#unstability politics and economy of pakistan
deeptalewombat · 1 year
Why Arab countries seems to be ignoring pakistan in recent years….
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In the complex web of global diplomacy, alliances and friends are always calibrated. In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the dynamics between Arab countries and Pakistan.
In fact, during the recent G20 summit, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al-Saud and the President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mohammed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, visited India and returned, while there was no halt in Pakistan to engaging in any bilateral ties.
While there could be multiple reasons for this change, it is essential to examine the possible factors that have contributed to what appears to be a growing indifference towards Pakistan in the Arab region.
There could be multiple reasons ranging from the lack of governance to the rise of religious extremism, from anti-Arab sentiments to the perceived threat of exploitation of Arab resources. Experts have started to speculate about the growing distance between the Arab nations and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
However, Saudi Arabia and UAE will not forsake Pakistan fully, because of its strategic location, its status as a nuclear-armed nation, and its role as a major Muslim country in South Asia make it a valuable partner for these Arab nations. Moreover, creating new adversaries by mere forsaking, won’t be something the Arab nations would like.
Lack of stability and governance
The apparent indifference of Arab nations towards Pakistan in recent years can be largely attributed to concerns about Pakistan’s stability and governance.
Pakistan has grappled with a series of formidable challenges, resulting in an unstable political landscape and hindered economic progress. Consequently, this has led to a diminished level of credibility on the global platform.
The primary contributors to this instability are rooted in internal issues, including corruption, political discord and governance deficiencies. No prime minister in Pakistan has served the full term. They were either cooed or assassinated.
The prevailing “dog-eat-dog” phenomenon within Pakistan has, regrettably, acted as a regressive force, pulling the nation back into what feels like medieval times. This cutthroat environment, marked by ruthless competition has hampered the country’s progress and development.Just like any other nation, Arab countries seek to engage in partnerships with nations that exhibit stability and reliability, as these qualities are pivotal in fostering positive contributions to regional development.
Loyalty and Trust in Arab-Pakistani Relations
Arab countries’ perceptions of Pakistan are influenced significantly by the concept of loyalty and reliability as a friend.
Historically, Saudi Arabia, in particular, has been a steadfast supporter of Pakistan, offering substantial support, including financial bailouts and significant investments.
However, Pakistan’s ongoing challenges in repaying loans and recurrent financial crises have raised legitimate questions about its loyalty and commitment as a trusted partner.
In international diplomacy, every nation seeks stable and self-sufficient allies. When a country finds itself mired in financial turmoil and unable to meet its financial obligations, it inevitably strains its relationships with other nations.
This financial instability becomes a focal point in assessing the reliability of a partner. Consequently, addressing these financial challenges becomes paramount for Pakistan if it hopes to rekindle the trust and respect of its Arab counterparts.
Moving forward
It’s significant to stress that no one wishes ill for Pakistan as it is in the interest of regional stability to have a prosperous and secure Pakistan.
But Pakistan needs to understand that it can get the respect and attention it wants from Arab nations and the rest of the world by being a responsible and reliable country.
On the contrary, India has shown that it can keep its promises and work well with other countries, which has made people notice and respect India on the world stage. Pakistan can learn from India and aim to be a trustworthy partner that helps its region grow and stay peaceful.
The road to regaining its standing and influence in the international arena lies in Pakistan’s commitment to shut down extremism and terrorism completely, and its assurance to have responsible governance, diplomatic maturity, and constructive cooperation with its neighbours and the global community.
The author is a Saudi-based Indian national. He is Director of Milli Chronicle Media London. He holds a PG-Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI-ML) from IIIT. He did a certificate program in Counterterrorism from the University of Leiden, Netherlands. He tweets under @ZahackTanvir. Views expressed are personal.
Moreover, many Pakistanis behave or act as if they are the sole protectors of Islam and Muslims. They often talk negatively about Arab leaders and governments in their private conversations, criticising them for not following Islam as they see it.
It’s important for them to understand that this kind of meddling and interference can create problems. Criticising the governments of the countries they’re in and trying to impose their own beliefs can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.
In international relations, it’s essential to be respectful and not interfere in the affairs of the host nation.
Expatriate attitudes and their impact
While Indians, Americans, British, Sri Lankans and others typically come to these nations, earn their livelihoods and eventually return to their home countries, Pakistani expatriates sometimes exhibit a different mindset—one that involves laying claims over the resources of Gulf nations.
This trend has not gone unnoticed, and there are concerns that it could potentially lead to problems in host countries.
One particularly troubling example of this behaviour was exhibited by the hardliner cleric, Salman Hussein Nadwi, who maintained close associations with banned preachers Salman Audah and Yusuf Qardawi. Nadwi went as far as suggesting that the revenue of Saudi Arabia should be considered the property of the entire Muslim Ummah, and thus, Saudi Arabia should share its wealth with all Muslims.
Such claims and narratives, propagated by individuals like Nadwi, can potentially create discord and complications in the countries that host expatriate workers. They disrupt the harmony of the host nations.
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animeraider · 5 years
I want to talk to you a moment about fear.
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, and then just as I was about to publish it we had a slew of mass shootings, including one in my own geographical back yard, at a festival I've attended with my family. It seems to me that being afraid of gun violence is the one exception to my entire essay, and it does poke a big hole in it. We can't be afraid to close that hole. So here is that essay. +++++++++++++++++++++ I have said for a very long time now that the only useful place for fear in on Rollercoasters. Maybe horror movies. That it. Nothing else. But I want to dig deeper on that theme for a moment, if you don’t mind.
For getting on close to 2 decades now, there has been a political party in this country that has wanted you to be afraid. Usually it’s to be afraid of Muslims, terrorists, foreigner… anything other. They want you to believe that crime is getting worse. They want you to believe the country is financially unstable. They want you to believe there is a gay agenda that will change your life for the worse. A Trans-gender agenda. An Atheist agenda. A war on Christmas. Fear of packages in the mail. Fear of people in black communities, with their high crime rates. Fear of immigrants and the crime they bring. Fear of cartels and gangs that don’t even have a presence in this country. Fear of the Deficit. Fear that higher taxes will kill the economy. Fear that Iran is building an atomic bomb. Fear that the government will take over your healthcare. Fear that the government will take your guns. Fear that the government will take your freedoms.
This really ramped up after 9/11. I won’t kid you, that was awful. Grotesque. I can remember every damned moment of it – feeling genuinely in shock but being brave for my children, who were frightened out of their wits. Grabbing my children from their schools. Picking up my wife from her teaching job and the protocols that say that teachers needs to stay at their posts can go fuck themselves. Hunkering down and wishing it were all over. Thinking about the flight originally bound by my adopted hometown, and our own skyscrapers. It was awful and it opened a horrific wound.
Thing is, when do we get to heal? Why do we need to stay afraid? How can we possibly heal if we’re still afraid?
I’m asking that all of you please, stop being afraid. We’re not the greatest country in the world anymore but we sure used to be. We dreamed big, accomplished even bigger, and created the world’s next great adventures. We don’t do that anymore.
Fear is holding us back. Fear of the other. Fear of the world and how different it is from us. Yeah, we got hurt, badly hurt, but it’s time to heal. It’s time to stop being afraid to heal. It’s not easy, and I don’t deny that. But let me offer you a few notions about fear that maybe you haven’t considered.
I’m not afraid of Muslims. They’ve been part of this country going back to its very foundation. There are more Muslims in the world than there are Americans and there always has been. 9/11 didn’t change that. We’ve been fine with Muslims. Sharia Law isn’t being introduced anywhere in this country. It’s just not. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, and wants you afraid. If Muslims were such a big problem why are we as a nation so damned friendly with Saudi Arabia? Senegal? Pakistan? Morocco? Singapore? Egypt? Kuwait? Morocco – the first country to recognize the United States as an independent country (1786), and with whom we maintain the longest single treaty in US History?
A Muslim named Fazlur Tahman Khan (an American) invented the engineering system that allows skyscrapers to be built, including the Twin Towers, Sears Tower in Chicago and even the Trump International Hotel and Tower in the same city. He also built the Metrodome. A Muslim named Ernest Hamwi invented the Ice Cream Cone at the 1904 World’s Fair (Martha Stewart has published his original recipe too).
I’m not afraid of terrorists. I actually know someone who died on 9/11 and I completely understand the anger, the fear. I’ve felt it. It’s a physical thing you can feel and touch. But you know what? The country seems to have learned its lesson about how to anticipate this sort of thing. I’d like to think we can relax now. There are people whose jobs are to be vigilant and they’ve been successful since that awful day 2 decades ago. I think we can relax. And if I’m wrong? What’s the point of dying scared? Laugh at death – it’s going to laugh back. Don’t take life so seriously, it was never meant to be permanent.
I prefer to think of them simply as criminals. In addition to not being afraid, don’t make them important.
I’m not afraid of foreigners. I want to see the world, and see the differences and the similarities in other cultures. I want them to be our partners on this pale blue dot. Being afraid of the rest of the world seems just so… lonely. We’re not built for lonely. You’re here, reading this right now, aren’t you? Lonely makes people into monsters thanks to the echo chamber that is our own brains and we must be better than that.
I’m not afraid of crime. Despite all the crime shows on television, cable and podcast crime is actually way down, and is trending down. Even the FBI says so. I’m not afraid of the country being financially unstable. Yes, we have good days and bad days but overall the country is still the largest economy on the planet and will continue to be for a long time unless we intentionally intervene to make it worse. We have safety nets we didn’t use to have. Social Security isn’t going broke. Nowhere close. We have plenty of money. It does, however, need a slight adjustment in who is holding on to it.
I’m not afraid of gays. For the most part, every gay person, every Trans person I have ever met has wanted only one thing – for everyone else to not care that they’re gay or trans. Or anywhere else on the non-binary spectrum. It doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever. The LGBTQA agenda in schools? Mostly it teaches that it doesn’t matter. Can you stop being afraid of this? Yeah, some religions say that this is a sin but can you stop being afraid of it long enough to take to heart one great lesson in that book of yours? Even if you believe it’s a sin, you love the sinner. That’s it. Stop there. Never, never, never add hate to that. “Love the sinner, Hate the sin” isn’t in the Bible, the Koran or the Torah. Anything further isn’t religion – it’s justifying what you’re afraid of; most likely yourself.
(As a side note, for those of you who use the Bible to justify your fears of these people, I find it hilarious that you keep using the parts of the Bible written by the Romans after they co-opted Christianity. But who am I to judge?)
I’m not afraid of Atheists for the same reason. You know what they want? For everyone else to not push their own agenda on them, just like you don’t want someone else’s agenda forced on you. The Constitution is quite clear on this – no religion will be established by the state. Atheists would like you to support this very American ideal. That’s it.
There is no war on Christmas. There simply isn’t. Atheists exchange gifts too, because it’s nice to do.
I’m not afraid of packages in the mail. Yeah, there was some scary stuff sent out just after 9/11, but the number of people who got those packages/envelopes can be counted on one hand, and it isn’t your hand.
I’m not afraid of black neighborhoods. Crime really isn’t any higher in black neighborhoods than it is in white ones, not when the economics are taken into account. When people have money crime goes down, regardless of the color of one’s skin. Go to any white community where they income levels and cost of living are the same as any similar black neighborhood and you’ll find that the crime rates are just about equal. But the people trying to keep you afraid are white, and black is part of “the other”. There are good people living in those neighborhoods. Kind people. People who would help you.
Stop calling the police on black people. Stop being afraid. Be kind.
