#until she couldn't remember exactly who Lena was
chronal-anomaly · 11 months
Today's brainrot is what, exactly, she had to do to survive while being lost in time. How many times she had to reinvent herself, how many times she had to shed her identity and replace it with a new one. How she had stained knuckles, worn shoulders, fighting and surviving in every new setting she was forced into,,, yeah.
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marvelover-3000 · 1 year
The Day I almost lost my World
Kate Bishop x Reader
It was a bright Saturday morning, and I was out on my usual morning run around central park. My plan was to take Lucky, but we all know that dog isn't much of a runner, despite being a golden retriever. I was walking back to Kate and my apartment when outside my door, probably about to barge in is my sister with not so many boundaries Yelena Belova. "What's up Lena, did you need something?" I say as I move past her to unlock the door. "Sestra you might need to sit down for this" she says with a uncharacteristic soft tone. We walk through the door to find lucky the lazy pizza dog and my girlfriend Kate on the couch watching tv. "Hey babe, I'm home and oh yeah Lena's here for some reason." With those words Lucky jumped off the couch and was bound for my sister. "Wow thanks lucky, just ignore your other mom over here." Kate then walks over and pulled me into a kiss "Don't worry Y/N, I missed you.' Just then Yelena cleared her throat and focused her attention back on me and away from the furry betrayer. "Y/N we really need to talk about the file in my hand. We also may want to do it in private, I don't think you want Kate knowing anything."
We both turned to my sister who had an expression I couldn't exactly read, sadness, guilt and maybe a flash of anger. "Well, you didn't use Kate's full name, so this must be serious. Though I think Kate can stay, since we have no secrets." I said the last part proudly and full of adoration looking at Kate. "Y/n is right, no secrets between us that's what great couples do. So, come on what's the big secret my future sister in law" Yelena then grimaces "Alright for starters gross and lastly, Sestra are you sure you want Kate here. It's about someone who you wouldn't want her knowing about." I sigh and hold out my hand "Yelena I'm sure it's fine, just please trust me and give me the file." She looks at the file and back at me "Before I do, Y/N it's about Abigail I think she's alive." I look back at her angrily "I told you to never bring her name up again, you know what happened Yelena she can't be alive she-" I cut myself off closing my eyes trying not to picture one of the worst and best days of my life. "Y/N, this file was at my door this morning and inside is a few pictures and it looks to be her, its Abigail she's alive." I take the file from her hands and open it not wanting to believe what was inside was true, until I looked at the pictures. Just then Kate says in a low tone "If it's alright, can I ask who she is?" Yelena gaze remains on me holding the file with a blank expression. "Abigail was Y/N first love and girlfriend, she was in the red room with us." Yelena then turns to Kate "Don't worry though Kate bishop I much prefer you, then her for my sister. I never really liked her anyway."
My eyes then snap up and meet Yelena's as I throw the file on the kitchen table. "I'm going for a walk to clear my head alone." I then turn to grab my jacket and start heading to the door. "Y/N, you better not be going to try and find her." I turn to face my sister with a scowl "No mom I'm not and so what if I am. What does it matter to you?" She then meets my gaze and matches my expression "Don't give me any attitude dear sister I'm older which makes me the one in charge remember. Which means you're not allowed to go looking for her especially not without me." Just then Kate chimes in "Alright, I think we all need to take a minute and sit down." I keep my gaze locked on Yelena "I'm an adult you can't be in charge of me anymore, it's not your job. I'm going after Abbie, by myself and I'll be back in a while."
I turn to leave, before Yelena stands in my way with her arm raised "Sestra please, just stay here while we make a plan." I look at her and laugh, "Really Lena you're going to what, shoot me with a widow bite if I don't stay here. Who's the mature one now." Kate then gets Infront of us and hold up her arms "Y/N and Yelena please just stop and listen." I keep my gazed locked on Yelena "Move and stay out of this Kate. This is between Yelena and me." Yelena then chimes in, " We both know who the mature one is and if Tasha was here, she would be on my side." I then raise my arms aiming over Kate's shoulder at Yelena "Say one of their names again I dare you, also of course she would be on your side. You were the favorite, I know she secretly wanted you there and not me with the avengers all those years." Yelena then laughed "Of course she wanted me there instead, because I was her actual sister. You were always the girl we found when we were kids in the red room together." I looked at her with anger and hurt which is why without thinking I fired a widow bite right at her shoulder hitting her. She then fell to her knees cursing in Russian peeling the bite off. Kate was standing there near them frozen unsure of what to do or say to stop this from escalating further. I look down at Yelena with a hurt expression "Sestra I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Just then I was cut off by a loud crashing noise coming from the opposite side of the room where someone just came flying through the window landing somehow gracefully.
We all got to our feet ready to fight when the intruder pulled their hoodie off and I was met with a face I thought I would never see again. "Hey Y/N, did you miss me?" she said with a smirk as she strolled over to us. "Don't come any closer to my sister Abbie." Yelena says with her arm in front of me. "Yelena, I promise I just want to talk, I thought you or Y/N would have found me by now. I see now that you guys were preoccupied fighting. I'm guessing over me right, I may have been spying on you guys from the rooftop across the street." I finally meet her gaze "Abbie how are you here, when I last saw you-" Abbie then laughs and cuts me off "You thought I was dead, since you know I did die in your arms, which by the way was pretty romantic. I wouldn't mind us getting to know each other again, since we clearly have grown up and matured." She says while she checks me out not caring bout Kate or Yelena. Kate then intervenes and holds out her hand "Hi I'm Kate, the girlfriend. I mean Y/N's girlfriend, not Yelena's that would be weird and honestly, she's scarier." I turn to look at Kate "Hey, I can be scary and intimidating to you know." Abbie then walks closer in my direction "I would say it's scary how hot you grew up to be, we would definitely be the hottest couple and still can be if you want." She says with a smirk and trailing her hand down my arm. Kate then gets in between us "Alright that's enough touching, what did you say you were here for again." Yelena then marched up to her and got in her face "She didn't say anything, so either you talk, or I kick you out myself. Also, Kate bishop is right don't touch my sister again, unless you want to lose a hand.
Abbie takes a step back and collects herself "Right sorry, I came here because I need your guys help. I've been trying to get out of the assassin game and retire. You know some place in the tropics, like we talked about where we would always live together, right princess" she looked over at me with a grin and a wink. "Abbie can we umm please get back on topic." I say flustered. "Anyway, I'm being tracked by too other assassins, which wouldn't be a problem for someone like me. If those people weren't some of the bests in the game." I step closer to her and take her hand away from her hair. "You still like to play with your hair when you're scared or nervous." She meets my gaze and laughs "Guess somethings never change huh. Y/N the people who are after me, it's my brother and his girlfriend, guess he must still hate me." I take her hand and squeeze it reassuringly. "Hey, we won't let that monster get you, not again. I will do everything to keep you safe Abigail." Before she could get a chance to respond Yelena walked up and broke us apart "Alright that's enough, Kate bishop is getting jealous of you guys and I don't like you, especially around my sister." Abbie laughs "Come on Yelena, we were kids would you just relax and move on." I then turned to a furious and jealous looking Kate. "Kate, honey you know I only have feelings for you right?" She looks at me with a forced smile "Yeah, totally I know that babe."
I then look back towards Abbie and Yelena "Alright you too break it up, Abbie do you know where your brother is?" She turns to me after one more smirk at Yelena. "Of course, but maybe I should just do this on my own, he's my brother and-" I hold up my hand to cut her off. "Abbie he may be your brother, but you need us, and we need to finish this." Yelena turned to me "If you mean kill them it's going to be me or Abbie. I'm not letting you get more blood on your hands Sestra." Then it was Kate's turn to object "Wait do we have to kill them, can't we just bring them in, so they face justice or badly injure them, so they don't come back or something." Yelena turned to Kate "Maybe its best you don't come Kate. This is our fight not yours, also we are all better fighters than you." Kate then scoffed and looked at me for help. "Kate, baby maybe its best you stay behind just this ounce. Before you argue with me just, please trust me, I can't have you getting hurt and trust me these guys are deadly." Then it was her turn to interrupt me "What about you, I always have your back remember. Also, wouldn't it be better to have the number advantage." Yelena turns to Kate "Normally yes Kate bishop but not in this case, they will just target you. Which will distract us especially Y/N." I turn to Yelena and Abbie letting out a sigh. "Can you guys get ready and give us a minute." They both nod understanding, Yelena and my eyes meet for a moment, and I gesture to my jacket. She luckily gets the message and gets my equipment on the way out knowing I'm about to trick Kate into not coming somehow.
