#update i had to rewrite it a third time because at first i didnt realize k&c were credited for 6x18 too. its a long cast list to be fair
cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Concept that’s been floating around in my brain since I saw the guest cast:
Kameron & Connor involved in the disaster, baby survives but they don’t and Buck ends up with baby. Thoughts?
Honestly I don't see it happening for a few reasons, but that's not to say I wouldn't be down for it if it DID happen.
For one, this season has focused a lot on striking the balance between biological and non-biological family—we had Buck and Chim reconciling with their parents for their own well-being (or at least Chim; still not entirely sure what the resolution with Buck and his parents is) but at the same time, we had a whole episode really cementing Bobby in his role as Buck's chosen father figure. We've had Henren and their struggle with Denny's bio dad, ultimately culminating in them standing their ground as Denny's parents, but allowing Denny to explore that relationship because it's what he needs. With all that in mind, I think it would be a little bit off-theme for Buck to get Kameron and Connor's kid just because they died; they've really made it clear that Buck doesn't see this kid as his, and with the baby being very much theirs, I don't think the baby going to Buck makes much sense. Surely he would go to their next of kin, right? Unless of course there's something in 6x17 with Kameron where it's made clear that they've chosen Buck in the event of their deaths which would be a wild thing to do, but maybe also an interesting exploration of Eddie's will? Idk, seems like it'd be a lot to cram into 2 episodes, what with everything else going on. And then Buck would have a baby. Which would also be a lot for the show to deal with going forward. (don’t get me wrong, I want to get that man a baby asap. but im not sure the writers would agree with me)
The other thing is that it just feels....really dark for 911. Like orphaning a baby? Taking the opportunity to raise him away from the parents who wanted him so badly? I mean, lord knows there's been some dark plot lines on the show but ending the season on that would be....whew.
I do kind of love the idea that the pile up that causes the bridge collapse includes civilians that we've met over the course of this season. I saw someone else mention the disaster could start at the end of 6x17 and Marisol could be involved, and that's why she's in both episodes. Marisol (who's house Buck helped fix up) causes or is the first person injured in the pile up, injuring Chim (Buck's soon-to-be brother-in-law), Natalia (Buck's....girlfriend, maybe? Too soon to say), and Connor and Kameron (old friend and woman carrying a baby with his genetic material). Battle over his priorities ensues (save Kameron and the baby who's got half his DNA but leave them without Connor? Save his chosen family and the love of his sister's life? But if he does one or both he can't save his hot new death obsessed love interest? I mean, also exceptionally dark, but could turn out okay maybe? Idk, I'm very intrigued though.
send me your spec for the last two episodes of s6 (but don't be weird)
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