I‘m not afraid of immigrants or any crime. Yes, a couple of stories have been sensationalized, but statistically immigrants cause less crime than those of us born here. I’m not afraid of them taking our jobs. If the jobs are there and you want them, apply for them. Those jobs they’re taking are jobs you didn’t want, and they’re there. Immigrants tend to work hard, because they want what we used to be, and what they believe we can still be.
Fear of foreign gangs? Seriously? This might surprise you but MS13 members haven’t been making it across the border. You don’t find them in our detention camps. That’s because they’re not here.
Fear of the deficit? Nope, just can’t do it. Not when the political power who wants you to be afraid stops caring about it when they’re in power, and starts caring about it when they’re not. Besides, when they are it balloons, and when they’re not it decreases. Almost like they’re the cause or something.
I don’t fear higher taxes. Most people simply don’t make enough money where changes in the marginal tax rate will even touch them. Will it destroy the economy? No. The economy could change though. If money gets returned to the lower classes they’ll spend it. The economy should actually get better. The economy was great when Eisenhower was President. When Kennedy was President. We built highways. We went to the moon. You know, when taxes were higher.
Taxes, right now, are lower than they have been in your entire lifetime. Unless you’re over 90 years old.
Iran isn’t building an atomic bomb. They could, if they’re not engaged with. Obama realized this and got them to stop. I’m not afraid on Iran. But some people haven’t recovered from the wound given us in 1979 by Iran. Trump may just be one of them. His National Security Advisor certainly hasn’t.
I don’t fear the government taking over my health care. I’d kind of rather they did so, actually. My mother has Medicare and they’ve treated her better than my doctors sometimes treat me. Her healthcare also costs one hell of a lot less. If we move to a system like the one Canada has then yes, your taxes will be higher. But your healthcare costs will be lower. Much lower than how much your taxes go up. I’d say that’s a trade to not be afraid of.
I don’t fear the government taking your guns. I’d actually be quite happy if they did it but that’s a conversation for another time. It’s simply not going to happen. We do need to have an honest conversation about it though. We’ve lost too many children to guns. Come on people, we can solve this.
There is so much more that people have been trying to make us all afraid of over the past couple of decades. Much more than I could list here. Vaccines, Godless schools, Black people voting, improper birth certificates, QAnon, Impeachment… the list just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. I’m not afraid of any of it.
And I’m not afraid of Donald J. Trump. Or Mike Pence. Or Moscow Mitch McConnell.
I’m not afraid of anything. I’m an American. A citizen of what used to be The United States of America. I’d like you to be too.
Being afraid is downright un-American. So stop it. All of you. You can do this.
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sheikhzohairuddin · 6 years
It was a historic day back in 1997, which turned into a reality on 25th July, 2018 when Imran Khan was asked by a journalist that, “You haven’t won a single seat in the 1997 elections?” to which he replied, “Meray voter ko jawan honay do.”
As we all know that Imran Khan and his team has marked their foot firmly in Islamabad as they formed their government in federal for the first time in the history of PTI. For them, it still seems to be a beautiful dream but a reality. It was not a piece of cake for their leader to get this result, but it was a 22 years of struggle, day and night hard work, never give-up approach, dedication, and patience outcome. But actually the real test starts now. 
The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the probable challenges that Khan’s regime is going to face with mighty stones on their way, loans, trade deficit, unstable economy, politicized institutions, state’s machinery in loss, and many such massive problems he and his team will witness in front of them in these 100 days.
We know that, before coming into power, Imran Khan used to reinforce time-to-time in his jalsas, that he got 100 day agenda which he will bring into practice if he forms his government. It includes 50 lac houses, 1 crore employment, formation of the South Punjab province, institutional reforms and so on so forth. Basically, people elected him because of his stance against corruption, especially which he has a clear opinion about PPP and PML-N as mainstream parties since last 30 to 35 years are the roots of corruption which is also the opinion of the majority of the people of Pakistan. Now the ball is in his court. Let’s see how he delivers with so many obstacles in his way in coming 5 years starting from 100 days.
If we look backward at his life, we’ll find some great accomplishments in his account. Like; world cup, Shaukat Khanum Hospital, and Namal University. Whatever he takes as a challenge, he took that to the meaningful end. People, his critics, and even experts told him that the cancer hospital is impossible to establish in a country like Pakistan because it requires higher funding. But his intention was pure and he did it. He took his political party from nowhere to here, when people use to discourage him that the 3rd party concept is not exist in Pakistan’s politics, but he breaks the status quo eventually.
All above scenarios were seem to be impossible, but he turned them into reality. And now here he is with a 22 years of struggle behind, but a bundle of challenges to counter ahead.
His 100 day agenda looks to be attractive and relevant, but here is a confusion in few minds which I have heard on media channels that how Imran Khan will achieve or fulfill whatever he acknowledged to people in 100 days? Well, Either they’re misinterpreting it or they know everything and trying to misguide people. The timeline which he has given does not mean that he’ll do all the work in these days, but rather means whatever he has ensured people about his plan, he will accelerate those activities in motion, or he will set such directions which make sure that the things are going on a right track. People will witness a change. Logically, 50 lacs houses to be built is impossible in 100 days, it’s a 5 year program, but the work will be initiated at this time, that’s what he is trying to say. If we revisit his agenda, we’ll find that it seems to be way difficult to achieve his task in a given time frame, but his objective is clean and his past record tells us that he can do it. Like, he has delivered in KPK, especially in the police department, improvement in tourism, progress in education and health sectors are the reason why KP people have given him another opportunity with a better 2/3 majority.
Well, it’s been 29 days around so far and the way he took decisions, brought matters on the table to resolve issues especially on cutting expenditure is meritorious.
But the question is, Is this possible for him to showcase his work in front of his people in 100 days particularly?
Well! He is a born optimist, but a lone warrior, it makes a bit complicated for him with an existing bureaucracy, but not impossible to root out corrupt system and definitely for that, it will take time. What he can at least do is to set a couple of examples that things are moving on, slowly, but definitely.
I believe we should give him a chance which he deserves. I’m not a kind of a hero worship person who defend him even if he is at wrong side, but if people have chosen him, then he should be given a whole term to deliver, and if he fails, then people should reject him and then elect some alternate leader other than those who had been given chances in the past.
We know that he has shown dreams to this hopeless and depressed public whose expectations from him is right up at the sky, and we also know that he may face a lot of resistance and obstacles during his work in coming days, but if he keeps his temperament organized, take right decisions, and didn’t panic, then definitely he will succeed.
Thus, the challenge is big, but the confidence is high. More than 200 million people are behind him, he should take the first step, make all his effort and move on. As Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves.” If he or his cabinet, or any other team member makes any mistake than opposition parties should correct him because the ultimate objective is to carry Pakistan to the level and height of prosperity. Pakistan Zindabad!
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ulamafashionblog · 3 years
Blend Ethnic Fashion with Khadi Fabric for Men and Women
Khadi fabric is a well-known hand-spun fabric that is unique to the Indian subcontinent, particularly India. While hemp is the most commonly used material for this cloth, silk and cotton can also be used. Khadi cotton used in making handloom lungi online clothes is most commonly found in Bangladesh and Pakistan, whereas hemp is more commonly found in India. One of the most intriguing aspects of this fabric is that it is extremely versatile, not only in terms of the types of garments it can be used to create, but also in terms of seasonal usage; that is, it is warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months, and can thus be worn at any time of year. Khadi is a fabric with significant historical significance in India and the freedom movement. Cotton grown in the country was exported at lower prices to Britain, turned into garments, and then sold back in India at exponentially higher prices, resulting in an unstable economy and widespread political unrest. As a result, in order to protest the injustice, the idea of spinning Khadi fabric to bring about more rural empowerment arose, and it became one of the symbols of the Indian freedom movement. Another distinguishing feature of this fabric is that it is eco-friendly and made without the use of harmful chemicals, which is why it has recently gained popularity.
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-Photo created by sarangib on pixabay Khadi cotton clothes Khadi cotton fabric is used to make a variety of ethnic Indian garments. It is most commonly used to make salwar kameez sets, south Indian white lungi. These outfits are made up of three main parts: a well-fitted kurta that reaches the knees or just above the knees, a pair of loose pants with or without pleats, and a dupatta that is worn over the garment like a stole. Depending on the design, these can be either printed or embroidered. These are some of the most comfortable garments to wear and are ideal for women of all body types. Khadi fabrics are also used to make sarees, but they are not as popular as salwar kameez sets because they have an extremely starched and stiff appearance, which, while a characteristic of the fabric, does not always sit well with the look that sarees are meant to emulate. Cotton khadi fabric is also used to make women's accessories such as handbags, which are typically in the shape of sling bags, similar to those worn by hippies around the world. Due to the stiffness of the material, Khadi fabrics are also used to make satchel-shaped bags for women. These are large and usually have a boxy shape, and they can be easily paired with both Indian ethnic clothing and western wear without clashing with the overall look. Style tips Women who wear Khadi cotton kurtis tend to accessorise the garment with funky jewellery, owing to the garment's slightly rough texture and feel, which is well complemented by adding heavier styles of jewellery to the look. Beaded necklaces and bracelets are common forms of street jewellery. A few popular options include stone-studded jewellery. Few women choose to wear Indian jewellery with such attire because the contrast does not look good.  Indian khadi fabric is intended to represent and emulate a more rural or rustic look, which does not fit the vibe of expensive sets. Whether the garment is made of cotton or silk khadi fabric for printed lungi, footwear should be carefully selected because it has a significant impact on the overall appearance of the outfit. When wearing a salwar kameez set, flat V-shaped footwear, shoes with small heels such as wedge heels, or even high-heeled shoes look great because this garment can be worn with a variety of shoes. Some women prefer to wear them with Indian shoes, such as embroidered or embellished juttis, to complete the ethnic look. When it comes to khadi sarees, however, only high-heeled shoes should be worn because they complement the fall of the saree and make the garment look even more graceful when worn.
 When combined with junk jewellery, this can create an interesting, artistic overall look.
Casual handbags are also worn with these outfits. Indian bags made of khadi and embroidered with vibrant Indian motifs look great with these garments, adding to the ethnic vibe.
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thisdaynews · 3 years
REVEALED: Buhari Has Succeed Killing Nigeria Completely---Ozekhome
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/revealed-buhari-has-succeed-killing-nigeria-completely-ozekhome/
REVEALED: Buhari Has Succeed Killing Nigeria Completely---Ozekhome
Common freedoms attorney, Chief Mike Ozekhome, SAN, has asserted that President Muhammadu Buhari has annihilated Nigeria.
The senior attorney noticed that Buhari has fizzled in his tripodal approaches through which he battled and won political race in 2015 which are: Economy, security and hostile to defilement.
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The Senior Advocate of Nigeria talked at a basic freedoms address coordinated by the Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria, HURIWA, with the topic: Nigerian School Children; Insecurity and Human Rights, held in Abuja.
He called attention to that numerous kids can as of now not go to class, adding that in excess of 70% younger students in Nigeria are out of schools.
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As per him, from Jangebe to Chibok; from Dapchi to Kaduna between December 2020 till date, more than 700 hundred younger students have been grabbed with some of them being killed or constrained into marriage.
“[They were] not hijacked in the timberlands yet from their schools. It got so untidy in Kaduna that the ruffians requested sacks of rice, vegetable oil, salt, beans and different toppings to cook for their youngsters forthcoming when they will get sufficient the means to get them delivered on emancipate,” Ozekhome deplored.
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He proceeded to say that Nigeria is presently a bombed state and can’t be known as a nation any longer, clarifying that non-state entertainers like Boko Haram, scoundrels and different psychological militants currently have enough powers to challenge the public authority.
