monkeydra · 4 years
Heeereee comes some prompts~! :D For the AU-list: Blind Date AU for Ichigo/Chad; Bodyguard AU for Grimmjow/Urahara/Yoruichi; Dragon AU for Hardison/Parker/Eliot; Roll Reversal AU for Wei Ying/Lan Zhan; Royalty AU for Lan Xichen/Wen Ning; Paranormal Investigator AU for Evie/Rick/Ardeth....aaaand I'll stop there XD Feel free to ignore some or all of these, of course! ;D
Sorry this took approximately forever! Hope you like them XD
I tried the leverage ot3 prompt but I really struggle with zoomorphism it seems, sorry :(
Ichigo/Chad - Blind Date AU
“I’m so sorry you got dragged into this,” Ichigo groaned, hiding his face in his hands, his usual furrow between his brows. Chad allowed himself a small moment of disappointment before reaching for Ichigo’s hands and tugging them down from his face. When Ichigo met his eyes, he smiled at him, fondly as always and Ichigo responded with his own small and precious smile.
“Do you still want to go in?” he asked, tilting his head towards the restaurant.
“You don’t have to,” Ichigo replied, looking sheepish again. “Rukia’s just. She’s trying to help.” Chad nodded, guiding Ichigo away from the entrance with a hand on his lower back. Ichigo didn’t like being inside when he felt agitated. He leaned into the touch and walked with him, his shoulder’s loosening. “It’s good to see you,” he said after they were down the street from the restaurant, beaming at him, eyes warm. Chad nodded in agreement, and Ichigo bumped him with his shoulder.
“How’s your family?”
“Dad’s as annoying as always,” he started with a roll of his eyes, “but Yuzu and Karin are in their last year of high school.” He brightened completely at the mention of his sisters. “They’re third and fourth in their class. Karin has been taking karate lessons from Tatsuki and Yuzu started a cooking channel on youtube.” Chad hummed to show he was still listening, pulling him a little closer when the crowd got denser. Ichigo’s hand came up and curled in the back of his shirt, leaning his head on Chad’s shoulder in an affectionate bump.
“How’s studying to be a teacher?”
“Good. I get to assist in a classroom next semester.”
“What year?” he asked, his smile and eyes soft and warm around the edges now, shifting a little closer himself this time.
“They’re gonna love you,” Ichigo declared.
“Thank you,” he murmured, pleased, and looked down at Ichigo again, now tucked under his arm. He was always so tactile, and he was only too happy to oblige. They fell into an easy silence, the crowds thinning again as the dinner rush came into full swing. Ichigo shivered at Chad’s side as the sky darkened, and Chad rubbed his hand over Ichigo’s arm.
“How did Rukia get you here anyway?”
“She told me I would be going on a date with you.”
Ichigo froze, and Chad stopped with him. He hadn’t stepped away, which Chad supposed was a good sign.
“You knew the date was with me?”
“Of course.”
Ichigo whirled out of his arms and kept Chad where he was with his hands on Chad’s shoulders.
“Can we start the date over?”
Chad tilted his head in confusion, but nodded, adding “If that’s what you want.” If Ichigo’s grins were bright before, it was blinding right now as he nodded. Once more, Chad couldn’t help but smile back. Ichigo wrapped his arm around Chad’s waist and nudged Chad with his shoulder in the short amount of time it took Chad to wrap an arm around him again, and they headed back to the restaurant.
Grimmjow/Urahara/Yoruichi - Bodyguard AU
Grimmjow clenched his teeth and nodded at Yoruichi.
“Okay, on three. One,” she started, and then wrenched his shoulder back into place. Grimmjow hissed and glared at her, but she just grinned back. “Good as new,” she said even as she poked at his shoulder.
“What are you doing then?” He kept his tone bored and Yoruichi pretended not to notice the strain in his voice, reminding him why they made such a good team.
“Feeling you up.”
Grimmjow rolled his eyes. She grabbed his arm and moved it up, to the side, back down, up again.