I turn my attention back to Kate who looks at me with her arms crossed. "You're not going to convince me to stay Y/N I'm going." I sigh "If there's really nothing I can say or do then I guess you better grab your bow and get ready. I think I put it in the closet when I was cleaning before, I left for my run." She walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek "Thank you and I promise I'll be safe Y/N" she says before walking over to the closet. I walk behind her and when she opens it and looks confused when there's no bow. Before she can turn around, I gently shove her into the closet trying not to hurt her more than I already am. I lock the door and put a chair there for good measure. "Y/N, please don't do this. Baby please don't leave me to worry about you here and alone." I turn to lucky "Make sure that mom doesn't escape, please boy" he then barks in acknowledgement or at least I hope he understood me. "I'm sorry my love but I can't let them hurt you. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me for this" With that I left a confused Lucky and angry and hurt Kate. I make it to the roof where Yelena and Abbie are waiting. "Alright, I'm ready let's go." Yelena looks at me with concern. "Y/N, about everything that happened earlier." I cut her off by pulling her into a hug. "It's ok Lena, we were both very emotional and thrown off about the whole Abbie news. I love you sister and I always will." She returned the hug, "I love you to Sestra and I was not emotional. You were the one who was thrown off by the news, I tried telling you." Just then Abbie cleared her throat "Sorry, not that I'm not happy for you guys but I think we should probably go and find them now." I break apart from Yelena and focus back up "Right sorry, let's go finish the job and move on from this mess already."
We arrive at the abandoned warehouse that Abbie's brother and girlfriend are supposed to be. I turn to Abbie and Yelena "So, how do we want to go about this. I think we could either just go through the front doors since there probably already watching and expecting us or through that window up there" I say pointing to a window above the big old metal doors. Just then the doors creak open and out walks Abbie's brother and his girlfriend. "You guys all showed up, this is going to be a perfect reunion." He then focuses on me and Yelena "Well might I say Y/N you look incredible. If I wasn't with Becca here, I would totally steal you from my sister." I let out a laugh and shake my head "I see you haven't changed at all Derek, also my heart doesn't belong to anyone but my girlfriend Kate." He then lets out a chuckle "Ah yes the archer, I notice she isn't here. I was hoping for more of a challenge and to meet her, but I guess you three will have to do." Now it was Abbie's turn to laugh "I think you will find that the three of us are more than enough to take you down dear brother. Now let's end this ounce and for all."
With that said Abbie launched herself at her brother while Yelena and I took Becca. It was a pretty even fight so far, all of us trading punches and kicks, with the occasional knife jabs here and there. Until I saw Abbie being kicked into some cargo boxes while her brother was walking towards her with a sword, ready to finish her off. "Abbie look out" I yell while running over to them and picking up a sword laying on the ground. Before Derek could finish the job, I intercept his blade with mine and when our blades connect, I look him in the eyes and say, "You know, you really shouldn't leave your weapons laying around." He grunts in response while parrying my blade creating some distance between us. "If you would have told me we were allowed swords. I could have brought mine, you really should have sent a list of weapons in the file you left at Yelena's door or something." I then turned to Abbie "Go help Lena, I got your brother handled." She nodded in response while I focused my attention back on Derek. "You know, your sister Natasha was the only one who could beat me. She really was the best, shame she died a coward." My eyes then blazed over, and I yelled out angrily while charging him "Don't ever say her name again, you coward." I slashed my sword at him while he quickly dodged, and we then started trading hit after hit.
Meanwhile with Kate, she had successfully broken down the door and was on her way to the warehouse, she tracked Y/N's phone cause Abbie was the only one with the location. When she arrived, she first saw Yelena, Abbie and who she assumed was Abbie's brother's girlfriend. She then quickly scanned for Y/N and spotted her fighting Abbie's brother not far from where Yelena and Abbie were. She than reached for her zipline arrow, which she now noticed wasn't there. "Shit, the onetime I don't bring it, see this is what happens when someone locks me in a closet, and I have to hurry." She lets out a sigh of frustration and starts making her way down the building and across the street where they were. If only she could have made it quicker than she could have stopped what was about to happen.
Back with Yelena and Abbie were both gaining the upper hand on Becca. Yelena disarmed her, while Abbie was about to finish the final blow with her gun pointed at Becca. Derek looked over in time to see his girlfriend about to be executed. He then turned back to me and when I was about to go in for another strike, he caught me off guard and knocked my sword out of my hand. "My sister takes my world, I take hers." saying that his strikes got more aggressive and harder to dodge. I tried to kick my sword up and into my hands when Derek saw an opening and took it stabbing me right through the chest. I then hear Kate scream my name getting Yelena's and Abbie's attention. Abbie then pulls the trigger shooting Becca through the chest while racing over with Yelena to take down Derek. He pulls the sword from my chest while I start to collapse, Kate races over and catches me in her arms. Yelena and Becca both start trading blows with Derek until Abbie gets the upper hand and stabs Derek right through the heart. "I hope your final thoughts are filled with regret dear brother. You should have always been there for me in the red room, not resenting me for our parent's death even though there was nothing we could have done." With that thought she pulls the sword from his chest and focuses her attention on a sobbing Kate.
"No, no, Y/N please stay with me, I can't lose you to. Your all I have left, please don't leave me my love." I look up at Kate and let out a weak sigh "Take care of Yelena for me ok Kate. I love you, my archer." and with that my eyes started to close as ambulance and police were heard nearby headed in our direction. After a long drive to the hospital Kate, Abbie and Yelena were sat in the waiting room. Just then after hours of surgery, the doctors came out and told the three girls that Y/N would be ok and is resting but they could see her now. Kate was the first one to rush to Y/N side and take her hand "I know you can't hear me Y/N, but I just want you to know that we all love you and want you to come back to us now, please." Yelena then rested a hand on Kate's shoulder "She will be fine Kate bishop there's no need to worry. Y/n is the strongest out of all of us." Abbie then walked by Yelena "Shes right Kate and Shes lucky to have someone like you looking after her. You're a lucky girl." Kate then smiled and looked at me and said, "I really am, Y/N's my world and ill do anything to protect her." Just then Y/N started to open their eyes and blinking rapidly trying to adjust to the bright lights. "Hey guys, we won right, I didn't just get stabbed for nothing." Everyone's attention was then drawn back to me as I sat up a bit. Abbie then looked at me and smirked, "We sure did fearless warrior. It's finally over." With that we all went back to Kate and my place, ready to get some sleep and put the day and night behind us. However, when we got there Yelena said she would have Abbie stay with her for the night before her plane gets there to pick her up in the morning. Currently Kate and I were laying on the couch with my head on her shoulder. "I'm glad it's all over and your ok my love." I looked up to meet Kate's loving gaze, "I'll always come back to you Kate. I promise." Kate then leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead "Good, cause when I thought I lost you it broke me. When my dad died, he was my heart and a piece of it died that day. You are however my dear Y/N are my soul, my heart, my everything."
Meanwhile with Yelena and Abbie, they were currently tangled in Yelena's bed. Both agreeing though that it would just be a one-night thing. Also, they would never tell Kate and especially Y/N. The next morning rolled around, and Abbie was currently at Yelena's door ready to leave. "Make sure to tell Kate and Y/N bye for me and that ill hopefully see you all soon when you visit me in the tropics." Yelena then let out a laugh "Of course, I'll go over there sometime today to check in on them. Have a safe trip Abbie and well visit soon, promise." Abbie then hugged Yelena and said, "You have to come visit so we can have more mind-blowing sex." she let go and shot Yelena a quick wink leaving the former assassin flustered before she was out the door.
