#unused trade theme
trade theme
A song with two channels, each meant to be played on one of two linked systems while trading Pokemon. It's a shame it was scrapped; it's a nice song once you hear it as it was meant to be played.
tcrf link: https://tcrf.net/Pok%C3%A9mon_Red_and_Blue#Unused_Song
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Mew, in Pokemon Red / Blue and those games only, (I think) Mew was hidden in the code as a little secret. It was supposed to be unobtainable, but there's a glitch you can do to obtain Mew. In the other games, Mew is there. The other games do not count for this.
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asmolvaporeon · 6 months
Reminder: Nintendo Network Shutdown and Discontinuation of Online Services for 3DS and Wii U
It's going to happen on Monday 8th April, 4pm PDT. That's just a few days from now.
What this entails for following games and software (amongst other):
Pokémon: No more online trading and battling on Pokémon XY/ORAS/SUMO/USUM. So get those last trades in!
Splatoon: No more online battles, which is the main part of the game.
Mario kart Wii U: Obviously no more online races.
Nintendo Badge Arcade: Will be completely unusable. I recommend people to go over their badge box and carefully sort what they want to keep, as those badges will stay on your system. Everything else will be lost.
Animal Crossing New Leaf: No more visiting each other's towns. However the QR code designs should be unaffected. You can still create and read those.
Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer: I'm quite sure that you won't be able to upload or see other people's creations.
here are things I'm unsure of:
Friend list: You cannot add friends through the internet (I think, I have no confirmation for this)
Spotpass: Will not work. I unfortunately don't know much about Spotpass and what this means.
-There is a small set of free themes that you can download for free right now (at least in the PAL region). I'm not sure if that will be possible later.
-According to the Nintendo website "For the foreseeable future, it will still be possible to download update data and redownload purchased software and downloadable content from Nintendo eShop." Interpret that as you want.
Other: I also called Nintendo's support to ask if it still will be possible to log into the Wii U if you use a NNID password to sign in (because I'm a paranoiac), and the answer was more or less "Yes I'm sure". Not sure how long this will last though. Most likely as long as the point above.
That's all I can remember at the moment. I'll probably add more later.
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sonobeunitsarecool · 8 months
Sakurai Haruka: An idea (pt. 1)
Okay, dramatic title, but this is just about the information we have that points to Haruka having spent a decent amount of time in a psych ward. ...it's more long-winded than this needs to be, my English teachers (and all my other ones) keep saying I need to be more concise. Can't be bothered. Part 1: Haruka, language, and education. Starting with the character description, we get that he initially only responds to Es's questions with "a word or two", though once he's used to being around someone he becomes "talkative". He likes to talk with the others, even saying that it's his "hobby" in his T1 Q12 response. However, "since his communication skills are poor, he is unable to hold a proper conversation".
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Across the whole project, particularly in the first trial, he's hesitant to interact, but he keeps on trying. He seems to stutter a lot, many of his int. answers are written with basic kanji, same with the Japanese subtitles for Weakness and AKAA. Haruka's unused to talking unless the expectations for him are clear (a common theme for him), he's not got a lot of practice with social situations, and his behaviour is notably anxious. It's likely that, so far in his life, he hasn't actually needed any language skills more complex than that. His vocab and character recognition/writing should be better than they are, if only by necessity. It's clear that he's capable of learning the language, as he does know some kanji and his hiragana, and he's adept in using what he does know to fill in the gaps (i.e, in the VDs). ...if he went to school, which he should have, then he'd be more proficient in Japanese. I'm not sure what Haruka's approximate proficiency level is, but it's probably about junior high level (12-15 yrs old, Mu is 16 and in her first year of high school). But he's made very little mention of school in general, if any. Mu's entire MVs are in a school setting, and Yuno at least talks about it (saying she's a high school third year and mentioning theatre club). I don't think Haruka's attended high school, at least. Junior high, maybe, but definitely not high school. He says that knowing another language is "impossible", even if English is mandatory in most Japanese schools. He's not working, either (most expensive thing he's bought was candy floss), or finding education in other areas like a trade or art. He's, technically, a NEET. But he wants to talk to the others. He actively enjoys it. He's responsive. He isn't a hikikomori, really, since between talking to another of the prisoners and being on his own, he'd choose to talk.
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It's a conclusion most of us have come to. The neglect and abuse of Haruka, from his mother (he considers his father to be part of his family, but he only really talks about his mother, and his father "wasn't particularly interested" in him. Probably left in his childhood). He wants to be noticed. He wants people to like him. He was jealous of the person he killed. But... why keep him from school? Because of shame (of having a neurodiverse child)? Japan finds it very important to attend school, it's a big thing. Many would find it more shameful not to go. It's not an issue of cost, Haruka's had several pets and those can be expensive to care for. Time? The drain of being a caretaker? Better to send the kid to school, get them doing lots of clubs. But what if, logistically and practically, there wasn't much point to sending Haruka to high school in the first place? If Haruka had spent a significant amount of time on an inpatient unit, then it makes sense. Especially if he has been readmitted on multiple occasions, not far apart (which would be more realistic than one long admission spanning years, I think), then he'd miss too much school to justify enrolling him. He'd miss too many classes, be too far behind, and it would overall be worse for his mental wellbeing to switch between psych care and rigorous education, instead of going between psych care and home. It does actually make sense, to focus on Haruka's mental health instead of attempting schoolwork. ...Not to say that the whole situation was handled well, ahaha no. It explains:
his apparent lack of high school education
why we see the inside of his home prominently in his MVs
why he uses Japanese that's below his expected proficiency level (he's trying to get better, and he's probably been infantilised a bit by professionals and his mother, so there was never a "need" to work on his vocab)
a good part of why Haruka's mother seemingly has never gotten into trouble in regards to her care of Haruka (because, in some ways, she's actually doing the right thing, somehow)
why Haruka doesn't quite know how to talk to people
Okay too long, going to make a part 2 later. More about the evidence pointing to a psych ward specifically, and how that puts much of his behaviour into context beyond "oh he never grew up".
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12thperigeeball · 9 months
A Quick Reminder For All Ball Attendees This Year
I did want to make it very clear to everyone who is participating or will participate in the ball that
Campaigning, organizing, begging or otherwise attempting to buy or trade for King, Queen, or Couturier votes are not allowed.
I wanted to make this announcement because while we allowed the community to organize via multiple public posts to make a concentrated effort across the dashboard to force a tie for a dual vampire/clown theme during the theme voting process, we will not allow a similar scenario to happen for the crowning process itself.
