#use whatever label you want for yourself but stfu
bilestat · 11 months
everytime I see someone call bisexuality limiting I
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So, I am "HOPING FOR" a result more in line with the ice cream socials attendance in our 90s (did you know I am 10 months older than you..)
You should start tapping into the wisdom that comes with age...right? Lol
Anyway, though, either way....all I am SURE about is that I need you right now...not gonna give away the cheap gift, but it's something you are gonna want to take possession of asap. I won't tell you what it is. It would be tacky (and we both know you would never associate yourself with anything "tacky." Lol....I am sorry. I couldn't resist. Take my word for it, you, your past words and actions would NEVER need to absorb any such accusations! Lolol.....okay, that is a lie....and I say this because I love you and have no difficulty admitting that you may very well be my favorite person, that is why I can say that, while I would not describe you as "tacky" you have not completely avoided all connections to the label. Whatever. Nobody bats 1.000. For example, if I were to to say that "it's a high end, aromatherapy bubble bath kit" that would be a bit tacky, and hurt my average (which, in this category, is still better than your's. I won't get cocky, though I lose in most others. So, that IS the gift....it was actually the request of someone else years ago when I couldn't decide what to buy THEIR weird ass (she was also rich, so....those people are impossible to shop for. You aren't super rich (as far as I know), but single with a great job. I'm sure you have everything you need, and I don't really know what you want
.thought about a Castle Boutique gift card, then I remembered I still have the bubble bath stuff. Fwiw, many women swear by this shit...I can't believe I am not on speed. Go figure. This likely isn't helping my cause. Gonna stfu...uh...SOON ) so I finally just asked her, I bought one of these, it was a huge hit. I repeated this for every one of the weird, financially independent, women on my list with either grown or no kids (total number was 5 last year, but is already 7) Added bonus: after receiving this, try...JUST TRY to avoid thinking about me--at least occasionally, while you are naked...you can't. Hahahaha..That statement was a bit tacky, perhaps I have caught up now?! Lololol...or NOT.I LOVE YOU, though....so, I am allowed to point out the "tacky" thing. When you call me "a fuckin' dork," that's just mean. You are simply being a mean bitch...."bullying" is what you are guilty of practicing, actually...whereas, I am not. The difference? That's right. Known and stated love! There is only one way for you to redeem yourself, as far as I can see....I, for one, would hate for you to carry the burden of having partake in such a horrible affront to humanity. FORTUNATELY, my love for you knows no bounds and I will ABSOLUTELY permit you to love me in order to r'ender these accusations certain to be thrown your way by the prosecutor's forces of the enemies of man ...and, ultimately, of God as well. In fact, accept my bubble bath, allow me to be secure in the knowledge that you will not be able to completely avoid thinking of me while naked and I will call it even. The next personal communication between us....if there winds up being one, will be your idea (unless you make a habit of reading my blog (which will cover the subject with an obsession only you can inspire from me!
Oh come on, allow me this moral victory, at least. Lol
On a serious not, I love you, please be safe.....
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uvindi · 4 years
no shade to anyone who likes labels, prides and flags and stuff but like that stuff just isn't for me. I don't like me (or anyone) talking about my sexuality, even if it's to congratulate me or even to ask questions.
Like I've tried other labels on me, bi, pan, aro, ace, demi, abro, and tons of others but none of them really fit me. Not even the umbrella term fits me, even tho it would apply, I just don't like it.
So im gonna do whatever I want, and I don't really owe anyone explanation :)
Like I'm going to date whoever I want, I'm just not gonna use a label, that's all
Ik some of y'all (if not all y'all) think that I should "try and figure yourself out!!!!" or "you're just straight and want attention stfu" or "learn more about you!!!" or (worst one): "you'll change your mind, don't worry" lmao like you know more about me than I do.
