memedong · 3 years
what's your favorite type of cheese
dick chee- *is hit by a falling grand piano*
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systlin · 5 years
If you could have one species of non-domesticated animal suddenly develop the capacity for human speech and comprehension, which would it be?
Oooh this is a good one. 
Wolves, I think. 
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gallusrostromegalus · 6 years
what type of dog is Charleston chew?? The little one looks just like my baby and ive never been able to figure out what she was!
We don’t know!  I could get a DNA test done but I’m 90% sure it’ll come back as “Mutt” for three generations. 
My best guess is that it’s apparently SUPER common in the southwest (Charlie was originally found in a dumpster near Green Valley, Arizona) for people to mix sighthounds (greyhound and  whippet are popular) with scent hounds (coonhound, beagle, blue tick hound etc) to make hunting dogs that have both scenting talents and the speed to actually catch things on open ground.  Then also to dump the ones that don’t preform well out in the street.
So my best guess for Charlie is “Whippet, coonhound and probably six other things mixed in” but he’s a very good cuddleboy, even if he’s also a gamey little butt that will try to chase anything that moves.
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my-lady-knight · 5 years
No need to worry for glitter kitty!!! Its from a lush bath bomb with seaweed glitter that stuck to the tub!
Ooh, good to know, thank you!
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rowenaaclark · 4 years
The One where Adrian’s a Hufflepuff
Promised to post for the likes of @padsmcfoot and @unsuallyfurry - Here’s a Bloodlines HP AU solo fic drabble!
Adrian wandered down the candlelit hall, whistling to himself.  Portraits of witches and wizards long past eyed him suspiciously as he passed by, as the time of night was odd for even Prefects to be out and about. 
He never thought he’d end up in any sort of leadership role here at Hogwarts. He had never aspired to it, nor did he think he was even capable of such a task. In fact, he’d been quite happy somewhat bludging through his time at Hogwarts, scraping through his OWLs by the skin of his teeth. Professor Sprout had sat him down however and given him a long talk about why she thought this was an opportunity for him to not only take some pride in his character, but learn about responsibility and what it means to look out for one’s own classmates. 
He’d palmed it off at first as a joke, but the old witch just gave him a smile as she ushered him out of her small office. “I see great potential in you, boy. You just need to see it for yourself.”
A familiar cat sat on the windowsill, just down from the Hufflepuff dorm entrance, its black tail flicking petulantly. Adrian grinned, turning from the dorm entry and walked over to lean on the windowsill by the animal that almost blended into the night sky outside. 
“You know someone will eventually catch on when they realise you don’t actually have an owner here,” he murmured to the cat, offering it his hand to sniff. It was quickly batted away though by it’s paw, shaking their head in almost disgust at the gesture. “Aw puss, don’t be like that now. You won’t fool anyone with that attitude.”
He grinned as the cat stood up and shook out its fur, before transforming into the shape of a teenage girl, her long legs draped outside of the window and long dark hair catching the breeze. 
“I must admit the cat form is great, but you definitely look stunning this evening Miss Clark,” he said, folding his hands together. She all but hissed at him, running her wand across the ends of her hair, returning them to their usual lavender hue. She hated the fact she had to hide the colour half the time, but she knew a half purple cat would draw more attention to herself when she transformed. 
“I can’t wait until I perfect the spell so I can do it at will, though. McGongall says this month looks good for a storm after the full moon to finish off the incantation. Transfiguration is one thing, but I can’t wait until I get this Animagus form down,” Rowena said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. 
“But then you have to register, and think of the trouble you’ll get in then if anyone catches you out this late.”
She grinned at Adrian, a mischievous glint in her eye. “As if I’d get caught. Now, let’s go raid the kitchen for snacks.”
“You know, I don’t know how you both have so many extra pastries to snack on throughout the day.”
