toyhenoctus · 4 years
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JUST IN TIME for the final day of @bladesappreciationweek
I commissioned the immensely talented @kriskukko to draw my Blades MC Boaz and her sister Urzhug and sure, I knew it was gonna be great because he’s so damn good at orc art in particular but like, I got the email and I just stared because it came out so amazing. Like his attention to detail is freaking unmatched
Bo and Urzhug have been through a lot and even though they absolutely kick ass on the field together and love fighting side by side, the time they value the most is when they can just kick back and relax with one another. Bo will play her lute (which Kade totally taught her to play) and hum while Urzhug carves a totem or lays back to soak in the sun and they can just be sisters, at peace, in silence. Heaven knows, all Urzhug wants is to just...be
Also, I’ll still be doing pieces of them and Auzaria! They’re just going to come later
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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I have so many comics that I wanna share with ya’ll but I don’t have the energy to polish them so here’s a compromise XD
MC interviews!
Urzhug is a sweetheart
Bo is an asshole to Mal
Auzaria is tired
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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If this motherfucker doesn’t get his tiny ass out of my way...
Can you tell I’m bored?
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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The lore tablet said Orcs sometimes ride sharks so of course I had to do some ridiculous roughs of Urzhug on a shark which turned into Urzhug and Aquatic Friends™
The Shark is named Nugget, the Manta Ray is Daisy and the goldfish is Killer ❤️
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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Decided to polish a few of my old sketches and ended up lumping them together with some scraps for a Blades of Light and Shadow weekend art dump!
Featuring a Boaz cuddle puddle, Zari sleeping in a tree like the basket case she is, Urzhug sleeping in the nude on her own bedroll with Threep, headshots of two of the most gorgeous elves in the game (Adrina and Duchess Xenia), a doodle of Killer living up to his namesake and Urzhug falling in love with yet another animal/creature
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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“Toss a coin to my sisters~“
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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I just...ya’ll it’s only been one chapter and I Urzhug would die for Threep
Maybe I’ll add some color to these one day...
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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Character Sheet: Urzhug
Also featuring human!Urzhug, whose name is Ursula
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Urzhug
Reason or meaning of name: “A name that sounds like a belch”
Character’s nickname: Urzhy and The Tank
Reason for nickname: Urzhy is courtesy of Kade and The Tank was given by the party
Birth date: 2/19
Rest under the cut
Physical appearance
Age: 20
How old does he/she appear: 30s
Weight: 253 lbs.
Height: 7’ 3”
Body build: Mesomorph - High athletic
Shape of face: Square
Eye color: Amber
Glasses or contacts: N/A
Skin tone: Green-Grey
Distinguishing marks: Right eye scar, throat scar, back tattoo, stretched ear lobes, freckles and liver spots
Predominant features: Intense eyes
Hair color: Red
Type of hair: Coarse
Hairstyle: Long, partially braided, shaved on the sides and back, either up in high ponytail or hanging to one side
Voice: N/A
Overall attractiveness: 3/10
Physical disabilities: Mute and missing three fingers
Usual fashion of dress: Belted crop top, trousers, bracers and wrappings
Favorite outfit: War outfit (dragon skull and waist shield)
Jewelry or accessories: Several earrings, septum piercing, and labret piercing
Good personality traits: Dependable, protective, gentle
Bad personality traits: Impulsive, stoic, highly aggressive when angered
Mood character is most often in: Chill
Sense of humor: Childish; high amused by body humor
Character’s greatest joy in life: Finding her long lost elder sister
Character’s greatest fear: Losing her new family and having to return to the Flotilla
Why? She never felt truly welcomed there and left it behind just like her mother
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The loss of Boaz
Character is most at ease when: She’s taking care of creatures
Most ill at ease when: She’s near the Flotilla
Enraged when: Her friends get hurt
Depressed or sad when: Secrets are kept from her
Priorities: Reuniting her family and providing for them
Life philosophy: Kiss the ones you love everyday for you never know when they’ll be gone
If granted one wish, it would be: To have been raised in Riverbend with Boaz
Why? Her childhood wouldn’t have been so violent
Character’s soft spot: Creatures
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes
Greatest strength: Physical strength
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Balance, magic and she’s embarrassingly ticklish
Biggest regret: Not leaving her ship sooner
