#untamedflames [Bi Fang Ember]
eternalstarlights · 9 months
@lovelyxhorrors continued from here.
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The bird was smart enough to ask that question but she wasn’t an idiot to tell the bird that she represented the mafia.
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“Myself. I don’t represent anyone except for myself. I am interested in the drug. If it can make me that powerful, I want the drug for myself. After all, power is everything.” Ember paused as she took a good look at the demonic bird. “Did you try the drug on yourself? Is that why you look like this? Makes me wonder if I am going to become a bird or some other huge animal.”  
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eternalstarlights · 3 months
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@fallesto for a starter between Ember and Kaigaku.
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“So you are the new demon that I heard about.”
A new demon that Kokushibo had brought in and one that used to be a demon slayer too. She didn’t know the Upper Moons that well but she knew enough to know that it was rare for them to make new demons from humans especially when the human used to be a demon slayer. If it was her, she would have eaten the demon slayer instead. Or perhaps Kokushibo saw potential in this individual.
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“I wonder what Kokushibo saw in you to turn you into a demon instead of eating you.”  
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eternalstarlights · 1 month
This was a violation against his rights!
He who has served without failure, who has gone above and beyond, who has done everything that one could do, who has worked for so long to make the world as it was, he who shines the brightest, the strongest of the strong, a frog! This was a violation, that witch, she had no right to take one look at him, dismiss him, mock him, think that he was not good enough at all, and he had lashed out, killed her, he was sure he had shredded her to pieces, but she came back, mocked him more and then cursed him.
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A frog in the mud then it was.
This would not be the end of him, this would not be how it ends, he will live, always, he always comes back, he always finds a way to overcome everything that is thrown at him and this will be no different than all the times before, as he sat there for a moment and sighed, this pond, he hated it, he hated this lilypad, he hated everything that there was here, he had no powers, none he was trapped and so he was going to have to try and escape, get out of this pond, this garden and try and find, someone, anyone at all that can help him!
Sasha and Regulus both stared at the frog, curiously in front of them. What an adorable-looking frog. Not only that, Sasha could sense that there was something else about this frog. This was no ordinary frog but Sasha was not sure what she was sensing. She gently took the frog in her hands as Regulus curiously poked at the frog.
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“It is cute. You were able to pick it up so easily. Usually, I have to chase a frog to catch one,” Regulus spoke.
“I don’t think this is an ordinary frog,” Sasha spoke as she studied the frog in her hand.
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“Why do you say that, Lady Athena? This looks to be a regular frog to me. Also, Lady Athena, I do not recommend picking up frogs with your hands. Their skin can have bacteria and parasites that are harmful to humans. I suggested that you clean your hands thoroughly after,” Kunikida spoke. He had noticed the commotion and became curious.
“Thank you, Kunikida. I will make sure to clean my hands after,” Sasha said.
Before Sasha could put the frog back down on the lilypad, the frog was suddenly lifted into the air by his foot. There was nothing holding onto him except for an invisible force.
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“Is this what we are all curious about? A cute frog?” Phantasos asked as she looked at the frog curiously. Perhaps she could use this frog to play a prank on her brothers.
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“You see a cute frog. I see good food. I say we killed and cooked it,” Ember said as she grabbed the frog, ready to cook it.
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“Ember, no! There is no need to cook the frog. Let's leave the frog as it is,” She took the frog back from Ember’s hand and gently placed him back down on the lilypad.
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eternalstarlights · 2 months
use this generator to create some randomly generated headcanons for your muse(s)! This was hard to find an accurate headcanon.
Leo Regulus will go feral. Watch out. (He has gone feral before lol)
Kunikida Doppo instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples. (this has happen before cough Katai cough)
Portrayer Phantasos is the youngest child.
If someone they knew committed a crime, Ember Bi Fang would cover for them.
Sasha/Athena cries while watching Disney movies.
Tagged by @thehealerhairpin
Tagging: @hxdrostorms (whoever you want) and whoever wants to do this.
