archtroop · 1 year
Ok I'll be saying this, and damn it all.
Not watching The Flash because of Ezra Miller is a childish, sjw-ish, anti behavior.
This is NOT Miller's personal movie. Miller is just ONE actor within this project. Miller is ONE cog (a big and important, yet just ONE) in this machine. By boycotting a project, that involves hundreds if not more talents, screenwriters, producers, actors, directors, tech people, music people, visuals people, costume people, ART PEOPLE, you are spitting in the face of a whole workforce, that whole its crime was to sign a contract on a project along one other person who turned out to be a No Good Guy.
Whatever Miller did, doing and will do, should not ever be a stain over people, ESPECIALLY ARTISTS, who chance would have them working on the same project with them. That is not OK. That is not anywhere along the lines of justice. This is cruel.
This is a "FeelGood" behavior for consumers. A trendy action with zero significance and 100% bad taste.
The production and management did all they can to minimize Miller's upfollowed involvement in the press releases and commercials and interviews for the movie. What you can do is respect the efforts of the crew that worked on the project. The actors who put their best in it. The writers.
Whatever will be of This One Person is up for the courts to decide. If there is a rehabilitation, a sentence a jail time - it's not up to any of the audience to decide. It is not the case for the guillotine.
This movie is not a product of one person, not Miller's personal message to the world, not a cult leader's manifesto. The movie is not a hate crime, not a propaganda created by one Ezra Miller. It's not theirs.
It's a superhero movie, in which Miller stars as an actor.
If Jews can listen AND ENJOY Wagner's music so you can put your big boy pants on and watch THIS movie.
And if YOU personally don't like superheros, and won't be watching it, that's fine.
And if YOU personally don't like the character and not interested in Flash, and won't be watching it, that's fine.
But if you want to watch it, but won't because of ONE actor? You are doing a great disservice to the filmmakers, the other actors and to yourself.
Think about it.
29 notes · View notes
cheezvt · 2 months
Tonight, I see just how much I can handle Hope being a sadsack or Hope just being The Worst in more Final Fantasy XIII! Tune in and watch!
2 notes · View notes
kimta22 · 5 months
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magneticloves · 5 months
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You must be a GEN!RP, and not using any nickname unless it's related to your muse.
One account perhead. Please use your main account only!.
Multi agencies are allowed, maximum 3 OA (included The Magnetic Loves) and 2 SQ (group SQ is not counted, but we counted SQ who’s having event once a week).
Your following must be maximal 600, so please remain your following under 600 and please do clean up your followings if it's about to reach 600.
Love wins!.
You must have at least 30 Followers and 100 tweets full of interaction with your mutuals if you used a new account.
We will run in 40 days, so make sure make any seconds, any hours, any days are worthy!
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As we want all of you to get closer, we’ll ask you to do at least 5 interactions per-day among the difference members. So, be active please!
Rated things strictly forbidden. Seductive Sunday, re-tweeted NSFW content is strictly forbidden.
Follow the MaVes schedule that we've made as much as possible. Also, changing face claim maximal twice a month, and please make sure you doesn't have a twin on The MaVes.
Hiatus is allowed for 3 until 7 days.
Random tweets, retweets, or likes that are related to RL thingy and not related to your muse are strictly prohibited, and please use brackets of you’re about to tweet OOC things. Bot, JFB upfollowers, circle-on-circle, drama, issue, and war are strictly forbidden on MaVes.
GDM is strictly for INFO, NEW TWEETS OR NEW CONVO ONLY with a caption that build bonding. It is strictly forbidden to convo in any group DM unless the name is changed to "ON CONVO" by the Maguardie.
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Inactive for 24 hours after we verify without any reasons.
Inactive for 3 days without telling The Maguardie what was the reasons.
Violating our rules.
Not notify The Maguardie for more than 24 hours maximal 48 hours when your account is locked, suspended, or anything happens to your account.
The Maguardie, MaVes God of Opposite Magnet.
0 notes
seasonofblue · 8 months
You must be a GEN!RP. You must not using any nickname unless it's related to your muse.
One account perhead. Please use your main account.
Multi agencies are allowed, maximum 3 OA (including The Blue Seasons) and 2 SQ (group SQ is not counted, but SQ who’s having event once a week is counted).
Your following must be under 500, so please remain your following under 500 and please do clean up your followings if it's about to reach 500.
Love wins
Be active, please.
As we want all of you to get closer, we’ll ask you to do at least 3 interactions per-day with the members.
