cnl0400 · 3 months
I hate the glowing Lucifer plush on prínciple but also It looks so stupid that I kind of want It
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Every Influencer Alive: you can build your brand just by building a website and listing what you do on it! People will immediately flock to your posts and generate traffic!
My Website: My guy it could not be more empty in here than if you had added the cricket sound effect
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'Loki' Head Writer on Season 2 Finale and MCU Future (esquire.com)
I think this more than enough proof how unsalvable this entire series always was going to be. Because they made the TVA fascists, they were based off of 1984 and had straight up nazi coding. Remember all the art promotion? But then they honestly call Mobius someone who's like a company man, who sometimes breaks the rules, but really he just wants to live his life. Mobius was a fascist for hundreds of years and never spared a single person or even tried thinking of another way. I don't understand how some can be so unaware of what they've written.
Oof, that interview was painful to read.
The bit about Mobius just comes to prove these people don't understand the ramifications of the stuff they have written. We saw Mobius as that "company man" in S1 and I have no idea what they have done with him in S2, but if he didn't have his own beliefs challenged then this character is in the exact same spot as the first S1 episode.
Most of the time, these writers keep moving their characters from one place to another but when it comes to characterization, they always end up the same way they started. The character is taken from point A to B but... has said character really learnt anything about themselves? Or are they just going through the motions, reacting to stuff happening to them and taking on roles that don't ever develop their own personal story?
Mobius is never challenged, he was a company man who in his own words didn't get hung up on "believe, not believe", he just "accepted what is" - which basically means he took everything the TVA said to him as the absolute truth - so he NEEDS to have those beliefs challenged. He has to be written as someone who feels guilt, regret, remorse, who understands his role in the machine, and who is changed by the story. But the writers never did that because it wasn't in their plans to tell a story against the TVA - as Wright said, the TVA is their Shield. They're the good guys! 🤦‍♀️
Now, what Martin says about Loki: "The big idea was taking Loki from a lowercase-g god, to a capital-G God" is slightly insulting. Loki IS a God. But the rest is even worse: "[...] he gets his throne—but it's not a throne he wants anymore. This is a duty. He's doing this so everyone else can have their lives. He's giving up the thing that he wants most so that everyone else can have their free will."
So, that's basically the worst possible story you could tell about him? He "gives up" what he wants most? So this is yet another case where Loki doesn't get what he wants? He gets a throne, that he never wanted in the first place and we've known that since Thor1, and he has to sacrifice himself, his life, his future, his needs... so that everybody else can have their lives? It's a confirmation of this...
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I don't know what to tell you. As a Loki fan that is not what I wanted to see. I haven't watched S2 so I have no idea if he takes on that role willingly or not, but this is Loki sacrificing himself yet again while those who did A LOT more damage than he ever did get away with it scot-free. And probably even the TVA is saved and protected and not burnt to the ground, right? Ugh.
Oh, and there's one more thing that blows my mind in that interview. This part:
Q: On a macro level, where would you say Loki Season Two fits in within the overall Marvel story? Eric Martin: "I actually don't know what the overall story is going to be. Things are so siloed off."
Marvel should be telling the head writers of their series what the overall story is. The MCU is supposed to be a "connected" universe. It doesn't surprise me that the latest phases are all over the place when these people have no idea what the main story is.
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I wish pulling and ripping assets from Pathologic Classic wasn't so difficult, 200 assets in the opening theatre scene ALONE painfully needing to be reconstructed and texture edited in Blender with some of the direct ripped textures being unsalveable so I have to sift through the 1000 odd texture assets for the game, like PLEASE, I just want to rotate everyone and put them in funny poses is that so much to ask
Also I'm no game dev and maybe it's a product of ripping but who decided that a single chair has to be constructed from TEN INDIVIDUAL ASSETS, though seeing how the boundary boxes are made for these does explain why some of the collision is so jank and confirmed my suspicion that a lot of the climbable objects are probably made of multiple different boxes stacked on top of each other
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eaglesnick · 1 year
Second-rate Britain 8
When the Royal Family lock away their own children because their learning disabilities are an embarrassment to the Monarchy what chance for children with learning difficulties from ordinary families?
“The Queen's hidden cousins: They were banished to an asylum in 1941 and left neglected... Their last reported visitors were in the 1960s, and although it was an open secret at the Royal Earlswood, and in the local community, that the asylum housed close relatives of the Royal Family, to the wider world their existence had been obliterated." (MailOnline: 11/11/11)
Children with learning difficulties from families more loving than the Royals are suffering the same fate, not because their parents have ceased to care but because successive Tory Governments have abandoned them.