“Is that a country? Does any of you who have youngsters living in lodgings and quarters lay down with your two eyes shut? Not knowing about when next they’ll strike? He questioned.
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“At the point when President Muhammadu Buhari was lobbying for this office… I like my President yet I don’t care for his administration style and approaches.
“Arrangements that have ruined Nigeria. Arrangements that have made Nigeria the neediness capital of the world, overwhelming India. Strategies that have made Nigeria that was until 2015 the greatest economy in Africa surpassing South Africa and one of the seven quickest developing economy on the planet.
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“His tripodal arrangements were on economy, security and against defilement. The terrible news is that he has inauspiciously bombed in every one of them. Security is more awful at this moment… Boko Haram we used to have that time essentially individuals had the option to decide in favor of him in 2015 and he won in the North East, showing that however Boko Haram existed, they were not really wild to keep individuals from casting a ballot.
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“Boko Haram has since graduated, swaggering around like a glad peacock. Furnished banditry has raised, capturing is the thing to take care of. In security, he has fizzled.
“In economy, I have effectively told you, we’re currently the destitution capital of the world. What of against debasement? Proceed to check, we’re 168 out of 180 covered by Transparency International.
“In West Africa, we’re the third most degenerate country. So where have the President and the public authority helped Nigeria? I had on TV and in my review tested Nigerians that any individual who can convey the Holy Quran or take up the Holy Bible or then again in case you’re a skeptic, get a piece of Sango Iron and say your life is in an ideal situation today than you were in 2015.
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“I challenge the individual for a public discussion yet up to this point nobody has responded to the call since everyone realizes things are wrong. The hard of hearing can hear it; the imbecilic can talk it; the visually impaired can see it and surprisingly the unresponsive can feel it.
“So it’s anything but whether or not you are in APC, PDP, APGA, Labor, Zenith or PPA. Craving knows no strike, religion or ethnicity. The truth of the matter is that things are awful for everybody whether Muslims or Christian, agnostic, elderly people men, ladies, youth and youngsters .
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” Things are terrible and it very well may be more regrettable aside from Nigerians return together and go to the planning phase. Certain individuals are saying that Nigeria is a weak state and I say no. I disagree.
“In the event that you asked me, with all due regard, I’ll say Nigeria is a bombed state. Do you know why? It is on the grounds that one of the best records of a bombed state is when non-state entertainers like Boko Haram, criminals, outfitted scoundrels have effective and similar forces to coordinate with state entertainers like security powers. That is a bombed state.
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“At the point when Boko Haram, scoundrels and hijackers start to tell the public authority, ‘this is the thing that we need.’ Taking over grounds and establishing their banners as Governor Zulum of Borno State and Bello of Niger State have shouted out that in certain terrains in their States, they have established banners; they’re requesting for tax assessment; they issue character cards and offer pass to individuals to pass.
“We needn’t bother with some other proof of a bombed state. It’s not tied in with enjoying disliking an administration, it’s tied in with saying the truth on the ground. Please Nigerians, how about we return to the planning phase. On the off chance that you like, bring every one of the helicopters and contender jets you can, actually the issue is more endemic than you can see.
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“Since on a superficial level, it looks instability yet underneath it is the thing that we call social treachery and absence of egalitarialism… Nigeria is unstable, eating and bumbling in light of the fact that it was not conveniently bundled on the first of January, 1848 by Lord Lugard.
“It began with Lady Flora Luise Shaw on the eighth of January, 1897 in an article she composed on Economic Times where she gave Nigeria her name “Niger Area”. What’s more, we consented to live respectively. What’s more, in the event that we concurred, let us live respectively in harmony and solidarity. We should not generally say ‘Nigeria is inseparable; it’s indestructible.’
“We don’t say that by expressions of the mouth, we sustain it. Pakistan and India used to be one nation; Eritrea and Ethiopia used to be one nation just as Sudan and Southern Sudan. So it’s not by simply saying it, you need to sustain it.
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“We should find harmony and civil rights… we are discussing the sort of harmony and civil rights Chief M.K.O Abiola lectured… Let us reformat and reengineer Nigeria. How about we make another constitution for ourselves. A constitution that is destined to be… Indigenous, possessed by individuals and regarded by all and genuine.
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“Not a constitution that was forced by the General Abdusalam Abubakar government when they were returning to the garisson huts. What number of you realize that Nigeria really challenged the 1999 decisions without a constitution? Nigerians never made the constitution without help from anyone else yet regardless of whether we’re to oversee it, Section 14 of that constitution said that the basic role of the public authority is to give government assistance and security to individuals, would we say we are having it?”
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rahyconsulting · 3 years
Is It A Good Time To Invest In Emerging Markets?
Emerging markets represent economies that subsist between development and the stages of development. The emerging-market phase happens when markets see their most rapid growth, as well as their most significant volatility. In 2020, current emerging market economies included Mexico, India, Russia, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.
Emerging markets are a remarkable investment opportunity because they allow equal parts of risks and rewards. While huge profits await international business investorswho can appropriately classify suitable emerging market investments, the chances sometimes are not understood well.
Risks of Investing in Emerging Markets
1. Unpredictable market: Investing too late in an emerging market is the most significant risk of this type of investment. Investing can be very expensive at the peak of an emerging market’s popularity, especially in an international business. In addition, the surge of emerging markets is not uniform, and it sometimes can be very unpredictable, so the time frame of investment is crucial.
2. Political and natural disruptions: The process of emerging into a developed economy is not always on a skyward trajectory. Countries can face political eruptions or natural disasters that can severely and swiftly despoil their economic growth. Sadly, this can cost an active investor a lot more than one can imagine.
3. Flawed monetary policies: The emerging market economy may face several challenges like insufficient resources or material goods, delaying output that can directly hinder growth. Other risks involve fiscal practices or flawed monetary policies leading to a weak economy. These economic risks could point towards an unstable investment portfolio.
4. Currencies: Weakness for emerging market currencies can result from fiscal or monetary transgression, undermining demand for a country’s primary exports, political turmoil, or rising interest rates can damage the developing international business market’s capabilities to support debt-financed growth. If an economy is evolving, the currency can rise in value, but the reverse can happen, too, currency risk can arise. Reckoning on the value of the emerging market currency investment returns can fluctuate.
Rewards of Investing in Emerging Markets
When necessary caution is applied, the benefits of investing in an emerging market can surpass all the risks attached to it; investors will find the most extensive growth and the highest-returning stocks in the fastest-growing economies.
Investors looking for diversification can discover it within emerging-market equities.
Emerging market equities generally produce a broader set of exposures as the occasion set embraces the wildly differing geologies.
The secret to supplementing growth from emerging markets to your portfolio is to restrict and restrain yourself to moderate risks. Exchange-traded funds are a great option as investors can add an entire country or a combination of nations to your portfolio.
International business investment opportunities in emerging markets are captivating because most countries have growing economies.
More and more individuals are moving out of poverty, resulting in a developing middle class. This new group of consumers drives economic growth and could offer opportunities for international businesses to innovate, succeed and prosper.
Emerging markets are developing economies with a lot of volatility. That being said, investing in these countries comes with both risks and rewards. If you’re an investor and thinking about investing in emerging markets, you should because having access to different countries can offer investors greater yield, growth, diversification, and exposure. Since every country is growing at its own pace, identifying the scope of this market can be challenging. Nevertheless, market consultants say it has the potential to grow this year much faster than developed markets.
Contact Rahy Consultancy Services for quality international business consultancy today.
Original Source: https://rahyconsulting.com/is-it-a-good-time-to-invest-in-emerging-markets/
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xtruss · 3 years
The Future of American Power
Diplomat Maleeha Lodhi on the Tortured Pakistani-American Relationship
America Must Learn From Its Missteps in Asia, Says a Pakistani Strategist and Diplomat
— By Maleeha Lodhi
— September 9th, 2021
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This By-invitation commentary is part of a series by a range of global thinkers on the future of American power, examining the forces shaping the country's standing.
IN THEIR VERY first exchange after 9/11, Pakistan’s most senior leaders urged their American counterparts not to invade Afghanistan. Instead, they said, consider targeted action against al-Qaeda. In several high-level meetings that I attended then as Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, Pakistani officials gave warning that military action would not work. America should distinguish between al-Qaeda, the group responsible for the terror attacks, and the Taliban, who needed to be engaged.
Traumatised by the tragedy, leaders in Washington were in no mood to listen. Twenty years later, when America at last withdrew from Afghanistan, it had learned the hard way how to end its longest war. Doing so required negotiating a deal with the Taliban, but this came many years after al-Qaeda had been crushed.
Although close US-Pakistan co-operation achieved the shared goal of eliminating al-Qaeda, the course of the war strained a relationship already characterised by cyclical swings between intense engagement and deep estrangement. Long before the terror attacks of 2001, geopolitical concerns had shaped America’s regional alignments and its priorities. Bilateral ties passed through different phases. First, in the cold war, came the goal of containing communism. Pakistan became known as America’s “most allied ally”. Then came the pressing need, after 1979, to roll back the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. A subsequent phase involved defeating al-Qaeda in the “war on terror”.
The latest period has been the most challenging and, arguably, is the most consequential for future ties. The “forever war” waged by America in Afghanistan put a strain on relations with Pakistan. Leaders in Islamabad continued to call for the military strategy to give way to a political one, but those in Washington believed America’s powerful armed forces, along with their NATO allies, would defeat the Taliban.
America persisted with the war while pressing reluctant officials in Islamabad to “do more”. Americans ignored how the conflict had already spilled over to destabilise Pakistan and exact a heavy cost in lives, inflicting dire social and economic consequences, including terrorist attacks inside Pakistan. When America, during the administration of Barack Obama, came around to a fight-and-talk strategy, leaders in Islamabad again advised their counterparts to seek a negotiated end to the war.
As America’s war effort faltered, the strains in relations grew and trust eroded. Pakistan sought to keep its channel of communication open with the Taliban, believing that one day everyone would have to deal with them. Nor did Pakistan have the luxury of retreating to the other end of the world if things went wrong. Meanwhile, the American raid into Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011 plunged relations to an all-time low. Public fury erupted in Pakistan, and anger spread among military chiefs and government leaders, over America’s transgression into Pakistani territory.
Leaders in Islamabad protested strongly at being kept in the dark about the operation, though officials were privately relieved at bin Laden’s elimination. It took months for tensions to ease but the transactional nature of the bilateral relationship endured: those ties were a function of America’s interests in Afghanistan, and were not predicated on Pakistan’s intrinsic importance, much to the annoyance of its leaders.
Pakistan’s ties with the Taliban over the years enabled it to play a key role when the Trump administration sought a way out of the war and asked for help in coaxing the Taliban to the negotiating table. This eventually led to the Doha agreement in February 2020, America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and the post-American era that has just begun in the region.
Even before America pulled out, geopolitical dynamics were shifting fundamentally as China stepped up its diplomatic and economic engagement, and launched its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and as Russia began to act more assertively. Regional states including Pakistan were beginning to sense a waning of both American interest and influence. Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy signalled gradual disengagement from the region.
At the same time, Pakistan’s longstanding and strategic ties with China grew more intense. Its pivotal role in the BRI symbolised this, as did the accompanying substantial Chinese investment in Pakistan’s infrastructure and development projects. Increasingly, America was seen as a self-absorbed and inconsistent partner as well as a reluctant regional player; China was perceived as having sufficient interest, money and growing global clout for a more constructive and enduring relationship.
