stefanowpasquini · 5 years
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#Untitled #4 #November #2019 Vi aspettiamo venerdí alle 17.30 al @mambobologna per la presentazione di #UntitledBook #Librosenzatitolo (at MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dCtccinAO/?igshid=jwy7hy5z74c4
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jadesoceans · 8 years
3rd installment
Read the whole thang heur 
I buckle myself into the driver’s seat of my Jeep but not before checking the backseat, trunk, and under the car- twice. In the light of day last night’s events seem almost impossible, but I feel wary. I start my car and let it run for a few moments to shake myself into school-mode. I drive.
           Olivia leans against my locker waiting for me. She wears black ripped shorts and a white peasant blouse; her hair is beachy blond and effortlessly styled hanging at her shoulders. She shifts her black leather backpack back onto her shoulder as I approach. She can sense the tiredness in my composure.
           “Slept like shit?” She cues.
           “I’m telling you,” I whisper harshly, “what I told you last night was true. I wasn’t dreaming. I somehow got back to my room without a scratch but my mascara was running and my clothes were ripped.”
           Her expression shifts from nonchalant to skeptical. “Okay, It’s not that I don’t believe you… it’s that I’m really confused about how you wound up at home, and I have no idea why someone would literally attack you in a safe part of town out of no where for no reason. Were you running with your wallet or something?”
           I shake my head and pull on the ends of my ponytail. “Please talk quietly I really don’t want anyone to know about this. It’s so weird. I haven’t said anything to my dad about it yet because I don’t want him all worried after things with my mom.” I pause, looking around. The halls are bustling but no one seems to be listening to us. “I probably should tell him I just didn’t know how to bring it up. We barely talk anymore and… when I woke up this morning I felt like it didn’t even happen. Trust me I have all of the same questions you do. But he wasn’t trying to mug me. It was different than that. It was like he was targeting me. He seemed like he was trying to hurt me. I don’t know.”  
           Olivia appears very concerned now after witnessing my distress. Her dark brows furrow and she pulls me into a brief hug. “Look, you need to tell your dad. This is the kind of thing you tell your parents. They know what to do better than us.”
           I shrug. “I know. It’s hard to explain. Every time I mention that anything in my life is less than perfect he gets stressed and aggravated and leaves me a 20 dollar bill and tells me to do something nice for myself. Speaking of…” I pull the money he left me this morning out of my back pocket, “this is for you and me to grab dinner or something. I’m guessing he won’t be home by dinner. He’s been at work, like, constantly ever since…”
           Olivia nods without letting my finish my sentence. She knows I don’t like saying those words: ever since my mom died.
           “I have to get to class.” She says, looking apologetic. “Have you figured out what we’re doing for the graduation party yet?”
           I laugh. “Um, no I haven’t thought about it.”
           “Three weeks away!” Olivia cheers. She presses her fists together in front of her and bobbles her blond curls in a small jump. “Seriously, I can’t believe it.”
           As she turns away I grab my opposite elbow and hug my arms to my body. I know she’s trying to cheer me up, but I can’t think about graduation right now. I need to figure out what happened to me last night. I don’t know why she isn’t overflowing with curiosity. I deduce that she is planning on discussing it later in a more private setting. Releasing myself from my own hug I scuffle to class, knowing I will not be directing my attention to Mr. Williams today.
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chaosgefuehl · 9 years
zusammen ist man weniger alleine
Ich kann verstehen dass du lieber alleine bist, niemandem schaden möchtest mit deinen Gefühlen. Du sollst aber wissen, ich bin immer für dich da. Werden dir immer zuhören, ob du reden möchtest oder nur schweigen. Egal wie es dir geht, denn zusammen ist man weniger alleine.
~ meine kleine Droge
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stefanowpasquini · 5 years
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#Untitled #20 #September #2019 #UB1705 #UntitledBook #CiaoElia (at Bologna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pIP0xoRiX/?igshid=1riuux53jhp0m
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stefanowpasquini · 5 years
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#Untitled #17 #August #2019 #UntitledBook #LibroSenzaTitolo #outnow https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SBIWQofNX/?igshid=plfaprx654ia
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stefanowpasquini · 5 years
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via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dCtccinAO/
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stefanowpasquini · 5 years
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via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pIP0xoRiX/
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stefanowpasquini · 5 years
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via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SBIWQofNX/
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chaosgefuehl · 9 years
The Idea
Ich hatte die Idee zu diesem Buch Ende 2013, vorwiegend um mein Leben auf Papier zu bringen. Alles aufzuschreiben um es am Ende zu verstehen. Mein Leben ist aus meiner Perspektive ein reines Chaos, mit sehr vielen Facetten. Diese Buch beginnt im Jahr 2013, trägt den Title “Untitled Book”, weil ich noch nicht weiß wie ich es nennen soll. Wo es wohl aufhört ?
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