Showing off your troll's outfits and nomination, encouraging people to vote in a general manner not for a specific nominee, or supporting your friends are all fine! Any attempts to trade things like artwork, spamming users to vote for a specific character, or making posts to dissuade users from voting for other characters ruin the spirit of the ball and are not allowed. Don't make us drag out our unused protocols for that sort of scenario. I would like to keep them in the box where we store them.
Thank you guys again for participating this year!
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Today's NSR Trivia: Rare(?) DJSS + DK West Art
Likely due to being the first proper boss in the game, DJ Subatomic Supernova has a lot of unused/cut content, including a theme for a nonexistent "approach" level (which can be heard in the "NSR Approach Megamix"), cut voice lines, and no debriefing profile.
While the official twitter has shared what this hypothetical debriefing would have entailed, I don't think the unused art for his profile has ever been posted through a first party source or exists in the game's files.
However, it is viewable in a Steam trading card.
Similarly, DK West, who also lacks a proper debriefing, is a part of this set and thus also has unique art only shown in these trading cards.
Whether this art was drawn specifically for the trading cards or if the art existed prior is currently unknown. (Though I personally suspect the latter.)
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over-the-time-flow · 1 year
Super Robot Rollcall
Argent Fighter
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Power Source: Timeflow Engine
A small jet that serves as the cockpit and emergency escape pod for the Excellence. As the Excellence is a modular experimental craft, in a pinch, it’s a good idea to leave the frame and escape with only the pilot intact so data can be recovered and iterated on. As such, however, it has few combat capabilities to speak of. However, in a pinch, it can transform into its Argent Head form, which trades maneuverability for higher firepower… but after being embarrassingly called a flying Moai, it seems like the Excellence crew has sworn off using this form.
I used this thing's sprites for quite a few things while testing out this blog's custom theme, so i consider it to be one of this LP's mascots.
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True to its lore, it doesn’t have much practical use on the battlefield. Below average in every regard, but that’s okay, because it’s less of a standalone unit and more of a crutch for the Excellence; if you ever manage to get it shot down, you can simply take this little guy back to the ship and you won’t need to pay a dime in repair costs! I’m sure you’ll give Mizuho a few extra early gray hairs, though.
Believe it or not, the Argent Head is actually fully coded within the game files, just unusable (they really took the Moai thing personally, huh?). Astonishingly, it’s actually surprisingly powerful, but faithfully to the lore, the form has no defenses to speak of. It’d be a nice novelty to close out a level in a pinch, so I'm not sure why it wasn’t left in the game. If there’s some mod out there on the Japanese internet that restores it, I'd love to find it.
Fun Fact: In the SRW OG series, the Argent Head’s functionality is fully intact (perhaps because the crew never got the Moai comment in that continuity?), and gloriously animated. See below!
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refried-ghost · 1 year
Red kissed him. It really wasn't the best time for this but Purple didn't stop him. He was quick to pin him against himself removing a hand from his laser spear to do so.
Red had jumped on him. Would have knocked him over if Purple's feet weren't firmly planet on the dirt. Purple's eyes were open looking over to his fallen foe.
Red deepened the kiss, not allowing him to catch a breath.
Purple peeled him off, setting him back down. Red bit his lip as they pulled apart, earning a merp from Purple.
His face was hot. Breaths short. Lip with a growing bruise. He shielded it with the back of his free hand.
Red's attention turn away from him as suddenly as it was on him. Rushing to stab the likely corpse on the ground. Scanned the area for more enemies.
"We need to move," he said it clearly, head angling slightly towards him gaze nowhere near him.
Purple cleared his throat with a nod. A ting of embarrassment as he realized Red probably wasn't looking at him.
(this one is just long and here's where I start going completely off topic)
Purple was a creature of comfort. Easily swayed with food and sex. Almost always open to Red's wandering hands. Lighting up when Red gave him his snacks. Beyond touched when Red went out of his way to actually make him something to eat.
He was an adrenaline junkie too, just in a different sort of way to Red. Where Red would push his ships to their top speeds, Purple enjoyed fights. Not really gun fights, taking cover and trading rounds, but more involved fights. Taking down things over twice his size fully intent on killing him. The particular rush he got from something close enough to actually touch him.
He was prone to getting ship sick at high speeds. Red teased him for it endlessly. Where Purple spent his down time split between eating, training and maintaining his weapons, Red would work on his ship. Constantly upgrading and maintaining it. He took over the maintenance on Purple's too when it wasn't digitized. Grease caked his maintenance suit. Drinking his meals, so he wouldn't have to change gloves as he worked.
It was the biggest down side of being Tallest. Not getting to take spur of the moment joy rides. The uncomfortable feeling coming off everyone as he maintained his unused ship in the elite bay. The entourage that had to accompany him to 'more dangerous areas'. A drone nervously standing by ready to remove any grease from him. Only being allowed to remove his gauntlets as he worked. His prosthetic thumbs always feeling too big and foreign for the task at hand.
Purple's weapons remained on display in his room yet another reason only he and Red had access. He'd still maintain them just as obsessively as he used to. He'd collect more as well. Getting his hands on prototypes he was really excited about. Always hand delivered by three people at once the Enforcer Captain, the Second in Command of the Tallest's Guard and someone else randomly assigned from from the Guard. He had to plan in advance to go to the firing range.
Various stuffed food themed plushies, pillows and blankets littered his room's floor and bed. As well as snack wrappers. His elite uniform was on a display wrack constantly getting moved around as it became harder to find footing until Purple would finally break and clean everything all up. He had a giant gel seat similar to a bean bag that would slightly envelop a person as they laid back on it. As well as a fancy circle chair he'd curl up in to sleep on occasion. Full of soft bedding hiding him away from the world. Various different outfits Red insisted he looked in good littered the floor as well. If they began to stink he'd tossed them down the laundry chute. He'd wear the clean ones on occasion striking poses, deciding whether or not to surprise Red. He'd be forced back into that stupid armor far too soon.
The armor displays were in the main chamber, two on each side of the main door. Often a high level drone would slip into inspect them for damages.
Red's room was meticulously cleaned and sorted by the same drones that would clean the main chamber. He may leave it a mess, but always expected it to be spotless when got back. If Purple was in there, kicking his legs on the bed, he'd allow expections. But he'd rip into irken if he was littering too many crumbs and snack wrappers around. Purple would point out he did the same thing. Red would claim it wasn't the same since Purple actively dissuading the drones from cleaning.