Although China is Pakistan’s strategic priority, leaders in Islamabad also want a stable relationship with America. The United States remains Pakistan’s largest export market and a superpower with significant global influence, especially over international financial institutions whose assistance Pakistan’s fragile economy desperately needs. The government wants to avoid getting into the crossfire of an American-Chinese confrontation, but that is easier said than done.
For one reason, America has made no secret of its misgivings over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a collection of Chinese-funded infrastructure and energy projects (linked to BRI) under way in Pakistan. For another, officials in Islamabad have lowered their expectations of ties with America: for after its exit from Afghanistan, the superpower will no longer be reliant on Pakistan to support its operations there. Another factor is that Pakistan’s old adversary, India, is seen as America’s strategic choice of partner in the region.
Nonetheless, the unsettled situation in Afghanistan also creates the imperative for co-operative ties, albeit within a narrow band. American officials have reached out to their counterparts in Pakistan for counter-terrorism collaboration and intelligence-sharing, for example when William Burns, the CIA director, has visited Pakistan. Pakistan shares American concerns about terrorist groups based in Afghanistan that include Islamic State Khorasan Province, known as ISIL-K (and also as ISKP), remnants of al-Qaeda and other violent organisations. Pakistan sees the greatest threat from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, which is responsible for deadly attacks in its border region.
Pakistan’s leaders share the international view that the Taliban must not let Afghan soil be used as a base for exporting violence. All of Afghanistan’s neighbours are worried about any spillover of instability. China sees a threat from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Russia from ISlL-K and central Asian states from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. All have stakes in Afghanistan’s stability and believe in engaging its new rulers.
The future of Afghanistan rests principally on whether the Taliban can govern. Public expectations there are very different from when the group last held power, from the 1990s until 2001. Their immediate challenge, other than consolidating power, is to avert an economic collapse. Foreign-currency assets have been frozen by America and funding from the IMF and the World Bank is suspended.
The financial crunch is compounding a humanitarian crisis. Together these could lead to state collapse with all its dangerous ramifications for the region. International recognition and legitimacy will be essential for the Taliban to access funds and assistance to keep the economy afloat. They, in turn, will have to meet their commitments to run an inclusive government, contain terror groups and respect human rights.
Pakistan has a vital interest in a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. Having borne the brunt of four decades of war and foreign military interventions in Afghanistan, which left the country with 3m refugees, destabilised its border areas and set back economic development, Pakistan has the most to gain from peace. An unstable western frontier only adds to Pakistan’s security anxieties given continuing tensions on the eastern front with India. Dialogue with India has remained suspended for many years. Relations sunk to a new low when India formally and illegally annexed the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019.
Despite back-channel contact between the two countries, there is little prospect of the peace process resuming. America’s policy bias towards India rules it out as a neutral arbiter to resolve the Pakistan-India standoff. This injects uncertainty and volatility into the uneasy dynamic between the nuclear neighbours, especially as the Taliban’s return to power has been a strategic setback for India, which had heavily supported the previous government in Afghanistan.
One result is that new opportunities are opening up for China to expand its influence. Another is that regional powers may look increasingly to themselves rather than to ones from beyond the region to resolve problems, such as the need for better regional economic integration. As for America, the administration of Joe Biden, having taken the bold step of ending its war in Afghanistan, must now accept that diplomacy and respecting other countries’ interests is the best way to win influence and advance its goals. Military coercion and sanctions do not pay off.
— Maleeha Lodhi is a diplomat, strategist and academic. She has twice served as Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States. In addition she has been the country’s permanent representative to the United Nations and its High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
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travisqrqj045 · 3 years
Advertising and marketing And Receiving Compensated In Lots of Currencies
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Economic performance—The efficiency of economies also dictates the trade rate of their currencies. When world capital searches for the most effective place to make a return, robust economies are often a good selection. As a result, an influx of capital into a certain economic system will improve the buying power of that economy's forex. Trade Deficits—If an financial system is spending more than it is earning via foreign commerce (goods, companies, curiosity, dividends, and so on.), it is operating at a deficit.
A optimistic worth reveals a trade surplus, whereas a adverse worth reveals a trade deficit. It is an event that generates some volatility for the USD/INR. If a gentle demand in exchange for INR exports is seen, that might flip into a optimistic growth in the trade steadiness, and that ought to be optimistic for the INR. All around the world completely different countries use various varieties of cash.
Is Pakistan cheaper than India?
If a city has a CPI index of 120, it means Numbeo estimates it is 20% more expensive than New York (excluding rent).
Definitions.STATIndiaPakistanConsumer price index > Excluding rent26.42 Ranked 124th.29.67 Ranked 123th. 12% more than India41 more rows
For instance, if you have been in Europe and wanted to trade U.S. dollars for 100 Euros. If the exchange price was 1 Euro equals 1.three U.S. dollars then you would want to give them one hundred thirty U.S. dollars to get a hundred Euro. Exchange rate is nothing however that the rate at which one forex is exchanged for one more.It can be termed as the value of currency in one nation in terms of foreign money of another nation. Exchange fee can additionally be called as foreign trade price or forex rate or FX fee. The worth adjustments everyday depending on the financial situation of the countries. Typically a authorities maintains a set exchange rate by both buying or selling its own foreign money on the open market.
We will take a look at the top 10 highest currencies in the world against Indian rupee 2019. Aside from India, it is unofficially utilized in Bhutan, Zimbabwe, and Nepal. However, the bottom denomination used is a half rupee or the 50 paise. This foreign money is issued and controlled by the Reserve Bank of India , which is India’s central banking establishment, saddled with the duty of controlling, the issuance and supply of the Indian rupee.
Indian Rupees To Pakistani Rupees Conversion Desk
Currency allowed easier trade within the area, and throughout different regions. There are many ways that can help you enhance your buying and selling outcomes. A massive variety of merchants analyze the market to search out the best foreign exchange indicators providers, and we’re able to give you the highest list available on Telegram. Currency– the three-digit alphabetic code for the currency established by the ISO 4217 normal. Alphabetic code is utilized in international banking, trading and in addition as a shorthand for a currency name subsequent to the amount of cash. Foreign foreign money is the principle product in phrases of Forex buying and selling.
Is Korea cheaper than India?
South Korea is 212% more expensive than India.
In these occasions, these currencies can only be purchased on the black markets. This, in turn, has an impact on the enterprise and international partnerships, making them dangerous, unlawful and troublesome. The standing also signifies that the foreign money just isn't subject to the market-driven change rate, and its worth is subject to regulatory interventions, stopping it from turning into unstable. Some nations determine to loosen their restrictions on sure sorts of transfers, for instance remittances.
North And Central American Currencies
However, since these assumptions are nearly never met in the true world, the true exchange fee won't ever equal 1. The balance of payments model holds that foreign exchange charges are at an equilibrium degree if they produce a steady current account stability. A nation with a trade deficit will experience a reduction in its foreign trade reserves, which in the end lowers, or depreciates, the value of its foreign money.
Many European territories around the globe additionally use the euro.
By 2018, the whole value of euro currency in circulation was almost 1.2 trillion euros, or over three.4 thousand euros per capita.
Since the rupee is a floating forex, its change fee with the U.S. dollar fluctuates every day, and varies relying on where and the way the exchange is made.
Hard forex refers to cash that is issued by a nation that's seen as politically and economically stable.
Otherwise, local banks and fee-friendly ATMs normally have higher offers.
Currently, tourism is the fastest growing sector within the nation.
Alltogether, there are 162 official currencies around the globe. Of these 162 however 48 currencies are tied to another with a set change rate. If simplicity is your jam, Valuta+ is certainly value taking a look at. It's incredibly user-friendly, is super-easy to use, and permits you to mark your favourite currencies, so that you don't have to keep scrolling by way of the listing to search out the right one. It additionally works offline, which is helpful when you're haggling in a market and may't quite keep in mind the exchange fee. The Euro can additionally be one of the most expensive currencies in Indian rupees.
Currencies By Number Of International Locations
These codes are sometimes additionally referred to as "SWIFT forex codes". Pegged floating currencies are pegged to some band or value, both fixed or periodically adjusted. Sushi, cherry blossoms and sake await you within the land of Japan. You’ll be surprised to know that it is doubtless considered one of the nations whose forex is lesser than Indian rupee.
The Unit Conversion page supplies an answer for engineers, translators, and for anyone whose actions require working with quantities measured in several models. Currently, all currencies use a three-letter code as a approach to distinguish between currencies with the same name. The first two letters check with the country and the third is the initial of the currency name.
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sambilling · 3 years
Global Wheat Market Breakdown Could Lead to Important Economic Dilemmas for Pakistan and India
Wheat is the most important agricultural commodity in the world. It provides food for human consumption, fuels the global economy, and contributes to global climate change. In recent years, global wheat market has grown at an alarming rate. Wheat prices have been driven up as a result of a global wheat shortage, resulting in sharp discounts for wheat. A global wheat market analysis can help you understand the market trends and determine how it can affect your business.
The global wheat market is highly supported by the global wheat starch market. The main areas that produce large volumes of wheat include the United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada China, and Pakistan. These countries together account for about two-thirds of global wheat production. The remaining one-third is produced by other countries such as South Africa, Mexico, India, and Taiwan.
The demand for wheat in India is highly dependent on the global wheat market. The country is one of the major exporters of wheat and other grains to the global market. Indian exporters can either import or export perishable items directly to the global market, including rice, tea, sugarcane, wheat, cumin, and tea. Some popular cereals such as Marmas and Barberry are shipped to China every year. Imports and exports of cereals account for about 15% of India's gross domestic product (GDP). Other important commodities that are traded on the global wheat market include oilseeds, cotton, and gold.
There are many factors affecting the global wheat market. Recent global wheat market data shows that global wheat market growth is influenced by a number of factors such as political and economical instability in key developing nations, increasing Middle Eastern migration, agricultural unrest, and global environmental issues such as global warming. In addition to these global issues, the supply of non-foodgrain products such as sugarcane and oilseeds also determines the global wheat market growth. With regard to politics, unstable governments and weak institutions can affect global wheat market growth. Economic policies of some countries can also negatively affect the global wheat market because some countries export less than others.
With global wheat market growth being affected by various factors, Indian importers have a good opportunity to access global wheat market. As a result, India can exploit its natural advantages and enter the global wheat market. Recent studies show that India is one of the fastest growing consumers of global wheat. With this access, Indian exporters can promote their local production and obtain a global volume of low cost wheat that they can export to global buyers. Indian importers should therefore take advantage of global expert market research and take advantage of an opportunity to expand their business in the global wheat market.
Wheat is traded in millions of pairs. Because global trade in agriculture is increasing at a fast pace, there has been an increase in the number of pairs in recent years. The global wheat market has experienced volume breakup in China, Japan, South Korea, India, US, and Pakistan. Pakistan has the largest volume of turnover in agriculture with almost 8 million tons. However, due to lack of access, most of the pairs traded in Pakistan are imported from the United States.
With the access to global markets, an increasing number of traders and investors are investing in the agricultural sector in Pakistan. However, most of the investors are either investing in agricultural production of rice and wheat or in Processing, pulp and steel. According to a new analysis of the rice and wheat market, investment in Pakistan's agricultural sector is likely to reach $8 billion by the year 2021. Moreover, with the increasing imports of commodities from the United States and Canada, Pakistan's agricultural production is expected to reach significant milestones in the coming years.
To conclude, global wheat market trends show an increase in trading volume on both the sides of the Asian continent with China leading the way. Asia as a region has been on a consistent growth path and shows a lot of potential in terms of diversification away from traditional agricultural export-oriented strategies. This is also true for other countries in the region like India, Taiwan, and South Korea. However, a key question remains - where will this trend stop? What will next after the global wheat market breakdown in China?