Also, so what? What if I change my mind? I'll do whatever makes me happy :)
Also, still a cis woman, but they/them is fine too
Also if you send me ur opinions telling me that I can't do this blah blah, get blocked lmao, cuz I don't need that bitchery in my life rn 😌💅
If youre gonna congratulate me for "figuring this all out" maybe you should read the post again❤️
tagging some moots: @whythefuckdoiexist @simposexual @a-crowbar-is-quicker @wannabe-santiago @didyouputyournameinthegobi @reddish-green-personality @crowleyisactuallyanasexualsname @holding-infinity-and-a-book @everchanging-mentality @all my moots idk im like fucking tired cuz I did not sleep last night so like brain slow
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chaothikk · 5 years
mercury in pisces rx
from the viewpoint of a pisces dominant + sun and mercury
i have decided that
- love. love is everything
- i frankly dont give a fuck about your bad vibes, bro
- the usual but stronger: men stupid. neurotypicals, i laff x. cishets.. rich white ppl... all these yknow... dont underestimate my power just because im crying. my advice is to take my advice
- feelings are universal. when someone breaks out in tears after being numb for a while? beautiful. good for them
- identity shit: im done with gender. i dont conform unless its on paper. ill hold onto that label because its safe and if society wants me to choose, ill choose girl/woman whatever. but if you know me, im not your girlfriend. im not your girl friend. im feminine, im masculine, im androgynous, im everything, im everyone. heterosexuals dont @ me. queer4queer. a strangers perception of me is nonexistent to me. LOL
- all the love i complain about not getting? you know who knows what i want and a bit of what i need? ME. what i cannot get from others i will find in myself and the universe, baby
- im moving today. what the fuck. i turned 21 and im moving out of my childhood home. lets gooooo
- i need more water signs in my life
- okay listen the fuck up! ive been spiritual lately. art and astronomy and astrology and history and religion. i been knew but now i KNOW... we are all one, connected universe. how sexy is that? how sexy isnt this complex, weirdass universe? we got snails. water. the night sky. memes. b r a i n s. and... i cannot stress this enough... we have love
- not everyone will understand you. you might not even understand yourself. every day you get to know yourself a little more! and you can even make choices! how exciting
- when you talk about finding god and that god is all of us dont worry if that one fucker looks weird at you and laughs. (listen buddy i had all these revelations while sober and i didnt realise how fucking spaced out craycray hippie i sounded until i got stoned. ngl im that bitch. a pisces)
- fire signs really be... fire signs
- oh you dont care about astrology/its stupid? its fake? surprise, its a self-help tool, you dumbass. dont knock it till you try it or stfu
- :) love
yeah. mercury rx isnt over yet. a lot happened. i love universal emotional turmoil. im thriving!
contact your local pisces to discuss feelings you wont regret it, probably. perhaps wait until after the 10th
thanks and bye have a nice week!!!!!
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bangtan-spells · 8 years
Yoongi Scenario: Soft Glow.
Request: hi,a yoongi imagine where you used to live in the streets and had a rough past and drug problem, but you're okay now, and you're dating him but a intern from bh is always making comments about your past and bts is like stfu?? also with fluff thanks
Genre: Angst / Fluff.
Warning: Cursing, bullying, mentions of past drug abuse, depression and depictions of violence.
You applied the setting spray to Hoseok’s face, returning to his lips one more time because it looked too shiny at the center. 
-Hurry Y/N- the head stylist pressed. You nodded, there were four stylists counting yourself, two for hair and two for makeup, if you were short in personnel you assisted the boys in choosing the clothing as well, although there was usually a person for that job. Your eyes went to Yoongi, waiting while sitting on a chair, his eyes staring down at his phone, but a few seconds after you posed your eyes on him he lifted his gaze. 
-Do I need a touch up?- he asked nonchalantly, like he wasn’t really interested. You arched your right brow and he smirked. 
-We don’t have time for games, you two- Nila scolded mildly, just for you to hear, she was the head stylist and your personal friend, the one who had helped you get this job and your boyfriend in the process. 