Rated things are allowed only from 23.00 - 05.00 WIB. Seductive Sunday is not allowed.
Follow the weekly schedule that we've made as much as possible.
Changing face claim maximally twice a month, and please make sure you doesn't have a twin on our agency.
Hiatus is allowed for 3 to 6 days.
Random tweets, retweets, or likes that are related to RL thingy and not related to your muse are strictly prohibited, please use brackets of you’re about to tweet OOC things
Bot, JFB-thingy, upfollowers, circle-on-circle, drama, issue, and war are strictly prohibited on our OA.
GDM is strictly for INFO, NEW TWEETS OR NEW CONVO ONLY. It is strictly forbidden to convo in any group DM unless the name is changed to "ON CONVO" by one of the Observers.
Do not share random tweets that could start a conversation on GDM.
Inactive 24 hours after we verify.
Inactive for 3 days without telling The OBSERVERs.
Violating our rules.
Not notify the OBSERVERs for more than 24 hours when your account is locked, suspended, or otherwise.
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vatt-world · 11 months
kick swipe headspin six step go down
starships columbus
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wartegbwang · 1 year
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——————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
1. One account per head, main account is highly preferred. We accept newly made account with 150> tweets and minimum 30 followers.
2. Username and display name must related into the your muse. Using RT or LiKE upfoll and JFB thingy are strictly prohibited.
3. All star & No twin.
4. Following must be under 600.
5. Maximum 3 OA including us and 2 SQ.
6. Do update your muse, retweet from an official account is fine but fan account are prohibited.
7. Use your brackets if you tweet something contains OOC things. But please remember, don't out of your character too much to avoid any inconvenience among members.
8. NSFW is only allowed for Legal Muse and from 12 PM to 4 AM (GMT+7)
9. Attendance on every event is required, if you canʼt join the event please inform us with a specific reason.
10. You're allowed to change account or character if needed after 2 weeks verified, but please inform us first and the maximum amount of change is twice.
11. Temporary Swap is also allowed for maximum 3 days in one weeks after informing the details to us.
12. If in some case your account is suspended, locked or broken because of technical issue, please contact us maximum 3 x 24 hour after the incident.
13. Once verified, the member must follow other members and the base account include cts account.
—————————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
1. Approximate days for semi hiatus is 3 day.
2. Approximate days for hiatus is 6 day.
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1. Beaking the rules.
2. Not participating in our events without a permit 3 times.
3. Not claiming their spot to us in 24 hours after verification and not active in 3 days.
4. Not having interaction with other members in 3 days straight.
——————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
Only for info from the base is prohibited there is a tweet/convo link inside gdm, if violated it will get a DARE penalty.
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Just on convo at the weekend. For weekdays (allowed to send tweet links only). Outside the weekend there can be no interaction inside GDM, if breaking will be given a DARE penalty.
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It is prohibited to send pornographic or 18+ tweet links into GDM if they violate will be reprimanded by the base.
——————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
1. Satu akun per kepala, akun utama lebih disukai. Kami menerima akun yang baru dibuat dengan 150 and tweet dan minimal 30 pengikut.
2. Nama pengguna dan nama tampilan harus terkait ke dalam muse kamu. Menggunakan RT atau LIKE upfollow dan JFB thingy sangat dilarang.
3. All star & No Twin
4. Following harus di bawah 600.
5. Maksimal 3 OA termasuk kami dan 2 SQ.
6. Lakukan update muse kamu, retweet dari akun resmi tidak apa-apa, tetapi akun penggemar dilarang.
7. Gunakan tanda kurung jika kamu men-tweet sesuatu yang mengandung OOC. Tapi harap diingat, jangan terlalu keluar dari karakter kamu untuk menghindari ketidaknyamanan di antara anggota.
8. NSFW hanya diperbolehkan dari pukul 12:00 sampai 4 pagi (GMT+7)
9. Kehadiran pada setiap acara/event diperlukan, jika kamu tidak dapat bergabung silahkan beritahu kami dengan alasan tertentu.
10. Kamu diperbolehkan untuk mengganti akun atau karakter jika diperlukan setelah 2 minggu diverifikasi, tetapi tolong beritahu kami terlebih dahulu, maksimum 2x dalam sebulan
11. Temporary Swap Maksimum 3 hari dalam seminggu.
12. Jika dalam beberapa kasus akun kamu ditangguhkan, dikunci atau rusak karena masalah teknis, silakan hubungi kami maksimal 3 x 24 jam setelah kejadian.