Sydney took a seat beside Adrian on the grassy hill overlooking the Quidditch pitch. Rowena glanced over at her brushing crumbs off her vest and finishing her mouthful. “Excuse me, but Beaters need all the extra calories we can get. Consider it building energy to crush Slytherin this weekend. Not to mention your pain of a half-brother in Gryffindor next month.”
“I just have hollow legs and like sweets,”Adrian said, nonchalantly, wrapping one hand through Sydney’s as she sat. Both Rowena and Adrian had been enjoying the rare sunshine that had graced the castle that afternoon, sleeves rolled up and stockings and shoes ditched beside them. “How’s your day been?”
Sydney sighed, taking out a book out of her satchel. “Arithromancy seemed to drag on forever this morning, but transfiguration and potions were both a walk in the park this afternoon.”
Rowena snorted. “No doubt because you’re already trying to beat out Marcus at his NEWTs and you’re in fifth year.”
Adrian nudged his best friend, almost knocking the unfinished pastry out of her hand. “Can’t you see Sydney is far too pure in this world to be in competition with him?”
Sydney raised an eyebrow at him, before flipping open her book in her lap. “I’m not going to deny I love a bit of competition with him. He was furious with me when I got that pass by him at last week’s game.”
Rowena laughed, stretching out on the grass. “This is why I recruited you for the team obviously, Sage.” 
Adrian looked back and forth between the girls. Rowena, with her fiery personality, had made Captain for the Ravenclaw team this year, the first female beater in a long while in the school’s history.  Somehow, over the summer, she’d convinced Sydney to try out for a Chaser this year after a few family games. Adrian had never been one for athleticism, preferring the commentary box instead, but he had to admit even the thought of his girlfriend letting her competitive streak out made him weak. It caused him more discomfort to think of watching her fly around, practicing with Ro that summer in minimal clothing in the heat. 
Sydney flicked over a page in her book, looking over at the foggy faraway look on Adrian’s face. “Earth to Adrian, you may want to stop that train of thought before something else happens,” she said with a smirk. He cast her a knowing glance, before lifting their intertwined hands and kissed the back of hers.  Rowena made a slight gagging noise before sitting up bolt straight, and letting out a chuckle. 
“OI FINCH, YOUR SHIRT ISN'T TUCKED IN, PRINCESS,” she yelled across the grass where the Gryffindor team were leaving the pitch after practice. Most of them looked up, but one looked the most displeased out of all of them. The blonde headed boy waved off to his teammates before swaggering over to the group. 
Marcus Finch was seventh year with Adrian, however the guy was awfully serious much like his younger half sister about his studies. He also happened to be Head Boy this year, which meant a lot of time dealing with Prefect meetings with the guy. The only benefit of those meetings was Sydney was there as well. Despite being only half-siblings, they both were somewhat similar and the pair of them were formidable when they took the same side of an argument.  
“Funny you guys are here, the team and I were just talking about how Ravenclaw is no match for us this year actually,” Marcus teased, dropping his broom in the grass in front of them. Rowena gave him the finger as he smirked and took off his arm guards. Marcus and Sydney were one dynamic, but Marcus and Rowena were the complete opposite. They enjoyed stirring each other to the point where arguments sometimes got to the verge of duel challenges. On other days, they were thick as thieves. 
Adrian snorted. “I love how none of you have faith in the Hufflepuff team this year.”
All three of them stared at Adrian before bursting out into laughter. Adrian rolled his eyes at the lot of them, loosening his yellow tie. The only other Hufflepuff in their small group of friends was a young girl called Jill, who Adrian had taken under his wing when he’d noticed her being bullied back in second year. She was only a year younger than Sydney, but fell into Rowena’s category of choice of subjects. It was an easy introduction to make, and Ro was happy to tutor the younger kind witch in Divination and Potions. Both Adrian and Ro had a talent for chasing off bullies too; Ro had a reputation for throwing punches and Adrian had a talent for a prank here or there. Both factors made the bullies disappear, and Jill had made fast friends with them all, even introducing one more to the group. 
