monterraverde · 2 years
👾 - Favourite Pokémon game?
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//Outside of ScarVio, it's Sun and moon! I'm the weird kid who plays pokemon for the story lol.
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johtobcrn · 2 years
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Send me 🖑 to give one of my pokemon a little pat on the head | OPEN
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There's a tilt of her head as the shiny Flamigo side-eyed the trainer, her yellow eyes looking back to her trainer as Bazooka wanted to make sure this was safe. She hoped so! She had just finished preening all of her feathers!
" Miiiiigo? " She tilted her head again before leaning into the touch, moving the other's hand to the top of her head to scratch her head feathers. After all, she couldn't reach there!
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❝ Looks like she trusts you! She's pretty finicky heh... ❞
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itsraiyninmeteors · 4 years
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“Do I even want to know what’s going on?”
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viceflame · 4 years
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"It’s nothing. It’s just a bruise." @unovasrose​ 
A bruise was an understatement. The champ was good, but landing on her foot from dodging that out of control golem wasn’t proper. It was bruised, though the slight dark blue color made him worry since the last thing she needed to do was walk on it. Given where the nearest pokemon center was, the option was clear. 
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“Forgive my boldness, champ. But I can’t let you walk on it.” 
In a quick action with his athleticism, he sweeps her literally off her feet and into his arms to carry her down the road. The pokemon center was about two kilometers away, but it won’t be a problem to carry her that far and have her looked at. At the very least, to get ice and a pack to calm down the swelling. 
“No worries~ I’ll take you to where ice is. Nurse joy can probably look at it too!” 
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outofgalars · 4 years
@unovasrose​ liked stuff!!
-- Second day at the wintery tundra; having camped out due to lack of proper lodging, the redhead rose up early in the morning ready to take on the worl-- “Achoo!!!” ....
Let’s ignore that last part.
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At any rate. With this yet-to-be-fully-mapped area entirely under his mercy, Slade’s decided to venture out once more and attempt to cover some more space. His trusty notebook already filed with a significant portion of what he’d come to cover up to now; proud of the progress he’d made, patting himself on the back mentally for managing to draw so “accurately” despite the cold numbing his fingers at some point. “Okay!!” He slapped his face with both palms to wake himself properly, now more hyped to set out.
“Let’s go guys.”
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racerhazel · 4 years
STARTER - @unovasrose​
   “Watch out!” Was the only form of warning Hazel could give before landing on the ground close to the other. Legs now firmly planted on the ground she let out a small sigh of relief before looking up towards the tree she’d just finished scaling. Her decent back down had come a bit more harshly as she had lost her footing but somehow managed to recover herself enough to land without harming herself. Attention now turning to the brunette beside her she pointed to the top of their head. “You have a few leaves and twigs in your hair.” Which were undoubtedly due to her.
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"I... didn't know what to really get for the guy who pretty much has it all so I hope you'll at least enjoy these." She sets her two gifts down on the table in front of him — two homemade frosted cupcakes (one for Nate and one made with pokémon-friendly ingredients for Lucario) and a gleaming golden bottle cap. "Happy Birthday, Nate."
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Ah, yes, the trouble of having too much money is that it makes it harder for people to buy gifts, yet Nate’s eyes sparkled all the same as he eyed the two cupcakes! This was already going to be a great birthday, he could just feel it! “Oh, don’t worry! I’m sure these will definitely be enough!” Taking the cupcake that was probably for him, Nate took a small bite, taking time to savor the flavor.
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“Mmmmm... this is really good! Thank you!” He said, swallowing his piece before almost taking another bite... almost. His eyes caught the glimpse of the Golden Bottlecap. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, grabbing it and examining it to confirm what this would be. “Wait... aren’t these for Hyper Trainin? I heard some powerful trainers collect these, and if ya give them one then they can help unlock a pokemon’s full potential!” Man, just thinking about it was already getting him pumped! This was even better than the cupcake!
Leaping up, Nate gave her a big hug, cupcake still in hand. “Thank ya so much! I’ve never had a chance to do one of these things, so I’m super excited to try it out!” The only problem was... which pokemon should he train with?  Hmmmm....