Summary This study analysis was given on a worldwide scale, for instance, present and historical Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) growth analysis, competitive analysis, and also the growth prospects of the major regions. The report gives an exhaustive investigation of this market at country & regional levels, and provides an analysis of the industry trends in each of the sub-segments, from production, revenue and consumption. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the main players in related regions is introduced, from the perspective of Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) production, Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) revenue, Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) consumption and Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) price. According to the current situation, the official counts of cases and deaths from COVID-19 have passed 4,000,000 and 280,000 at the time of this report. Many government announced a plan on reopening the national economy, but many countries are still at the stage of rising. XYZResearch published a report for global Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) market in this environment. In terms of revenue, this research report indicated that the global Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) market was valued at USD XXX million in 2019, and it is expected to reach a value of USD XXX million by 2026, at a CAGR of XX % over the forecast period 2021-2026. Correspondingly, the forecast analysis of Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) industry comprises of Asia, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa, Europe, with the production and revenue data in each of the sub-segments. The Tereos aims at producing XX Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) in 2020, with XX % production to take place in global market, ????Manildra accounts for a volume share of XX %. At the upcoming analysis, this report discusses industrial policy, economic environment, in addition to the COVID-19 impact and cost structures of the industry. And this report encompasses the fundamental dynamics of the market which include drivers, opportunities, and challenges faced by the industry. Additionally, this report showed a keen market study of the main consumers, raw material manufacturers and distributors, etc. Regional Segmentation (Value; Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026) of Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) Market by XYZResearch Include NorthAmerica Asia Europe Middle East & Africa South America Competitive Analysis; Who are the Major Players in Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) Market? Tereos Manildra Roquette (FR) MGP Ingredients CropEnergies ADM Cargill Chamtor White Energy Jackering-Group GmbH (DE) Sedamyl Kroener Staerke (DE) Amilina Permolex Semino (AR) Tianguan Group Shandong Qufeng Guanxian Ruixiang Lianhua Anhui Ante Food Anhui Ruifuxiang Beidahaung Tereos(Dongguan) Major Type of Wheat Protein (Wheat Gluten) Covered in XYZResearch report: Optimal Grade Product Sub-Optimal Grade Product General Grade Product Application Segments Covered in XYZResearch Market Food Animal Feed Others For any other requirements, please feel free to contact us and we will provide you customized report.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
How countries are raising debt to fight COVID and why developing nations face tougher choices
PM Boris Johnson (left) and Chancellor Rishi Sunak have give you cash to underwrite wages, rescue packages and meal vouchers in the course of the pandemic. Jonathan Brady/PA Wire/PA Photos
COVID continues to ravage societies world wide, and a key concern is how governments can afford to combat it. As economies are disrupted, governments are stepping in to extend their spending to bail out firms, pay the price of well being measures, and subsidise employees’ wages.
Earlier than COVID, when individuals argued that the state ought to be capable to provide free healthcare and free training, amongst different providers, and welfare measures, a normal political response was that state sources had been restricted. Requested by a nurse in 2017 why her wages hadn’t elevated from 2009 ranges, then British prime minister, Theresa Could, stated: “There is no such thing as a magic cash tree that we will shake that all of a sudden gives for all the pieces that individuals need.”
Besides, just a few years later, the federal government has not solely been capable of pay the wages of thousands and thousands, it has additionally created rescue packages for 1000’s of corporations and supplied individuals vouchers to eat out in eating places. Quite a lot of European nations have additionally taken the unprecedented step of underwriting the wages of thousands and thousands of employees in response to the pandemic.
How is the British state and others able to this radical enhance in spending at a time when revenues from taxes are collapsing?
‘Magic cash tree’
The reply to this lies within the debt market. Over the previous few months, world governments have drastically elevated their borrowing to cowl the prices of the pandemic. It’d seem logical that the price of credit score will go up throughout unsure financial occasions. The truth, nevertheless, is that capital typically goes to safer sovereign debt throughout financial downturns, significantly because the fairness markets develop into unstable and risky.
Over current months, fairly than struggling to search out lenders or having to pay extra for debt, the governments of the key economies have been awash with credit score at traditionally low charges. In October, the EU, till now a small participant within the debt market (as borrowing principally is by nationwide governments of member states), started a significant borrowing marketing campaign as a part of the efforts to combat COVID via the SURE programme (Assist to mitigate Unemployment Dangers in an Emergency) which was created in Could.
The primary sale of bonds value €17 billion was met with what some described as “outrageous demand”, with traders bidding a complete of €233 billion to purchase them. This intense competitors was for bonds that supplied a return of -0.26% over ten years, that means that an investor who holds the bond to maturity will obtain lower than they paid at the moment.
The EU isn’t the one borrower that’s successfully being paid to borrow cash. Lots of the superior economies have been in recent times and months promoting debt at unfavorable charges. For some nations, the shift has been dramatic. Even nations resembling Spain, Italy and Greece that had been beforehand seen as comparatively dangerous debtors, with Greece going via a significant debt disaster, are actually having fun with borrowing cash at very low charges.
The explanation for this phenomenon is that whereas these bonds are initially purchased by “conventional” market actors, central banks are shopping for large portions of those bonds as soon as they’re circulated available in the market. For just a few years now, the European Central Financial institution (ECB) has been an lively purchaser of European authorities bonds – in a roundabout way from governments however from the secondary market (from traders who purchased these bonds earlier). This ECB asset buy programme was expanded to assist climate the COVID disaster, with the ECB spending €676 billion on authorities bonds from the beginning of 2020 till September.
Different central banks within the main superior economies are following the identical technique. Via these programmes, these central banks encourage traders to maintain shopping for authorities bonds with the data that the demand for these bonds within the secondary market will stay robust.
Poorer nations
Not all people, nevertheless, enjoys the same place within the debt market. Whereas the wealthy economies are being chased by traders to take their cash, the scenario is radically totally different for poorer nations. Many poor nations have restricted entry to the credit score market and rely as a substitute on public lenders, such because the World Financial institution.
Lately, this sample started to alter with a rising variety of creating nations rising their international borrowing from non-public lenders. Growing nations, nevertheless, are in a structurally weaker place than richer friends. The smaller scale of their capital markets imply that they’re extra reliant on exterior financing. This reliance implies that creating nations depend on elevating cash in international forex, which will increase the danger to their economies.
As many creating nations have much less diversified exports with the next share of commodities, the worth decline in commodities in current months has elevated these dangers. In consequence, creating nations face a considerably larger value of borrowing in comparison with the richer economies.
A couple of massive creating nations, resembling Indonesia, Colombia, India and the Philippines, have begun to comply with the coverage adopted by the superior economies of shopping for authorities bonds to fund an increasing deficit. The dangers of doing this, nevertheless, are larger than the richer economies, together with a decline in capital inflows, capital flight and forex crises. A report by the ranking company S&P World Rankings illustrated the variations between these two economies:
Superior nations usually have deep home capital markets, robust public establishments (together with impartial central banks), low and steady inflation, and transparency and predictability in financial insurance policies. These attributes permit their central banks to take care of massive authorities bond holdings with out dropping investor confidence, creating worry of upper inflation, or triggering capital outflow. Conversely, sovereigns with much less credible public establishments and fewer financial, change fee and monetary flexibility have much less capability to monetise fiscal deficits with out operating the danger of upper inflation. This will set off massive capital outflows, devaluing the forex and prompting home rates of interest to rise, as seen in Argentina over components of the previous decade.
Whereas the response of the market to this strategy by creating nations has been muted thus far, the report argued, this example may change. Growing nations who do that may “weaken financial flexibility and financial stability, which may enhance the probability of sovereign ranking downgrades”.
Rankings downgrades
Over current months, downgrading by ranking businesses have been a significant threat dealing with creating nations with many economies dealing with larger prices of borrowing because of such downgrades. These downgrades had been typically linked to say no in costs and exports of commodities, as was the case for diamonds for Botswana and oil for Nigeria.
In July, following the participation of Ethiopia, Pakistan, Cameroon, Senegal and the Ivory Coast in a World Financial institution-endorsed G20 debt suspension initiative, the ranking company Moody’s took motion in opposition to these nations arguing that participation on this scheme elevated the danger for traders in bonds issued by these nations, resulting in some creating economies avoiding the initiative so as to not ship a “unfavorable sign to the market”. Zambia is on the verge of being the primary “COVID default” and different creating nations may face the same scenario in coming months.
Because of these dynamics, many creating nations are dealing with the powerful alternative of giving up any economically pricey well being measures or dealing with severe fiscal and financial crises. Entry to credit score has develop into a defining issue within the skill of governments to answer the pandemic. Because of entry to low cost credit score, developed economies are thus far capable of take such well being measures whereas limiting the social and financial impression of the pandemic. Many creating nations wouldn’t have this luxurious. Not everybody will get to shake the branches of the magical cash tree.
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Shamel Azmeh doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or organisation that will profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their tutorial appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/how-countries-are-raising-debt-to-fight-covid-and-why-developing-nations-face-tougher-choices/ via https://growthnews.in
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stoweboyd · 7 years
Some Predictions, 2018
I had the thought this morning that I might be better off thinking about the future adversarially, as if I were wrestling with a shadowed but immensely strong and fanged opponent, instead of looking out on a rolling plain filled with slowly ambling herbivorous events and interactions. Alfred North Whitehead said
It is the business of the future to be dangerous.
And maybe I should approach it from a different angle: maybe I should visualize my work as a futurist more like storming a castle than opening the mail.
Some of my predictions have been made in Twitter, already, while others are seeing the light of day for the first time, here. Others have been modified from 2017 predictions or other sources.
I placed these in four broad categories: Technology, Politics, Economics, and Climate. I’ll leave Arts and Culture for a separate post.
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Democrats will regain control of the US House of Representatives, taking a/ all the seats in counties that voted for Clinton now held by GOP reps (23), b/ holding all the Dem seats in districts that voted for Trump (12), and /c targeting districts with retiring moderate GOP reps, districts with close races last election, and some wildcards adding up to 24 wins. It’s going to happen though, I bet. (see great graphics on this at WaPo). Bannon is a big factor, accelerating the splintering of the GOP.
Democrats will take the Senate, even though the Dems have 26 Senate seats up for grabs, while GOP has only 8 seats up for reelection. Bannon is a big factor, accelerating the splintering of the GOP.
Despite campaign rhetoric, Trump has maintained or expanded the wars that he inherited from Obama. Trump has achieved none of his major foreign policy goals. I predict 2018 will just get worse. (via twitter)
European populism will continue to expand, as detailed by Yascha Mounk and Martin Eiermann.
Mueller will find clear signs of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and will indict campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr., but not Donald Trump. Pence will resign since he was the leader of the transition team when it all came down, and Trump will appoint Nikki Haley as Vice-President, the first woman and Asian-American to hold that office.
Iran will be struck with on-going protests as a result of a cascades of social and economic problems: drought, water, unemployment, high prices, welfare cuts, corruption, and government policies. The government will start out trying to moderate the protests, but will ultimately ramp up the use of force. The country will move to crisis which will not be resolved in 2018.
Putin will win reelection.
Concerns about Brexit, populism, and anti-EU sentiment in Europe leads to more unstable governments there, and internal policy changes on Chinese debt lead to slowing development there. Both of these trends have negative impacts on the world economy.
Drought and heat wave in Asia, Africa, and india lead to enormous disruption and policy challenges. Nationalist and populist governments of Europe and Asia close their borders to new migrants and climate refugees.
