#ur a freak kelsey and i love u
samcatsketch · 1 year
Your art is absolutely amazing, you should raise your prices!!!! You are waaaay undercharging!!!
wooowwwww who could this be i wonder
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! may i request hcs of the haikyuu boys watching/helping their significant other workout? maybe yoga or just a regular workout? would be sweet if it was all of them but i know there are so many, so mainly kuroo, kageyama, bokuto, oikawa and nishinoya <3 thank you!!
hi anon!! i’m sorry i didn’t do all the boys, but i wrote for the specific boys you requested. if you, or anybody else, wants these hc’s for other boys i’d love to do them hehe. hope you enjoy!
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kuroo tetsurō
he’s so excited as soon as you’re like “hey wanna work out together”
like his whole body freezes up and then he just
if you’re already like pretty athletic, he makes everything a competition
but doesn’t actually compete
he just wants to watch you 😏
no fr he’ll be like “i bet i can do more squats than you”
and then just doesnt squat and only watches you squat
this mf 😭
he gets way too excited and puts an alarm at 4;30 am to text you/wake you up to go on a run with him
you: see that’s what we’re not gonna do
if you’re not very athletic or you’re just starting to get accustomed to working out
he is so. encouraging
like sickeningly so
tries his best not to overwhelm you and does really basic workouts with you
but also if ur laying face down on the ground crying “i dont wanna do this anymore” he will NOT have any of it
good luck unsubscribing to his services
he just wants to see you succeed 🥺 👉🏼👈🏼
cooks you the best healthy meals you dont even feel like youre missing out on anything
listen he’s so cheeky
he’s so mf TOUCHY
couples yoga with kuroo >>>>
it’s so funny bc this man is so strong he can do pretty much any move that requires any type of strength but pull out the flexibility card and he will pass away on the spot
he also just likes to watch you do yoga
not just bc he’s a pervert
but also bc it’s just interesting to see you in your zone
buys you yoga pants just bc <3333
“u just wanna stare at my ass”
“how dare you i would never objectify my gf”
stares at your ass <3
kageyama tobio
remember when i said kuroo would make everything a competition but wouldn’t really care
kageyama cares
he’s so annoying youre just trynna have fun working out w ur bf but here he is trynna kill u bc he’s so much better at everything
okay but if YOURE better 🤑
it pisses him off at first but then he realizes he’s pissed off bc ur so hot and make his spine tingle
work outs with him are intense as fuck
like he goes all out
but then he helps you stretch and 😏 it’s worth it
if he’s helping you workout, he’s kinda harsher than he intends to be
and when he realizes that yk maybe he’s being a lil extra
he apologizes and just asks how you wanna do it
spends the night researching hehe 
is encouraging in a demeaning way like “do you WANT to regret not working harder” ur like tobio i swear on my life i will start crying
when y’all are done he does like give u a small kiss and the sweetest smile “good work” and it makes it all the more worth it
about yoga though
when he first watched u he was horny hwbwjwks
he was like oop what is this feeling
but then it clicked lmao
avoids watching you unless you’re doing it privately so he can embarrass himself less
if you invite him to join you it’s just rigorous head shaking but he loves you sm he’ll do anything for you
he just follows your lead and is listening so attentively and is trying to mimic your movements exactly and is so awe oh my god he’s so CUTE
once ur done and ur both just laying on the ground you roll over and kind lean over him and give him a kiss “thank u for doing this with me”
“we should do it more often”
not horny just in love with you <3