13. Setelah diverifikasi, anggota harus mengikuti anggota lain dan akun base dan akun cts.
—————————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
1. Semi hiatus adalah 3 hari.
2. Hiatus adalah 6 hari.
——————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
1. Melanggar aturan.
2. Tidak berpartisipasi dalam acara/event kami tanpa izin 3 kali.
3. Tidak mengklaim slot setelah verifikasi dalam 24 jam.
4. Tidak berinteraksi dengan anggota lain dalam 3 hari berturut-turut.
——————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
Hanya untuk info dari CT dilarang ada link tweet/convo di dalam gdm, jika dilanggar akan mendapatkan hukuman berupa DARE.
——————————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
Hanya pada convo di akhir pekan. Untuk hari kerja (hanya diizinkan untuk mengirim tautan tweet). Di luar akhir pekan tidak akan ada interaksi di dalam GDM, jika melanggar akan diberikan hukuman berupa DARE.
——————— . . . ❋ ࣪ ࣭
Dilarang mengirim link tweet yang berbau pornografi atau 18+ ke GDM jika melanggar akan ditegur oleh CT.
1 note · View note
theblueseasons · 1 year
You must be a GEN!RP. You must not using any nickname unless it's related to your muse.
One account perhead. Please use your main account.
Multi agencies are allowed, maximum 3 OA (including The Blue Seasons) and 2 SQ (group SQ is not counted, but SQ who’s having event once a week is counted).
Your following must be under 500, so please remain your following under 500 and please do clean up your followings if it's about to reach 500.
Love wins
Be active, please.
As we want all of you to get closer, we’ll ask you to do at least 3 interactions per-day with the members.
Rated things are allowed only from 23.00 - 05.00 WIB. Seductive Sunday is not allowed.
Follow the weekly schedule that we've made as much as possible.
Changing face claim maximally twice a month, and please make sure you doesn't have a twin on our agency.
Hiatus is allowed for 3 to 6 days.
Random tweets, retweets, or likes that are related to RL thingy and not related to your muse are strictly prohibited, please use brackets of you’re about to tweet OOC things
Bot, JFB-thingy, upfollowers, circle-on-circle, drama, issue, and war are strictly prohibited on our OA.
GDM is strictly for INFO, NEW TWEETS OR NEW CONVO ONLY. It is strictly forbidden to convo in any group DM unless the name is changed to "ON CONVO" by one of the Blues.
Do not share random tweets that could start a conversation on GDM.
Inactive 24 hours after we verify.
Inactive for 3 days without telling The BLUEs.
Violating our rules.
Not notify the BLUEs for more than 24 hours when your account is locked, suspended, or otherwise.
0 notes
anindyamaheswari · 1 year
Harus sudah membaca, memahami dan mengetahui semua regulasi yang sudah saya sediakan sejak awal.
Hanya menerima form berbasis Bahasa Indonesia saja. Tidak menerima diluar Bahasa Indonesia.
Jam kerja dimulai jam 12:00 WIB sampai 10:00 WIB.
Tidak menggunakan jasa di tempat lain bersamaan, karena pekerjaan kami akan bentrok. (Seperti jasa diving, upfollow atau memasang bot).
Melakukan pembayaran lebih dahulu. Tersedia semua E-WALLET, BCA, SEABANK dan QRIS.
Formulir order bisa dikirimkan melalui DM @, WhatsApp wa.me/ dan TELEGRAM @ .
Dimohon akun sudah verifikasi lengkap. Seperti EMAIL yang sudah di verifikasi dan nomor telephone. Menghindari akun dikunci saat diving dan suspended.
Jika akun suspended diluar kuasa saya. Saya hanya bisa membantu mengirimkan formulir unsuspended namun untuk EMAIL harus melakui akun EMAIL yang terpaut di akun Twitter.
Jika ada request boleh dibicarakan dengan saya melalui DM, WA atau TELEGRAM.
Hanya menerima akun CA, RP dan CYBER.
0 notes
marchapiness · 2 years
Chapter II, Regulations.
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We only accept All Star and Gen Rp.
Twins are not allowed.
Your maximum agency is 3 including us.
Free username and display name as long as they are related to your muse.
One account per head.
Maximum following is 500.
Please update your chara manually.
Please use brackets if talking about real-thingy.
No bot, no retweeting upfollow, jfb, etc.
Nsfw thingy allowed from 11 PM until 4 AM.
War, drama, and circle in circle are strictly prohibited.