“Everything feel okay?”
“A little stiff, but it should be fine.”
“How do you know he’s not lying?” Urahara asked, voice filled with a forced levity neither of them called him out on. They also ignored his tightly crossed arms.
“He doesn’t lie on a job.”
“He can hear you,” he grumbled, stretching his arm out.
“He also gets grouchy when he doesn’t get to finish a fight.”
“Why start a fight if you’re just gonna run away?” he exclaimed. “And for fuck’s sake get over here,” he snapped. Urahara jumped, covering his shocked expression with the same appeasing, bland smile. Yoruichi leaned back until she was reclining on her arms, amusement radiating from every inch of her. Grimmjow cocked an eyebrow at Urahara, and evidently he was too curious to resist.
“What is it?” he asked once he was standing over them.
“Sit down, I don’t need a sore neck on top of everything else.”
Urahara made to sit and did not yelp when Grimmjow shoved him so he landed next to Yoruichi instead.
“You’re supposed to be protecting me, not injuring me!” he cried, whirling to look at Grimmjow on his other side.
“Try that on someone who actually believes your hopeless nerdy scientist routine,” Yoruichi drawled, sitting up again, her own smile unaffected even as Urahara’s froze on his face.
“That’s not the secret we’re tackling today,” Grimmjow said with a dismissive wave.
“I think you both know I’m too boring to have secrets,” he stammered. They both leveled him with looks so icily unimpressed that he almost hung his head in shame. Knowing them, they were less irritated by the lie and more how shoddy it was.
“Anyway, how much more do we have to flirt before you finally ask us out?” Yoruichi asked. “We’re both running out of excuses to lose our shirts.”
“And shirts,” Grimmjow added, shrugging his bare shoulder where his tank top strap should have been. Urahara’s mouth opened and closed helplessly, for once completely clueless on how to respond.
“Would you like to go on a date?” he asked finally, figuring that was a good place to start. They both grinned and leaned closer, twin yeses wafting warm over his ear and neck. “How did the conversation get here?” he asked.
Yoruichi shrugged and said, “We decided a few days ago to give you one more week to figure it out. If you didn’t then we’d give you a nudge.”
Wei Ying/Lan Zhan - Role Reversal AU
He traded the pristine whites and soft blues of his robes for something more functional, staked out a camp in the swirling miasma of resentful energy and mountains of death, and even then Lan Zhan still looked like untouchable jade. Wei Ying was tempted to ask what his secret was, but he suspected it was simply how stunningly beautiful he was.
“Let me carry you back,” he blurted out instead. Lan Zhan’s rosy lips parted, dark eyes widening just slightly before his expression shuttered again.
“No need.” He moved around Wei Ying and continued walking to the burial mounds, carefully stiff to hide the limp and broken ribs. Wei Ying ran so he was in front of him again.
“I can help with Wen Ning, and Wen Qing will have my head if she finds out I let you hike up a mountain like this.”
“Wei Ying isn’t letting me do anything,” he said, but before he could move around him again, Wei Ying laid a gentle hand on his arm.
“Lan Zhan please. Let me help you,” he said, echoing Lan Zhan’s own plea. Lan Zhan stopped, his icy mask faltering just enough for Wei Ying to see the uncertainty, the exhaustion, the pain. Lan Zhan had always been so softly, blessedly human. He nodded, and Wei Ying beamed at him. He turned and crouched down so Lan Zhan could climb onto his back. It was the fastest way to get him back to Wen Qing, and there was less of a risk of Lan Zhan reaching a meridian by accident and feeling his missing golden core. He felt warmth at his back before Lan Zhan’s weight on him, and waited until his arms were around his shoulders, Bichen dangling in front of them both, before standing. Lan Zhan’s arms tightened around him in surprise, but he was otherwise quiet and still.
“Don’t worry, Lan Zhan! We’ll be back at the burial mounds in no time, and between the two of us we can definitely restore Wen Ning’s consciousness.”