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eternalstarlights · 3 months
What type of Pokemon are you?
Tagging: @arcgeminga, @hxdrostorms (any muse you want), @theircurse, @paradisegrave, @lunargifted (Atsushi), @sangdelune, @featherchan (Kanako), @burncdheart, @frozcnlight and anyone else who is interested in Pokemon!
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Leo Regulus - You represent the ELECTRIC type!
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The Electric type is all about energy. You are like a human rocket, facing any challenge head-on and without slowing down. Despite your headstrong nature, you do enjoy working with teams, who clearly appreciate your drive to complete the task. A goal for you would be to slow down, and listen to other's strategies first. Indeed, you are a blank slate, unpredictable in your tactics. You prefer to tackle a problem head-on, and determine your course of action in the thick of conflict. Be wary, Electric-type, this could land you in trouble. But you have no tricks up your sleeve, you're simply quick-witted, and others surely take notice.
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Portrayer Phantasos - You represent the FAIRY type!
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The Fairy type is all about whimsy. Life's no good without a little fun, and you bring fun to the table in spades, Fairy-type. Your natural charms, coupled with your ability to simply chase anything your heart desires, results in others placing an sort of adoration upon you. Remember not to lead yourself, or others, astray on a dead-end road without a plan. This social lifestyle is welcomed by you, though! Affection is your specialty: you may find yourself enjoying physical contact with or by others. You enjoy making sure your companions are loose, happy, and always laughing, by playing innocent pranks or tricks when they least expect it. Remember not to let these jokes become too mean-spirited, Fairy-type. This social lifestyle can often lead to emotional overindulgence, which may be destructive. Remember to not be too whimsical in your approach. After all, laughter is the sweetest when it's savored.
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Ember Bi Fang - You represent the DARK type!
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The Dark type is all about ambition. You strive for success and advancement, regardless of your accolades. This drive can be beneficial if channeled towards noble goals, and near unstoppable. Remember, however, to not let your bold nature corrupt your desires. You aren’t one to quickly trust others, Dark-type. You remain inherently skeptical of others’ motives. Perhaps this is due to experience, but it is important to give others a chance. This suspicion often leads you to feel as though you need to deceive others, somehow shifting your identity away from the true you. Masking your own self to remain isolated can be a strength, Dark-type, but also a weakness. As long as you suppress your overly prideful and cospiratory nature, however, your cunning can elevate you to your greatest dreams.
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Sasha/Athena - You represent the GRASS type!
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The Grass type is all about life. Whether you're watching nature grow, or allowing the seeds of a newfound friendship to blossom, Grass-types focus on the creation of things, rather than the destruction. Like a study oak, you're a patient individual, though sometimes your relaxed demeanor can border on inaction. You enjoy personal relationships, and always are one to give a gift to a friend, or jump for joy at the smallest display of kindness. You truly like to believe in the best of people, it seems. This attitude is noble, but it can get you into trouble, Grass-type. You need to remain in control of your day-dreams, and make sure that your emotional compass doesn't lead you to harm. If you can maintain a smile through the grit of the world, then good things will surely sprout up in your future!
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Kunikida Doppo - You represent the ROCK type!
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The Rock type is all about permanence. You are more resilient than most; a hurricane, tsunami, and tornado couldn’t stop you from your goals. Indeed, you are a loyal, selfless person, but remember to use this dedication to your own benefit once in a while. A candle burned at both ends will soon snub itself out. You are a pragmatist, at heart. You have a knack for the practical, and tend to follow logic brilliantly. Remember, however, to not let this skill turn you into a rash or stubborn thinker, as you have a tendency to do. There is more to the world than logic, Rock-type, and even the strongest boulders need a soft spot.
