#up there with Rhein Aeducan and Meroia Nua
mightymizora · 1 year
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So in Early Access and on my old blog I did a Tav asks but I never really did an intro to my current (and I think from how much I'm enjoying her, potentially main and only) Tav origin character. So here we go.
Glimmergris | Bard, College of Lore | Deep Gnome | Charlatan
Glimmergris, or Glimra Silvervein Gilbie, is a Deep Gnome from Neverwinter. She is the daughter of noted gem hunter Tilsedie Silvervein Gilbie, who worked across Silverymoon, Neverwinter, the Underdark, and the north in adventuring crews seeking treasure, as well as operating as a merchant for fine enchanted jewels. Tilsedie was well into her hundreds when she unexpectedly had her daughter - she was already a grandmother, and had been divorced from her last husband for some time. She doted on her daughter, but did not care to share who her father might be.
Glimra loved the adventures she was taken on, loved jewels and craft and home, and loved music, stories, and poetry, quickly learning all she could from the adventurers who travelled with her mother and gaining skill as a bard. She was christened Glimmergris by an associate of her mother's, as he said she needed something a little more unique, something that could be remembered on its own, much like his own name, Volo.
At the time of the abduction, she is 46 years old, and working across the recovering Neverwinter as a musician and occasional adventurer for hire, though almost all of her money goes home to Silverymoon (sparing a few small pieces of gold she spends on a good book, or a particularly fine pair of earrings.) Her mother's health has faded, and she needs almost constant care, which usually falls to her older brothers and particularly their wives, which causes some resentment.
She generally wants to do what is right, but sometimes struggles with the mantle of leadership, feeling the urge towards safety that many Deep Gnomes crave. If there is a way to talk her way out of something, she will do it, and is in turn full of charm and full of bite. It creates a tension in her between her love for music and gregarious desire to bring joy, and a need to go unseen and keep people away to stay safe. As she journeys through the frontiers, it challenges her to become a true leader and to open up to real growth and real stakes, something which is only heightened by unfortunately falling in love with the former chosen of a Goddess, and to start to live for herself, and not always for her family.
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mightymizora · 1 year
I love it when I get to know an OC well enough to be able to sum up their great driving flaw in one word.
Rhein Aeducan is Pride. Easily. She lets her proud nature utterly destroy those around her. She is a mess!
Charity Hawke (the real one) is lust. She lets her desires take over her senses. Bethany pretending to be Charity is anger. She’s so angry and has no idea what to do with it.
Gennol Lavellan is apathy. She has gotten so detached from her own self as she’s got older that she has no idea how to be an effective leader.
Meroia Nua is uprightness. She’s wound up so tightly that she can bear to unravel even slightly.
Glimmergris is fear. She is so afraid to leap, to commit, to do anything that is just for herself.
Manva is faith. Her faith is what dooms her, will doom her, until she finds any strength to question.
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