It had been a big trouble back at the time since she had feared for both your jobs, the CEO found out about everything and you had been in a really thin line for breaking an unspoken rule and started dating one of the artists. You had been ready to quit, your time at big hit was of course an invaluable professional experience and you really wanted to continue, but that couldn't compare to Yoongi, him and the big role he played in your life.
The sound tech group was all around as well, making sure the mics for the boys were fine and everything was in place. You saw one of the recent interns, his name was Sangmin and he was the CEO’s nephew, he was also a dick, a dick that somehow knew everything about you.
With Hoseok gone to talk with the boys you were organizing your bag, the products and the makeup table, he came from behind but you could hear him snickering even after he walked to your side.
-Busy today?- he asked as if he was worried. -Y/N, you shouldn’t stress your body, no one wants you falling apart… unless- he chuckled. -Unless you have one of your boosters around, how’d you call it? A kick?-
You looked up at him. You didn’t know how he knew, if his uncle had told him or if… the possibility of everyone else knowing appalled you. You wanted to retort and fight back the obvious bullying, but the fear of getting in trouble was bigger than that. -I don’t know what you are talking about- you simply said, turning from him and try to ignore that feeling of guilt the mention of the drug made you feel.
-Y/N, I didn’t know you were a…-
-Sangmin intern, my mic isn’t working!- Taehyung yelled from a not so far distance.
You looked back and saw the members staring at you, you wondered if they had heard something, but Yoongi was coming your way and that left you wondering if he had heard, he glared at Sangmin when he stood in front of him, the intern looking at him mockingly as he went away.
-What was that?- Yoongi asked with a stern tone sitting in front of you, you grabbed a brush and faked to fix his eyebrows, something you did when either of you approached out of the blue. 
-Sangmin is kind of a douchbag- you said and it wasn’t lie. -But nothing out of control- you hadn’t told Yoongi about Sangmin and his comments, a part of you wanted to, but another part didn’t want your past to constantly be a problem to him. 
He stared at you for a little while and you had to avert your eyes from him to not be found out, instead you took your bag to search for anything to keep you distracted, but something came out of it as soon as you took it. 
It bounced on the floor a couple of times before Yoongi grabbed it, it was a white bottle with a simple label. One you knew too well. Yoongi’s eyes went wide when he read it, “OxyContin”. He hid the bottle quickly and stared at you in shock who were even more confused. 
-BTS we are all set, head to the stage please!- that was one of the managers letting them know it was their turn to perform.
Yoongi had put the bottle on the pocket of his jacket, you looked anxiously at him, he couldn’t take that to the stage.
-Give it to me Yoongi-
He shook his head. -No- his eyes went to yours, firm, preoccupied, confused. Maybe thinking the most obvious reason of why you’d have a bottle of what used to be your drug of choice in your bag.
-Please Yoongi, I swear those aren’t… you can’t go to the stage with that, it’s too dangerous-
The boys were already leaving and Yoongi stood up to do so, you jumped on your feet, you wanted to take the bottle away from him, but getting your hand inside his jacket would be too much even with so little people around. 
-We’ll talk later- he said going away, leaving you with a sour feeling in your mouth. 
How had those pills gotten to your bag? and more importantly what was Yoongi thinking at the moment? The idea of him thinking you were using again made nothing to ease how anxious you felt.
You didn’t get to see Yoongi after the performance. While they were recording the manager decided the full team of makeup artists and stylist wasn’t needed and thus you had to leave.
It took Yoongi until mid night to be able to go to your place, a tiny room you had rented for yourself, it was minuscule, half a kitchen, a mini bathroom and a bed, but that was far more than you had had in the past. Shaking off the thought you opened the door for him, he was in a big hoodie that left his face in shadows, with a mask he covered the rest of his face, Yoongi didn’t wear flashy clothes so with that attire he mixed well enough to get there unnoticed.