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eternalstarlights · 5 months
Stolen from the dash
Tagging: @hxdrostorms (any of your muse) and anyone else who wants to do this
Leo Regulus
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▐ PLACE IN SOCIETY;; ✖ Financial – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / (poor and in poverty when he was a child living with his father and even after his father died, moderate when his uncle found and adopted him and brought him to the sanctuary) ✖ Medical – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ Class or Caste – upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / none ✖ Education – qualified / unqualified / studying (in modern verse) ✖ Criminal Record – yes / yes, for minor crimes / has aided and committed crimes / none /uncaught (I mean uncaught well his uncle found out and nobody else so I guess uncaught?)
▐ FAMILY ;; ✖ Marital Status – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated   ✖ Children – has a child or children  / no children / wants children ✖ Family – close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased / not aware if they have siblings ✖ Affiliation – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / unknown (so raised by his father, then became an orphan when his father died and then got adopted by his uncle)
▐ TRAITS && TENDENCIES ;; ✖ extroverted / introverted / in-between ✖ disorganized / organized / in-between ✖ closed-minded / open-minded / in-between ✖ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ✖ cautious / reckless /in-between ✖ patient  / impatient / in-between ✖ outspoken / reserved  / in-between
✖ leader / follower / in-between / neither
✖ empathetic / apathetic / in-between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ✖ traditional / modern / in-between ✖hard-working / lazy / in-between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in-between ✖ loyal/ disloyal / unknown / depends ✖ faithful/ unfaithful / unknown / depends
▐ BELIEFS ;; ✖ Faith – monotheistic / polytheistic / atheist / agnostic/ nontheist / undetermined (although he believes in many gods, he is only loyal to Athena) ✖ Belief in Ghosts/Spirits – yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Afterlife – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Reincarnation – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Aliens – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Philosophical – yes / no / sometimes
▐ ABILITIES ;; ✖ Combat Skills – excellent / good / moderate/ poor / none ✖ Literacy Skills – excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none ✖ Artistic Skills – excellent / good /moderate/ poor / none ✖ Technical Skills – excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none (I mean as in practical skills in the 18th century, so nothing to do with technology or computer or anything like that lol)
▐ HABITS ;; ✖ Drinking Alcohol – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Smoking – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Other Narcotics – never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Indulgent Food – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Splurge Spending – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Gambling – never / sometimes /frequently/ to excess / rarely / once
Portrayer Phantasos
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▐ PLACE IN SOCIETY;; ✖ Financial – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / ✖ Medical – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ Class or Caste – upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / none ✖ Education – qualified / unqualified / studying ✖ Criminal Record – yes / yes, for minor crimes / has aided and committed crimes / none /uncaught (it isn't uncaught but more of the idea that she is a deity so therefore not accountable to her crimes because in her world, deities can do anything they want)
▐ FAMILY ;; ✖ Marital Status – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated   ✖ Children – has a child or children  / no children / wants children ✖ Family – close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased / not aware if they have siblings ✖ Affiliation – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / unknown
▐ TRAITS && TENDENCIES ;; ✖ extroverted / introverted / in-between ✖ disorganized / organized / in-between ✖ closed-minded / open-minded / in-between ✖ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ✖ cautious / reckless /in-between ✖ patient  / impatient / in-between ✖ outspoken / reserved  / in-between
✖ leader / follower / in-between / neither
✖ empathetic / apathetic / in-between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between   ✖ traditional / modern / in-between ✖hard-working / lazy / in-between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in-between ✖ loyal/ disloyal / unknown / depends (it depends on who it is like she is only loyal to her family and nobody else) ✖ faithful/ unfaithful / unknown / depends
▐ BELIEFS ;; ✖ Faith – monotheistic / polytheistic / atheist / agnostic/ nontheist / undetermined (she is literally a diety lol) ✖ Belief in Ghosts/Spirits – yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Afterlife – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Reincarnation – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Aliens – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Philosophical – yes / no / sometimes
