sunmancin · 5 years
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blog-bedroom-curtains-uppha% cc% 88ngning https://ift.tt/2nlseLa
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junmoriuchi-donut · 3 years
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【今日のレコード】ベストだけどファーストアルバム。 #MuddyWaters #thebestofMUDDYWATERS #1958release https://www.instagram.com/p/CPqV-uppHA-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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april-blogs · 6 years
I haven’t posted on here in about a year (oops). I guess life really does have a way of just whisking you into a whirlwind, hence my inconsistent posting. Plus, I don’t really find the time to sit down and just wrap my head around everything that just happened that often so I think if anything, these December “throwback-of-the-year” posts are gonna be my most consistent posts on here, for my sake and for documenting what’s been happening in my life and just to look back on the past year. (I’m not gonna promise to post more often because lol, those types of promises are made to be broken given my crazy schedule, sadly enough).
It’s been great, to be honest. I don’t even know where to start. I mean it wasn’t an uphill ride for the whole of it but looking at the bigger picture, this was probably one of the best years with its fair share of plot twists.
(This is gonna be long, so I’ll put everything under the cut. This is a self-gratifying post anyway so read if you want lol).
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2017 started off pretty great with lots of food and lots of friendship so there’s always that to be grateful for <3
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Plus first out of town trip with batchmates at LaResio in Laguna! This was a super spur-of-the-moment decision and good thing all the factors were in my favor at that moment (factors like money lol the true rate-limiting step 💸). I had so much fun, batch 2013 is 💖
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Indakan with UPPhA SC 2016-2017 + Samantha our new friend 😂 Glad to see this project lived on to have a second run after being part of the core team for the first one. Plus, post-Indakan is always such fun haha.
The trial month lol. This month was super jampacked with an event almost every weekend. Fun, but super draining.
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First weekend was PPS weekend so of course it was pretty draining, given that I was part of the student council at the time but still a good way to be productive on a weekend. Plus we did have Silantro afterwards. The picture is of me with Alex and Ayane on the back of Phillippe’s pickup since we had to drop off the printers we borrowed, before Silantro. 
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In celebration of Valentine’s Day S.A.D. and after Tugtugan rehearsals (if I remember correctly?), we decided to splurge on Shakey’s and ice cream because Valentine’s is a silly holiday borne off of capitalism lol jk. It was fun though and my tummy was happy. Happy S.A.D.! Haha
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And of course since Bulagaan was coming up, Bulagaan preps were in place for Batch 2013 and since I usually end up shooting our candidates, we went all out this time and shot in 3 different locations! Super tiring but so worth it given our outputs.
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Here’s what came out of the 3 locations shoot lol. We were such perfectionists this time around and this was pretty challenging to shoot but it came out well so yay! Thank you to Elai for postprocessing because I’m a postprocessing noob, but no thanks to me for losing the high quality versions of these (what a bimb, self, what a bimb, but in my defense my laptop broke down for some unknown reason).
This month was pretty eventful too, or at least the first part!
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My first Tugtugan as a performer for one! Haha, never thought I’d join PharmJAM (it was really, again, a spur-of-the-moment decision) but this experience was great 💞 Got the chance to be a Spice Girl lol (angery spice!) haha!
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My first Wanderland as well! I was so sold when they announced that LANY was performing and I’m so glad that I got the chance to see them live for their first show in Manila. And super up close too! It was a great crowd and a great experience, I couldn’t be more grateful! Thought I was going to end up wandering around Wanderland alone too but Will appeared haha.
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I also made it to LANY’s official photo for that show, can you believe it? I can’t either! Had to use all the zooms to spot myself but at least I did!
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And of course, this moment! Aaaaah so proud of Batch 2013 for winning in the last Bulagaan. So so so proud of the batch, always <3
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Also my group of friends since freshman year was complete after a while because Shane came back for a visit from Canada aaaaah! Super happy times! Until now, I can’t believe it’s been 4, almost 5, years since I’ve found people I call home in UPM. It’s always strange to be in a new environment but I’m glad I found these people who have turned this conyo gurl into a conyo gurl with hints of baryo-ticness hahahaha! Always thankful 🤗
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Plus Colloquium with JP Habac! Super funny, Mini was mid-Bagnet dance when we took a picture with him.
