ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
* . imessage ⋮ 🥁
BECKHAM: so... i've been down at the hotel bar for three hours and robert, aka mr robby bobby as i've been calling him aka the bartender, is now my new best friend. just thought i should let u kno
BECKHAM: anyway i locked myself out of my room
BECKHAM: i'm not texting u so u can help me, i'm fully prepared to rot here. like my organs and various tissues are going to disintegrate into this cheap carpet and i'm going to become one with all the other random stains and that's okay i've accepted that this is my fate
BECKHAM: know why? bc life is fucking pointless
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finelinc · 4 years
@synosures​ !
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–––––––––––––EYES FALL TO the other from across the bar. he can’t help but keep an eye on them, despite the fact that he has his arm around some girl, and a drink in his other hand. he’s glad he’s looked over because they seem more uncomfortable that he’d like. ditching the girl he had his arm over, he saunters over to the two, standing between the two in a very uncomfortable situation, brow raised.        ‘ everything good ? ’           he’s not a particularly intimidating guy, but enough to get someone to second guess the situation. he’s ready to throw hands if need be.
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everytimcs-a · 4 years
👀🔍 every author in the world is REAL quiet when u reply to a thread and that's fax!
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          how   . .   do   i   deserve   someone   as   sweet   as   you   ??   i   don’t   think   my   writing   is   anywhere   near   envy   -   worthy   ,   but   i   feel   super   fucking   honored   just   knowing   that   you   enjoy   it .
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thewillds · 5 years
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she had drank too much. way too much. but what was a girl to do when her boyfriend cheated on her and she had to find out from everyone else but him? the only plausible answer was to drink. lucy didn’t drink very often so she wasn’t very keen at knowing when to stop. she sobered up slightly when someone spilled their drink onto her shirt but not by much. now, she found herself splayed across a bed, staring at the person above her. lucy smiled at them and because drinking made her brave, she said, “you’re cute, y’know that?” / @synosures​
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fineliines · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆
omg miss kelsey…. i would die for u…..
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
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the energy of a party normally invigorated beck –– lighting the dull synapses in his brain and allowing his sense to operate at full capacity. the chaotic atmosphere made him feel alive; the thump of bass mixing with the cacophony of voices mirrored the inside of his brain. in the right mood, he could morph into the life of the party, rallying the crowd around him and ultimately feeding off of their reactions to his antics. he’s only a few beers deep, tipsy enough that nearly everything made him laugh, attempting to forget any negative thought that haunted him with every sip. for a split second, his eyes moved across the dimly lit room towards the entrance as the door swung open, heart skipping a beat in his chest as his gaze settles on the couple crossing the threshold. his chest constricts; hands going numb, his beer almost slipping out of his grasp and onto the floor. it was her, the subject of nearly all of his thoughts for the past month. the only person who made his heart ache deep in his chest; longing for something he knew could never be. it ached seeing her again, watching her walk in, hand intertwined with someone else. he could feel his anger burgeoning. starting from his toes and filling his entire body. his energy immediately shifts, locking eyes with her and feeling his heart sink, falling to the pit of his stomach. guilt and regret bubbled within him like stomach acid, devouring his heart and leaving him empty. he wasn’t expecting to see her, especially since it was a party for him –– did she know? was she doing this on purpose, just to torture him? he couldn’t blame her; the way he ended things wasn’t exactly on the best of terms. he had a drunken text message saved in his phone that he planned on sending her, but his sober mind couldn’t fathom being so vulnerable, convincing himself to let it go –– to let her go. but how could he? his heart was a fortress that not even he could enter yet somehow, blake held every key.