Minor regret: Thievery that led to her throat getting slashed
Biggest accomplishment: Finding Boaz
Minor accomplishment: Learning sign language
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Not learning to swim until she was ten
Why? Most orcs are strong swimmers
Character’s darkest secret: She murdered a human while enraged after she escaped her ship
Does anyone else know? No
Drives and motivations: To provide for and protect her friends and family
Immediate goals: Destroying the Shadow Court
Long term goals: Building a home in Riverbend with her own two hands
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By giving the party every last bit of her strength
How other characters will be affected: Everyone will be better for it if the Shadow Court is destroyed
Hometown: The Marlenos Fleet
Type of childhood: Rough and violent
Pets: Nugget the shark, Daisy the manta ray and Killer the goldfish
First memory: Getting her nose broken by another orc��
Most important childhood memory: Making it quite far in the gauntlet of strength
Why: She was highly underestimated due to her age but she was surprisingly strong and fast
Childhood hero: She really looked up to Ventra as a child
Dream job: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: Nature, primarily the wind
Finances: N/A
Current location: Riverbend
Currently living with: Boaz and Kade
Pets: Nugget, Daisy and Killer
Religion: Nature, primarily the wind
Occupation: Hunter
Finances: She trades her kills for gold
Mother: Hestia
Relationship with her: Barely knew her
Father: Raging Ram
Relationship with him: Never met
Siblings: Several half siblings by Raging Ram that she’s never met and Boaz and Kade
Relationship with them: Very close with Boaz and Kade
Spouse: N/A
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: N/A
Color: Brown
Least favorite color: Blood red
Music: Human music
Food: Meat
Literature: She can’t read very well
Form of entertainment: Playing with creatures
Expressions: “I will break you”
Mode of transportation: Moose-back
Most prized possession: Her greataxe
Hobbies: Animal taming
Plays a musical instrument? No
Plays a sport? No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Dressing meat or whittling
Spending habits: She’s very frugal
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes; she certainly look old enough
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of? Looking over her shoulder
What does he/she do too little of? Relaxing and sleeping
Extremely skilled at: Hunting, swimming and animal taming
Extremely unskilled at: Keeping her balance, defending against magic, being stealthy and communication
Nervous tics: She wrings her hands together and tugs on her hair when she’s upset
Usual body posture: Slightly hunched as she’s constantly looking down
Mannerisms: Quick but careful
Peculiarities: She can’t sleep if she’s wearing any kind of clothing
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil in combat, cautious with people
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? A bit messy due to her size
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Very confident
Animal lover? Extremely
How he/she feels about himself/herself: She’s learning to love the way that she is now
One word the character would use to describe self: Misunderstood
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Empathetic
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Impulsiveness
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her arms
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her fingers
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Intimidating
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She wished she could speak again
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Guarded with strangers but she can be won over easily
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes though it is usually because they can’t understand her
Person character most hates: Duke Erthax
Best friend(s): Particularly Boaz, Kade, and Imtura
Love interest(s): The blacksmith, Tyril, the mermaid, Vantissa, so on (Urzhug is surprisingly casually flirtatious)
Person character goes to for advice: Kade
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Boaz 
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Tyril
Person character openly admires: Imtura
Person character secretly admires: Mal (for his sneakiness)
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Boaz and Kade 
After story starts: The whole friend group
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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So...Urzhug is gonna snatch Solerne’s soul out of his asshole tomorrow for wanting to sacrifice those prisoners 🙃🔪
Also, after coming up with her backstory and drawing her dad, Raging Ram, I decided that while she doesn’t have magic like her sister, when she’s angry her eyes turn red like her father’s
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toyhenoctus · 4 years
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I’ve been drawing a lot of the extended family of some of my MCs and I just polished the ones for Blades
Urzhug and Boaz’s parents: Raging Ram, Hestia and Killian Corsair