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Met and got to bond with my cousins, Alyssa and Japjap, from Seattle too. Too bad I was insanely busy at that time and I really wish I had the chance to hang out with them more but school.
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My birthday month started with this dog randomly appearing in my life. Aaaaah can’t believe this was just a few months ago and Sunshine was just so smol but now she’s pretty heavy as compared to this, and much more feisty too haha. But stil smol, and cute.
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Also grateful for these two for pulling through when I decided to spontaneously visit UPD because I was bored and I needed to see faces I didn’t normally see haha. Love them both, loved this night so much. :)
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Also got myself to function for MindMeld despite the crazy night I had prior to it haha! It was great and it was a nice competition and a great way to see interprofessional collaboration at the student level :)
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Also it was my first time to celebrate Holy Week in the province. I got super sick for some reason (probably not used to the fresh air lol jk!) but it was nice to go back. Cantandog sunsets will always leave me breathless and it was great how this was the exact scenery that greeted me when we got back to Cantandog. I used to be much more unappreciative of going there especially without my cousins but this time around and I think as you grow older, you start to appreciate simple things like picturesque sunsets and the company of family. :)
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And to end April (sounds so funny, considering I’m April), was my birthday celebration. It didn’t happen on my actual birthday but rather, two days before, and my brother randomly called me and told me to pack my things since we would be going to the beach. It was super random, I think I might have had a couple of worksheets that I planned to do that day but I ditched them, and thank God I did! Haha. This was one of the funnest ways I’ve celebrated my birthday and I’m super duper thankful that I have brothers who spoil me (it makes up for the lack of a boyfriend haha!).
Not much pictures for me this month, weirdly enough, but there’s this.
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Quietest elections season (at least on my part) since I was not allowed to involve myself given my incumbency in the student council at that time (plus I wasn’t running so I had to stay on the sidelines). May was a month of grounding, keeping healthy, and managing my time wisely. A relatively stable month, which is ironic since this is finals month, but nonetheless it was appreciated. At least at one point of the year, I had my physical health in check haha.
Manuf Internship month for me!
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I got assigned to Hizon Laboratories along with Gab, Trissia, Ayane, and Lula and I am grateful that I got grouped with people I’m super comfortable with. <3
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This was super funny. First one to get assigned to the Microbiology department was Lula and it was located in the area where they manufactured sterile/parenterals so they’re super strict about doors being closed because besides the fact that manufacturing sterile preparations is super expensive, they also require very strict conditions so the door autolocks and you can’t get out without a key. All of us already got out but Lula was stuck so we had to wait for someone to open it for her. It seemed like a prison thing hahaha, we couldn’t hear her from the other side and she couldn’t hear us either.
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First night at my house! Minus Ayane who came in the morning all the way from Pampanga.
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Last day of internship with ice cream from Ma’am Donna, one of our favorite preceptors for this internship 💞 She is super nice + she recently got pregnant so super happy for her!
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It wasn’t all internship though and I managed to make it for Lily and Andi’s birthday thing despite being super busy and tired from internship. Clutch, but I made it despite looking like a super haggard factory worker haha :D
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Best part of manuf internship: Batangas trip with my Hizon-mates! Super fun weekend and Nasugbu was beautiful. Thank you for accommodating us at Villa Lula, Lulz <3 Haha
July was crazy and a travel month for me. For the first part of July, we did a Visayas tour with my family and it was super insane but we did so since it was the first time for my cousins Celeste and Julian to come over to the Philippines so we took them to all the places. It was super tiring to be honest, but pretty fun too. I just wish we got the chance to spend more time at the places we went to, but you can’t have everything I guess given our limited time :P
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First part of the trip was in Cebu, but in the parts that I wasn’t able to explore much as a child, outside the city proper. Cebu never fails to impress me with its beaches and its food of course! Having spent a good portion of my childhood in Cebu, my palate will always look for that Cebuano cooking and those Cebuano dishes.
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Bohol next! It was my first time in Bohol and we stayed there overnight. Hennan in Bohol is on another level! It was really great, pretty pool, pretty decent beach, and a good mojito to cool off :P
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Last stop for the Visayas tour was in Boracay! It was my first time and I always thought it was overrated but I quickly ate my words as soon as I arrived. BEST. BEACH. HANDS DOWN. :) The sand was so nice and soft against your feet, the waters were so clear, and the sunset was beautiful. :)
The last few days of July were spent in Taiwan for LIT a.k.a. one of the best experiences of 2017 for sure.