After a few hours have passed by Yelena was on her way to Kate and Y/N place when she saw the news on her phone. She immediately started rushing over to the apartment quicker. Kate and Y/N were on the couch when they both saw the news that a plane matching Abbie's private jet went down on the way to their tropical location. Yelena then came bursting through the door "Y/N you need to see the news." Y/N then sprung from the couch not caring about her sore injuries. "Lena, she made it right, there's no way the great Abbie went out from a plane crash right." Yelena then shook her head "No way, I guess we know what our next mission is now." Kate then shot up and looked at Yelena and I with a glare. "This time I'm coming, someone needs to have your guys back because clearly you need me. Especially my future wife who almost died." I then turned to Kate with heart eyes "Aww babe, you're the best" Yelena then started to gag "Alright love birds that's enough, we have an Abbie to save. So, let's get going."
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byzcntine · 2 years
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in a joint effort to take on the city as a collective front, and promote overall business solidarity, ceo's and big wigs from all over national city were invited to schmooze with the best of 'em. catco worldwide and l-corp bound together to throw the gala to end all galas ( outside of the holiday season, of course ) as a show of good intentions and no hard feelings for what was to come. both companies had seen their fair share of mishaps over the years. it was time to rein in a new era.
and of course, this meant fancy dresses and business suits. why wouldn't they be able to do so without donning their best attire? finely sculpted brows were in a consistent state of feigned elation as andrea made her way around the room, complimenting those she could barely even remember, and laughing at jokes that weren't even remotely funny. however much she liked the power, the mere aspect of having to do this for the rest of her life often made her want to throw in the towel. a notion brought on solely by the way morgan edge stared at most of the women in attendance like they were ripe for the picking; the way he hovered over some was rage inducing. or perhaps that was just a pang of jealousy that rose up when she noticed the way he honed in on @sunlightreverie. his eyes never truly leaving the decolletage of the rather form fitting dress she seemingly poured herself into that night. and while she couldn't exactly blame him, that didn't mean she had to like it.
there never really was a time where she was okay with anyone ogling lena — aside from one other person. that of which was currently suited up and making her way around the crowd with so much ease it made the new media mogul wonder what sort of gossip would make its way through the 'powerful' grapevine. @reignthem truly was a force to be reckoned with. that much she had known from the moment she met her. their back and forth sparring had undertones she chose not to acknowledge for quite some time, but that was a thing of the past. some how the woman's charisma and terrible socks weaseled their way in and set up home. the latter being something she wasn't fully prepared to voice aloud, though.
notion of a dance had been made in passing, and never brought up again, until a tap on the shoulder drew andrea from the current mundane conversation she found herself trapped in and towards the center of the room. music had been played throughout the night, leading to laughter and fun along the way, but when the melody changed to something a little more romantic, the crowd had a tendency to thin out. not that anyone could be blamed. they may have been rubbing elbows, but that didn't mean anyone wanted to be linked in such a manner with those around them. thankfully enough, what was about to go down, was something she was very much already entangled with already. she wasn't entirely sure who's idea it was for a shared dance, but there wouldn't be a single complaint heard.
blue hues locked on to those of brown as a smile played at her features. "a filet mignon amongst a bunch of minced meat." her lips curled even more so as arms moved to wrap around sam's figure. with lena busy preparing to give a speech, it left the two of them to be used as a means to represent the bridge between the two companies. "i don't know if i've already said it, or if i’ve said it enough, but you look rather handsome tonight." a hand moved to smooth down the top of the other woman's shirt before wrapping around her back once more.
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kookies2000 · 2 years
One reason I love The Owl House, LGBT+ representation of course. And this has obviously been said over and over before with everyone telling their own reason and story, so here's mine.
I didn't know what homosexualilty was until I was 16 years old and in theater. I saw a poster that said pride club and I had a lot of questions. I asked the master of our house and they said that homosexualilals were people of the devil so I shrugged and listened. Said what they wanted me to say. Long story short, theater class was full of homosexuals and they weren't as bad as my house hold described them to be. Heck, they were the most accepting people I ever met. Once I started warming up to the LGBT+ community, I made a transgender OC in a story I was writing. Still remeber writing a fan fic for FNAF and I made a trans girl as an important part of the story. My little brother asked about my story and I happily introduced my trans girl to him. Why was she trans, the story was about identity and knowing who you are. She was gonna be this confident girl who knew exactly what she wanted and who she was. Her purpose in the story was gonna be to help others find out who they are. I was so excited to write my story and my brother shared that excitement. To the point where he told all about my trans charater to a family member in our strictly Christian house hold. He was only five at the time. I had a massive talking, long bible lesson and punishment for it. So I threw away my story and my very first trans charater. Not to mention I was told to reject all homosexuals at my school including my theater class. I wasn't allowed to watch shows like Steven Univers or The Owl House either.
A few years later, graduation came and I still have connections with some theater kids and haven't cut any connections with my gay friends even after being asked to. Though, I'm still nervous about my very first bisexual charater and my first asexual/demi romantic charater. There's many reason's my Ducktakes story "Don't Back Down Again" has been on hiatus, but this reason is my #1 reason.
Some already know I manage to leave that house hold recently but that doesn't mean I'm not effected by what I was taught. I'm just nervous about continuing my story because I'm getting into the territory where I explore my first bisexual charater. Along with my first asexual/demi romantic charater. Maybe it's the memory of throwing away my first trans charater and the punishment that it came with. It's still there and it's keeping me from continuing from writing.
Heck, I remember always seeing Lena as a lesbian and wanting to write her as one. But I never did out of fear. Same for Violet being trans.
Though, I've been feeling more and more comfortable with writing LGBT+ characters now. The Owl House has grabbed my attention from how accurate it portrays religious abuse and manipulation through religion. It just tells our story beautifully and I couldn't help but want to write a fan fic for it. Writing down my outline and charaters, I'm starting to get use to making LGBT+ charaters. I'm excited to introduce my first lesbian couple and first gay OC. And maybe I'll be able to add a trans character as a call back to my very first LGBT+ OC.
What I'm saying is, The Owl House is a giant inspiration for me in writing. Not just telling the story of religious abuss and those who are trying to break from it, but making others feel more comfortable with them selves. I was never open about being in the asexual and aromantic spectrum until I started watching The Owl House. Lilith is incredibly important to me. Aroace lady who broke from away from her manipilator and trying to fix her wrongs, that's incredibly relatable and inspiring. These are the charaters I inspire to write and that's why The Owl House is so important to me.
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wolfish-trickster · 2 years
Care to dance?
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 3K
Summary: your best friend drags you to a dance lesson. After many training sessions with complete peaces of wood comes a handsome man to twirl you around
Warning: none, possible typos (as usual)
A/N: what you're about to read is word for word, action for action exactly the same as what happened to me 2 days ago. I can't stop thinking about that boy for some reason and this is my way of dealing with it, enjoy
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @forevernthensome @kozkaboi @the-emo-asgardian @theaudacitytowrite
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'Come on, it will be fun!' with these words your best friend from highschool invited you to join her on classical dance lessons. She was so excited, she always loved to dance. And since you liked to move around to music as well you agreed and joined her.
Until you found out how wooden some men can be.
One walked all over your shoes, the other always started with the wrong foot and there was this one guy who couldn't step to the rhythm to save his own life. Granted, there were some decent dancers, but they were so few and far in between you couldn't help but remember only the bad ones. But you didn't mind. Your friend enjoyed herself every single monday, nomatter who she danced with.
Today was supposed to be the last day of training with a big party at the end. Everyone came in their best clothes. Lena, your friend, took it a level further and brought a second dress as well.
"Why the heck would you bring it? One isn't enough?" you chuckled as you helped her zip up her black dress.
"In case I get sweaty. I wanna look my best for the whole night," she explained and twirled around showing off her black glittery skirt. "Time for the make up!" she said and happily skipped from bathroom back to the training room to do her make up infront of a huge mirror.