Red's display walls didn't have the vibrant serene landscapes, videos of extinct fauna, the training drills, weapons from both in and out of the empire, foods being prepared, and updated medical showcases that Purple's did. His showed the technical marvels of the empire, filtered through blueprints of all different types of ships, every star map on record, sometimes just what was outside the massive, the distance stars slowly wandering passing, the various armada ship in toe or zipping by, cargo ships being boarded as people bought things off them during rest periods. It'd display shop feeds, people quietly going about their days, teleporters zapping supplies off into the nether, and showcased the lastest fashions and trends on Irk, Conventia and other select planets across the galaxies both in and out of the empire.
He had a cabinet full of cards containing digitized ships. His old ones, Purple's as well, loving kept on display. His co-Tallest cared little about keeping them when the ascended. The ones he collected after were filling the drawers. He'd finger through them seeing which caught his interest and pluck them up going to the rec room. He could just have the computer bring up a particular ship to simulate in the chamber, but there was always something just slightly off when he did that. He liked the feel of the cards clicking into the chamber ports. Like how everything was always how he'd last left it. How it replicate the quirks he was familiar with from each individual ship. But still the simulated joy rides just weren't the same. He may be pinned back to his chair by the fake force, but it didn't replicate that rush. So he'd just cruise. Sometimes through crowd areas seamlessly dodging obstacles. Sometimes with his feet on the dash as he watched fake stars float by.
He had two closets. Purple only had one, perpetually open since he had junk blocking it from sinking back into the wall. Red closets were always full. He'd have the same drones that checked their armor go through his wardrobe with him on a regular basis. The Seamster Drones would often work with Red to make new designs. He'd stand in place as they fitted him and make his opinions known. The one's who'd worked with him the longest were quick to argue against any ideas they thought weren't that great. Especially after he rewatched Great Assigning and chewed them out for letting him have that armor made. He was still livid he'd thought that was a good idea. The newer ones were terrified for them.
He had a work table against one of his walls. Various tools displayed behind a panel of glass solely so only he or Purple could access them. The Computer required it. Purple weapons didn't have the same requirement, but they were the one thing he was good at keeping neat and orderly. Many were in his weapons cabinet secured. His favorites just hung on the wall. Apparently he was allowed to do that cause he was so anal about no one ever going in there.
When Red worked on small projects, he wasn't the inventor Zim was, he wired himself into the ship so he didn't have to bother naming each tool he needed. The Computer would place the desired object in his out stretched hand without a word.
Excluding those things his room was rather empty aside from the object Purple decided would be housed there. A handful of ship themed plushies. A far too fluffy, but thoroughly worn blanket. Red's old weapons Purple demanded to have when he said he'd relinquish. Also placed behind a glass panel. Purple personalized them for Red, like he did with all his weapons, painting them with a custom coating, somehow altering the blaster colors. Purple's own were messy in their customizations, but they were also endless being modified. The ones he'd done for Red were pristine and neat. Lovingly crafted. He thought they'd bring up the same sick feeling looking at his elite uniform had, before he had it tossed. But instead they made him incredibly flustered. They showed how much Purple cared. They twinged him with with guilt.
There was a large Vortian couch that could face either deeper into the chamber or towards the door. Purple liked the former, the Computer defaulted it to the latter. The table infront of Purple's prefer direction was always up. One would emerged from the floor on the other side if needed. The couch lined up to their doors Red's on the left and Purple's on the right. On the wall next to it was a snack dispenser. The wall next to Red's had a small kitchen. It wasn't often used. It emerged from the floor when needed. A large display screen hung over the couch, descend to whichever side. Then were the Rec Room door on the left and the bathroom in the right. At the end of the chamber was a massive canopy bed. Purple's idea. Next to it on both sides were the escape pod hatches.
The bathroom shared a door with Purple's room. The first thing he'd do after waking up was chug the drink on his nightstand and drag himself into the bathroom. As gross as Red may claim him was pretty obsessive about his personal hygiene. Not so much his spaces but definitely his own. In the vanity he'd groom his teeth, antenna and claws. Allowing wires and cable to descend and attach to run a check on his PAK. He'd check for new growths or stuck shed or ingrown fluff. If he found stuck shed he pry it off. It wasn't recommended for most be he had the training for it. Checking the fluff was a pain since in only grew in weird spots. The elbows, wrists, knees, ankles and another spot. Most of the time he'd gel the fluff on his elbows down since Red was adamant it was unseemly to go into public showing it off. It matched their skin, noone would see it. But it's what Red wanted.
If it was time for regular maintenance he go to the PAK maintenance station in the bathroom. Red would have everything done by a PAK technician, even the basics. Purple requested the encoding when he was still an elite. Back then he was only allowed access to some of it. More then most elites, because of his height, his adamance, and his scores, but still wasn't enough. When Red started taking his work Purple rekindled his studies. He did all his own maintenance, mostly in the bathroom. Some in the technician labs with someone supervising as he used the more complex machines. He modified his PAK legs adding any and all attachments that he thought could be useful in a pinch. The same tech silently approving them or quietly point out how batshit an idea he had was and barring it.
There were two shower. One above the giant inground jacuzzi tub, covered by floor panels when not in use. Neither were very visible. And the other near the full body drier and sanitation unit. It was fixed in place too large and complex to be hidden like most things. The unit had a seat in it, but standing was also an option. In sanitation mode would burn off any foreign matter, typically burn away shed, then douse the irken in cleansing chalk to eat any left over carbon mixture. It'd puff at them to remove any excess chalk. Ending with a mist of sanitizer.
Purple preferred the bath and showers. He hated flash of heat and cleansing chalk. He mostly used the drying function setting it to a comfortable temperature even if it made the duration longer. He knew the dangers of sanitizer over use. The dry, cracking skin and open wounds it'd leave. The lowering of the immune system response on top of what PAKs inherently caused. It was a very dangerous thing to abuse and most hadn't a clue. He always manually set the mists.
The Rec Room was full of random shit. Most taken out to use. The main thing was Simulation chamber. It took up half the room. Infront of it were the dumby weapons rack full of every weapon type one could imagine. Typically only found in drill stations and arenas. But with a wider selection. There were various stacks of games infront of an already filled cabinet spilling over with all sorts crafting supplies. Both for the chamber and on individual used. Med drives mixed amongst them. Tubs full unopened of ship models. Mini game tables and extra supplies for them. They weren't typically used. The upper break room had better ones and more space.