bokuto kōtarō
so hyperactive good luck keeping up with him
he’s also like
LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN. HIM???? no way he doesnt go crazy w the work outs
if you suggest to work out together he’s so excited and he just does everything normally the way he does at 2.5x speed and you’re just like bruh 🧍🏻‍♀️ slow down
you do eventually find your own rhythm that kinda matches his own
and it’s nice to have him with you because like if you’re at a gym and ur using a device across the room from him he’ll just yell and wave at you and blow you a kiss god i love this dork
after you’re both spent you just sit on the ground across from each other stretching just talking just vibing
gives you a big smooch in between everything if he can
it becomes a really positive addition to your life ngl
if he’s helping you work out
he is actually the fkn BEST
despite him being a work out freak, he doesn’t force that on you in any way
if anything i think he’d be super gentle
so cheerful when encouraging you
and rewards you a lot
too much probably
he doesn’t just say it he really does mean it when he tells you he’s proud of you
loves it when you do yoga
immediately tries to join in
“oouu teach me this move” proceeds to fall on his ass <3
 t’s okay he has a lotta cushioning 😏
he always wants to try the couples yoga moves
he saves them on his phone to show you later and you cant say no bc ur already in gear and the yoga mat is on the ground hehe
(if you watch cody ko and kelsey kreppel’s couples yoga video that’s basically how it goes with you two)
^^^ in one of the moves he has to like lift you up by your arms as youre sitting down and he’s standing and he accidentally just shoves your face into his crotch
you both couldn’t stop laughing until you nearly peed and thats the beauty of love
oikawa tōru
he has to repeatedly ask you if you’re s u r e you wanna work out with him 
if you’re s u r e you can keep up
please hand his cocky ass to him <3 
if you’re athletic, prepare to have him try to one up you every time you do something 
it’s so sweet though cause he’s so determined and he’s sticking his tongue out between his lips and you’re just like baby please what is this 
tells you to lay beneath him while he does push ups so he can kiss you 
you complain about how sweaty he is but really you just want him to take his shirt off <3 
okay two important things i want to go over
one. oikawa does not know when to stop. so, honestly, you probably suggested to work out with him to keep him in check and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself 
please make him drink water and take breaks when necessary :( 
two. his knee :( he would probably need to be very careful and he’ll teach you the correct way to massage it and prep it before he does any critical work 
if you approach him one day about helping you work out cause you’re clueless — yes it will get to his head
but like ??? he’s your boyfriend??? your very athletic boyfriend??? 
who else would u ask tf 😹
anyways he makes a whole like list and shit
organizes it so well with color coding and different handwriting 
keeps you up to date with your progress and always says things like “look how well you’re doing babe!” and gives you a hugeeee hug 
now, oikawa is either weirdly flexible, or not flexible at all
we’re gonna go for the first one for this yoga hc 
joins you randomly and starts doing the poses correctly right away ur like ??? sir ??? 
distracts you. so much. 
“can i have a kiss— another one?— one more— one more babe— okay an—“ 
make out sessions ensued :)
nishinoya yū
actually i think noya would like to be in own zone kinda thing when he’s working out
probably blasting some katy perry in his ears ngl 
but when you tell him you wanna go work out with him?? 
now you’re both blasting katy perry in your ears 
stares. stares so much. provocatively. 