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Modern Toilet! Real good shit haha. Finally got to eat here after hearing about it from 7 years ago lol. Good food, and definitely a unique experience!
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Aaaaaah I miss my LIT fam so so much <3
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Throwback to that time we impulsively bought that huge ice cream because it looked good but it was melting too quickly lol and hello to our Indonesian sister, Nafila! I miss her so so so much <3
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Overall July was one of the best months especially for a person who loves to travel like me <3 So grateful, always :)
First 10 days of August were probably some of the craziest days of my year! Super jampacked with everything and so many highlights in just 10 days seriously. IPSF World Congress is one of the best experiences and I’m so glad I got the chance to join this year’s Congress.
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Unlike the rest of the UPPhA delegation who were able to join the workshops, I was an Official Delegate for UPPhA for this year’s congress which meant I needed to stay in General Assembly (GA). It was interesting to see how IPSF worked + many thanks to my GA seatmates for keeping it interesting and keeping a first-timer like me in the loop!
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Philippine delegation at Welcome Dinner. UPPhA + JPPhA-Pi! <3 Hoping more Filipino student pharmacists from other schools get to join events like these in the future :)
International Night a.k.a. ONE OF THE CRAZIER NIGHTS OF CONGRESS I WAS SHOOKT BUT HAPPY SHOOKT HAHA. This was probably one of the best nights of Congress. :) So much fun! Thank you to everyone who kept me company then, you were all good company. I loved my first international night so much and Iook forward to more of it hahaha.
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Malaysia x PH LIT girls <3
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Philippines represent at International Night <3
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Lol these people :)
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The super nice Argentines ahhhh hope I can go to World Congress in Mendoza next year really. :)
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With Chris, IPSF President! :)
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Another super fun night! Oolong tea the best 😏
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Last day of GA with the Filipino ODs! We survived! Lol
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On the last day we had gala night which was a really bittersweet thing because it was the last social for World Congress but nonetheless, the last night was probably one of the best nights for sure. :)
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LIT fam all dolled up awww <3
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With my current boss in Public Health Committee and IPSF’s Chairperson of Public Health, Chris, who’s half-Filipino haha!
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Ahhhh LP a.k.a. my fave people at Congress <3 + Constantin who isn’t LP but is a pretty good friend too haha.
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Last photo in Taiwan, super duper sad :(
My days in Taiwan were probably the best I’ve had yet and I’m so grateful for it. :) I’m really hoping I get to meet the people I met then again some day. I’m pretty sure I will though. So much love for the whole IPSF Pharmily haha. It sounds so corny but the experience is priceless I swear, and will make you a corny person overall but no regrets really.
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But besides World Congress, August is the start of classes so hello PROPharm fam during our first GA of the year 💙💛
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Plus spontaneous La Union trip with my brothers and cousins was so so so great <3 Hehe loved LU for the music, the drinks, the overall vibe and would definitely go again for sure!
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Started being a boring person because of school but this day with the pink skies in September was memorable. :) It was app week that time so it was a relatively busy time but got to talk to someone I had been wanting to talk to at that point, and everything was just amazing.
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October-November was basically exams, exams, exams. Though my dad did come home and we got to spend over a month with him. For the All Saints Day weekend, we went to Baler and it was all sorts of amazing, save for the fact that it rained all weekend haha. A perfect break from the stressful school environment. :)
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Minus finals (since I was a grand finalist this semester, which just sucked :( ), December was a pretty good month! Finally got my White Coat, and joined the first FAPA Volunteers Consensus Camp. Super thankful for all the opportunities that arrived this December really. :)
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Overall, despite the undesirable parts, 2017 was a pretty great year. Happy because of all the friends that I’ve met, the places that I’ve been to, and for just everything really. Looking forward to an even better 2018 (last year in UPCP, fingers crossed)! :)
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heycaye · 8 years
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August 2016 - Occupational Health Posters For House and Documentation Committee, University of the Philippines Pharmaceutical Association
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