he could feel sweat beginning to bead on his forehead, despite the sudden lack of warmth within his body. his expression resembled stone, cold and unfeeling as he moved away from his friends and into the kitchen to find more alcohol, unsure as to what his next move should be. it was obvious she saw him –– the sad smile felt like a dagger straight to his chest. the hurt, so plain in her features, nearly killed him. now isolated from everyone else, his anger and jealousy continued to bloom; sitting in his designated spot guzzling beer after beer, keeping a close, watchful eye on the two of them. he hadn’t expected to see her at all, let alone with someone else, and his annoyance with the entire situation translated into the amount of alcohol he was consuming. soon enough, he was warm again, fueled by anger, disdain, and plain misery. a storm was brewing; he could tell the other male noticed how often the two were sharing glances. it didn’t take a genius to sense the tension between them mounting, watching carefully as he raises his voice at her, anger clear on his features –– a sudden strike of lightning that brought beck to his feet. she flinched. it all clicks in his head then, his instincts kicking into overdrive –– the synapses within his brain firing off in succession like fireworks. he could tell it was different than the night she flinched when he brought his hand up to caress her cheek –– there was actual fear in her eyes this time. he knew he wasn’t a knight in shining armor by any means, but he couldn’t stand idly by; he cared about her too much to let the situation progress any further. as he bulldozes his way past hordes of people, he catches bits and pieces of their argument. at this point, he’s operating purely on adrenaline, alcohol, and animosity, diving headfirst into their conversation. “pretty sure she can look at anyone she wants,” he scoffs, chest puffing out in an attempt to intimidate the other male. his gaze turns to blake, then, eyes softening somewhat even though his expression remains stoic. “really, though, this sack of shit? you really know how to fucking pick ‘em, blake,” he moves in closer, his presence more than a threat to the other male; now inches way from his face. he was prepared for a fight, his hand already in a fist at his side. “if you know what’s good for you, you’ll get the fuck out. now.”
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
* . imessage ⋮ 🔮
STEVIE: ok so i haven't seen you in... days and while this isn't rly out of the ordinary i haven't heard you either so i guess my question is: are you dead?
STEVIE: if so i guess this is futile to text if your corpse is rotting in the next room but like if i get no response i guess i'll call the police
STEVIE: even though i don't trust them but i don't really wanna live with a dead person. i appreciate the solitude but they can't pay rent and that's frowned upon in our capitalist society
STEVIE: long story short if ur not dead and not abducted by aliens then pls lmk
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ssunveinsarchive · 5 years
imessage – nicola.
GAGE: hi
GAGE: i knwo you won't believe me but
GAGE: i miss you
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ssunveinsarchive · 5 years
* . snap ⋮ 🌻
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THEO: hello so add this onto reason 749837487 why i should not be left alone at any moment of the day for the rest of my life  THEO: i went to that 24hr walgreens by my house last night at 2am and came home and did...... this!  THEO:  be honest... do i look like a blueberry? i feel like a look like a blueberry... like not even the good fresh kind.... like the shriveled up fake kind in those muffins that are in vending machines for like a dollar THEO: real question tho... if i was an actual real blueberry would u PICK ME? 🤠 // @synosures​. 
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
👀👃👀 tell 'em sister...
ok so... i have a feeling this MAY be rly unpopular but... the tik tok fcs... i really just fldksajf it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE !!!!! like ... it’s just rly weird to me to use ppl from that app bc they’re normally rly young and also they’re just very normal looking (not that celebs or other ppl we use as fcs aren’t but I DUNNO) so it just feels ??? STRANGE. i dunno i lit rally think that may be just me but i don’t think i’ll ever b able to hop on that trend. use whomever u want as long as they’re legal my opinion rly doesn’t mean anything at the end of the day ... that’s all i have to say thank u. 
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
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* / 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭.
A PLAYLIST FOR BESLEY featuring: an ode to a conversation stuck in your throat by del water gap // i would hate you if i could by turnover // sometime around midnight by the airborne toxic event // what’s it take by snarls // somebody else by the 1975 // wish you were sober by conan gray // end of desire by MUNA // berlin by adult mom // night signs by the ophelias // motion sickness by phoebe bridgers // taxi by the maine // i wouldn’t ask you by clairo // @synosures. 
