#urd geales ons
urdgealesisbaby · 8 months
Hey I’m not sure if your open for requests but when you are. May I pls request fem!SO saying “I love you” Before their in a relationship. (Ky, Urd and Rigr)
Hello,hello!! My gosh I do love receiving vampire requests,so thank you!
Ky Luc,Urd Geales and Rigr Stafford with their s/o saying "I love you" before being in a relationship
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Ky Luc
You two were walking around Shibuya and a café catches your eyes.You turn to you friend,Ky Luc,who was at that moment a crush you just dreamt of having as a boyfriend.
You didn't want to make any sudden movements because you thought that maybe he will be scared of those "love" things because vampires generally aren't searching for love.
Making a first move was difficult but it was a thing that you really wanted to do because you couldn't keep yourself from saying it anymore.
"I think that's a very nice coffee shop.Would you like to go with me?" you say as you look at Ky Luc.
"Sure thing,I don't particulary drink coffee but I don't mind being there" Ky Luc says.
"Alright then" you say.
You were still very nervous of what would he say about what you were about to do.
"Shit.It's closed...." you say.
"Did you really want to drink some coffee?There are many coffee shops down the other street."
"No...actually....Ky Luc....I wanted to say something to you." you say very shy.
"hmm? what is it?" Ky Luc says.
"I....I love you.." and then you wait for his response.
"Are you for real? Are you just playing a dumb prank on me or something? I'm a vampire,I can't be loved by someone like you.....I do the worst things you can imagine" Ky Luc says surprised.
"Yes....I really mean it...." you say.
Ky Luc,still surprised,takes your hands in his hands and offers you a very passionate kiss.
"I.....I feel the same for you....y/n."
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Urd Geales
You were visiting your king's castle,or should I say king Urd Geales's castle?The castle he was living in was a huge construction build ages ago and everyone knew that only him and his most loyal servants were welcomed there.
You were one of the lucky friends of his grace and you were very welcomed being in his home.
It's almost like it wasn't real.You,a mere girl,being welcomed in your king's castle and going out of your way to say to him your feelings.
As you kept on living with him and seeing him everyday,you kinda caught some feelings for this guy.And the moment where you told him your feelings has come.
You walked on the beautiful stairs of his castle,preparing yourself for the big talk.
After making all the bad case scenarios in your head,you enter his room by knocking the door.
"It's me....y/n...Can I enter,my king?" you say.
"But of course" Urd says.
"Thank you,your grace,I...I have come here to tell you something important" you say.
"What is it? Is it the humans that bother you? Maybe other vampires that have you in trouble? With what can I help you,y/n?" Urd asks.
"I.....I think the problem I have is very different than what you have asked...." you say.
"Then what is it?Tell me and see if I can help you,my dear." Urd says in a friendly tone.
"I...I love you..." you say as you tremble a bit,waiting for his response.
"I....are you serious?" Urd asks.
"Yes....my king..." you say.
He leaves his chair,coming at you.Then,grabbing your face,he says:
"I...I have the same feeling for you...I love you" he says as he hugs you.
Urd guides you to his bedroom while kissing you on the way.
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Rigr Stafford
You were in the hallway of the Hyakuya Sect.
There was their leader,or your leader? or perhaps.....your lover? I don't know yet.
He was a man of a few words,you were just a human to him that he spared your life a long time ago.
Or maybe you were wrong for thinking like that? Maybe he liked you,maybe he didn't take your life away just because you were like a little star lost to him?
You wouldn't know either way,again,he was a man of few words,so he didn't talk to you or anyone very much.
You decided that it was the moment.You two were alone and you finally decided that this was it.You gotta tell him.Now.
"Mr.Saito...I...I need to tell you something."
"What is it? Is it the Demon Army? The JIDA? You can tell me anything,after all,you're my best subordibate."he says.
"I...I love you."you confessed.
At that moment,Saito froze.Not in a bad way though......it was just.....he didn't think of love all of these years.....and then you came and confessed your love.It was...weird for him.
"I.....I'm sorry I took a while to respond...but...I think we share the same feeling......though I don't know if an old millenia monster like me can truly feel love" he says .
"We....we can try." you say.