GDM for information only, and make sure to always check our GDM.
You can only change your muse once per month and do a temporary swap twice in a month.
Please notify us if there is something important.
Hiatus only for five days and semi–hiatus for three days. Please consult with us if you require additional time.
0 notes
thephantomhive · 2 years
𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 :
One account per head, we highly recommend you to use your main account
We accept all-stars but for Gen!RP only and no twins
Multi agency are allowed, a maximum 3 including us
The account’s profile and username must be related to your characters
Love Wins
The maximum following is 550
We welcome new accounts, but they must have a minimum of 250 tweets and 50 followers.
Bot , JFB-thingy, upfollowers, circle-on-circle, drama, issue, and war are strictly prohibited.
Random tweets, retweets, or likes that are related to RL thingy are strictly prohibited, please use brackets to minimize OOC thingy
NSFW contents are allowed from 22.00 - 05.00
Always inform us through our DM if you want to change your account, character, or username, and if you want to do temporary swap. And also if you have problems with your account, such as locked, suspended, on limit, or if you want to deactivate your account.
Temporary swap maximal 3 days and just allowed if your muse for temporary swap is not one of the agency members
Changing face claim maximally twice a month
Submitting for unverification before joining for 2 weeks is strictly prohibited
Be active and participate in our events or games, do tell us if you can’t join the games or event and having fun.
Respect the caretakers and fellow members
Last but not least obey our regulations and rules. If you violate, you will get a penalty.
0 notes
the22kost · 2 years
Chapter 2: Regulations.
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We only accept All Star and Gen Rp.
Twins are not allowed.
Your maximum agency is 3 including us.
Free username and display name as long as they are related to your muse.
One account per head.
There is no maximum following as long as you keep good communication with all members.
Please update your chara manually or by retweet.
Please use brackets if talking about real-thingy.
No bot, no retweeting upfollow, jfb, etc.
Nsfw thingy allowed from 10:00 PM until 4:00 AM.
War, drama, and circle in circle are strictly prohibited.
GDM for information only, and make sure to always check our GDM.
You can only change your muse once per month and do a temporary swap twice in a month.
Please notify us if there is something important.
Hiatus only for five days and semi–hiatus for three days. Please consult with us if you require additional time.
0 notes
bruyant · 3 years
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♥ . . . . . #aestheticsoul #infuence #growyourself #upfollow #fashionchallenge #ootd #aestheticvintage #coloraesthetic #themeaccount #pinteresttips #pinterestforbusiness #vibes #20like4like #instagrammersgallery #likephotography #follow4back #influencing #bloggerofinstagram #bloggerinspo #jewelryinfluencer #instadaily #bloggersofinstagram #microinfluencer #portaits_ig #portraitig #pinterestbaby #gainfollowersfree #gainquick #hypegroup #accountgrowth https://www.instagram.com/chiaragiaidone/p/CXTaaOxoAvu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mmsgroup · 3 years
JobsZon Tips For Job Seekers - More Interview Follow Up Ideas
More Interview Tips at https://jobszon.com/YTIntvHelp
Employers are expecting you to follow-up  after your interview. 
When you follow up, make your you are on point, professional, and as brief as you can be.
Make sure they know you are still interested in the job. This is a good time to ask a couple of other questions about the position or company. 
A lot of candidates don't do this.  By consistently following up it helps you stand out in the mind of the interviewer above other candidates.
Search 1,000's of Jobs at https://www.JobsZon.com
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Get More Interview Answers: https://jobszon.com/YT-IntvwAnswers
More Resume Tips at https://jobszon.com/YT-ResumeHelp
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djbrahmin · 4 years
Follow @dj_brahmin & get all these premium services absolutely free 👉 🐲 Download Fresh Electronic Music (weekly) 🐲 Pro Audio Tips (Everyday) 🐲 Fun Stuffs (Everyday) 🐲 🐲Join the FAM now❗️❕ 🐲 #spotifyplaylist #musicpage #freedownloads #stockmusic #freemusicdownload #digitone #outsoon #electromusic #electronicmusicproducer #upfollow #instafollowing #newposts #musicblogs #followmeformusic #hotnewmusic #musicmakers #tagadopeartist #musicartists #musicoftheday #musicporn #musicofinstagram #musiccreator #newtracks #bestnewmusic #moremusic #musicconnects #followmusic #djbrahmin #khatibass (at GAG Digital Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQ28kFBkxn/?igshid=1taxuxfg5hoo6
0 notes
foodffs · 6 years
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Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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