#until like 2hrs later ALAKALKSLAKSLAKS
bibleofficial · 1 year
i’ve only had 2 cups of coffee today & im pretty sure that’s why i’ve had a killer migraine all fuckin day
#stream#MISERABLE#making a conscious choice to cut down bc i was talking to my bestie abt how much caffeine is normal so i asked him like how long his cold#brew lasts (bc he makes his own at home in this thermos lookin thing idk) & he said about a week & i was SHOCKED bc it only looked like a#litre like girl … that would last me 2 DAYS !!!#& he said he has like half a cup of coffee w milk in the morning then another cup of coffee at work & i was 😭😭😭 ??#like i’m sitting at 1-2 energy drinks + 1-2 coffees a DAY 😭😭#or just 4-5 coffees if i don’t leave in a car#like very .. NOT NORMAOL#like ENJOY the coffee i make ? girl i don’t even ..#i make it throw 5-6 ice cubes in it then just chug it#like done#now i can get on w my day#until like 2hrs later ALAKALKSLAKSLAKS#anyway#it’s fucking freezing i’m going to kms i’m such a mess i’m so 😭😭#i’m EXHAUSTED#ok well to be FAIR#i had like the other .5 of a redbull after i left the guys house last night#at 10.30#& then ended up staying awake like just#until 2.30-ish tossed & turned all night then got out of bed proper at 1p#girl ..#& IM USUALLY IN BED BY MIDNIGHT IDEALLY#TO GO TO SLEEP#idk like i really would enjoy going to bed at 10p but i hate it as a Numbers Person#like i’m a numbers girl now after that 1 acid trip ALSKALKSALKSLA like ok 12-8 is just 0-8 = 8hrs of sleep ez#like idk it just MAKES SENSE#but it also makes equal sense to just … subtract 2#so it’s already a base of negative 2 u know what i mean
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