All the meanwhile, Lucario was in bliss. This was a really damn good cupcake all for him.... something he deserves since he has to deal with the rest of Nate’s team on a daily basis.
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 3 years
Clefairy (because it's @faerieprincess's favorite line fhdjkskj)
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"Rolling on from the last one, Clefairy are some of the only Pokemon we know of to form actual tribes with varying roles and responsibilities - like people! There are even cultural differences between them in regions! The customs of those that live here in Galar, for example, are much different than those you'd see in Mount Moon over in Kanto! The one unifying fact between them though is their worship of the moon itself."
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luckynatured · 3 years
toxic, submission, rage
TM Meme // Accepting
toxic — does your muse have any unhealthy coping mechanisms? what are they? do they know that they’re unhealthy or not?
Hilbert tries not to, but he does have a tendency to clam up whenever he's sad or trying to process something. He knows that he'll feel better when he just talks about it, but that's when his fear of vulnerability kicks in. It's a vicious cycle that Hilbert is completely aware of.
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
If I had to pick one? Probably romance. Hilbert typically doesn't actively pursue romantic endeavors, so if he does like someone? He'll just have absolutely no idea what to do about it and he'll basically have a Crisis. Does he pursue the person in question?? Is it worth the risk of ruining their friendship?? What should he do??
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
Team Plasma. Do I even need to say anything else?
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itsraiyninmeteors · 4 years
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“They’re at it again.”
“Been ages since I’ve heard those two bicker like this.”
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viceflame · 4 years
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💍  :    our  muses  are  mistaken  for  a  couple  by  someone  else . asked by @unovasrose​
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“Come on, we just ate twenty minutes ago. Why you already lookin’ for a place to get a snack?” Between camping and actually being in the city, it had been a while since civilization had been within reach of either of them with work on their minds. Being around the other for a month now, it was a bit presumptuous of him to forget who he was with; the champion of the region after all. 
“Excuse me, young couple?” 
The words left, and immediately vice looked back to a older male taking out a picture to snap a photo of the two of them. “A photo with the champ and her boyfriend? My daughter will love it.” Thinking it over, he didn’t have a problem with it but the sudden implications that they were anything more then friends caused redness to grow across his face. Was it insulting to her? Well, he may as well play along. 
“Sure, go ahead sir!” 
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He posed, putting a arm around rosa as the photo was taken swiftly before they had to pose for too much longer. Once it was done, he turn around and just began to silently apologize. “I’m so sorry.....”
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aestheticenthusiast · 10 years
okay i am gonna go and get all my replies, shove them in drafts, and do them on saturday
uwu between being busy w/ work & famjam stuff over this past weekend, i caught a rather disgusting cold that has had me pretty much in bed sleeping it off as best i can. 
like this if i missed you, but i'm tagging everyone i believe i owe on nate?
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blackadaisicals · 10 years
unovarose said: (Adelaide has no thunderstorms you are clearly in the wrong place xD)
ooc; brisbane is in the middle of "storm season" tbh. ugh, i hate the wet season. please, take me down to adelaide. 
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itsraiyninmeteors · 4 years
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“...Dare I even ask what is going on?”
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♦ ☮
♦ - Emotional headcanon
Hugh's clearly a very emotional person. He can't really help it. He simply can't control himself when he's upset. Well, at least he wasn't able to. Now, he does have a few tricks to help him. Sports and fishing have been helping him find an outlet, and also a fun hobby he enjoys. For in the moment, he's been doing the breathing trick when he's around people he doesn't consider his enemy (so strangers or friends, it doesn't matter).
It should be noted, however, that with Team Plasma behind them, he doesn't have a lot to be angry about. Nor is he one to actually get angry over little things.
☮ - Friendship headcanon
Hugh's not as vocal about how important his friends, namely Mei, are to him after defeat Plasma. He just hasn't found the moment to. While on their journey, Hugh was always trying to praise and encourage Mei to keep going, not wanting her to feel as insecure as he was during the time. Now, he's not sure what he'd be encourage Mei to do. 
He also gets restless when he can't insure that his friends know how important they are to him, so he may occasionally let out an oddly placed praise.
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