People of a certain age will remember the scandal of Romania’s orphans that came to light after the 1989 Romanian revolution. Whereas it is true that the physical conditions the Romanian orphans suffered were far worse than those in British institutions, the mental damage inflicted is the same.
In Romania many families could not afford to care for their children and they were encouraged to give them up to the State. Healthy children went to orphanages but:
“...those with disabilities, illness, of physical differences were despatched to separate facilities: Homes for the Deficient and Unsalveable."  (mamamia.com: 01/07/20)
Horrifyingly, our Tory government is doing the same thing. When will we stop seeing headlines like these?
‘My son has autism and a learning disability but was locked away somewhere that felt like an asylum from a Dickens novel’  ( inews: 21/03/19)
'My autistic daughter was held in a cell for two years' (BBC News: 01/11/19
“The government's failure to reduce the number of autistic people confined to mental health units in England is a "national scandal", a charity says.” (BBC News: 14/07/21)
  “In the U.K., Autistic People Are Locked Away in Modern-Day Asylums “ (The Mighty: 23/07/21)
This problem isn’t new. In 2015 a commitment was made to close 35-50% of inpatient beds for autistic people and to develop suitable community support by 2019. But that promise was never kept. Instead, Britain saw a RISE in the number of autistic people admitted to mental health units not a fall.  The promise to develop suitable care in the community  didn’t happen because successive Tory governments have been obsessed with implementing their ideologically driven austerity policies regardless of the human cost.
Health Secretary Steve Barclay, the man who for weeks and weeks refused to talk to striking nurses, said he recognises:
“… that for people with learning disability issues often inpatient care is not the right care for them so we're investing more in this.” (ITV.com: 31/03/23)
All very vague.  In the meantime, the practice of detaining people with learning disabilities and autism under the Mental Health Act continues, and the longer it goes on the more damage it does to those incarcerated. 
It was found that Romanian orphans adopted by British families still suffered mental health problems into adulthood, with only one in five being totally unaffected by their experience under incarceration. There were also physical differences between the brains of young Romanian adults who had been incarcerated when compared to English adoptees of a similar age, the Romanian’s showing a brain size 8.65% smaller.
The Romanian orphanages were known as “slaughterhouses of the soul”. I wonder how history will judge our government’s policy of continuing to lock up children with learning disabilities and autism?
ITV has been investigating this shocking British scandal and askes this poignant question:
“If you judge a society by how it treats its most vulnerable then what does it say about the UK when people with learning disabilities are still locked up indefinitely. We are talking about people who are not locked away in secure hospitals for years on end because they’ve committed a crime - they’re incarcerated because there is a lack of funding for appropriate care for them in the community?”  (Peter Smith, ITV :03/11/22).
However you answer that question, it really is time Tory governments put the needs of the people before those of their rich friends.
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vajracchedika · 2 years
There's the edge of this painting that I was commissioned for (so i could buy another 5'x5' the only dimension that matters to me for now . Ok 6'x4' I see you 🤫) . That I did in that room in the most hilariously sea foam manner (sea foam in strokes and all, beloved) and that I was coked out for on the worst most bunked ass cocaine that any Bostonian ever did saw. I left the painting aborted (unsalvationed 🪢) it was still fun to see while taking a shit .
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unsalve · 2 years
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the witcher 3: wild hunt expansions + @screenshotsofdespair  ( part 1 )
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nocturnaljunipers · 3 years
Awesamponk [screams and cries]
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riverswater · 2 years
Pleaseeee and promo for gay movie still have to begin
I would say "I hope the earth gets destroyed dinosaurs-style before that" but we're all innocent and don't deserve that 😒 I can still hope in a smaller scare cataclysmic though
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how to reconcile being a leftist and a cuban american. i hear/see leftists, especially on this site, talk about how great and amazing che and fidel castro were when literally. theyre the reason that my grandparents came-- fled, tbqh-- to this country. my grandfather was nearly killed for working for the red cross there. ya im a leftist but like... take ur hot takes abt castro the fuck away from me ok
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handweavers · 3 years
looking at the state of literally every industry right now in this phase of late capitalism is like "yeah this is unsalvageable just toss it all" *moves to the next industry* "yeah this is unsalvageable just toss it all" *moves to the next* "yeah this is unsalv-"
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Wounds That Don't Heal (When Left Unsalved)
Wounds That Don't Heal (When Left Unsalved) by EtherealExistence
Midoriya Izuku, provisionally licensed hero Deku, is declared the UA Traitor and sent to Tartarus. Though the truth won't stay hidden forever, and now over a year later it's time to pick up the pieces and move forward. Though life as a quirkless teenager who had been deemed a to society won't be easy, because there will always be those who insist he's up to no good even after the truth comes out.