As you say that,he grabs your neck and kisses you softly,almost like you were made out of glass and he didn't wanna break you.
Then you two went to bed,to a different kind of bed,if you get me💃.
Thank you for your request!
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nightshadelinnette · 1 month
I'm feeling particularly weird today so here's another scenario quiz:
You're standing in the hallway of a train, choose a room to spend a whole train journey in
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What on earth do you want to discuss with these people?!😭 Stay atleast 13527 kms away from humanity thank you
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Lacus would try to talk to you to reduce the awkwardness in the room, Mika ofc silently looks out of the window. René would either add his comments to Lacus's yapping or sleep
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Welcome to Shinya's private tea party, I don't have to elaborate any further. Yuu and Guren are most likely to have an insult battle with each other, it's up to you to take one side or just peacefully sip tea with Shinya💀👍
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Krul and Ferid constantly bickering, Crowley would talk to you or suggest playing cards (Bad move💀) both of em would accuse each other of cheating in the game and start another round of bickering🗿
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Good choice if you like socialising, it's the most fun room in my opinion, you can play many games with them and tell each other stories
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Urd will leave you on your own, Ky's not interested in humans so he wouldn't care and continue talking to Lest, Little tyrant would be talking to Ky about how he's planning to overthrow Krul and conquer Japan. Don't even jokingly try ask him silly questions, he'd be so pissed off and Urd would have to stop him from rebuking you💀
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lostsoulaltair · 2 months
When you know you gonna get your IQ reduced.
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Well anyways, at this point, time to take it with humor. Up to the end of the World.
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black-sapphire57 · 2 months
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This literally went:
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highway-road23 · 2 months
This is Admin talking
It is very sad that krul dead without having any kind of special and unique and glorious moments of hers just like how other side characters like kureto or shinya had for themselves. Krul's personality and character was very well written and had so much potential but it was completely wasted thankful of takaya only focusing on two characters and their relationship for YEARS and completely ignoring all his other side characters aside that now it was time to remove them, which the removal itself wasn't bad or bad writing, it suddenly felt a too rush in forward although it was not and krul's death in all aspects was completely predictable just like how the title of the previous chapter "Queen's time" was a promising title telling us that krul's end is very close, but yep it felt bad and out of blue because unfortunately takaya never gave her enough screen times of her that now she had removed we can't accept it and get over with it, like krul never had any special plans of her and all she did was following mahiru's or ashera's plan and words but she, herself, never had a motivation forward although she was even older than ferid and she literally did nothing all these long times to make a plan of herself to defeat the first or gain more information although we can see how MALE characters like kureto, saito, ferid, ashera, noya and guren had their own plans in their own ways yes a character like crowley had non too but at least we have goddammit novels of him and we got enough screen times of him so that his death didn't felt too rushed or anything but for krul? Nothing. We had nothing. And the sad part is that she was an important side characters not a minor character like chess, horn, rene, lacus, byakkomaro, raimeki and etc. so that if she would remove from the story we won't feel that much of a problem with it, yes she was a side character but she was an important side character, she wasn't anything near a minor side character but unfortunately takaya showed again he is definitely too bad at writing not the side characters themselves but also FEMALE characters so badly too, like krul even in the story of her and her brother wasn't the main one and it was always ashera who was the main character in their stories and krul was playing role of a supporting character even there and it was no single motivation and act from her side throughout the whole manga although we expected so much more and high of her why? Because at the beginning of the manga it was shown that she kind of have plans for both Yu and Mika and she whispered some amazing and mysterious things to Mika and it made us be so curious over it just to realize that no it was never anything important and there were no actual and amazing plan from her side but the amazing plans was only from the male characters or mahiru and that is what made her death unbearable although it was a need for the story and it was simply her time to go away but because she laced character development a lot, her death felt so out of blue.