▐ ABILITIES ;; ✖ Combat Skills – excellent / good / moderate/ poor / none ✖ Literacy Skills – excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none ✖ Artistic Skills – excellent / good /moderate/ poor / none ✖ Technical Skills – excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
▐ HABITS ;; ✖ Drinking Alcohol – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Smoking – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Other Narcotics – never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Indulgent Food – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Splurge Spending – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Gambling – never / sometimes /frequently/ to excess / rarely / once
Ember Bi Fang
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▐ PLACE IN SOCIETY;; ✖ Financial – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / (it depends on the verse but in general she starts our poor and become financially moderate later on) ✖ Medical – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ Class or Caste – upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / none ✖ Education – qualified / unqualified / studying ✖ Criminal Record – yes / yes, for minor crimes / has aided and committed crimes / none /uncaught 
▐ FAMILY ;; ✖ Marital Status – married, happily/ married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated   ✖ Children – has a child or children  / no children / wants children ✖ Family – close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased / not aware if they have siblings ✖ Affiliation – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / unknown
▐ TRAITS && TENDENCIES ;; ✖ extroverted / introverted / in-between ✖ disorganized / organized / in-between ✖ closed-minded / open-minded / in-between ✖ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ✖ cautious / reckless /in-between ✖ patient  / impatient / in-between ✖ outspoken / reserved  / in-between
✖ leader / follower / in-between / neither
✖ empathetic / apathetic / in-between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ✖ traditional / modern / in-between ✖hard-working / lazy / in-between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in-between ✖ loyal/ disloyal / unknown / depends ✖ faithful/ unfaithful / unknown / depends
▐ BELIEFS ;; ✖ Faith – monotheistic / polytheistic / atheist / agnostic/ nontheist / undetermined (it depend on the verse but in general she is athiest and nontheist) ✖ Belief in Ghosts/Spirits – yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Afterlife – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Reincarnation – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Aliens – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Philosophical – yes / no / sometimes
▐ ABILITIES ;; ✖ Combat Skills – excellent / good / moderate/ poor / none ✖ Literacy Skills – excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none ✖ Artistic Skills – excellent / good /moderate/ poor / none ✖ Technical Skills – excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
▐ HABITS ;; ✖ Drinking Alcohol – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Smoking – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Other Narcotics – never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Indulgent Food – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Splurge Spending – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Gambling – never / sometimes /frequently/ to excess / rarely / once
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▐ PLACE IN SOCIETY;; ✖ Financial – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / (poor and in poverty because she was a poor orphan but later, got adopted by the Sanctuary to become a goddess who is wealthy) ✖ Medical – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ Class or Caste – upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / none ✖ Education – qualified / unqualified / studying (she had education at a very late age but learned really quickly) ✖ Criminal Record – yes / yes, for minor crimes / has aided and committed crimes / none /uncaught (she doesn't have any crimes but I also bolded yes if you want to count her crimes of reincarnating as a human and fighting against the other gods)
▐ FAMILY ;; ✖ Marital Status – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated   ✖ Children – has a child or children  / no children / wants children ✖ Family – close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased / not aware if they have siblings (it is complicated, she is close to Alone until she was adopted and her adopted brother decided to literally become her enemy) ✖ Affiliation – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / unknown
▐ TRAITS && TENDENCIES ;; ✖ extroverted / introverted / in-between ✖ disorganized / organized / in-between ✖ closed-minded / open-minded / in-between ✖ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ✖ cautious / reckless /in-between ✖ patient  / impatient / in-between ✖ outspoken / reserved  / in-between
✖ leader / follower / in-between / neither
✖ empathetic / apathetic / in-between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ✖ traditional / modern / in-between ✖hard-working / lazy / in-between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in-between ✖ loyal/ disloyal / unknown / depends ✖ faithful/ unfaithful / unknown / depends