Puppets really weren't that popular until they came into power. Still weren't really, but some people caught on. Red and Purple typically made their own. They were scattered on everything else. The Announcer gifted a couple top of the line ones. Basically characticturized versions of themselves. Realistic feeling skin. Intricately detailed eyes that showed the hexagonal pattern hidden in most implants if they caught the light just right. They could be used in a variety of ways. Like a marionette, like a hand puppet. A panel in the back of the head would open up to allow the hand in. Another would open up on one of hips to more easily maneuver them. The limbs had places for PAK legs to attach. They were really something. They sat mostly untouched far too nice to play with. Or they could just be posed. Limbs locking it position on the right setting.
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shitty-the-hex-aus · 2 years
Secrets of Legendaria AU
AU where the 6 main characters of The Hex are in Secrets of Legendaria. Outside of Chandrelle and Lazarus, the character classes and move sets are as follows:
Weasel Kid: Bandit/Thief - Uses his claws to strike enemies, and teeth to bite them. Can also steal either a little bit of any stat for either himself or a teammate from an enemy. Can't personally use mana, but instead has a certain amount of 'energy' he can use before he grows tired and unusable for a couple turns. Has a high amount of HP. Can primarily have the amount of damage he deals + his amount of energy upgraded via levelling up.
Chef Bryce: Healer - Has food-based healing properties. Unlike the others, who typically have 2 attacks and 1 non-attack, he only has 1 attack, which is a simple punch. His other two moves are healing one person by 75 HP, or the whole team by 20 HP, both of which can be upgraded via levelling up.
Rust McClain: Ranger - Instead of using his signature shotgun, he'd have a bow + arrows in this. He'd be able to just shoot one specific target, or hit all 3 at once. He's also able to supply 30 HP to a teammate that needs it, even if it would kill him in the process. Arrows can be bought at any non-fighting point at the in-town shop, but you can't get more while in battle. Can primarily have his arrow carrying capacity and amount of damage he deals upgraded by levelling up.
FPP/???: Jack of All Trades - FPP doesn't seem to have a singular theme to him when it comes to his skillset. Every round, it changes what he can do. Use magic like Chandrelle, summon a sword and use it like Lazarus, attack viciously like Weasel Kid, heal someone like Bryce, shoot an arrow like Rust. Nothing he can do seems to be unique. For this reason, there's no singular theme with his upgrades, either.
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ideahat-universe · 5 months
I think now is a good time to tell you guys to stop sleeping on the original trading card game. Yes. I have been informed that TCG online is dead and Trading Card Pocket is upcoming but as a former player of multiple card games, I know that those games are going to be screwed by the two player combo of net-deckers and whales.
Unless you're willing to spend a fair amount of money or grind for free packs you aren't going to beat anyone on ladder and in casual it's more of a coin-flip than the actual coin mechanic.
At first it will be fine but it will be too easy to make an OP as hell card available for those willing to pay the packs to find it. Additionally the trading card game is completely poisoned by the speculator market that drastically overvalued a handful of cards as collectables that you can flip for big bucks.
With the Pokemon Trading Card Game, you just need a copy of the game (and lets face it, you're gonna wanna emulate it) and all the fun of the first three sets are yours to enjoy.
Having a hard time finding IRL people to play cards with? Well, PTCG has it to where almost everyone can be re-challenged. That means even in post game you can build a deck centered around a fun theme and then play a couple rounds with your favorite AIs.
But unfortunately you won't be able to play a round with your friend because you can't play co-op on emulators...
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Psyche! My OldBoy! allows for local and remote play! You can either hotseat your turns which works perfectly well for a turn based game like this OR you can set up a server and a client or a bluetooth connection and play that way as well.
Additionally, The Miyu Mini Plus is retro multiplayer capable.
So now you can play multiplayer PTCG or play it alone at any time. If it's on your phone you can pull out your phone and play a match any time. Something came up while you were in the middle of a match? Don't worry about it. The game was designed in such a way to where it remembers your mid game match and allows you to continue from that point.
You've already played PTCG? I did hear that the game was finally released on virtual console but you have more options on an emulator. For instance, you can play the sequel which at this point has been fully translated, you can also play PTCG romhacks.
There is a randomizer, one that swaps the PTCG characters for Kanto ones, and even ones that retouch and add more cards to the game.
But if it makes you feel better, you can buy the version on Switch.
Now lets talk about some stuff that wasn't mentioned in the video above.
In a 2 hour video you expect to hear about almost everything that the game has to offer but in reality there was a couple things left on the cutting room floor. Like say. This.
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Who is that?
It was a staff member at Creatures Inc if you can believe it. Early Pokemon experimented with a lot of really odd and eccentric choices and Imakuni campaigns were one of them. He never appeared in the traditional games or most of the spin off and never in the TV show but he did appear in the Manga and he did appear in the trading card games with a gag deck. He even had a series of cards based on him and his antics and as implied, those are unusable. This character only makes sense to Japanese viewers and was mostly left out of most products sent to America so this character appearing in the game with a unique sprite, walk cycle, cards, and his own theme makes him a complete anomaly to the few people that played the game back in the day. Internet wasn't very useful when this game was out so you just didn't know what this guy's deal was.
He randomly appears in the club rooms so maybe OP didn't actually see him during the entire play-through but it's hard to believe that he could be that unlucky as to never see Imakuni once. He mentioned that the video was re-edited so maybe he edited Imakuni out but he's here now in this post for you to enjoy!
Okay Oda. So there was a weird man that you can duel in your game? What else do you find interesting?
Well, remember how people often complained about the coin flips? I hated the coin-flips as well as the restrictive nature of needing to commit to a color so I developed a deck to counter that aspect of that game.
It's mostly a colorless deck with a couple of cards from every other type but the cards used can use any energy card to get off the ground (and I had multiple colors to occasionally benefit from using the correct energy card on the corresponding Pokemon).
Furthermore, none of the cards require good coin flips to get off to do the bare minimum. Aside from colorless green and red are the largest group of Pokemon with most of them having their evolution.
The rest are basics, Pokemon like Pikachu and Grimer don't have their evolution and are just jobbers mean to be played in the very early game or as stall so stronger cards can get their energy.