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eluxcastar · 9 months
With a yandere s/o
── ୨୧:ky luc, urd geales, rígr stafford, shikama dōji x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: yandere s/o ideas let's gooo
୨୧﹑genre :: Idk tbh
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, repeated themes of obsession, yandere, unhealthy relationships, imagined relationships (rígr), it's implied shikama does a lot to them 💀, mostly proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.2k
I had this idea a while ago but I couldn't be bothered until now (<- me from literally over a year ago)
I FISHED THIS OUTTA THE DARKEST CORNERS OF THE DRAFTS TO FEED Y'ALL I can't even believe I'm about to do this it literally had green dividers from my THIRD Tumblr theme 😭 I wanna post more ONS content again though so expect it here and there. requests are a VERY hard maybe
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── ୨୧:ky luc
Ky is entirely unbothered by this little arrangement you've made, letting you do as you please around him and indulging you in some of your little gestures of affection, all in exchange for keeping him fed straight from the source. You can sense Ky is not fully invested in this relationship-- may not even see it in the same light that you do. How dare he act so casually toward you. You wanted him to be less formal, but Ky is always brushing you off as 'livestock' that he claims to somewhat fancy, though not for anything but the taste of your blood.
In truth, he finds you quite strange. He has warned you before that you better not dare be too bold and involve yourself too personally in his affairs publicly. He's quick to remind you how easy it would be to kill you, all done with a hand to your throat and the blade forming around his hand as he offers to fulfil that promise immediately. He's noticed how overeager you are, and he almost doesn't like it. Ky doesn't trust you on your own; he's put off by how strangely you act. He's tried to tell you a million times he does not and cannot love you, but each time, you go crawling back to him, begging him to continue your deal.
Ky has figured out he can use your own adoration and idolisation of him against you because you will keep falling for the things he says for now. He knows he can offer even shallow acts only vaguely reminiscent of lovers, and you'd do it in a heartbeat. You're somehow so stubborn yet so easy to control, and he takes advantage of that to the full extent, watching you run around like a headless chicken trying to please him. It's entertaining to know you still somehow think this is moving you up some kind of ladder closer to him accepting your love without a deal.
── ୨୧:urd geales
Urd has developed a growing tolerance for you ever since you first appeared and kept appearing in the places he was going you could access. You seemed too nervous to talk every time he approached, so he had to wait until you began your advances, and once they started, they didn't stop. He hated to admit that a part of him was strangely enamoured by the idea that maybe if he let your infatuation fester enough, you'd be the one person who would never leave, but he also knows you're extremely abusive at times.
You can't hurt him, nor could you dream of it, but it was saying too much that hurt him. You smothered him, babied him for a time and swore you'd hurt anyone who just so much as brushed against him too harshly for your tastes. It is uncontrollable, and Urd never knows if you'll go through with it. Urd tries to calm you down, but you've managed to convince yourself he's too nice, and this is how you'll 'protect' him from the world. You suffocate Urd so much that he doesn't know if you still think of him as an adult or as a child.
Urd requires your utmost attention, and there are many times he's considered ending your life so that you can't be a bother to the peace he's created, but he keeps getting drawn back. Urd knows if he leaves you to your devices and allows you to fuss over him, you'll be at ease, even if you seem to want to control him. If Urd lets you fuss, you stay put, and if you stay put, you won't leave to go anywhere. For a while, you'll remain with him, and he can subject himself to the headache for the reward.
── ୨୧:rígr stafford
This relationship you have with him always seems to go unnoticed. He ignores you all the time, he's never around, and he never pays even a hint of attention to you. You're glad to find yourself locked up because, for the first time in a while, he looks back at you with all of his attention. It's just like how you imagined it to be intense and with a strange interest that perhaps doesn't belong.
You're so glad he's finally started paying attention to you. This is much better than when you borrow his things and imagine him, the way he'd scold you for it, the disappointment you would think was visible on his face.
"I took more than just that." You confess just as he opens his mouth to speak and don't even allow him a chance to ask what you are doing. You keep idolising this man; you likely always will, adoring him and holding him on the pedestal he deserves. He can only shake his laugh at you and say something about how this is inevitable. He does this on purpose. He runs a cult. Everybody starts somewhere.
You have to hold back losing it on him because he doesn't seem to understand you are long past the isolation period of thinking him a God. You used to believe that, but not anymore. You used to feel dirty every time you took up his time, like the greatest sin you've committed, and you still revel in it. You are the mortal who dragged him from his place, and you will never truly allow him to leave you behind if he should leave this world. You must keep leaving him gifts and perhaps borrowing his personal items right under his nose. Couples share everything, don't they?