-Hey…- you muttered as you let him in, he took off the mask and the hood, revealing a face free of makeup but dampen with dark circles. Yoongi left his little bag on a side and went to sit on the bed, you followed doing the same.
His eyes examined you slowly, you waited silently, dying to know what was on his mind but waiting for him because he was going to say something.
-Tell me what’s happening-
-Those weren’t mine- you assured firmly. -I know it seemed like that since they got out of my bag but I swear, I didn’t put them there, I’d never…- you bit your lip trying not to sound as desperate for his trust as you felt. 
Yoongi took your hand, his thumb moving slowly over your veins in soothing circles. -I believe you, I know you wouldn’t- he said as his eyes stared at yours. -Back at the studio I just, I freaked out, I wouldn’t want you to go through that hell again Y/N- he moved closer to you until your legs were touching, now your hand resting on his lap. -I mean it, I believe you, but I know something is happening and you are not telling me-
Yoongi was sharp, he had always been. You knew you couldn’t hide the thing with Sangmin anymore as the guy got more aggressive each day, and you were almost sure this had been his doing.
-I didn’t want this to be a problem, and I feel like you shouldn’t carry with the trouble I make for myself-
Yoongi frowned. -What trouble Y/N? This isn’t making much sense, and I… I worry dammit, I worry not because I think you are frail or anything, I know what you have been through for god’s sake, I know how strong you are, but I worry because I care about you- he squeezed your hand, your body inching closer to him seeking for his warmth.
Yoongi didn’t think you were frail, sometimes you thought like that, but other times... there were times when you felt yourself falling apart, the memories of your past, the fragility of your future and your relationship with Yoongi, not because you felt he didn’t love you, but because his idol status was hard to deal with, more so with someone like you around. You didn’t want anyone pointing fingers at Yoongi’s girlfriend, the girl who had lived in the streets for almost two years because she spent every penny on drugs. Crashing anywhere, barely eating, taking in whatever you had in hand, but searching like crazy those oxycodone pills, so much not having them with you had almost cost you your life.
Taking your hand away from him you rubbed that spot on your wrists. Feeling heavy with guilt that you didn’t want to let him go; you had made a life for yourself, learning something that made you passionate, working and earning your money, saving for your future, and then having him by your side, understanding and attentive, loving you for who you really were, a fun girl who liked to each chicken from the bucket and glam up just for the fun of it. But there was also the sad and erratic girl who you couldn't leave behind so easily.
-It’s Sangmin- you breathed, feeling your throat closing and you fought to not cry because of your frustration. -He knows-
-Sangmin, as Bang Sihyuk’s nephew?- he asked as you could almost see his mind working, joining all the dots together. -That fucking son of a bitch, he put the pills in your bag-
You nodded. -That’s what I think-
-What else had he done?- you didn’t answer thinking if you had to tell him everything or not, if you told Yoongi it would be more difficult to stop him from intervening. -Y/N, what else?-
-He’s just an asshole- you sighed. -He comes at me and whispers things, about oxy, pills,  about living in the streets and whatnot…-
-I’ll stop him, I’ll make sure that piece of shit stays away from you-
You shook your head, taking his hands again. -You can’t Yoongi, you can’t speak with him- he was going to retort but you continued. -If you do then he’ll find out you are my boyfriend and It’ll be worse, I can handle his crap but I don’t want him ruining your career-
-The hell with that Y/N, if he wants to tell you are my girlfriend then so be it, but I will not let him treat you like that- Yoongi was fuming, you could see how someone harming you in anyway angered him and you understood him to some point, you’d be beyond angry at anyone hurting Yoongi, and for that same reason you could’t let him do anything.
-Yoongi you can’t, please babe, think about your dream, I know you are angry right now but think about your career-
He groaned. -Your safety…-
-Think about the boys, they will be damaged with all this too, and I won’t allow that, I’ll leave Big Hit if I have to, but don’t do that, please-
Yoongi leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, his hands, now holding just your right one, were close to his face. His hair hid his features but you could know how he was feeling, or at least suspect. Angry, resentful.