You akwardly stood next to her and admired both her and other girls moving little brushes along their faces. Every move, every stroke was done with such elegance. You were kind of jealous of them. How they could make it look so easy to do.
Lena glanced your way. "Don't you want to prettify yourself as well?"
"Huh? Oh, no. I already put make up over my acne and dark circles. That's enough for me."
"Oh come on! How about one thin eyeline? That won't hurt!"
"No," you sighed, "but everytime I wear eyeliners or eyeshadows they melt off of my skin and it looks like I was crying."
Lena pouted. "A lip gloss then? Please, wear at least that," she pleaded.
You rolled your eyes. "Fine, but can you put it on me please? I've always been sloppy with it," you chuckled.
Lena instructed you to open your mouth and stay still. When she was finished you glanced into the mirror. It didn't look that bad. The lip gloss was decent and you felt a little pretty.
"Alright, time to have sime fun!" Lena chirped and lead you hand in hand onto the dance floor. The teacher usually assigned all of the girls a male partner. This time it wasn't different. The only thing that was different was the fact there were too many girls, not enough boys. Some would have to dance with two girls.
A dark haired young man in black suit arrived and apologized for being late. You stared at him. You don't think you've seen him before on these classess. But some other men greeted him so he obviously was here before. Why couldn't you remember him?
"Excuse me," he asked, "with who should I dance?"
"You don't have a partner?" the teacher asked.
The young man shook his head. Teacher then turned to girls. "Which one of you doesn't have a partner?"
You and Lena shyly raised your hands. The teacher lead the young man to the two of you. "These ladies will dance with you tonight."
The man chuckled and leaned in to tell something to a tall blonde man standing infront of you. "I didn't have a partner and now I have two, what a start!"
He stood between you two then. The young man was taller than you, his dark hair kept falling into his blue eyes. You thought he looked cute. But you were worried if he was a good dancer or if you should say goodbye to your toes.
"Alright everybody!" the teacher clepped to get all of your attention. "We will start with valtz. First group please!"
All men lead their partners on the floor, with exception of some girls who didn't have partners and had to share just like you and Lena. The partner in question turned to both of you as if he wanted you to decide which one will be in the first group. You really wanted to put your cold hand into his warm one, but your anxiety won and you let Lena go first.
As soon as the music started and the pairs started dancing your jaw fell. The man dancing with Lena was incredible! The right posture, the right pace. Just beautiful. Looking at them was so satsfying you almost forgot to check the steps and refresh your memory.
The song ended, the man bowed and gracefully lead Lena to you. Just then you noticed his smile. Damn he was adorable.
Lena let go of his hand and you took her place. His palm was warm, a little rough. Maybe he did some kind of sport that roughens his palms. Climbing maybe? Martial arts?
As you got to the position you panicked. "With which leg do I start?" you asked, completely forgetting the fact you didn't know him.
The man smiled at you teasingly. "Let yourself get surprised."
You rolled your eyes and quickly glanced at the pair to your right. The music started, few beats passed. The lady started with her left leg. And so did you.
The dance was one of the most pleasant ones you've had in a long time. He lead you across the dance floor and you let go and relaxed your shoulders. For the first time you genuenly enjoyed the dance and even though you were supposed to look over your partner's shoulder you stole few glances at him as well. You noticed some dark short hair on his jaw, few birthmarks as well. And he smelled incredible. Not too much of a heavy cologne, but just the right amount to make it comforting.
You almost hated the fact songs were so short. The song ended, you both bowed and he lead you back to Lena. She instantly noticed how relaxed you were and smiled. "Oh shut up," you whispered to her before she could even say something. However her smile was promising you few words after the handsome stranger is out of the earshot.
Teacher announced the romantic dance. Tango. The young man lead Lena to the dancefloor and they danced just like before. Gracefully, elegantly, satisfyingly to watch. You tried to pay attention to which leg starts and wehere to move but with such a handsome man few meters away from you, it was next to impossible.
Just as you and Lena exchanged places Lena told you quickly: "Relax, you know this one, just follow the music and you'll be fine!"
You hoped she was right.
You got to the spot and got in a position. This time you knew how to start. But your partner still looked at you with his bright blue eyes and asked. "Do you know where to go?"
You nodded and fixed your gaze on his chest.
"Good," he replied.
The music started and you started moving. You counted the steps in your head. Slow, slow, quick-quick, slow, slow, quick-quick.
Everything was going great. He held you just right, he never once stepped on your shoes, you relaxed and for once stoppwd counting to enjoy the feeling of his wamr rough hand wrapped around yours. Just as you let your guard down he suddenly let go of you and twirled you earning a surprised yelp out of you, then brought you back into the position as if nothing happened. He chuckled at the way you lost your count over which leg should go now.
Thank god your suffering was cut short when the song ended. Then as the man lead you back to your friend you turned to him. "That twirl wasn't in the plan! Don't scare me like that."
The man chuckled. "I'm sorry. But it was fun."
You could see the wide smile of your friend from miles. You're gonna get earful from her, aren't you?
Few dances passed and then teacher called for break. Thankfully or unfortunatelly, your handsome partner left along with hsi friends to get glass of water. While he was gone your friend turned to you. "I think he likes you!" she said cheerfuly.
"Why would you think that?" you tucked a peace of hair behind your face.
"Because he twirled you like that! It was sooo cute! Not to mention he smiled at you accassionaly"
"One twirl doesn't mean anything," you rolled your eyes, "even though he is kina cute..."
Lena's eyes sparkled. "So you like him?" she smirked.
"Yeah I guess. But it's stupid, I don't even know his name!"
"I asked while you were dancing, his name's Loki."
Loki huh? Cute name to a cute person.
The break ended and the dancing resumed. But after few dances you started to notice him limp a little.
"You okay?" you asked as he lead you to dancefloor.
"Yeah, I just have tight shoes that's all."
"Ah, I'm sorry about that," you placed your hand on his shoulder and got into position.
"I'll manage. As soon as there's another break I'm getting these shoes the fuck away from me," he chuckled and looked down on your high heels, "I pity you tho. I can't imagine walking in these things," he pointed at your shoes.
You shrugged. "I'll manage."
Few more dances passed and now time for chacha. Your personally least favourite.
As you mentally prepared for the disaster you notced Loki limp more and more but trying to surpress it. Once again you asked him if he's alright and once again he told you he'll be okay.
Then as you danced he started talking to you. "I wanted to twirl you again just now, but I decided not to," he smiled.
"Thanks for not doing it," you told him and looked in his eyes. The two of you held your gazes a little longer but then quickly looked away.
Chacha passed with zero mistakes on your side, which was a miracle on it's own. But the true disaster was just before of you.
Next came in jive. You could dance it quite good, no worries there. But Loki... As soon as the music started he did bunch of weird steps, never knew when to turn and where to step. It was awkward.
As you and Lena exchanged places and Loki once again lead you to the dancefloor he leaned down to your ear. "I don't really know how to dance this one, I'm sorry" he whispered with a hint of chuckle.
You waved your hand. "We'll survive."
It wasn't as awkward as you thought it will be. True, he didn't know what to do and was improvising most of the time, but so were you. His steps threw you off so much the both of you just stepped wherever you could to not step all over ypur partner's shoes. At the end of the dance Loki lead you back and both of you laughed at how terrible it was.
After everyone in the room danced all 15 dances you learned it was time for men to ask random girls to dance. You, a wallflower your entire life, sat down on a free chair and watched other men take theri new dance partners for the first dance. Loki took Lena. You weren't jealous or anything. You were sad, because no one came to take you. You'll always be the spare it seemed.
The dance ended, men bowed to their ladies and lead them back to their seats. You just sat there and fidgeted with your ring. Loki then extened his hand towards you. "Do you want to dance?"
Your brief depression got exchanged by joy as you slided his hand in his. "Yes! At least someone will dance with me tonight!"
"What, you're not used to men asking you to dance?"
You shook your head and smiled like crazy. Just then you realized you had no idea what dance was next. "Crap, what are we dancing?" you asked.
Loki smirked. "Surprise."