▐ BELIEFS ;; ✖ Faith – monotheistic / polytheistic / atheist / agnostic/ nontheist / undetermined (she was originally a catholic but later became Athena so that would be polytheistic) ✖ Belief in Ghosts/Spirits – yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Afterlife – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Reincarnation – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Aliens – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Philosophical – yes / no / sometimes
▐ ABILITIES ;; ✖ Combat Skills – excellent / good / moderate/ poor / none ✖ Literacy Skills – excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none ✖ Artistic Skills – excellent / good /moderate/ poor / none ✖ Technical Skills – excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
▐ HABITS ;; ✖ Drinking Alcohol – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Smoking – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Other Narcotics – never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Indulgent Food – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Splurge Spending – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Gambling – never / sometimes /frequently/ to excess / rarely / once
Kunikida Doppo
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▐ PLACE IN SOCIETY;; ✖ Financial – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / ✖ Medical – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ Class or Caste – upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / none ✖ Education – qualified / unqualified / studying ✖ Criminal Record – yes / yes, for minor crimes / has aided and committed crimes / none /uncaught 
▐ FAMILY ;; ✖ Marital Status – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated   ��� Children – has a child or children  / no children / wants children ✖ Family – close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased / not aware if they have siblings (more like I don't know if he has siblings, for an important character, we barely know anything about his life lol) ✖ Affiliation – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / unknown
▐ TRAITS && TENDENCIES ;; ✖ extroverted / introverted / in-between ✖ disorganized / organized / in-between ✖ closed-minded / open-minded / in-between ✖ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ✖ cautious / reckless /in-between ✖ patient  / impatient / in-between ✖ outspoken / reserved  / in-between
✖ leader / follower / in-between / neither
✖ empathetic / apathetic / in-between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ✖ traditional / modern / in-between ✖hard-working / lazy / in-between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in-between ✖ loyal/ disloyal / unknown / depends ✖ faithful/ unfaithful / unknown / depends
▐ BELIEFS ;; ✖ Faith – monotheistic / polytheistic / atheist / agnostic/ nontheist / undetermined (I headcanon him as christian) ✖ Belief in Ghosts/Spirits – yes/ no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Afterlife – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Reincarnation – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Belief in Aliens – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ Philosophical – yes / no / sometimes
▐ ABILITIES ;; ✖ Combat Skills – excellent / good / moderate/ poor / none ✖ Literacy Skills – excellent / good/ moderate / poor / none ✖ Artistic Skills – excellent / good /moderate/ poor / none ✖ Technical Skills – excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none
▐ HABITS ;; ✖ Drinking Alcohol – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Smoking – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Other Narcotics – never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Indulgent Food – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Splurge Spending – never / sometimes/ frequently / to excess / rarely / once ✖ Gambling – never / sometimes /frequently/ to excess / rarely / once
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eternalstarlights · 9 months
@arcgeminga continued from here.
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“Wasn’t the host the one being rude to the guest in the first place? You really are a brat.”
Ember was not going to argue about her offer of friendship. It was as he said. The Underworld was a dog eat dog world so her offer of friendship was a half lie.
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“Hah, is that so? You think of yourself above all of us here. Fine, I won’t ask anymore but since I am so kind, here is a word of warning. Since you are a former saint with no allies in the Underworld, you should watch your back. There are a lot of specters suspicious of you and what you said to me won’t do you any good. It is like you said, the Underworld is a dog eat dog world. I won’t be surprised if there are some specters who distrust you enough to do something unfortunate to you.”
Specters could not die but that won’t stop a specter if they did not like someone. Of course, most specters were focused on their duty to Hades but there will always be a few who are not.
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eternalstarlights · 9 months
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eternalstarlights · 5 months
Which symbolic fruit are you?
Stolen from dash
Tagging: @hxdrostorms (any muse) and anyone else who wants to do this.