Wei Ying smiled to himself at the instant agreement.
“And Wen Qing will have you fixed up in no time. Does she bully you with her needles too?”
“Wen Qing doesn’t bully me.”
“Ah, you would say that Lan Zhan. You’re so patient with everyone. I used to think you were a stick in the mud until I got to know you better,” he said, ignoring the hitch—likely from pain—in Lan Zhan’s breath. “You’re actually a really good guy.” Lan Zhan’s arms tightened around his shoulders briefly and loosened again. “You can hold on tighter if you want, Lan Zhan. And don’t think I didn’t notice how you spoiled A-Yuan. Is it that you like cute things? I remember you like rabbits.” Lan Zhan’s arms tightened a little around his shoulders, and slowly the last of his weight leaned on him, his silken cheek pressed to Wei Ying’s.
“Wei Ying does not have to carry me all the way up.”
“I’ll do it anyway. You shouldn’t be walking on a broken leg Lan Zhan, and Wen Qing might not bully you but she’d definitely pick on me.” He shifted him carefully to secure his grip on him. “Now hold on tight Lan Zhan. This path is a little steep and I wouldn’t want to drop such precious cargo.”
Lan Zhan’s breath hitched again, and Wei Ying made a note to be even more careful about his grip on his injured leg.
Lan Xichen/Wen Ning - Royalty AU
Wen Ning remembers his first impression of Lan Xichen: gentle smile and impeccable manners. He remembers the overwhelming feeling of relief that his betrothed seems kind—not that his sister would have allowed otherwise. Even if his fiancée didn’t love him, maybe they could still be friends, he hoped.
Wen Ning supposes that impression still holds even now.
A pretty flush started on Lan Xichen’s ears and spread to those high cheekbones, his sweet smile even wider than normal, his crown and ribbon slightly askew on his head.
“Wen-gongzi!!!” he cried, standing quickly in what would have been a scramble if Lan Xichen were any less graceful. Wei Wuxian hid a laugh behind his drink, his own husband staring dazedly at him at his side. “Didi look!!!” Lan Xichen said to Lan Wangji, prompting him to look away from Wei Wuxian and to his older brother. “My fiancée is here!!!”
Wen Ning felt his face flame even as something unfurled in his chest at hearing Lan Xichen sound so happy to see him. Still, he was here for a reason.
“W-Wei-gongzi, why did you c-call me?”
“I do remember giving you permission to call me Wei Ying,” he replied with a playful grin.
Lan Xichen took his hands in his before Wen Ning could muster a reply.
“I asked him to,” he said earnestly, squeezing his hands. “I have a very important question.” Wen Ning found himself standing straighter at the serious look on his face, nodding in response.
“Of c-course, Lan-gongzi.”
“This is important,” he said again, nodding gravely. “May I call you A-Ning?”
“May I call you A-Ning?” he repeated patiently, that wide, beautiful smile still on his face.
“Y-You can call m-me whatever you w-want, Lan-gongzi.”
To his confusion, Lan Xichen vehemently shook his head.
“Only if it’s alright with you,” he declared. “And may I hug you?” he added. “I like you so much!!!” Lan Xichen looked so happy, so hopeful. Wen Ning felt the all his blood rush to his head.
“Y-you c-can,” he finally whispered, voice hoarse. “T-to b-both, I w-want you t-to.” He found he truly meant it, too, his stuttering getting worse with just how much he wants it, how much his nervousness was choking him. Lan Xichen’s arms were around him in an instant, sweeping him in so he was completely pressed to his warm, firm body, his face tucked into the crook of his neck. Lan Xichen’s chin rested on the top of his head as he swayed them back and forth, and Wen Ning worked his arms out from between them to hug him back.
“I can’t wait for the courting period, A-Ning,” he said, only a little quieter than before. “I’m going to spoil you! So much!” Wen Ning buried his face deeper. He swallowed and took a deep breath, like his sister taught him, and pulled away enough to look up at him.