"Well, thanks a lot," you mumbled and he chuckled. Turns out the next was rumba. You and him made little smalltalk over the dance, it was mainly him cursing his shoes and you suggesting to stuff his them with napkins to avoid callosity.
The dnace ended and you reluctantly said goodbye to him in your mind. The rest wasn's so bad. Out of 15 dances you danced 7 times. Six more men chose to dance with you. First was a blonde friend of Loki's. You hoped it was Loki who suggested it. Even if it wasn't yoi were still happy someone chose you.
Then it was time for the women chosing new partners. You didn't know that many people in this group. You went to get Loki but he was already snatched by some other girl. Instead you went for the only other guy you knew, Loki's blond friend.
"Can I dance with you?"
"Sure," he downed the glass of water he was holding and took your hand. He was such a bad dancer himself. Randomly in the middle of the dance he asked. "What's your name?"
"I'm y/n."
"I'm Thor. Nice to meet you," he smiled.
"Nice to meet you too," you smiled back and finished the dance.
You sat for the next round and waited for it to be over. When it did you quickly stood up and made your way over to Loki. He looked quite spent.
"You good?" you asked first. If his feet hurt too much you wouldn't preassure him and ask someone else.
To your surprise he nodded. "Yup, I'm good."
"Well," you shifted awkwardly, "care to dance then?"
He smiled at you. "Of course."
You danced together for the last time and you enjoyed your time. You didn't even shy away and admjred him from upclose. There was a huge possibility you will never meet again so you tried to remember every single detail about him.
Unfortunately, the dance ended way too soon and he lead you back to your seat. After few more dances where you asked two or three guys you happened to know the formal part was officialy over. Next was plain old party.
Lena used this time to take you to a secluded area. "So, how was it?"
"Quite good. And you were wrong, he doesn't like me," you told her sadly.
"What? Did he tell you?"
"No, but-"
"Then there's still hope! Besides you were talking together! He didn't talk to me at all," she tried to cheer you up.
"I don't know Len, we don't even know eachother..."
Lena took your hand and lead you back where the party was. "Let's fix ut then!"
But ass soon as you stepped foot into the room again Loki was nowhere to be seen. You glanced at the clock on the nearby wall. Maybe he was too tired already.
"Ah, what a shame," you said sadly.
"Hey, don't be sad! I know few people who are his friends, we'll find a way for you guys to meet again."
"Thanks Lena," you hugged her. She really was a great friend. "Now, let's break the dnace floor!" you took her hands and lead her to the center of the room.
When you opened your eyes the last thing you wanted to do was to move out of your cozy warm blankets. So you searched for your phone on the nightstand to browse through youtube. As soon as you turned your phone on you saw multiple messages from your friends. But one of them stood out the most to you.
You opened the chat you have with Lena to see what she sent you. There was just a screenshot of an instagr account with one single message saying 'found him :D'. You read the name of the acount and realized it's Loki's! How Lena managed to find him was beyond you.
You quickly thanked her and searched him up on instagram. As you were about to click on the follow button you stopped yourself. Isn't it gonna look too desperate? Too weird?
You smiled sadly to yourself and shook your head. Of course it will. It always does.
You pulled back your finger and looked at his profile. No pictures, no posts, minimalist at the heart. And it was private as well. You took a screenshot and switched to youtube. You'll worry about the follow not follow thing later. Now it was time to play some songs and funny vine compilations. You had a way of contacting him in the future. That's the only thing you needed for now.
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Pedro Pascal and Lena Headey
Head to head interview
Hunger Magazine, Issue 6. Released December 28, 2014. Photoshoot October 15, 2013.
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Thirteen million. That's the number of people, on average, who tuned into each episode of the third season of Game of Thrones. Among them was Chilean actor Pedro Pascal, who was as enthralled by the sex and slaughter as the rest of us. But little did he know that within a few months he'd be pitching up on the shores of Belfast to join the cast as Oberyn Martell, affectionately known as the Red Viper. Sound ominous? It is. The Red Viper is GoTs newest anti-hero, “sexy and charming but driven by hate”. Sounds like he'll be right at home.
Pedro, on the other hand, though he looks good on paper, wasn't the obvious choice for the role. Expecting a big name to ride into King’s Landing, the show's fans took to forums to express their concerns as soon as the news broke. So is he worried? Like hell he is. “The fans had the part cast in their minds already. They knew who they wanted and it certainly was not me. But I'm not stupid, | presumed that people were going to say ‘who the fuck is this guy’. Since I anticipated the reaction it didn't throw me off.”
“There are so many different ways to go into battle with yourself when you're trying to get a job. I felt a certain amount of pressure because I wanted to make everyone happy. The fan base is so specific and, as a fan myself, I understand the relationship that they have with the show. The Red Viper is the best part I've ever played, and in season four shocks come at the most unexpected times. You might think you know, but you have no idea,” he explains.
Looks like the Red Viper could be in line to fill a Walter-White-sized-hole in television, but to test the theory we pit Pascal against Lena Headey, aka the Queen. Because if you can come away from Cersei unscathed, you can handle anything.
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LH: So, Pedro, you come into Game of Thrones in season four, playing a pretty major character. Does that fill you with joy or dread?
PP: I'd say it fills me with joy because it’s a really fucking fun part. He’s a badass. He comes up against a lot of the main characters in the show. I'm very aware of the show. I watch it like a fan.
LH: Were you a fan before you arrived in Belfast?
PP: Yeah, I was a proper fan. I was caught up in the drama of it before I even auditioned for the part. I was already up to speed.
LH: I remember meeting you and thinking, “he fucking loves the show’.
PP: I kissed your ass.
LH: Well, it worked. We're friends now.
PP: I was like a tourist visiting the set, and yet I had to act with you and be in a scene with the characters that I had such a specific association with already.
LH: So you’re saying it’s boring?
PP: No, it wasn’t boring at all. It was extremely, relentlessly surreal.
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LH: And who were your favourite characters up until that point?
PP: Not you.
LH: I realise that!
PP: There are too many characters to have a favourite, but I was fascinated by the Lannisters because they're so frightening. They scared me and then you would come in and pull sympathy from your audience somehow, and I found that rather fascinating. The Northerners were so easy to like or get behind, but it was quite something to see people sympathise with a Lannister, after you made people see things from their perspective.
LH: Speaking of being slightly ambiguous as a character, you come in as a major player and a very well-loved character in the eyes of people who read the books, and he’s somewhat of an anti-hero. Did you base him on anyone?
PP: What does an anti-hero mean exactly?
LH: It means he doesn't wear deodorant, doesn't it? [Laughs]. Someone you shouldn't champion, but you do, like Walter White in Breaking Bad.
PP: No, | didn’t really base him on anyone.
LH: Did you take anything from classic movies that you thought you could use and spin to your advantage playing the Red Viper?
PP: God, that’s a good question. I probably did subconsciously. Now I feel under the spotlight because I need to think of somebody, and I have so many in my mind! I think that’s something that is happening a lot in TV today: the anti-heroes are central to these television shows, and people are really getting behind them, even though they're not necessarily the most moral characters. So I'd say that ‘ve become more familiar with the character who's obviously very flawed but gets you on their side — you have complicated feelings about them. But I think I saw the story too much from this character's perspective to perceive any flaws.
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LH: He has some.
PP: I know, from the outside. But I don't see any of them. What are his flaws?
LH: His flaws? He's a dirty bastard!
PP: Why is he a dirty bastard? He likes to fucking fight, for sure.
LH: Back to you as an actor. You've done it for a long time and, as we all know, the path is not always golden, and sometimes you think, “fuck it” and you want to leave it and do something else. Have there been moments where you wanted to give up?
PP: Yes, there have been moments where I came very close to giving up. But I never had anything to fall back on. I think you can understand that.
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LH: Because were stupid?
PP: We're stupid.
LH: I can't even make pizza!
PP: We don’t have any other skills.
LH: None at all!