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Leo Regulus - Clemetine
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In Chinese culture, clementines, known for their bright orange, waxy exterior, were symbolic of gold, and by extension, wealth, good fortune and abundance. Trees that bear clementines (or mandarins, as they're also known as) are often used to decorate the thresholds of Chinese households as a sign of good luck and prosperity. As lucky as Clementines may be, so are you and those around you. With a sunny disposition, and a knack for seeing the best in everyone, and the good in the world around you, you're someone who believes that the glass is always half full. Things can always be worse, and they will always get better, one way or another! Like the vibrant clementines you're known for bringing light to those who need it, and always bringing laughter to your friend group. However, such a bright exterior can sometimes hide a deep and lingering sadness. Remember: even the light sometimes has to dim, and even the sun has to set. Don't worry; it'll always come back.
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Kunikida Doppo - Dates
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In Islam, during Ramadan, dates are used to break the daily fast that Muslims engage in and are sacred symbols of faith, abundance, longevity, hospitality and peace. In other faiths, they are also used to represent faith, power and pilgrimage. Dates, being high in sugar, are prosperous in desert regions and were known for keeping men from starvation. In the same way dates are subtly sweet, so are you. More even-tempered than others, though you likely have a more placid surface, your waters do run deep. You're someone who has a strong connection to whatever faith or belief system you believe in and enjoy engaging in deep conversations with those around you. Contemplation and gratitude are words that aren't rare in your vocabulary. You spend much of your time putting others before yourself, getting by on the dates of kindness alone. Just remember, you cannot survive to be there for other people; you have to put yourself first sometimes.
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Portrayer Phantasos - Cherry
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In popular culture, cherries have come to represent sensuality, sex, and seduction. In the cult classic, Twin Peaks, Audrey Horne expresses her sexual expertise by tying a cherry stem with her tongue. "Cherry" is also used to refer to the concept of virginity: why? I don't know to be honest, but here we are. Much like the cherry, you're a sensual person who enjoys all the creature comforts the world offers. You enjoy delicious food, dynamic relationships, passionate lovemaking and stimulating conversation; however, you may also come across a touch vapid or shallow, due to your quickly fading attention when something has served its usefulness to you. To quote some man on tinder: "you're here for a good time, not a long time". You can come across, at times, slightly tart, carrying a bit of a bite to you that not everyone can handle. That’s okay: you’re an acquired taste!
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Ember Bi Fang - Pomegranate
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The pomegranate is most famously attributed to the Greek goddess, Persephone. Though versions of the story differ: with some saying Persephone was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds to be trapped in the underworld, and some saying she willingly chose to eat the seeds. Pomegranate's have a hard exterior that is tough to crack. Your hard shell is a natural protectant and keeps you safe from those that only wish to use you. Internally you are rich with bounties. You believe in living your life passionately and vibrantly. The idea of surrendering to a fate of being confined to anything, whether it be a relationship, a job, or family dynamic where you are not happy and lack agency is a terrifying prospect. It is fears like this which also prevent you from opening up and showing vulnerability to those around you. However, like the pomegranate whose seeds sparkle like gemstones, you hide inside you incredible beauty that only the most worthy deserve to see.
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Sasha/Athena - Dates
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In Islam, during Ramadan, dates are used to break the daily fast that Muslims engage in and are sacred symbols of faith, abundance, longevity, hospitality and peace. In other faiths, they are also used to represent faith, power and pilgrimage. Dates, being high in sugar, are prosperous in desert regions and were known for keeping men from starvation. In the same way dates are subtly sweet, so are you. More even-tempered than others, though you likely have a more placid surface, your waters do run deep. You're someone who has a strong connection to whatever faith or belief system you believe in and enjoy engaging in deep conversations with those around you. Contemplation and gratitude are words that aren't rare in your vocabulary. You spend much of your time putting others before yourself, getting by on the dates of kindness alone. Just remember, you cannot survive to be there for other people; you have to put yourself first sometimes.
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eternalstarlights · 6 months
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@diverse-hearts-ocs asked: "Whoa there - you could take our someone's eye like that!" - Ethan
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Ember looked at him, unimpressed by his reaction.
“If I want to take your eye out, I could have easily done so, hacker,” she said as she waved the knife near his face.