Hestia was a rather talented healer that had grown tired of the violent life she lived on a pirate ship. Craving a simpler life, when her ship docked for supplies at Port Parnassus, she got off under the guise of shopping and simply never went back. She made money by fixing up poultices for humans and providing first aid and eventually settled in a small human town. It took them years to truly warm up to her but Hestia had steady hands, an easy demeanor and was a fine cook. Eventually she met a nomadic wizard named Killian that stopped in town to offer his services and fill up on supplies. He was intrigued by both Hestia’s temperament and work and the two of them sparked an easy friendship. Killian never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks however so as quick as they’d become friends, they were strangers again. He left her with one hell of a parting gift though; her pregnancy with Boaz
A year later, Raging Ram the head hunter was enlisted by Hestia’s former fleet to locate and bring her back to the flotilla and he’d finally caught a lead. When he found her, Raging Ram caused quite the scene but Hestia sent him back to the Flotilla the very next morning. Ever charming and unerringly diplomatic, Hestia managed to convince him to report that she was dead and then later, coaxed him into her bed. When he left the next day, she was free to live as she pleased and pregnant with Urzhug
Auzaria’s parents: Serana Everbloom and Faustus Nightheart
Serana was the third born heir of the illustrious Everbloom line. Her two elder sisters were powerful mages and she was expected to follow in their footsteps but to her family’s dismay, she had no magic. Cast out of the Undermount at ten and left to fend for herself, Serana was hardened. A number of atrocities were committed against the girl but she learned to survive and later, she learned to flourish, always striking first and never leaving roots. She was in her forties when she met Faustus foraging in the forest for herbs. She of course robbed him but Faustus managed to snag her pendant, the one her eldest sister pressed into her hands the day their parents cast her out into Morella. By time she realized it was gone, she was miles away from him. Serana was forced to track him down to get it back but this time, he was waiting for her. She would find him, get the jump on him and yet every time, Faustus would slip just out of reach. They played their game of cat and mouse for months, Serana growing more frustrated and Faustus more amused. One day, Serana finally gave up attacking him, stormed into his camp and demanded it back. To her surprise, Faustus retrieved it from around his neck with little fanfare and placed it in her palm.
“All you had to do was ask”
Serana never traveled alone again and Faustus never returned to the Undermount
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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So like...it’s safe to say that Urzhug, the orc whose name “sounds like the noise you make when you burp”, is my new favorite thing
She’s 7′ 3″ tall, 253 lbs., she’s mute due to an injury, missing a couple fingers, is bi, is a two-handed tank, is a leftie and she’s ready for anything
The actual orc MC that I’m gonna make for Blades is gonna be named Boaz. She’ll be Urzhug’s elder half-sister lmao
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
Listen, l i s t e n I'm 5'4" and I'd climb Urzhug like a  tree damn
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...What are you waiting for, anon?
Side note: Urzhug uses sign language
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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So I studied the fuck out of the run cycle in this cool action animation last night after the blundered walk cycle and I put down the frames today
Perhaps you’ll see a finished animation out of me yet
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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I did a character study on Urzhug...I’m obsessed
Signing can get tough when missing fingers but she usually gets her point across. She has the orc sign as a tattoo, her body is very scarred and calloused from years of labor and fighting and she got a tooth knocked out in a fight but a little gold fixed that right up 
I also included her elder sister, Boaz (my in-game MC), and Kade
Boaz and Kade are four years older than Urzhug and she was born just before they were orphaned. Boaz and Urzhug’s mother managed to save Urzhug. They lived apart for eighteen years and Urzhug has only recently reconnected with her elder sister. Kade was delighted to get a little sister, even if she’s over a foot taller than him and could break every bone in his body with a pinky
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
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Started this...probably won’t finish it
Head and shoulders are too bouncy and stance is too wide lol
That’s what I get for not using proper reference
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toyhenoctus · 5 years
What do Urzhug's eyes really look like?
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Like dis
Lmao it’s a lot less threatening, huh
She uses her large brow and height difference to her advantage, keeping them shadowed. Does wonders for her intimidation lol
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