PP: And that’s the odd conundrum. You get to a point where you think, “This isn’t going to happen. This isn’t sustainable. I'm too exhausted, and it can't be good for me.” There were moments where I truly did try to formulate an idea of what I'd do. I thought I'd go back to school, start pre-med again and go to medical school or something like that.
LH: But that didn't happen, you just thought about it?
PP: Yes, I'd have thoughts, but it was still fantasy really. But at the time it felt like a practical life plan. Do you know what I mean?
LH: Yeah of course, you need to pay the fucking rent.
PP: Exactly. You just try to escape from the chaos of what you're feeling by trying to create order in your life. Order seems like a solution to save you from the pain of acting!
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LH: It's a mental pain. Who was the first person you called when you got the role?
PP: My sister.
LH: Does she watch the show?
PP: Yes, she does.
LH: Pedro Pascal... or Pablo as I called you when I had too much wine, which was deeply insulting.
PP: Even family members have done that to me! Do I look more like a Pablo? Because it happens with about ninety-five percent of the people I meet.
LH: No, I think I’m just an ignorant drunk person.
PP: No, you were an ignorant drunk person that night is what you're saying.
LH: And now I’m educated.
PP: [Whispers] But | want you to call me Pablo.
LH: Ok, Pablo! When you first arrived on set in Northern Ireland, what was your feeling showing up to a bunch of British actors? Did it feel different to doing an American project?
PP: Yes, but I loved it. It wasn’t intimidating. I found it surreal because I’d watched and loved the show. I hadn't had the opportunity to work on something that I was really familiar with before, so it was overwhelming. But it was far more delightful than intimidating. Also you guys were really cool. Everyone was friendly.
LH: Oh, that’s just fake.
PP: Well, you guys were good at it!
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LH: We know Game of Thrones is very popular obviously. Do you have any thoughts, or fears, about what this is going to bring you in terms of exposure?
PP: I have hope.
LH: Oh, God. I don’t mean to shatter that, but give it up.
PP: I don’t know really. It’s all been filmed, and now I'm back to my normal routine, so I haven't really thought about it. I remember when we finished filming and we were on our way to the airport, you asked me, “How does it feel you're all done?” and I couldn't really answer.
LH: You were quite emotional that day.
PP: I was very emotional because I’d had such an amazing time doing the part. Also just being there immersed in the experience... You described it to me best. You told me how I'd be feeling.
LH: We don't know your character's backstory when you enter the show, and you have some rather brutal scenes. Anyone who has read the books will know what I’m talking about.
PP: My character comes in, he stirs a bunch of shit up, and then he makes this fucking enormous exit. Now can | ask you a question?
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LH: What is it? I’m not going to sleep with you. Give it up.
PP: Oh, come on! This has gone to shit and it’s your fault, so good luck to whoever has to edit it! But anyway, sometimes I'd hang out with the cast members and we'd go to dinner and they would get stopped constantly. There was no denying who they played because they were so recognisable, but you got away with it because you have this beautiful blonde wig on in the show, and in real life you are...
LH: Grey?
PP: {Laughs] No! You have beautiful chestnut hair! Is it liberating to not be recognised the way some of the other cast members are?
LH: Yes, it is liberating.
PP: Liberating being able to walk down an alley in Dubrovnik without being stopped?
LH: Yes, except sometimes | get recognised in the weirdest places. A woman was emptying my bag at Heathrow Airport's security gates and just went, “Are you the Queen?” while rummaging through my underwear. It was so fucking weird.
PP: It seems they're more respectful to you?
LH: Because they're frightened. Wait until they meet the Viper.
PP: Well, that covers it.
LH: I think we're going to get our own show out of this, you know
Interested in learning more about Pedro? Check out Pedro Pascal Unofficial on Pinterest!
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soccerbites · 4 years
tea party mademoiselle, JJ Maybank
masterlist in bio
a.n: i posted this a few months back so if you think it's familiar that's probably why :) english is not my first language so i apologize in advance for any mistake.
words count: 2,1k
warnings: maybe a little cursing??? but i think not.
(not my gif if it's yours please tell me so i can give you credits)
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You woke up by someone jumping in your bed and instantly remembered the promised you had made the night before your mum about taking care of your little sister that day. She had to do double shifts at work, meaning she would be out from seven a.m until around nine p.m.
"Lena stop" you told the five years old girl and she obeyed to your order, sitting next to you where you were laying.
After looking at your phone and noticing it was almost nine a.m you asked her if she wanted to have breakfast, to what she replied with a yes, filled with excitement because she loved your french toasts.
While you two were enjoying the flavorsome food you had prepare, your phone started buzzing and the name of JJ appeared on the screen, you answered the call.
"pretty girl" your friend said through the speaker.
"how you doing gorgeous?" you decided to follow his little game that after all the years of friendship was a completely normal thing between you two, flirting all the time was like the signature of your personal bond, making everyone think JJ and you were involved in something more personal and intimate; which was not close at all from reality.
"our plans for today still on your agenda?" JJ asked, you could tell he was eating due to the weird way he was talking and also your friends had this bad habit of chewing really loud and it made you go insane, but it didn't matter when you recalled on how you were supposed to pick him up and spend the day at the beach together.
"oh shit-" you started but he interrupted you.
"i knew you would forget traitor ass bitch" he didn't sound mad, in fact he was laughing.
"i'm so so sorry Jay" you began talking with your hand on your forehead while the little monster in front of you was watching you, "my mom is doing double shift at work today and i promised to take care of Lena, i'm so so sorry".
"wait, you are with Lena right now?"
"yes, she is looking at me right now, in a malicious way, sometimes she scares the hell out of me" JJ laughed at what you said.
"put me on speaker i wanna talk to her" you could feel how he was smiling on the other line, JJ loved Lena and she loved him, your sister even told you once how she had a crush on him, even though she pissed you off most of the time, it was adorable.
"k", you pulled the phone away from your ear and pressed the button, "someone wants to talk to you" you said to her and then placed the electronic gadget between you two so both could hear him.
"hi princess!" your friend greeted Lena and you saw how her were flooded with joy when she distinguished JJ's voice, "you ok over there?" he asked after a few seconds without any answer, your little sister was shocked.
"Lena! say something to him!" you laughed at her priceless reaction.
"i can't, i'm nervous" she 'whispered' but you knew very well that he had heard her.
"why?" you asked Lena just to mess with the poor little girl.
"he is too cute! you know i like him" her face was close to be red as a tomato, "you talk to him! he is your boyfriend!".
"you know he is not my boyfriend silly kid!" she looked at you deadly in the eyes, "fine fine, i'll talk to him" you brought your phone closer to you but the speaker was still on, "Lena can't talk right now JJ" you glanced at her, she was pointing at the bathroom, "She's on the bathroom right now" with a smile on her face she pulled her thumbs up, indicating you were doing alright.
How the fuck a five years old can be like that?
"oow, that's too bad! i wanted to ask her if she would like that i come over and play with you guys!" JJ and you knew exactly what you were doing, and both loved it.
"shit man" your sister opened her eyes wide open and started moving her head up and down very fast and drastically, "but, i'm sure she would love that you came" you said after getting her message.
" i don't know, i think she hates me-" JJ couldn't finish talking 'cause Lena yelled.
"NO JJ I LOVE YOU PLEASE COME TO MY HOUSE" you held back a laugh.
"oh Lena, there you are!" she was sitting on the floor with her hands over her mouth, not believing what she had just screamed, drama queen just like you, "if you ask me like that i can't say no, i'll be there by midday with food to eat".
"see you Jay"
"see you girls" he hang up and you smiled at your sister who's mouth was wide open.
Waiting for JJ was life-threatening when Lena didn't stop running around the house while howling around the house "JJ is coming here! JJ is going to play with me!", at the beginning was funny and sweet, but after almost two hours of hearing it you wanted to kill her cold-blooded style.
The knock on your door sounded like angels melody entering your ears, your little sister ran towards the door and when you arrived there she had already opened it and let JJ get inside.
"Lena! what if it was a murderer?" you complained for her actions, but she just ignored you and turned to face JJ.
"JJ you have to promise me one thing" she spoke as one of her fingers got close to JJ's face, "you will play with me and not just kiss my sister!" she said extremely serious about it.