Words: 1493, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Class 1-A, U.A. Faculty, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, League of Villains, Toogata Mirio
Additional Tags: Suspected Traitor Midoriya Izuku, Betrayed Midoriya Izuku, UA Faculty Made A Mistake, Yagi Toshinori Made A Mistake, Midoriya Izuku had one for all, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Dead Midoriya Inko, Homeless Midoriya Izuku, Broken Midoriya Izuku, No Beta We Die Like Izuku's Hope, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight Lives
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41835774
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strapskinkstories · 2 years
You can’t fix stupid. You can’t unMAGA the MAGA’d. You can’t save lost souls
Just warning you folks
Do what you want, but if you decide to join Truth Social be warned. The democrats there, are just trolls looking to incite anger.
The republicans there, are beyond lost, they won’t even listen to US Code or House Oversight articles let alone the papal alarm.
I knew that trump was unqualified before he even ran for office.
Mocking a disabled reporter with cerebral palsy, making fun of people with mental illnesses, threatening new york that he could shoot someone and get away with it on fifth avenue.
These are all things he said prior to his election.
He and russia colluded in what was and shall be known as the largest PSYOP in the history of America, and it’s still ongoing.
trumps chimpanzees still run around the internet claiming that the orange man is “god” “jesus” or some other holy man
DJT is the antichrist I tell you
No man of Christ would instruct his followers to violently storm the capitol.
No man of Christ would refuse to cede power when democracy has decided that he is done.
I was voted out of Truth Social. Democracy happened. I knew I was well outnumbered, well unpopular and a few democrat trolls were clinging to me because they felt they had a comrade at arms.
I refuse to be a full time keyboard warrior against people who are unsalvable.
I work to save the savable.
You cannot save one who has blasphemed against the holy spirit
You cannot save one who has given their soul to an orange shitstain
You cannot save one who believes that Christianity is to have the final say over all women in this nation regardless of their religion
You cannot save one who thinks that Christianity is the only path to God
For God is also Allah God is also Buddha God is also Jesus
God is everything and nothing at the same time
God is omnipotent and omnipresent.
Do you really think an omnipotent and omnipresent God that loves all of his creations so deeply that he sent his son to die for ALL of earths people that he would cherry pick?
All are saved, whether they ask for it or not.
All are going to Heaven for the gates of hell have been sealed shut by God.
Hell isn’t for anyone.
When a group of men who voted for DJT come shouting at me that I am not a Christian and that I am a demon and a deceiver. I know I have come across true demons.
Truth Social is the cage that contains the demonic spawn.
Truth Social is where people believe crackpot theories like people reusing a ballot three times
Truth Social is a place where people can go so far as calling black people a corruption of white people, and get away with it.
Truth Social is a place where people can harass, intimidate, and abuse a fellow CHRISTIAN just because they are a Democrat who supports abortion rights.
Truth Social is a place where they think Planned Parenthood sells baby organs at crazy inflated prices, when it is illegal to sell any fetal remains after an abortion unless they are given to a research institution for which they have a right to be reimbursed for the cost of packaging and shipping them but no more than that.
Truth Social is a place for socially inept losers who have sold their soul to DJT and guns
Truth Social is a place where Christians can claim that they have a right to shoot people dead, but they also have a right to force women to be baby dispensing pez dispensers and nothing more.
A woman is far more than a man
No woman has told a man he cannot masturbate, despite masturbation being the disposal of trillions of single celled organisms that are technically “alive”
Yup, you heard it here, your sperm, are literally little tiny swimming fishes.
The egg on the other hand, is not alive without the “activation key” that is your sperm.
Good news though, God never made any law regulating non sentient living organisms.
A sperm does not have a brain, it’s a single celled organism. That said, it still swims.
An embryo at 7 days looks like a bunch of germs multiplying out of control.
Folks, do your research. Especially you SCOTUS
You’ve violated both the 13th and 14th amendments (again)
the 13th amendment especially
You’ve forced all women into involuntary slavery by forcing them to be slaves to men as baby dispensers.
Nevermind the fact that now if a woman in the south has a baby test positive for Anencephaly or Trisomy 13 they can’t terminate that baby humanely in utero using a KCI injection into the fetal heart. Instead the woman is forced to carry to full term a fetus that will die within minutes if Anencephalic or within a week even under state of the art NICU care if Trisomy 13+ Nevermind the cost of the delivery and NICU that will burden young mothers and even underage girls that get banged by rapists.
The republican party is truly the party of pedophiles, rapists, and child groomers.
Lest we not forget that DJT raped a 13 year old girl.
