wrong...its really fucking depressing...
Im starving... Starving for Affection, im needy..i just want a hug...
I never had real affection... My partner, god i love them so dearly...but they live so far away and their schedule is the opposite of mine... I have no friemds here to hang out with or to connect.. I have no one to connect to!! And i crave it! I want attention. I want to throw myself into every single little conversation just to get validated. To know i exist. Yet my mental problems shut and lock me away from EVERYBODY not even giving me a chance...and i dont know what to do to stop it...im so lonely i stuff my life with projects and im constantly stressing myself to get them done when they are too much just so i can avoid feeling bored. Becuase when im bored i relize im all alone and nothing will satisfy the craving...
((This is sortof a diary entry im making public, #1 so i dont forget, #2 posting my problems online helps me becuase im a problematic bitch who wants any kind of attention, good or bad, #3 just so if anyone is wondering "what the fuck is wrong with this chick??" There you go. ))
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studsrn · 4 years
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Wasup y’all it’s “Turn Up” Thursday and today I have something special for the LGBTQ+ community and for all the LGBTQ+ allies!!! With Phoenix’s pride right around the corner and everyone else’s shortly behind...I thought it would be fitting and right on time to release this year’s Pride apparel!!! That’s right...Unmaskd Apparel Pride merch is AVAILABLE NOW so make sure you grab yours to rock at your pride parade/celebration!! @unmaskdapparel WEBSITE BELOW!!!! 🛍🛒 WWW.UNMASKDAPPAREL.COM . . . . #outandproud #queerpride #engayged #marriedlesbians #smallbusiness #lesbianpride #rainbowshirt #bisexual #gaypride #transgender #pronouns #worldpride #pridemonth #pride2021 #lgbtqpride #lesbiansofig #blackqueer #samesexcouple #queerlove #shelovesher #blacklesbianlove #blackmarriedlesbians #lesbianrelationship #tshirts #lesbianfashion #cutelesbians #loveislove #lovewins #branding #fashionista https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAx5k0nd28/?igshid=j5aolfjdbq9p
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unmaskdating-blog · 6 years
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Unmask Dating - First dating app to swipe through pictures and a 15 second video. #unmaskyourself #UNMASKdating #Unmask #Dating #Unmaskdate #Unmask #Dating #APP www.UnmaskDating.com (at Amagansett, New York)
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unmaskd · 11 years
No Regrets
From http://unmaskd.com/2013/10/01/no-regrets/
When I said last September that I was going into a self-imposed hiatus I wasn't planning on turning unmaskd.com into a one-post-per-year site. Alas, that seems to be its present fate. If I keep going at that rate for another year or two, this site will be qualified for a honorary mention in The Guinness Book of World Records as a the least frequently updated blog that still gets some reads.
It remains to be seen whether we’ll get there, but at this point I’m not back yet. Not in full swing anyway. But I’m still around and I’m stopping by today for my annual September 28 post and just to say hi to everyone I've missed in the last twelve months. Traditions have any meaning only when they are followed and I’ve come to like mine. In fact, I became so attached to it that this year most of thinking I did on that day was about the tradition itself. I was trying to understand what made me look so eagerly to this day during the year. After all, pondering about one’s life doesn't have to be limited to a specific date. In fact, in my case it isn't.
And so, as I was trying to figure out why my anticipation of that day had felt like an equal mix of irritation and excitement, it occurred to me it had become a mix of the past and the future. A day to look at the things that I have done and the things I’m hoping to do. The screw-ups and the hopes of doing better next time. The pride of an accomplishment and the resolve to keep on going. It has turned into a day when despite every moment of weakness I still know I have strength. The day of a simple question: did I get the most out of these twelve months of my life? And so far, every time the honest answer to that simple question has been a deafening resounding NO. Just like it was this year.
But this time there was also something else. That endless struggle, that never-ending fight with the Sloth… what exactly was it all about? It had always seemed like an unavoidable side effect of a human nature, something fully recognized and immortalized by many philosophies and religions around the world. And yet, it’s just plain dumb. Fighting myself over control means that I have conflicting life goals. But I don’t. I really really don’t. There’s no conflict between a shining noble goal and instant gratification, between an ambitious objective and the Demon of Procrastination. Because — despite the poetic beauty of the double-soul concept — there’s just one person. One soul. One mind. And that mind is I. And there’s stuff I want to accomplish, that I want to experience, that I want to do. And if I choose to do something else… well apparently that’s what matters to me.
So at the end, it all comes down to being absolutely clear about what you really want. Those few things — maybe even one thing — that truly matter to you. It could be going after that dream. Or being with your family. Or making a ton of money. Or finding your soul mate. Or riding a bike like a pro. Or all of the above. But whatever these things are, they are the only ones worth living for. Really. They don’t have to sound noble or grand. You don’t need to justify them to others, in fact, to anyone. Even to yourself. You only need to be sure they are the things you truly want. Because they are the things that make you tick. And that ticking is your life.
And once you find those things, just fill your life with them. Sure, you’ll have to spend some time doing stuff you don’t like doing. We all do. But as long as you can fill your time — even one minute of it — with things of your choice don’t fill them with junk, no matter how shiny or easy or satisfying or grand it looks. And that’s the whole secret to living your life with no regrets. Because if you think about it, filling your life by choice with things that don’t matter to you is sheer insanity.