“T-Thank you, A-Huan,” he whispered. Lan Xichen gasped and beamed down at him, squeezing him impossibly closer.
“I like you so much, A-Ning!!!”
Then all his weight dropped onto Wen Ning.
He caught him, looking at Wei Wuxian when the man laughed.
“He’s asleep,” he reassured in between giggles, wiping at his eyes. Still, there was something soft and delighted in his expression, enough to reassure Wen Ning this wasn’t a joke of some kind.
“W-what should I d-do?”
“If we wait a little while, he’ll sober up.” He took another sip of his drink, and Wen Ning only now noticed Lan Zhan asleep on Wei Wuxian’s shoulder. “Sit with me, and bring him with you. I’m sure he’d like waking up with his head in your lap.” Wen Ning hid behind Lan Xichen again, sure his face matched his robes. Still, he half carried, half dragged him to the table, carefully easing them down until they both sat and, after a moment of self-conscious hesitation, pushed Lan Xichen’s legs further out and guided his head to his lap.
Wei Ying met his eyes across the table, undeniably pleased. He pushed a cup to him, already filled with wine, but Wen Ning shook his head.
“N-no thank y-you, Wei-g--” he stopped, deciding to take another risk tonight. “W-Wei Y-Ying.” Wei Ying grinned. They sat in companionable silence until Wei Ying set his cup down with a quiet, definitive clack.
“He meant every word you know.”
Wen Ning nodded.
“He w-wouldn’t lie,” he agreed softly. Wei Ying stared at him for a moment, oddly serious, before the grin was back on his face.
“As long as you know that.” He took another sip of his drink. “Also, you might want to brace yourself for the courting period.” Wen Ning cocked his head to the side, a silent question. Wei Ying’s grin was a little frightening this time around in its blatant amusement, clearly at Wen Ning’s expense this time. “The Lans don’t half ass wooing.”
Wen Ning felt his cheeks warm again.
Evie/Rick/Ardeth - Paranormal Investigator AU
Sorry this one is so short! I couldn’t think of much for it unfortunately
“Evie, darling,” Rick said with a stare that spoke of being completely desensitized to this very situation, “please step out of the pentagram.”
“Oh!” She looked around and realized she was indeed standing in the middle of the pentagram, painted on the floor in a red liquid that Rick refused to contemplate the origins of. “Well, at least we know we’re going in the right direction. This was in my vision.” She still hadn’t stepped out of the pentagram, but before Rick could point that out again Ardeth walked by and took her hand, gently tugging her out of it. Evie swung the flashlight around again, distracted, as Rick and Ardeth shared a fond grin.
“See any ghosts so far?” Rick asked.
“No. I can’t sense any either.”
“So is this place haunted or just creepy?”
“Too soon to tell,” Evie replied, looking closely at the walls for any distinctive features. Ardeth looked to the side and ran his hand along the markings, neither of them noticing the pipe Rick willed away from their heads.
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There’s an itch under my skin
It’s under my skin, under my skin
‘Cause I
Just wanna feel
Something real
Itch - Nothing But Thieves
The Thread Connecting Our Skin (UraYoruGrimm One-Shot)
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monkeydra · 5 years
Fic Bites - Bleach
Byakuya/Renji - Soulmate AU
“I think you’re obsessed with my hair,” Renji muttered into his collarbone and kissed Byakuya’s neck where he had buried his face. Byakuya continued running his fingers through Renji’s hair in lazy strokes.
“It was the first color I saw.” He bent down to kiss Renji’s forehead. “I realized I loved you, and suddenly I saw red everywhere.”
Byakuya/Renji/Ichigo - Huddling for Warmth
“Heater’s busted,” Renji mumbled, when Byakuya walked in the room, stripping off his tie and jacket. Byakuya nodded and crawled into bed with them, pressing up to Ichigo’s back with a satisfied sigh. Ichigo unwrapped an arm from Renji and tangled their fingers together between him and Renji, and Renji lifted an arm from Ichigo so his hand was resting on Byakuya’s waist.