If you dare to join Truth Social, expect a lot of cancerous trolls and do not expect it to be productive. It’s like a demonic hellpit full of zombies. You can shoot at them all you want but they just keep coming. Even if you manage to kill one, there’s another one lurking around the corner ready to attack with hateful vitriol.
I hope you like it. Feel free to take it and reuse it. Because trumptins love to seem to whine that he has immense support at every one of his “polls”
DJT lost the election, fomented a violent insurrection upon our nations capitol, had a person break a window using a riot shield (in a directed act, coordinated by his conspirators) and then killed a capitol police officer. They claim that J6 was a peaceful protest, it was everything but that. A man put his feet upon Nancy Pelosi’s desk, smoked cannabis, and used her telephone to make obscene and threatening telephone calls from the D.C Capitol.
A HERO police officer kept the senate chamber secure while our representatives were evacuated to an underground security room where they continued the count late into the night dutifully performing our nations democratic obligation, peacefully ejecting DJT from the White House.
I tell you this and I tell you with GODS WORD backing me up.
Trump is not a Christian. The pope said that, not me, the POPE. The pope is very much qualified to judge a mans heart and say whether he is Christian or not.
DJT must never see the doors of a political office again. For if he does, it could spell the complete downfall of America, and it already in a way has.
Never have I seen America so filled with violent and vitriolic people since the 2015 year when DJT fomented all of this. He, the CIA, and Russian agents did all of this.
It’s called a PSYOP, and it’s really bad news for the entire world, and it’s turned America from a world leading nation, into a laughing stock that not even NATO wants to listen to nor the UN nor the WHO.
The United States will soon become the target of sanctions and other international aggressions if the trumpublican party is not erased from our governmental ranks.
If you aren’t a voter, register your fucking ass and VOTE!
Put your god damn dick down, and VOTE!
I don’t care if you fight a keyboard war or not, if you do, great, it’ll keep the trumptards occupied so they can’t spread their vitriol in the streets. It’ll keep them in their mommies basement.
If you are an American and you haven’t voted in the 2020 election, then you are part of the problem. If you failed to vote in 2016 then you are an even bigger part of the problem. If you think midterms don’t matter, THINK AGAIN.
Democracy was not easy to implement. Democracy was painful to implement for the people in history, for the founders of America fought a painful and bloody soul crushing war.
Every time I make that back breaking walk to and from the post office, it is a ritual, an almost religious and spiritual one. It reminds me just a shard of the pains that the forefathers of this country felt as they implemented democracy.
Forget internet word wars. GET PEOPLE TO THE POLLS!
This 2022 election, I want to see 75% of Americans voting age voting or I’m going to be dissatisfied in this nation
the 2024 election, it should be 90% of voting age Americans voting.
Sometime before 2024, we should institute a poll penalty. Just like we have the uninsured healthcare tax penalty, so shall we have a penalty for voting age Americans who fail to vote. In this day and age where a mail ballot takes mere clicks of a mouse to get, NOBODY HAS AN EXCUSE TO NOT VOTE!
It should be federal law that everyone MUST VOTE!
If you don’t vote, then you aren’t an American in my book
If you don’t vote, you may as well be deported.
SHUT UP AND VOTE! I don’t care how you vote or who you vote for (As long as it’s not Trump or his criminal enterprise) JUST FUCKING VOTE!!!
I would rather see 200 John McCains in the Congress spread between the House and Senate than one of the current republicans that sit in there.
All of the republican MoC’s are criminals
Joe Manchin and Kyrstin Sinema are democrat defectors, REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU GO TO THE POLLS! PRIMARY THEM THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!
If you want politics from me you can follow me on AngryBlueDot on Twitter. You will not find me doing arguments or engaging in troll wars. Twitter quickly bans people for that now (unless they’re republicans. because twitter is sucking republican cocks for money now and it’s only gonna get worse if Elon gets his way and buys the fuckin thing)
My behavior on Twitter will be as upstanding and morally decent as a member of congress. I will not stoop to arguments. I will not stoop to meme wars from the retards on the right.
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The right wing hates this image (VERIFIED, because when I posted it on Truth Social, the republitards went APE SHIT MENTAL on me)
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inmyvcins-blog1 · 7 years
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       she’s close, but she’s hit a road block. nikita taught shekti all the tricks to stay ahead. after running from cain for so long together, they knew each other well enough that nikita could get close to shekti, but never quite get close. the trail ran cold in new york. hell’s kitchen to be exact. shekti may know all of nikita’s tricks, but there are others she does not know. and so she knocks on the door to ‘alias investigatons.’ 
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unsalve · 2 years
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the witcher 3: wild hunt + @screenshotsofdespair  pt. 2
━  part 1  |  expansions 
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baeddling · 4 years
What the fuck man?
*unsalvations your army*
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