he’s your bf so you get it
but women have come up to you in the gym asking if you’re okay hbwjwkwe
makes you try out his routine while he tries out yours 
“wow babe this is sooo easy” he’s dying dont believe him
you guys probably have a handshake that’s so motivating to do before and after eeekkkk he probably makes you feel SO good about yourself after
takes you to eat the unhealthiest shit he can find after a workout because why not right ? chivalry? undead 😻
if you ask him for help he’ll accept right away
competes with you to help you improve 
“one day babe you’ll be beating me at these with such ease” 
he’s the loud kind of encouraging 
yells a lot
like so much 
body worship all the time <3333
“god u look SO good right now i love you so much” 
this simp i love him sm
anyways. onto yoga 
did i mention he stares 👁👁
because he does 
he already knows you do yoga and he will find out your schedule 
just. likes to watch you tbh 
if you offer to do couples yoga with him he refuses bc he likes the view where he is lmfao 
there are so many tiktoks of him just doing the dances while you calmly do yoga 
it becomes a trend lmfaowjwnsj
anyways yes best supportive bf award goes to noya (actually all of them who am i kidding)
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end note; MY BEST FRIEND PAINTED AKAASHI FOR MY BDAY GIFT I STOPPED BREATHING ,,, anyways i hope y’all enjoyed this!! feel free to request some more mwah
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we fixed hsm
here are our 3 page fanfic plans
Troy & gabriella break up after like a month in college. Gabriella is around people smarter than her for the first time in her life & she’s really struggling & he doesn’t understand what she’s going thru & she realizes that he’s not that empathetic & bad at communicating. She’s single for like a year just adjusting to college & making new friends & figuring out who she is after hs & also not putting her entire identity in her intelligence. She tries out for theater & they’re like “you’re not that good at singing” & she’s like “never mind” bc she liked it because it was with her friends in the first place. She finds community elsewhere & eventually is in a more fulfilling & communicative & mature relationship
Troy is having a lot of trouble bc being a student athlete isn’t enough at FUCKING BERKELEY!!! And he’s having trouble at school. He also isn’t getting lead roles in the theater program bc it’s like. A hobby as opposed to his major/career path. He has to learn to like things without being the best at them & also communicate w people better. He’s no longer super special and the focal point of everything. He immediately tries to rebound by getting a new gf & she realizes right away that he just wants her to love him and pay attention to him and solve his problems and is like “fuck that dude go to therapy”. He goes to the school therapist which sucks but he finds a good therapist & like. Improves as a person lol. He has to think more abt the experiences of others and not need to have everyone love him all the time. He gets a dog -- good for him bc he has to be responsible for the life of something else but also dogs are very affectionate
Sharpay goes to UA & at first loves it bc she’s the star but then is super underwhelmed & depressed. She talks to Ryan and he’s like “you know you can just transfer” and she’s like “wow i’m so smart i’ll just transfer”. After like a semester she transfers to a different school with a good theater program (not Juliard tho). She has a good mentor figure who’s a prof who’s like “your ambition and drive are good things actually especially bc ur a woman and will be told that ur awful & bossy for standing up for yourself.” she makes her first real friend other than her brother (i am So sad) in a theater class-- not someone who worships her but like an actual human connection. Specifically a girl who she respects & doesn’t feel she has to compete with. She has a learning moment when her friend gets the lead role and Sharpay is genuinely proud of her and she realizes she wouldn’t have been suited to that part and that she doesn’t have to be the center of attention all the time. She learns to derive self worth from her love of theater instead of from everyone validating her. Also her friend is goth & tells her that all the pink she wears is bad. They both initially loved the theater bc they wanted to be accepted but learn together that they can just find worth in each other and themselves and their work. Also at one point Sharpay starts dating someone and gets really annoying and her friend is like “you’re being annoying” and they get in a fight and Sharpay is like “i don’t even like him that much but i feel like i have to be in a huge romance relationship (bc of troy and gabriella but also Society)” and this eventually leads to her realizing that she’s a lesbian and also that she has an unhealthy view of relatioships. She goes to therapy (it takes her a really long time to go but once she realizes she gets to talk abt herself she is more willing). Important that she does not date her friend (her emotional support system) but she does eventually get a gf. It takes her a long time to figure out how to be a good girlfriend and that her professional ambitions are different than her personal ambitions (she’s used to treating her relationships like a business instead of a two-sided thing where there needs to be emotional connection and both people being like vulnerable w each other)