The fighting cards are the fossils Aerodactyl and Kabuto. Most of the time the Mysterious fossil is just a funny Pokemon doll but getting Aerodactyl out on a super slow deck dependent on evolution is kind of a win condition (it does stop you from evolving your pokemon so it has to be done with that in mind).
Another win condition is Scyther who just goes nuts if he's allowed to double his damage. Then there's Snorelax who shuts down status heavy decks. Lastly there's the Wigglytuff which easily gets full damage from Do The Wave as it's very easy for my deck to summon a bunch of basics to fill the bench.
Also there's a bunch of eevees. One for every evolution. False, there's actually 4 Eevees but only three evolution cards. Eevee isn't great on it's own but one Pokemon that can potentially evolve into three different hard counters for your opponent is pretty good.
I used that deck to beat the game and it's really hard to argue against it but maybe you do want to risk it all and flip a bunch of coins and do insane damage with Ninetails or Geodude, perhaps you want to kill your opponent very slowly with poison, Maybe you're completely evil and you want to win by stalling (Draw very little and play cards like Mr. Fuji and Energy retrieval to put cards back in your hand or in your deck).
Listen. There are going to be more cards in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket. It's a fact. You'll get to play with many more cards than will ever be in this title or its sequel. But you'll have to pay for something that really should be free.
And that's the freedom to construct your deck however you like. A couple hours grinding out AI opponents is a much smaller price than what could be hundreds of dollars opening card packs.
He's told you all about the game, I've given you a bit more. Now it's your move.
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obsessedwithkirby · 7 months
Final thoughts on Ex Astris (There will be spoilers this time):
[Previous thoughts here]
-The music was very good all throughout and I am looking forward to finding a way to listen to it all on its own
-I barely used Deterrent because I liked the three party members I was using too much (not a criticism). I am glad he did not have to be in the party to contribute to conversation because I thought the added character interactions he contributed to were really interesting. I can properly use him and Manganese in the end game whenever I end up replaying the game
-I thought the story was made with a similar level of care to what I would expect from Arknights. Those small character interactions really made it for me I think. There were multiple times I wished there was some kind of log that recorded the dialogue so I could reread it though
-I think the game was thought-provoking in an interesting way and left an impact on me with its world and characters, not quite as much as Arknights has, but that is a terribly high bar
-The atmosphere at the end of the game was fucking fantastic (referring to Zin-Gerzen, Shadarra, and Laylah)
-I love Juan
-The shadarrish monitors were a really cool mid-boss to have in the final stretch of the game. The design of the enemy and the fight itself were both great. I really liked a lot of the elite humanoid enemies in the game actually (the bloodhelms and summoners were also really good)
-As much as I love the combat, I had an issue with it that unfortunately got pretty annoying during the final boss. It felt to me like switching between characters to parry/dodge the two kind of attacks was clunky. The slowdown the switch induces makes timing the defensive reaction a lot weirder for the fast attacks that a lot of tough bosses have, and there were a few times where the switch didn’t happen properly at all because it would get buffered rather than input immediately. This was especially annoying if the buffered switch put in the wrong character for the next attack
-The final boss was otherwise very good though. It was challenging to the point that I actually felt the need to exhaust my combat items, which I had rarely used prior to that point
-I expected that this probably wouldn’t be the case, but I did kind of hope for some kind of post-game. I had a lot of items and currency leftover and I never really needed to mess with half the cooking or crafting options. That’s good for giving options for subsequent playthroughs, but I would’ve liked to have just had a super hard post-game segment where you can unload everything. That said, the whole idea of a post-game does conflict heavily with the themes of the story, unless they did something really weird with it, so this probably works best
-I still think it’s a shame that so much of the stuff you get goes unused though, especially since I was starting to feel like there wasn’t always a point in looking for ‘chests’ or overkilling enemies since the rewards just kind of pile up in the inventory. I wonder if there could’ve been another system implemented to give some kind of benefit to all the excess
-In a similar vein to the post-game hopes, I would’ve also liked some kind of ‘extras’ thing to be unlocked at the end of the game. Like, a music player would be perfect, and I think it could be nice to have the journal fill out permanently to be accessed on the main menu. I also just like having the main menus in games reflect my completion tbh, but I acknowledge that that is a really silly and unimportant change to want
-I really liked the puzzles in the game. There were some obscure bits that were super cool, like the side objectives in the dungeons you can stumble into by doing a hidden layer of the required puzzles, or solving the trading post girl’s riddle
-It’s also worth mentioning that I thought the pacing in the game was great. That’s something that’s actually pretty important to nail in a long game game like this and I think it worked really well
-But geez yeah wowee that was a very very good game :3 !!!!!
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lauragirl53 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BEACH BAG TABLECLOTH WEIGHTS (4) BY BOSTON TRADING CORP 2007 - UNUSED-NWT-
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beta Arceus
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It appears to be a shoddy place holder for arceus. Silly putty creatre
unused trade theme
A song with two channels, each meant to be played on one of two linked systems while trading Pokemon. It's a shame it was scrapped; it's a nice song once you hear it as it was meant to be played.
tcrf link: https://tcrf.net/Pok%C3%A9mon_Red_and_Blue#Unused_Song
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king-of-wrath · 11 months
Been thinking about economic stuff since the last episode
With Fizzarolli leaving Mammon's service, I think it's safe to say Fizz won't lose much (or any) business or fame: he's still the emcee at Ozzie's and beloved across Hell---I mean, there's certainly enough "freaks" out there buying Robo-Fizzes for sex and Fizz-themed sex toys to justify Mammon and Ozzie producing them on such a large scale
At the same time, Mammon might be in a bit of a bind. He's spent the last 10 years selling Fizz products, plastering Fizz's face on everything. From a marketing standpoint, he put all his eggs into a single basket. He might've actually made Fizz too famous for people to forget
I don't believe for a second that people would just throw-out all their Fizz merch---certainly not the Robo-Fizzes that can perform ANY job---in favor of the Glam Sisters' merch. Mammon losing the rights to Fizz merch would definitely tank his profits, but he wouldn't be the literal Sin of Greed if he couldn't make a profit off the Sisters. It would be slow getting the Sisters near the same level of profitability as Fizz, though Mammon could still do it
The big question is: "Will Ozzie keep making Fizz sex toys/robots?"