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ssunveinsarchive · 5 years
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disappointment sat plainly in the bottom of gage’s gut ever since he’d seen the return notice on his letter. the letter that he’d poured his heart and soul into – emptying every feeling of hurt, rage, and pining into two messily written pages. of course, he shouldn’t have expected any different, seeing as though it had been complete silence ever since he’d been left heartbroken all those months ago. now, he was attempting to move on. he had met someone new, nicola – who was beautiful and captivating and made him feel more alive than he had in months, yet as much as he wanted to give her his whole heart, he was holding back. part of it still belonged to someone else, someone who had left him without any explanation. he wanted to be free of her, but the hurt still hung over his head, visions of her haunting his dreams. he had never been in love before her, at least, he didn’t think so, and even though it only lasted a brief moment in time, it felt so real; too real. he was stuck between wanting to move on, yet being too afraid to offer his heart up again. part of him was afraid he’d never find that same kind of love again, yet at the same time, afraid he’d get hurt. it was an incredibly unfair feeling, to have someone new that he genuinely liked by his side, yet still pining for someone who had absolutely shattered him. after standing in his doorway in silence for what felt like forever, he’d thrown the letter somewhere on the table by his door out of frustration. he couldn’t accept that he’d never get closure – that he’d never understand why someone that felt like the girl of his dreams would just up and leave so carelessly. he almost forgot he had a date planned for that night, too busy pacing back and forth, fighting with the thoughts in his head. he’d also forgotten about where he’d placed the letter, until he went to greet her at the door, and he saw the look on her face. he hadn’t intended for her to ever know about this – in the past hour he’d nearly convinced himself that it never happened, that he could move past it, even though that didn’t exactly feel true, in that moment. she didn’t need to know that he’d spent the early days of their relationship comparing the two, wondering if this was ever going to be as good as before. he felt like an asshole, yet it made him feel better to know that those thoughts were something she’d never know of, yet now, she did. she’d read every word he’d written, and he knew this wouldn’t end well. “shit, nicola,” he breathed, panic filling his voice. “it’s not – it’s not what you think.” except, it was. he didn’t like hurting people, but he knew just by looking at her, that he had. it was an all-encompassing feeling of dread. “please, just let me explain.” // @synosures​.
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
😫 BRAIDEN (kick my ass)
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
😭 brasher (please don't do this one pLEASE)
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ssunveinsarchive · 4 years
🥴 besley (i will regret this!)
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ssunveinsarchive · 5 years
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gage had been sitting in front of nicola’s apartment complex for what felt like hours now, anxiously playing out every possible scenario in his head as to how this would go. he was only there to pick up his stuff, something that he had begged every single one of his friends to do for him, but they all led busy lives, or so they said. gage couldn’t help but feel like they had grown tired of his constant state of brokenness –– insecurity nearly eating him alive. seeing her for the first time since they broke up would hurt enough, but having to pick up his stuff, too? that thought alone made his knees too weak to get out of his car, hence why he had been stuck there for so long. he couldn’t accept the fact that they were over, that his own stupid actions had ruined what they had –– what they could’ve had. his feelings didn’t seem to matter much anymore, though, if she was already willing to give him his things back. they weren’t together for long, but there were still plenty of memories that he considered too precious to delegate to a cardboard box that he would push to the back of his closet. it was clear they were both hurting, both heartbroken over what they lost. he sighs softly, still fighting with himself in his head about whether or not to get out just yet. he glances up to look in the rear view mirror, catching sight of the blankets folded up in his back seat. not too long ago, they had those seats down, with blankets spread out in the trunk as they talked and watched the stars; a first date he would seemingly never forget. that stung, almost, as his gaze moved from the blankets back to the sight of her apartment complex looming in front of him, knowing exactly what was on the other side. 
finally, his hand reached for the handle, pushing the door open without much thought. he couldn’t keep sitting there and weighing every outcome, or else he would drive himself even more insane. heading up the stairs to her door, he pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before knocking quietly. he didn’t know if he was prepared to see her, or talk to her, but it seemed too late to worry about that, now. waiting somewhat patiently for her to answer the door, his nose wrinkled as he inhales the familiar whiff of something burning –– hearing the light sound of voices on the other side of the wall. he could recognize her cadence, soft and sweet; something he missed, yet he didn’t recognize the other voice. it sounded deeper, insincere; or maybe that was his mind playing tricks on him once he realized it was the voice of someone else –– someone that wasn’t him. he only faltered for half a second after he realized the door was unlocked, pushing it open slowly, wanting to alert her before he just bounded in. “hey, nicola, it’s me. is everything––” he couldn’t finish that sentence, however, the moment he finally opened the door all the way, watching in horror as his eyes settled upon her, locked in an embrace with someone else. maybe they both weren’t hurting –– maybe she had moved on. the hurt was clearly written all over his features, mouth dropping open in no attempt to conceal his surprise. “what–– what the hell?” he sounds exasperated, like all the breath had been knocked out of his chest. the burning smell was intensified once inside, glancing over at the state of the kitchen. were they cooking together? that felt like another kick straight to his gut, his knees even weaker. “really? already?” his insecurity was rearing its ugly head, fists clenching at his sides as tears threaten to form behind his eyes. he was never violent, not with other people, but right now his entire body felt so tense, he was sure the only way to relieve it would be to scream at the top of my lungs. “i’m just here for my stuff. once i get it, i’ll leave and you’ll never have to see me again. and you guys can–– finish what you were doing,” he says bitterly, turning slightly towards the hallway to conceal the tear running down his cheek. // @synosures​. 
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