"it will be hard not to 'cause she looks beautiful today but i promise you i will not" the blonde expressed as he handed you a greasy brown bag, which you assumed contained the food he said he was going to bring, and winked at you, making you roll your eyes,
"i knew it! JJ is your boyfriend! you were lying to my Y/N!" your dramatic and innocent sister yelled at you.
"No kid, he is messing with you, we are just friends" you replied to her laughing it off.
"I WANT JJ TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Lena started crying an ran to her room.
"five years old and she's already a drama queen just like her big sis" your best friend scoffed.
"go after her you blondie king" you ordered while setting the table to eat.
"why me? she's your sister" JJ complained
"because she loves YOU way more than she loves ME, besides, you started this, you fix it" you said as placing glasses for the three of you.
JJ used his beauty features to persuade Lena to eat.
Lunch went by fast, lots of laughs and jokes included. The golden boy and you love to mess with your little sister.
You were playing UNO in the living when suddenly the tiny monster stood up full of excitement.
"I have an idea!" she happily said.
"what is it princess?" JJ asked, his angelic blue eyes were focused on the cards held by his hands, thinking about which one throw and deciding over a plus two, thing that made you lift your middle finger and picked up two from the little mountain over the table.
"we're going to bake cookies!" the boy and you looked up to her with a frown on your faces.
"why?" you asked.
"why not?" JJ replied, it was pretty obvious he just wanted to piss you off.
The three of you followed an easy recipe your mom always made on weekends. When you finally introduced the tray filled with the raw cookies the kitchen was a mess, flour everywhere and some cookie dough was sprayed all over the mount kitchen from when JJ picked you up and spun you around.
Five minutes before they were done you told them to go and play or something like that, giving you time to make some coffee and clean a little bit.
You walked into the living room and what you found was the most amazingly cute thing you had seen in your short life. JJ and Lena were sitting in the floor around the little table you were playing cards, unless that now it was filled with plastic mugs and plates. Your little sister had her Rapunzel dress on and the blonde boy was wearing a silver crown with fake amethysts on it and around his neck a pink and purple boa. You decided to appreciate the scenario for a few more seconds, JJ was faking drinking from his cup and Lena was saying something to him that you couldn't hear because you were to immersed into how great your best friends was with kids.
"what are you two beautiful kids doing?" you asked while walking towards them.
"it's a tea party mademoiselle you have to talk properly" JJ scold you.
"oh! i'm so sorry! it was very inconsiderate of me! i brought some tasty cookies to share with you" Your sister gave you a similar boa to the one that JJ was wearing but yours was electric blue and your crown was actually a flowers one.
It was almost seven p.m and after lots of begs and promises you gave up and let Lena and JJ do your make up.
The little girl went running to her bedroom to find her 'products' as she called them and you took advantage of being alone with JJ and told him what you had thought about earlier.
"JJ" you called him and he looked at you, "you are great with kids, you will be an awesome dad" on his face appeared the biggest smile of them all, you knew how much what you were saying meant to him due to everything he had gone through with his dad. He told you multiple times before how he was afraid of ending up being like his dad, but after today you were sure there was no way the pretty boy that was in front of you ended up that way.
"Thank you Y/N it means that you think of me that way" you smiled to him, almost letting an i love you slip from your mouth.
"WHO'S READY FOR THIS?!" Lena screamed.
"Let's get to it" you said, still looking at JJ.
"And JJ" he turned his head, now facing the girl, "i'm doing your make up too"
"Of course you are princess! i want to be as beautiful as Y/N is!"
The whole day was just perfect, you had no words to describe how happy and delighted you felt.
When your mum arrived JJ left. Lena told her everything and she was amazed with the boy, it was a side of him that no one, not even you had seen before and it was a lovely one.
You were turning off the lights of your room when someone entered your room, your mom.
"i do not really know what is happening between you and JJ but, from what you guys told me he was the best today" she smiled at you "so i would reconsider the 'no pogue on pogue macking' rule you told me about and finally leave the just friends aside, it's pretty obvious you two like and love each other in other ways than that" she closed the door without giving you the chance to answer.
The screen of your phone lighted up when you got a text from the boy.
- i was thinking about what you said about me being a good dad, you will be an awesome mom too, but i don't want to have kids if it's not with you, whatcha say?
You were shocked by what he was saying.
- i'm pretty sure that for that to happen there are lots of steps ahead ;)
- like what?
- idk, asking me out first? a kiss?
- my precious Y/N would you do me the honor of going tea partying again? this time just the two of us.
- i'll be delighted JJ Maybank
- and what about letting me kiss you at that tea party?
-it'd be a little inappropriate but i might give in
-god you have no idea of how happy you make me pretty girl.
- you too golden boy
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
Weariness and cynicism is deadly.
When we were growing up, I remember my paternal grandfather once said to me: Weariness and cynicism is deadly.
At the time I didn't really understand the comment, but as I got older, it was something that I've kept in the back of my mind, in part because I would hate for me to become weary & cynical in life.
The last few episodes of Supergirl have had this line come roaring to the forefront with me.
Right now, weariness and cynicism within the Supergirl fandom (and not just a ship), has now shown in ratings.
You could argue as to why the ratings have dropped, and there are certainly going to be a few reasons for it. After all, in any season of a show you get peaks and troughs on the figures.
With Supergirl though, it has been a steep hit, then a steady decline afterwards. 
I've been writing this over a few days, and yesterday the synopsis for 5.19 dropped.
Now you can tell this was written before they planned on merging some of 5.20 into 5.19 and it became the finale, and this is given away by the 'penultimate episode,' wording. That is true, so knowing elements of 5.20 will be merged into it, means there is likely a divergence to this synopsis on some level. If there is, once again the marketing has failed to adapt with these changes. 
However, the synopsis also has people absolutely at the end of their tether over Kara and Lena. Why? The 1st segment:
'Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) realizes that in order to stop Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) and Leviathan she must work with the one person she never thought she’d trust again – Lena (Katie McGrath).' 
I have issue with this for more than one reason, but the biggest for me is simply this.
Honestly the situation should be sorted by now in far better ways. If this goes on through to S6 unresolved, then it is beyond a joke.
19 episodes of this is utterly unacceptable. Even if they'd carried on resolution into the 20th episode, that's still far too long. 
I can't speak for other fans, but personally I was hoping (& expecting) that once Crisis was over, Kara and Lena would actually begin to talk. If not Lena and Kara, Lena and Alex. Because remember how Lena spoke to Alex when Alex asked for her help during Crisis? Here are the lines most relevant (I'm including the clip for the whole interaction).
"I am sorry that I lied to you. And not just me. Not just Kara. J'onn, and Brainy, and Nia."
"You know, you actually had me believe that you hated Supergirl."
"I wasn't pretending about that, but that is a long story."
This was 10 episodes ago once 5.19 hits, & has never been broached again, nor looks likely to be. Why even bring it up if you're going to ignore it? Lena & Alex were friends by S4 end. If Kara couldn't talk to Lena, why hasn't Alex tried? Or Brainy? Nia. Even Kelly, who genuinely hadn't lied to Lena - although that could've been awkward if Lena said it was about Kara lying being Supergirl and Kelly didn't know. But you know, I would've loved to have seen it play out that way, because Kelly's surprise wouldn't be faked, and Lena, despite it all, would probably recognise that.
Have Lena working with Lex, but also using Kelly to help her with the lenses, to placate Lex, but to be actively working with the Superfriends (Kelly as the intermediary) to bring Lex down. That way, Kelly gets screen time she deserves, Lena slowly works through her issues, even if it isn't directly with Kara yet. Alex really uses the Tower to investigate and help Kelly and Lena. But we have had nothing of note.
Out of the two Winn episodes, we had one episode of Winn's own psychopathic father getting his redemption, (which sorry, was too far fetched for me). What was the purpose of this? It apparently serves none. This episode should've been a redemption arc starting for Lena in my opinion, even if Kara wasn't involved (so the 100th still could've gone ahead as planned). It could've been Brainy for example tentatively reaching out to Lena. Or as I say, Lena seeing how Lex was working, and reaching out to Kelly. It wouldn't have to be a noticable or big thing, but the beginnings of some reconciliation with someone. 
