#unrooms lore
unrooms ยท 6 months
More specific questions than Moya's comment:
What was your inspiration for this story?
Tell us more about the walls, the ceiling, and everything within them.
Wellll... What was my inspiration? That's kinda hard to pin down. For one thing, though, the interactive webcomics Blood is Mine and My Delirium Alcazar are big favorites of mine and definitely influenced me a fair amount! I recommend both of them- BiM is finished and MDA is unfortunately on hiatus but you should still get invested in it lol
I really started this- not on a whim, but with very little prep time. As you know, it was meant to (well, and did) span exactly one month, and I decided I was going to do it, I believe, two days before the month started? So I didn't have a very detailed idea of what the story was going to be or anything going in. A lot of it I improvised on the fly. I think most of the puzzles I invented while writing the update for the hour they were first observed lol. Not sure exactly where I was going with this but whatever
As for the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them, I think I've been fascinated for a long time by the idea of like... well it's hard to sum up? (btw dorfird, I know you know this about me, but I'm answering for everyone)
I guess there's just something about like... a space that is a puzzle, like an escape room maybe, and there's dire consequences if you can't figure it out? I don't know, it's hard to put into words, and that's maybe only one genre of this idea I've got in my head. But I think of things like Danganronpa, Portal, the Hunger Games even. So one of the things I knew from the start was that I was gonna explore that whole concept. The thing I like about the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them is that it is not only a building but an entity itself, and it has control over its whole structure... I could have played around more with it changing, like a shifting maze, but I guess I didn't really think of that.
A thing which I didn't ever state explicitly is that the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them has a kind of connection to Tyler's universe. It's seen glimpses of that universe, and modelled itself around what it saw. Thus why it has architecture that's recognizable, and how the flesh can speak english and the walls etc can write it.
I don't think the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them is really malicious, rather it just doesn't really have a sense of empathy. It's a person because it has the element of flesh in it, but it's more stone than flesh and it understands stone more than it does flesh. However, I did have it in mind that an alternate solution to the story could be to convince it to let you go.
There's more I could say, but I already wrote a lot and I'm kind of sick and tired today, so I'll leave it at that for this post. (that doesn't mean I won't say anything else today, necessarily, just not right now)
I hope you find this interesting and not too rambly lol :)
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