-Babe…- you whispered as you hugged his body until you fell to the bed.  
You moved and shifted until you were in a position you liked, your head in his chest, his arms hugging you to his body perhaps tighter than before.
-You are precious Y/N, you know that?- he whispered after minutes of just breathing, both of you trying to regulate yourselves. -Not just to me, to the guys, to your family back at your city, to this world, to yourself- Yoongi put himself on his side, making you move again to be face to face. -Please remember that- he pleaded, his nose brushing yours softly.
-I will- you assured, your voice hoarse. -Thank you-
-Don’t thank me- he nagged. -I want to protect you Y/N, I can’t help myself, I love you-
-I know- you smiled a little because happiness sometimes could be feeble, sometimes a state of mind, sometimes a little moment and whispered words. -I love you too, I love you so much- he kissed you then, both your breaths melting together, taking you to a place were happiness could last.
You tried to put Sangmin on the line, but it had only resulted in him getting more intense. Like you had fueled him with renewed venom the guy didn’t leave you alone, and not only that, but now you could hear him saying things even when the rest of BTS was around. Comments like “YN knows how to handle herself on the streets” or “if you are looking for an extra Y/N is your girl”. You had seen Yoongi fighting with himself to not lunge at him, the rest of the boys knew just so much about you, but they knew enough to realize that Sangmin wanted to bully you.
Right now you were waiting at the makeup room for the boys to start working on them, only Nila was around, and when the door opened you thought it was them, only to see Sangmin getting in.
-Y/N I was looking for you- arching an eyebrow you tried not to spit on his face. -Don’t be so glad to see me, I’ve learned a lot about you lately, and I’m almost certain you’re fucking someone in this company, I wonder if my uncle knows-
-You know I can accuse you for defamation? Stop saying nonsense-
-I think it isn’t nonsense-
Just at that moment the door opened again, revealing the seven members of BTS, they were speaking animatedly with each other until they saw Sangmin was there. Yoongi tensed, but you shook your head for him to stay back, if he came right at this moment then Sangmin would know. 
-Look, differently from you I have a job, so go on to pester someone somewhere else-
He laughed. -But you are so interesting Y/N, you have had such interesting life, full of events!-
-Sangmin this isn’t place for tech interns- Namjoon said. -I advise you to leave for your department-
He scoffed. -This is my uncle’s place, I do as I please, aren’t you all curious about this girl’s life?-
-Go to hell-
-Go fuck yourself!- 
Taehyung and Jungkook said, one louder than the other but he had heard. You could only see Yoongi from the corner of your eyes, he was deadly silent and you could see Jin had him grabbed by his shoulders.
-I happened to get my hands on a really funny expedient- Sangmin laughed. -Y/N’s life is like a novel, and she has been such a sad and bad girl-
-Get out- you gritted your teeth. -Stop it-
-Maybe they don’t know the whole story about you oxy girl, maybe your friend here doesn’t know it- he threw a look at Nila who were looking at him disgusted, perhaps a bit afraid of doing anything because he was after all the CEO’s nephew.
You didn’t see it coming, but in a fast movement Sangmin seized your forearms, you gasped and tried to jolt away but he pushed your sweater sleeves up and before you could do anything he pulled your right wrist up. -See the prove of a damaged girl- he exclaimed in a mocking tone.
It all had been so fast, it had taken the time of Sangmin pulling your arm up for Yoongi to get out of Jin’s grasp to go to your side followed by everyone else.
You were paralyzed, feeling shame because the boys didn’t know about this part of your past, feeling fear because of what was going to happen next.
Sangmin smirked at Yoongi when he was on his face -So you are the boyar…-
The word was left incomplete as Yoongi threw a punch on his face. -You son of a bitch- he groaned loudly and threw another.