── ୨୧:shikama dōji
You're such a mild inconvenience to his plans that he almost doesn't even notice after a while, letting you indulge yourself as you ignore every single boundary he sets out for you. The only reason he sits you down and scolds you is that you got too close to something he's not eager to share. You follow his word like law. Once he figures out there is nothing you wouldn't do for him, there is seldom a thing he won't do to you. You are his everything, and not in a good way; his plaything is a better description.
He finds your infatuation with him to be of enough interest as it is, but you also pose a very good catalyst for all of his other questions about humans as well. At his fingertips is someone who would do anything that he asks in order to please him. You had better be good and do whatever he wants, and you might be rewarded for it, and though he's quite selfish to do this only for him, he is very good at pleasing you for your troubles. He won't make any exception for you, not when he's prizing you above the rest, which he reminds you is not to be treated lightly. It isn't fair for only you to get happiness, is it?
If keeping you on a chain makes you behave, even if you begin to grow bored of your obsession with him (which he doubts you will), he's become far too interested in what made you this way. He wants to know how far he can push, how long it will take you to fall out of this 'love', how much he can taunt you and use you for his own sick amusement. Not for the same reasons as you, but your reasons certainly make it easier.
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l1va22 · 20 days
God received my prayers when this chapter was released, the art styles getting better, were seeing more of the vampires and there emotions, urds one more step away from getting out the abusive relationship he has with rigr.
Let’s all praise the Lord
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This panel is everything, ky gained 1000000000000+ aura for this panel alone.
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annoyingflowerwitch · 2 months
Can we talk about how some vampires have more emotions than they give themselves credit for?
like Rigr. Cries because of some fossilized memories.
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Or Krul. You can argue about whatever she cares about Mika or not, she empathizes with him.
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Says that what he went through to save Yuu wouldn’t be fair otherwise. 3000+ years old “emotionless” vampire queen wasn’t supposed to care about these things, but she did.
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Urd’s dependence on his companions, or their dependence on Urd. These are all acquired things.
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also their reactions are so cute 🥹
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Seraph of the End x reader… and playing with their ears/fangs!
I can’t be the only weirdo on here obsessed with pointy ears and vampire fangs, can i? There really isn’t enough content acknowledging how attractive pointy ears and fangs are (unless it involves biting!).  But maybe that’s just me. Sorry for the long-ass post, but i added some mini one-shots into the mix this time! And, holy SHIT i did NOT expect to discover a talent for writing suggestive xReader oneshots.
Tw: some rather ✨suggestive✨ Content. 16+
Hoo boy, i love being lazy and nabbing images off pinterest and google-
Ferid Bathory
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🤍♦️This bastard loves it when you play with his ears. They’re surprisingly sensitive; Just a little bit of rubbing is enough to make him a blushing mess! He’s gonna make some pretty sus noises, too. Are you really all that surprised?
🤍♦️ “Little lamb, just what do you think you’re doing?” He asks, as you reach for one of his long, pointed ears.
“I just want to touch your ears,” You chirp happily, unfazed by his sharp and curious stare.
“now what made you want to do tha~ aht~? ah~!” He sighs as you gently fondle his ear.
You freeze, not sure what to make of his reaction. Is he pretending, perhaps? Could this be a playful act? The blush creeping up his regal cheeks certainly seems genuine enough.
Ferid clears his throat. “Please… please continue,” he says in a shaky tone.
You carefully continue to rub his ear. The vampire noble seems to enjoy this attention immensely. 
“ahh~ mmm, yes~ that feels nice~” he chuckles, and pulls you closer. His thin, crafty arms snake their way around your waist as he begins to pepper your face with soft kisses. Your free hand reaches up to play with his other ear. His melodious sighs get louder. The sly noble kisses his way down your jawline, to your soft, warm neck. The feeling of his cold lips on your sensitive neck draws a gentle moan from you.  “Ah~ M- master Ferid~” you whine. As you rub his pointed ears a bit harder, you hear the familiar sound of his low, seductive purr. You know exactly what you’re in for, and there’s no escaping your fate now.