Her and Ryan having space from each other where he can shine by himself and she feels like she doesn’t have to upstage him all the time. He feels for a long time that he can’t rely on her bc she’s a mess but eventually he texts her like 16 times in a row abt a person in his program he’s really annoyed at and she’s like “oh my god he’s ruining your show you Have to talk to the director!!!!” and it’s really helpful to just talk it out w her even if he doesn’t take her advice. It’s helpful for him to realize that it is a problem and he’s not overreacting but also that he should not take things to the extremes that Sharpay does lol. He should not poison this person. They eventually fall into a good & more balanced sibling relationship where they can rely on each other for a certain subset of things but they aren’t the only people in each others’ lives
Ryan meets other gay guys at Juliard who tell him that his hats are bad and show him how to dress not like an idiot. They’re like “it’s ok buddy. I know you were the only out guy at your high school but you don’t need to do that”. He’ll like. Do fine in college! He’s like fairly confident in his abilities and identity & good at like. Balancing career & personal life. He’s fine enough at school and doing well in his theater things. He’s charismatic and makes more good friends. He “formally comes out” to his parents in like a big thing. He choreographs it and makes Kelsey write him a song to sing. His parents are like “well we knew that but did you have to make it this much of a thing” and he’s like “yes”. His mom is generally more accepting than his dad and his dad is like “please don’t talk about this to the people at the country club” and he’s like “i… wasn’t? I don’t know these people. They’re your friends”
After college Ryan gets famous before Sharpay does and generally has a good thing going wrt doing choreography for “really important things” (he isn’t public facing)-- he’s good at choreo and also good at working with divas (thanks Sharpay i love u). He gets Sharpay a good role in a thing but he makes a big deal like “I got you an audition i didn’t get u the part u did it all yourself :)” but he totally got her the part lol in that he recommended her. She does a rlly good job tho (obvs) and does well in the spotlight bc she;s actually like. Hardworking and driven and good at musical theater. Her Big Break is in like a movie adaptation of a musical. She’s Glinda when they finally make a Wicked movie. The choreography is really good bc Ryan does it
Taylor tries to become a politician but slowly realizes that her passion for being an activist doesn’t super align with that and figures out that she wants to enact social change without like. Being a part of the system. She has a youtube channel where she talks about social issues and wears her stupid sweater vests & ties. Also she dates someone who likes women. Before she was invested in the public-facing aspect of the relationship and she learns what it means to actually have private moments of caring & how to not follow a stereotypical relationship and instead to do like. What she actually wants to. She’s bi and she dates a woman and enjoys not having societal expectations wrt how relationships are supposed to go. She dates a guy and realizes that a m/f relationship also doesn’t have to conform to societal expectations. Both are super important experiences for her even if neither are “endgame” (i love u matty)
Chad is heartbroken after Troy goes to a different school but tries to hide it/is in denial. He kind of lashes out at people who want to make friends with him and goes into a depression spiral. He eventually snaps out of it when Sharpay (who is still going to UA at this point) is like “what’s your problem?? Anyway i started going to therapy and it helped actually. Toodles!” and he’s like “what the fuck just happened” but he makes an appointment. The first session he’s like “hwatever this is stupid idk why i’m here. Whatever” and the therapist is like “yeah. Okay.” but he eventually opens up and then like. Learns to see himself as not part of a friendship or group/team and see himself as an individual. He gets over Troy, which takes him a while but he does it & we’re proud of him <3 it also takes a while to make friends who he can be emotionally vulnerable around bc he’s never really had that type of relationship before (bc he and troy are very guys being dudes & he like. Wasn’t super close w Taylor as they were p much just a relationship for show). He makes friends w both some guys and girls who aren’t all on the basketball team and has friends from lots of different places. This process takes him like. All of college.
Chad doesn’t date anyone in college and afterwards it’s super awkward bc it’s like the first time he’s actually dating someone. He ran into Ryan and they have a talk where Ryan’s like “you could’ve been my first love but you were never really emotionally available bc u were in love w a straight guy and also not confident in the fact that u are gay. Like that summer was fun but it wasn’t real” and chad is like “oh”. Ryan was like in a serious relationship at that point but didn’t mention it bc he didn’t want to feel like he was rubbing it in lol. And then Chad thinks about things. This is like during a Thanksgiving break while still in college. Chad eventually dates a guy who understands how it’s like. Hard to be gay and figuring out relationships and stuff at different life stages.