“How was class?” Byakuya asked sleepily. Twin groans replied, and Byakuya found himself smiling into the back of Ichigo’s neck.
Shunsui/Ukitake - Mutually “unrequited”
“I would love to,” Ukitake said, tucking his hair behind his ear with a smile. Shunsui lost his train of thought for a moment, like he always did when Ukitake smiled.
“I’ll ask if Unohana also wants to come,” he offered before he forgot completely. He could barely stop himself from spilling his feelings for Ukitake all over the floor surrounded by a crowd; he wouldn’t make it through something so date-like. Ukitake’s smiled dimmed for a moment, but almost immediately it was back to normal and he was nodding in agreement.
Shunsui/Ukitake/Coyote - Mythical Creatures
The coyote at the door shifted into a human and stumbled into leaning on the door frame, bruised with hazy eyes.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” Starrk said, voice hoarse, teeth chattering. Shunsui flicked off his kimono and wrapped it around his trembling shoulders, curling an arm around his waist to lead him inside.
“Jūshirō!” he called, not commenting when Starrk pressed closer to him, chasing the heat radiating off his body in comforting waves. Ukitake peeked his head around the corner and rushed over the moment he saw him, gentle hands already checking over his wounds.
Ichigo/Chad - Superhero
Chad flew towards him almost the minute he jumped, arms out to scoop Ichigo up and carry them away from the explosion. Ichigo grinned at him as the warehouse went up in flames behind them.
“Please stop jumping off roofs,” Chad murmured.
“I heal,” Ichigo said with a blasé shrug. “Besides, you always catch me.”
Shuuhei/Yumichika - Fae
“Who did this to you?” Yumichika hissed, his hand already glowing with healing magic and his eyes glowing with rage. Shuuhei leaned into the touch and wrapped a hand around his wrist.
“I took care of it,” he murmured, already falling asleep as the wound stitched closed and his adrenaline faded.
“That’s not what I asked.”
Shuuhei pulled his hand down and kissed his fingers, three red lines running down his face, and murmured, “I took care of it.”
Kensei/Shuuhei - Royal AU 
Kensei threw his circlet on the table on the way past, and before Shuuhei could be truly scandalized over the nonchalant treatment Kensei pulled him close and kissed him, arms snug around his waist. Shuuhei rested his arms over Kensei’s shoulders and melted into him, his own circlet bumping Kensei’s forehead.
“Finally, I get you to myself,” he groaned against Shuuhei’s lips, kissing him again, deeper, his hands digging and pulling him even closer, devouring Shuuhei’s moans. Shuuhei pulled back and removed his circlet with a little more care, setting it on the same table before he settled in Kensei’s arms again.
“I think I distract you too much,” he said, almost to himself, and Kensei shook his head and kissed him again, resolving to explain later how welcome a distraction he was.
Urahara/Yoruichi/Grimmjow - Dark Angel
“It’s not a big deal,” he said with a careless wave of his hand. Urahara’s smiling face turned abruptly serious as he held eye contact with Grimmjow.
“I will,” he stressed, “I will find a way to take that barcode off you.”
Grimmjow looked away, but Yoruichi was there, glimpses of the flash drive flashing through her fingers as she said, “We already have some information to get us started.” Grimmjow scratched the back of his neck for something to do with his hands, right over where his barcode was etched into his neck.