I'd think he'd stop production because he didn't enjoy objectifying (literally!) Fizz while he was working for Mammon. Fizz claimed he didn't have a problem with it, though he clearly disliked all those "freaks" and there's a good chance he was lying when he said that to Ozzie. Ozzie might've taken a nice cut from Fizz's sales, but he doesn't seem to care about the money---rather, he cares about "the art/spirit" of Lust
With that in mind, if Ozzie won't produce the Fizz sex stuff, then Mammon isn't necessarily competing with him. Granted, Mammon probably lost all rights to Fizz merch, but if the biggest money-maker was the sex stuff, he won't be fighting to get Ozzie's customers (because no sex stuff getting made is no sex stuff getting sold)
So what happens to all the Robo-Fizzes? It depends: if the models were ordered or on the shelves before Fizz quit, then stores would just sell them and not restock. Models that were still in production would probably get scrapped (literally). Mammon might even squeeze a few more pennies out of Fizz's name by announcing "Everything must go! Get your Fizzies before it's too late---because we're not making them ever again!"
Alternatively, if Mammon really wanted to spite Fizz, he could arrange a sort of "trade-in" event: "Bring in your old Fizzie, get 25% off your new Glammie AND get a second Glammie free!" (of course, this is supposing Mammon isn't immediately sickened by the very concept of a discount or bonus)
Maybe with all these unused Robo-Fizzes, Mammon could recycle them, cutting costs on making Robo-Glams. Or maybe he can reprogram them for something besides entertainment and sex---possibly something more insidious than either industry
And this is how Satan gets murder-robot robot-clowns and how Hell spawns its very own Military Industrial Complex!
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refriedrambles · 1 year
This is all the character stuff and room development from that one post with the Tallest kissing where I absoluted lost the focus. Probably should have just deleted the first part on the original post I didn't like it all that much, but I didn't think about it and it's difficult to copy large chunks of text on the app.
Just gonna put it here for easy access as I divide it up for my notes.
Purple was a creature of comfort. Easily swayed with food and sex. Almost always open to Red's wandering hands. Lighting up when Red gave him his snacks. Beyond touched when Red went out of his way to actually make him something to eat.
He was an adrenaline junkie too, just in a different sort of way to Red. Where Red would push his ships to their top speeds, Purple enjoyed fights. Not really gun fights, taking cover and trading rounds, but more involved fights. Taking down things over twice his size fully intent on killing him. The particular rush he got from something close enough to actually touch him.
He was prone to getting ship sick at high speeds. Red teased him for it endlessly. Where Purple spent his down time split between eating, training and maintaining his weapons, Red would work on his ship. Constantly upgrading and maintaining it. He took over the maintenance on Purple's too when it wasn't digitized. Grease caked his maintenance suit. Drinking his meals, so he wouldn't have to change gloves as he worked.
It was the biggest down side of being Tallest. Not getting to take spur of the moment joy rides. The uncomfortable feeling coming off everyone as he maintained his unused ship in the elite bay. The entourage that had to accompany him to 'more dangerous areas'. A drone nervously standing by ready to remove any grease from him. Only being allowed to remove his gauntlets as he worked. His prosthetic thumbs always feeling too big and foreign for the task at hand.
Purple's weapons remained on display in his room yet another reason only he and Red had access. He'd still maintain them just as obsessively as he used to. He'd collect more as well. Getting his hands on prototypes he was really excited about. Always hand delivered by three people at once the Enforcer Captain, the Second in Command of the Tallest's Guard and someone else randomly assigned from from the Guard. He had to plan in advance to go to the firing range.
Various stuffed food themed plushies, pillows and blankets littered his room's floor and bed. As well as snack wrappers. His elite uniform was on a display wrack constantly getting moved around as it became harder to find footing until Purple would finally break and clean everything all up. He had a giant gel seat similar to a bean bag that would slightly envelop a person as they laid back on it. As well as a fancy circle chair he'd curl up in to sleep on occasion. Full of soft bedding hiding him away from the world. Various different outfits Red insisted he looked in good littered the floor as well. If they began to stink he'd tossed them down the laundry chute. He'd wear the clean ones on occasion striking poses, deciding whether or not to surprise Red. He'd be forced back into that stupid armor far too soon.
The armor displays were in the main chamber, two on each side of the main door. Often a high level drone would slip into inspect them for damages.
Red's room was meticulously cleaned and sorted by the same drones that would clean the main chamber. He may leave it a mess, but always expected it to be spotless when got back. If Purple was in there, kicking his legs on the bed, he'd allow expections. But he'd rip into irken if he was littering too many crumbs and snack wrappers around. Purple would point out he did the same thing. Red would claim it wasn't the same since Purple actively dissuading the drones from cleaning.
Red's display walls didn't have the vibrant serene landscapes, videos of extinct fauna, the training drills, weapons from both in and out of the empire, foods being prepared, and updated medical showcases that Purple's did. His showed the technical marvels of the empire, filtered through blueprints of all different types of ships, every star map on record, sometimes just what was outside the massive, the distance stars slowly wandering passing, the various armada ship in toe or zipping by, cargo ships being boarded as people bought things off them during rest periods. It'd display shop feeds, people quietly going about their days, teleporters zapping supplies off into the nether, and showcased the lastest fashions and trends on Irk, Conventia and other select planets across the galaxies both in and out of the empire.
He had a cabinet full of cards containing digitized ships. His old ones, Purple's as well, loving kept on display. His co-Tallest cared little about keeping them when the ascended. The ones he collected after were filling the drawers. He'd finger through them seeing which caught his interest and pluck them up going to the rec room. He could just have the computer bring up a particular ship to simulate in the chamber, but there was always something just slightly off when he did that. He liked the feel of the cards clicking into the chamber ports. Like how everything was always how he'd last left it. How it replicate the quirks he was familiar with from each individual ship. But still the simulated joy rides just weren't the same. He may be pinned back to his chair by the fake force, but it didn't replicate that rush. So he'd just cruise. Sometimes through crowd areas seamlessly dodging obstacles. Sometimes with his feet on the dash as he watched fake stars float by.
He had two closets. Purple only had one, perpetually open since he had junk blocking it from sinking back into the wall. Red closets were always full. He'd have the same drones that checked their armor go through his wardrobe with him on a regular basis. The Seamster Drones would often work with Red to make new designs. He'd stand in place as they fitted him and make his opinions known. The one's who'd worked with him the longest were quick to argue against any ideas they thought weren't that great. Especially after he rewatched Great Assigning and chewed them out for letting him have that armor made. He was still livid he'd thought that was a good idea. The newer ones were terrified for them.