Eddie Castile was a classmate of Sydney’s from Gryffindor, and their friendship had only improved since he had started dating Jill. Eddie was sensible and courteous and Adrian enjoyed teasing him on the regular, but he’d fit in well with the rest of them. 
Sydney looked over at Adrian, swinging his arm to rest around her shoulders and leaning into him. “I love you, but there’s no way Hufflepuff has a chance this year, sorry. They’re far too….nice, this year.”
Marcus nodded, rolling up his practice robes. “You’re all too nice really. All your fire seems to have gone to Rowena this year. She’s far too feisty with that bat.”
Ro smirked at him. “You’d know from personal experience too. You pissed me off far too much that first game.”
Adrian pouted down at Sydney, tightening his arm around her. “I’m not just ‘nice’ to you am I?” 
She chuckled, running a hand over his chest. “No, you’re chivalrous too I guess. You’ve let your bad boy ‘pureblood’ attitude slip far too much to be credible as a once were,” she mused. She smirked at him though. “Although you’re still pretty smooth I’ll give you that.”
 “Well, he tries at least,” Rowena added, Marcus chuckling at her comment, “Sage, we all know that you run this relationship, pick up lines or no.” 
Sydney laughed, patting Adrian’s leg in jest. Adrian sighed, rubbing at his temples. “Look I’m not going to deny, Sydney has me wrapped around her finger, but can I keep some sort of illusion of manliness?” 
Rowena shrugged. “Nah, I read it in your tea leaves. She’s a dominant presence in your life, and it ain’t changing anytime soon.”
“And there goes Clark’s credibility, everyone!” Marcus exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. Ro lashed out with her foot from where she was sitting to tip him over while he wasn’t looking, but he caught her ankle on the way down and dragged her with them so they were both laughing in the grass. Marcus caught his breath and sighed still. “You put so much into Divination though, it’s going to get you nowhere.”
Adrian raised an eyebrow. “Hey she’s predicting a damn few good things from my tea leaves, not to mention that time-”
Rowena gave him a sharp look, cutting him off. “It’s just been tea leaves, nothing else Adrian,” she said, her voice suddenly turning hard. Her eyes pleaded with him to stay quiet, and Adrian made a slight nodding motion at her silent request. No doubt, Marcus would only tease her more if he found out she’d blacked out one afternoon with Adrian while studying for her OWLs last year. The weird thing was though, she’d started talking about their lives like they were 30 years older. She’d quickly snapped out of it, and swore him to secrecy, clearly shaken from the event.
Sydney gave her a worried look, before turning to Marcus. “Have you heard from Dad this week?” 
Marcus shrugged, brushing the grass off his robes. “Nope. Although no doubt I’ll get some letter of disappointment that once again I’ve refused to make friends with one of the sons of one of his more important colleagues in the Ministry. Half of me wants to blow off being an Auror because he’ll be there, hovering at every moment.”
Adrian gave him a knowing look. Disappointing their fathers was something of a shared bond between Marcus, Sydney and him. Although, he didn’t tend to put much disappointment on Sydney. She was often met with resentment from Jared, mainly for the fact she was a girl. He’d never acknowledge just how talented and accomplished she was because of that one factor. Adrian smiled down at her still tucked into him, enjoying the sunshine on her face. She deserved nothing that her father threw at her, and Adrian knew he would die trying before he let her believe anything her father told her. 
“Well, you can always join me in flying by the seat of your pants and having no firm plans for after this year?” Adrian offered to Marcus, shrugging. “I mean, it’s a tough life, and I’d understand if it’s hard to dedicate yourself to but someone’s gotta do it.”
Marcus rolled his eyes. “I can definitely confirm, I won’t be doing that but thanks for the offer.”
Sydney gave him a knowing look, and let out a sigh. “It’s going to be weird when you’re both not here bickering. I may just have peace and quiet out here to study next year.”