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Urayorugrimm - Stitched Aftermath AU
Synopsis:    The war ended with Kurosaki as the victor, a predictable outcome that, apparently, only Grimmjow had seen. In this war as well as the last, Grimmjow was once more a footnote in Soul Reaper history and deep within the shadows of a bratty, orange haired hybrid—not that it mattered. He had gotten what he wanted. Hueco Mundo returned to the Hollows and he held a steady bi-monthly agreement with Kurosaki to fight until one or both of them were too exhausted to continue—always ending in a draw, never death. The perfect conclusion, at least for him.      But there was something eating away at his soul.    He was tempted to categorize it as an itch; a fleeting necessity that would vanish the moment he indulged himself. Except it was stronger than that. He felt himself being pulled towards something, to someone. His body aching to be near the source of power that held his poisoned body together, the invisible stitches woven deep into his skin screaming and begging and burning for him to return to that insufferable man, that depressing mess of a scientist, that Soul Reaper. The blonde had a hold on his body that made his skin crawl; yet just as equally terrifying, the woman with him practically controlled his mind. Grimmjow was plagued by thoughts of her. The Soul Reaper’s radiant beauty was undeniable, but the raw power she possessed left a great impression upon the Arrancar, who was hardly ever impressed by anything. A lethal goddess of lightning and thunder was impossible to forget.    He tried to ignore it. The same routine he always took when emotions suddenly obscured his logical thoughts. This time it wouldn’t stick. He couldn’t forget. Not them. He theorized—hoped—that just dropping by the World of the Living in the vicinity of the two would be enough to placate his strange needs, but they only grew worse. When the stitches became unbearable, when they stung like lightning and tugged at his skin as if to guide him back to where he belonged, that’s the moment when his resolve crumbled. The brief moment of vulnerability that brought Grimmjow to the man’s stupid and ridiculous candy shop to demand for them to release him.    Little did he know that he was holding onto the Soul Reapers just as strongly.
~ Ever since the war, Grimmjow has been feeling the stitches in his body twist and squeeze and tighten, constantly drawing him to the world of the living and reminding him of two people who shouldn’t even hold a place in his memory. The sensation becomes so strong that Grimmjow confronts them—mainly Kisuke—to banish the odd feelings from his body. He ends up getting more feelings than he can handle.
A story I hope to write someday.
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monkeydra · 6 years
Fic Bites ~ Bleach
Byakuya/Renji – Spy
When Renji finally made his way through the door of the safehouse, Byakuya grabbed him, immediately tugging at his shirt, a cool palm pressing over his sweaty skin to check him over for injuries.
“I’m fine,” he said, grin quirking at his lips and fighting Byakuya’s hold on his shirt to pull it back down, adding, “I promise.”
“You’re late,” he said, glaring at him, lips thin, but he finally let go of his clothes, and Renji took a moment to check for any obvious injuries on Byakuya as they walked further into the room.
He grabbed his arm, smiling even as Byakuya continued to glare at him, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Sorry,” he mumbled into his skin, and he wasn’t forgiven, not just yet, but Byakuya relaxed against him and stepped closer until they were pressed together.
Byakuya/Renji/Ichigo – High Fantasy
It was a testament to elven stealth—or maybe just his trust in these two—that Byakuya didn’t wake until they were wrapping their arms around him. Byakuya blinked awake and saw red hair and a tattooed shoulder, which meant Ichigo must be the one behind him, and murmured, “How did you get in?”
“Through the window,” Renji answered immediately, not sounding at all pleased as Ichigo mumbled into his back, “and we’re going to have a talk tomorrow about how disturbingly easy it was to break into the crown prince’s room.” Byakuya wanted to ask—they were both rarely so openly worried without cause—but he was exhausted, and they were both very warm, and he hadn’t seen them since the last diplomatic visit to the humans from the elves.
He could interrogate them in the morning.
Shunsui/Ukitake – Superheroes (superhero name and power courtesy of nonesane! :D)
Shunsui had gotten used to villains appearing in his day to day life—which he realized was a ridiculous thing for a college professor to be used to—and while he could defend himself well enough, supervillains were a little beyond him.
“Thank you, handsome,” he murmured, standing with an easy smile on his face and moving away from the Espada embedded in the wall and unconscious from the force of the blast, patting the dust off his suit.