So where does this all leave me? Doing the things that matter to me. As much as I can. As long as I can.
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gorillanixon · 3 years
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(via UnMask'd Podcast | Listen Free on Castbox.)
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@unmaskd @vielguthe-blog @ae1995-blog @wethekings @robertalexlarson-blog @ashowofheartsonthefloor @fknfranticfranny @j-lewis1992 @fuckyeahmusicindustryboys-blog 
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unmaskdating-blog · 6 years
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Unmask Dating - First dating app to swipe through pictures and a 15 second video. #unmaskyourself #UNMASKdating #Unmask #Dating #Unmaskdate #Unmask #Dating #APP www.UnmaskDating.com (at Amagansett, New York)
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unmaskd · 12 years
Counting the Moments
From http://unmaskd.com/2012/09/29/counting-the-moments/
When people talk about traditions they typically mean rituals established by someone many generations ago. While I respect (most) traditions of this sort, to me another kind of traditions is way more important — traditions, established by me and by those I care about. Which is why I’m writing my September 28th post, even though I’m not back yet from my self-imposed hiatus. When you do something for three years in a row, it’s a tradition.
As usual on this date, I've spent some time thinking — maybe a bit harder than usual — about my favorite L-word. And as usual I realized something. Don’t expect a revelation. What you are about to read is as trivial as it gets when it comes to statements about life. What makes it special for me is that now I understand it deeper than I ever have. A warning: don’t read this if you’re easily depressed. I mean it. Just stop reading right here.
Do you ever get this feeling of moments being wasted as your life passes by? It passes right in front of your eyes, in all its glory and complexity — and you can’t help, but feel that these seconds are being thrown away. You can feel your body getting older with every passing moment, you can sense opportunities being ignored, risks not taken, life not lived. There are life experts around you telling you that life is too precious to be wasted, encouraging you to live it, screaming at you about planning it, establish bold goals, going after them with everything you've got, taking charge, blah, blah, blah. But what do they know? They are people just like you, and their clock is ticking just as steadily. All you know is that you have a limited number of moments in this world and you’re just not using them right. And it sucks big time.
So you just think about something else. You choose not to think about that unstoppable timer. You pretend to forget. In fact, you do forget — until next time. But there always is that next time. And you know what it is? Slavery. We’re being held hostage to our fears. Fear of not using our time wisely. Fear of wasting our life. Fear of leaving this world eventually. And this is so wrong.
It’s wrong because it actually doesn't matter how many moments we get. Well, it sort of does, but not in the way we usually think about it. These moments are not infinite anyway. Yes, I will run out of them at some point. But precisely because of this it is so dumb to waste any one them worrying about running out of them eventually. It may happen in 40 years or in 5 hours. Who knows. And who cares? What matters is not how many moment I have left in the bank. What matters is how I spend them. Every single one of them. As it turns out, life is not about how many. It’s about how. Instead of counting the moments I should be living them.
Just like any statement about life these are just words. But once it sinks in, all of a sudden you realize that these words bring you closer to something all us want and only few truly achieve — freedom.
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And now this... Funny, how one thing leads to another. I guess for now Mr. Kutcher will play it safe and then come back to his @unmaskd account. There he doesn't give a fuck about what others may think. This is by the way how Twitter is supposed to work. You express your opinions openly and if you make a mistake.. oh well you say sorry and everybody moves on. 
But I guess not everyone can take pounding of 8 million angry followers, so it would be understandable if Ashton decides that hiding behind the mask on his unmaskd account is better.
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@unmaskd @vielguthe-blog @ae1995-blog @wethekings @robertalexlarson-blog @ashowofheartsonthefloor @fknfranticfranny @j-lewis1992 @fuckyeahmusicindustryboys-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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unmaskdating-blog · 7 years
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To get started right away download Unmask in the IOS store and create a profile. Very simple, verify with an email and start creating your profile. In the app under profile upload three photos of yourself
and create a thirty second video about yourself, this video can be totally up to you, but remember the concept if UNMASK is being completely honest and revealing the truth, so say some positive and two or three imperfections about yourself. We know it’s really hard, but let’s be honest no one is perfect. When you are swiping through videos please be kind and courteous of others being honest and open about their imperfections. Those imperfections are other attractions.
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unmaskd · 12 years
Goodbye — For Now
From http://unmaskd.com/2012/09/06/goodbye-for-now/
Thank you all for your words of support after my last post — they mean a lot to me. They really do.
I have failed. Which means I have either not tried hard enough or am incapable of being who I want to be. In the first case, I’ll be back. In the second case, this is the last Unmaskd post. When it comes to my identity, Unmaskd has become my most honest expression of myself. I don’t want to betray everything it means to me. Under my other masks, I have an option of living (or rather wasting) my life as someone weak, while pretending that I am strong. I don’t have this option as Unmaskd.
I know what living truly means. It is so much more than breathing and eating, doing work and being entertained. Living your life is so much more. And once you’ve lived a single moment like this you cannot go back, without lying to yourself.
As Unmaskd I’m not going to be weak. I’ll either be strong — or won’t be at all. Running away from yourself is not a way to live. It’s a way to exist. And Unmaskd is all about living.
I hope this is not a farewell. But if it is, please do know that this has been one of the most exciting adventures of my life.
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