Yet Lena, who time and time again has tried to do the right thing, has been lied to, has been abused by her family since she was 4, has been left to her own devices for 19 episodes! By people who say they are her friends. This is more than about Kara. This is about a whole group of people who seemingly have washed their hands of Lena. That sure as hell isn't any kind of friendship I know, or agree with. 
This is why as a general audience people are now weary and cynical. When the hard core fans, not ship fans, but the ones who tune in religiously, are screaming enough, then a more general audience will simply drift away. Sadly the viewing figures suggest this is exactly what has happened. 
If they're suddenly best friends again from 5.19, then it will be as bad because nothing is talked about! Even if they carry on the redemption arc into S6, will the general audience - or even the main hard core group of fans - wait potentially 9 to 12 months before it starts again, not knowing if they plan to maintain the push and pull between Lena, Kara and the Superfriends, or actually are going to rebuild the friendships?
We also have the question of why did Kara find the tape that Mxyzptlk left? I'm including a screen capture for this.  
There were a couple of things at the time that I wondered about.
Why make it so obvious that was the video tape left? It then immediately led off to Kara confronting Lena, which while harsh wasn't really too OOC until that last line. No, she didn't call Lena a villain (ugh also continuity in 5.17, hello Kara, you didn't call her a villain). But Kara knows that Lena has always wanted to be seen as being different to her family, but especially Lex. Instead of going to Lena as Supergirl, go to her as Kara! Make her see the person not the cape. Of course being Supergirl is important to Kara, but knowing that Lena has always had a more volatile relationship with Supergirl, it seems utterly inconceivable to me that at some stage Kara wouldn't go to try and talk to her simply as Kara. Or was it Mxy as Supergirl, who hesitated moving from the balcony because he needed to be invited inside by Lena? Supergirl took a step forward, but doesn't appear to actually enter Lena's apartment. 
So yes. That whole scene has always bugged me.
I also always questioned why did Mxy hang around watching through Kara's loft window? What was it he needed to see? By all accounts his mission there was accomplished. Why hang around?
So it begs the question, are we seeing how the tape plays out? Is this the 'nothing is as it seems' and the 'Black mirror season,' they touted before the season began. If this refers to how Lex has played his part, then that is nowhere near good enough.
If it is because of Mxy, it is just an awful way to go about it. It has left most fans weary, jaded and honestly not trusting of how they will carry on writing for the show.
Let's not forget, Kara told the whole world her identity to save Lena. 
Lena tried to save Kara from the Kryptonite in the air, but failed because she was too far away in Metropolis. 
Lena took to heart the pleas from Kara not to use Kryptonite, and so devised another way to subdue Reign, only to die in Kara's arms (and remember Kara literally crumpled as Lena fell into her arms. This is a Kryptonian with Super human strength, but her knees gave way). 
The only time Lena did turn evil was when Supergirl didn't save her. But even then, watch her face carefully as she hits with Kara with the Kryptonite. That stotic mask falls just fractionally. 
However this plays out in the last two episodes, quite honestly I can't see how it is going to be enough to pacify the distrust and anger over vast aspects of the season. How a lot of what has gone on can only be called queerbaiting, and if (& it's a big if) they even lent into Supercorp (I highly doubt it), then it needed to come far quicker. When you lose the trust of a big part of your audience, it is extremely difficult to get that trust back. When you have to try and achieve that with only 2 episodes left? Pretty much impossible. 
When that weariness and cynicism has months to fester in a fandom, it is deadly.
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superredcorp · 4 years
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Lena had been working in the DEO labatories for a few weeks now. Sure, there had been difficulties at first. Needing to find things, needing to figure out what exactly specific things were when she couldn't what they were from simply feeling them. In general finding her way around the DEO.
But there were a few agents willing to help her, guide her around and explain things in case she needed it.
But by now, she had been growing accostumed to it. It was getting much easier.
And up until now there hadn't been any hints or indications that Lex might have any malicious intentions behind this. Apparently he did for once just want to do her a favour. Which was a very foreign, unsettling thought, if Lena was being honest. She'd almost prefer it if he just wanted to trick or betray her. She'd know how to deal with that, she had done it a hundred times before. But this? This was completely new.
Though she also had to admit that she was grateful for it. Because she did enjoy being able to work at the DEO. Being able to work at all really. To prove that she was still capable of such things. Even if she was indeed limited. There always had to be someone standing next or behind her and she didn't like that but it was a necessity. Since she couldn't see numbers, diagrams, etc. There always had be someone around to tell her what was going on.
One day, she unexpectantly heard mumbling behind her and squinted her eyes, especially when the footsteps of the agent indicated that he left. What was going on? She listened more closely and heard different footsteps approach. She felt herself tense as the unknown stranger stepped closer. But then a familiar scent reached her nose and she immediately relaxed. No threat. Quite the opposite, actually.
Kara wrapped her arms around Lena's waist from behind her and rested her chin on her shoulder.
"Hello, zrhueiao.", Kara whispered into Lena's ear as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Lena smiled. She remembered their first date where Kara had already used that word before. Beautiful.
"Hello to you too.", Lena replied softly.
There were a few seconds of silence between them.
"Are you just here to spend me some company, which I don't mind of course, or was there something you wanted to talk about?"
"I mean I can't say I didn't just want to hug you and kiss you because I love doing that.", Kara grinned but the grin faded quickly. She bit her lip. "But there is something I need to talk about actually. I... I wanted to ask you something."
"What is it?", Lena asked, tilting her head and turning around in Kara's arm to place her arms around the blonde's neck.
"I want you to meet my mom. Like formally. You've met her before but we weren't exactly on the same page back then. And yeah, we've talked via hologram to tell her we're together.... But it's not the same. I... I want you to meet my mom in person, as my girlfriend."
Lena smiled. "That's very sweet, Kara. And I would love to. But how would we be able to do that? Argo isn't exactly around the corner."
"I'm glad you asked. The DEO can lend us a spaceship. It wouldn't take us that long actually."
Kara bit her lip expectantly.
"Well, then there's nothing in our way.", Lena smirked.
Kara smiled brightly and kissed her softly before resting her forehead against Lena's.
"Great! Because I actually may have already planned the whole thing out and got us a spaceship which will be ready in a few hours.", Kara whispered cheekily.
Lena chuckled. "Of course you did."
And just a few hours later, they made their way to a spaceship which Kara had gotten prepared. It was able to fly on it's own, making it easier to get there without possible difficulties.
When Lena got in, she felt her heart beating a little faster. And Kara obviously heard it too.
She frowned. "You okay?"
Lena swallowed. "Well, I don't really have the best experiences with flying if it's not in your arms. My helicopter a few years back got attacked, Edge put me on a plane with chemicals which lost control, the plane we were on almost crashed..."
Kara smiled softly. "Yeah but I could always help out with that."
"We're going to space now though. God, I've never even been in space! And as far as I know you can't breathe in space so you can't go out there and fly us to safety if something goes wrong and that means-"
Kara placed her hand on top of Lena's. "Hey, I'm the one in this relationship who starts to nervously ramble, remember?", she said quietly with a chuckle. Then she interwined their fingers and gave Lena's hand a little squeeze. "I promise we'll be fine. This is much safer than any of those helicopters or planes. And I'm right here with you. You don't have to be afraid. But if it makes you feel better, I'll hold your hand the entire way, okay?"
Lena took a deep breath, then brought up a smile. "That would help, yes. Thank you."
Kara leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Always."
When they lifted off the ground, Kara felt Lena's grip tighten around her hand and heard her heartbeat increase yet again.
While their hands were still interwined, she raised her arm a little to place it around the brunette.
Lena responded by laying her head on Kara's shoulder.
The blonde pressed a little kiss on top of Lena's hand and though she felt pity for her girlfriend, she couldn't help the smile appearing in her face. She was going to see her mom again.
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