🤍♦️aaaaaaanyway… If you decide to stick your fingers in his mouth to fondle his fangs, he’s going to bite you. That’s just how he rolls. Why would you put your hand anywhere near his mouth if you didn’t want to be bitten? Aside from that, he also really enjoys having his fangs rubbed. They’re incredibly sensitive, hence why biting people feels so good. Get ready for more suggestive noises on his part, it just feels so good!
Lacus Welt
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💜✨ Lots of protesting, until you actually manage to get ahold of his ear. Then he’s gonna melt into your touch like a little vampire puddle. Lacus is all about the pleasure, so it makes sense that he’d love to have you fondling his ears.
💜✨ “Cut it out!” He protests.
“Oh come on,” you sulk, “I just want to touch your ears! They’re so cool!”
“But WHY?” He demands. “What is so special about my ears that makes you feel the need to touch them?”
“I dunno. They’re just neat and I wanna touch them!” Successfully breaking past his defenses, you grab hold of his ear. It’s soft, and cold to the touch, just like the rest of him.
“Damn it, aren’t you supposed to listen to whatever I say?” He begins, “You insolent little-”
His speech falters as you begin to rub his ear between two of your fingers. Lacus freezes, and his eyes go wide. The purple-haired vampire hasn’t needed to breathe in several centuries, but he finds himself panting as his face flushes with this wonderful new feeling. He leans into your touch, wanting more.
“I thought you didn’t want me to touch your ears~?” You tease him.
“Shut up and keep going,” he commands.  You happily oblige him. Within minutes, his head is on your lap. Whenever he isn’t moaning in delight, he’s purring loudly. He keeps a firm grip on your thigh the entire time. It’s quite clear to you that he enjoys what you’re doing.
Your brain graces you with what you think is an excellent idea. You gently guide his head up so his chin is resting on your shoulder. Hearing his delightful moans as such close proximity is really starting to turn you on.
“Wha~ what are you doing~?” He asks.
A loud groan escapes his lips as you nibble on his ear. You run your tongue along the top edge, and he grabs onto your shoulders with a shaky death grip. He’s leaning close, so close to you, as if he’s trying to fuse your bodies. His shaky panting and frenzied moaning have you feeling rather ‘hot and bothered’, so to speak.
💜✨ Very confused if you try to stick your fingers in his mouth, and will probably bite you. Once you start touching those sensitive fangs, however, he’s addicted. He’ll randomly grab your hand and start nibbling on your fingers to get you to rub them.
Rene Simm
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🖤♦️ One of the least dramatic reactions out there. He’ll look at you with a “what the fuck are you doing?” expression. Once you start fondling his ears, the only sign that he likes it is the blush on his face and his low purring. He might close his eyes and sigh, if he’s in a particularly relaxed mood.
🖤♦️ “What the hell do you think you’re doing, livestock?” The emo vampire gives you a tired, questioning look.
“I just want to touch your ears,” you explain.
“Why?” He asks.
You shrug. “They’re just pretty.”
He gives an amused snort. His ears, pretty? Why his ears, of all things? He’ll never understand humans and their weird interests.
You gently rub his ear, and he lets out a surprised grunt. What is this strange warmth fluttering in his stomach? It feels so nice…
You chuckle as you hear him start to purr. He looks away from you, staring off into the distance, and his face flushes bright red.  “such a tsundere,” you chide him. “Why can you never just admit that you like my attention? Your purring is a dead giveaway.”
“Shut it, livestock.” He growls.
You move closer, turning his head towards you so that you can reach his other ear. His tired eyes seem to stare directly into your soul, but that adorable blush and his non-stop purring offset his intimidating aura. Not that you were ever really intimidated by him. To you, he was just your cute little emo vampire.
Rene closes his eyes; a slight sigh escapes his lips, barely more than a light exhale. But coming from Rene, this kind of expression was like a loud cry of pleasure.
“Just admit that it feels good,” you say smugly.
“Never.” The word comes out airily, almost a sigh in itself. The dark-haired vampire is in absolute ecstasy, but no casual observer would ever be able to tell just from looking at him. Only you, who seated yourself close enough to hear his quiet sighs and deep purring, could tell how much he was enjoying himself.
🖤♦️ If you decide to try touching his fangs, he’ll simply give you the most tired, done-with-your-shit look you’ve ever received. His expression will soften as you proceed to toy with his highly sensitive fangs. Oh, and he’ll purr for you. Cute, huh?