GOP offers of 2018 bipartisanship fall apart after infrastructure discussions reach an impasse: GOP wants to use private-public partnerships, basically granting large sums to major developers, while Democrats favor a broadly-based jobs program coordinated with State governments. As a result, nothing gets done prior to 2018 elections.
#MeToo continues as a potent cultural force with significant impact in the political realm, with an on-going stream of male politicians brought low.
The Syrian civil war will come to a negotiated end, with an agreement for war amnesties for al-Assad’ government and the rebels, excluding ISIS forces. A complex multi-stage approach to the creation of a new government is proposed, but not solidified in 2018.
The standoff in Catalonia will continue into 2018, without a resolution. Rajoy was been massively weakened by the growing perception of intransigence, and his lack of a real resolution to the Catalonia crisis. Meanwhile, the separatists in Catalonia can't rally around a coherent plan for independence in a European Union that seems adamantly opposed to fracturing of member countries, despite the growing movements in Catalonia and other regions.
The UK and EU come to agreement on a timetable and logistics for Brexit, although myriad details remain to be tacked down. However, the possibility of an amicable and close relationship -- not as close as Norway -- but an agreement that allows for Britain to participate on trade in the EU as a slight disadvantage but under EU law while limiting free immigration.
North Korea fires a low-yield (5 kilotons) nuclear missile to the middle of the Pacific and detonates it as 'proof that North Korea is a nuclear power that can't be trifled with', says Kim Jung-un. This is less than half the yeild of the Hiroshim bomb, and causes no direct injuries. Trump rattles his saber, but ultimately the world accepts the notion of a nuclear-armed North Korea joining Pakistan, India, Israel, Russia, China, France, UK, and US.
Israel's aggressive stance toward annexation of West Bank territory leads to international condemnation, but Trump's administration does little aside from calls for moderation. Many critics begin to call the Israeli model Apartheid, and European support for Israel, in particular, plummets. The US blocks UN resolutions calling for sanctions against Israel.
Amazon will pick Denver or Toronto as the site for its second HQ.
Amazon will acquire Slack for $15B. Work chat will continue as the dominant theme in work technology in 2018, although they is considerable pushback on its negatives, too.
Apple will acquire Tesla for $75B. Tim Cook will retire, and Elon Musk will become CEO of the merged Apple/Tesla, to be called Apple.
Microsoft will buy Salesforce for $100B. Benioff will retire to philanthropy.
Driverless fleets by various companies will be launched in 2018 – GM in NYC, Lyft taxis in Boston, Ford, Waymo in Phoenix.
A growing number of major corporations will deploy AI intended to augment or replace frontline and middle managers, leading to tens of thousands of managers being reassigned or let go. This will be the result of AI-to-AI communications, where narrowly- and deeply-focused AIs will collaborate with other complementary AIs at a pace that humans can’t keep up with. Employee engagement rises.
Amazon Alexa technology dominates the home, with Google a strong second, and Apple as a distant also-ran.
Netflix acquires Spotify for $10B.
The ability to run Android apps on Chromebook devices will lead to growing migration from Windows, Mac, and iOS devices.
Google will acquire Twitter for $20B. Jack Dorsey will step down, and Google will redesign Twitter in a crowdsourced process, looking ahead to integration with Google Photos, Google Maps, Youtube, AdSense, DoubleClick, Google Home, and Google Assistant.
Facebook, Twitter and other social media systems will mobilize a combination of human and AI-based filtering to counter the deluge of fake news directed by Russia and other malefactors during elections in 2018, having increased but not perfect success.
Google will acquire Medium for $2.5B.See 10, above.
Amazon will release Alexa Glasses, which allow wearer to communicate with Alexa services by voice, and get audio response by bone conduction and video response projected on the glasses. They will sell millions.
Major stock indexes will continue their growth of recent years, led by technology stocks, like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and others. However, the rate of growth will slow in the fall, as concerns about Brexit, populism, and anti-EU sentiment in Europe leads to more unstable governments there, and internal policy changes on Chinese debt lead to slowing development there. Both of these trends have negative impacts on the world economy, as does the drought and heat wave in Asia, Africa, and India.
Growing instability in Europe, due to the rise of nationalism and populism, will lead to a decline in European growth, and the return of problems with overly indebted countries and central banks. 
China’s growth rate will slow because of internal and external concerns about deep debt overhang.
Sustainable energy will continue to drop in price, forcing energy systems to shift to battery systems to capture excess. As a result, coal and oil will continue to trend downward, and the energy sector will shift investments to sustainable sources.
Automation will increase worldwide, but the productivity paradox -- where those investments do not lead immediately to increase in productivity -- will continue, although many occupations (like financial services, IT, and retail, not just manufacturing) will start to see a decline in jobs.
Creative and freelance workers will begin to unionize as a means to counter the precarious nature of work in the gig economy, mobilized in part by the #MeToo, #Resistance, and #fightfor15 movements, and the leftward lean of the Democrats in the 2018 elections. 
The concepts of ‘flexicurity’ and ‘fluidarity’ begin to form a central aspect of a new US labor movement.
2018 will be the hottest year on record.
The US will be hit with a record number of hurricanes.
Asia will be hit with a record number of typhoons.
The atmospheric levels of CO2 will reach a new record in fall 2018.
Africa, Asia, and India are confronted by extreme heat and drought, leading to famine, disorder, and heightened tensions. Hundreds of millions attempt to migrate from stricken regions, leading to reprisals, border wars, and growing catastrophe.
Puerto Rico is hit by several hurricanes, and its power is again knocked out. An additional million citizens emigrate to mainland US.
New York City is hit by a hurricane and large portions of the city’s already straining subway system are flooded. The prognosis is grim: it will take years and tens of billions to recover.
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Ertugrul Ghazi and modern Turkey's strategic imperatives
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/politics/ertugrul-ghazi-and-modern-turkeys-strategic-imperatives-24123-24-06-2020/
Ertugrul Ghazi and modern Turkey's strategic imperatives
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Turkish TV plays are hugely popular across the Islamic world for their content, storyline, cinematographic excellence and a sense of shared history. The recently played TV serial Resurrection Etrugrul (Dirilis: Ertugrul) has taken Pakistan and the Muslim world by storm. It is the epic story of Muslim tribes of Oghuz Turks in 13th century Anatolia that led to the creation of one of the greatest Muslim empires, the Ottoman Empire (1299-1923); which, once disintegrated after some 624 years, gave birth to over 70 countries and territories.
Turkey — larger and more populous than any European state — is located at the crossroads of the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, and eastern Mediterranean, serving as a barrier and a bridge between Europe and Asia. Today, it comprises Asia Minor or Anatolia (Anadolu) and parts of Armenian Highland. Turkish Thrace (Trakya) forms the tiny remnant of the once mighty Turkish empire in Europe. Three narrows called Turkish straits; Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles dominate land/sea access. A Turkey ensconced in Asia Minor is nearly unassailable as it is surrounded by water on three sides; it controls the only maritime connection between the Black and Mediterranean seas; and the Turkish plateau has difficult mountainous territory around. No wonder Ertugrul Ghazi and his ancestors, coinciding with the Seljuk period (11th century), fought for some three centuries to capture this area from the Byzantine Empire.
Turkish geo-strategy is broadly defined by Turkey’s legacy of the Ottoman empire; its Russian problem; relationship with US/West; domestic compulsions — struggle between Islamists and secularists (especially the military), Kurdish question and economy; and other issues like Armenia and Greece, etc.
The Treaty of Lausanne (1923) dissolved the Ottoman Empire and contracted Turkish sovereignty to Asia Minor and a strip of land on the Bosporus (European side), relieving Turkey from its strategic burden that outstripped its waning power. On October 29, 1923, national assembly declared Turkey as a republic and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk its first president. Caliphate was abolished in 1924 and Ottoman dynasty exiled. The then British-Indian Muslims had run the Khilafat Movement to save the caliphate. Turks remember this fondly. Ataturk re-oriented the Turkish state and society through his six principles — republicanism (creation of the republic), nationalism, populism, statism, secularism, and revolution.
Russia is among the world’s most strategically vulnerable states. With no geographic barriers to invasion, it has to weave a perimeter of influence beyond its perimeter of security. Most Russian ports — St Petersburg, Vladivostok, Murmansk and Odessa — are accessible only through straits, historically controlled by potentially hostile powers, with Turks blocking Russian access to the Mediterranean. Traditional Russian policy aimed at controlling Bosporus to prevent a blockade and project power into the Mediterranean. In energy politics, Turkey depends on Russia for its natural gas and oil imports.
Entering WWII in 1945 on the Allied side, Turkey subsequently joined NATO in 1952, becoming a central plank of US containment strategy for USSR. Turkey’s geostrategic rationale for this pro-US alignment included a powerful Soviet Union and two Soviet clients, Syria and Iraq, in its neighbourhood to the south; its westernised military; economic compulsion to access EU market; Greek hostility and Turkish diaspora in the West.
USSR’s collapse in 1991 dissolved this strategic logic. A diminished Soviet threat also reduced Turkish dependence on US and American rationale for sponsoring Turkish-Israeli strategic ties. It also brought immense geo-economic opportunities to Turkey given it was a legacy power in as far off places like Balkans, Ukraine, Georgia, Romania, Bulgaria former Yugoslavia and Central Asia.
Turk nationalists chide at the Western support of Greece in its dispute with Turkey over Cyprus, control of the Aegean, European criticism of Turkey’s human rights record (Kurd-specific) and treatment of Turkish workers in Western Europe. Turkey’s Islamic political parties are increasingly wary of alliance with the West especially Turkey’s EU membership. Turkey’s key breakpoint was the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, which from Turkish perspective, was unnecessary, beneficial to Irani empowerment and domestically unsellable. Breaking with NATO, Turks did not participate in the war and did not allow the use of Turkish territory. Events vindicated Turkish wisdom. Exclusion from EU spurred Turkey’s economy, without liability for Greece’s debt. Militarily, Turkey emerged with the most powerful military in the region.
Turkey’s relations with most Arab government (as against people) are nonchalant. Impediments include Turkish support for Morsi and his Akhwan in Egypt, it closing ranks with Qatar over blockade by Saudi-led coalition, war in Yemen, Khashogji murder and Turkish relations with Israel, etc. Turkey — opposing the UAE — supports the UN mandated government in Libya. While the Arab Street views Iran as a hostile power, it welcomes Turkey as a trusted counterweight and mediator.
Turkey enjoys strong ties with Muslim communities in Russia, Bulgaria, especially with the Crimean Tatars. And while it has a thriving relationship with Georgia, it has made little progress in overcoming its adversarial relationship with Armenia, unable to play a constructive role in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Contemporary Turkey, to solidify inner front, is focused outward, hence its involvement in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan. Domestically, Turkey faces manageable societal tensions between the secular and religious elements. Kurdish problem is Western-propped and financed, occasionally stirred-up by Syria and Iran to undermine Turkish incursions in Syria.
The following can be discerned from this wider canvas.
First, Turkey’s geopolitical ambitions to “reclaim” the ‘Turkish Middle East’ — and by extension the Ottoman legacy — remains on course under the Islamist government of Erdogan, an assertive statesman par-excellence, imbued with clarity and vision.
Second, although Turkey accommodates Russia; Russia has learnt to live with an aggressive Turkey as demonstrated by Sukhoi-24 shootdown, Turkey’s bold use of its military in Syria and acquisition of S-400 missile system from Russia. With refurbished military bases in Latakia and Tartus in Syria, Russia is too eager to replace US and an alliance with Turkey is mutually beneficial.