Kelsey gets negative feedback for the first time and freaks out but eventually learns that a prof who only gives positive feedback when she deserves it is good actually. She incorporates criticism and starts to write songs that don’t suck. She continues to wear awful outfits. She has a nice girlfriend who also wears awful outfits. They are an awful annoying couple but they’re happy. They do annoying theater kid things
Ms Darbus realizes that it’s bad to force her students to completely write & choreograph their own shows and stops pouring her entire life into high school theater and fixes her problems with her “legal domestic partner” whom she was feuding with
Zeke realizes that he likes Sharpay in the same way he likes celebrities and that isn’t a crush. He makes plenty of friends in college bc everyone loves a guy who brings baked goods to places. He continues doing basketball & baking as hobbies but neither is a career & he finds passion elsewhere. He loves doing whatever he’s currently doing but doesn’t have like a Thing he wants to do forever and it takes him a while to find a forever career. He ends up teaching a variety of classes at community college and is happy doing that but also he might not do that forever. He comes to terms with his “contentment w the transience of life” and is like “if i’m happy doing what i’m doing now then that’s good enough for now”. He serves as a good contrast to all of the super driven people who know exactly where they want to be (gabriella, sharpay, ryan)
We did it. we fixed high school musical
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
howdy mam.... # 3, 4, 15, 22, 24, 26, 36, 38
what current rp trend do you hate?
i lit rally just messaged dis bitch and said “what rp trend do i hate” and she came thru... i don’t rly like the current trend of having pngs on themes... not bc they look bad just bc i’m LAZY and hate making pngs... i’m also not a fan of double spacing bc once again, i’m lazy and i could never... are we sensing a theme here... just minor things rly 
how do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
you don’t ! fjkdlafjkd jk i’m sure someone has done it before but it will not be me... i just stick 2 saying “i like creative writing!” and that’s it ... no one needs to know my BUSINESS 
how has rp changed you personally?
not to be mushy on main but... not only has rp offered me an escape and just like genuinely incredible memories i’ve also met some of my fave people !! ms smely kelsey included... that’s my girlie for LIFE and it’s rp that brought us together a whole ass 6+ years ago.. i love this bitch... we’re OLD... anyway. as much as i clown sometimes rp has been such a huge and important part of my life for REAL
what would make you block someone?
i usually only block p*rn bots or random personal blogs bc that freaks me out... other than that, i’ve never had to block someone i follow... usually an unfollow is enough ! 
have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
i did have someone steal a character from me before... it was a character i played in a rp and they came onto my 1x1 blog (remember those... incredible) and started reblogging stuff from that character’s tag, like i wouldnt see even tho their url had the name of the char... lmao anyway... after some investigating i saw they had stolen everything and when i confronted them i was rly nice and they told me it was their friend’s character, they just gave it to them and said they could use her for a rp so they didn’t know it was stolen... i was like ? alrightie. can u tell me who ur friend is ? so i got in touch w the other person and they were SOOO fucking nasty and combative even tho i was trying to be as nice as possible and just simply asking why they took my char and they said since my char/their bio wasn’t copyrighted, they have the right to steal it. i just gave up i was like ok go for it girlie ... truthfully i think it was the same person the whole time bc it was weird ... anyway ! this concludes our story time 4 the day. 
how do you feel about vague posting? 
i do not enjoy it... it WILL give me anxiety even if i’ve never said one word to someone fjlksdajfd
what’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
i don’t rly mind god modding that much... like obviously not to the extremes like don’t k*ll my character off or anything in a thread but like... some light god modding can be fun sometimes if u wanna say my char gave u wedgie yesterday that’s cool ! i’ll roll with it unless it’s just way 2 wild ! 
what advice would you give to someone new to rp?
lit rally do what u want (as long as it’s not unsafe or illegal ok don’t take that THE WRONG WAY) basically ... don’t pressure urself to do a million replies if u don’t want to. don’t feel obligated to always reply to everyone all the time. and if there’s a thread u have muse for and another that u don’t, don’t make urself feel bad about it. do what u like, not what u think everyone else would like bc rp is an escape at the end of the day so don’t beat urself up over everything 
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