“I am deeply sorry about this,” he said, a cool hand coming up to brush against a spot on his forehead that would likely bloom into an impressive bruise, and Shunsui leaned into the soothing touch. “They’re targeting you because of me,” he continued, with a guilty frown, only relaxing minutely when Shunsui held his hand.
“It’s a little irritating, but since I get rescued by a gorgeous man in the end I’d say it evens out,” he added playfully, delighted at the fond smile curling The Blizzard’s mouth.
Shunsui/Ukitake/Coyote – Angels, Demons
“I admit I’m not entirely sure which is which,” Ukitake said, hoping he didn’t just offend an angel. To his relief, Shunsui smiled and playfully raised his hand while Starrk snorted and commandeered Ukitake’s bed for a light nap.
“I’m the angel, although I’m sure you could talk me into a career change,” with a grin. Ukitake knew he was blushing, he just knew it from the way Shunsui smirked wider and said slyly, “Starrk is the demon, and if you ask nicely enough he might even show you his tail.”
Ukitake slumped onto the edge of the bed and buried his face in his hands, cheeks aflame, and tried not to feel fond at the sound of a deep chuckle and legs shifting to press against his back.
Ichigo/Chad – Soulmates
Ichigo sleepily traced the shield on Chad’s sternum, letting his deep, even breaths soothe him towards sleep. He could feel the soft waves of affection coming from him, even asleep, and curled up against him tighter.
He felt him wake just before he heard a rumbled, “are you okay?” and felt his hand come to rest over the matching shield on his back, concern joining love now over their bond.
He shivered at the warm touch and nodded, not wanting to break the peaceful bubble around them by speaking, and sent back as much comfort as he could. Chad smiled, soft and sweet, and pressed a kiss to his forehead, smile widening just slightly as he no doubt felt how pleased Ichigo was.
Shuuhei/Yumichika – Royalty x Royalty
Shuuhei was the crown prince and had been trained to keep his composure in any situation, so it stands to reason that the beautiful prince across the room winking at him shouldn’t already have heat traveling across his cheeks. Prince Yumichika made his way over to Shuuhei, the feathers around his eye colorful and attention grabbing, a stark contrast to his smooth skin and dark hair.
“Good evening, Your Highness” he said, a roguish grin on his face and holding eye contact as he gave the quick, customary bow.
Shuuhei bowed in return and nodded, murmuring a thankfully steady “Good evening,” in response.
“I actually had ulterior motives for coming to speak with you,” he said, and held out a hand at Shuuhei’s questioning look, finishing, “to ask for a dance,” smiling when, after a moment’s hesitation, Shuuhei took it.
Kensei/Shuuhei – Dracula
“Isn’t it a little morbid to feed someone so you can eat them?” Shuuhei asked when Kensei shoved a rather colorful looking dish of food at him.
“I’m feeding you because I can smell from here that you’re anemic,” he shot back with a scowl, adding, “You could at least try and get some sleep regularly.”
“How do you know I don’t?” he asked, chewing thoughtfully on his food, pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
Quicker than he could see, Kensei was around the table and brushing a thumb under his eyes with a pointed look, murmuring something about bags under his eyes that Shuuhei could only just barely make out over the blood rushing in his ears.
Urahara/Yoruichi/Grimmjow – Aristocrat/Ballroom
“You know he’s only acting like a proper bodyguard right now because it scares the other nobles,” Urahara murmured to Yoruichi, and she smiled at him over the rim of her glass, wedding ring glinting in the light, both of them turning back to stare at Grimmjow standing at a pillar between them and the exit.
“He does cut a nice figure in that suit though,” she said, clinking her glass against his as she said “Good job talking him into it.”
“I’ll leave it to you to talk him out of it again,” he replied. At that moment Grimmjow turned to look at them both, rolling his eyes after a moment as if he knew what they were talking about.
Yoruichi nodded and took Urahara’s glass, setting at the table and bringing his hand up to her waist, explaining “We should dance then; you know he likes seeing us together.”
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