Third, Turkish geo-strategy is no longer captive to an alliance system but more sensitive to regional instability and Islamist causes internationally. Turkey is not part of the US coalition against Iran, balancing its strategy between being a NATO member and assertively independent.
Fourth, Turkey remains vulnerable to Western machinations like targeting lira and its banking system, stirring up street protests on a range of issues from local bodies’ elections to human rights violations to gasping secularists to legacy issues like Kurdish question, Armenia, Cyprus and Greece, etc.
Fifth, NATO will continue to depend upon Turkey, given Incirlik Air Base’s role in NATO’s nuclear deterrence and power projection in the Middle East. Turkey also hosts an allied land command in Izmir and surveillance radar unit in Kürecik — part of NATO’s missile defense system.
Sixth, the chasm between US-Turkey relations (Turkey an unstable ally) — due to Turkey’s non-participation in Gulf War, the S-400 transaction and Fetullah Gülen episode, etc — seems irreversible.
As Ertugrul Ghazi demonstrates; tenacity, grit and relentless focus on objectives are guarantees for success. Turkey had shown the path to Muslims, it can lead now.
Published in The Express Tribune, June 25th, 2020.
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fromnewz · 5 years
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American press slams India's move to scrap Occupied Kashmir's special statusNEW YORK:A leading American newspaper has denounced Indian government decision to strip Indian occupied Kashmir of its semi-autonomous status and called for preventing "India’s folly from escalating into a perilous and unpredictable regional crisis.
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In an editorial, The New York Times' Editorial Board called New Delhi's move, which was accompanied by a huge security clampdown, as "dangerous and wrong," and said, "Bloodshed is all but certain, and tension with Pakistan will soar. "Other newspapers also decried the decision, saying it could have extremely dangerous consequences for the region. "The United States and China must not allow Kashmir to become a pawn in their ongoing disputes; on the contrary, the United States, China, the United Nations and other powers with influence over India and Pakistan must urgently do what they can to prevent India’s folly from escalating into a perilous and unpredictable regional crisis," The New York Times stressed in the editorial. The editorial said: "The Indian government knows how incendiary its actions are, which is why, before making the announcement on Monday, it ordered tens of thousands more troops into Kashmir, put major political figures under house arrest, ordered tourists to leave, closed schools and cut off internet services. "The government claimed it was acting to prevent a planned terrorist attack. But Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his governing Bharatiya Janata Party, deeply rooted in Hindu nationalist ideology, have long made no secret of their intention to revoke the articles in the Indian Constitution granting the predominantly Muslim Kashmir a special status — a move the BJP sees as 'correcting a historical blunder. 'The United Nations recommended holding a referendum to let Kashmiris decide their fate, but that never happened. "In this volatile stew, India’s latest action provoked instant vows of resistance. The Kashmiris are especially incensed by the lifting of a ban they had long imposed on the purchase of land by nonresidents, to prevent their land from being bought up by Indians. "There will be chaos if our identity is compromised," vowed Mehbooba Mufti, a former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir. In neighbouring Pakistan the sabers were quick to rattle. "Pakistan will exercise all possible options to counter the illegal steps," declared the Pakistan Foreign Ministry, while Shahbaz Sharif, the leader of the political opposition, thundered that “Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan, and anyone laying a hand on our jugular vein will meet a frightful end. "The fray is not without global implications. Under President Trump, the United States has shifted its favours from Pakistan, a longtime recipient of American aid, to India, which the administration perceives as a bulwark against China. China, meanwhile, has become an ally and financial patron of Pakistan. "There is still a good chance that the changes to the Constitution will end up before India’s Supreme Court. But the fires are already lit. " Writing in The Washington Post, Hafsa Kanjwal, an assistant professor of South Asian history at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, said, "Monday marked a devastating turning point in India’s long-standing occupation of Kashmir," referring to the Modi government''s decision to revoke the special status of Kashmir. "As a number of Indian historians and legal experts have noted, the presidential order is essentially unconstitutional. Article 370 is the only legal link between India and the disputed state; for it to be revoked, it has to be approved concurrently by the Jammu and Kashmir constituent assembly, which was dissolved in 1956," she wrote. "But dramatic shift in policy came amid a brutal crackdown in a territory that already holds the title of being one of the most militarized in the world. India has deployed an additional 35,000 troops, ordered tourists, pilgrims and journalists to leave, and implemented a curfew. It also arrested not only Kashmir’s pro-freedom leaders, but also leaders of the varying client regimes it has installed in the recent past," . For days, people were gripped with fear and uncertainty as they tried to determine their fate. Even as the announcement was made, Kashmiris were kept in the dark because of a total communications clampdown, with Internet and mobile services blocked. "Is this how the world’s largest democracy operates?" Ms. Kanjwal asked. She wrote, "This move highlights the ways in which India is quickly descending to an authoritarian state, only interested in its expansion and securing power — and one that will flout international law and its own constitution to achieve these ends. "Today’s announcement comes as the fulfillment of the Indian state’s established imperial designs in Kashmir, and especially the long-held view by right-wing Hindu nationalist parties in India since the time of partition to remove Kashmir’s special status and fully annex it. What this moment illuminates, however, is the stark reality of the colonial occupation in Kashmir. "For the past seven decades, India has used every possible excuse to suppress Kashmiri political aspirations. The Indian National Congress, knowing that it had a very unstable position in Kashmir, used the carrot of autonomy to rein in pro-freedom aspirations. For years it was able to hide behind a discourse of democratic elections (mostly rigged), development or Pakistani interference. After 9/11, there were the declarations that the freedom movement in Kashmir was part of the war on terrorism, which India was confronting domestically alongside its allies. Today, with a right-wing Hindu nationalist government in power, one emboldened by a recent electoral victory, the farce is off the table. "If India has already eroded Kashmir’s autonomy over time, why is this particular move important? There is another provision in the Indian Constitution, Article 35A, which gives the local Kashmiri state the right to define who is a ''permanent resident'' of the state. Permanent residents are able to own property or buy land. This was a condition that the pro-accession local leadership insisted upon to protect Kashmir’s Muslim-majority status, and was the last thing Kashmiris were holding onto to preserve some semblance of their nationhood. "But this has changed. Indians can now buy property and land in Kashmir, and drive out the local population. "Thus, what is at stake in this unconstitutional move is the beginnings of a settler colonial project in Kashmir, one similar to Israel’s in the Palestinian territories. To be sure, the land was already populated by the Indian army — over half a million strong — who had taken over huge swaths of land with their cantonments, camps and bunkers. But now the ruling party can set in motion its long-term plan to populate the region with enough Hindu settlements to make the current Muslim majority’s political aspirations for freedom obsolete. "The intent here is to change the demographics of Kashmir from a Muslim-majority state to one that has a Hindu majority. This process could entail ethnic cleansing. "Over the next few weeks, the situation in Kashmir will be incredibly tense. Kashmiris will not be reigned in easily, and they will protest. The cycle of violence will continue, as these protesters will be met with Indian bullets. "This is a lesson that India has not been able to realize over time. Just as British rule in India was not able to last in the face of the thirst for freedom, so too will the violence inherent in this colonial occupation meet resistance. For Kashmiris who have shown resilience and steadfastness in the face of a 70-year colonial project and brutal occupation, the aspirations for freedom will be even stronger. "Writing in The Intercept, an online publication, journalist Murtaza Hussain said that India's move on Kashmir potentially sets the stage for a "major new conflict. "The abrupt escalation caused widespread alarm," he wrote. "In addition to the military deployments and arrests, a curfew has been imposed on civilian movements. Internet and mobile phone access for Kashmiris has been completely cut off. Tourists have been ordered out of the state, and the Indian government has alleged the existence of terror threats against religious pilgrims, who are in the province to visit the famous Amarnath shrine complex. Taken together, the moves seem to be a clear preparation for possible violence. "The government would not have taken all these steps if they didn’t have a big plan in the works. All this also occurs against a backdrop of a slowing economy and rising nationalism within India. Taking a hard line on Kashmir offers Modi a chance to burnish his populist credentials. Modi’s May reelection was widely seen as representing a definitive shift in Indian politics toward the religious right, a portentous change in a country that has long taken pride in its secular democratic tradition.
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newstfionline · 7 years
Behind China’s $1 Trillion Plan to Shake Up the Economic Order
By Jane Perlez and Yufan Huang, NY Times, May 13, 2017
VANG VIENG, Laos--Along the jungle-covered mountains of Laos, squads of Chinese engineers are drilling hundreds of tunnels and bridges to support a 260-mile railway, a $6 billion project that will eventually connect eight Asian countries.
Chinese money is building power plants in Pakistan to address chronic electricity shortages, part of an expected $46 billion worth of investment.
Chinese planners are mapping out train lines from Budapest to Belgrade, Serbia, providing another artery for Chinese goods flowing into Europe through a Chinese-owned port in Greece.
The massive infrastructure projects, along with hundreds of others across Asia, Africa and Europe, form the backbone of China’s ambitious economic and geopolitical agenda. President Xi Jinping of China is literally and figuratively forging ties, creating new markets for the country’s construction companies and exporting its model of state-led development in a quest to create deep economic connections and strong diplomatic relationships.
The initiative, called “One Belt, One Road,” looms on a scope and scale with little precedent in modern history, promising more than $1 trillion in infrastructure and spanning more than 60 countries. To celebrate China’s new global influence, Mr. Xi is gathering dozens of state leaders, including President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, in Beijing on Sunday.
It is global commerce on China’s terms.
Mr. Xi is aiming to use China’s wealth and industrial know-how to create a new kind of globalization that will dispense with the rules of the aging Western-dominated institutions. The goal is to refashion the global economic order, drawing countries and companies more tightly into China’s orbit.
The projects inherently serve China’s economic interests. With growth slowing at home, China is producing more steel, cement and machinery than the country needs. So Mr. Xi is looking to the rest of the world, particularly developing countries, to keep its economic engine going.
“President Xi believes this is a long-term plan that will involve the current and future generations to propel Chinese and global economic growth,” said Cao Wenlian, director general of the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, a group dedicated to the initiative. “The plan is to lead the new globalization 2.0.”
Mr. Xi is rolling out a more audacious version of the Marshall Plan, America’s postwar reconstruction effort. Back then, the United States extended vast amounts of aid to secure alliances in Europe. China is deploying hundreds of billions of dollars of state-backed loans in the hope of winning new friends around the world, this time without requiring military obligations.
Mr. Xi’s plan stands in stark contrast to President Trump and his “America First” mantra. The Trump administration walked away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the American-led trade pact that was envisioned as a buttress against China’s growing influence.
“Pursuing protectionism is just like locking oneself in a dark room,” Mr. Xi told business leaders at the World Economic Forum in January.
As head of the Communist Party, Mr. Xi is promoting global leadership in China’s own image, emphasizing economic efficiency and government intervention. And China is corralling all manner of infrastructure projects under the plan’s broad umbrella, without necessarily ponying up the funds.
China is moving so fast and thinking so big that it is willing to make short-term missteps for what it calculates to be long-term gains. Even financially dubious projects in corruption-ridden countries like Pakistan and Kenya make sense for military and diplomatic reasons.
The United States and many of its major European and Asian allies have taken a cautious approach to the project, leery of bending to China’s strategic goals. Some, like Australia, have rebuffed Beijing’s requests to sign up for the plan. Despite projects on its turf, India is uneasy because Chinese-built roads will run through disputed territory in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
But it is impossible for any foreign leader, multinational executive or international banker to ignore China’s push to remake global trade.
