#unrivalled comedy potential here I can’t wait
deputychairman · 3 years
When Johnny gets back on the all night bus from Mexico, sleep-deprived, unshaven and stinking like his own feet, only to find elegant, secure-in-his-masculinity silver fox Chozen is now training with HIS lifelong karate rival??? Behind his back???? And Daniel will be all, oh hey yeah didn’t I mention him? Not like our kids’ tournament in ‘84 wasn’t special to me or anything, but me & Chozen fought a karate death match in Okinawa! and he represents the living legacy of the father figure I’ve tried desperately to emulate all my life! Uhh you wanna join us for sushi or something?
And Miguel will be like (taking a deep breath): sensei - sensei, look at me - it’s ok to be jealous of another karate rival moving in on Mr LaRusso, but maybe if you just go get dinner with them you’ll find he’s an ok guy? Yeah I’m sure he still hates you the most! How can you doubt that I love you like a son when I’ve just listened to all of this
But Johnny will already be misspelling ‘how to get rival back with karate DOUBLE death match’ in google and won’t listen
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