Urd Geales
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💡He’s startled, for sure. I mean, you just reached up and started molesting his ears! And it felt good! He struggles to keep his composure, but he struggles in vain. Your soft fingers feel so good on his sensitive ears! Better not try it in public, though. If anyone else is around, he’ll promptly smack your hand away. He has a reputation to maintain, after all.
💡 “Aahhh~ very nice, (y/n).” The second progenitor’s relaxed purrs fill the room as you massage his tense shoulders. His scarlet eyes are closed, and a small smile resides on his calm, picture-perfect face. 
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, darling.” You smile.  As you watch him sigh and roll his shoulders to your touch, you find yourself staring at his long, pointed ears. You feel a sudden temptation, and reach to grab them.
“What are you- Ohhh~!” Urd groans as he feels your fingers set to work on his ears. He hadn’t even realized how sensitive they were. How could something so simple feel so lovely?
“Does that feel good?” You chuckle. His rich, gentle purring returns tenfold as he leans back into your touch.
“ahhhh~” he sighs, “yes~ very much so~” 
A sweet blush decorates his gorgeous, tan cheeks as he sighs your name. Such a soft sigh; barely more than a whisper, but easily heard in the quiet and secluded bedroom you two were currently sharing. When it’s just the two of you, it’s strikingly easy to get Mr. haughty-rules-lawyer to melt like putty in your hands.
His cold, elegant body is leaning against your figure; his head resting against your chest. As you rub those pretty, pointed ears of his harder and harder, his breathing becomes more erratic. His moans increase in volume and frequency.
“a- ahh~! Oh, (y- y/n)~ aah~!” He pants heavily. “Ohhhhhh~!”
He opens his eyes and looks up at you. Such a wonderful expression! His mouth slightly agape, revealing his sharp, white fangs. His intelligent ruby-red eyes trained on you, slit pupils dilated to their fullest extent. Every inch of his face shows how much he enjoys what you’re doing.
You can’t help but smile at him. “you look exquisite like this, my darling~” 
💡As for his fangs… He is SO confused as to why in the world you’re trying to stick your fingers in his mouth. He’s not gonna bite you, just sit there and look at you like: “what in the world are you doing?” Like all the others, his fangs are so fricking sensitive. He will melt into your arms like mercury at room temperature.
Ky Luc
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🔹🤎Will absolutely let you touch his ears. He’s down to try pretty much anything! His curiosity knows no bounds. Once he finds out it feels good, he’ll definitely want you to play with his ears more often. He loves it when you giggle and coo over him while you do it.
🔹🤎 “You want to touch my ears?”  Ky Luc peers at you curiously.  You nod.
“A strange request,” he hums, “but easily granted.”
The fifth progenitor leans his face close to yours; his intelligent crimson eyes have a playful sparkle to them. He’s interested as to why you want to give attention to his ears, of all things. Surely there are more interesting parts of his body to touch, right? Humans are such curious creatures!
You reach up to fondle his sharply pointed ears. They’re cold, like the rest of his body, but oh so soft! You amuse yourself by playing with them a bit more: tugging on them, rubbing their pointed tips, gently running your thumb along their edges. 
You giggle as your vampire darling begins purring loudly, and nuzzling into one of your hands. His eyes close, and he sighs contentedly.
“You know, they say curiosity killed the cat. but…” Ky moans in delight, “Aah~! It seems to only lead to good things for me!”
“The full saying is ‘curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back,’” you explain.
“Mmmm~ but still,” he purrs, “In my case, curiosity never killed the cat in the first place!”
“Don’t worry,” you chuckle, “I’m sure one of these days you’ll pay for sticking your hand into random boxes.”
An idea strikes you, and you decide to entertain it. You gently pull the loudly purring vampire closer, and start nibbling the tip of his ear. You hear a sharp gasp, followed by a long, drawn-out groan. “Ohhhhh~! That feels good~!” He exclaims, “Mmmmmm~ Wonderful~!”
“Would you like me to keep going~?” You murmur into his ear.
“Aah~! Yes please~!” He sighs.