As the sun beat down on Chinese workers driving bulldozers, four huge tractor-trailers rolled into a storage area here in Vang Vieng, a difficult three-hour drive over potholed roads from the capital, Vientiane. They each carried massive coils of steel wire.
Half a mile away, a Chinese cement mixing plant with four bays glistened in the sun. Nearby, along a newly laid road, another Chinese factory was providing cement for tunnel construction.
Nearly everything for the Laos project is made in China. Almost all the labor force is Chinese. At the peak of construction, there will be an estimated 100,000 Chinese workers.
When Mr. Xi announced the “One Belt, One Road” plan in September 2013, it was clear that Beijing needed to do something for the industries that had succeeded in building China’s new cities, railways and roads--state-led investment that turned it into an economic powerhouse. China did not have a lot left to build, and growth started to sputter.
Along with the economic boost, tiny Laos, a landlocked country with six million people, is a linchpin in Beijing’s strategy to chip away at American power in Southeast Asia. After Mr. Trump abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership in January, American influence in the region is seen to be waning. The rail line through Laos would provide a link to countries that China wants to bring firmly into its fold.
Each nation in Mr. Xi’s plan brings its own strategic advantages.
The power plants in Pakistan, as well as upgrades to a major highway and a $1 billion port expansion, are a political bulwark. By prompting growth in Pakistan, China wants to blunt the spread of Pakistan’s terrorists across the border into the Xinjiang region, where a restive Muslim population of Uighurs resides. It has military benefits, providing China’s navy future access to a remote port at Gwadar managed by a state-backed Chinese company with a 40-year contract.
Many countries in the program have serious needs. The Asian Development Bank estimated that emerging Asian economies need $1.7 trillion per year in infrastructure to maintain growth, tackle poverty and respond to climate change.
In Kenya, China is upgrading a railway from the port of Mombasa to Nairobi that will make it easier to get Chinese goods into the country. The Kenyan government had been unable to persuade others to do the job, whereas China has been transforming crumbling infrastructure in Africa for more than a decade.
The rail line, which is set to start running next month, is the first to be built to Chinese standards outside China. The country will benefit for years from maintenance contracts.
“China’s Belt and Road initiative is starting to deliver useful infrastructure, bringing new trade routes and better connectivity to Asia and Europe,” said Tom Miller, author of “China’s Asian Dream: Empire Building Along the New Silk Road.” “But Xi will struggle to persuade skeptical countries that the initiative is not a smokescreen for strategic control.”
Although Chinese engineers just started arriving in this tourist town several months ago, they have started punching three tunnels into mountains that slope down to roiling river water. They are in a race to get as much done as possible before the monsoon rains next month slow down work.
It is a fast start to a much-delayed program that may bring only limited benefits to the agrarian country.
For years, Laos and China sparred over financing. With the cost running at nearly $6 billion, officials in Laos wondered how they would afford their share. The country’s output is just $12 billion annually. A feasibility study by a Chinese company said the railway would lose money for the first 11 years.
Such friction is characteristic.
In Indonesia, construction of a high-speed railway between Jakarta and Bandung finally began last month after arguments over land acquisition. In Thailand, the government is demanding better terms for a vital railway.
China’s outlays for the plan so far have been modest: Only $50 billion has been spent, an “extremely small” amount relative to China’s domestic investment program, said Nicholas R. Lardy, a China specialist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.
Even China’s good friends so far are left wanting. Mr. Xi attended a groundbreaking ceremony in 2014 in Tajikistan for a gas pipeline, but the project stalled after Beijing’s demand waned.
Mr. Putin will be at the center of the Beijing conference. While two companies owned by one of his closest friends, Gennady Timchenko, have benefited from projects, there has not been much else for Russia.
“Russia’s elites’ high expectations regarding Belt and Road have gone through a severe reality check, and now oligarchs and officials are skeptical about practical results,” said Alexander Gabuev, senior associate at the Carnegie Center in Moscow.
“A major constraint in investor enthusiasm,” said Eswar Prasad, professor of trade policy at Cornell University, “is that many countries in the Central Asian region, where the initial thrust of the initiative is focused, suffer from weak and unstable economies, poor public governance, political stability and corruption.”
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sheikhzohairuddin · 6 years
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It was a historic day back in 1997, which turned into a reality on 25th July, 2018 when Imran Khan was asked by a journalist that, “You haven’t won a single seat in the 1997 elections?” to which he replied, “Meray voter ko jawan honay do.”As we all know that Imran Khan and his team has marked their foot firmly in Islamabad as they formed their government in federal for the first time in the history of PTI. For them, it still seems to be a beautiful dream but a reality. It was not a piece of cake for their leader to get this result, but it was a 22 years of struggle, day and night hard work, never give-up approach, dedication, and patience outcome. But actually the real test starts now.The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the probable challenges that Khan’s regime is going to face with mighty stones on their way, loans, trade deficit, unstable economy, politicized institutions, state’s machinery in loss, and many such massive problems he and his team will witness in front of them in these 100 days.We know that, before coming into power, Imran Khan used to reinforce time-to-time in his jalsas, that he got 100 day agenda which he will bring into practice if he forms his government. It includes 50 lac houses, 1 crore employment, formation of the South Punjab province, institutional reforms and so on so forth. Basically, people elected him because of his stance against corruption, especially which he has a clear opinion about PPP and PML-N as mainstream parties since last 30 to 35 years are the roots of corruption which is also the opinion of the majority of the people of Pakistan. Now the ball is in his court. Let’s see how he delivers with so many obstacles in his way in coming 5 years starting from 100 days.If we look backward at his life, we’ll find some great accomplishments in his account. Like; world cup, Shaukat Khanum Hospital, and Namal University. Whatever he takes as a challenge, he took that to the meaningful end. People, his critics, and even experts told him that the cancer hospital is impossible to establish in a country like Pakistan because it requires higher funding. But his intention was pure and he did it. He took his political party from nowhere to here, when people use to discourage him that the 3rd party concept is not exist in Pakistan’s politics, but he breaks the status quo eventually.All above scenarios were seem to be impossible, but he turned them into reality. And now here he is with a 22 years of struggle behind, but a bundle of challenges to counter ahead.His 100 day agenda looks to be attractive and relevant, but here is a confusion in few minds which I have heard on media channels that how Imran Khan will achieve or fulfill whatever he acknowledged to people in 100 days? Well, Either they’re misinterpreting it or they know everything and trying to misguide people. The timeline which he has given does not mean that he’ll do all the work in these days, but rather means whatever he has ensured people about his plan, he will accelerate those activities in motion, or he will set such directions which make sure that the things are going on a right track. People will witness a change. Logically, 50 lacs houses to be built is impossible in 100 days, it’s a 5 year program, but the work will be initiated at this time, that’s what he is trying to say. If we revisit his agenda, we’ll find that it seems to be way difficult to achieve his task in a given time frame, but his objective is clean and his past record tells us that he can do it. Like, he has delivered in KPK, especially in the police department, improvement in tourism, progress in education and health sectors are the reason why KP people have given him another opportunity with a better 2/3 majority.Well, it’s been 29 days around so far and the way he took decisions, brought matters on the table to resolve issues especially on cutting expenditure is meritorious. But the question is, Is this possible for him to showcase his work in front of his people in 100 days particularly? Well! He is a born optimist, but a lone warrior, it makes a bit complicated for him with an existing bureaucracy, but not impossible to root out corrupt system and definitely for that, it will take time. What he can at least do is to set a couple of examples that things are moving on, slowly, but definitely.I believe we should give him a chance which he deserves. I’m not a kind of a hero worship person who defend him even if he is at wrong side, but if people have chosen him, then he should be given a whole term to deliver, and if he fails, then people should reject him and then elect some alternate leader other than those who had been given chances in the past. We know that he has shown dreams to this hopeless and depressed public whose expectations from him is right up at the sky, and we also know that he may face a lot of resistance and obstacles during his work in coming days, but if he keeps his temperament organized, take right decisions, and didn’t panic, then definitely he will succeed.Thus, the challenge is big, but the confidence is high. More than 200 million people are behind him, he should take the first step, make all his effort and move on. As Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves.” If he or his cabinet, or any other team member makes any mistake than opposition parties should correct him because the ultimate objective is to carry Pakistan to the level and height of prosperity. Pakistan Zindabad!
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greenxprize-blog · 7 years
President Trump Reshaping American Foreign Policy
In a series of tweets explaining the administration’s position on withholding aid to Pakistan, President Donald J Trump ironically took a page from our foundational memoir Go Green, Get Rich. Below is an excerpt followed by tweets from POTUS.
The excerpt begins with an analysis of how dependence upon foreign oil makes for shaky, unstable relationships. We’re walking a fine line where foreign aid becomes a form of nuclear ransom paid to Pakistan, where we’ll never get our money’s worth and Green Policy is ignored and forgotten. Our platform not only brings Green to the forefront, it creates a medium for innovation and rewards for the projects voted on by our members.
We have maintained in previous commentaries that the path to holistic, sustainable growth and development relies less on government assisted programs and more on inspired people. Much like the growth of the IT industry during the 80s and 90s, we propose innovation-incubators in an inspired capitalist environment for the “Green Space” where innovation is sought, supported and rewarded is the Green X Prize solution.
Environmental enthusiasts often argue, and rightly so, that the threat of climate change poses an existential threat to mankind, while opponents use the capitalist framework as a denial mechanism; arguing that the threats posed by environmental degradation should be solved with market capitalist tools. Despite cogent arguments on both sides, we firmly support the private sector taking the lead on innovative “greening” initiatives and have no problem with them earning a buck pursuing a passion. We’ve long embraced that at www.greenxprize.com. Innovation, Green and Capitalism can thrive together synergistically and benefit the greater good.
Our goal isn’t to support or defend any single policy, but to create an enabling environment and platform where Green ideals, including sustainability-powered innovations, can thrive. Mindful of how politics so often discourages future generations’ desire and inclination to support sustainable causes, let’s be clear: Future generations will become custodians and purveyors of “truth” as previous generations have from Aristotle to Thomas Edison. Their challenge is refusing to allow cultural or political differences to prevent discovering solutions to these problems. We’ve created a platform to share your inspiration. Follow the conversation at www.greenxprize.com!
We encourage the young and young at heart from all over the world to join our quest to save the Earth, our only home. We welcome ideas and innovations from any discipline whose goal is reducing our net carbon footprint; especially ideas to help from falling over the existential fence. No limits; your idea can be a radical political or management departure from the old or an invention that could minimize the socio-economic impact of displaced workers by the automated economy.
There are no restrictions and your peers will decide who wins the monthly reward. Our movement is passionate but politically neutral, unencumbered by any special interests, but fueled by grassroots support by the people and for the people.
President Trump stated in previous comments regarding climate change/global warming that “he was looking into it….” Given his pragmatic stance on most policy issues, we could infer through his numerous subtexts that the administration’s climate change position will be informed by the “bottom-line.” In other words, “if it doesn’t make dollars; it doesn’t make sense”. Green X Prize will attempt to fill some of the void left by the current US administration’s stance on climate change with its subsequent withdrawal from the Paris accord.
To that end, Green X Prize seeks to “uberize” the green venture capitalist space by decentralizing our rewards program on a granular level: “of the people, by the people”. We seek support in our worthy cause(s) and urge you to order a copy of Go Green, Get Rich.
Join us online where you can vote for your favorite green innovation projects, discuss with liked-minded sustainable enthusiasts, post your own project, and most importantly, improve your chances of winning $10,000 by February 28th and beyond.
Green X Prize www.greenxprize.com
Source: https://www.greenxprize.com/think-green-article/President-Trump-Reshaping-American-Foreign-Policy
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