Nila went out of the room saying he was looking for help, the boys were torn watching as the rapper gave Sangmin another punch. He was red with anger, Sangmin tried to defend himself and hit Yoongi on his jaw but it was as if nothing had happened.
-Yoongi, please stop!- you cried, you didn't want him to get hurt, everything would blow over, you knew Sangmin was scum and deserved the beating but you didn’t want Yoongi harmed.
The other boys watched as Yoongi threw Sangmin to the floor and broke his nose with one more hit, he was squirming under Yoongi but despite Yoongi probably being lighter in weight he couldn’t stand up. 
You went to grab him but a hand held you in place, Hoseok was wincing and flinching, but he held your hand to prevent you from going any closer.
Yoongi grasped the guy by the collar lifting him slightly from the floor —If you ever touch her again, if you ever say anything about her, I will fuck you up- 
He shoved him to the floor and now Namjoon and Jin helped Yoongi away from the guy, just in time for the managers to step inside followed by your friend. Two of them took Sangmin to the emergency room, and the other one looked at Yoongi who was breathing heavily, but he didn’t look at his manager as he approached, he was looking at you. He his face and hands had drops of blood, and his jaw didn’t look good, Yoongi was angry, but you could tell he wasn’t sorry.
If waiting for him had been hard in other occasions now it was a million times worse. You didn’t know what was going to happen after the events of this morning, you only wanted him to be ok. You could recover of the humiliation, but BTS’s careers could be on the line and just the thought of them losing anything because of you made you sick.
Once again he arrived at midnight, only this time he bared mad purple bruises under his mask and hands.
You surrounded him with your arms as soon as the door was closed.
-Are you ok? what happened this afternoon? are the boys alright? Please tell me you are ok, I can leave Big Hit, but tell me the group is ok-
Yoongi hushed you softly. -Slow down- you went to sit at your bed as you bit your lip anxiously. -I’m alright, the boys too, and the group is ok-
-Seriously? Sangmin isn’t pressing charges? How about the press? Oh god, how about Bang Sihyuk?-
-We spoke this afternoon, he was upset over his nephew but I told him everything that was happening… Turns out Sangmin got this information getting in the CEO’s files without permission, he was not only harassing you but other people, even still he was alarmed about what happened-
-Is he ok, Sangmin?- 
Yoongi growled. -I should have hit him harder-
-So, that’s it? Bang Sihyuk understood? He didn’t say anything to you-
Yoongi nodded. -He’s pissed at me, of course, but that will pass- he sighed, looking down at his damaged hands, you wanted to kiss every knuckle -He wants to speak with you though, I think he feels ashamed for what happened, it is pretty serious since your information wasn’t supposed to be disclosed to others…- Yoongi took your hands and kissed them, impressing you since you should be the one doing that -I’m sorry about today, I… I couldn’t hold it anymore, when he grabbed you I…-
-It’s ok Yoongi, I understand-
He shook his head. -It’s not, I should have stopped him from the start, god that asshole…- he kissed your hands one more time, his eyes staring down at the scars on your writs, often hidden by accessories or clothes, but tonight bare. -The guys… they want you to know that they don’t judge you- he let out a half smile. -If anything they want to come cuddle you-
That made you smile. -Let them- you laid down on the mattress and so did he.
-I can’t do that, I want to be with you, just you, I want you to feel safe… unless you want them to come-
You pecked his lips. -Maybe some other time, right now it’s fine like this- Yoongi kissed you softly, draining all the anxiety away from you. He accepted you as you were and you had learned to accept yourself as well. Feeling exposed had showed you that those scars from the past could hurt, sometimes it was ok to feel that sadness, but only if you gave it the power to do so, no one else could have that power.
-I love you Yoongi, I feared for you but I love you so much, thank you for protecting me and being with me-
Yoongi nodded, saying that he loved you just as much as his lips went to yours again. Sometimes happiness could show itself like this, a soft glow when your lips touched your beloved’s, until it became something much bigger that couldn’t be taken away from you.
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