Was she threatening him? Perhaps? Or perhaps not?
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“So have you made your decision yet? The pay is good and if you help with this one job, you will be on the mafia’s good side.”
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eternalstarlights · 9 months
BOLD any fears that apply to your muse. ITALICIZE what makes them uncomfortable.
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the dark ✧ fire ✧ open water ✧ deep water ✧ being alone ✧ crowded spaces ✧ confined spaces ✧ change ✧ failure ✧ war ✧ loss of control ✧ powerlessness ✧ prison ✧ blood ✧drowning ✧ suffocation ✧ public speaking ✧ natural animals ✧ the supernatural ✧ heights ✧ death ✧ dying ✧ intimacy ✧ rejection ✧ abandonment ✧ loss ✧ the unknown ✧ the future ✧ not being good enough ✧ scary stories ✧ speaking to new people ✧ poverty ✧ loud noises ✧ being touched ✧ sex ✧ chains ✧ inner demons ✧ hallucinations ✧ staring ✧ betrayal
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the dark ✧ fire ✧ open water ✧ deep water ✧ being alone ✧ crowded spaces ✧ confined spaces ✧ change ✧ failure ✧ war ✧ loss of control ✧ powerlessness ✧ prison ✧ blood ✧drowning ✧ suffocation ✧ public speaking ✧ natural animals ✧ the supernatural ✧ heights ✧ death ✧ dying ✧ intimacy ✧ rejection ✧ abandonment ✧ loss ✧ the unknown ✧ the future ✧ not being good enough ✧ scary stories ✧ speaking to new people ✧ poverty ✧ loud noises ✧ being touched ✧ sex ✧ chains ✧ inner demons ✧ hallucinations ✧ staring ✧ betrayal
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the dark ✧ fire ✧ open water ✧ deep water ✧ being alone ✧ crowded spaces ✧ confined spaces ✧ change ✧ failure ✧ war ✧ loss of control ✧ powerlessness ✧ prison ✧ blood ✧drowning ✧ suffocation ✧ public speaking ✧ natural animals ✧ the supernatural ✧ heights ✧ death ✧ dying ✧ intimacy ✧ rejection ✧ abandonment ✧ loss ✧ the unknown ✧ the future ✧ not being good enough ✧ scary stories ✧ speaking to new people ✧ poverty ✧ loud noises ✧ being touched ✧ sex ✧ chains ✧ inner demons ✧ hallucinations ✧ staring ✧ betrayal
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the dark ✧ fire ✧ open water ✧ deep water ✧ being alone ✧ crowded spaces ✧ confined spaces ✧ change ✧ failure ✧ war ✧ loss of control ✧ powerlessness ✧ prison ✧ blood ✧drowning ✧ suffocation ✧ public speaking ✧ natural animals ✧ the supernatural ✧ heights ✧ death ✧ dying ✧ intimacy ✧ rejection ✧ abandonment ✧ loss ✧ the unknown ✧ the future ✧ not being good enough ✧ scary stories ✧ speaking to new people ✧ poverty ✧ loud noises ✧ being touched ✧ sex ✧ chains ✧ inner demons ✧ hallucinations ✧ staring ✧ betrayal
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the dark ✧ fire ✧ open water ✧ deep water ✧ being alone ✧ crowded spaces ✧ confined spaces ✧ change ✧ failure ✧ war ✧ loss of control ✧ powerlessness ✧ prison ✧ blood ✧drowning ✧ suffocation ✧ public speaking ✧ natural animals ✧ the supernatural ✧ heights ✧ death ✧ dying ✧ intimacy ✧ rejection ✧ abandonment ✧ loss ✧ the unknown ✧ the future ✧ not being good enough ✧ scary stories ✧ speaking to new people ✧ poverty ✧ loud noises ✧ being touched ✧ sex ✧ chains ✧ inner demons ✧ hallucinations ✧ staring ✧ betrayal
Stolen from the dash
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this.
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