🔹🤎 He’ll let you touch his fangs. He’ll be a little weirded out as to why you want to stick your fingers in his mouth, but his curiosity will get the better of him. It’s a little strange, but at least it feels good!
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amethystroselily · 5 months
I think one of my favorite scenes in ONS was Saito introducing the power of friendship to the vampires. That was very funny.
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thepoeticall · 20 days
Am I the only one who observed that the artstyle is getting better and kinda back to how it was?
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Mostly through the chapter the artstyle was the same, but slightly changed. Yuu has drastically changed though, he no longer has those accentuated features
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 years
Hello, how are you? I was wondering if I could request Owari no Seraph Urd Geales relationship headcanons? He’s one of my favorite characters.
Hello!! Of coursee,after all,my username means that Urd is a baby haha!:)
I am alright!Recovering from my brake and writing constantly,what about you darling??
Thank you for requesting me and making me do headcanons for Urdieee!!
✨️Urd Geales relationship headcanons✨️
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Urd Geales
-I honestly see Urd as someone who hasn't got any affection or attention for such a long time only because his high ranking as a vampire progenitor and as a status in the vampire society and even in the human society
-he doesn't really know how to express his feelings properly,so there are going to be some misunderstandings at first,he does of course know how to communicate,but he doesn't really know how to communicate his feelings properly for the one he loves
-he doesn't really have any kind of experience with being loved and loving a person(this may be untrue because of the past love that he had? i dont remember her name sadly,it was at the end of a ons volume,which is why I don't necessarly know if its canon or not)
-Urd is a slow lover,he needs very much time to know what is happening between you two and if he considers that you can be a couple then he will initiate the first move,it takes a lot of time though
-and that is just because he doesn't want to hurt you or anything so he calculates everything first and then makes proper moves for you
-he honestly is so damn affectionate when you two are alone and in bed,he holds you like he won't get another time to ever hold you
-he thinks of you as his equal or even his superior because he loves you so much and wants to protect his sweet darling
-he wants you to be around him everytime,he doesn't need to imaginate a world without you,his love,he thinks that a world without you is incomplete and that is a world without colour or life in it
-and as you know,because he is a vampire he really needs some piece of life in his vampire eternity,without that kind of pieces of life he would already be so empty enough to be like a plant,no emotions,no feelings,nothing at all
Thank you for requesting again and I hope you request me again and I hope you guys liked these headcanons!!
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nightshadelinnette · 4 months
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lostsoulaltair · 6 months
OnS Chapter 136 Analysis - Love vs The Past
Well, a new chapter dropped. I must say that I liked it. We really are heading towards the end of the story and two sides now are on stage.
One fighting for love; the other one fighting to bring back something that is long lost.
Love can often be misunderstood in the manga story; to the point it distorts a lot, but in reality, it takes so many shapes, so many forms along giving birth to ideals.
Each character within the story is moved to do something for "love". But in this role too; the "love" for the "past" exists.
The past is a momentum that will always live in our memories; it is something that will forever be frozen; something that will not change. It's something that is part of us without defining us.
As we've seen today; the chapter starts with Yuu trying to reach the First; but given that the Progenitors want to avoid the destruction of the world much further; they were preventing Yuu from making contact with the First.
Of course, we see how Mika couldn't withstand the raw power of Urd Geales; we saw Shinya and Kureto alive and kicking once again; and finally, the main spot; the reunion between Shikama and Yuu.
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Shikama is aware that Yuu has all his memories back ever since he detected an anomaly along the interaction with the corpse of Mikaela. Of course, whenever Shikama knows the soul of his son is alive and kicking, it's up to interpretation. Though, it is clear he knows it exists.
Eventually we see how Shikama is going to bestow Yuu his knowledge and power
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But before he could give away his power to Yuu; Shinoa interferred with the possibility.
Leading to our possible future battle between Shinoa and Yuu.
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Two ideals being carried away within the story. And yet, at the same time they connect through the main theme. "Love."
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And no, it's not "romantic love ". The "love" or 愛 which is not the same as other interpretations of love itself. Just "ai". A love that takes so many shapes.
Let's begin with the real analysis here.
Yuu isn't exactly fighting for humanity nor his friends, nor his family. Given that the "regression" process he made to recall his whole life; he saw how his life originated alongside being the son of the First.