He had a work table against one of his walls. Various tools displayed behind a panel of glass solely so only he or Purple could access them. The Computer required it. Purple weapons didn't have the same requirement, but they were the one thing he was good at keeping neat and orderly. Many were in his weapons cabinet secured. His favorites just hung on the wall. Apparently he was allowed to do that cause he was so anal about no one ever going in there.
When Red worked on small projects, he wasn't the inventor Zim was, he wired himself into the ship so he didn't have to bother naming each tool he needed. The Computer would place the desired object in his out stretched hand without a word.
Excluding those things his room was rather empty aside from the object Purple decided would be housed there. A handful of ship themed plushies. A far too fluffy, but thoroughly worn blanket. Red's old weapons Purple demanded to have when he said he'd relinquish. Also placed behind a glass panel. Purple personalized them for Red, like he did with all his weapons, painting them with a custom coating, somehow altering the blaster colors. Purple's own were messy in their customizations, but they were also endless being modified. The ones he'd done for Red were pristine and neat. Lovingly crafted. He thought they'd bring up the same sick feeling looking at his elite uniform had, before he had it tossed. But instead they made him incredibly flustered. They showed how much Purple cared. They twinged him with with guilt.
There was a large Vortian couch that could face either deeper into the chamber or towards the door. Purple liked the former, the Computer defaulted it to the latter. The table infront of Purple's prefer direction was always up. One would emerged from the floor on the other side if needed. The couch lined up to their doors Red's on the left and Purple's on the right. On the wall next to it was a snack dispenser. The wall next to Red's had a small kitchen. It wasn't often used. It emerged from the floor when needed. A large display screen hung over the couch, descend to whichever side. Then were the Rec Room door on the left and the bathroom in the right. At the end of the chamber was a massive canopy bed. Purple's idea. Next to it on both sides were the escape pod hatches.
The bathroom shared a door with Purple's room. The first thing he'd do after waking up was chug the drink on his nightstand and drag himself into the bathroom. As gross as Red may claim him was pretty obsessive about his personal hygiene. Not so much his spaces but definitely his own. In the vanity he'd groom his teeth, antenna and claws. Allowing wires and cable to descend and attach to run a check on his PAK. He'd check for new growths or stuck shed or ingrown fluff. If he found stuck shed he pry it off. It wasn't recommended for most be he had the training for it. Checking the fluff was a pain since in only grew in weird spots. The elbows, wrists, knees, ankles and another spot. Most of the time he'd gel the fluff on his elbows down since Red was adamant it was unseemly to go into public showing it off. It matched their skin, noone would see it. But it's what Red wanted.
If it was time for regular maintenance he go to the PAK maintenance station in the bathroom. Red would have everything done by a PAK technician, even the basics. Purple requested the encoding when he was still an elite. Back then he was only allowed access to some of it. More then most elites, because of his height, his adamance, and his scores, but still wasn't enough. When Red started taking his work Purple rekindled his studies. He did all his own maintenance, mostly in the bathroom. Some in the technician labs with someone supervising as he used the more complex machines. He modified his PAK legs adding any and all attachments that he thought could be useful in a pinch. The same tech silently approving them or quietly point out how batshit an idea he had was and barring it.
There were two shower. One above the giant inground jacuzzi tub, covered by floor panels when not in use. Neither were very visible. And the other near the full body drier and sanitation unit. It was fixed in place too large and complex to be hidden like most things. The unit had a seat in it, but standing was also an option. In sanitation mode would burn off any foreign matter, typically burn away shed, then douse the irken in cleansing chalk to eat any left over carbon mixture. It'd puff at them to remove any excess chalk. Ending with a mist of sanitizer.
Purple preferred the bath and showers. He hated flash of heat and cleansing chalk. He mostly used the drying function setting it to a comfortable temperature even if it made the duration longer. He knew the dangers of sanitizer over use. The dry, cracking skin and open wounds it'd leave. The lowering of the immune system response on top of what PAKs inherently caused. It was a very dangerous thing to abuse and most hadn't a clue. He always manually set the mists.
The Rec Room was full of random shit. Most taken out to use. The main thing was Simulation chamber. It took up half the room. Infront of it were the dumby weapons rack full of every weapon type one could imagine. Typically only found in drill stations and arenas. But with a wider selection. There were various stacks of games infront of an already filled cabinet spilling over with all sorts crafting supplies. Both for the chamber and on individual used. Med drives mixed amongst them. Tubs full unopened of ship models. Mini game tables and extra supplies for them. They weren't typically used. The upper break room had better ones and more space.
Puppets really weren't that popular until they came into power. Still weren't really, but some people caught on. Red and Purple typically made their own. They were scattered on everything else. The Announcer gifted a couple top of the line ones. Basically characticturized versions of themselves. Realistic feeling skin. Intricately detailed eyes that showed the hexagonal pattern hidden in most implants if they caught the light just right. They could be used in a variety of ways. Like a marionette, like a hand puppet. A panel in the back of the head would open up to allow the hand in. Another would open up on one of hips to more easily maneuver them. The limbs had places for PAK legs to attach. They were really something. They sat mostly untouched far too nice to play with. Or they could just be posed. Limbs locking it position on the right setting.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[Ariel and Summer]
"It's just a little further, I promise."
Which was something Ariel had said at least four times now, as she lead Summer through the Tunnels, knowing these ones like the back of her hand. They're obviously unused, having been left abandoned for a while. It was perfect. Reaching a door, clearly made of random pieces Ariel had find, she pushed it aside and allowed Summer in.
Inside was, well, cluttered to say the least. In the dimly lit part of this closed off sewer tunnel, Ariel had covered every nook and cranny she could with all sorts. Random broken items, from glasses, to cups, to random toys that sometimes showed up. Corks, and screws, and pebbles, and well, anything and everything. If it existed, Ariel probably had it somewhere in her collection. Seashells she found were glued to the brick, or hung from string like stars in the skies - though how she even got up there to hang them was a question within itself. In the ceiling was a single grate, allowing beams of sunlight to wash in - the angle was perfect, allowing Ariel to lay on a bunch of pillows she had found so she could watch the sky without being disturbed,
"It's my collection," Ariel smiles, "I've got gadgets and gizmo's a plenty, I've got who's-its and whats-it galore," She says her words with a slight tune, "Oh, you want thing-a-ma-bobs Summer? I got at least twenty!"