Adrian gave her an incredulous look. “What, so you’re just assuming I’m not leaving Rowena with instructions to annoy you instead? I have a whole host of owls at the ready to send you my daily insights already too. You’ll barely get that peace and quiet I assure you, Sage.”
A distant bell tolled in the distance. Rowena perked up from where she’d been sunning herself. “Dinner time, excellent. I’m starved,” she said, grabbing her shoes and stockings. Marcus groaned as he pulled all his Quidditch gear together, Rowena picking up his broom for him and handing it to him after he stood. Adrian quickly slipped on his own shoes and socks, and caught up to where Sydney waited for him. The other two had started to make their way ahead of them, no doubt keen to fill their bellies from the long day.
Adrian took Sydney’s book bag from her before taking her hand. “I know I’ll be leaving at the end of the year, but you know this won’t be the end of us right?”
Sydney sighed happily, swinging their hands. “I know, Adrian. You’re the one thing that makes this studying and regular routine worth it. A little distance won’t come between us. Besides, now I get letters everyday apparently? That’d be nice.”
Adrian laughed. “I mean I can start now, but kinda defeats the purpose when I can just tell you how stunning you are in person, right?”
Sydney smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Time to start cherishing it, I guess.”
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memedong · 4 years
well a bitch is a dog & a dog barks & bark is on trees & trees are nature & nature is beautiful so thanks for the compliment! :) xoxo
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memedong · 4 years
I fucking love the idea of this little old lady I'm crying kai. "Put your paws up" im going to die i keep reading the post thinking it's something my edibles created but it's not. That's fuckjn wild
hgfHGG SAME THO im still losing it at her saying put your paws up
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memedong · 4 years
Go to sleep slut
im trying aaaaAAA
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memedong · 5 years
You also have a knack for stealing my heart~
oh mwe~?
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hehe nya!
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memedong · 5 years
Ur like hella cute. I'm glad ur my friend
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i love you so much 😭😭👯
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memedong · 5 years
Move to nevada and we have an ounce waiting for you bitch!! I'm high all the fuckin time and you could be a fuckin part of it!!!
hello friends & followers! im setting up a gofundme to try & cover my moving expenses to nevada! you can donate here: www.google
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memedong · 5 years
Kai i wish you were here to spend time in the car with me. I miss you and your laugh and how tall you are and just I love you so much and I just miss you in my life. I'm the gayest for my best friend
GAH!! im love you & miss you too, SOON.......we will be reunited :3
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memedong · 5 years
New ask game: kai decides my makeup for a party tonight. Should I start now or wait till later? Our uber is coming at 5:30
jfhJFJ well id wait til it was closer to 5:30 to start cause its super early fjgjf, & do you mean pick out colors? green makeup 😝
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memedong · 5 years
🍎🍒🍇🍍🍓🍊🌶 you are honestly my best friend and I just love you so much. My life would be so much more boring without you in it. I love you and I am super high rn i love you
Apple 🍎: I don’t really like your blog, I follow because I like you!
Cherries 🍒: I think you’re hot!
Grapes 🍇: I wish we were better friends!
Pineapple🍍: We never talk but I care about you!
Strawberry 🍓: I have a huge crush on you!
Orange 🍊: I look up to you and I trust you
Jalapeño 🌶: Tell me something not on this list!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CHARLIE IM LOVE YOU *rubs your feet* & wow... you dont even like my blog.... i cant believe this... *goes & hides in pabus purse*
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memedong · 5 years
Burgers or mac n cheese? Which is your favorite?
FUNK You but it is not a hard choice! mac & cheese will be my forever #1 💛
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memedong · 6 years
Bruh dont fuckin lie!!! Ur not like. Even. Close to being 'repulsive' I would thump u in a heartbeat if you didnt live in fuckin Antarctica or some shit
i look in the mirror & am like “i need to be put down like a rabid dog behind the shed w/ an old shotgun” just call me ol yeller 
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