Given that, he is actually aiming for the task of "saving" but given that "love" is playing its role as well. It is the love he has deep down for his father that he is doing everything to bring back what his father cherished in the past. Which is something reflected as well when he was the angel Mikaela. Taking his life so divine punishment wouldn't fall upon his father.
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Shikama did love his angels, his followers and he did blame himself for the punishment that fell upon them. But given God's nature; it was normal that the punishment fell upon those angels given that they no longer praised for God.
Though; one thing Shikama and Yuu have in common, is the attachment to the past. It is the very fact that the past for them is something that should have prevailed instead of changing. What do I mean?
To Shikama, the Progenitors he chose, despite being reincarnations of those angels that followed him once; are not his angels.
And this is highly visible once Ashera asks Shikama what he should do back in chapter 117.
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To his eyes, Shikama's sired progenitors were just tools given that to him; they are shadows of who they were once, but to those progenitors; even if they have acknowledged that they are reincarnations; they made a choice.
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They chose to follow up their own path. And as they've stated back in chapter 114; their last and final task is to protect the world they live in. Meaning avoiding the resurrection of the angel Mikaela.
But now, why do I say Shikama and Yuu have one thing in common?
Yuu is a character that despite living endlessly; along having a constant memory reset until now that he gathered all his memories; he's done one thing to no end. And that is living in the past.
True, there are scars that take its time to heal from the past; some are very difficult nonetheless; he chose to live in such past. When he had a chance to make a choice; that choice was no longer centered in the present; it began to lead further astray to the past.
But then, what's the point of those promises?
Given how everything has turned. Those promises are something that can't be fulfilled. What do I mean?
In order to revive the angels from long ago; sacrifices must be made. But here's another thing that it is being dismissed. What could it be?
The absolute lack of appreciation to life.
Yuu might state he aims to save everyone; even to Ashera who at the end understood that there are limits to life. He loved and embraced he managed to get his sister back; but the cost for that was making her suffer for eternity; nevertheless, the lives both had, those kind of experiences they managed to live had their moments of bliss; bringing back entities that perished long ago, is discarting the moments experienced, the moments lived along the emotions that were carried through a lifetime.
But now, there is an opposite force here. And that force is no other than. "Love."
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Many might consider that Shinoa's love is "obssession, madness like Mahiru's love" but no. This is actually wrong.
Back when she stated she would kill Mikaela; there was a massive misconception of this which chapter 133 explained a lot.
Shinoa thought Yuu was being possessed by Mikaela at that time hence her retoric; but given that she saw first hand that Yuu had fooled them; she understood that Yuu was doing everything on his own will. And let's not forget that Yuu might be dumb, but not clueless or ignorant.
Shinoa's form of "love" is not something that came out of nothing; it's something that began taking shape by her own; it began from curiosity, turning into uncertainty, then transforming into caring, along developing feelings for a special someone. Such feelings for her were seen as something hideous or bad; but at the end, she understood they weren't bad, nevertheless, she never admitted them until or rather never accepted them truthfully until chapter 133.
Chapter 133 was a very reflexive chapter given that it gave Shinoa resolution; a resolution as to why it is the reason she was standing still in the very end of the world.
Shinoa's love is not centered to one person, but rather; it is centered to the very core family she gained through her journey which lead to this.
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Her battle and her resolution is directed to the very family that has stood with her and has followed her through the long journey she has taken so far. Hence why; she is standing along her squad just like how the vampires did; how they are going to live. Not by a decree of an entity, not by a decree of her sister and Guren nor the vampires; but rather, taking their own path until the very end.
Hence why Shikama states that her love is self centered, which is no different from him. He centered his love to his angels; Shinoa is centering her love to those who exist in the present. Along letting them return to their normality before the world ended; given that the end of the world, the events that took place before they were born, were all spiderwebs made by the First.
This is the first time they are fighting for their own.
What do you think it'll happen next?
Let me know!
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black-sapphire57 · 1 year
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Okay who tf is this and why is he so ugly?!
He’s not my Rigr! T_T
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highway-road23 · 20 days
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World cup of the smartest ONS character ever belongs to him without doubts 👑
There was a reason he was my favorite vampire from the very start I just knew something was always different about him
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