It's clear this collection of human things had been going on for a while, and had no signs of stopping. Ariel clearly admired it, grinning,
"You can uhm, take some stuff, if you want?" Ariel offers, "I do love my collection, but I don't mind sharing..."
She moves to that little patch of the sun, sitting herself down, enjoying the warmth. Her smile faded a little,
"You're not going to tell anyone, will you Summer?" Ariel wants to double check, "I don't think dad will be impressed with my collection."
Oh, if only she knew.
| Muse Interaction
"Ari are we 'ike close yet?" Summer complained maybe for the third or fourth times, Summer had lost count a bit ago, feeling like see been walking through the tunnels with them for days at this point now. It been more about an hour but Summer's attention span could burn quick. And it was reaching that point since her cousin had told her about wanting to show her something
"It's just a little further, I promise."
Summer slightly pouted her lip Ariel had told her that for the fourth time now. Better than Pops 'We'll get there when we get there' she guessed but still. Summer looked around the tunnels she didn't travel them as much as her cousin did so to her it sort of looked all the same like an unending maze. Least till they finally reached something new! "Fuckin' finally!" Summer uttered under her breath as she jogged a little to catch up to Ariel's side now. As they made their way through the make shift door. Summer stepping in and letting eyes look around at everything they found to land on, she wasn't all that sure to start? A low wishlet given as she minded her step not wanting to crush anything below her feet by mistake. The light pouring in through the grate above made it so she could at least slightly make out a few stand outs in the mass.
Summer strayed over to a random pile of well to her, just looked like a bunch of random junk at best. There were broken glass shards, a cup. What she assumed was a cork screw? She had seen one at home before. It was pretty clear that Airel had been working on this for a while, but Summer didn't quite clock into why?
"It's my collection,"
"Collection?" Summer repeats back questioning this as a collection. But considering stuff she collected, it wasn't too different it just wasn't as on theme as Summers' collection of ticket stubs from games or trading cards of players. "Oh so it's jus' you 'ike human collection?" Having finally connected the dots. As she turned to find Ariel smiling brightly over this
"I've got gadgets and gizmo's a plenty, I've got who's-its and whats-it galore,"
Summer tilts her head and pursed her lips "why dose 'hat sound familiar?"
"Oh, you want thing-a-ma-bobs Summer? I got at least twenty!"
Summer was not focused at all on the objects being presented to her she could just a bout make out the music from how Ariel was talking right now. It was like some old faint pleasant memory but damn for the life of her she just could not. It was really bugging her now closing her eyes tightly a moment damn why did this all seem so familiar not quite daja vu? She could just about imagine a red headed girl she thinks dancing? Thoughts pulled away when his cousin goes to speak up again.
"You can uhm, take some stuff, if you want?"
"Uh 'ake somethin'?" She was more trying to gather her baring still trying to scratch that lingering thought in her head on why they sing song way Ariel was speaking was so familiar?
"I do love my collection, but I don't mind sharing..."
Summer just blows air out her mouth in a sort of raspberry like laugh, brushing the idea off as she gave a wave of her hand even "nah collection's are special Ari. OH if anythin' I can help ya wit' it! if ya 'ike I mean. I can' get a hold of things ya might not see where ya got most of this stuff after all." Following Ariel over as they made their way to the pile of pillows where the light from the grate was pouring over easily warming up the space. Summer joining her when she gets an idea "oh 'ike this!" she fished around he pockets a pulls out a mini hockey stick holding it over to her cousin "watch" see took the end off to reveal it was a pen smiling before she capped it and handed it over. Pushing it into their hand before she sat down beside them looking up at the grate to see the sun pout in around the metal. "Look real nice down here though." Summer observed as she looked around more at the many piles.
"You're not going to tell anyone, will you Summer?"
"uh?" Summer answered with not because she didn't understand but more because she felt it was just obvious that of course she wouldn't tell anyone about this place. "Course I wouldn' tell anyone." she still assures them despite that fact. "No one gonna get a word outta me no need ta worry 'bout that." She doubles down just in case it was needed to be said and made that much more clear.
"but why are ya worried about someone findin' out?"
"I don't think dad will be impressed with my collection."
"oh." was all Summer could think to say about that, after all everyone knew how her uncle Donnie could be. Always over prepared, a massive worry wort even more so when it came to her cousin. If he found out she been sneaking out topside, even if she was staying hidden and careful? Well yeah didn't take much to piece that all together from there. Neither of them seemed to know just how far off the mark they were when it came to the purple banded turtle of the group. " 'm sure he wouldn' be that upset with ya Ari? I mean he gotta somewhat understand after all 'ight?" She tries to reason a bit "but 'ike I said no one gonna get a word from me! I mean it they can torture me and nothin' about this place will be said! 'd sooner sell out my dad's on how gross and sappy they are at home." She soon pulls down a sleeve so to expose her forearm in case they need more to know this was safe with her "I mean it I'll make a blood oath or ya can burn my arm so ya know I won't spill. Dad always says a promise is important after ta all!" he might not have meant her to be this over the top about it thought. At least the sentiment should be coming across.
"Though I still say it's a cool collection ya got goin' I bet even Uncle Donnie would be a bit impressed how much ya gathered up on ya own, I mean sure he might get all panic 'ike he dose." Trying to copy her uncle now "you could have been seen by one of thise barbarians, by one of those humans!." Waging a finger at her cousin as she mocked scolded her only to laugh her self. When a thought hit her.
"Oh the little mermaid! 'Hats what ya reminded me of...." She trails off a second "wait is that why they call you that?" As is the big non mystery had finally be sloved.
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kiloprestaurant · 2 years
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As he discusses drug production, consumption, distribution, and money laundering, Mares carefully shows what insights micro political economic, realist, constructivist, and social deviant perspectives each bring to bear on the problem. This variation creates a host of global cooperation and policy coordination problems, making Drug Wars and Coffee Houses an ideal supplement for giving students an opportunity to apply the larger themes of any political economy course to a substantive policy area.Ī compelling framework-focusing on political economic ideas and analysis-shows students how leaders and policymakers need to understand the drug trade as a full-blown commodity system if they are to impact its different segments. From the more tolerant “coffee house” style policies of the Netherlands which focus on public health concerns, to the United States’ just-say-no “drug war” approach, nations frame and seek to resolve these issues in very different ways and with different levels of success. With his brief and engaging new book, David Mares explores the reasons why there is so much disagreement among nations about which policies are most appropriate to address drug production, distribution, and trade.
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